Red-haired girls naturally have a bright, unforgettable appearance. They radiate a sea of ​​positivity and self-confidence. However, such a cheerful hair color is very demanding when it comes to makeup. A face made up too brightly will make a girl look vulgar and provocative. When applying cosmetics, follow the rule: Less is more. Beautiful makeup must subtly emphasize the advantages and skillfully hide the shortcomings. The hardest thing is for those whose eyes have a color that is not specific to redheads. gray. Makeup for redheads gray eyes requires a special approach and care. In the article we will talk about what colors it is advisable for red-haired gray-eyed women to use in make-up, show photos of successful solutions, and also describe step-by-step the process of applying makeup.

Color range

Gray eyes have one interesting feature: they are able to change their shade depending on the lighting and the color of their owner’s outfit. Much depends, among other things, on the main color of the makeup. As a rule, girls with red hair and gray eyes are best suited to gray-green tones. This general recommendations in the event that the eyes have an even gray color, without a noticeable tint in one direction or another. Evening makeup should be brighter than daytime makeup. Therefore, choose darker and deeper colors for it.

For daytime makeup, light gray, white or pearl shadows are good.

Choice color range depends largely on the shade of your skin and eyes. Let's look at the most common combinations.

For gray eyes with a hint of blue or blue, apply makeup in cool tones: silver, gray and steel. All three of these colors go well together and, with practice, you can get a very interesting effect. Light pink tones will also look good in combination with gray-blue eyes. Blue or light blue shadows can be used as accents, but in very small quantities.

Girls with gray-green eyes during the day can completely abandon shadows, limiting themselves to only graceful arrows. If desired, use soft green, peach, beige or coffee shadows. In the evening, you can use shadows in rich shades: golden and golden-green, brown, olive, copper. To make up gray-green eyes, never use cool shades such as blue or cyan. They will make your face expressionless and your eyes dull.

Makeup in coffee tones will look original. It will favorably emphasize the tenderness of the eyes and the brightness of the curls.

It is strictly forbidden to use purple and black shadows. They will drown out all the natural bright colors and create the effect of “circles under the eyes.” Avoid orange and red shades as well. They will merge with the hair color and instead of a beautiful accent on the eyes you will get one bright spot.

It is better to choose mascara and contour (pencil and eyeliner) in dark blue, gray or dark brown colors. This is especially true for daytime makeup. Eyelashes that are too dark can make your look look harsh. For an evening look, the use of black can be justified, but it should be used extremely carefully.

Daytime makeup step by step

Here is one of the options for light and unobtrusive daytime makeup for fiery red-haired beauties.

  • Prepare your skin for makeup application. If necessary, additionally treat weak points with a corrector. Apply a special base to your eyelids to make your makeup last longer.
  • Cover the entire moving upper eyelid with light shadows. Depending on your mood and eye shade, it can be green, beige, gray, pearl or even pink. If you don't want to use shadows, you can limit yourself to small arrows on the upper eyelid. The color can be blue, brown or gray. For delicate makeup, use a soft contour pencil; for a more defined contour, use liquid eyeliner.
  • Lightly line your eyelashes with mascara.
  • Highlight your lips with a muted matte lipstick or subtle gloss.

Other makeup features

Girls with light gray eyes need to pay special attention to preparing their face for makeup.

For owners of this color type, all the irregularities and redness immediately catch the eye. Therefore, careful daily care with high-quality products, and before applying makeup, mask all imperfections well with a foundation. It is better to choose a light, neutral shade. For those with warm skin tones, peach color is most suitable, and for “cold” beauties, porcelain color is best suited. Girls with fair skin are better off using light, translucent textures. They are also great if you want to highlight your freckles. Just don't choose a foundation with a strong pink tint, otherwise your face may look flushed.

It is better to make the eyebrows a little darker, but no more than one or two shades. Otherwise, against the background of red hair, they will be too conspicuous.

A base with a yellow or golden hue can be successful. she can make her face more radiant.

A well-chosen lipstick tone will be a worthy completion of your makeup. There are a few colors that are “universal” for all redheads. These are salmon, peach and coral. In addition to their harmonious combination with red hair, they have another important advantage. These colors look harmonious in both evening and daytime makeup. For redheads with light gray eyes, all shades of brown are suitable: from delicate beige to rich dark. Bright red lipstick will be good for special occasions as an accent. Choose a shade depending on your hair tone. The main taboo is the color purple present in lipstick. It is strictly contraindicated for red-haired people.

