The 26-year-old Nadezhda defender is going to a major tournament for the first time as one of the leaders of the Russian national team, having become the main discovery of last year’s European Championship.

The fact that Danilochkina is one of the most talented Russian basketball players of the new generation is a long-known fact. She has countless medals (mostly of the highest rank) at the World and European Junior Championships. But injuries constantly prevented her from gaining a foothold in the main Russian national team, and the first “adult” tournament in Danilochkina’s career was the 2010 World Cup.

A year ago, she went to the European Championships as a reserve player. And she returned not only with gold, but also with the title of the most valuable basketball player of the continental championship, during the course of the tournament she successfully (and unexpectedly for her opponents) took the place of the main point guard. And now hopes for a successful performance of the women's team in London are associated with her name - along with the names of other team leaders Ilona Korstin and Becky Hammon. But, as it turned out, the defender herself doesn’t really like being a star. She was not used to such increased attention. And he gives interviews reluctantly, with some sweet shyness. But Elena has a fighting spirit - she is not as fragile as she looks outwardly. And this quality in London will be more important than the ability to score and pass.


For several years now, a distinctive feature of the national team’s preparations has been test matches with men’s teams. Are these types of games really useful?

There are benefits, but it’s very difficult to play. (Smiles.) For example, my attacking capabilities are becoming much smaller. Boys are taller, which means it’s easier for them to cover shots. So, on a subconscious level, you have to change the trajectory so that the opponent does not reach the ball. In addition, they are faster and stronger, so it is very difficult to defend against them.

- On the other hand, men spare you and don’t get into tough situations...

Well, they still understand. (Smiles.) Of course, it is unrealistic to compete in physical strength with men. But in everything else, it’s possible. And this is interesting. It is difficult to find an equal opponent among women's teams for sparring, which is why we play with representatives of the opposite sex.

But in mid-June, as part of the VTB Team project, the team traveled to Italy, where they held two meetings with Australians. How would you rate these games?

The Australians started training a week or two earlier, so at that time they were better physically prepared. True, Lauren Jackson did not play for them. We won the first match (in the second, the Russians, who did not include Danilochkina, Marina Kuzina and Olga Arteshina, lost with a difference of -2. - Note A.S.). And before that there were week-long training camps at sea.

- Liked?

The stadium, other training conditions - everything was in order. Thanks to our title sponsor VTB Bank.

- Have you had time to look at Italy?

We flew to Milan, then we still had to drive five or six hours to Cervia, where the training camp took place. So we went sightseeing on a shortened program. And their free time was spent more on shopping. (Smiles.)


All the girls look very tired - after the test game you are also sent to the gym to “pump up”. Are they driving too hard?

Fine. (Laughs.) Training is like training, everything is according to plan.

But preparations for the Olympics have already been going on for quite some time. At the same time, unlike the Russian men's team, you did not need to participate in the selection for the Games this summer thanks to your victory in the 2011 European Championship...

Now that we are training in Novogorsk, it’s easier. But in Latvia there was probably the most difficult training camp. It’s not easy to endure two weeks away from home. I wanted to visit my family and just relax.

Recently, Olympic champions attended your team's training session: the men's team of Munich 1972 and the women's team of Barcelona 1992. What impressions did you have from this meeting?

It’s nice that they came to see us and gave us parting words. Of course, we will strive to repeat their success. However, any Olympic medal is good.

Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov was also at the same meeting. What did you feel more in the presence of a government official during training - control or support?

Support. He also wished us good luck in London. The Ministry creates decent conditions for the preparation of the national team and tries to organize everything at the highest level. So we're not complaining.

- Didn’t you contact the management with a request to bring Lev Leshchenko, like last year at the European Championships?

So far there has been nothing like that. (Smiles.) Maybe already at the Olympics itself.


Last season was your first as a European star. How did it go? And did the new status put pressure on you?

Pressed. As soon as a bad game happened, different things started happening in my head. Roughly speaking, I was “eating” myself, and this was not beneficial, but quite the opposite. The thought was constantly spinning: “You are the MVP of the European Championship, you have no right to play like that.” As a result, uncertainty appeared, which affected subsequent matches. It is clear, of course, that it is impossible to play 50 games at the same high level during the season. We are not robots, it is impossible to do without mistakes. But I am a responsible person and was too demanding of myself.

