instructor physical culture

Demina Elena Alekseevna

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 22" Perm.

Subject: "Hare Hut»

Target: activating parents, attracting their attention to correctional and pedagogical tasks aimed at correcting and preventing existing deviations in the child’s speech development by means of logorhythmic games and exercises.

Tasks for parents:

help parents learn to play and communicate with their child;

introduce parents to musical, communication, finger games and speech exercises.

include parents in the educational process, establishing partnerships with the family of each student, creating an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support and mutual insight into each other’s problems;

Tasks for children:

Non-speech: call positive emotions, develop coordination of movements, voluntary attention and switching of attention, sense of rhythm, communication skills through play, fine and gross motor skills, ear for music.

Speech: develop speech breathing, coordination of speech with movement, articulatory motor skills, activate vocabulary.


A hare toy, a wolf mask, rattles, bells, wooden spoons, fitballs, pictures depicting a white and gray hare, cabbage, carrots, grass, a phonogram “Musical toys”, a phonogram with the music of the game “The Gray Bunny Is Sitting”, “The Hare and the Wolf” ", "Lullaby", laptop, stereo system.

Participants: children 1 junior group 2-3 years old and their parents, speech therapist, physical education instructor, educator.

Location: gym.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organization of children.

Teacher. Guess who came to visit us?

In winter he wears a white fur coat,

And in the summer it turned gray.

I ran through the forest all day,

But I wasn't even tired.

Carrot muncher.

He knows a lot about cabbage.

Who is he? Guess what!

We call him......(Bunny). Demonstration of pictures of a white and gray hare.


What does a hare eat? (children's answers) Demonstration of pictures of carrots, cabbage, grass, etc.

II. Main part. .

1. Speech with the movement of muses by E. Zheleznov (Internet resource)

Goal: development of general motor skills, auditory attention

Teacher. And now we turn into bunnies.

Today, many children have problems with speech development or movement. Therefore, it is necessary to give classes in speech therapy rhythms. Thanks to them, kids will learn to move actively, speak, and their gross and fine motor skills will develop faster.

The concept of speech therapy rhythms

Every child needs to develop speech and motor skills. Therefore, psychologists and teachers recommend conducting specialized classes and exercises. Logorhythmics is best suited for children.

It will help correct speech disorders, form words correctly, listen to music and understand its rhythm and intonation.

Logorhythmics for kids is a set of exercises that includes certain sounds, words, music, rhythm and movements. By using entertainment complex Children will learn to talk faster, they will better develop not only fine motor skills, but also large ones.

Speech therapy rhythmics will teach:

  • When walking, navigate in space.
  • Do useful exercises for breathing, voice, articulation.
  • Focus on the rhythm of the music.
  • Listen to the intonation and repeat after the teacher.

Children often have poor articulation. Therefore, teachers advise studying in this direction as often as possible.

Logorhythmics according to the method of Ekaterina Zheleznova

Many children do not like to study and do boring rote exercises. Zheleznova’s logorhythmics will interest kids. They will be happy to sing and dance. Initially, these classes were aimed at the child’s hearing. Subsequently, it was noticed that children repeat all sounds with pleasure and begin to speak better. Therefore, Ekaterina Zheleznova’s technique was improved.

There are a lot of short songs for kids. All of them are aimed at the development of crumbs. Children can be trained according to Zheleznova’s method from eight months. In each song, words and sounds are sung clearly, understandably, and legibly. Therefore, it will be easy for kids to repeat first the words and then the actions.

Logorhythmics Zheleznova provides classes not only with one child, but also with a group of children. They can be carried out in speech therapy groups, medical centers, clinics. The more children participate in the activities, the more interesting it will be.

Logorhythmics: exercises

Each lesson is aimed at the development of children. The child improves speech and learns to navigate in space. Logorhythmics for kids is comprehensive classes, which includes music, movement and rhythm. Before practicing this method, you need to study the types of exercises:

  1. Intonation and correction pronunciation.
  2. Phonetic (auditory) perception.
  3. Articulation exercise.
  4. Songs without musical accompaniment.
  5. Games on a musical instrument.
  6. Adjustment of muscle tone.
  7. Exercises that form a landmark in space.