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Red-haired girls always stood out. Moreover, “red” is not only hair color, but also a characteristic skin tone, and something elusive in the constitution, posture, and manner of movement. Surprisingly, very ugly redheads are much less common than beautiful redheads. In general, regardless of the data that nature has endowed a girl with, it is possible (and probably necessary) to emphasize successful features and hide unattractive ones. Makeup for red hair- mini-science. Here special rules come into force, which are not suitable for brunettes, blondes, brown-haired women, or fair-haired women. And for the specific parameters of a redhead: hair color, eyebrows, skin - you need to very carefully select the right “tools”.

Makeup for red hair

Red shades are somewhat extravagant and aggressive. At the same time, owners of such flowers look mysterious, gentle and even fabulous. Or maybe they radiate confidence and strength? Stop! Let's not get confused. It's all about how you choose your makeup. Red is very demanding. The main rule here is to achieve restraint and harmony.

Redheads often have fair skin. If the complexion is even, you can forget about the foundation (no matter what you say, but naturalness is always at a premium), it is enough to limit yourself to a light powder. If there are defects and redness, a moderate coverage foundation will be needed.

A basic palette of shades, which is enough to create makeup of varying degrees of saturation and for different eye colors

Delicate daytime makeup...

...which, if necessary, can easily be transformed into an evening one

Remember: makeup for red hair does not tolerate foundation! Replace it with a discreet base if necessary.

If you want to create a sophisticated and feminine look, focus on cool contrasts: turquoise, plum, lilac. When you plan to do your makeup in minimalism, limit yourself to a pencil or eyeliner.

"Smokey Eyes" is a good solution for evening meetings. It is very important not to overdo it. It is better to replace deep black with gray, brown or gold tones.

Red-haired girls look bright even with neutral makeup - the hair color compensates even for the complete absence of makeup

Makeup for red hair should take into account the color of eyelashes - lighter by nature. A bold, rich mascara is appropriate here. Short ones - lengthen. In combination with very fair skin, use dark brown mascara.

The fashion for green in makeup. Sure, khaki, moss and olive perfectly highlight redheads, but there is a huge variety of successful options. Gold, cinnamon, copper, nutmeg, rust - these shades resonate perfectly with the hair.

It is extremely important to pay enough attention to your eyebrows. Too dark and the face will look artificial. Not enough to highlight, and the area will seem empty. It is advisable to experiment in the direction of red-brown powder or pencil.

To shape the eyebrows of redheads, it will be enough to apply a brown modeling gel. It will work out natural effect

Apply brown mascara to your eyelashes...

...then comb your eyelashes, after dipping the brush in mascara

Light skin excludes the possibility of using “standard” blush. Coral, peach or apricot shades should be carefully applied to the cheeks. You can forget about bright pink ones. hair that strongly gravitates towards red should take this rule into account. Even dark strands will not be able to balance the expressive red cheeks on fair skin.

Apply pink, peach, coral or apricot lipstick to your lips. Be careful with gloss - it can take away the feeling of fullness of the lips and “dissolve” them against the background of the skin. If you have a lot of experience and know well the acceptable range of possible means of expression, try adding bright red lipstick. You need to be careful and find a balance - but the result will be fantastic!

Red lipstick suits red-haired girls very well, the main thing is to choose the right shade

Features of makeup for red hair

You probably have a question: “What about eye color?” Yes, this is such an important topic that we decided to put it under a separate heading. Let's go through the four main ones: green, blue, gray, brown.

For blue and green eyes

Makeup for red hair and green eyes requires soft light shades. This combination looks quite bright even without auxiliary tools, so you can confidently refuse to create additional color accents. To create a casual image, all peach, beige, soft lilac and green tones are appropriate. For an evening out, it is advisable to use a more saturated range: bronze, purple, greens, brown and gold. Sharp color transitions and obvious contours are unacceptable. If you're properly tanned, you can try deeper colors like bronze, plum and green. You can try a multi-layered range of colors in order to focus on the eyes.

Red hair and green eyes are a pretty striking combination in themselves. Your task is to only slightly emphasize the eyebrows, eyes and lips

Makeup for red hair and blue eyes works well if you avoid any harsh and bright colors. Blue eyes are the embodiment of gentle charm, romance, lightness and unobtrusiveness. And in the “alchemical cauldron” with red strands and light skin, these qualities are enhanced many times over. So, oversaturation of colors in makeup is simply unacceptable. It is best to choose gray shadows. Otherwise, look in the direction of coral and peach shades.

