Let's be honest - it's impossible not to do this at all. It is almost impossible to completely protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays: it will receive a “dose” sufficient to cause a burn and the appearance of pigment spot, while you close your eyes for five minutes and enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Of course, this will only happen if you didn't use sunscreen. And if you take the right approach to protecting your skin, why not sunbathe? A light golden tan is not only fashionable, but also healthy looking skin, visually smoothed microrelief, masking small annoying imperfections. Today, dermatologists are confident that the sun can be a friend to the skin, you just need to properly protect it. In the conditions of urban everyday life in spring and summer, it is optimal to use a protection product with an SPF factor of at least 20 (at most 15); during relaxation on the coast or mountain activities - at least 30 (optimally 50). By the way, specialists in the cosmetology industry are increasingly recommending the use of sunscreen all year round, so don’t throw jars marked sun protection into the back drawer after the beach season closes.

Shed your skin

Of course, even a scrub will not be able to completely rid your face of exfoliating dead cells, however, it will do this much more effectively than a regular facial wash. Exfoliate weekly and your skin will be able to breathe and function at 150%. Needless to say, this procedure is good not only for the face, but also for the whole body.

Do yoga for...

But not the traditional option that immediately came to mind, but a special one, known today as “facial yoga.” Dozens of developed techniques claim that face yoga can erase all wrinkles from the face. This may (and even most likely) not be the case, but what special exercises to relax the facial muscles can do is make you more familiar with your own facial expressions and literally master “face control.” The thing is this: by consistently tensing and then relaxing muscle groups, you relieve the tension accumulated during the day, relax them and give them rest, while simultaneously recharging with energy, vigor and good mood(you must agree, this is also an important factor in the absence of angry vertical folds between the eyebrows. A daily 15-minute grimace is also called “mental Botox” ─ there are enough reasons to quickly introduce it into your beauty diet, isn’t it?

Get drunk

To maintain youthful and radiant skin, use everything possible ways hydration. Not only use moisturizer every day, but also drink at least two liters of water (ideally with lemon). Yes, today nutritionists talk a lot about individuality drinking regime─ in particular, that you need to drink exactly as much as you want. But try to increase the amount of moisture you consume and multiply your moisturizing care by two (after waking up, apply moisturizer to your face, and after the product is absorbed, repeat the procedure and only then start applying makeup) ─ and you will see how your skin will thank you.

Buy silk underwear

Speech in in this case is about bed linen. Even if your sleep is calm and serene (for this, ideally, the room temperature should be no higher than 18-19 C, and the humidity should be at least 40-45%), contact of your face with the coarse fiber of the pillowcase can contribute to your imperfect sleep. appearance. The common cotton is a rather rough fabric for the skin, so dermatologists advise choosing the silk way to embrace Morpheus (an option for those who do not like coolness and sliding ─ sleeping on their back).

In pursuit of youthful skin, women do strange things like masks made of sawdust and office glue, soda scrubs and tape under their hair, which imitates the effect of a “facelift” (I beg you, don’t do this).

In fact, maintaining a young and blooming appearance of the face can be achieved by doing simple rules, which I will discuss below.

Disclaimer: Our experiences and opinions may differ - that's okay.

What information will you find out:

Gentle cleansing without drying

Cleansing is the first pillar on which all skin care is based. However, if done incorrectly, a whale can become a shark.

Forget about products that clean squeaky clean; save them for washing dishes or give them as a gift to your worst enemy. Aggressive cleansers destroy lipid layer on the surface of the skin and cause dehydration, which is expressed by a feeling of tightness and a fine network of wrinkles in those areas where the skin is especially thin.

If you are used to cleansing your skin with water, use products with a balanced pH level (my favorites are from Korean brands Cosrx and Heimish and pharmacy CeraVe), and for makeup remover, pay attention to hydrophilic oils and balms.

Regular skin moisturizing

And here comes the second whale: skin hydration. The reason is the same: regular and high-quality moisturizing will relieve you of wrinkles caused by a lack of moisture in your skin. upper layers epidermis.

Moisturizers are available in textures of different densities, from light gels and fluids to thick, rich creams, so try and choose the most comfortable one for yourself.


A layer of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin causes a dull, grayish complexion and prevents new cells that grow in the deeper layers of the skin from coming to the surface. Regular exfoliation will get rid of surface impurities, dead skin flakes and stimulate the growth of young cells.