- In addition, having moved from Vologda-Chevakata to Nadezhda, you made your debut in the Euroleague. Was it very difficult?

The workload remained the same - two games a week. But the level of competition in this tournament is, of course, higher than in the European Cup. So there were problems with the mood.

- Are you staying in Orenburg for the next season?

- But you probably received offers from other teams as well?

If they were, it was only to the agent. Nobody talked to me personally about this topic.

- Didn’t the WNBA clubs show any interest?

It used to be. But I myself don’t want to.

- Why?

Firstly, I would like to still have at least a little time to relax in the summer. And secondly, overseas basketball is too “physics-oriented”. This is not for me. American women running around there are just like men. And they won’t take care of you anymore, unlike the men’s teams we’re playing with now.

- What is your mood, what are your expectations two weeks before the start of the Olympics?

Good mood. True, there is now a slight functional decline in the team. But this is logical - in order to approach the London Games in optimal, fighting shape.

This year the team is forced to do without one of its leaders - center Maria Stepanova, who suffered a torn cruciate ligament in the Euroleague Final Eight. Is this a big loss?

Certainly. But from the very beginning of the training camp we knew that Masha would not come, and we trained taking into account her absence. So I think everything will be fine.

- Have you already chosen the team captain?

Not yet.

I have an idea, but I won't tell you. (Smiles.)

- You, the best player of EuroBasket 2011, could take this post?

No. I never wanted this - neither in childhood, nor now. I probably already have enough responsibility in life.


- While you live in Novogorsk, is there an opportunity to see your family?

Yes, you can go home on the weekend. I’m a Muscovite, so my family is nearby.

- What do you do with the time between training sessions? At a country base you can’t really go anywhere for a walk.

So we only walk for breakfast, training, lunch and training again . (Smiles.) Restorative procedures, massage, TV and the Internet - that’s our whole life at the base.

- So, your favorite activity is probably sleep?

I definitely have! (Laughs.)


On Sunday, the Russian women's basketball team won the European Championship and qualified for the 2012 Olympic Games. It is also very pleasant that the brightest star of the last tournament was our Alena DANILOCHKINA, who did not start it in this status. As a result, not only her rivals could not resist her talent, but also the organizing committee of the championship, which recognized the Russian as the most valuable player of EuroBasket. In an interview with Novye Izvestia, the basketball player shared her impressions of all these events.

Alena, the current situation is somewhat similar to the fairy tale about Cinderella. Who would have thought before the European Championship that you would turn out to be its best player... You yourself were probably surprised by this turn of events?

– A few years ago, club coaches told me: if you play for the national team, it will only be as a playmaker. But for some reason, the team didn’t trust me with the position of point guard. For some time, the national team generally relied on foreigners, in particular, on Becky Hammon. Yes, and I was haunted by injuries and sores, as a result I missed the European Championships in 2007 and 2009, as well as the Olympics in Beijing. Now I have fully recovered, and our coach Boris Ilyich Sokolovsky believed in me. At first I simply released him in the starting lineup, but then he transferred me to the position of number one, and I began to direct the team’s actions. I must say that I am a calm, cool-blooded person, so I quickly overcame my anxiety and simply began to show what I was capable of. And the girls supported me. They, like Sokolovsky, believed in me.

How did you celebrate the victory?

– We couldn’t fall asleep for a long time because of our joy. There were a lot of congratulations, naturally, champagne. Now the celebrations will probably continue in Moscow. In general, we still need to realize that we are European champions.

But the equanimity with which you regularly hit the ring of your rivals was truly champion...

– This may sound immodest, but at this Euro I simply played to my strength. I didn't do anything supernatural. And equanimity... This quality is really inherent in me. I’m used to making decisions without giving in to emotions. Although deep down, emotions, of course, are boiling. When I was recognized as MVP of the tournament, tears naturally came to my eyes. It's good that I didn't cry. By the way, even after the semi-final with the Czech Republic, girls came up to me and said that, most likely, they would give me MVP. Then I took it calmly. If they give it, that’s good, but it’s more important that the team wins.

At the start of the championship, the team was criticized a lot, especially after the defeat to Belarus and the painful victory over Great Britain. Have unflattering reviews reached your ears?