Consistency rules are followed in all classes. First, words or rhymes are studied. Then the activity gradually becomes more difficult. After the children have mastered the material well, it is necessary to consolidate it. To do this, you should pay attention to logarithmics every day, starting from 10 minutes. Every day the time increases slightly.

Logorhythmic games

There are many entertaining and educational techniques for children. We found out that there is another one - logarithmics for kids. According to this method, it is necessary to practice exclusively in a playful way.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several small games for the little ones:

1. The wind is blowing very, very strongly(we wave our palms towards ourselves).

The tree swayed(we raised our hands up and waved them, helping with our whole body).

The wind blows less and less(we slowly lower our hands).

The tree grows more and more(raise your arms and stretch on your toes).

2. Knock, knock(they knocked on the table with their fist).

Who's there?(claps hands).

Can I visit you?(you open the doors for fun).

Come in, we welcome guests(Clapping hands three times).

3. We drove and drove(pretend to be riding a horse).

We came to visit you(knock on the door as if it were something).

We are tired(sat down on a chair).

Now we'll rest and go for a walk again(they marched merrily).

First learn all these poems and many others without musical accompaniment. Only when children know them well, try playing instruments. Remember, first you need to interest the baby, and only then teach. After all, if you force him, he will flatly refuse to study.

Logorhythmics classes are very important for every child. It's fun and interesting. It is necessary to start with a more energetic song, then the baby will quickly want to play a new game with you.

Logorhythmics is a type of active correctional therapy for various speech disorders by combining movements, musical rhythm and words.

Despite the fact that this method has been used relatively recently as a tool for correctional work, the benefits of rhythmic movements performed at a certain pace have been noted many years ago.

Recently, experts have increasingly noted a combination of delays in speech and motor development in children. Rhythmic movements with spoken text cope ideally with this problem:

  • Motor skills and coordination of movements develop, control over movements improves.
  • Correct speech breathing is established.
  • Auditory perception is trained - both musical and phonemic hearing.
  • The mental state of children is normalized, muscle tone improves.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves.
  • Speech motor skills develop and articulation improves.

Who needs logorhythmics?

Speech therapists widely use this method of working with children as it is quite effective and does not cause difficulties. As a rule, all children willingly move to the music, repeating the movements of the teacher.

Logorhythmics is indicated for children 3-4 years old in the following cases:

  • Dysarthria, various disorders in the pronunciation of sounds.
  • Delayed speech development.
  • Stuttering.
  • Speech tempo disturbances.
  • Insufficiently developed fine and gross motor skills and coordination of movements.

In addition to correcting speech disorders, logorhythmic techniques are also indicated for children prone to frequent illnesses, as well as those at the stage of active speech formation.

How logorhythmics classes are conducted with children 3-4 years old

  1. The main principle is imitative activity. The teacher shows the movements and recites the poetic text, and the children repeat. The words are not memorized in advance; they are gradually memorized during the lessons.
  2. No complicated dance steps or long texts! Distinctive feature Logorhythmics - easy to perform and accessible to every child.
  3. Usually classes are held a couple of times a week, but if necessary, the speech therapist prescribes additional exercises. For example, if you stutter, you will have to practice a little more often.
  4. The duration of the lesson itself is about half an hour. However, during the classes the exercises themselves do not take much time, replacing one another. In this way, it is possible to “cover” all problematic aspects.
  5. Be sure to do exercises accompanied by music. It sets the pace of movement and speech, and also creates a positive attitude in children.
  6. Classes should be a joy for children. Various toys, musical instruments, and costume elements are used in the process.
  7. Reliance on lexical topics. The difficulty of the tests is adjusted depending on the children's skills and should go from easy to difficult.
  8. The selection of exercises is adjusted to individual needs. There is no rigid set of elements here. If something doesn’t work out, an easier exercise is taken, but the emphasis on this problem increases.

In a group or individually?

If the child does not have pronounced problems that require serious correction, and logorhythmics is used to improve motor skills and general speech functions, you can practice in a group. Children happily stomp and clap to the music, sing and recite poems.

It's more fun and interesting in a group. In addition, group games can be useful for the socialization of children who are not inclined to communicate.

