We need to talk about the dangers of alcohol. To overcome a problem, you should know its essence and carry out certain actions. Fortunately, Sobriety Day is celebrated annually in Russia, where it is possible to hold events that allow people to get out of the alcoholic whirlpool.

The holiday is celebrated on September 11th. The holiday is celebrated differently in different regions of the country. In one region there are mass races and sports competitions, in another there are anti-alcohol quests, in a third there are thematic performances. The goal is to show people that life is beautiful without alcohol.

History of the Temperance Day holiday in Russia

The first holiday was officially held in 1913. The initiators were ministers of the Orthodox Church. Since 1914, it has been customary to celebrate Temperance Day annually. The date was chosen for the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, since strict fasting was observed at that time. On Temperance Day, alcohol shops were closed throughout Russia, prayers for salvation from such a disease as drunkenness were heard in Orthodox churches, and those who wished to take a vow of sobriety.

Scenario of events at school sobriety day in Russia

Leading: Guys, I don’t know about you, but I really love holidays. Moreover, regardless of whether they are state, church, family or folk. Who knows what holiday is today?
Children: Day of Sobriety.
Leading: Right. I consider this holiday necessary, because it is a true reminder that you need to enjoy life and not get lost in alcohol. In Russia, this holiday has been held annually since 1913 (this is official), although it was first celebrated in 1911. This particular day was chosen because many years ago, on September 11, the head of John the Baptist was cut off at a feast. There are pieces of paper on your table with the history of the holiday, check them out. We'll test your knowledge with a quiz.

Leading: Previously, sobriety holidays were held under a special motto. Let's remember him. We divide into three teams, each will receive a set of letters on cards. From them you should collect a word, from three words - a motto.

Leading: Now let's hold a proverb competition. I will give you sheets with the endings of proverbs. I read the beginning, you select the ending, pick up the necessary sheets and say in chorus what is written on them.

Leading: On the day of sobriety, it is important to understand that in addition to harmful drinks, there are also healthy ones. I propose a competition - we have juice bags, three for each participant. The name of the juice is sealed, you need to taste the juice using a straw and write its name with a marker on the packaging. Let's see who can do it faster and guess correctly.
Leading: Guys, what poems do you know about the dangers of alcohol?

Leading: But you can give up alcohol and keep yourself busy interesting things. How to escape from addiction?

Leading: Let's sum up our holiday with a drawing on the theme “It’s fashionable to be sober!”
Children draw a group picture on whatman paper.

Class hour day of sobriety in Russia

Teacher: Children, today they celebrate Sobriety Day in Russia. The origins of the holiday stretch back to 1911; it was celebrated annually, but for some time the holiday was forgotten. Let's remember today the dangers of alcohol and why it is necessary to lead a sober lifestyle. First, open a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word “sobriety.”
Children are reading.
Teacher: In order to understand the problem and deal with it, you need to know everything about the problem.

Teacher: Now let's try to understand the causes of childhood alcoholism. Why do you think young people start trying and drinking alcohol regularly?

Teacher: Which organs are affected by alcohol?

Teacher: Let's break into three groups. Each will show a skit about the dangers of alcohol.
The first is drunkenness and transport.
The second is the danger of alcohol for children and families.
Third – alcoholism and crime

Teacher: Let's think about what can distract young people from harmful addiction? Pleasure. What are they like?

Teacher: And the most important thing is the ability to say “no!” when you are offered alcoholic drinks. Also try to avoid drinking company. Make friends with the same interests. By giving up alcohol, you will not become a laughing stock, you will show resilience and fortitude that alcoholics do not have, so you will always be head and shoulders above people who drink. Remember that the choice is always yours!

Postcards Day of Sobriety in Russia

Pictures of Day of Sobriety in Russia

Congratulations on the day of sobriety in Russia:

in prose

  • On Sobriety Day, I wish you a long life, a sober mind, and the right decisions. Let sobriety be an impetus to great achievements and dreams come true.
  • I wish you to spend your whole life with a clear conscience and a sober head! Spend this day setting an example for others and the younger generation. Peace in the family, prosperity in life and delicious drinks instead of alcohol.
  • Happy All-Russian Day of Sobriety! Get drunk only from happiness, get drunk from mutual feelings, know how to have a great time in company without strong drinks. Health, bright emotions and sober life!

comic in verse



Take the time to help your family and friends appreciate the beauty of life without alcohol. Lead a healthy lifestyle yourself and set an example for others. Prove to everyone that it’s easy to have fun and become confident without even drinking a gram of alcohol.