Exfoliation at home can be mechanical (abrasive scrubs, brushes) and chemical (acid and enzyme peels/serums). In my opinion, it is chemical exfoliation that works more effectively, since the active components of such products dissolve intercellular “cement” and free the skin from old cells without injuring it.

Use of active ingredients with proven effectiveness

Many people choose an anti-aging cream based on the age indication on the packaging (“30+”, “40+”, etc.). However, sometimes manufacturers sin by putting approximately the same contents in jars with different labels, which, at best, will simply moisturize and nourish the skin.

Pay attention to “cleaner” products with active anti-aging ingredients, for example, retinol and acids that help renew the skin, antioxidants (vitamins C, E, coenzyme Q10) or DMAE, which has a tightening effect.

Try to choose a product that fights a specific problem (hyperpigmentation, loss of elasticity), and do not shoot sparrows with a gun, especially if the gun is not loaded at all.

Sun protection

To my great regret, this is precisely the point that most of our compatriots neglect.

Relatively recently, the Internet was blown up by a photo of a 69-year-old truck driver, half of whose face was constantly under the sun near the window, and the other half in the shade. In my opinion, it is simply impossible to come up with a more clear example.

Make these simple rules part of his daily care for your skin, and it will delight you with a radiant look for a long time. And try to smile more often: relaxed eyebrows, an open outlook on the world and raised corners of your mouth will instantly take off a few years on you, look in the mirror and see for yourself!

Body skin at this age is usually combination. On the chest and back it is oily, on the buttocks and thighs it is normal or dry. At the age of 23-26, many girls already notice a tendency towards dry skin. It may lose elasticity under the influence of various medicines and diets, excessive exposure to the sun and solarium.

Home care

1 When taking a shower, make sure that the water temperature is no more than 36-37 degrees. And when choosing soap and shower gels, pay attention to the fact that they contain softening and moisturizing components.

2 Rub your body with a shaggy mitten or a hard washcloth in circular movements - this stimulates metabolic processes and exfoliates dead cells. Use body scrubs once a week if your body skin is dry, and 2-3 times if you have combination skin.

3 After water treatments, be sure to apply moisturizing (if the skin is oily) and nourishing (if the skin is dry) lotions, oils or creams to restore the pH balance of the skin. If your skin is of normal type, then apply a moisturizer in the morning and a nourishing one at night.

Salon treatments

The range of suitable salon procedures is individual and depends on the presence of problems (stretch marks, cellulite, etc.). The combination of massage, peeling and wraps with products based on seaweed and essential oils will cleanse the body of toxins and improve blood circulation. Until the age of 30, avoid intensive procedures aimed at enhancing regeneration.

Keep an eye on the food items on the table. For youth and longevity, and therefore for the beauty of the skin, it is necessary to regularly detoxify the body. Eliminate fried meat and fatty meat products, margarine, spicy and salty foods, and preservatives from your diet.

Do exercises, ride a bike, rollerblade summer time or snowboarding and skiing in winter, dance in front of the mirror! This stimulates blood flow in the capillaries, as a result the skin receives more nutrition and the muscles receive the load they need.

Keep your skin constantly hydrated, drink at least 2 liters of water a day, protect your body from the sun and forget about the solarium! Recommends CosmoBeauty.

Age-related skin changes at 30-35 years old become noticeable if a woman does not pay enough attention to her body. Cellulite becomes more pronounced, the skin loses firmness and elasticity, and looks flabby. However, this is easy to fix for now.

Home care
After cleansing in the morning and evening, you need to use special creams, milks, and balms that will fight the first signs of aging. Plus, anti-cellulite gels and creams, as well as products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks or get rid of them, are suitable for daily body skin care.

Salon treatments
It's time to use hardware techniques: myostimulation, microcurrents, radio frequency lifting. One of the most popular methods of hardware body modeling is LPG (vacuum roller massage). To achieve the best modeling effect, LPG is combined with mesotherapy.

2 To treat cellulite and correct stretch marks, try ozone therapy. The ozone-oxygen mixture stimulates tissue metabolism, enhances lymphatic drainage and the removal of fluid from tissues, promotes volume loss and weight loss. To polish the resulting stretch marks, the procedure of fractional photothermolysis is suitable.