A gray or brown soft pencil is suitable as a contour tool. Forget green shadows. Even though they go well with red hair, you need to go for shades of gold, brown or blue. In order to focus on the eyes, you need to abandon flashy lipstick tones (it is better to stick to soft pink or terracotta).

Blue eye shadow and terracotta lipstick. Not very suitable for every day, but suitable for a special occasion

For gray eyes

Makeup for red hair and gray eyes loves mixed shadows. The gray iris is quite neutral - and willingly allows the girl to play with the transitions of tones in the shadows from one to another. You can use neat contrasts of saturation with textures. Feel free to experiment with multi-layering - a little skill and you can achieve tangible attractiveness and integrity of your makeup. You can easily create a shaded, deep and expressive look using a range of tones from gray or silver to deep blue or turquoise. On the contrary, gray cosmetics are inappropriate. And poisonous and flashy colors are unacceptable. If you want to focus attention on the eyes, tone down the makeup - with shaded cool tones, from silver and steel to dark blue with notes of gray.

It’s easiest for grey-eyed red-haired girls - almost all shades of eye shadow and lipstick suit them

For brown eyes

Makeup for red hair and brown eyes should be tailored to fair skin. It is the skin tone that should be the starting point in choosing colors and shades of any cosmetics. You need to work very gently with eyeliner on the lower eyelid (or maybe even skip eyeliner altogether) so that your look doesn’t look rough or tired. Deep dark brown eyes love black eyeliner on the upper lid. Light brown - brown pencil. If you want to highlight light eyes, use shades of green: grass, olive, moss. Try graphite, with a matte finish or, on the contrary, glitter. To emphasize dark eyes use a range of browns, from light gold to dark chocolate.

Brown-eyed girls with red hair can afford bright shades of lipstick. But with eye makeup you need to be careful not to overdo it

We hope our tips helped you “arm yourself to the teeth.” If you are tormented by too rare a combination of shades and saturation of hair, eyebrows, skin, try looking at the catwalk. Famous fashion designers very often throw out fresh original solutions. It is quite possible that one of these will be right for you. And, of course, don’t forget about the occasion - meeting with friends, going out shopping, nightclub etc. - the amount of light, the nature of the meeting, the acceptable style dictate very specific rules.

Makeup for red hair photo

Bright studio make-up looks great on red-haired girls. It's easy for them to become the star of a carnival or costume party

Very often, red-haired girls practically do not touch their eyes and eyebrows, and at the same time highlight their lips with bright lipstick. It turns out quite unusual, even futuristic

Red-haired girls are lucky - they can afford the brightest make-up and unusual color combinations

Orange, chestnut, ginger - red can be different. Owners of this hair color can, depending on the specific shade, afford the most daring make-up..


Most often, makeup artists recommend choosing shades decorative cosmetics, based on eye color and skin tone, lifestyle and trends. However, owners of hair the color of copper, ginger, or autumn foliage should first of all take into account the characteristics of their rare hair color.

If you are a dyed brunette or brown-haired woman, color foundation, most likely to be medium-dark. Natural redheads always have light skin: from porcelain to light beige with charming freckles, like Gemma Arterton and. The shade of foundation should match the color of your skin, not your freckles, otherwise your face will look dark. Also, the tone should not contain pink pigments: they can make the face look like a mask. It is equally important to choose a foundation with a translucent coating - this can be a BB cream or a tinted moisturizer. Do not use thick products, even if your skin is inflamed. To prevent the rich color of your hair from drawing unnecessary attention to imperfections, you need to disguise them with a concealer a tone lighter than your skin. If you are the lucky owner of smooth skin, replace your foundation and concealer with light powder.

Tan, peach, apricot, terracotta, coral blushes look best on red-haired ladies with a warm skin tone and brown, hazel or green eyes. Subtle pink and peach colors are suitable for those with blue or gray eyes and very fair skin without freckles. If you mix everything up, the color on your cheeks will look alien and the blush will be unnatural.

If you have porcelain skin, avoid using bronzers or self-tanners. The palette of products from this category is as close as possible to the hair tone, which “kills” the beneficial contrast between bright hair and fair skin, visually making freckles darker. In addition, a tanned red-haired girl is nonsense; a “fake” will look strange and unnatural.

Marcia Cross


This news will upset some, but the current wide dark eyebrows categorically do not fit into the image of a red-haired girl. If you overdo it with shadows or pencil, the eyebrows will look too rough against the background of translucent skin and romantic freckles. If you choose absolute naturalness, like Karen Elson, you may get the feeling that there are no eyebrows on your face. Therefore, be sure to tint your eyebrows yourself or at a salon. Choose shades of camel or cinnamon (for warm undertones like skin) or ash (for cool undertones).