– Yes, we have received criticism. It was, of course, unpleasant. But we didn’t like the way we played against the English. As a result, there were even meetings without coaches. On the eve of the playoffs, the girls and I said to each other: “Let's prove to everyone that we can play good basketball.” So the comments were only beneficial.

When do you think the turning point came and self-confidence appeared?

– When we beat Turkey in the preliminary group stage. In the first quarter they simply crushed their opponents. This was the moment when even the substitutes felt confident.

In the final we had to beat Turkey again...

– The main thing was to get ready for the game.

Even before the start of the European Championship, you signed a contract with Nadezhda from Orenburg. Do you regret it? Now your value, figuratively speaking, has increased significantly.

- No, I don’t regret it. I'm sure I did everything right. Signed a good contract. I am satisfied with everything.

I know that you are not very willing to make contact with journalists. What is this connected with?

– I mainly communicate with relatives and friends. I don’t like it when people show increased attention to me.

Everyone calls you Alena. And according to official documents, you are Elena...

“My father wanted to name me Alena, but during registration he was told that there was only Elena, and no Alena. It’s written in my passport that I’m Elena. But none of my relatives and friends ever called me Elena. That’s why I consider myself Alena.

Elena Danilochkina, defender of Dynamo (Moscow Region), and Maria Nikitina, center of CSKA (Samara).

– What was your most memorable nickname?

Elena Danilochkina:- Danila.

Maria Nikitina: – Nikita.

– What’s the most offensive thing you’ve ever had to lose in a bet?

Elena Danilochkina:“I didn’t argue with anyone about anything.”

Maria Nikitina:- I don’t even remember. It seemed like there was nothing like that.

-What's the craziest thing you've ever done while drunk?

Elena Danilochkina:“I’ve never gotten so drunk.”

Maria Nikitina:“I didn’t get so drunk that I did anything crazy.”

– Can you not come to training because of love?

Elena Danilochkina:- No.

Maria Nikitina: – This hasn’t happened yet. And I think it’s unlikely that it will ever happen.

-Are you jealous?

Elena Danilochkina:- Yes.

Maria Nikitina:– I try not to show it.

What quality in men annoys you?

Elena Danilochkina:– What qualities do men have? (Laughs.) Let there be unpunctuality.

Maria Nikitina:– When men meddle in women’s issues.

- When was the last time you fought?

Elena Danilochkina:

Maria Nikitina:- At school. When boys bothered me with something, they got me for it.

– Can you knit a sweater?

Elena Danilochkina:- No, but we could try.

Maria Nikitina:- Easily. And not just a sweater - anything.

– Do you have your own approach to choosing clothes?

Elena Danilochkina:- I buy what I like.

Maria Nikitina:– I try to adhere to a certain style, but it all depends on the situation.

– What were you most afraid of as a child?

Elena Danilochkina:- Stay alone in the apartment. Elena Danilochkina:- At school. Usually fought with boys, protecting other boys.

Maria Nikitina:– I’m not afraid of anything at all.

– What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?

Elena Danilochkina:– Either from Japanese or Chinese cuisine there was some kind of slimy cabbage. Or something like that.

Maria Nikitina:– Actually, I’m an omnivore. McDonald's food is terrible though.

– What habit is the hardest for you to give up?

Elena Danilochkina: – Basketball is my habit. So, from him.

Maria Nikitina:- From the habit of sleeping longer.

– Did you often attend physical education classes at school?

Elena Danilochkina:– Until the sixth grade, yes, I loved it. And then... I got into the sports class.

Maria Nikitina:- Almost always.

– What is the most disgusting trait of a head coach?

Elena Danilochkina:- Don't know.

Maria Nikitina:- When he unfairly makes claims against me.

– What word in Russian do you most often hear or use?

Elena Danilochkina:– All words come down to basketball.

Maria Nikitina:- Great.

– What did you laugh at last?

Elena Danilochkina:- At my mother's joke.

Maria Nikitina:– Above the joke that Olga Arteshina told.

– How do you feel about men’s tears?

Elena Danilochkina:- It was recently. I felt sorry. But it all depends on the specific occasion.

Maria Nikitina:– If no one sees, then it’s fine.

– Do you often swear?

Elena Danilochkina:- No. If only on the site.

Maria Nikitina:- Almost never.

– Which of your things would you like to throw away?

Elena Danilochkina:- Sports things. Sometimes you want to wear something normal, but this rarely happens.

