Most often, all directors are interested in how to make a “delicious candy” out of a corporate event with their own hands, also for specific company tasks. Everything is in your power - we will tell you how to do it.

Point one: type of corporate event

What type of corporate event best contributes to the formation of a cohesive team (sports, creative, quests, etc.)? In fact, you can get a result (a cohesive team) from a set of events, which include different formats of corporate events (official restaurant, sports, children's events, etc.). It is important to imagine the whole year and determine which events we will celebrate and how.

All this can be done, for example, in this format


Pigeon mail for valentines (a box in which everyone throws wishes to each other, at the end of the day the “pigeon” delivers)


Men's Day

DIY surprise

With your own hands

Women's Day

DIY surprise

With your own hands


A great excuse to clean out the “deposits” and eat pizza/kebab


Victory Day

Everyone (who does not work) goes out with their families to the rally/procession. With balloons and banners

On the banner


Children's Day

Photo collage “guess who is who?”: place children’s photographs of employees without names.


Director's birthday (for example)

The impossible is possible. Something of a surprise

The participants themselves


Salon birthday (for example)

Outdoor excursion = sporting event

2,000 - 2,500 rub. per person



School gifts for parents

500 rub. for 1 child


Older Person's Day

Thanksgiving letters parents of employees

100 rubles for certificates. / Human


Newcomer Day (employees, clients, partners)

Maybe a quest, an intellectual quest.

Or SSP (strategic planning session) - brainstorming of all employees (almost all) on how the salon will develop next year

1,000 rub./per person


New Years corporate party

Official event in a restaurant

3,000 - 4,000 rub. per person

Director + the whole team

This way we get an action plan and a budget in “one bottle”.

If you need to automatically calculate the salaries of your beauty salon employees and see the balance of mutual settlements, then beauty "Arnica" this is implemented as simply and conveniently as possible.

Point two: features of organizing a corporate event

What do you need to consider in order to organize a corporate event yourself, and when is this option for organizing an event the most optimal way to improve corporate culture? I believe that it is more fun to organize any corporate event with your own hands - except for very official ones (salon anniversary, official banquet at New Year). The most important thing is to unite the creative group, those who love to invent and have fun from the heart.

What to consider when organizing a corporate event yourself

1) plan for preparing the event (tasks / deadlines / responsible persons)

2) there must be one main person/responsible for the entire corporate event

3) information letters (in the canteen or on the information board) for employees that they should prepare.

Point three: what holidays do we celebrate?

As I already reflected in the table above, a holiday requires a very minor reason.

Many of these holidays are low budget or just super budget friendly. After all, a holiday is a reason to get together and tell each other pleasant words, and it’s not at all necessary to eat and drink.

You can create traditions within the organization and try to observe them. For example,

1) opening of the winter season (skiing or skating with families),

2) opening of the autumn season - a joint lunch with colleagues from everything that grew in the “bed”)

3) Halloween (everyone comes to work in costumes)

4) opening of the summer season (fishing with families or hiking in the mountains, even just a family trip to Oleniy Ruchi).

And every season you have a “discovery”.

It would be great when you come up with and start a tradition - to hold one big large-scale holiday throughout the year. It could be New Year itself. This can only be an off-site birthday party for the salon. This could be a tourist rally/May Day/street racing or any other event that suits you and your salon.

The main thing, if you want to organize a corporate event, is show that you are interested in these people, you feel great with them, and you are ready to spend time with your employees both at work and outside of it.

Cases (examples) of corporate events

  1. Honoring the “best employees.” Announce a competition for the year with several criteria.
  2. In December, sum up the results, and in January you can send the lucky ones (3-4 people) to rest in warm countries for 4-5 days. Before the current economic situation, such a vacation cost 20,000-25,000 rubles. per person. But the effect was more important than these costs! Everyone wanted to be the best, many were proud of their company, and the candidates were jealous.
  3. Initiation of newcomers. The frequency of this event depends on the turnover in your company. Can be done once a year or twice a year. The format is the most sporting: it could be a quest, making a film about the company.
  4. The birthday of a company (salon) is a very fun event. The script can include pantomimes about the company, a performance on topical topics. Of course, the employees themselves are the actors. You can diversify the birthday party and expand the composition of participants - invite regular customers.

Top 3 most uninteresting events

There are events that either “set the teeth on edge” or turn out to be absolutely uninteresting within the company.

1) Congratulations to men on February 23 in the format of fun starts. When men on homemade wooden horses should gallop and feign joy. It's corny. Such fun starts ended at school. Let them stay there.

2) Congratulations to women on March 8 in the “red carpet” format at the Oscars. This is when men roll out red cloth on the floor and women walk through the gauntlet of men. Boredom sets in the moment the men fail to organize a stunning ovation. Or they repeat. And when the tenth girl passes under a forced whistle, it becomes very sad.

3) The salon’s birthday for the next “delivery” of prepared pies or rolls without a congratulatory program. In the hope that everyone will say something, we sit here. Nothing will work, since it is very difficult to “sway” an unprepared public.

With spruce eyelashes,
With a smile from ear to ear,
With delighted faces -
New Year is coming!

With champagne and gifts,
With a pleasant bustle,
With decorated arches
On the main pavement,

With postcards, greetings,
Happy frosty winter day,
With colorful lights,
With silver rain.

With firecrackers, with firecrackers,
With a walk until the morning,
With friends and girlfriends,
And with shouts: “Hurray!”

With quirks and masks,
With balloons, with confetti,
With a magical miracle fairy tale,
With hope ahead.

clip with New Year's cards.

I suggest dividing into groups of 4 people, each group should, after two minutes, shout, whistle, meow, stomp, etc. tonight's motto.
Leading: Now let's pay tribute to the passing year. What it was like for each of us, now we will sum up the results of the ________ year.
Let him raise his hand
Who experienced a career takeoff (raised)
Let him send an air kiss
Who's been lucky in love all year? (kiss)
Thumbs up
Who has celebrated success more than once! (finger OK)
And turn your fingers down
Who squandered capital (Down)
Let them clap their hands
Who new house I bought a good one. (clap)
And raise your glasses up,
Those who worked hard
They worked without sparing effort,
Who brought the salary to the house?
Who's having fun at the banquet?
In spite of all the crises in the world
Who looks forward joyfully
Happy good New Year!

The arrows will soon converge at 12
The clock will strike the New Year
We'll have to gather our strength
To meet him at the gate.
So that he comes to us with new happiness,
We must spend the old year on the road,
All good friend, you remember,
And quickly forget the bad things.
So let's raise our glasses,
Let's drink to the past now,
So that in the new year there is only joy,
We were greeted with loud music!

GAME “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”
1. Who sometimes walks with a cheerful gait with vodka?
2. Tell me out loud, which of you catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost and drives like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who completes the work task on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, like at today’s banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks around dirty from ear to ear?
10. Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to the office an hour late?

I invite each of you to write with a felt-tip pen on a piece of paper given to him what he would like to purchase in the new year. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All the pieces of paper are put into a hat (deep bowl). Guests are invited to pull out one piece of paper and read it out. What was there will definitely appear before the end of the year.

And we are going to the 70s. New Year's "Ogonyok" becomes the most prestigious program for Soviet artists. They made their way into it by hook or by crook, but no one could be 100 percent sure what would eventually appear on the air. Anyone could be cut out at the very last moment. But the main guests were the gypsies, Magomaev and Pugacheva
Ben Bentsianov
In the 1970s, “rain” made of foil, as well as fluffy and prickly tinsel, became popular. In 1971, the premiere of the film “Carnival” was released. In 1975, the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” was released, which until this year is the main New Year's film. And the round dance is no longer performed to Elvis Presley, but to the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” which I offer you too.

SONG: “Let’s skip a hundred grams.”
(to the tune of a Christmas tree was born in the forest)
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, but there was a strong frost,
I went for her in December and, poor thing, froze to death.
While I was thinking about chopping, I was rubbing my hands,
A nice thought appeared:
“Let’s skip a hundred grams.”

A Christmas tree has frozen in the forest - take it home now!
Let her stand dressed up and make us all happy!
Standing in the corner, frozen, And the branches are drawn towards us.
So that we can all warm up here instantly,
“Let’s skip a hundred grams.”
Look: our Christmas tree is getting warmer,
But something is shining a little Toys among the branches.
How few golden cones... It's just a disgrace!
So that there are twice as many of them,
“Let’s skip a hundred grams.”
They added a little more, and it became more fun,
Indeed, there were a fair amount of cones on her!
So that our holiday goes well and it becomes glorious for us,
Let's have some vodka together
“Let’s skip a hundred grams.”
And I felt sorry for the Christmas tree, Why did you chop it down?
And I was so tired while dragging it home!
And the holiday should be fun. Now we can celebrate...
Why are we all talking about the Christmas tree?
“Let’s skip a hundred grams.”
Everyone is having fun at the Christmas tree, laughing here and there...
Happy New Year everyone, gentlemen!
“Let’s skip a hundred grams!”
1. FANTS. And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let’s warm up a little. I suggest playing one popular game of the 70s, “FANTS,” without leaving the table.
For a whole year you have been carrying out all sorts of orders from your immediate superiors, and now please carry out my comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity to give an order to the head of the company himself, and we’ll start our game with him.

