Shiatsu is a massage technique that originated in the mid-20th century. Combines the methods of classical Japanese massage, elements of Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Based on the peculiarities of the functioning of the human body. The name of this facial massage technique combines two Japanese words for "pressure" and "finger". In the process, a targeted effect is carried out. Stimulation of vital points ensures the elimination of existing tension and pain. After the session, your overall well-being improves.

Japanese acupressure Shiatsu - a technique that can replace plastic surgery?

All people strive to preserve youth, but not everyone is ready to go under the surgeon’s knife for it. The Shiatsu technique can replace more radical anti-aging techniques. Of course, it will not help with deep wrinkles; only plastic surgery can cope with them, but it will help get rid of the first age-related changes. The sooner action is taken, the better. Regular use of technology serves preventive purposes. Shiatsu prevents the occurrence of significant age-related changes. The creator of the technique lived to be 95 years old, and looked young into old age.

Benefits and harms

The technique, despite its recent appearance, has already gained popularity due to its beneficial properties:

  • Elimination of wrinkles (both facial and age-related) and their prevention.
  • Increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  • The skin becomes elastic and toned.
  • Providing a clear facial contour.
  • Eliminate headaches.
  • Improved vision.
  • Relieving chronic fatigue and tension.
  • Elimination of rhinitis.
  • Beneficial effects on the nervous system.

When performing a massage, you need to take into account the possible harm. The risk of negative consequences increases when the technique is performed by an unqualified specialist. The following negative consequences are possible:

  • The tone ceases to be restored naturally, as addiction to the mechanical effect sets in.
  • If the skin is particularly sensitive, there are allergic reactions, and irritation is likely.
  • If the skin is already loose, intense stimulation can cause it to stretch further.
  • Possible bruising.

A lot depends on who is doing the massage. You can do it yourself, but you must first thoroughly study the technique to avoid side effects!


Massage has a comprehensive effect on the body. This is both good and bad. The bad thing is that for a number of diseases the method in question cannot be used. Let's take a closer look at the entire list of contraindications:

  • Low intracranial pressure.
  • Skin cancer.
  • Acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Tuberculosis in the second and third stages.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Herpes.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Furunculosis.
  • Vascular diseases accompanied by hematomas.
  • Open wounds, abrasions.

If all these problems are present, massage will do more harm than good. Existing diseases may worsen, bruising and irritation may occur on the skin.


Shiatsu massage involves following some rules:

  • The procedure is carried out in the morning.
  • Pressure is applied to each point for 5-7 seconds.
  • Pressure is applied with the thumbs or simultaneously with the index, middle and ring fingers.
  • Pressing is performed with the pad of the finger. The impact must be intense.
  • The pressing force should be perpendicular to the skin.
  • When the finger is removed from the point being treated, it is prohibited to rotate it.
  • The degree of pressure is determined by the thickness of the skin. Do not have an intense effect on the delicate skin of the neck and décolleté.
  • When stimulating the points, painful sensations are likely to occur. This is normal.
  • All movements should be slow.

When massaging, do not stretch or displace the skin!

Algorithm of the massage procedure and diagram of points of influence on the face

Massage points are shown in the diagram. Let's consider the algorithm for Shiatsu massage:

  1. The skin is cleansed with tonic and lotion. You can use a light scrub.
  2. The face is warmed up using compresses or a steam bath. This is required to relax muscles and dilate blood vessels.
  3. 5 minutes before the start of the procedure, apply a cream containing vitamins.
  4. First, the points located in the center of the forehead are worked out. Then the fingers move from the center. Afterwards the temple line is worked out.
  5. Next, the area of ​​the eyebrows and around the eyes is worked on. Gradually, the fingers move from the outer corners to the inner ones.
  6. A massage is performed on the bridge of the nose. The point is massaged in the area where wrinkles appear when a person frowns. This measure provides relief from fatigue and stress. A person's mood instantly improves.
  7. The superior orbicularis muscles around the eyes are worked. This will help relieve unnecessary tension from the eyes.
  8. The next zone is the infraorbital areas. The skin here is extremely sensitive, and therefore the pressure must be very careful.
  9. The next step is to work on the areas under the cheekbones and the wings of the nose.
  10. Then you need to proceed to the point located directly above the lips.
  11. The final points are located on the chin, areas behind the ears and near their lobes.
  12. The massage ends with repeated cleansing of the skin and moisturizing it.