Maria Nikitina:- Sports uniform.

– Do you play basketball because you get paid well for it?

Elena Danilochkina:- No, because I like it. Half of my life has already been given away - it’s too long. Basketball is mine.

Maria Nikitina:- Many reasons. First of all, this is a favorite job for which they pay well.

Elena Danilochkina 85:84 Maria Nikitina

Danila's victory with a minimal advantage. Thank you for protecting us. (Boys)

The CSKA women's basketball club signed a contract with defender Elena Danilochkina, who was involved in the training of the Russian national team this summer, but was unable to qualify for the Olympic team. The head coach of CSKA, the famous basketball player Gundars Vetra in the recent past, told the sports information agency “Ves Sport” about other changes in the team.

“The composition of CSKA has changed significantly this summer,” noted Gundars Vetra. - We will have two new Americans playing - defender Katie Douglas and center Janelle McCarville. CSKA should be strengthened by Ukrainian forward Alexandra Gorbunova, who last season had good statistics in the Euroleague, playing for the Hungarian Sopron. In addition, we signed Lyudmila Sapova from Vologda-Chevakat, and the latest acquisition of our team was Elena Danilochkina, who previously played for BC Moscow. Sapova and Danilochkina are the closest reserves of the Russian national team, and I really count on them in the new season. They will definitely have a chance to prove themselves, and then everything depends on them. Spaniard Amaya Valdemoro and American Nicole Powell left the team. Forward Irina Sokolovskaya, who won the bronze medal at the 2008 Olympics, and center Maria Nikitina are no longer in CSKA.”

Gundars Vetra also outlined the problems that CSKA faced in preparing for the season. “A year ago, on the eve of the start of the Russian Championship, we won the World League, which brought together a very representative line-up of participants. Unfortunately, this off-season I was not able to test the team in serious tournaments. Such is the specificity of women's basketball that one part of the players is involved in the national teams of their countries in the summer, while the other plays in the WNBA. For example, our naturalized Russian Becky Hammon won bronze at the 2008 Olympics as a member of the Russian team, and now she has led San Antonio to the finals of the Western WNBA competition,” noted Gundars Vetra.