2. Game “Collect potatoes”.
In Soviet times, people liked to send intellectual workers to collective farms to harvest potatoes. Competition: who can “dig up” the most potatoes?
Scatter a lot of potatoes around the hall, select several participants, give them spoons, and let them, each in their own bag, carry one potato in a spoon. And then weigh each bag. If only I could get some Soviet-era scales - great! Instead of bags, it’s great to use string bags - nets.

3. Construction
Two or three ladies build a pyramid of cubes - whoever has the highest, each has their own. Players must “buy” the cubes from the host - one item of clothing for each cube.


Musical break (70s)

At my signal: Men are asked to repeat the phrase in chorus at my signal: “Crow, ding la-la.” Clink glasses with the ladies.
The ladies say in unison: “wonderful, boom-boom” and blow air kisses to the gentlemen sitting next to them.

And today we have a feast.
We'll rip our pants to holes,
fir trees, poplars.
Cuckoo, ding-la-la.

And today we have a feast.
And where there is a feast, there is peace.
And a pleasant noise.
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast,
We toast together.
And we can’t all be bored
“Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast,
Of course, we don’t drink kefir.
But we have a sharp mind!
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast.
Who made the suit for the feast?
Who got drunk on the sly?
“Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast.
We play, not sleep.
The toast was said by a big silent man.
“wonderful, boom boom”

And today we have a feast.
I see someone hasn't finished drinking.
It's a pity we can't live without a hangover
“Crow, ding la-la”

And today we have a feast,
to drown your worries.
The spree continues.
“wonderful, boom boom”

What do you remember about the 80s? Jeans, Rubik's cube, chewing gum. On festive table There were definitely: Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, lazy cabbage rolls and Riga sprats, Bird's Milk sweets and Napoleon cake. Drinks include vodka and port. By the beginning of the 80s, color television broadcasting, previously rather a pleasant exception to the black-and-white background, had become commonplace. The image quality has improved many times over, but it hasn't gotten to the point of real special effects yet. Toto Kutunie, Asisyay and Rock bands are rocking at the Blue Light!!!

In the eighties, everyone was passionate about the lottery.


1. Chocolate “Journey”
Many incidents await you
And interesting travels -
For courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate will decide!

You, friends, will continue to
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!

You will join the cream of society
Perhaps you will find a sponsor.

Your hairstyle appearance
It will pleasantly surprise us all.
From then on you will continue to
Everything is getting prettier and younger!

5. Sponge
And you with household worries,
There are a lot of household chores waiting for you.
But in the family and in personal life
Everything will work out great for you!

6.Red pepper
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end well
It's no coincidence that the pepper is red!

7. Markers
Love will brighten your days
And they will become bright.
Your whole life in winter and summer
It will be illuminated with a magical light.

8. Chocolate “Alenka”
What does Alenka chocolate mean?
The Year of the Child awaits you!
Who needs what tests?
– Birth or upbringing!

Fate will gild your pen,
Will send a handsome salary
Or he will throw his wallet,
And all this in the near future!

10. Vitamins
Your health will become stronger,
The second youth will come.
You are destined to be a hundred years old
Live without any storms and troubles!

11. Tea “Mistress”
You are the darlings of fate, which means
Success and good luck await you.
Celebrating your successes,
Stock up on more tea!

12. Condensed milk
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We don’t promise you peace,
We are treating you to condensed milk!

13. Cookies
You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,
And everyone will come to visit soon.
Prepare tea and treats.
Here's a cookie to get you started!

14. Can of Beer
Who gets a can of beer?
Live happily all year!

15. Toothpaste
Receive this tube as a gift,
So that every tooth shines in the sun!

To record where the pay went,
You will really need this pen!

17. Yogurt “Uslada”
Delight awaits you for your heart -
Big salary increase!

18. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore all a year will pass Great!

19. To be ready for victories (Ouch),
So that success accompanies
You put on a laurel wreath -
You will instantly become more important than everyone else!
(Paper laurel wreath)

20. Condom
We give you tires -
She is demissive.
Dress up your car
She's not a government official!

21. Clothespin
You took the gift tenaciously.
Just don't yawn here.
We give you a clothespin,
At least attract someone to you!

22. Package
And there is no better gift,
Than a plastic bag.
You'll get your prize sooner
And take away whatever you want!

23. Shoe spoon
It seems like you are sober now,
But if you drink too much -
With her in the boot in difficult times
You'll hit it right!

23. Three candies
You work all day long.
Let's have a little fun, my friend!
But this is not red caviar -
You got three candies!

24. Glass
Everything is better for you. You will see!
A glass for you. Get over your hangover!!!

25.Toilet paper
We present this gift to you with confidence.
Consume it, you, for the right reason!!!

On May 16, 1985, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree “On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism,” so parents began to increasingly read fairy tales to their children.

I'm walking through the forest. SNOWFLAKES flutter. fall to the ground. I see the SNOW MAID is walking, catching SNOWFLAKES and examining them. And KOSCHEY sneaks up on her heels. The Snow Maiden is tired, she looks - the STUM is standing, covered with snowflakes.
The SNOW Maiden shook them off the stump and sat down. And then KOSCHEY grew bolder. He came closer. “Come on,” he says, “SNOW Maiden, be friends with you!” The Snow Maiden got angry, jumped up, clapped her palm on the stump, and stomped on the snowball with her foot. “This will not happen, insidious KOSCHEY!” And she moved on. KOSHCHEY got offended, sat down on the STUM, took out a knife, and began to cut out a bad word on the STUM. And the SNOWFLAKES just keep falling on him. The SNOW Maiden came out into the clearing and realized that she was lost. Looks, OAK is standing young. The SNOW MAID came up to him, hugged him by the trunk and said in a plaintive voice: “The evil CAT scared me, the SNOWFLAKES path was filled up, I don’t know where to go now.
Then BABA YAGA rushed over, looked at the oak tree, and under it was the SNOW MADE. She tore it away from the oak tree, placed it on a broom behind her and flew off. The wind whistles in my ears, SNOWFLAKES swirl behind them. They flew to Grandma's HUT, and she was standing in front of the forest, and behind BABA YAGA. BABA YAGA and says: “Come on, HUT, turn your front towards me and your back towards the forest. And IZBUSHKA answered her something like that... Ah, thanks for the tip. That's what she said. But then she turned around as ordered. BABA YAGA put the SNOW Maiden in it and locked it with seven locks. (Snow Maiden was stolen)

Redemption of the Snow Maiden.

Team games (4-5 people)

To play this game, you need to divide into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside.
To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again.
Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster. There will be no shortage of laughter in this game!

Toucan is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull out a pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it from his trouser leg.

To play this game, take a rope and tie its ends so that a ring is formed. ( The length of the rope depends on the number of children participating in the game.)
The guys stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is inside the circle, with both hands. Assignment: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.” First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, to pay off and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

Dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:
1) comedy
2) melodrama
3) horror movie

Prepare the blanks in advance, namely, cut out white circles of different sizes, as well as red carrot noses, cut out black eyes and buckets. From all this, the child will have to glue a snowman together on a large sheet of paper. It is not difficult to guess that a preschooler will cope with this task faster than a child aged 2 years. Accordingly, everyone should be a winner and receive prizes.

You need space to run, at least a little. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, and hang scarves on the chairs.
On command, the first players run, run to a chair, sit down, put on a scarf, and say “I am Khristoforovna.” (or “I am Nikanorovna”), take off the scarf, run to their team, the second player runs.

The faster team wins.
The winner receives some small prizes.
The losing team sings ditties.

Here are the ditties.