Scenario of the action “We are for a healthy lifestyle” dedicated to the All-Russian

Day of sobriety.

Goals: 1. Propaganda healthy image life.

2.Developing the ability to work in a team.

3.Formation in children of an active position on this problem.

Ved: Hello, dear guys! I say hello to you. This

means that I wish everyone health! Have you ever thought about

Why does greeting people include wishes for each other's health?

(Children's answers.) Probably because health for a person is the most

main value. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only

when we lose it. Throughout the entire action, we will repeat today, and

maybe we will rediscover for ourselves what is related to healthy

way of life. So, let's begin. Here are the facts:

1.Of every 100 people who die from cancer, 90 smoked.

2. Of every 100 people who die from chronic lung diseases, 75

3. Of every 100 people who die from coronary heart disease, 25

4. If a person started smoking at age 15, his life expectancy is

decreases by more than 8 years.

5. Those who start smoking before age 15 are 5 times more likely to die from cancer than those who

I started smoking after I was 25 years old.

Together: Say No to Smoking!

affecting the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular

digestive and reproductive system. Even with single doses it can

cause serious harm to the body. Chronic use may

lead to serious illness leading to death. Alcohol affects

on the body 4-5 times stronger than nicotine and 2 times stronger than themselves

narcotic drugs. But unlike them, intoxication occurs only

at large doses. During the formation of the teenage body,

the toxic activity of alcohol increases by 40%. In the offspring

whose parents either drank alcohol or still do so

Drinking people may experience mental retardation and deformity.

Together: We need a healthy society - let's say NO to alcohol!

Ved: IN modern world There are many problems, and one of them is

addiction. Drugs shorten life! And it creates problems!

The danger of contracting AIDS is imminent death. Overdose -

often its consequences are quick death .The environment of a drug addict is continuous

crime. Often life becomes so “good” that you can no longer

I want... At school, you will no longer succeed - your goals change,

thoughts about the future only interfere in the family - you lose contact with loved ones

people - values ​​change, attachments interfere in your surroundings

Many friends stop understanding you - they grow up, but you don’t. Real

feelings - not for you!

Together: Give yourself a chance to long life-Take care of your health!

Ved: The main factors of health are movement, hardening, nutrition, regimen

day. Factors that worsen health include alcohol, drug use,

smoking. I suggest you take part in a mini-quiz. You are friendly

There are two answers to be given: “yes” or “no.”

Quiz questions

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)

3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

4. Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people every year? (Yes)

5. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Yes)

6.Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

7. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

8. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? (Yes)

Ved: Each of you probably knows some proverbs or sayings about

healthy lifestyle. Let's remember them now. Name the proverb

or a saying about a healthy lifestyle in turn. The same thing twice

a proverb or saying cannot be pronounced.

Ved: You are offered a table in which the names of various

medical supplies. Break into two teams and try

decipher the table: use broken curves to select medical

terms and name them. (Answers: Pipette, iodine, adhesive plaster, ammonia,

brilliant green, heating pad, tourniquet.)

Ved :Guys, I have a chamomile in my hands. Written on chamomile petals

questions. Each of you takes turns tearing off a petal and reading out the question,

and then answers. If one of you cannot answer, it means

The one who knows the correct answer helps. Petals - questions 1.Sweet

a stone melts in water. (Sugar) 2. Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk) 3.B

there is food in the house, but the door is locked. (Egg) 4. It will be born in water, but is afraid of water. (Salt)

5.These plants are good remedy in the prevention of colds

diseases. (Onions, garlic) 6. The simplest rule is to avoid “disease”

the body contributes to the occurrence of caries. (Fluorine) 8. Exactly like this

Anti-tobacco quiz.

Ved: At the end of our competition day, I propose to conduct

anti-tobacco quiz.

