New Year- a special holiday!! For someone he is the first, ...and for someone the last one... And we always look forward to it! Perhaps the only holiday with the feeling that a miracle is close.
You seem to be no longer a child, but you are waiting, waiting for this miracle, as if there is nothing more to wait for. New Year and New Life are ahead. Somebody New Year and New Life are ahead. will get married, start a family, give birth to a child. build a house, buy a car or go on a long-awaited vacation. A somebody
will do what he has dreamed of for many years. Every new year is a year of change.
Bad - good.. Doesn't matter!! This is everyone's story. Individual. Everything that happened before remains in the last century. In the new century, many surprises, events and surprises await us. In anticipation of the turmoil, holiday chaos and anticipation of the holiday, you need to believe only in the good. I would like to believe that dreams come true, that New Year's Eve will be magical, and the flickering lights on the tree will give you an enchanting mood. The mood of a real fairy tale. There are people who never make wishes for the New Year. Leave doubts and stupid prejudices behind. The most important thing in life is to be close to the person you love. And with this, friends, you should hurry up. After all, time is such a thing... Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Will we be able to do tomorrow what we can do now? Will it be too late... We cannot put off love... We must love each other, cherish and appreciate every day we live together. someone Some people associate the New Year with champagne, tangerines and Olivier, while others
with snow, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But absolutely everyone, without exception, loves and looks forward to this holiday!! They love gifts, decorated Christmas trees and many New Year's attributes.
Just recently, one person explained to me that a New Year's gift should not be material. It turns out that there are still people who would like to receive as a gift, something, something made with your own hands, for example, a drawing, knitted scarf or performing a dance or song. It all depends on the individual, and not on the financial situation. After all, the main idea of ​​this gift is that it should be made with love, with thoughts about who it is intended for, and not bought in a store. Don't know. I have never been given such gifts. This may be correct, but very rarely is it actually done. You need to give love, attention, care every day... just like that, for no reason. These are feelings. But you can't buy them. Maybe this is the miracle that everyone is waiting for. Maybe THIS is exactly what they wish for when the chimes strike, maybe it’s precisely the feelings that absolutely all people on earth at any age, any status, any part of the world lack...
Now I know exactly what I would give to all the people on earth... if I could! That would be a real miracle... It will definitely come, you just have to wait for it. Like snow on New Years!! We are always waiting for him...
Every winter day you walk home from work, looking around at the bright shop windows, people rushing past, cars passing by. It gets cold and you put your hands in your pockets. It's snowing!!! You love snow, you love catching snowflakes in your palm, holding them up to the light and admiring them, you love the shimmer of snow when it reflects the light of the sun with thousands of sparkles. Snow is also alive. He is joyful, and his coldness is not at all because his soul is cold, no, he just flew to you from there, from above, while still being water, he himself quite quite he froze while he was flying, that’s why he feels so good in your palms, his soul is filled with your warmth, and he melts and melts...

I remember once Grandma Nyura Stulova brought the children candy for the New Year. What a joy it was for us! And what wonderful matinees were organized in the Tyumen kindergarten (on the corner of Khokhryakov and Dzerzhinsky)! How much mystery we saw in them!

A large hall, a huge black piano, a tall Dutch oven, a Christmas tree to the ceiling, separated from our view before the holiday by long soldiers’ blankets, Santa Claus, songs learned with Tamara Sergeevna (then the best pianist in the city) - this is what I associate with the New Year war years.

But we greeted 1948... with rain. On the square, where there was no regional committee yet, a huge spruce tree was placed, and around there were equally large ice figures. They were made by captured Germans. I also remember two tall and long mountains, from which people rolled down in droves. Now, looking at the paintings of Surikov and Kustodiev, I remember this moment of popular fun.

But one Christmas tree was particularly etched in my memory when I was already studying at school No. 21. Public events our school then took place at the pedagogical institute. Once, an entire forest of pine trees was installed on the stage for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden,” where the leading artists were Mira Uritskaya and Ira Tuzhik.