What kind of Christmas tree do we have?
Just a sight for sore eyes
So what, what's outside the window?
Spring thaw

I started celebrating the New Year
As always in advance,
Dropped dead at ten
Didn't complete the task

I dressed up as the Snow Maiden
And people are scared
I took a closer look at what's what
I forgot to put on my dress

Dressed up as Santa Claus
And glued the beard
And I walk like a fool
Second day around the city

I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden
And I will glue the braid
I really want to get married
For Santa Claus

One day we are in a restaurant
Celebrated New Year
We had fun and laughed
And now it's the other way around

We've been waiting all year
That Santa Claus will come to us
He came with a bag of gifts
And he took two with him

Take a quick look
I'm rolling downhill fast
And I'm screaming because
I hit my butt very painfully

I decided to celebrate the New Year
Very exotic
I called Snegurka to the house
Very pretty

Dance break (80s)
90s. The clothes shine and shimmer, large bouffants on the head with a huge amount of varnish, large shoulder pads, “Black Magic” and “Poison” perfumes. The table is full of food: red and black caviar, piglets, sterlet and sturgeon. The main thing at that time: It’s better to have too much than not enough. In general, there is a lot of everything that doesn’t fit together. See for yourself.

Dedicated to those who grew up in the 90s.

For the competition you will need a huge amount of chewing gum. The presenter gives each participant three chewing gums. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to inflate a bubble from these rubber bands. The participant who blows the biggest bubble wins. The competition can be complicated by the fact that, having inflated the bubble, the participants must make sure that the bubble does not deflate or burst. After a minute from the start of the competition, the host checks whose bubble is bigger.

Since the 90s, they began to sell Christmas tree decorations with images of animals - symbols of the coming year. Sponsors, Zadornov and Diva's gentlemen rock the New Year's shows. In 1990, the last “Blue Light” was aired in its classic form. After which it was replaced by a show called “New Year in Ostankino” on the country’s main television channel. On New Year's Day different years ORT showed the continuation of “Old Songs about the Main Thing” based on songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s.


The first presidential elections were held in 1992, so I suggest you take part in the elections of Santa Claus
We invite 5 men as candidates, ladies in the jury
Snow show or Santa Claus' choice
1. Snowflakes
All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins from which they must cut out a snowflake. Those who make the best snowflakes receive prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.
2. Snowball fight
The winners of the first stage continue the game. Each participant is given five A4 sheets. Opposite each participant, approximately 2 meters from him, a hat is placed on the floor. At the leader’s command, participants must take sheets of paper with their left hand, crumple them into “snowballs” and throw them into the hat. We don’t help with this with our right hand. Those who are the fastest and most accurate receive prizes and move on to the next stage.
3. Ice Breath
For this competition you will need the snowflakes that were cut out in the first stage. Participants place snowflakes on the floor in front of them. Their task is to blow the snowflake to the specified location at the leader’s command.
The winner is the participant whose snowflake reaches its destination last. This is explained by the fact that this participant turned out to have the most “icy breath”.
4. Creating the best Snow Maiden.
Each of the Santa Clauses must dress the Snow Maiden chosen by him in such a way as, in his opinion, a modern Snow Maiden should look like. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, plus any additional items, things, Christmas decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the most vivid and unusual image of the Snow Maiden.
Awarded the honorary title of Santa Claus
Father Frost
Hello uncles, Hello aunts,
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I see you are drinking vodka,
Why without me?
I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry,
Paved the way in the darkness,
I got my hands on gifts
So pour me a glass (Drinks)
That's a completely different matter,
Immediately my heart felt warmer,
I'll get to work now,
You are ready? Uncles, aunts?
To receive gifts
You need to earn them.
The first prize will be awarded to the one
Who will tell me a poem?
Kindergarten for Santa Claus

Hello, Grandfather Frost, Cotton wool beard.
Where's my new Mercedes? And there’s a hut in the Canary Islands?
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Where's my computer?
He brought me chocolate!... - Apparently he got it mixed up.
Drink, sing, have fun,
But don't lie under the tree,
To Santa Claus
Didn't take it to the sobering-up station!
Why on New Year's Day, whoever is going,
Is he sure to get drunk by the end?
Santa Claus slept in bed, got up, jingling his icicles:
Where are you, blizzards and blizzards? Why don't you wake me up?
Grandma sewed me a white bunny suit,
I forgot to give the little boy a carrot.
Snow Maiden was forced to take off her warm fur coat at night
They told her: you’re under a fur coat, so as not to melt!
(with expression!!!) There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,
They also dance in a circle. Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year!

Election of the Snow Maiden.
After choosing Santa Claus, a competition is announced for the best Snow Maiden of this season. The competition is held in three stages.
Golden pens.
The presenter announces that Santa Claus gives the gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most precious thing, that is, the man. For each participant, assistants are invited - men who will play the role of “gifts”, and rolls of toilet paper are given, which will be used as packaging material. At the command of the presenter, the contestants begin to “pack gifts” toilet paper at your own discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the entire action, after which the best “packages” are selected by general vote. The winners receive prizes and move on to the next stage of the competition.
Dance while you're young...
Participants, at the command of the leader, must dance three dances:
1. with a chair;
2. sitting on a chair;
3. facial expressions
Affectionate granddaughter
The named Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Every compliment must contain “winter” words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on.

The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and given the honorary title of Snow Maiden.

New Year's scene for a corporate party.

The Snow Maiden represents the characters chosen from among the guests.
Staging a fairy tale.
Santa Claus is my favorite character New Year's holidays. Therefore, regardless of his age, he is always kind, cheerful and cheerful. True, at times he suffers from sclerosis. However, he comes out of any situation with dignity. After I unexpectedly found myself in Zimbabwe one New Year, I began to say: “Happy New Year! Go to hell!"
Snegurochka is the closest relative of Father Frost, beautiful, young, perky. Santa Claus doesn't let go even a step. She actively helps him in everything, is not indifferent to Verka Serduchka, so she joyfully sings: “And I’m just coming from the cold. And I am the May rose..."
The Ice Palace is the home of Father Frost. A majestic building in the spirit of Zurab Tsereteli. It’s quite comfortable there, but due to the harsh natural climate it’s quite cold, so the Ice Palace always warns everyone: “Are you stunned? Close the doors!
The main tree is slender, beautiful, majestic, with a thick and lush crown. This is not the first year she has been in the forest as the main one, she knows her own worth very well, so she exclaims defiantly: “And I’m like that, damn it, like that!”

The staff is a magical and miraculous remedy in the hands of Santa Claus. Without him, Santa Claus is like without hands: he can neither lean on nor cast a spell normally. The staff knows this and sometimes likes to joke: “Hold on, don’t make a mistake!!!”
Sani-Mercedes is a kind of exclusive, the latest development of folk craftsmen, it starts with one hundred grams of alcohol and runs on it until they add another hundred. They are on their own, but they obey Santa Claus in everything. The Snow Maiden is not allowed to drive. Favorite phrase: “Pour it up!” I’ll give you a ride!”
Mobile phone, nickname “Samsung”, the latest technical acquisition of Santa Claus. It is simple and easy to handle, weighs lighter than a snowflake, but is not dystrophic, so it really likes to attract attention. At the request of Santa Claus, he can whistle any melody. Lately I’ve switched to the refrain: “Crow, I can do anything!!!”
The curtain is a beautiful theatrical decoration. Everything begins with him, and everything ends with him. Therefore, he remains in complete silence, but knows his work clearly.
Action 1. The curtain opens. There is an Ice Palace. Father Frost and Snow Maiden live in the Ice Palace, their faces glow with genuine joy. New Years is soon. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are collecting gifts. The Staff lies nearby. Suddenly, Santa Claus hears the familiar call signs of the Mobile Phone, takes the Mobile Phone and learns from the SMS message that it is necessary to light the Main Christmas tree. Santa Claus immediately gets into the Mercedes Sleigh and drives off. The Snow Maiden sees that he forgot to take the Staff, grabs the Staff, and at the same time the Mobile Phone, and runs out of the Ice Palace with them. The canopy closes.
Action 2. The curtain opens. The main Christmas tree froze, waiting to be lit. Then Santa Claus unexpectedly appears on a Mercedes Sleigh, who parks the Mercedes Sleigh not far from the Main Christmas Tree and carefully looks around us. But for now there is no one else. The main Christmas tree is waiting for decisive action. At this time, the Snow Maiden appears, she has a Staff in her hands, and a Mobile Phone hangs around her neck. Santa Claus joyfully hugs the Snow Maiden, kisses the Staff and takes the Mobile Phone. The main tree senses the approaching decisive moment. Santa Claus touches the slender branches of the Main Christmas tree with his Staff. From the magical touches, the main tree immediately sparkled with a wonderful light. Seeing everything that happened, the Snow Maiden loudly claps her hands, the Mercedes Sleigh suddenly starts dancing, and Father Frost shouts joyfully, energetically waving his Staff. General rejoicing to the loud sounds of the Mobile phone. The curtain closes.

Musical break (90s music)

Zero!!! This cannot but surprise, but the set of main characters on New Year's shows remained the same as 20 years ago.. In 1981, the “rookie” of New Year's television feasts, Sofia Rotaru, sang “Happiness to you, my Earth” and has not changed at all since then. Edita Piekha, who started with “Ogonki” in the 60s, seemed frozen in time in the mid-80s. And among the popular pastimes is fortune telling from pictures on the Internet.