Quiz questions

1. Are there cigarettes that are not harmful?

a) filter cigarettes;

b) cigarettes with low nicotine content;

2. How many substances are contained in tobacco smoke?

a) 20-30;

b) 200-300;

c) over 3000.

3. How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart?

a) slows down its work; b

) causes the heart to beat faster;

c) does not affect its operation.

4. What diseases are considered most associated with smoking?

a) allergies;

b) lung cancer;

c) gastritis.

5. What happens to the physical capabilities of a person who smokes?

Few people have heard about Temperance Day in Russia, although the history of the holiday goes back more than 100 years. Sobriety Day in Russia is celebrated on September 11th. In 2016, on this day, many cities and entire regions hold various promotions and events dedicated to the Day of Sobriety and the fight against alcoholism.

All-Russian Day of Sobriety September 11: origins and history of the holiday

The date September 11th was not chosen by chance for the holiday. On this very day Orthodox Church marks the day of the Beheading of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist, on which Christians observe strict fasting.

The first Temperance Day in Russia took place in 1911 in St. Petersburg. His slogan was the phrase “The happiness of the people lies in sobriety.” And in 1913, Temperance Day became official holiday supported by the Church.

In Russia, every year on Temperance Day, the sale of alcohol was stopped. And 2016 is no exception. Processions of the cross were organized in churches and prayer services were held for John the Baptist. On this holiday, everyone could give a sobriety lunch and receive the blessing of the priest.

However, with the emergence of the Soviet Union, Temperance Day was no longer celebrated, since the holiday had religious origins. Temperance Day was revived only in 2005.

In 2016, the holiday dedicated to the fight against alcoholism has not lost its relevance. Statistics show that the level of alcohol consumption has more than quadrupled over the past 100 years. Alcoholism in Russia has become a serious problem, worsening the social, cultural, economic and demographic situation in the country.

Events for Sobriety Day in Russian cities: Penza, Yakutsk, Saratov, Murmansk

By September 11, 2016, on Temperance Day, various thematic events, exhibitions and flash mobs are being carried out. Events for All-Russian Day of Sobriety in 2016 are held in many cities. For example, on the eve of the holiday on September 7, the “Say NO to Alcohol” campaign was held in Penza, dedicated to the fight against alcoholism, as part of which high-quality drinking water was offered to Penza residents.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Sobriety Day will be celebrated on September 9. The head of the republic signed a Decree, according to which on September 9, 2016, all organizations selling alcohol are recommended to suspend the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

In the Saratov region, the current regional legislation considers not only the Day of Sobriety - September 11, but also the Day of Knowledge - September 1, to be the day of a complete ban on the sale of alcohol.

In the Murmansk region, September 1 became Sobriety Day. Local authorities on this day also imposed a ban on the retail sale of alcohol. Interestingly, in the Murmansk region this is not the only day when the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Days of sobriety in the region are also defined as May 25, June 1 and June 27.

Sobriety Day is a holiday dedicated to the fight against alcoholism. This day reminds us that sobriety should become the natural state of every person. After all, only a sober person is able to become healthy, happy, have strong family and respect in society.

MKOU "Olkhovetskaya secondary school"



Prepared by: classroom teacher 6th grade

L. A. Komagorova

Olkhovets village

2016 – 2017 academic year

I. Opening remarks


In order to find out what will be discussed at our event, I will need your help. You must make words from letters, expressions from words, and then we will find out what the meeting is called.(The guys complete a task that will result in the expression “Sobriety is the norm!”)

Slide 1. “Sobriety is the norm!

Teacher. Slide 2.

Guys, do you know what the word sobriety means? If we turn to explanatory dictionary, then we will find out what this word means: “Sobriety is abstinence from alcoholic beverages. Sound judgment, freedom from illusions and self-deception.”

Slide 3. Teacher.