However, one of the New Year’s concerts at the music school is an equally memorable event for me. That evening our Vitaly Pavlovich, director and conductor of the pop orchestra, was supposed to open the concert. But the beginning was delayed - I dragged Valerka Ivonin, the first violinist, into the classroom and screwed huge bast shoes onto his feet, which I brought in the summer from the homeland of my ancestors. True, everything worked out. The performance went off with a bang.

I still can’t shake the feeling of something extraordinary that is going to happen on New Year’s Day. Is this why, having gained experience as a mass entertainer, I chose the role of Santa Claus and now I prepare poems and riddles, games and fun, making children, parents and myself happy on this day.

New Year is a special holiday. It came to us from time immemorial and still remains the most beloved and long-awaited celebration. IN New Year's Eve miracles happen, dreams come true and hopes come true. It is on this day that we forget all old grievances, sorrows and failures and with a pure heart we remember only pleasant things. Probably, the New Year is the only holiday that has the power to unite all loved ones.

However, a reason to have fun only turns into a real holiday when the appropriate preparations are made. And if so, then it is useful to start preparing for the meeting of Santa Claus in advance, without putting everything off and without leaving it until the last day. So if you decide to celebrate this day by gathering family and friends at home, you need to spend it in such a way that it will be remembered for the whole next year.

December 1. Before you build a schedule, you need to decide how you want to celebrate the New Year, where and, most importantly, with whom. Of course, a hospitable hostess should welcome any guest, even an uninvited one, with open arms, but it’s still better to play it all out possible options so that later you don’t have to squeeze out a smile and positive emotions.

December 2nd. Today we need to spend maximum effort and think about our plan. Since today is a day off, there is no need to rush to work, you can set aside at least an hour to distribute everything. Think about what room the table will be in, how you will decorate it, how you will seat guests, etc. Maybe someone will consider it insanity to “seat” the invitees a month before their arrival, but this can help you not to get confused at the right moment and meet them in full “combat” readiness.

December 3. It's time to think about gifts. Since many people have to give gifts on New Year's Day, it is better to focus on inexpensive souvenirs. Guests should also not give expensive gifts. This way you can embarrass them not just for an evening, but for a whole year!

December 4th. It would be good to distribute all household and “non-household” responsibilities among relatives. Ask them to help you. However, if the husband stubbornly looks at the TV or says that he is working, secretly playing solitaire on the computer, and the son immediately has a bunch of lessons, do not insist. Don't try to force them - you'll only spoil the mood. You will have to command the parade yourself.

5th of December. WITH today Make it a rule for the next 3 weeks to spend at least a few minutes a day on yourself. It takes exactly that long to stop and think: “What can I do for my own pleasure? How can I please myself?”

At first, all sorts of nonsense will begin to creep into my head: they say, nothing except an immediate trip to the Bahamas will brighten my life. However, true joys do not have to be expensive: it is quite possible that you will get much more pleasure if you get up from your computer desk this minute and go for a walk for half an hour. With this you will not only please yourself and relax, but also lift your New Year's mood.

December 6. Compose New Year's menu. Remember, organizing a holiday requires not so much money as imagination and creative spirit. It is the mood of the holiday that remains in the memory, and not the abundant table, which in our time will not surprise anyone. It’s better to think over the main idea of ​​the holiday, the purpose for which you are organizing it: do you want to please your child, unite your family, lay down some traditions...

It wouldn’t hurt to make a list of products needed for preparing New Year’s dishes.

December 7. When you have decided on food, you can think about other treats. In general, when selecting alcohol festive table must be treated with utmost care. Dry red wines from well-known companies that you trust will not harm you. As for vodka, it is definitely dangerous for health, especially for women. And, of course, not a single New Year would be complete without champagne drunk during the chimes!

December 8th. Unlike food, which can go bad, you can buy alcohol today. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the less likely you are to encounter the problem “sorry, but this wine just ran out.”

9th December. If you want to please your children and play Father Frost and Snow Maiden with your husband, you need to thoroughly discuss everything, think about your speech and costumes. Guests also almost never refuse such pleasure, and therefore you can stock up on masks, stupid caps, noses and mustaches for them. People with great pleasure dress up in this gimmick to celebrate the main night of the year. Moreover, it is much more fun to dance in this form. I propose to tackle this very problem today.