Fortune telling on the computer.
Go online and see which picture loads first

If in Rambler the pictures show:
6. Christmas tree - to financial stability (money will come in steadily),
7. Bell - to popularity, good luck,
8. Fire, bonfire - to great love (you'll find your soul mate)
9. Snowflakes, garlands - for pleasant acquaintances,
10. Man - to trouble,
11. Woman - to gossip,
12. Child - to surprises.
13. Serpentine, confetti - to pleasant troubles;
14. Office - to be the boss;
15. Advertising lipstick - kissing;
16. Furniture advertising - for construction (purchase) housing
17. Scooter (bike)- to buy a car
18. Advertising eau de toilette - to new sensations
19. Homemade - for marriage (marriage) (you know what to do in case of failure),
20. Wild - for fun adventures,
21. Fruit - for pleasure,
22. Vegetable - for studying (that's what you'll be doing all holidays).

Take a common piggy bank filled during the evening. Everyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts on New Year's Day (meaning monetary and other promises) should be thrown into the piggy bank.
Life is a mirage, hopes, passions, waiting for dreams
If only I could avoid all the misfortunes.
Let the tree intoxicate with its needles, and not the intoxication confuse you.
Let the prickly needles in the house only come from the Christmas tree!
Let cannons, firecrackers, and firecrackers fire on the holiday -
Let sleep run away from you only on New Year's Eve.
The arrows rose upward and converged on twelve.
The deadline has arrived! Twelve strikes!
Be happy New Year!
Leave your sorrows to the old year,
Forget worries, grievances, misfortune.

Chiming clock.
Congratulations from the presidents of A-on.

What do we wish for ourselves in the 10s of the 21st century? Our country will host the Olympics in Sochi, the World Cup, wage will be given out in bags, and we will continue to celebrate the New Year at the department

Putin and Medvedev sing couplets
New Year's greetings from celebrities


Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.
The Snow Maiden is getting married!
Four candidates for the role of the Snow Maiden are selected from the ladies participating in the festival. So, we have four contenders for the role of the Snow Maiden, who is getting married. And in order to please her future husband, she must know new year traditions different countries and sacredly honor them, and be able to fulfill them. And the traditions and competitions for them will be like this.
New Year is a special holiday. Why? Yes because! On this day, a fairy tale walks across our planet in the most legitimate way. She makes a trip to the decorated Christmas trees, thunders with fireworks, and shines with multi-colored lanterns. Today, as in a fairy tale, our lovely ladies will briefly turn into fairy-tale heroines, try to work miracles and get the opportunity to briefly become real Snow Maidens.
Today we will go traveling with this fairy tale. For all the participants of the competition, our contenders for the role of the Snow Maiden, we have prepared the first ticket for our fabulous trip - to Italy!
So, don’t be alarmed, we are in Italy, but here there is ancient tradition– on New Year’s Day, throw old things out of windows. Dishes and furniture fly, so yawning in Italy is dangerous! We feel sorry for the furniture, but we have dishes for throwing! (Buckets or waste baskets are placed at a distance from the contestants, and the players are given toy aluminum pots, plates, spoons, mugs, forks).
Their task is to throw their sets of dishes into the container. Whoever managed to score more points by the number of hits, or who completed the task faster - three out of four - are declared the winners of the competition and remain in the game. The three contestants are then given the following tickets New Year's trip- To France. They are invited to eat wonderful gingerbread cookies.
Two of the three have baked beans, and whoever finds them wins. After all, since ancient times, the French have traditionally baked beans in gingerbread, and whoever gets it will be lucky in the coming year. And who turned out to be happy among us?
The losing participant, who does not find a bean in her gingerbread, is eliminated from the game, and the remaining two take part in the last test. They are given four boxes. Three of them are empty, and one contains a surprise. Now they will exchange two boxes with each other, which each will choose from four. Whatever they want. If you are lucky, you will receive a gift, not coals.

A man measures a woman’s height with “fives” or “fingers”. It’s most likely not worth multiplying the result by the length of the finger: that’s not what this fuss was started for. Moreover, a woman can either stand or lie down during the measurement.

Anyone who wants to receive a big prize lies down on the sofa and covers himself with a blanket. The rest wish for an object that the player will have to take off. He tries to guess what is hidden, and if he is wrong, he takes off the very thing he named. In the end, there is practically nothing left on it, because what was intended was a bedspread! At the initiative of the presenter, this word is written down on paper before the start of the game.

The couple is offered a glass of juice and a banana. The man should drink the juice and the woman should eat the banana. Moreover, the glass is clamped by the knees of a sitting woman, and the banana is clamped by the knees of a sitting man.

Dance fun "Locomotive".
Two male participants are selected. Their task: to kiss as many women as possible on the cheek or hand at the holiday, to shake hands with men. The one who was kissed becomes, like a carriage behind a train, behind her man. Who has more trailers?

Dress the lady.
Every woman holds in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the tape with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the tape around the woman. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.

Widely or simply, in an office or a cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but it will happen - in every office they will celebrate the New Year. We know how to have fun this evening. We have the top list of games for corporate parties. You have the initiative and good company

Another New Year's corporate party is an opportunity to wear a New Year's dress, chat with colleagues in an informal setting, but a Christmas party at work is a celebration among your colleagues and management. And this celebration has its own rules!

Game for the New Year's corporate party: “DO NOT REMOVE!”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: A large box or opaque bag in which to collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer shorts, large brassiere, caps, clown noses, etc.

ESSENCE: At the leader’s signal, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box takes out one thing from it and puts it on himself. The condition is not to take it off for the next half hour!

CLUE: Don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see the guard Vasily in a 100°F bra!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “LOVES - DOESN'T LOVE”



ESSENCE: The presenter (the most active of his colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone sitting at the table to say which part of the body they like and which part the neighbor on the right does not have. For example: “I love his left knee and don’t like his nose.” At the end of the revelations, the presenter asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the “successful” places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the “unsuccessful” ones.

CLUE: It is advisable to have colleagues of different genders sitting next to each other.

TIP 2: Having bitten the system administrator in the ass, return to your work computer and make backup copies of all important documents. Maybe he will take revenge...

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FLYING GAIT”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is indignant at the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently pacing around the office.

CLUE: Remove dishes very quietly. She will still be needed.

Game for New Year's corporate party: "FISH-WHALE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Room (see Hint).

ESSENCE: Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter speaks into each person's ear the names of two animals. Then he loudly lists the animals, the person, having heard “his”, must sit down. The task of his neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game plays at a fairly fast pace. When everyone gets the hang of it, the presenter will say “Whale” - this is the animal that is wished for each participant in the second paragraph. The result will amuse everyone!

CLUE: Prudently clear the area within the fall radius of your colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole puncher.

Game for New Year's corporate party: “COMEDY OF POSITIONS”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Any, but only male.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Inflated balloons, tape, matches.

ESSENCE: There are men in the group who still want a million dollars and who still wonder what it's like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Tape tape to participants' bellies Balloons. A box of matches crumbles in front of each “pregnant woman”. The task is to collect matches as quickly as possible and not let the “belly” burst.

CLUE: Is it worth limiting yourself to just one? balloon? Give Chief Economist Sergei Ivanovich one more try!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT IS MY NAME?”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper signs with funny, not very simple words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

ESSENCE: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their nickname from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

CLUE: The bread slicer will be offended if you click on it like that for the next year.

Cool game for corporate parties: “WILL BE COMPLETED”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Maybe the desire to sing (with skill it’s more difficult).

ESSENCE: Divide into teams depending on the number of players. Together, choose a theme for the competition, for example, love, snow, animals... Each team must remember a song “on the topic” and perform a few lines from it. Those who last the longest win.

CLUE: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you wish, you can prove to anyone that the song “You abandoned me!” dedicated to a real animal!

Game for New Year's corporate party: "BIG RACE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Cocktail straws and ping pong balls (according to the number of participants).

ESSENCE: Prepare the path: place bottles, glasses, glasses (in general, everything that comes to hand) on the table so that paths are formed. Players will chase their balls along them, blowing on them through straws. The one who arrives at the finish line first wins.

CLUE: It’s good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. At this time, the rest can sing in chorus the song “...pursuit in hot blood.”

Competitions for corporate events with colleagues: “TRIAL CARTOON”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 5 to 20.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pencils, paper and erasers.

ESSENCE: Each player draws a friendly cartoon of someone present. The portraits are passed around in a circle, and each back side writes who is shown in the picture. When the art goes around the circle and returns to the author, count the number of points (i.e., correct answers). The author of the most recognizable portrait wins.

