1. May the dog bring you good luck in the New Year, long-awaited gifts and freedom from worries!

2. Girlfriend, you are the coolest and most beloved of me. I feel so great with you! Liu cha

3. My best friends, happy year of the dog. Celebrate so that you remember this night for a long time, but don’t overdrink)

4. Happy 2030 year of the dog! Let it unite our team and we will become even more friendly than before!

5. May the year of the dog bring smiles, fulfillment of desires, health and decent income to my faithful friends. We are already tired of the indecent!

Happy New Year of the Dog greetings to friends

6. Dear friends, may 2030 be a turning point in your life, but only for the better! It's time to live the way you want!

7. You are my best friend and I don’t feel sorry for anything for you, dear! Therefore, I give you this souvenir - a dog, let it become your talisman. Keeps you and protects you.

8. Friends! You are the coolest guys in our city. Hanging out with you is a blast for me, let the year of the dog be a hype one for you!

9. Girlfriend, forget last year’s failures and start living life to the fullest! And Santa Claus brought you some kind of consolation prize...

10. Dear friend, you are such a cool girl that everyone is jealous of our friendship. May the New Year bring you a cool guy!

Happy New Year of the Dog greetings to girlfriends

11. My friends, I congratulate you on the coming year of the yellow dog. I wish you to be beautiful, loved, happy! (from Masha)

12. My beloved girlfriends, I congratulate you on the upcoming 2030, I wish you peace, love, harmony in the family, so that your husbands carry you in their arms. I love you all!

13. My friends, happy year of the dog! May it bring you more relaxation and fewer problems. Live and enjoy life!

14. Beloved girlfriends, I wish you that your husbands carry you in their arms, that your children obey you and grow up smart and talented. So that there are no quarrels in your family, so that your income grows, and you become younger and healthier!

15. I wish my friends endless happiness, so that you can ride through life like cheese!

Happy New Year 2030 greetings to best friends

Congratulations to a friend on New Year's Eve for a dog

16. Friends, I congratulate you on the New Year! But it is not exactly)

17. I wish you a fabulous holiday, so that all kinds of miracles happen, and you take a break from studying and have a lot of fun.

18. May my friends all be well in the family and at work in the New Year, and may our friendship never end!

19. My friends, I wish you happiness, family well-being, love, health, wealth, everything you dreamed of throughout 2017!

20. Let Grandfather Frost give you a new model iPhone, and in return you give him your old phone.

Happy New Year of the dog to your beloved friend

21. My beloved friend, I congratulate you on the upcoming year of the dog. Choose for yourself what kind of dog this will be for you. Pug or Husky? May she bring you luck and love!

22. Dear friend, be happy, don’t be sick, don’t be sad, and love will definitely come into your life.

23. Dear Nadenka, my friend, I congratulate you on the New Year, may your children be healthy, may your husband love you, and may you love him, may the whole family live in peace and understanding.

24. My good friend. You have helped me out so many times in my life. For this I am very grateful to you. May the new year return to you with a boomerang all the good things that you have done for me, but threefold!

25. I wish my beloved friend a happy holiday season with great winter weather. So that you can spend your holidays with the whole family skiing, skating and soboarding. Let your holiday be active and your mood positive! Happy New 20.. Year!

Happy New Year 2030 greetings to a childhood friend

26. My friend, we have known you since childhood. All our lives you and I have been walking in parallel. And if there is a problem, we need each other, we will willingly extend a hand to our comrade. I wish you and your family the best, and live life to the fullest!

27. A childhood friend will help, a childhood friend will forgive. And on your birthday you will always be surprised. You have helped me out many times, and you have taken risks for me more than once. I congratulate you on the New Year and wish you good health, love in the family and understanding, so that your work makes you happy, and I, your friend, are always there.

28. My dear friend! The Year of the Dog is coming and I want to wish you inspiration, new creative ideas, and their mandatory implementation. So that your family always supports you, loves you and appreciates you. And our friendship became stronger over the years!

29. Let our true friendship be an example for the younger generation, your children and mine. I congratulate your family, friend, and wish you happiness and good luck, health and love, prosperity and warmth.

30. To my friend, with whom we have known since childhood, I would like to wish to live long and in a loving family, not to stop dreaming as in childhood, to remain young at heart, to appreciate and respect your spouse, to be happy for your children. May everything work out well for you in the new year and in life! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year of the Dog greetings to comrades

31. I wish my comrades
So that you have a big family.
So that your wife adores you,
And so that she gives birth to good children for you.
So that you live in your happiness,
And enjoyed every day!

32. Let my comrades live happily,
On New Year's Day they dance and sing songs.
They make jokes, dance on the table,
Then they sleep under the Christmas tree right on the carpet.

33. I wish you, comrades, to live and not worry,
You eat the caviar with a spoon and drink the wine.
So that the New Year brings income,
Surprisingly big.
And you lived without worries
For your own enjoyment.

34. I wish you to remain young and cheerful,
May the New Year be fun.
Sports and girls, studies, cars -
Everything a man’s life is filled with!

35. My fighting comrades,
You are my golden friends.
We've been through a lot, we haven't forgotten anything,
And the wounds on the body froze into scars.
May the next year pass without sadness,
And we will rest, because we are so tired.
Clear sky above your head,
The radiant sun over the peaceful land.