You can, of course, take the path of least resistance: “hire” Santa Claus, but you must admit that in the first case there will be much more pleasant memories!

December 10. New Year holidays It’s getting closer, there’s less and less time left, prices for gifts are rising... Since today is a day off, take advantage of the moment and do some shopping. Buy all the gifts on the list, maybe not all, but only some. Don't be upset if something isn't on store shelves. There's still time.

December 11th. Once upon a time, many families had a tradition of preparing homemade toys for the Christmas tree. Now this is already a rarity. Or maybe it’s worth, while there’s still an opportunity, asking older family members how it was done before, and one day new Year's Eve stun your guests with an extraordinary Christmas tree - with fish from eggshells, gold chains, stars made of foil and straw, gingerbread houses and huts on chicken legs? In addition, for children this day can become not only fun, but also a whole holiday.

12 December. It's time to think about your holiday outfit. It is believed that the New Year should be celebrated in something new. However, you don’t have to buy yourself an expensive one. Evening Dress and shoes. You can limit yourself to some accessory or decoration.

December 13th. If, however, nothing in your wardrobe matches such an event, you can go shopping today in search of a more suitable outfit. If you want something original, you can try to find carnival costume(or rent it). For such an occasion, you can take time off from work early, not forgetting to warn your boss.

December 14. What's on our schedule today? Maybe it’s worth buying some of the “non-perishable” products from the list?

December 15. On New Year's Day, you want a special friendly attitude. Talk to your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, forget old grievances, don’t drag them into the New Year. Why not do it today?

December 16. Agree, cheerful and unusual holiday better than a boring and standard feast. How to arrange just such an evening, you ask? It's time to use your wits. One of the best ways make the holiday unusual - add sweepstakes and competitions to it. My friend once played a prank on her husband like this. She said that she urgently needed to go on a business trip on December 31 and there was no way she could refuse, because... her job depends on it. But instead she climbed into a red bag and asked her friends to “deliver” her to her husband... They still remember this story. Still, inside every adult, even the most pragmatic one, there lurks a cheerful, funny and mischievous child who is just waiting for the opportunity to play pranks.

December 17. Don't forget about toast. So that guests don’t get bored at the table and don’t drink for the third time “to love and happiness,” I suggest you think before going to bed about the words of wishes that you would like to say to each of your family and friends around you. If nothing comes to mind, you can search for them on the Internet or consult on forums. By the way, don’t forget about your Internet friends!

December 18. What's the New Year without fireworks, firecrackers, and sparklers? That's right, no! I suggest being a pyrotechnician for a bit today.

December 19th. Do you remember the saying: “You don’t enter the New Year with old debts”? Now you know what you can do today.

20th of December. It is also worth thinking about distant relatives. Send greeting card It will not be difficult for the only and dearly beloved aunt in Samara. How nice it is to know that you are remembered and cared for!

21 December. There is a tradition of making a wish at the strike of the clock on New Year's Eve. It would be bad to get confused at such a moment, so you should think carefully in advance about what you would like to wish for yourself in the coming year.

December 22. Think about alternative pastimes. When all the fun has been tried, sitting at the table becomes unbearable; it’s worth entertaining the guests with something else. You can buy interesting comedies, or even better, look for old videos filmed on New Year’s Day, at a relative’s birthday, etc., and watch them with friends. Believe me, these hours will not pass without nostalgia and kind smiles.

December 23. The best day to buy a green beauty! When choosing a Christmas tree, you must compare its size with the dimensions of the room it will decorate. If you prefer the artificial one you bought last year, take a day off today.

December 24. Did you wake up in a cheerful mood? Go ahead - decorate the Christmas tree! Some people prefer to create this miracle later, some earlier, but I think that a week before the New Year is the best time: after all, during this time it will not have time to get bored and become an eyesore and will create a pre-holiday mood. The ideal place for a Christmas tree would be a bright, well-ventilated part of the room, away from heat sources. Do not use candles or sparklers to decorate the Christmas tree - the risk of fire is too great. But toys made with your own hands will look breathtaking.