CLUE: To ensure that no one is left out, draw lots in advance to see who is portraying whom. And there’s no need to draw personnel officer Glafira Pafnutyevna a mustache like Budyonny’s - in fact, the stubble above her lip is just beginning to appear...

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT, WHERE, WHEN”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens according to the number of participants.

ESSENCE: Everyone is sitting at the table. The host asks a general question, for example, “who?”, the players write the answer, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Then the next question is asked, for example “when?”, and the procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has filled out their sheets. Then, amid friendly laughter, the presenter reads out the resulting stories. You probably learned a similar game back in school.

CLUE: Having a presenter is not essential. Everyone can ask questions in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is actually doing late at night on the office sofa...

Competition for a corporate event: “FULLY AGREE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens or pencils.

ESSENCE: Break into two teams. Each person receives a sheet with categories marked on it, such as city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Select a letter of the alphabet and start the game. Within a certain time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible.

CLUE: Categories can be professionally oriented, this will unite the team. How nice it is for friendly car service workers to jointly come up with the fifteenth name of an engine part starting with the letter Ш!

Game for a corporate party at the table: “FROM A TO Z”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: Starting with “A” and further along the alphabet, everyone comes up with a congratulation for “their” letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

CLUE: Don't skip the letters G, Zh, J, Ъ, И. It will be fun. Wow!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “YES NEVER!”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 7 to 15.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

ESSENCE: Honesty game. The first player says: “I have never…” and names something that he has never done in his life. Everyone who, on the contrary, had the specified experience, gives the hero one chip. Everyone’s task is to come up with something that they haven’t done, unlike most of those present. The winner is the one who, after a certain number of laps, collects the most chips.

CLUE: You can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, or large beans as chips. But you should not use the acquired knowledge about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Just think, secretary Irochka never came to work on time, but she won!

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FROM A NEW LINE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pens or pencils, print out the beginning of a famous poem on sheets of paper.

ESSENCE: Let everyone add their own rhyming ending to the given poem. Believe me, even the popular “The bull is swinging...” with light hand your colleagues will find an unpredictable happy ending (or maybe not a happy one!).

CLUE: Prepare a few printouts, the game is addictive. And listen to what this bull will eventually come to...

Which fun competitions for a corporate event, do you know?

Irina Pobokina started playing

Corporate events are not just effective means cohesion of employees, but also in a great way emotional release. Being an integral part of organizational culture, they stimulate the collective spirit of the company and serve as one of the PR tools.

However, the organization corporate event This is hardly a simple or burdensome process. This is real work, the fruits of which should be the grateful smiles of employees. So, how to hold a corporate event so that it goes well?

Where to start holding a corporate event

Before holding a corporate event, it is necessary to identify all the pros and cons of this event. Let's start with the positives.

Firstly, an informal environment, different from everyday work, which encourages employees to communicate, develop and strengthen friendships. This helps new team members quickly feel part of it, which is very important, since the overall productivity of the company depends on communication. Secondly, company employees can relax and receive a huge positive charge, which is achieved through a well-organized entertainment program. And finally, a corporate party is an excellent assistant in relieving stress and tension that accumulates during the work process.

However, we should not forget that in addition to the advantages, corporate events also have a number of disadvantages.

  • Significant financial costs, which are not limited to organizing the table and competitions. This amount includes outfits, hairstyles, makeup, taxi fare from home and back, and other expenses.
  • Responsibility for organizing corporate events. In order for the holiday to go off with a bang, it needs to be properly planned, otherwise the evening will be boring and uninteresting. As a rule, 1-2 people are appointed responsible for organizing a corporate event, who are forced to spend a huge amount of time and nerves on creating a celebration, and, you see, not everyone will do this.
  • It is important to take into account unforeseen situations that will leave far from positive memories of the corporate event. Therefore, no one canceled attentiveness during the holiday!
  • Availability of alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a lot of undesirable consequences: rudeness, fights, etc.

Despite so many disadvantages, you should not now deny yourself the pleasure of being with your work colleagues, especially if you need mental release. The main thing is to organize the corporate event in such a way as to protect yourself and other employees as much as possible from sad consequences. Let's look at how to hold a corporate event in an interesting and safe way.

  • How to rally your company team: 3 great ways

How to hold a corporate event: we act according to plan

Like any other event, a corporate event can be formally divided into stages, each of which will include its own mini-plan. Below we give an example of a corporate evening, breaking it down into key points, with detailed description everyone.

Stage 1. Gathering guests (40–60 minutes)

Perhaps this is one of the most important stages of a corporate event, since it is here that guests are usually immersed in the holiday atmosphere. While everyone is getting ready, those arriving may get bored, which should not be allowed, because we want to hold a fun and unforgettable corporate event. Therefore, at this stage it is important to keep those present busy. For example, a photo shoot in costumes (if the corporate event involves a masquerade), unobtrusive music performed live (instrumental and/or voice), tasting, etc. are well suited for this. You can invite a DJ for background music. You can also gradually begin to introduce guests to the program and the general atmosphere of the holiday by handing out leaflets with the script or lottery tickets, or all sorts of corporate paraphernalia. At the initial stage, the main thing is not to “overdo it” with entertainment, otherwise guests may quickly get tired, and then the whole evening will go down the drain.

Stage 2. Official part (30–90 minutes)

The organizer’s goal at this stage is to help management convey important information to the team and retain the attention of employees for a sufficiently long time. A corporate office is not a place for strict work reports. Spare your guests from boring and lengthy official speeches by limiting yourself, for example, to an awards ceremony and words of congratulations from management. If the official part is the key moment of the corporate event, then it is necessary to dilute it with various slide shows, videos, and concert performances, so as not to lose attention and with it the positive attitude of the team. Often these days they perform corporate performances, which is not only fun, but also perfectly unites the team.

Stage 3. Entertainment(90–180 minutes)

What competitions to hold at a corporate event is the main question at this stage. The entertainment program should not only be fun, but also well planned, so that each of the competition participants feels like part of the team. It often happens that guests refuse to participate in games at a corporate party. This happens if they are not “warmed up” enough. Before moving on to competitions and group games, it is better to allow those present to enjoy the performance of the artists on stage or organize a couple of interesting numbers that will set the team in the right mood. It is important, again, not to overload the corporate event with competitions and performances. Remember: they are needed only to fill the gaps in the celebration, to create an atmosphere of celebration and lightness among the guests.

Stage 4. Free communication/disco (90–180 minutes)

Communication at a corporate event is one of the most important points that, oddly enough, also needs to be thought through. This stage entirely depends on the nature of the event as a whole. If it is more official than entertaining, then it is better to play light music in the background and allow employees to chat with each other. If the main goal of a corporate party is to “have a blast,” then throw a disco for your colleagues. But don’t drag out the dancing and allow for short intermissions.

Stage 5. Farewell/final part (15–20 minutes)

The corporate party is coming to an end, and guests need some time to switch from an energetic state to a calm one. This is well facilitated by smooth music, gradually fading away. At the end of the corporate event, you can use a small fireworks display or light sparklers (depending on the nature of the holiday). Then the need to directly notify guests about the end of the event will disappear by itself.

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Expert opinion

What a manager should not do at a corporate event

Denis Nezhdanov,

President of Nezhdanov-Group, Yekaterinburg

Often, managers themselves make mistakes when taking part in competitions at corporate events. The director of the company must always and everywhere remain in charge, be it festive event or a normal working day. Management should not be allowed to participate in competitions with the entire team on a common basis. Then, most likely, employees will prefer the victory of their boss to their own. Therefore, the best role of a manager at a corporate party is the role of a fair judge who will award prizes regardless of personal liking for the person.

In addition, it is best to plan team building activities so that each participant has time to try everything. This means that all employees must experience the taste of victory in one way or another. Even if there is a team that is unlucky throughout the evening, it is necessary to “lead” it to a win at least once.

Finally, it is especially important to consult with company employees before choosing the theme and location of the corporate event. If this is not done, you risk being known among your colleagues as a self-confident egoist. The team must feel its importance in the process of organizing a corporate event. To do this, for example, you can conduct a short survey that will help you better understand the preferences of your colleagues.

How to hold a New Year's corporate party: 3 options

How to hold a corporate party for the New Year so that it remains in the memory of your work colleagues for a long time? New Year's celebration is perhaps one of the most fun and vibrant holidays in any company. It is very important to create a scenario that will include many of the most interesting competitions and original games. They will help guests relax as much as possible.

A New Year's corporate party can be themed, costumed or classic. Let's talk about each in more detail.

  • Thematic

As you might guess, the main criterion when drawing up a script in this case will be the choice of topic. It can be:

  • fairy tale;
  • cartoon;
  • winter;
  • New Year;
  • journey.