However, in cases where a child needs emphasis on specific exercises, it is important that the classes follow an appropriate program. If you are offered individual lessons in logorhythmics, do not refuse. In this mode, the work plan is always adjusted to the requirements of the child’s condition, which means the result will be much more noticeable.

Correction of speech disorders using logorhythmics

Speech is a complex process of coordinated work of the respiratory organs, auditory and visual perception, articulatory apparatus and nervous system. The task of logorhythmics is to make the operation of this system holistic and stable.

Logorhythmic exercises are effective in two directions:

  • speech activity
  • non-speech activity.

Stimulation of non-speech processes implies improvement of general motor skills, coordination of movements, muscle tone, functions of higher mental activity - attention, memory, etc.

To correct speech activity, work is being done to develop breathing, speech rhythm, phonemic hearing, and articulatory motor skills.

The structure of a logorhythmic lesson is subject to these tasks, including all the necessary elements:

  1. Walking, running, and general motor skills exercises provide muscle development and coordination.
  2. Didactic games accompanied by music or using musical instruments serve to develop a sense of rhythm, attention, memory and stimulate active vocabulary.
  3. Finger exercises, songs involving hand movements help improve fine motor skills, stimulate speech development.
  4. Articulatory gymnastics is aimed at improving the functioning of the speech apparatus and eliminating disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds.
  5. The use of tongue twisters and tongue twisters in games and special breathing exercises improve pronunciation and control of breathing during speech.
  6. Games with elements of word creation contribute to the development of active and passive vocabulary in children, develop thinking and a sense of their native language.
  7. Collective games help children socialize, develop emotional and mental spheres, and improve their mood.

The remarkable advantage of logorhythmics as a correction method is its accessibility, the presence of positive emotions during classes and the flexibility of use for specialists. Not all the elements described above must be present in the lesson. The speech therapist, focusing on the tasks facing him, builds his own lesson plan.

I am glad to welcome you, dear friends!

In early preschool age, speech develops rapidly, the vocabulary is significantly expanded, and the child speaks in fairly long sentences.

Unfortunately, speech problems are not uncommon. One of the solutions large quantity Logorhythmics classes become a solution to speech problems. Classes correct existing problems and, of course, bring a huge amount of positive emotions.

After all, the exercises are dynamic, varied and include different pedagogical techniques. Logorhythmics for children 2-3 years old is also useful in general for the overall harmonious development.

What is logorhythmics?

Logorhythmics is a method of active correctional pedagogy, the action of which occurs due to the combination of three elements - movement, music and speech (word/sound).

Is this method right for you?

Of course, correctional classes are designed for children with certain problems. Logorhythmics is suitable for children who have encountered difficulties such as:

1. Delayed speech development

2. Problems with articulation, pronunciation and speech rate

3. Poor coordination of movements, insufficient development of fine and gross motor skills

4. Stuttering

These are the main indications for practicing speech therapy rhythms. Of course, logorhythmics has not only medical indications, although it is designed to solve the above problems, it is an excellent pedagogical method for teaching and comprehensive development baby.

It is possible that many mothers unknowingly use some techniques at home, thereby not only diversifying their child’s leisure time, but also providing a full-fledged lesson.

What can you do at home?

Classes at home are absolutely comfortable for a child, especially if they take place in a relaxed playful way. In addition to specialized classes at the center, every mother can easily conduct a “lesson” at home.

This does not require special equipment or knowledge, just the desire and positive attitude of the baby and his parents. If the child refuses at the moment, it is better to postpone starting the lesson for another time.

You can start with simple exercises, using books or books. To begin with, you can learn a poem or song, while depicting the words visually.

The wind blows - you blow, a butterfly flies - with your hands you imitate the movements of a butterfly or bird, march, jump, etc. Useful rhymes and nursery rhymes that include finger exercises, for example the well-known “White-sided Magpie.”

Simple funny poems will help not only speech development, but also make everyday activities more interesting. While you pronounce the words, show the movements figuratively.

Author's developments

The author's methods come to the aid of parents and teachers, techniques from which can be used at home and in an organized manner in kindergartens.