07:55 02.08.2019
German Lange was dismissed from his post as head coach of the Russian women's national team; candidates for the vacant seat are Olympic champion Elen Shakirova, Dmitry Donskov and Alexander Kovalev
German specialist Olaf Lange, under whose leadership the Russian women's team took eighth place at the recent European Championship and lost all chances of qualifying for the 2020 Olympic Games, has been dismissed. Candidates for the vacant seat are 1992 Olympic champion Elen Shakirova (head coach of the Inventa club, Kursk), Dmitry Donskov (head coach of the Dynamo club, Novosibirsk region) and Alexander Kovalev (head coach of the Russian youth women's team). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
21:04 01.08.2019
NBA champion Timofey Mozgov will not compete at the World Championships in China
The first Russian NBA champion in history, bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games, center Timofey Mozgov, will not take part in the World Championship, which will be held from August 31 to September 14 in China. The reason is a knee injury, due to which the basketball player missed the entire last season in the NBA. Thus, 20 players are vying to be included in the Russian national team for the World Cup. The All Sport Agency was informed about this by the press service of the Russian Basketball Federation.
08:19 01.07.2019
Russian basketball players will play with Italians in the 1/8 finals of the Serbian European Championship
Yesterday, June 30, the final tournament of the European Women's Basketball Championship continued in Zrenjanin (Serbia). According to the results of the first stage, the Russians took third place in Group D and will play against the Italians in the first round of the playoffs on July 2. On July 1st the matches will take place: Latvia – Sweden, Montenegro – Great Britain, 2nd – Belgium – Slovenia. The teams of Spain, Serbia, France and Hungary made it directly to the quarterfinals. In case of victory over the Italians, the Russians will play against the Spanish on July 4th. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:52 23.06.2019
US basketball players are World Cup winners; Russians – 16th
Today, June 23, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball - 3x3 - ends in Amsterdam (Holland). The US men's team won the 3x3 World Cup for the first time. In the final, the Americans defeated the Latvians - 18:14. For the first time, the four-time tournament winners, the Serbs, will leave without awards, having lost to the Poles in the match for third place – 15:18. The Russian team (Daniil Abramovsky, Alexander Antonikovsky, Alexander Zuev, Dmitry Cheburkin) took 16th place out of 20 teams. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:57 23.06.2019
Chinese women's basketball players won the World Cup for the first time; Russians are sixth
Today, June 23, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball - 3x3 - ends in Amsterdam (Holland). The Chinese women's team won the trophy for the first time, defeating the Hungarians in the final - 19:13. In the bronze medal match, the French left no chance for the Australians – 21:9. The Russian team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Alexandra Stolyar, Olga Frolkina) took sixth place. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:20 22.06.2019
Russian basketball players lost to the Australians in the quarterfinals of the World Cup
Today, June 22, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball – 3x3 – continued in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian women's team, winner of the 2017 World Cup and finalist in 2018, lost to the Australian team in the quarterfinals - 13:19. The Russians have completed the fight for medals, and the Australians will compete for a place in the final with the Chinese. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:04 21.06.2019
Russian basketball players reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Holland
Today, June 21, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball – 3x3 – continued in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian women's team took first place in Group D, winning all four matches. Today, the current World Cup holders were defeated by the Italians - 18:10 and the New Zealanders - 17:16. Tomorrow, June 22, the Russians will play in the quarterfinals. The teams of France, Australia and Switzerland have a chance to get to Russia by this minute. The outcome of the fight in Group B, where our competitors are playing, will be decided in the evening program of the day. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:59 20.06.2019
Russian basketball players did not make it to the playoffs of the World Cup in Holland
Today, June 20, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball – 3x3 – continued in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian men's team in group “B” took the last, fifth place and did not make it to the quarterfinals. On the second game day, the Russians failed to cope with the teams of Estonia (15:16) and Puerto Rico (15:19). As a result, the Russian team has one victory with three defeats - and the end of the fight at the World Cup. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:07 19.06.2019
Russian basketball players beat Indonesians and Ukrainians at the start of the World Cup
Today, June 19, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball – 3x3 – continued in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian women's team in Group D started with victories over the Indonesians - 22:5 and the Ukrainians - 13:12. The Russians take first place in the subgroup and will complete the preliminary stage with matches against the teams of Italy and New Zealand on June 21. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:20 18.06.2019
Russian basketball players defeated the Ukrainians and lost to the Mongols at the start of the World Cup