The first option is considered ideal in the sense that it will fit perfectly into any team. There will be no problems in choosing characters and costumes. Which Christmas story without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? Guests will have to dress up in different costumes fairy tale characters and, perhaps, even learn some roles if this moment is included in the corporate event scenario. We select a few more fairy-tale characters - and the corporate party scenario is ready.

The themed corporate event “cartoon” is similar to a fairy tale. The only difference is in the costumes and the fact that the script will duplicate the selected cartoon.

The theme of travel is not the most common, but also very interesting option in order to hold a bright and unusual corporate event. You can come up with some kind of hero who travels around the world and visits one country after another. An excellent option for those who want to learn more about the culture of other peoples.

As for competitions, they must be positive. Of course, competitions should fit the theme of the corporate event. For example, the “Magic Chest” competition: a box with things from fairy-tale characters is passed around from hand to hand. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the chest in his hands takes out the first thing he comes across and, having put it on, tries to guess who it belongs to. Such a corporate competition is perfect for an event with a fairytale theme. Or another game built on the same principle: “Take a chair.” We arrange chairs in a circle so that one of the guests has nowhere to sit. Under each chair we place small gifts such as a ballpoint pen or notepad. While the music is playing, the guests run around them. As soon as the music stops, everyone tries to sit on the first chair available. This option can be considered for a travel theme.

At the end of the banquet, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come and present prizes and gifts. You can organize a small photo shoot and then invite everyone to the table.

  • Costume

What is the difference between a costumed New Year's corporate party and a themed one? Interesting and original idea. Besides unusual design hall, the guests themselves must thoroughly prepare for the holiday and come not in ordinary clothes, but in ones specially selected for the theme of the banquet. You can even place security guards at the entrance to the hall who will check guests for an invitation card to the corporate party.

It is best to hold a New Year's corporate party in a restaurant, cafe or office, if the size of the room allows. In any case, you will need to first spend some time decorating the interior.

As for competitions for corporate events, fun outdoor games and small competitions are perfect here. For example, an interesting costume competition (defile), where each of the guests will be able to demonstrate their outfit and even talk about the idea of ​​​​its origin. The best option gets a small prize, so you should stock up on gifts in advance. You can also hold a New Year's corporate party in the form of a round dance at the beginning of the holiday. During it, each of the guests will have a great chance to show off their costume. Then move on to active festivities. Or, suppose, a dance competition that can be combined with a disco. In addition, dances at a corporate party can be paired, where a white dance must be included. Couples are usually matched by costume. A special spectacle is a flash mob, which is best held in the middle of a corporate evening, when the guests are already fully warmed up. Use a selection of New Year's songs, tunes and various motifs so that there is New Year's atmosphere. The "Let's Decorate the Christmas Tree" competition involves the participation of two teams, in each of which you need to choose one person to play the role of the Christmas tree. The remaining participants will decorate the “Christmas tree” with tinsel, rain, toys, etc.

Of course, a costumed New Year's corporate party must include a competition for best suit, the winner of which will become the owner of the main prize.

  • Classical

By definition, it is already clear that a classic New Year's corporate party implies a traditional celebration with a decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the hall, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and funny competitions. To hold such an event, you only need a fun scenario, a Christmas tree, a festive buffet, and gifts for competitions.

Holding a classic New Year's corporate party means involving all company employees in the event. The main persons of the holiday: the host, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. You can appoint any active work colleague as the host, or hire a toastmaster (not advisable, since the whole point of a classic New Year's corporate party is to celebrate among work colleagues). But it would be nice to entrust the role of Santa Claus to a leader if he has a good sense of humor and can not only command, but also have fun. This way, company employees will be able to get to know their boss better.

Gifts for competitions can be purchased at the expense of the company or the required amount can be collected by the team. There is no need to buy expensive souvenirs, sets are enough ballpoint pens, notepads, notebooks, etc. Don’t forget: you are planning a corporate event, not a group competition.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

An example script prepared by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine will help you hold an excellent New Year's corporate party and improve the atmosphere in the team.

Step-by-step instructions on how to hold a fun corporate event

Stage 1. Determining the date and time of the event

How and where to hold a corporate party are far from the most important issues in this event. It is important to understand that there will be many people at the holiday, each of whom has their own plans for the weekend. As an organizer, you need to take this into account. Gathering everyone in one place at the appointed time is not as easy as it seems at first glance. How then to choose the date and time of the corporate event?

Before you start thinking about how and where you can hold a corporate event, agree on the proposal with management. After discussing your option with the director, do not forget to consider it with the team. As a rule, hold a corporate event in holidays(New Year, March 8, February 23, etc.) is not accepted, since people celebrate these dates either with their family or in the company of friends. Such an event is usually held in advance (in rare cases, after the holiday).

Stage 2. Determining the reason for the holiday

Before thinking about how and where best to hold an event, it is important to know that a corporate party is not necessarily a holiday in honor of a certain date; it can also be a solemn event, the purpose of which is to thank and reward employees for their success in their work. His task may also be the presentation of a new company product. One way or another, depending on the purpose of the event, its nature also changes. This means that each corporate event has an individual scenario.

Sometimes a collective event pursues several goals at once. New Year's celebrations, for example, can also serve as a summary of important results, including rewarding employees for achieving the plan. Holding a New Year's corporate party in this way means not only celebrating this holiday, but also “working” a little.

Stage 3. Selecting a location

It all depends on the nature of the next evening. Let's look at some ideas:

  • at work, in the office - the simplest and most common option for holding a corporate event;
  • in a cafe, restaurant, canteen - more expensive, however The best way for those who want to completely forget about work for one evening;
  • in nature, in a country house - an option for those who are tired of a boring and stuffy office;
  • abroad - an interesting and extraordinary corporate event is guaranteed;
  • with children in the park - a simple solution for a team where the majority of employees are parents;
  • at the conference - an excellent option for holding a corporate event for those who like to combine business with pleasure.

Stage 4. Selecting the format and theme of the event

To have a fun and interesting corporate event, it is important to choose the format and theme of the event wisely. There are 2 formats of this event: home and away. Despite the fact that this division is already quite strict today (you don’t always feel at home in the office during non-working hours), it is considered the most common.

According to another classification, corporate event formats such as banquets, discotheques, active recreation, team building, and outdoor activities are distinguished. As for the theme of the corporate event, there are no limits on this matter. It could be a pirate party, a disco from the 1980s or 1990s, a masquerade show, and much, much more.

Then the question arises: if there are so many topics, then which one should you choose, based on the reason for holding the corporate event? Let's give a few examples.

  1. Company birthday. Perhaps any corporate event format and theme would be suitable for such a celebration. The main thing is to agree on the scenario with management and the team. It is also convenient that it is possible to alternate formats. So, for example, one year you organize a concert with a performance by a guest star, another - an outdoor trip with tents and barbecues.
  2. New Year. Where to hold a New Year's corporate party is a question that all companies without exception ask at the end of each year. A win-win option new year party There will be a masquerade or costume show.
  3. March 8. It would be ideal to invite a star to perform or organize karaoke.
  4. February 23. An active event (for example, an outing with a game of ball or paintball) is best suited for such an event.
  5. Other company dates. It also happens that an enterprise has purely personal dates that play an important role in the formation of the organization. As a rule, they are also celebrated. An important point is that in planning such a corporate event there is an opportunity to form completely new ideas for the holiday.

Stage 5. Selecting an organizer

Who will do all the preparatory work regarding the design of the venue and writing the script for the corporate event? There are 3 options:

  • Entrust the organization of the corporate event to a specialized company.
  • Allow the HR department, whose employees specialize directly in organizing a particular event, to plan the corporate event.
  • Give the team the opportunity to organize the entire corporate event themselves, which is the best solution for small companies. It is not always the case that third-party organizations successfully cope with the organization of such a holiday, while there will certainly be activists in your company.

Stage 6. Selecting music

It's time to take care of small organizational issues: choosing music and entertainment, creating a menu for a corporate party. If professionals help you decide on food, then it’s better to create a playlist based on the preferences of your work colleagues. You can conduct, for example, a short survey among employees on the topic of choosing music. In the form of questionnaires, you can also find out about food and alcohol preferences.

Music at the celebration occupies one of the most important places in the script, since it will play throughout the evening. That is why you need to pay special attention to compiling a playlist.

Stage 7. Selecting gifts for employees

Like any other holiday, it is better to celebrate a corporate party with gifts. The official part of rewarding employees for their success in work can and should be diluted with small gifts. Such expenses will definitely justify themselves, even if you want to give not just trinkets, but cash bonuses.