September 11, 2015 is recognized as World Sobriety Day. This holiday was held in Russia annually from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. Our relatives who took part in it are our great-grandfathers. These are the grandparents of our parents - our very distant ancestors. They called their holiday Sobriety Day. Why this holiday arose and was celebrated on this day, you will now find out. The history of the holiday began a long time ago, 100 years ago, in St. Petersburg. Back in 1911, 34 people, representatives of the intelligentsia with Orthodox-protective views, organized the All-Russian Labor Union of Christian Abstainers. Its members promoted a healthy lifestyle and an absolute abstinence from alcoholic beverages. The motto of the Union became the slogan “The happiness of the people lies in sobriety!”, under which a celebration later began to be held, called Sobriety Day. The first celebration was held by members of the Temperance Union with the blessing of all the Orthodox bishops who ruled Russia at that time, to organize the holiday in all cities and towns of the country. Having received this consent and blessing, the holiday was subsequently celebrated not only in St. Petersburg, but also in other Russian cities. Not everyone supported the idea, but in more than half of the provinces the holiday was still held. The main program was chosen, according to which the celebration took place. During the anti-alcohol days, all drinking shops were closed, and the sale of alcohol was prohibited. 2 years later, on August 28-29 (September 11-12, new style) 1913, Temperance Day in Russia received the status of an official celebration. This idea was actively supported by the church and the intelligentsia, as well as some representatives of the country's ruling class. This greatly facilitated the resolution of many issues related to the organization of the holiday, its financing, etc. At that time, there were other societies of teetotalers in St. Petersburg, which also took part in the celebration, so on August 29, 1913, this holiday also received the status of a church holiday. It was organized and held with the blessing of the Holy Synod. For this they chose the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, the great religious holiday. But, despite such comprehensive support, this good tradition did not last long. The Soviet government banned the celebration. The tradition was resumed only in 2005. The main idea of ​​the celebration was to promote a healthy lifestyle. Representatives of the intelligentsia and the church wanted to show that a person can live happily, joyfully and fully without drinking alcohol. Already in those days this issue was very acute for Russia. This was the first all-Russian holiday. It was celebrated on a grand scale. Since then, Sobriety Day in Russia has been celebrated in September.

Slide 4-5 Ways to get pleasure

Physical methodsPhysical education, sports, dancing, travel, tourism, extreme sports, physical labor, physical intimacy. Physical methods lead to a good emotional state, increase the tone of the body, improve appearance, physical fitness and performance.

Spiritual waysArt, music, literature, creative work, meditation, religion, friendship, love, romance, etc. - require planning, imagination, time, self-improvement. Only love and creativity make our lives meaningful and bright.

Alcoholic drinks are now flowing like a river, even children drink them. 40 thousand Russian citizens die annually from drunkenness in the country - this is 3 times more than our losses during the entire Afghan war.

Are you aware of these numbers? Do you think these numbers apply to you? Do you think it is necessary to fight alcoholism? Is alcoholism compatible with a healthy lifestyle? (Compatible when used culturally, subject to a sense of proportion.)


What is alcohol and what are its insidious properties? Now we will consider this issue from the medical side.(Speech by a medical worker)

Slide 6.

Alcoholism is a mental illness of excessive alcohol consumption.

Childhood alcoholism is one of the most terrible illnesses of modern society.

Slide 7 If previously young people began to show interest in alcohol by the age of 18, now among alcoholics there are children 10-12 years old and even 3-year-olds.

Slide 8 Causes of childhood alcoholism:

  • The child’s attempts to assert himself among older comrades;
  • The desire to get away from problems (such as troubles at school, quarrels with parents and misunderstanding on their part, etc.);
  • Dependence on the street, when the family does not have the opportunity to express their emotions;
  • Drinks for company;
  • Availability of free, uncontrolled money with which you can buy strong drinks;
  • Alcoholism of parents.

Slide 9 Features of childhood alcoholism:

Features of childhood alcoholism are that:

  • It develops much faster than in adults s;
  • Has more severe consequences than in adults.

Slide 10 First of all, alcohol affects:

  • Digestive system;
  • Nervous system;

Violations occur:

  • Memory;
  • Intelligence;
  • Logical and abstract thinking;
  • Emotional response is impaired.

Slide 11-12 Statistics on childhood alcoholism in Russia.

Currently, there are about 5 million young Russians (from 11 to 18 years old) who regularly drink alcohol. Among 15-16 year olds alcoholic drinks tried 84%, used more than 40 times - 30%. Average age a child who has tried alcohol is 10 years old. Almost 12 thousand alcoholic children are registered in the children's rooms of the police. And these are just the official numbers.