It is very important to lie down and relax at the end of the procedure. You need to give your body rest. It is advisable not to plan significant events on the day of the massage. Shiatsu has a strong impact on a person’s emotional state. It can induce vigor, or, on the contrary, relax.

We invite you to watch an introductory video of the Shiatsu facial massage technique:

Shiatsu massage combines Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan techniques. This is a real sacrament. Impact on vital points promotes rejuvenation and overall health. It has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on vision and the state of the nervous system. Shiatsu technique is quite complex, and therefore it is important to choose a massage therapist with the appropriate qualifications.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Shiatsu facial massage is a very effective method of maintaining youthful skin. It can be done at home. It is based on knowledge about active points, pressure on which has a rejuvenating effect.

Shiatsu acupressure: basics

The method was created by Dr. Namikoshi from Japan. The name of the massage literally means “finger pressure” in Japanese. Namikoshi came to the conclusion that when pressing with your fingertips on certain zones (points) on a muscle that has lost tone, an metabolic process occurs. Thus, lactic acid accumulates in the muscle over time, which negatively affects the contractile activity of the muscle. Through Japanese acupressure, lactic acid is replaced with glycogen, as a result of which the muscle begins to contract normally, wrinkles are smoothed out, which gives the face a more toned and youthful appearance.

It is important to be able to correctly find the shiatsu points that need to be influenced.

Their locations are small pits on joints and bones, tendons, areas between muscle fibers, arteries (pulse zones).

It is also very important to influence the points correctly. When performing a Japanese shiatsu facial massage, you need to press on them with the pads of your index or middle fingers (if these are paired single points) or several fingers (if this is a group of several points). In this case, the pressure should be such that very slight painful sensations appear at the point of pressure. The fingers should be positioned perpendicular to the surface of the skin; the skin should not be stretched or displaced. You need to influence one point for 5 to 7 seconds. and when massaging the neck – no more than 3 seconds. Conveniently, acupressure facial massage can be performed both as a complex and on individual problem areas - the effect will be equally good. The main thing is to do it regularly.

Shiatsu for the face: a set of effective exercises

Using this complex, you can achieve significant results without resorting to plastic surgery or expensive cosmetologist services. Shiatsu is easy to learn to do on your own. The complex can be performed either completely or by selecting individual exercises that interest you the most. The full complex consists of the following exercises.

  1. Facial massage: increasing the tone of the forehead muscles. There are 6 vertical points in the center of the forehead, which you need to press with three fingers of both hands. Having pressed once, you need to hold your fingers in this position for 7 seconds. In this case, the pressure should be as if to the sides from the middle of the forehead. Then, without changing the position of the fingers, you need to move them slightly to the sides towards the temporal zone. The impact should be the same as in the previous position. The only difference is that now the direction of pressure changes from the sides to the top.
  2. Pointed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. In the very center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, is the “third eye.” The impact on the “third eye” should be somewhat more active than on other areas. You need to stimulate it with circular movements using three fingers brought together.

Shiatsu facial gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes

This exercise solves a lot of problems: swelling, crow's feet, poor tone, drooping eyelids, etc. It consists of several stages.

  1. Place three fingers of each hand on the center of the corresponding eyebrow. When applying pressure, you need to make sure that the skin does not move. If the eyebrows are lowered, you need to press slightly upward - this movement will have a lifting effect.
  2. In the area of ​​the outer corners of the eyes (about 1 cm from them towards the temporal region) there are points that will have a cosmetic effect against “crow’s feet”. You need to massage these areas a little, while pointing your fingers to the sides and up at the same time, but without stretching the skin.
  3. On the contrary, active zones near the inner corners of the eyes will help get rid of eyelid puffiness. Pressure is applied with the middle fingers for 3 seconds, the exercise must be repeated 3 times.

It is important to ensure that the skin does not move.

Shiatsu massage for facial contour

“Double chin”, jowls, “swimming” facial contour – many women are familiar with these problems. Shiatsu will help you deal with them too. The following block of exercises in the complex is intended for this:

  1. The active zones that are located along the cheekbones, right under them, will help make your cheeks firm. Using three fingers of both hands, you need to press these groups of points on the corresponding cheekbone. Then you need to lightly massage them.
  2. Place the thumbs of both hands in the hollow under the chin and hold them there. Place the remaining fingers of both hands along the lower jaw on both sides. Massage the points for 5-7 seconds, then move your fingers slightly towards the temporal area and massage again. So you need to “work” the entire lower jaw.