Gifts are always nice, especially if they are from management. Nobody says that you need to buy something very expensive. Even a small souvenir combined with a laudatory speech from the manager at a corporate party will serve as excellent motivation for further achievements.

Stage 8. Selection of competitions

So, we decided on the theme and format of the event, bought gifts, selected music, and created a menu. All that remains is to come up with competitions. What fun things to do at a corporate party?

It doesn’t matter at all what your competitions will be, only one thing is important: a corporate event with an endless stream of positivity. Holiday competitions can be very different, starting with “Tie a Tie” and ending with a game of “Guess the Tune.” The game “Tie a Tie” requires a certain attribute: a two-meter tie. Stock up on at least 5 ties. 5 pairs of men and women are invited to participate in the competition. The whole point of this corporate competition is that each participant must tie a tie to her partner as quickly as possible.

When choosing competitions for a corporate event, it is also necessary to take into account its theme and character as a whole. If you are planning to hold a more formal event, then you should not include games like “animal dance” in the program, where guests are divided into pairs (man + woman) and depict the dances of certain animals. If the corporate event promises to be fun and memorable, then you don’t have to limit yourself to your imagination. However, do not forget about the limits of decency. For example, the game “Oh, lucky one!” This is a fun, comic competition to identify the “omniscient” employee who has as much information as possible regarding the company. According to the rules, the participant is asked a question and given 4 possible answers.

Thus, in order to choose interesting and exciting competitions for a corporate party, you need to decide on the nature of the event itself and turn on your imagination, then you will be able to have a truly fun and unforgettable holiday.

  • Corporate gifts for employees and partners for the New Year: a hit parade of ideas

Expert opinion

How to organize New Year's team building

Andrey Barinov,

independent consultant on organizational development, team building coach

The point of holding a corporate event is mainly to relax and unite the team. A standard event in a cafe with a toastmaster and animators will not be suitable for this, since, apart from the cafe itself, nothing unites the guests. So where does the creation of a friendly atmosphere come from? Remember yourself during your school years. You probably had your own constant social circle. So it is here. The corporate group will not fulfill its task: everyone will be divided into groups and will communicate exclusively with those with whom they are accustomed to talking on weekdays. Some will even move tables together to be closer to each other and to isolate themselves from the group as a whole, at least for the duration of the holiday.

That is why it is important to plan a team building scenario so that throughout the evening the friendly atmosphere grows and strengthens throughout the entire team. Here you can’t do without team competitions and games, because they bring people together in the best possible way.

Expert opinion

Before the New Year's corporate party, survey your employees to find out their personal preferences.

Nadezhda Finochkina,

Director of the company “Formula for Successful Selection”, Moscow

Once a client approached us with a desire to establish friendly contact among his employees. Due to low sociability, the company's productivity dropped sharply. There has never been a corporate event at this enterprise. Colleagues have poor contact with each other, and the company suffers losses accordingly.

The question is, how to organize a corporate event in such a team? We decided to make a little surprise. To begin with, we conducted a short interview with each of the company's employees. It contained questions regarding the individual preferences of future corporate party participants: hobbies, musical tastes, etc. We ended up with 25 different questionnaires, which we analyzed and compiled a questionnaire. Having gotten to know each member of the group individually, we put together an overall picture of the event.

On the announced day, all the guests came and we held a quiz. According to the rules, you had to guess who the listened description was talking about. To make it easier to find the answer, we organized a slide show of childhood photographs of each participant. The corporate event was a great success. All the guests were very pleased. The event consisted of a formal part, a quiz with photographs and a buffet reception. Overall we completed it in 6 hours.

Such a corporate event not only helped solve the problem with communication in the team, but also significantly improved the company’s productivity. It would seem that in just one evening, people were able to make new friends among their work colleagues.

How to hold a corporate event in nature: step-by-step instructions

What could be better than relaxing in nature after everyday work? This a great opportunity not only relax mentally and physically, but also get a portion of the cleanest air, which is so lacking in a stuffy office space. Of course, organizing a corporate event with a trip to nature means spending much more time than you would like. To avoid various difficulties later, it is important to plan everything “from” to “to” in advance.

Step 1. Choose a location

First of all, determine with your team a specific place in nature in order to hold a corporate event. Not only the cost of the event, but also its scenario depends on this.

1. In a forest clearing

The most important advantage of organizing a corporate event in a forest clearing is minimal costs. This is a great option for those who want to have fun and have a good time, but at the same time save money. We buy groceries at the hypermarket, take tents, blankets, sleeping bags with us if we plan to have a corporate party with an overnight stay, and some interesting outdoor games (for example, with a ball). However, do not forget that the weather can change at any time. Heavy rain in summer and snowstorm in winter can dramatically ruin your entire holiday. In addition, in warm times mosquitoes and other midges will bother you, and in cold times there will be frost. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons, and be sure to discuss everything with your team before planning anything. Remember that not everyone is a supporter of “wild” recreation.

2. On board the ship

The second option is much more expensive, but also less problematic in terms of convenience. A corporate event on board a ship is an excellent option for the team of a large company, for people who value comfort and quality of service. Of course, this option for holding a holiday is possible only if a large river flows in your city, along which motor ships or boats ply. So, in summer time Vessels sail along the Moscow River to celebrate birthdays, celebrate weddings or some other event.

Of course, when planning a corporate event on board a river vessel, you should take into account the financial capabilities of the company’s employees and the wishes of the management, because this is far from a cheap pleasure. Depending on the number of people, you can rent either a medium-sized boat or a large motor ship. While relaxing on the ship, forget about weather changes. Moreover, if she is favorable, you can stop in some picturesque place and arrange a photo shoot.

Don’t forget about the disadvantages of a corporate party on board a ship. The event is limited from April-May to October. Unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to hold a corporate party in honor of the New Year, on February 23 or March 8. Additionally, some guests may experience seasickness. Therefore, it is important to discuss all the details of the holiday with the team in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

3. In a country hotel

What if you combine nature and service? Holding a corporate event in a country hotel is especially for those who love comfort. Here you will relax, breathe fresh air, and get a full charge of energy from the celebration. But like any other event, it needs to be carefully planned.

A country hotel is a kind of combination of outdoor recreation with restaurant “gatherings”. Thus, good hotels in the Moscow region not only have excellent rooms where everyone can spend the night, but also restaurants. The chefs will prepare delicious meals for your team for your corporate party, and the animators (as a rule, they are found in large boarding houses) will prepare Interesting games and entertainment. What is the difference between a restaurant and a country hotel? The fact is that the latter has a huge territory.

Holding a corporate event in a country hotel means allowing yourself to immerse yourself in your comfort zone as much as possible. In nature, you can have a picnic with barbecue at any time. If there is a body of water (river, lake) near a country hotel, then there are probably boats for rent (or jet skis, catamarans). For example, you can organize a canoe competition.

Such holidays are arranged both in winter and in summer. In warm weather, they are usually located either in a tent, on a veranda, or in a gazebo. In winter, in order to hold an interesting corporate event, it is better to rent a banquet hall.

Step 2. Developing a script and theme

So, we have decided on the location, now we move on to the second step: how to competently develop the scenario and theme of the corporate event. Give this moment as much time as possible, since the entire event depends on the scenario. Sometimes even the smallest flaw can turn into a real disaster.

The theme and scenario of the corporate event are completely individual. Some people prefer a traditional corporate event with a standard plan: a speech by the manager, a feast, several competitions and a disco. However, lately, themed holidays have become increasingly common.

The theme of a corporate event can be completely different. You shouldn’t come up with it yourself; it’s better to trust the professionals. Now there are a huge number of different holiday agencies that know how to quickly and efficiently organize a corporate event. It could be a 1980s or 1920s themed party, a cowboy party, or a Treasure Island themed party. There are many options, you just need to use your imagination.

Step 3. Forming the menu

How to properly create a menu for a corporate event? The banquet table depends entirely on the nature of the party and the financial capabilities of the team. If the holiday is planned to be held in a more formal style, then it is best to make do with appetizers and salads, i.e. because it is convenient to eat while standing. For a fun banquet, make sure there is variety. These can be fish, meat, and vegetable dishes in combination with salads and all sorts of snacks. Don't forget about dessert. In the summer, have a real barbecue outdoors - the smell of fried meat always brings to mind the thought of relaxation.

It is not so easy to calculate the required amount of alcohol in order to have a fun corporate event, but without incident. On average, for a 4-hour celebration, one person should have 150 g of vodka or another strong drink, 150 g of champagne (that is, 1 glass for the first welcome toast) and 450 g of wine. Based on this calculation, you can create at least an approximate alcohol menu. It is important not to turn a corporate party into a drunken stupor.