Today, June 18, the sixth ever World Cup in the Olympic version of basketball – 3x3 – started in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian men's team in Group B lost to their opponents from Mongolia - 12:14, and then beat the Ukrainians - 21:14. The Russians occupy intermediate third place in the subgroup and will complete the preliminary stage with matches against the teams of Estonia and Puerto Rico on June 20. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
21:49 17.06.2019
Russian basketball players will start at the World Cup with a match with the Mongols, Russians with a meeting with Indonesians
Tomorrow, June 18, the sixth ever 3x3 Basketball World Cup will start in Amsterdam (Holland), which will become an Olympic discipline in 2020. The Russian women's team won the World Cup in 2017, and were second in 2014 and 2018; The Russian men's team won bronze in 2014. The current holders of the trophy are Serbs and Italians. The Russians will compete for a place in the quarterfinals in Group B with the Mongols (June 18), Ukrainians (18th), Estonians (20th) and Puerto Ricans (20th). The Russians in Group D will meet with the Indonesians (19th), Ukrainians (19th), Italians (21st) and New Zealanders (21st). The top two teams from each group will advance to the playoffs. The composition of Russian teams and the tournament schedule are reported by the All Sport Agency.
23:37 30.09.2018
US women's basketball team wins Spanish World Cup
Today, September 30, the Women's World Basketball Championship ended in Tenerife (Spain). In the final, the Americans defeated the Australians - 73:56. In the fight for bronze, the Spanish were stronger than the Belgians - 67:60. The Russians did not make it to the final tournament of the World Championship. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
11:55 13.06.2018
Andrey Kirilenko: it’s very nice when there is such a team that you always count on and from which you always expect high results
Yesterday, June 12, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – ended in the Philippines. The 2017 world champions, the Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) became the silver medalist, losing to the Italians in the final - 12:16. The press service of the Russian Basketball Federation (RFB) cites a comment from RFB President Andrei Kirilenko. The All Sport agency quotes.
16:27 12.06.2018
The Serbian men's 3x3 basketball team is a four-time World Cup winner; Russians – 13th
Today, June 12, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – ended in the Philippines. In the final of the men's tournament, the Serbs were stronger than the Dutch – 16:13. They defended the title, winning the World Cup for the fourth time. In the fight for bronze, the Slovenians beat the Poles – 21:16. Russians Ilya Alexandrov, Maxim Dubrovsky, Dmitry Korshakov and Dmitry Pavlenko took 13th place. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
15:54 12.06.2018
Russian women's 3x3 basketball team – silver medalist of the World Cup
Today, June 12, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) became the silver medalist, losing to the Italians in the final - 12:16. In the match for third place, the French beat the Chinese - 21:14. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
13:19 12.06.2018
Russian basketball players in the World Cup finals
Today, June 12, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) reached the final, defeating the French team in extra time - 19:17. The Russians will compete for gold with the winner of the China-Italy meeting. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
09:21 12.06.2018
Russian basketball players in the semi-finals of the World Cup
Today, June 12, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) reached the semi-finals, defeating the Czech team - 21:14. For a place in the final, the Russians will compete with the best team in the France-Spain pair. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:05 11.06.2018
Russian basketball players - in the quarterfinals of the World Cup in 3x3 format; Russian men were left out of the playoffs
Today, June 11, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) took second place in Group C, reaching the quarterfinals. At the end of the preliminary stage, the Russians beat the Iranian team - 22:12, but lost to the Americans - 13:21. Our team will play with the Czechs for a place in the semi-finals. The Russian men's team (Ilya Alexandrov, Maxim Dubrovsky, Dmitry Korshakov, Dmitry Pavlenko) lost to the Mongols - 18:21 and the Philippines - 12:19, finishing the tournament in fourth position in Group “C”. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
13:55 09.06.2018
Russian basketball players defeated the Brazilians and lost to the Canadians at the start of the 3x3 World Cup
Today, June 9, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian men's team (Ilya Alexandrov, Maxim Dubrovsky, Dmitry Korshakov, Dmitry Pavlenko) in Group C started with a victory over the Brazilians - 20:16, but then lost to the Canadians - 17:20. The Russians will complete the group tournament with matches on June 11 against the Mongols and the Philippines. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
09:58 09.06.2018
Russian basketball players beat the teams of Uganda and Andorra at the start of the 3x3 World Cup
Today, June 9, the World Cup in the new Olympic discipline – 3x3 basketball – continues in the Philippines. The Russian women's team (Anna Leshkovtseva, Anastasia Logunova, Lyudmila Sapova, Alexandra Stolyar) in Group C started with victories over the teams of Uganda - 22:8 and Andorra - 21:9. The Russians will complete the group stage with matches on June 11 against the national teams of Iran and the USA. Let us remind you that two teams advance from the group to the quarterfinals. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
13:09 08.06.2018
Russian basketball players will begin the 3x3 World Cup with a match against the Ugandan team; The Russian men's team starts with a game against the Brazilians