Slide 13 Prevention of childhood alcoholism

The point is that it needs to start with the formation of a full-fledged, healthy family, in which everyone leads a sober lifestyle and is completely happy. Prevention of childhood alcoholism should also be carried out in educational institutions. After all, it is in school age Children love to try everything new and unknown.

Slide 14 Sobriety is the choice of the strong!

III. Creative and playful part.

1. “Dear” alcoholics.


The world's greatest minds noted that the troubles caused by alcohol consumption exceed the troubles brought to humanity by plague, famine and war combined. Alcohol is very costly to society. Why is he dangerous? I suggest discussing this issue in groups. Imagine that you need to convince different segments of the population to give up alcohol and show how dearly they have to pay for it.

  • The first group will show the dangers of alcohol on transport.
  • The second group will reveal the dangers of alcohol for families and children.
  • The third group will show the connection between alcohol and crime.

Select examples and draw a conclusion why drinking alcohol in this particular area is dangerous?

(Children prepare for 5-7 minutes.)

Sample answers from children:

First group:

A drunk driver or pedestrian can cause an accident on the road.

A drunk passenger can get injured and can injure others (for example, falling from an escalator in the subway).

Drunk drivers lose control of themselves and start racing on the roads.

A drunk driver may fall asleep at the wheel and the car will become uncontrollable.

On the road, the situation changes very quickly. You need to have a good reaction and soberly assess the situation. A drunk person's reaction is inhibited; he may unwittingly become the culprit of misfortune. Then we will have to repair the cars and pay for the treatment of the victims. Alcoholism has a high cost in transportation.

Second group:

Alcoholics in the family are a real disaster. They do not educate their children and set a bad example for them. Alcoholics are often deprived of parental rights, and their children are sent to boarding schools.

Those who have alcoholic neighbors are out of luck. This is constant drinking, scandals, quarrels. Because of them, people cannot rest, even in their own own home don't feel safe.

Sometimes children of alcoholics follow in their parents' footsteps, end up in jail, or become alcoholics themselves.

Alcoholics can cause a house fire, gas explosion, or other accident.

Living in the same house with an alcoholic is not easy. The family has to constantly endure hardships, deny themselves the most necessary things for the sake of the dear weakness of their loved one.

Third group:

Alcoholics easily commit theft and robbery.

In a drunken stupor, people start violent fights, during which they cannot control their aggression. Such fights often end in murder.

When drunk, people do a lot of stupid things, just to have fun, then these stupid things are classified as crimes.

Many criminals do not know the laws and think that alcohol will be an excuse for them, but this is not the case: alcohol intoxication aggravates the guilt.

Alcohol awakens in a person a feeling of euphoria, false self-confidence, and a desire to take risks. This pushes people to commit crimes for which they have to pay: with money, freedom, and for some, their own lives.

Slide 15

2. Proverb competition.

Folk wisdom also did not stand aside. There are a lot of proverbs dedicated to drunkenness. You need to make a proverb by connecting the beginning and the end.

Slide 16
Know how to work... (
know how to have fun).
Drink vodka - ... (to ruin yourself).
In a puddle of vodka... ( and the heroes drown).
Walk, dance,...( let not kill souls).
Loved wine -... (ruined the family).
Whoever gets drunk on the brew...(he washes himself with tears).
Drink and walk -...(no good in sight).
A drunkard among the people...(like a weed in the garden).
The river begins with a stream...(and drinking from a glass).
X in atil vintsa - ... (the young man passed away).
Who knows how to have fun...(He is not afraid of grief).
Slide 17

Wine creates guilt.

The wine will sink to the bottom.

The barrel of wine is full of poison.

Vodka and labor don't go hand in hand.

Whoever loves vodka is ruining himself.

Slide 18

A person who drinks is good for nothing.

A.S. Pushkin

Drunk person - not a man, for he has lost what distinguishes man from beast,- intelligence.

Thomas Pan

Vodka is white, but it stains your nose and tarnishes your reputation.