These are very effective exercises that will quickly return your face to its former oval and fit.

There are still clear signs of age. These are nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the mouth, and a flabby neck. This block of exercises will help solve these problems.

  1. There is a depression above the upper lip. You need to place your fingers on it and make an arched movement towards the wings of the nose. Your fingers will stop just at the right indentations. These are active areas that need to be stimulated.
  2. In order to solve the problem of wrinkles around the lips, you need to press on the same hollow from which the first exercise began. It is convenient to do this with your middle finger, but the pressure should not be strong.
  3. If there are wrinkles above the upper lip, it is very useful to perform this exercise: place the middle finger on the dimple above the upper lip, and the index and ring fingers on the sides of it, also above the upper lip. Perform 4 presses on these zones simultaneously with all fingers.
  4. There are active points in the corners of the mouth. They also need to be massaged with the middle fingers of both hands.
  5. There is also a depression under the lower lip. Now we need to influence it.

Implementation of this complex will soon give excellent results.

Exercises for neck elasticity

For many women, the neck is the first sign of age, so it needs to be given special attention. The following exercises perfectly smooth the skin on the neck, making it smooth and even.

  1. First of all, you need to “work out” the side surface of the neck. To do this, place your fingers on both sides of your neck. It is necessary to act on these active zones carefully, since the carotid artery passes nearby. The duration of stimulation should not exceed 3 seconds. You need to do 3 approaches.
  2. Between the collarbones is the jugular cavity. You need to place your middle finger on it and press. Hold it also for no more than 3 seconds. and do 3 approaches.
  3. The second exercise can be performed in a complex manner: the finger of one hand is placed on the jugular cavity, and the finger of the other hand is placed on the occipital notch.

As a final stage, you can perform a series of stroking movements: first, use the palm of your right hand to gently massage the left surface of the neck, then use the palm of your left hand to massage the right side of the neck.

When performing a set of exercises for the neck, it is very important to remember that in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, you need to act extremely carefully on the active zones or completely refuse to perform this block of exercises, limiting yourself to only a gentle massage.

Today it is impossible to imagine comprehensive rejuvenating facial skin care without massage. The enormous popularity that shiatsu facial massage has gained in recent years is understandable. Entirely based on physiology, this rejuvenation technique uses the body’s powerful internal reserves, requires virtually no financial or time expenditure, and with regular use can work wonders.

The essence of the massage technique

The name of this amazing method contains an indication of the method of influence. Translated from Japanese, shi means “fingers,” and atsu (atsu) means “press.” With the help of simple movements performed in a certain sequence, you can activate vital energy, direct its flow in the right direction, including using it as a wonderful, highly effective cosmetic procedure.

By pressing on certain points on the face and head, you can tone the muscles, achieving an incredible lifting effect. But that's not all. By exercising regularly, you can notice improvements in digestion, endocrine system, blood vessels and genitourinary organs.


This kind of gymnastics has an amazing effect:

  • smoothes out deep skin wrinkles, including facial wrinkles that are difficult to correct;
  • restores the tone of the facial muscles;
  • activates blood supply to vessels close to the surface of the skin;
  • relieves headaches;
  • Japanese massage stimulates lymph flow, due to which puffiness and unhealthy puffiness disappear.

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and facial muscles, has a calming effect, and brings the nervous system into a state of harmony and peace.

Main points of influence

Japan is characterized by extreme attention to the state of mind and body language. This is what facial gymnastics using the shiatsu method is based on: you need to press on biologically active points (BAP) located on the face and body.

During self-massage, the index and middle fingers are used, and simultaneous pressure is used with several fingers and palms. In the latter case, it becomes possible to treat several points of influence simultaneously, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure.

Rules for influencing points

There are several rules that will allow you to get the best possible result:

  1. movements that can stretch the skin should not be allowed;
  2. when applying pressure, the fingertip must be perpendicular to the point of impact, a different angle of contact is unacceptable;
  3. Press on the point should be moderate, without fanaticism. Ideally, if the point is found correctly and the pressure is selected correctly, a slight sensation of pain should appear;
  4. perform movements smoothly, slowly;
  5. BAP should be affected in doses, from five to seven seconds, no more.

To measure the time of pressure, you can combine Japanese massage and yoga breathing: inhale through your nose, counting to four, exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to eight. At the moment of exhalation, press the BAP.