The agenda is to maintain normal weight and get the maximum amount of essential nutrients from food. The main rules are variety, a large number of vegetables and fruits.
If pimples still bother you, then check your stomach and intestines and eliminate excess sweets, sugars, products obtained as a result of fermentation processes - cheeses, yeast dough, beer.

Work out regularly in a fitness club, on exercise machines, swim in the pool or go dancing. Consult an experienced trainer: he will tell you what type of physical activity is best for you, how to develop certain muscle groups and tighten your figure.

Observe moderation in everything: do not abuse alcohol, fatty foods, night parties and always get a good night's sleep, advises CosmoBeauty.

The condition of the skin of the body is affected by the activities of all internal organs and systems, especially endocrine, nervous, and digestive. But the most important reason for skin aging is prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, frost, and temperature changes.

Home care
To slow down the aging process of the skin, home care products must include antioxidants and hyaluronic acid.

Salon treatments
You need to pay attention to stimulating (restoring mineral balance and increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin) and alginate (algae-based, promote weight loss and increase elasticity, have a drainage effect) wraps, mesotherapy. Of the hardware techniques, the most effective are microcurrent therapy, myostimulation, and lifting programs.

The daily routine and rest, as well as food, especially plant products containing phytoestrogens, are important. They are found in soybeans, broccoli, and walnuts.

For women over 40, sports are a necessary part of life. Exercises on vacuum simulators have a good effect - in addition to aerobic exercise, problem areas of the body are affected by a pulsating vacuum, blood circulation is stimulated, the level and quality of metabolic processes in the body, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increase. Swimming is also suitable.

Due to the change hormonal levels muscle and bone mass decreases, increases body fat. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes drier and more sensitive.

Home care
A special role is played by daily gentle cleansing and the use of lipid-replenishing creams. Creams and balms enriched with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, marked anti-age, are suitable.

Salon treatments
Comprehensive programs Figure modeling involves the use of the entire range of modern hardware techniques (thermolifting, ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequency exposure, etc.). They can significantly increase the elasticity and turgor of the skin and slow down aging.

At this age, it is preferable to cook meat and vegetables on the grill, in a double boiler, or in the oven.

We must try to maintain a constant weight and monitor calories. And engage in gentle sports - yoga, stretching and walking. In the morning - exercise.

It is impossible to get all the necessary nutritional components from food alone. It is useful to take nutritional supplements and vitamins, advises CosmoBeauty.

TEXT: Daria Gvozdeva
We thank Larisa Ilyuk, body specialist at the EpiCity salon, for her help in preparing the material,
cosmetologist Natalya Kolenko and nutritionist of the Vital Beauty Laboratory Natalya Grigorieva

Removing makeup is not all that our skin needs before bed, say cosmetologists Emma Hardy and Sarah Chapman, experts at British Psychologies. They are confident that youth can be extended with the help of a half-hour evening beauty ritual.

1. Proper cleansing

Simply wiping your face with a cotton pad soaked in decanter is not enough. Thus, it is impossible to completely remove all contaminants. That is why after removing makeup you need to proceed to the next stage of cleansing. Take hydrophilic oil, which upon contact with water turns into a silky emulsion. As well as cleansing cream, balm, gel or even foam - choose a product according to your mood, sensations and skin needs.

A tonic will help restore the optimal acid-base balance

“Don't just rinse off with water, but remove with a soft towel,” advises Emma Hardy. - Start from the roots of the hair, move the towel to the chin and further to the neck. Rinse the fabric in warm water and repeat as many times as necessary. This will free your skin of toxins.”

2. Use technical means

Don't like the idea of ​​a towel or want a deeper clean? Try mechanical brushes from Clarisonic, Clinique, Braun and Philips. They will delicately cleanse and exfoliate the skin without damaging it. Another option is the Foreo Luna silicone vibrating gadget. It is as effective as brushes, but much more delicate, so it is suitable for very sensitive and thin (aging) skin. Plus, a nice massage before bed.

3. Correct pH balance

The “gold standard” of facial acid-base balance is 5.5. If it is higher, then the pH is alkaline, and the skin feels tight and dry. If it is lower, then acid dominates, and this leads to oiliness and acne.

Before applying the cream, do a three-minute massage

What upsets the pH balance? “Tap water,” says Sarah Chapman. - A facial toner will help restore the optimal acid-base balance. Every time after washing, wipe your face and neck with a cotton pad soaked in tonic from any cosmetic brand.”