A.P. Chekhov

Sobriety puts firewood in the stove, meat in the pan, bread on the table, credit in the state, money in the wallet, strength in the body, clothes on the back, intelligence in the head, contentment in the family.

B. Franklin

Slide 19-21

IV. Training session “Learning to say no”.

Main part

  1. Why do you think teenagers start drinking? (out of interest, for company, forced, to assert oneself in the company, to appear more mature, etc.)

Each person writes 2-3 reasons that are the most common in his opinion, then compares and discusses them in groups of four and combines the reasons they named into groups. All together we highlight the most common ones.

2. Have there been times in your life when you were offered to try alcoholic drinks? Perhaps you have witnessed someone propose to someone else in your presence? Did you agree or refuse? If they refused, then how? (write down the suggested phrases on the board) Was it difficult to refuse? Who is more difficult to refuse (adults, peers, brothers...)? Why are some people able to refuse and others not?

3. Why is it important to learn to refuse offers of alcohol?

Although teenagers generally know a lot about the harmful effects of alcohol on health and social well-being, some may still start smoking and drinking alcohol. This often happens because they cannot refuse peers, acquaintances or family members offering cigarettes or alcohol.

4. There are effective forms of refusal that can be learned.

V. Exercise “Be able to say no”

Classroom teacher. Debate is good workout in the ability to defend one’s position, to defend one’s point of view. This skill will be very useful when you need to keep yourself from drinking alcohol. Most people began to drink alcoholic beverages under the influence of others. They didn’t want to try it, and the sensations were unpleasant, but still they succumbed to persuasion and took alcohol. Why did they behave this way? Yes, because they were afraid to seem weak, backward, out of date, they were afraid that they would be considered fools. Those who offer the potion play on this weakness. This means you need to show them that you are not afraid, that you are smarter and stronger than them. You just need to say: “Yes, I’m afraid for my health, yes, I’m a mama’s boy, yes, I’m still small, yes, I’m a fool.” Or repeat the same phrase: “Thanks, no.” And this will knock their weapons out of the hands of the manipulators. They will understand that you cannot be intimidated, and that you are truly independent, strong man. Now we will practice the ability to say “no”. [Name, surname] will play the role of provocateur and offer you a drink. Who wants to test themselves and refuse a provocateur?

(Children raise their hands and go to the board.)

Remember what to say? Show that you are not afraid.

Slide 22 (The provocateur with a glass approaches the children and offers them a drink, the children refuse.)

Phrases for provocation:

Well, is it weak? Are you afraid to drink?

Drink! Or are you our mama's boy?

Have a drink! You're not little anymore!

Won't you drink? So you're just a slowdown!

(The exercise can be repeated with another group of children.)

Classroom teacher. But the most The best way To avoid such provocations - do not go where they offer you a drink.

VI. Final word

Slide 23

They say that sobriety is the health of the nation.

Slide 24

Slide 25

Sobriety is the wisdom of the nation.

Slide 26

Alcohol is the thief of the future!

Slide 27

Make the right choice!


“Intoxicated always extends its hand to us when we fail, when we weaken, when we are tired, and shows an extremely easy way out of the current situation. But these promises are false: the spiritual elation is deceptive, the physical strength that it promises is illusory; under the influence of intoxication we lose a true understanding of the value of things.” This is what American writer Jack London wrote about alcohol. People always have problems, but alcohol and other drugs do not solve them, but rather create new ones. It is not alcohol that solves problems, but people! I sincerely wish you to learn to solve your problems yourself and not look for easy ways.

Slide 28

Remember: the choice is always yours!

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Novomelovatskaya secondary school

"September 11 - All-Russian
Day of Sobriety"
Compiled by: primary school teacher,
Kaplina L.P., VKK