Effective impact scheme

The result of gymnastics largely depends on compliance with the sequence of pressure. There is a scheme of complex effects according to which Japanese massage is most effective.

  1. Using three fingers of both hands (index, middle, ring) press on the center of the forehead. Move your finger half a centimeter and press. Repeat the movement until your fingers are in the temple area.
  2. Press on the temporal area.
  3. Place your working fingers on the center of the eyebrow, grabbing the sub-eyebrow area, and apply pressure. Go through the entire eyebrow line in two steps, sequentially moving your fingers to the tip of the eyebrow and the bridge of the nose. When pressed, the skin should not stretch.
  4. Work out the vertical wrinkle on the bridge of the nose by pressing on it with two fingers. Repeat three to four times.
  5. Relieve tension from the eye muscle by placing your working fingers on the upper eyelid. Press gently, two or three times. Tension and visual fatigue will immediately recede.
  6. Work the area under the eyes using light pressure with three fingers. Do not stretch the skin.
  7. Move your fingers to the area under the cheekbone.
  8. Use your index fingers to press on the area of ​​the wings of the nose.
  9. Treat the central points first above the upper and then under the lower lip.
  10. Massage your chin, moving your fingers in five steps.
  11. Complete the massage on the neck area, finding the points under the lobes and behind the ears.

Wonderful Japanese massage, performed according to the scheme, strengthens the facial muscles . If the subcutaneous fat layer is large enough, you need to increase the pressure. The result of a regularly performed procedure will be the correction of the oval of the face and a significant reduction in the double chin. It is necessary to massage your face before going to bed at night: the skin will relax and morning swelling will not appear.

Yukuko Tanaka Method

An excellent rejuvenation technique was proposed by the famous Japanese Yukuko Tanaka. Her Japanese massage involves working on the lymphatic lines, so it should be done with cosmetic oil (without stretching the skin), slowly and smoothly. Gymnastics includes three repetitions of each movement.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Place your fingers at your temples, draw a line along the lymphatic channel, slowly sliding past your ears to your collarbones.
  2. Lead three fingers from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the outer lower corner of the eye and draw a line to the inner corner. Move your fingers up, draw a line under the brow to the outer corner of the eyelid.
  4. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the temple. Hold for two seconds and smoothly descend to the collarbone.
  5. Massage the corners of the lips, drawing a line from the center of the chin to the wings of the nose.
  6. Massage the wings of the nose, then the bridge of the nose with movements from bottom to top and back. Be sure to go down to the collarbones.
  7. Smooth out the nasolabial fold by pulling the corners of the lips towards the nostrils and holding in this position.
  8. Continue working on this area by placing one hand on your cheek, and the other drawing a perpendicular line, moving diagonally to the bridge of your nose. Go down to the collarbone. Repeat on the second cheek.
  9. Work the area under the eyes, pressing on the bone under the lower eyelid and continuing the movement past the ears to the collarbone.

Special exercises

Gymnastics from Yukuko Tanaka suggests tightening up the oval by working on the lower part of the face. It is necessary to press the soft part of the palm on the chin (fix the pressure for three seconds), then draw a line to the ear area, holding for two seconds, and go down to the collarbones. This movement activates the flow of lymph. For severe sagging skin, do at least five repetitions. In this case, Japanese massage will be most effective.

Place your chin again on the area of ​​the thumb muscle, press, fix the position, then, tilting your head, move your palms to your ears, stretching the skin upward. Reduce pressure in the ear area, lift your head and gently move your fingers from the ears down to the collarbones.

To get rid of a double chin, Yukuko Tanaka offers the following scheme. Using your thumb, draw a moderate pressure line from the bottom of the chin to the area behind the ear, working the muscle three times.

A complex exercise for the entire face is performed with the entire palm. You need to grab your chin with your thumbs, bring your closed palms to your nose and press firmly to the skin of your face. With force, move your fingers towards the ear area (do not move your thumbs). Continue the traditional Yukuko Tanaka movement from the ears to the collarbones.

Tanaka gymnastics ends with vigorous rubbing of the forehead area from side to side (as if erasing transverse wrinkles). The final stage is a gentle movement from the ears to the collarbones.

Japanese massage, performed twice a week, can significantly tighten and rejuvenate your face in just a month.

Shiatsu massage is a special form of healing touch that keeps the body toned and improves health by working with the body's own resources.