Karen Elson, Amy Adams, Nicole Kidman

Red-haired girls suit luscious eye makeup like no other. Ultramarine, turquoise, green, violet are colors for those who prefer variety. For a more restrained look, choose beige, gold and bronze, coffee and cognac, taupe and khaki. A pencil in a shade of chocolate or cinnamon will not allow your eyes to “drop.” Black liner, like mascara, will be appropriate for a special occasion.

When choosing makeup for red hair, remember that black smokey eyes can look too heavy, so it is better to create a “smoky” effect using bronze, emerald or plum shadows, and draw arrows with raven eyeliner. Also be careful with shades of cool tones: they are acceptable, but they need to be balanced with warm blush and lipstick, as she does, choosing a peach gloss for gray shades.

Jessica Chastain, Emma Stone


Lipstick can be chosen in almost any color. The main thing is to find a good balance with skin tone, blush, shadows and, of course, hair color. Best choice for every day - peach or warm pink lip gloss. Cool shades, like berry and fuchsia, are good next to warm colors. Shades of strawberry, raspberry, cranberry can be translucent, like Christina Hedricks, or rich, like.

Cynthia Nixon, Christina Hendricks

Don't be afraid of red, you just need to keep in mind that the closer the lipstick color is to the hair color, the worse it will look. Therefore, red lipstick is acceptable, but it should be either brighter or lighter than the hair color. Rich scarlet will be an ideal accent in makeup for those with light red hair; red with a brown undertone goes well with dark ocher curls, like Isla Fisher’s. You can even afford orange if your hair is the same shade as yours. An alternative to orange would be coral and red with gold particles.

Coco Rocha, Isla Fisher


It is redheads, who by nature (or thanks to the efforts of a colorist) who already have the main accent in the image, are most suited to “makeup without makeup.” To create it you will need several beauty products. Using a translucent foundation and concealer, hide all imperfections and highlight your best features - freckles. Then shape your eyebrows by lightly shading them with a pencil to match your hair color or a little lighter. The final touches are brown mascara and eyeliner, peach blush and lip gloss.

Red-haired girls always attract attention and stand out from the crowd; such hair is a gift from nature. Naturally bright ladies need to be especially careful when choosing makeup, otherwise artificial colors can drown out natural beauty and individuality. The face, framed by a golden glow, must wear the right makeup. Let's try to understand the features of makeup for red-haired representatives of the fair sex.

Selecting a foundation

Despite his expressive hair color, most often the owners of golden curls have fairly pale skin, freckles and light Blue eyes. Therefore, the choice of foundation must be approached with special attention. Preference should be given to almost transparent bases in ivory, light beige or natural shades. The texture should be light, moisturizing and give the skin radiance.

Red-haired girls, as a rule, are embarrassed by their freckles, trying to disguise them with more than one layer of foundation, ultimately creating the effect of a mask on their face. This should not be done, because naturalness suits such girls very well, and freckles always add a touch of innocence and youth to the image. If you still cannot accept and love your zest, then you can fight these sun spots on your face by using special masks that have a whitening effect. Alternatively, use corrector or concealer.

Girls of this type should not choose products with bronzers; they highlight freckles even more, and the boundary between the face and neck becomes obvious and clear. This image will take away all the charm of red-haired people. You should also be wary of pink shades of concealers, they create a mask effect.

In order to hide minor defects and redness on the skin, it is excellent suitable use BB or CC creams. Their texture is light and adapts perfectly to the natural tone of the face.

For those who suffer from excessive oily shine on the face, it is better to use mineral creams or powders, as well as products with a mattifying effect. And for those who have perfect skin and even color, you can only use pearl powder to complete your makeup.


Wide and dark eyebrows are in fashion today.. However, black color will not suit owners of red hair. Such eyebrows will attract all the attention. But they shouldn’t be too pale, otherwise you’ll simply lose your face.

For girls who have warm undertones in their complexion, it's a good idea to use a red-brown or camel-hair shade, peachy-brown. Under no circumstances should you make your eyebrows bright. The shade is selected depending on the brightness of the hair color.

Natural red goes well with eyebrows that are not bright brown.

A shade of chocolate color on the eyebrows will suit a cold and pale face.

Selecting blush

The blush of red-haired girls should be as natural as possible, match their complexion and not be conspicuous. In principle, this rule applies to any type of girl.