Today, June 8, the World Cup started in a new Olympic discipline - basketball in the 3x3 format. Russian teams will begin their performance tomorrow, June 9. The defending women's champions will play in Group C against the teams of Uganda (9 June), Andorra (9th), Iran (11th) and the USA (11th). The Russian men's team, which became eighth at the 2017 World Cup, will compete in Group C with the Brazilians (9th), Canadians (9th), Mongols (11th) and Filipinos (11th). To reach the quarterfinals you need to get into the top two in your subgroup. All playoff games will take place on June 12. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
11:21 21.09.2017
German Olaf Lange is the new head coach of the Russian women's basketball team; Sergei Bazarevich retained his post as coach of the Russian men's team
The executive committee of the Russian Basketball Federation (RFB) met in Moscow. On it, Sergei Bazarevich retained the post of head coach of the Russian men's team, which came fourth at the European Championships in Turkey. The Russian women's team, which for the second time in history did not make it to the quarterfinals of the European Championship and did not qualify for the World Championship, has a new head coach - German specialist Olaf Lange, who heads the Yekaterinburg UMMC. The All Sport Agency was informed about this by the RFB.
07:59 18.09.2017
The Slovenian men's team is the European basketball champion; Russians are fourth
Yesterday, September 17, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams ended in Istanbul (Turkey). In the final, the Slovenian team defeated the Serbian team - 93:85 (20:22, 36:25, 15:20, 22:18). This success was largely due to the play of Goran Dragic, who scored 35 points. Let us remind you that the Russian team lost to the Spanish team in the “small” final – 85:93 (13:21, 15:24, 27:21, 30:27), leaving without medals and taking fourth place. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:52 17.09.2017
Russian basketball players lost to the Spaniards in the “small” final – and were left without medals at the European Championship
Today, September 17, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams ends in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team lost to the Spanish team in the “small” final – 85:93 (13:21, 15:24, 27:21, 30:27), leaving without medals and taking fourth place. Our highest scorers were Alexey Shved (18 points) and Timofey Mozgov (14). Later, Slovenia and Serbia will compete for gold. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
23:23 15.09.2017
Russian basketball players lost to the Serbs in the semi-finals of the European Championship - and will meet with the Spaniards for bronze
The final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams continues in Istanbul (Turkey). Today, September 15, the Russian team lost to the Serbian team in the semifinals - 79:87 (25:20, 23:14, 18:23, 21:22). Our highest scorers were Alexey Shved (33 points) and Andrey Vorontsevich (14). For bronze medals, on September 17, the compatriots will play against the Spaniards, who were defeated the day before by the Slovenians (92:72). The final will be “Yugoslavian”: Slovenia – Serbia. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:35 13.09.2017
Russian basketball players defeated the Greeks and reached the semifinals of the European Championship
The final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). Today, September 13, the Russian team reached the semifinals, defeating the Greeks - 74:69 (17:24, 14:13, 20:16, 23:16). Our highest scorers were Alexey Shved (26 points) and Timofey Mozgov (15). For a place in the final, the compatriots will play on September 15 with the winner of the Italy-Serbia pair, which will take place later today. The second semi-final consisted of the teams of Spain and Slovenia (September 14). This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
23:27 10.09.2017
Russian basketball players defeated the Croats and reached the quarterfinals of the European Championship
Today, September 10, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team reached the quarterfinals, defeating the Croats - 101:78 (25:23, 21:19, 26:15, 29:21). The most productive winners were Alexey Shved (27 points), Dmitry Kulagin (14), Andrey Zubkov (14) and Vitaly Fridzon (13). The Russians will play the Greeks on September 13 for a place in the semifinals. In other quarter-finals: Spain - Germany, Latvia - Slovenia, Serbia - Italy. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
16:11 07.09.2017
The Russian men's basketball team defeated the British team in the final tournament of the European Championship
Today, September 7, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team won its fourth victory in Group D, this time over the Great Britain team – 82:70 (23:16, 20:15, 18:23, 21:16). The most productive among the winners were Alexey Shved (30 points) and Vitaly Fridzon (14). The Russians will play their next match on September 10 in the 1/8 finals. The opponent will be determined after tonight's games. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:09 05.09.2017
Russian basketball players lost to Latvians at the European Championship
Today, September 5, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team, after three victories, lost in Group D to the Latvian team - 69:84 (15:12, 29:22, 8:18, 17:32). The most successful winners were Alexey Shved (21 points) and Timofey Mozgov (16). The Russians are in second place with a guaranteed ticket to the playoffs. The Russians will complete the group stage with a match against the British on September 7. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:43 04.09.2017
Russian basketball players defeated the Belgians at the European Championship
Today, September 4, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team won the third victory in Group D, this time over the Belgians - 76:67 (19:18, 16:15, 18:14, 23:20). The most productive among the winners were Alexey Shved (20 points) and Timofey Mozgov (12). Tomorrow, September 5, the Russians will play with the Latvians. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