Shiatsu massage is of Japanese origin, where the concept of Yin-Yang is common. The purpose of this method is to balance both energies within the body. A person faces health problems when the flow of energy is unbalanced or simply blocked. Japanese Shiatsu massage balances positive and negative currents, helping to release energy blockages.

Shiatsu massage heals the mind and body by stimulating the body's vital energy (known as Qi or Ki).

Shiatsu is on points. Touching is performed using the thumb or palms. The pressure depends on the area of ​​contact and the purpose of the massage. The pressure can be very deep, relieving physical tension, or very light, relaxing and calming the nervous system.

The philosophy of Shiatsu massage develops over time, integrating new styles of impact on the body and energy shell into the technique:

  • breathing awareness exercises;
  • dietary therapy;
  • psychotherapeutic and meditative practice.

Shiatsu massage technique

Shiatsu techniques involve pressure, friction, kneading, stretching and tapping. This therapy can be performed on all parts of the body, as well as on specific pain points such as the shoulder, neck or lower back.

The meaning of Shiatsu is that it heals the meridians by applying pressure to active points on certain energy channels. Touching these points harmonizes the movement of energies in the body, making it healthier. Pressure is applied by the palms and/or fingers, usually the thumb, also the elbows, toes, and sometimes even the knees. Such pressure can be of varying duration and intensity.


The Shiatsu method has a number of contraindications:

  • Bone fractures;
  • Open wounds, lesions;
  • Burns;
  • Rash;
  • Shingles;
  • Fungus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • High body temperature;
  • Intoxication (drugs or alcohol);
  • Contagious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, severe flu;
  • High-risk pregnancy (threatened miscarriage, IVF in the first trimester, poor health or hemorrhage);
  • Uncontrolled diabetes;
  • Severe osteoporosis;
  • Blood cancer, leukemia.

Psoriasis has no contraindications to the procedure, but requires careful implementation.

The technique is performed with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • After operation.

Depending on the surgery, the procedure may not be used at all or only in certain areas.

  • The procedure cannot be performed within 6 months of spinal fusion.
  • Low immune system.

The time and intensity are adapted to the state of health.

In this case, light massage is not contraindicated, but there are certain risks. Cancer patients undergoing surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy have a weakened immune system.

The result of impact on specific points

According to Shiatsu philosophy, our bodies are filled with vital energy called Qi. During life, this energy is blocked, causing suffering.

Shiatsu, when applied with finger pressure, helps clear these blockages by restoring the meridians that balance the Qi. Thanks to this effect, blood flow throughout the body improves, healing the body and mind.

Result of Shiatsu:

  • Restoring and maintaining body energy;
  • Improving stimulation of venous and lymphatic circulation;
    Reducing stress, tension, depression;
  • Elimination of headaches;
  • Promotes healing of muscle sprains;
  • Relieves the symptoms of arthritis;
  • Reduces pain in the cervico-brachial region;
  • Eliminates breathing problems;
  • Treats insomnia;
  • Helps normalize digestion;
  • Reduces menstrual pain.

Shiatsu facial massage

When performing Shiatsu facial massage, only the fingertips are used, affecting the facial muscles. This method of rejuvenating your appearance allows you to achieve a balance between physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The procedure relaxes the facial muscles and stimulates the flow of energy. It perfectly relieves tension, slows down aging, helps restore skin health and youth, helps eliminate toxins, and maintains the skin's moisture balance. During the procedure, it is possible to use a small amount of cream or oil, since the skin on the face is thin and requires careful treatment.

Training in Shiatsu facial massage techniques

Shiatsu acupressure stimulates the body's natural defenses and helps self-healing by using pressure on specific points called tsubo. You can learn the Shiatsu facial massage technique yourself using the material provided in this article.

To practice Shiatsu, it is best to use the tips of your fingers: index, middle and ring fingers. You should use three fingers to press simultaneously. Palms are used on the sides of the head and in the neck area.

It is necessary to begin the procedure by lightly pressing along the lines up and out, never using lines in and down.