For girls with brown, hazel and green eyes The following blush shades are perfect:

  • terracotta;
  • coffee with milk;
  • peach;
  • apricot color;
  • coral shade;
  • brown-red.

Peach tones or pinkish-beige are suitable for girls who have blue eyes or pale, almost porcelain skin.

Under no circumstances use products that contain reflective particles. This will create unnecessary contrast. Makeup artists also advise not to apply too much product to your cheekbones.

Make-up lips

For girls who have natural red or golden-red hair color, any shade of lipstick or lip gloss is suitable. The main thing is to remember the combination with the shade of skin color and curls and not to get carried away with too bright colors that give the appearance a vulgarity. If you still want to wear bright lipstick, then you should emphasize only the lips, and it is better to do eye makeup in calmer colors.

In general, such products are best used for evening makeup.

The most suitable color for lip makeup would be lipstick that matches the shade of your hair. It is better to give preference to a color that is a couple of shades darker or a couple lighter. Scarlet color, wine shades, red-brown, coral are suitable for owners of bright hair.

Choice by eye color

Having figured out foundations, color of lips and eyebrows for redheads, eye makeup cannot be omitted, it’s worth devoting a little more time to this. Depending on your eye color, your makeup will vary.

  • Red-haired beauties with green eyes in the old days they were considered witches for such a bright and unusual combination. And today such representatives catch the eye and are remembered for a long time, because you rarely meet such people. But such a flashy image usually drives men crazy. Those days when red-haired girls with green eyes used eye shadow to match their eyes are gone. Today the palette of choices is much richer.

Shades of peach, delicate lilac and beige are perfect for everyday makeup.. These pleasant, neutral colors will not take on too much; rather, on the contrary, they will emphasize such unusual beauty, gifted by nature or the salon. And for those who are planning an evening out, you can use brighter and more saturated colors.

To highlight the shade of the eyes, we do not use a single-color eyelid coating, but multi-layered makeup. Uniformity will give this type a sloppy look. Today in any store you can find palettes of eyelid makeup products, selected taking into account different color types. For a rich dark shade of hair color and darker skin, the colors can be bright, well combined with each other - plum or lilac, green, bronze, caramel. The main thing is to shade all the shades on the eyelid so that there are no too obvious transitions. It is better to avoid long arrows and doll eyelashes, otherwise the image will turn out unnatural. For lighter skin with a pale complexion, we select a delicate and pastel palette.

As for lipstick, it is better for such rather bright girls not to choose lipsticks in flashy tones. Carrot, terracotta, peach, colorless lip gloss - these are the choices of such girls. To make your evening look unforgettable, you can apply coral lipstick.

It is better to use dark brown mascara rather than black.

  • Blue eyes. This combination of eye and hair color allows you to play a little with creating an image. Today you can be modest and shy, and tomorrow you can appear in the guise of a seductive vamp. Changing soft pastel colors natural makeup We change our own style to bright and expressive.

Shadows for such ladies are perfect in cream, peach, brown and beige palettes. Olive, bronze or gold colors will look good. Avoid purple colors, as well as black, so as not to create aggression.

Be sure to apply blush, since the skin of such girls is usually pale. It is better to highlight the cheekbones with a soft peach shade.

Light eyes can get lost against pale skin. Therefore, it would be very appropriate to use eyeliner and black mascara. Dark blue colors that can highlight the color of the eyes would also be appropriate.

You can choose a rich lipstick color: cherry, plum, wine shades. Fruit and berry tones will add a bright accent to a pale background.

  • Gray eyes are a rather contrasting combination: t warm, almost sunny shade of hair and cold gray eyes create some problems when applying makeup. There are cosmetics that such ladies should throw out of their makeup bag:
  1. Black mascara and eyeliner.
  2. Shadows of dark shades.
  3. Anything that contains the color orange.
  4. Well, it’s time for everyone to put it out of sight long ago: purple lipstick.

When doing makeup, you should follow a few simple rules.

  1. Firstly, the arrows should be thin and light.
  2. Secondly, shades of shadows are neutral, light or gray.
  3. Lipstick choose pink or scarlet.
  4. Blush can be chosen with a bronze tint, terracotta or coral.

Such girls should follow one simple rule: maximum naturalness, even for an evening out.

  • Another common combination is girls with brown eyes and red hair. Aggressive and heavy makeup is completely unsuitable for this type. It is better not to use black colors; eyeliner is suitable only if the eyes are dark brown, almost black, or use it only for the lower eyelid.