Purpose of the event: to attract public attention to the need
maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.
Objectives of the event:
formation of a negative attitude towards the use of various types of
psychoactive substances;
promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Opening words from the teacher:
Progress of the event:
We urge you to understand the threat that is approaching our Motherland,
pay attention to the huge social problem, the solution of which depends
the fate of Russia. The alcoholization of the Russian people has reached alarming proportions.
The President of Russia said that “alcoholism has acquired a character in our country
national disaster" and called for decisive measures to correct
Let's look at the statistics:
Every third man of working age suffers from excessive
drinking alcohol. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached 18
liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and are currently
moment the main cause of the demographic crisis, rapid extinction
our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. During 10 years of war in Afghanistan
14,000 of our compatriots died. According to academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the first
Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma for health protection N.F.
Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia kills at least one million people
lives per year.
The age at which teenagers start drinking alcohol has decreased over the past twenty years.
from 16 to 13 years old. 80% of minors in Russia constantly drink alcohol, and
33% of boys and 20% of girls use it daily. It undermines the physical and
mental health, mental development of the younger generation. Russia
ranks first in childhood alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people,
Broken families are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change,
our country has no future. We've reached the point where only sobriety can
stop our headlong rush towards inevitable death! After all, alcohol is worse and
More insidious than any of the most merciless enemies, it is a weapon of mass destruction.

The tradition of holding Sobriety Day is being revived these days in order to
designate in public consciousness sobriety as a social norm of life, as
natural state of man.
All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a mass cultural event,
aiming to show the advantages of a sober lifestyle, awaken civil
initiative and unite society in opposing addictions.
date All-Russian Day sobriety - September 11, 2016.
And now guys, I will read the beginning of the proverb, and you should raise it up
sheets with endings and finish it in chorus. So listen up!
Proverb competition
Know how to work,... (know how to have fun too).
Drink vodka - ... (to ruin yourself).
In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes drown).
Walk, dance, ... (don’t kill a soul).
Loved wine - ... (ruined his family).
Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).
Drink and walk - ... (no good in sight).
A drunkard among the people... (like a weed in a garden).
A river begins with a stream, ... (and drunkenness begins with a glass).
Enough wine - ... (the young man passed away).
Well done! Now, let's answer the questions:
1. You can’t buy it for any money? (health)
2. What gives a person energy? (food)

3. A person who smokes and drinks alcohol is extremely susceptible to any
infectious diseases. What system of the body is affected? (About
immune system)
4. Training the body with cold. (hardening)
5. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (bacterium)
6. How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart? (makes your heart beat faster)
7. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (lungs' cancer)
8. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to treat colds? (raspberries,
lemon, garlic, linden)
9. What time of year is best to start hardening? (in summer)
10. What do you call people who swim in an ice hole in winter? ("walruses")
11. Name winter sports.
12. Name summer sports.
13. Which plant leaves are used for bruises and scratches? (plantain, burdock)
14. Why can’t you drink water from a puddle? (dirty water contains various microbes,
causing dangerous diseases)
15. The science of body purity. (hygiene).
And now, I propose to play the game “Believe me or not.” If you agree with me and
If you believe in this, then raise your two hands, and if you don’t agree, lower your hands.
Competition game “Believe me or not”
(agreement - raise two hands, disagreement - lower your hands)
Do you believe that
... is exercise a source of vigor and health? (Yes)
...does chewing gum protect your teeth? (No)
...do carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)
...are there harmless drugs? (No)
...in summer, can you stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

...to keep your teeth healthy, do you need to eat a lot of sweets? (No)
...to keep your teeth healthy, do you need to brush them twice a day? (Yes)
...drinking ice water on a hot day helps you harden? (No)
...to save your eyes, you need to read while lying down? (No)
...to protect ourselves from germs we should not wash vegetables and fruits before
consumption? (No)
...does a mobile, active lifestyle promote health or not? (Yes)
Our today has come to an end Classroom hour. Please tell me what
did you learn today and what conclusions did you draw from this? What surprised you from today?
most of you?
Student answers: …………………………….
: Some people wrote wonderful lines in propaganda
Teacher's word

healthy lifestyle. I propose to help the students of our school think about
problem that has arisen in society, pay attention to it and abandon harmful,
bad habits. Let's put up flyers so everyone can see
read and make the right choice.
(students read poems and hang them throughout the school).

Annex 1
The man who conquered the sky
Inventing a miracle of technology,
Getting into bad habits
He forgets about his health.
Is this drink really that good?
Think about it, teenager, what are you drinking?
After all, beer doesn’t do adults any favors either.
Let's think about this together.