Scheme of Shiatsu massage for face

  • Point Ro-Kui. This tsubo is located on the central part of the palm. Helps increase blood circulation and improve complexion.
  • The Ken-Ryo point is located right below the cheekbone (No. 18). It is necessary to stimulate it with light pressure to increase blood circulation, improve muscle tone and relax. This provides nutrients to tired areas of the face. This movement also reduces fine wrinkles and helps the body fight acne and age spots.
  • El Fu points are located next to the earlobes (No. 9). This pressure improves dry, dull skin. Helps relax and activate tired facial muscles.
  • The Shi-Haku point is located under the eyes, in the inner corner (No. 17). This pressure helps clear the face of freckles, blemishes, remove dark circles, relax the face for glowing skin.
  • The Do-Shi-Rio point is located at the temple (No. 6). Effectively helps get rid of wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Sei-Mei (No. 16). This tsubo is located on either side of the nasal bridge. Applying pressure on it helps keep your eyes beautiful: they become clearer, brighter, and any signs of fatigue are erased. Its stimulation relaxes tension in the eye muscles.
  • The In-Do point (No. 2) is located between the eyes, right between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. When you press it firmly, blood circulation is stimulated. The skin acquires a healthy shade, wrinkles and flaking disappear.
  • By smoothly massaging points No. 13, 14, 15, along the lip line, the flow of lymph and nutrients improves. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • When wavy massaging the line of points No. 3, 4, 5 with the thumbs of both hands from the inside to the outside, a change in the harmony of positive energy occurs. This effect is reflected in forehead wrinkles, which are noticeably reduced.
  • Smooth movements from point No. 11 to point No. 10 tighten and strengthen the facial contour. The oval becomes clearer.

When performing Shiatsu acupressure massage, you can use the proposed scheme:

Shiatsu massage on video

To perform Shiatsu for the face more correctly, you can refer to the video. It will help you learn how to correctly find the points you need to work with. The effect of regular exercise will rejuvenate and transform your appearance in a short time.

Eastern rejuvenation techniques are based on ancient knowledge about the movement of energy. It is the disruption of its flows, according to Japanese teachings, that leads to the aging process. To restore physical and emotional well-being, there is the science of reflexology. Impact on special points leads to amazing results. Shiatsu massage is actively used in cosmetology for rejuvenation and correction of aesthetic defects.

History of creation

Reflexologist Tokuiro Namikoshi founded the Shiatsu College back in 1940. What is literally deciphered in the name, “shi” - fingers, “atsu” - to press. The therapy is based on the anatomical and physiological scientific knowledge of the Western movement. The secrets of acupuncture in symbiosis with the achievements of European medicine became the basis for the doctor’s developments.

Initially, Tokuiro Namikoshi studied traditional Chinese medicine and its effect on the body to treat his mother. Features of the execution include the use of fingers and palms. It is important to thoroughly study the special points; it is their activation that ensures the restoration of the flow of vital energy Qi.

Unlike other cosmetic massages, Kobido, Asahi Zogan, according to Alena Sobol, Shiatsu has a therapeutic effect. It is possible to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Thanks to pressure on important points, relaxation, harmonization, and restoration of emotional balance occur.

There are also features at the preparation stage. To perform Kobido, steaming of the integument is required; when performing Asahi Zogan, the skin is cleansed with oat milk. Shiatsu requires anatomical and physiological knowledge in order to achieve not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect.

Indications for use

A feature of the eastern method is general improvement, influence on the processes of blood flow, lymph movement, and nerve endings. This quick passive facial gymnastics gives positive results after the first use.

Indications for:

  • loss of firmness, elasticity;
  • displacement of the oval contour;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue;
  • tension in the eye area;
  • puffiness, swelling;
  • unhealthy complexion, lumpy structure;
  • acne, comedones;
  • redness, inflammation;
  • excessive or insufficient secretion of glands.

It is performed for general fatigue, migraines, and emotional stress. Used to model a beautiful oval line and neck.

Attention! Can be performed at any age, up to 30 to maintain freshness and elasticity. After 30–35 years, to combat the first age-related changes and increase stress resistance. After 40 years, it is used for therapeutic purposes to improve lymphatic drainage and tighten the oval.

Efficiency of the technique

As a result of finger pressure on acupuncture areas, a temporary disruption of blood flow and oxygen supply occurs. Accompanied by the removal of excess fluid and activation of energy zones. Lactic acid is eliminated, resulting in muscle fiber relaxation. Afterwards, blood flow occurs, the intensity of metabolic processes increases.

Benefits of Shiatsu acupressure:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • firmness and elasticity increases;
  • puffiness and swelling are relieved;
  • headaches and eye strain go away;
  • immune parameters are restored;
  • color improves, skin structure evens out.

Preparing for the session

The massage is usually performed in the morning, after waking up. It is important to properly prepare the skin; for this you can use herbal compresses from chamomile, plantain, and sage.