4. Healthy body - healthy skin

The condition of the skin directly depends on what is happening in our body. A balanced diet with a minimum amount of fatty, sweet, salty and spicy foods will prevent irritation, inflammation and acne. And in order for the skin to glow without cosmetics with reflective particles, it is necessary for the liver to be healthy.

Try drinking two tablespoons of aloe juice every night - this plant has antibacterial, soothing and detox properties.

5. Massage the area around the eyes

Before applying eye cream and serum, massage the area for three minutes.

"Pinch your lower eyelid lightly to stimulate circulation," says Sarah Chapman. - Then press on the pulse points around the eyes. Finally, give it a light clap. ring finger along the lower eyelid. This relieves swelling."

6. Forehead massage

The vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows is called a corrugator. Similar to a spring, it tenses and contracts, becoming deeper. Every evening, massage your forehead and the space between your eyebrows for five minutes.

“Imagine that you are giving a back massage,” advises Emma Hardy. - Pinch the skin between the index and thumb, “roll” it up. It will hurt, but this is the only way you will relieve tension and be able to smooth out stubborn wrinkles.”


The first rule for maintaining youthful skin is healthy image life. The formation of premature ones is promoted by insufficient sleep, poor diet, alcohol, and smoking. Therefore, it is important to exercise, spend more time in the fresh air, eat regularly and without excess, take water baths, and get enough sleep.

When lying on your side, the skin of the eyelids and cheeks wrinkles, forming vertical wrinkles. To prevent the formation of these wrinkles, sleep lying down with your chin slightly raised. The head can be tilted to the left or to the right, while the chin is pulled forward, or even better, an orthorpedic pillow in the form of a bolster is placed under the neck, thus the chin is raised and the skin of the neck is stretched. In this position, breathing occurs actively through the nose, which has its own number of advantages.

To maintain youthful skin, daily care is necessary. Regardless of skin type, it needs cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. During the cleansing process, we remove dust, microorganisms, excess sebum, particles of flaky stratum corneum and decorative skin from its surface. Cleanse your skin with water and soap tailored to your skin type or lotion. Carry out deeper cleaning using steaming no more than 1 – 2 times a week for oily skin and 2 – 3 times a month for normal and dry. Such procedures can be obtained by visiting a beauty salon, or in. Steam your face over a saucepan with hot water or with an infusion of raspberry leaves, black currants, strawberries, chamomile flowers, mint, rose petals, jasmine, linden for dry and normal skin or nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, aloe, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, yarrow - for oily skin. The procedure time, depending on skin type, is 5 – 15 minutes. Then apply the scrub onto your face using circular massaging movements, paying special attention to problem areas. Peeling can be not only purchased, but also prepared at home. Finely ground salt, soda, finely ground coffee beans can serve as dermal-forming particles as components of the scrub. sensitive skin use crushed oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Rinse off the scrub with warm water, and then wash with cold water or wipe your face with a piece of ice from water or herbal infusions. Contrast washing tones and tightens the skin well.

With age, the activity of the sebaceous glands and the amount of fluid in the tissues decrease, the skin becomes dry and flabby, so it is necessary to moisturize it. Along with the use of hydrating creams, hot and cold compresses are very effective. Apply a hot compress (38 -42°C) to your face before cleansing, massage, or masks. The essence of this procedure is to improve blood and lymph circulation, expand pores, and normalize sebum secretion. Place a terry cloth soaked in a hot infusion of herbs on a cleansed face for 1 - 2 minutes. A cold compress is recommended to improve the tone of flabby, porous skin after using masks, massage and facial cleansing, as a soothing remedy. Exposure time – 10 – 20 seconds.

The next stage is a neck and face massage. Combine it with application nourishing cream. In order not to stretch the skin, apply the cream along the lines: on the chin - from the middle to the earlobes; from the corners of the lips to the middle part of the ears; on the cheeks - from the base of the nose to the temples; from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Around the eyes, perform massage movements from the inner corner along the upper eyelid and in the opposite direction along the lower eyelid. Remove excess cream with a napkin. To nourish your skin, use nourishing masks that suit your skin type.

The appearance and condition of the skin largely depend on external factors. Use protective creams in cold, sunny and windy weather to protect your skin from dust.