Quite well known and widespread. The proposed exercises are performed with pleasure by children, this technique It is also good because it is suitable for children under one year old.

Singing and dancing are encouraged during the classes. Short songs help the baby learn to pronounce sounds and words correctly, control breathing, and improve coordination.

Such activities are excellent physical activity for a child. The complex includes massage, finger games, breathing exercises and much more. To conduct classes at home, you will need the musical accompaniment itself, which can be easily purchased, as well as improvised means and toys.

The method of M.Yu. is also widely known. Kartushina. Her manuals present various activities that will help improve coordination, sense of rhythm, and introduce the child to such important concepts as size, shape, color.

During the exercises, fine and gross motor skills are used. Classes can be carried out both in a mobile form and during a calmer activity, for example, drawing. The methodology describes different ways performing massage and self-massage. You can do breathing exercises at home.

Instead of a conclusion

In order for the efforts to be successful, classes must be held regularly. In most cases, children study with pleasure, since the whole process takes place in a playful form that is understandable and interesting for the child.

There are various manuals and techniques that help organize story-based activities that evoke positive emotions in children. They can be used both at home and in preschool institutions.

With the help of logorhythmics, they effectively develop: speech, speech problems are corrected, a sense of rhythm, acting skills, children become more confident and organized.

All the best, see you again!

Write in the comments how you do logorhythmics at home.

Sincerely, Yulia Polonskaya

It has long been noted that movement improves our lives. If you are tired, do some exercises and you will feel cheerful and energized. If you feel nervous exhaustion, go for a run or walk in the park, and a general calm will immediately set in.

Movement is life! Many speech therapists claim that if motor activity accompanies speech or singing in children, the latter can easily be improved. This direction in speech therapy is called logorhythmics (speech therapy rhythm).

From this article you will learn

Why is this necessary?

Logorhythmics exercises are very useful for physical development, improve intellectual abilities, produce a positive effect on the production of the speech apparatus.

At the same time, muscles, a sense of balance, and endurance are trained, the baby learns to quickly switch from one type of activity to another, and correct posture is formed, since logorhythmics classes help improve it.

The main purpose of speech therapy rhythm is to improve speech. Logorhythmics exercises for children from 4 years old contribute to the formation of correct breathing at the moment of pronouncing sounds, and a sense of rhythm develops. The baby learns to transform and move at a chosen pace, which helps him develop his creative skills and abilities.

Logorhythmics can calm a hyperactive baby and, conversely, stir up a slow one. This is another plus from such activities. The exercises have no age restrictions. Even rhythmically walking with a newborn baby in your arms and reciting a poem at the same time will already be considered an exercise in speech therapy rhythms.

The purpose of such exercises for children under 6 years of age is to solve possible problems with speech development, as well as to overcome difficulties that are not related to non-speech functions of a mental nature.

Why does logorhythmics help overcome barriers in a child’s speaking abilities? The speech apparatus is closely related to the child’s activity: the higher it is, the faster the ability to speak is mastered.

The relevance of logorhythmics today

Techniques are very fashionable today early development kids. Most parents are interested in them. The main direction in this development is aimed at the intellectual growth of the child.

Parents, starting from the cradle, introduce him to numbers and letters. This leads to the fact that the brain is distracted by the formation of centers responsible for writing, reading and counting skills. At the same time, the psychomotor capabilities of the brain are not sufficiently developed, and it is almost impossible to replenish them in the future.

This does not mean that early development methods are harmful or unsafe. They have the right to be, but at the same time, parents should not forget about the need to introduce speech therapy rhythm exercises into classes with their child.

Spending it at home or in kindergarten, you allow your baby to develop harmoniously in accordance with his age.

Where to conduct classes

In order to work with your child, it is not necessary to conduct lessons only with a speech therapist. The good thing about logorhythmics is that it can be easily applied at home.

You still need to consult with a speech therapist in order to know exactly how to guide and what to pay attention to if the baby really has serious disorders in speech development.

If it is possible to conduct classes with a speech therapist or in a group of children, then this is also good. It is much more interesting for a child to repeat exercises together with other children, and this is additional socialization for the child.