Then you need to blot off the excess moisture, then apply a moisturizing serum or cream. After 5-10 minutes you can start the massage.

No massage oil required The main techniques are pressure with the pads of the fingers. Performed in front of a mirror, it is recommended to tuck the hair under a bandage.

Execution Rules

The technique is performed with 4 fingers, only the little fingers are not used. The pressure is intense enough until slight pain appears. The force is directed perpendicular to the integument, duration is 5–7 seconds. Do not twist your fingers or stretch the skin. Each pressure is followed by stroking movements with the palms in the direction of the massage lines.

Important point! The massage is performed in combination with special breathing, inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 8 counts, then begin the massage.

For a youthful face

By activating the three royal points, you can rejuvenate and refresh your facial skin and achieve a pronounced lifting effect. The first Tenyo is located under the earlobe in the cavity under the lower jaw bone. The second Coreo gets rid of jowls, removes nasolabial folds, and is located on the line of the nostrils of the nose, above the corners of the lips. The third Sokkoku tightens the contour. It is located in the hair area of ​​the head, at the intersection of lines from the center of the forehead and the middle of the ear.

For forehead wrinkles

Place 3 fingers - index, middle, ring on a line perpendicular to the point where eyebrow growth begins. After applying pressure, move perpendicular to the middle point of the eyebrow. The last pressure is perpendicular to the end point of the eyebrow. Go to the area of ​​the end of the eyebrow, then 3 cm higher to the temples.

For wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Activate the point in the middle of the forehead, a centimeter above the eyebrow arches. After pressing, place 3 main fingers on the bridge of the nose.

For youthful eyes

Place your 3 main fingers on your eyebrows, with the middle one in the middle. Apply pressure without stretching the covers, with a slight upward movement.

Work on the area located one centimeter higher from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples. Place your middle fingers near the inner corners of your eyes. Then massage the points at the outer corners.

For firmer cheeks

Press with 3 main fingers along the lower edge of the cheek bones. Massage these 6 points for a standard 5–7 seconds; it is recommended for tightening the cheeks and forming prominent cheekbones.

Place your index fingers in the center under your nose. Move towards the wings of the nose. Place your fingers in the depressions near the wings of the nose, work out these points.

For lips

Press with your middle finger on the area under your nose. Then use your middle fingers to work the areas at the tips of your lips.

For oval tightening

Place the main 3 fingers on the sides of the dimple of the chin. Large ones should be fixed under the lower jaw. Apply pressure the standard number of times.

For a beautiful neck

Place 3 fingers along the sides of the neck, parallel to its line. Apply 3 pressures with low force. You need to be careful when performing it, as the carotid artery is located nearby.

How many sessions will it take

Positive results can be noticed after the first session, relaxation occurs, and emotional balance is restored. You can do the exercises on your own every day for 1–3 months, then reduce the frequency to 1–2 times a week. The duration of the procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, in the salon it reaches 30–40 minutes due to additional caring procedures.

To consolidate the effect, you need to adhere to the basics of a healthy lifestyle and regularly take care of your skin. You can buy Shiatsu massagers for the neck, back, legs; they are used for prevention rather than for healing.

Showroom price

The cost of a session in a salon or aesthetic medicine clinic starts from 1000 rubles, and can reach 4000 rubles. It will take from 8 to 12 procedures depending on the condition of the skin.

Important! They are carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, the course is repeated 2 times a year.

You can successfully master the technique at home, taking care of improving your complexion and correcting age-related changes.

Precautionary measures

The Shiatsu technique as a cosmetic procedure is available to everyone. Training is possible even without medical education. But treatment of advanced dermatological conditions requires consultation with a socialist.

Rejuvenating self-massage is based on the properties of regeneration and self-healing; special points are activated to start these processes. You should not rely solely on this method of correcting age-related changes.

Eastern technology is effective only if you follow the basics of a healthy lifestyle, proper rest, and proper nutrition.


  • viral, infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • oncology;
  • postoperative period;
  • recently performed lifting procedures.

Knowing the secrets of ancient oriental techniques, it is easy to keep your face fresh and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Shiatsu has a tonic effect, and it is possible to achieve non-surgical contour tightening. Just a few minutes, and your skin will be pleased with its flawless tone and velvety texture.

Useful videos

Shiatsu massage (shiatsu). Training session.

Japanese shiatsu facial massage for youth and beauty.