Green shadows are perfect for light brown eyes. Bright, grassy colors create a playful mood, while a lighter olive shade adds elegance to the look. For evening makeup, you can use a more saturated, almost graphite color. I combine a brown palette of shadows with a more saturated eye shade.

For dark red beauties, brown eyebrows are perfect. These girls can also get bright makeup with an emphasis on the eyes.

In general, the combination of red hair with brown eyes belongs to the autumn and spring type. Light makeup using mascara and weightless lip gloss will perfectly emphasize the naturalness of the look and is suitable for daily makeup.


The main types of makeup are daytime and evening, or it is also called festive.

Daytime make-up is makeup for every day. This is what we “paint” on our faces every morning before going to work. This makeup includes:

  1. Applying foundation shade, as close as possible to skin color. If you don't like using such products, today there are very light and weightless concealers on the cosmetic market. They make the complexion more even and help refresh it without creating a mask effect on the face. BB or CC cream is an excellent solution for every day, and it is not felt at all on the skin.
  2. You don't have to apply eyeshadow to your eyelids. but if you want to highlight your eyes a little, go for golden, bronze or olive shades. We use two shades, blending them well together.
  3. Usually the eyes with this makeup We apply mascara in one layer, and on the lips you can apply gloss or bronze-colored lipstick.
  4. Brown eyeliner no arrows.

Makeup for redheads with green eyes requires special care in the selection of cosmetics. Girls of this type have a bright appearance, so it is important to emphasize the rare color type of face.

To prevent makeup from looking flashy, choose tones that take into account the shade of your hair, skin and eyes. If you have fair skin, harsh tones and dark contours are best avoided. Otherwise, give preference to more saturated colors.

Choosing foundation and blush

First of all, disguise imperfections: use a corrector to hide bruises and redness. The skin of redheads is usually light, so when choosing a foundation or makeup base, you should choose an appropriate color. It is better to pay attention to a product with a pinkish base: a yellowish undertone will create a mask effect.

Don't rush to hide your freckles under a thick layer of foundation: they are firmly established in fashion trends.

To give your face a healthy color, use blush in subtle shades that match your color type:

  • for girls with light red hair, apricot and peach tones are suitable;
  • Brick-colored blush goes well with medium red: it sets off bright curls;
  • For owners of dark red hair, it is advisable to highlight the cheekbones so that the face does not appear pale against the background of the hairstyle.

When applying blush, try to just lightly touch your cheeks with a brush or sponge. You don’t have to use them at all, because red-haired and green-eyed girls already have enough accents on their faces.

Highlighting the eyes

The eye palette is selected depending on the intensity of your color type: that is, the darker the skin, darker the hair and eyes, the richer the shadows and eyeliner can be, and vice versa.

Remember that the intensity of makeup changes depending on the time of day and situation. During the day, use pencil or eyeliner and beige, caramel or peach eyeshadow. Girls with red hair and green eyes look bright even with neutral makeup. Redheads often use green shadows, as they look contrasting against the background of their hair. However, light green eyelids will not give you any expressiveness. For the evening, choose tones of chocolate, marsh, taupe, bronze or soft lilac shades. There are no restrictions here, the main thing is to try to avoid overloading the image.

Take into account naturally lighter eyelashes: carefully paint over the roots with mascara.

For redheads with green eyes, it is preferable to use a gray, brown or black soft pencil for contouring. Be careful when drawing lines near the eyelashes: too thick contours will make the image heavier and will look inharmonious with fair skin and eyes. Comb your eyebrows with a brush and highlight with red-brown shadows, pencil or gel.

Perfect lipstick

Choose lipstick colors in accordance with the details of your appearance, but usually apricot, peach, copper pink, and coral shades are combined with red hair.

For an evening out, red, burgundy or terracotta colors are suitable. Remember the rule: if your eye makeup is already quite catchy, avoid bright colors on your lips. Try another trick: apply two shades of lipstick during the day lighter than hair, in the evening - two shades darker. Red lipstick can become an indispensable product for girls with red hair, the main thing is to choose the right shade.

The stars tell you

Emma Stone with evening makeup

Emma Stone in pink

Emma Stone with pink lipstick in a black dress

Emma Stone in an evening look

Emma Stone with daytime makeup

Emma Stone with everyday makeup

Emma Stone with freckles

Emma Stone

Jessica Chastain in a white dress

Jessica Chastain in a red dress

Jessica Chastain in a black dress

Jessica Chastain in a dress with a deep neckline

Jessica Chastain with green earrings

Jessica Chastain