Step 4. Think over the program: entertainment, games, competitions

Next, we think over a program of entertainment, games and competitions for the corporate party. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the following: if the company is dominated by young people, then it is best to give preference to outdoor competitions and games; if the team consists mainly of middle-aged people, then it is better to focus on a calm corporate event. You can do the following.

  • Master classes. The trick of this kind of entertainment is its usefulness. A master class is not just a fun time, but also an opportunity to learn something new for yourself. Thus, at cooking master classes you will be taught how to prepare interesting and unusual dishes; choreographic classes will help you learn new dance moves; and the artists will show you how to draw a person correctly.
  • Team competitions. Nothing will bring your team together like a game of football or volleyball. Team competitions are always fun and really help you relax. You can turn on your imagination and plunge into the times of your youth, because each of us once played Zarnitsa. A great option for playing paintball.
  • Funny Games. The lack of outdoor games at a corporate party is not a reason for despondency. Not everyone is a fan of active recreation; some people want to sit in a circle and play, for example, a quiz. There are a huge variety of different games that are perfect for holding a corporate event in a “sit-down” company. "What? Where? When?”, various charades, “Mafia” will perfectly brighten up your holiday.

Step 5. Consider the features of the outdoor event

Holding a corporate event in nature means being prepared for any circumstances. As we said above, the weather can change at the most inopportune moment, so it’s worth considering the moment of shelter from precipitation. If it gets cold, it's better to have a couple of warm blankets or blankets on hand. In winter, it is especially important to take folding chairs or special seats with you so as not to catch a cold while sitting in the snow.

Be sure to think about it location holding a corporate event. Choose a place that is convenient to drive to, so that anyone who wants to suddenly leave the event can do so without any problems. Choosing a corporate event venue is already half the battle.

What would a trip to nature be without medicines and repellents? Don't forget about safety measures! When going on vacation in the summer, be prepared to be pestered by mosquitoes and other insects. To make sure they disturb your team less, stock up on repellents, then you have a better chance of having a fun and carefree corporate event in nature.

Corporate events, as a rule, take place with musical accompaniment, even if you celebrate it outdoors. You will need a generator, speakers, laptop or smartphone.

It will be much better and more convenient for everyone to organize delivery to the event venue and back. This way you won’t have to wait for late guests and deal with the problem of returning to the city. Transfer– another prerequisite for holding a corporate event in nature.

Tip 1. Don’t even think about preparing a corporate event in advance.

As you know, the sooner you start planning something, the greater the likelihood that it will not come true. Same with corporate events! Why plan your corporate party celebration in advance? Don't spend too much time and effort on the event. A couple of weeks before the holiday, ask your HR specialist to organize what you have planned; he will probably be happy with such a task. It is advisable for employees not to talk about anything - let it be a surprise. A few days before the holiday, send invitations by email and do not forget to mention that the corporate party is exclusively for the work team in order to avoid misunderstandings with uninvited guests: dogs, children.

Tip 2. Deprive those who don’t want to go to the corporate party of a bonus

Be strict in terms of mandatory attendance at the corporate event! It’s not in vain that you planned everything. It's no secret that fear is the best motivation. Let all the “lazy people” know: anyone who doesn’t want to have a corporate event with their colleagues will be deprived of their bonus and will have to be on duty all week until the morning, for example. Then 100% attendance at the corporate event is guaranteed!

Tip 3: Free drinks for everyone!

So, all that remains is to choose a location for the corporate party, create a menu and come up with entertainment. You shouldn’t spend a lot of time looking for a suitable place, perhaps the best option There will be a room near the office. Once the whole team has gathered, you can go to celebrate the corporate party. For this, you will need to first decorate the place where the event itself will take place and create a complete playlist, taking into account the wishes of the employees. Choosing music for a corporate party is one of the prerequisites for a real party, so make it as loud as possible - let everyone know about your unparalleled musical taste. How can we live without booze? A bar card is the second prerequisite for a successful corporate event. For example, you can adopt the idea of ​​free cocktails for competition participants. More alcohol, and then your popularity in the team will increase significantly!

Tip 4. Choose a corporate event location at random

Don’t listen to all these stories about how to choose the right place for a corporate event, all these horror stories about a slippery floor or an inconvenient location of the dance floor. Remember, this won’t happen to you! All your ideas will definitely bring a lot of positivity to your work colleagues. Don’t try to find the perfect place to host a corporate event in comfort, because the more and longer you think about it, the less chance of a successful organization. Finding a place is only part of everything planned; the main thing is a good attitude and limitless imagination. And one more thing: do not listen to the advice and wishes of your colleagues. Remember: you are the host of your party!

Tip 5: Don't spend a lot of money on snacks

Is a corporate party held for the purpose of feeding work colleagues? Of course not. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time, money and effort on creating a menu. After all, you can eat at home, but it’s a holiday! Choose the most important thing. Let it be sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, a main course and several salads. This will be quite enough, because then the guests will not be distracted by culinary delights, but will devote more time to the entertainment you have planned and, of course, admire your musical taste.

Tip 6. Stripping games and competitions are what you need

What competitions to choose for a corporate event? Of course, strip games should be included in this list. After all, they liberate people in the best possible way! More such competitions and games. You've already earned the title of employee of the year by providing tons of free booze, but you can become the highlight of the evening if you invite the shyest guest to take part in a stripping contest, because he's been waiting for it. You can take part yourself and show everyone how to have fun. The team will look forward to competitions such as rolling a raw egg in a pant leg or running in big red underpants. Don’t upset them with the lack of such entertainment in the holiday scenario.

Holding a corporate event means uniting the team. Nothing holds things together like a smartphone camera! Be sure to capture the funniest and most incidental moments of a corporate party with this camera! In general, it’s better to keep your phone with you throughout the holiday so as not to miss a single “successful” shot. Drunk employees singing karaoke is the most successful shot at a corporate event. Colleagues will be very happy to see your work as a novice filmmaker on the pages of social networks. One way or another, we all dream of becoming famous.

Information about the experts

Denis Nezhdanov, President, Nezhdanov-Group, Yekaterinburg. Denis Nezhdanov graduated from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in strategic management. In 2004, he received an MBA degree in Innovation, Investment and Risk Management from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In business since 1997. Since 2002, he has been a business coach, author and presenter of training programs for professional retraining of directors and line personnel of the business training corporation “Nezhdanov-Group”.

Andrey Barinov, independent organizational development consultant, team building coach. Andrey Barinov graduated from the sociological department of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Has 10 years of experience as a business coach.

Nadezhda Finochkina, director of the company “Formula for Successful Selection”, Moscow. Nadezhda Finochkina - director of the company “Formula for Successful Selection”, Moscow. "Formula for Successful Selection" LLC. Field of activity: personnel selection. Number of staff: 5. Closed vacancies per month: 7–12.

Large companies usually organize corporate events with the help of event managers. In smaller companies, organizing the holiday falls on the shoulders of the employees themselves, the HR department or the manager. And in these cases, it is necessary to plan the event down to the smallest detail so that the evening is a success.

Start preparing well in advance, at least a few weeks before the target date. If the day of the corporate event does not coincide with national festivities, you will definitely organize everything within a month. But when it comes to large-scale celebration, like New Year or March 8, you need to book entertainment services earlier. Determine the budget for the event. It is often limited, so savings cannot be avoided. If among your colleagues there are creative and cheerful people, you can entrust them with hosting the informal part of the evening, which will save some money. Come up with a theme for the party. It could be a 90s disco, a pirate or beach party, a masquerade... There are many options, focus on the tastes and age of the employees. As practice shows, a theme evening is much more interesting than usual; it involves even the most passive guests in the action and leaves a vivid impression. Reserve a suitable room. There should be enough space not only for tables, but also for fiery dances and competitions. There is no need to decorate the room. When planning an outdoor corporate event, make a backup plan in case of rain. Otherwise, the holiday is doomed to failure, which is unlikely to strengthen the morale of your team. Order a varied menu. This way you will please gourmets, vegetarians, and those on a diet. Also buy several types of alcohol, but in moderation. If the next day is a working day, employees will come fresh and ready for active mental activity. Invite professional animators. Experienced presenters or performers will make the evening truly fun. And entertaining competitions are a great way to unite the team. Prepare gifts for employees. Souvenirs should match the occasion and theme of the party. Reward the best staff with valuable gifts, thereby providing motivation to improve the quality of work.

Always be prepared for unpleasant moments. Surely in your team there are eternally dissatisfied individuals who will show a sour face here too. Or someone will not calculate their own strength in alcohol... Some force majeure should be “ignored” so as not to spoil good mood the bulk of vacationers.

The more responsible and creative the people responsible for preparing the corporate event are, the more successful it will be. If such organizers cannot be found, it is better to seek help from a specialized company that will organize the holiday on a turnkey basis.