18:59 02.09.2017
Russian basketball players defeated the Serbs at the European Championship
Today, September 2, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team won its second victory in Group D, this time over the Serbs – 75:72 (18:21, 22:17, 18:13, 17:21). The most successful winners were Alexey Shved (22 points), Nikita Kurbanov (11) and Timofey Mozgov (11). On September 4, the Russians will play against the Belgians. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
22:53 01.09.2017
Russian basketball players started the European Championships with a victory over the Turks
Today, September 1, the final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams is taking place in Istanbul (Turkey). The Russian team started with a victory in Group D over the Turks - 76:73 (20:15, 16:18, 19:18, 21:22). The winners' highest scorers were Alexey Shved (22 points) and Timofey Mozgov (20). Tomorrow, September 2, the Russians will play with the Serbs. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
19:41 29.08.2017
The composition of the Russian men's basketball team for the final tournament of the European Championship has been determined
The final tournament of the European Basketball Championship among men's teams will be held from August 31 to September 17 in Israel, Finland, Romania and Turkey. At the preliminary stage, the Russian team will play in Group D in Istanbul (Turkey) with teams from Turkey (September 1), Serbia (2nd), Belgium (4th), Latvia (5th) and Great Britain (7th ). The Russian national team includes six defenders, five forwards and only one center. The names of 12 players of the Russian national team are given by the All Sport Agency.
22:10 09.07.2017
Russian women's 3x3 basketball team wins the European Cup in Holland
Today, July 9, the European 3x3 Olympic Basketball Cup ended in Amsterdam (Holland). The Russian women's team (Anastasia Logunova, Tatyana Petrushina, Alexandra Stolyar, Anna Leshkovtseva) won the Cup for the second time, defeating the Spanish women in the final - 22:14. In the bronze medal match, the Dutch beat the French – 19:15. For the first time, Latvians won among men. In the final they prevailed over the Slovenians - 16:13. The Ukrainians have bronze, and the Russian team is sixth. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
20:41 30.06.2017
Andrey Kirilenko: we decided to satisfy Alexander Vasin’s request for resignation
Today, June 30, a meeting of the executive committee of the Russian Basketball Federation (RBF) was held in Moscow. It accepted the resignation of the head coach of the Russian women's national team, Alexander Vasin. Let us remind you that at the European Championships the Russians shared 9th-12th places and did not qualify for the 2018 World Championships. The decision of the executive committee was commented on by RFB President Andrei Kirilenko to the press service of the RFB.
23:13 25.06.2017
Spain women's basketball team is three-time European champion
Today, June 25, the final tournament of the European Women's Basketball Championship ended in the Czech Republic. The Spanish national team won the European Championship for the third time. In the final, the Spanish women defeated the French – 71:55. In the bronze medal match, the Belgians defeated the Greeks - 78:45. Let us remind you that the Russians shared 9th-12th places and did not make it to the 2018 World Championships. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
22:46 21.06.2017
The Serbian men's 3x3 basketball team is a three-time World Cup winner; Russians are eighth
Today, June 21, in Nantes (France) the fourth edition of the World Cup in 3x3 Olympic basketball ended. The Serbian men's team won gold for the third time. In the final, the Serbs were stronger than the Dutch – 21:18. In the small final for bronze, the French beat the Slovenians - 18:17. During the tournament, the Russians lost only to the finalists, but ultimately took eighth place. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
22:15 21.06.2017
The Russian women's Olympic 3x3 basketball team won the World Cup for the first time in history!
Today, June 21, in Nantes (France) the fourth edition of the World Cup in 3x3 Olympic basketball ends. The Russian women's team (Anastasia Logunova, Tatyana Petrushina, Alexandra Stolyar, Anna Leshkovtseva) won the World Cup for the first time in history, confidently defeating the Hungarians in the final - 19:12. Previously, the main achievement of Russian women was silver in 2014. In the bronze medal match, the Ukrainians snatched victory from the Dutch – 15:13. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.
21:30 21.06.2017
Andrei Kirilenko: right now the birth of the Russian women’s team is taking place, which will defend the honor of our country in the next decade
The final tournament of the European Women's Basketball Championship continues in the Czech Republic. For the second time in history, the Russian team did not make it to the quarterfinals, this time losing to the Greeks in the 1/8 finals. The Russians will miss the second world championship in a row - now in 2018 in Spain. The results of the Russian team's performance were commented on by the President of the Russian Basketball Federation, Andrei Kirilenko, to the press service of the Russian Basketball Federation. The All Sport agency quotes.
19:55 21.06.2017
Russian women's 3x3 basketball team in the World Cup finals
Today, June 21, the playoffs of the 3x3 Olympic Basketball World Cup are taking place in Nantes (France). The Russian women's team (Anastasia Logunova, Tatyana Petrushina, Alexandra Stolyar, Anna Leshkovtseva) reached the final, defeating the Dutch team - 21:9. The Russians' rivals in the golden match will be determined in the second semi-final between the Ukrainians and Hungarians. This was reported by the All Sport Agency.