Speech therapy rhythms for 2–3 year old children

The vocabulary of children at this age is quite wide. During the period of 2–3 years speech development walks with giant strides. They learn quickly and grasp any material.

Precisely for stimulation proper development speech apparatus, the formation of coherent speech are focused on speech therapy rhythm classes. Exercises for children 2–3 years old should be cheerful and fun, arouse interest in children and a desire to do them again.

  • Marching. One of the first exercises, the main task of which is to teach coordination of movements of the baby’s limbs. These exercises help you understand the concepts of “left” and “right.”
  • Articulation. The basis of these classes is proper breathing and voice. All attention is directed to the expressiveness of speech, the height and strength of the baby’s voice. Such classes help, if necessary, to correct impure pronunciation of sounds and to correctly develop the muscle group of the speech apparatus.

The texts of the poems that are used in classes contain the necessary sounds that are needed for development during this particular period.

  • Check. It implies the repetition of a number series in a certain sequence. Such counting rhymes also help memorize the count of the first ten.
  • Attention and memory. Such logorhythmic exercises are based on verses that imply different movements to each of the lines. Children aged 2–3 years develop the ability to quickly switch from one action to another.

This is a fun speech therapy rhythm, and kids really like it, because here they can show their creativity and depict different animals and objects.

  • Mimic exercises. They play a big role in the development of speech in children from 2 years of age who have problems with its development. Rhymes allow kids to make faces.
  • Finger exercises. They are also called fine motor skills activities. They start with the hands, which are placed on the table and alternately change their position (palms up, on the edge).

After mastering this complex, they move on to the second stage of such exercises: repetition to a poetic rhythm. These include the well-known funny poems about ladushki or the white-sided magpie. Children love this pastime very much and take it up with pleasure.

Parents can come up with their own activities, which will be performed to the music or reading of a poem. This will already be a lesson on the development of the baby’s speech.

Speech therapy rhythm for preschool age

Many teachers pay Special attention specifically the rhythmic education of speech in children preschool age. Exercises from the age of 3 years can be carried out for half an hour. These are finger and mobile play complexes. How older age child, the more difficult the classes should be.

Despite its simplicity, speech therapy rhythmic classes also have a number of rules that must be followed.

  • The exercise is based on repeating the movements of an adult. There is no need to learn all the speech material. During the first lessons, the adult himself recites a poem or sings a song, accompanying it with movements.

The child’s task is to repeat the movements and gradually pick up words from the text. After several such lessons, the baby himself will accurately repeat all the phrases in the required rhythm.

  • Speech therapy rhythms are classes that should not be carried out every day. Twice a week is enough. For children who stutter, classes should be held up to 4 times a week. Best time- this is the second half of the day.
  • Try to involve children in the activity. They should be interested. Involve your favorite toys, bright clothes, pictures, and all family members in your work. You should not start if the baby is not in the mood. Pick up convenient time for the baby.
  • All exercises are repeated several times until the children fully master them. It is necessary to select the right musical accompaniment.

  • Classes have a flexible structure, you need to adapt to the child. If something doesn’t work out or is difficult for the child, then the task needs to be simplified.

And vice versa, if difficulties arise in pronouncing a particular sound, then it is better to pay more attention to these exercises. Don't be afraid, experiment. It is important to observe the main characteristic - the unity of music, movement and speech.

Logorhythmics for children from 3 years old includes the following elements of exercises:

  • walking with changes in direction;
  • on the development of breathing, voice and articulation;
  • by singing;
  • on the development of the speech apparatus;
  • for the development of fine motor skills.

Speech therapy classes should be varied: both easy and complex, and they should be selected in accordance with age. So, for lessons with a 2-3 year old child, you can use the poems of Agnia Barto. They are easy to understand and learn. For children starting from 5 years old, the poems of Korney Chukovsky are ideal.

You must understand that quick effect there may not be any benefit from such activities. It is important to be patient and practice constantly. The first results will be noticeable even after six months or a year. Don't get angry or upset if your baby doesn't succeed.

He is small and just learning, praise and be proud of his achievements. If a child feels your dissatisfaction, he will withdraw and categorically will not want to continue classes. You, as the person closest to him, must believe in the success of your child.