December 25th. We have already done most of the work, but it is too early to relax. To make the New Year feel not only in the main hall, where you most likely put the Christmas tree, you should decorate the rest of the rooms. You can even dress up the palm tree standing in the kitchen.

December 26. Let's take care of the musical accompaniment today. It is worth choosing not only a dance tune, but also some light, non-distracting melody for the festive dinner.

27th of December. By the way, when preparing for the New Year, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to think about spending time during the post-holiday days. You can, for example, buy a theater or cinema ticket for a sensational film that you never managed to watch before the New Year.

December 28th. Dedicate this evening to yourself. Take a bath with aromatic oils. Make yourself masks, pamper your body with balms and creams. Because the coming days will be very tense.

December 29th. I suggest doing some general cleaning. No matter how beautifully decorated the tree is, no matter how rich the table, dust on the shelves and cobwebs in the corner will not add joy to you or your guests. Therefore, you should arm yourself with a rag, a vacuum cleaner and your husband (here you still need to be firm) and clean the entire apartment.

December 30th. The most difficult days remain, but it is worth making the last forced march before the long-awaited rest. This day can be spent buying missing products and various small items for the table. I suggest you go to bed early and save up more strength.

31th of December. This is probably the hardest day for housewives. Today we need to do everything: prepare dishes, set the table, get ourselves in order, which is not unimportant. And besides, it is necessary, after all the trials, to maintain a “healthy spirit in healthy body“and don’t lose your mood until the evening.

In addition to all this, I want to add that you should not forget about feelings. No matter how clear your regulations and plan are, remember that any rules are good if they make life better and do not complicate it.

New Year is the most wonderful, most long-awaited holiday for many. Children sit down with a blank sheet of paper and write letters to Santa Claus with numerous requests for talking dolls, radio-controlled cars, railways or beautiful dresses. Adults also prepare for this holiday, but in their own way: they determine the list of guests, organize parties, buy food and drinks... For all of us, New Year is special holiday, from which everyone expects something of their own: be it new toy or family well-being. For everyone, the New Year is a way to change their life for the better, and we all try to prepare for this holiday to the maximum.

For example, choose suitable outfit. From the pages of magazines and from the TV screen everyone is vying with each other to say that correct color and the form of clothing is the key to happiness in the coming year! But what exactly should you wear for New Year 2013?

Mascot 2013

It is the talisman that largely determines the choice of color and style of the festive outfit. The talisman for the coming year is the Black Water Snake. Black color is space, the depth of water. The Black Snake brings unexpected changes, instability and variability to people. Therefore, next year it is necessary to plan and think about everything in advance, and only then do something. We need to become more careful and circumspect.

So, what to wear for New Year 2013

The female image should be bright, even a little provocative. Dresses are best suited, and the style can be any of your choice. The colors of the dresses should be bright. Shades of green and blue are suitable, because the element of the Snake is water. To attract success and prosperity, choose a combination of black and gold. If you are looking to strengthen your influence and power, a combination of orange and green is suitable. For those who are looking forward to the coming year new love or development of an existing one, it is advised to choose a red or purple outfit. As for fabrics, light and flowing materials are good: silk, satin, chiffon, shiny and iridescent fabrics, as well as fabrics with snake print. As you can see, the images for the New Year are very bright and open up great opportunities for experimentation.

What should men wear for the New Year 2013? Suits are best dark colors, especially the blue tint. There are no clear rules - the choice is yours!

Don't forget about your hairstyle. The snake is a symbol of experimentation. Try something new, refresh your look with interesting haircuts or bright hair color. It is not necessary to change your hair color radically; you can use a tinted shampoo, which will wash off after a while.

New Year is a special holiday...

New Year is not just another holiday, such as Independence Day or Constitution Day. Still, this holiday is something magical, something that can change our lives for the better.

That's why you shouldn't worry too much about small parts. The colors that are recommended for clothing in the coming year don’t suit you? No problem! After all, what to wear for the New Year 2013 is not so important as how and with whom to celebrate it! Take care, first of all, of pleasant company, beloved friends and relatives who will be with you in those moments when the clock strikes twelve! And everything else will follow.

Happy holidays and see you in the new year!