Happy New Year of Dogs to friends

36. Let a New Year’s snowflake fly into your window and fill your house with love and make your dreams come true. So that there is not life, but a song, unearthly beauty, so that everything is wonderful in your home forever!

37. We wish you a New Year to remember this year. But only with positivity, smile and peace.

38. We wish our friends a happy New Year. Let our connections grow stronger, and we all know each other.

39. I wish for all my friends: that your salary is increased, that everyone is given bonuses, that you are allowed to go on vacation. So that the New Year has a lot of joys in store for you!

40. All my acquaintances and my friends, please accept my heartfelt congratulations. My wishes will be the same: health and love and wealth for everyone!

Happy New Year of Dogs to classmates

41. I wish that my classmates would allow me to copy assignments more often, and I would tell them jokes during breaks for this!

42. Let my classmates in the New Year begin to study at 4 and 5, so that the teacher will not be ashamed of our class.

43. I wish my classmates to have a blast during the New Year of the Dog, so that all year long they can remember various funny incidents that happened during the holidays.

44. Classmates, I congratulate you on the coming year of the dog, may it not bite you on your very heels and pants, but may it become your friend next year!

45. 11 A – Happy New Year, dogs! I wish you not to fight and not to smoke during breaks, not to terrorize teachers and not to bring parents to tears. I believe in your correction!

Congratulations for 2030, the year of the dog, will also be useful to you.

I wish you not to get sick,
To be able to do everything and have time to do everything,
There is nothing to fear
Never tense up.

Let the obsessive crowd
Money follows you
Strengths like an elephant's
And all the best to you.

May you always be lucky
The appearance will be cool.
May fortune find you in an instant.
Happy New Year, my friend!

Happy New Year,
From the bottom of my heart, my friend, to you!
Let your life sparkle
Like a star on a Christmas tree.

I wish you happiness
Peace, joy, goodness.
May good luck accompany you
And success to you always!

Happy New Year, my dear friend. I wish you to celebrate this holiday cheerfully and happily, to spend this year successfully and beautifully, filling it with great achievements, joyful events and pleasant moments. Let this year begin with luck and a good fairy tale. May you be surrounded by love and fun every day.

Happy New Year,
My friend, I wish you:
And good luck and luck,
A sea of ​​laughter and mood
Whatever you want, let it come true,
What you have in mind comes true.
Light, bright, without worries
There will be a whole year for you!

New Year is a family holiday,
But you can’t forget your friends!
And therefore congratulations
I want you from the bottom of my heart.

Be successful at work
Be fair at home.
May happiness be in your family
Let it become an axiom.

Walk into the New Year happy,
Let love reign in your soul.
Let it be at the pike's command
Every day you are lucky!

May the New Year bring you good luck,
May all good things happen soon,
May this New Year be generous
And all your wishes will come true.

Let there be everything: prosperity and luck,
Health and great love,
Life will be like a continuous adventure,
Giving success again and again!

Happy New Year
From the heart, my faithful friend.
May goodness, prosperity, happiness
They will take a reliable circle into theirs.

Do what your heart asks
What does the soul want?
May the year bring good luck,
May you be lucky.

Be patient and believe in luck,
Your goal will become closer.
Let them always be a support
Relatives, relatives, friends.

Happy New Year.
Let winter not get cold,
Gives many happy days
And he will reward you with health.

To keep the money flowing
So that everything goes smoothly at work.
May good luck all converge
Straight to your house, my friend!

To you, my friend, I'm on New Year's Day
I wish to live without worries.
So that luck smiles,
May all good things come true.

So that everything bad is forgotten,
To make the dream come true.
Love, health and success,
Fun, joy and laughter!

I wish you next year
Believe, friend, in your dream,
Let in the New Year's bustle
All wishes will come true,
Be healthy and full of strength,
So that he values ​​his friends,
May you be lucky in everything
And all the bad things will go away!

New Year is coming
And brings us joy
Let it come to you now
Something that didn't come true.

Disappointment and sadness
They remain in the past
Let the relatives at the table
They will gather together.

Let him come to you, my friend,
Happy New Year.
And fill everything around
Joy and laughter!

My friend, I heartily congratulate you
and everything I want to wish you,
I can write to you here endlessly,
but I would like to say the main thoughts.

May this new year take you on the road
will bring you many happy days,
better health, a little luck,
endless love and kind people!

Taking a glass of champagne in my hand,
Gathering a bouquet of words,
I will congratulate my friend.
There is no one more reliable!

Happy New Year, my faithful friend,
Always be like this:
Energetic, honest, brave,
Strong as a rock!

Be happier year after year!
Friend! Brother! Happy New Year!

I wish my friend this New Year
Have a true friend
Money, like in a sack of grain,
And good luck.
Let there be enough strength for everything
And the eyes shine with fire.
What else can I say to my friend...
"Here's my shoulder!"

My friend, today is New Year, and although I am far away,
I am sending you a letter across the seas and oceans.
I want to wish you goodness and magic,
love and a fairy-tale princess, but without witchcraft.

Be cheerful, happy, and healthy, be kind and open,
and always listen only to what your heart says.
When you hear the clock strike, raise your glass
and let's drink together to the fact that the new year has come!

The best friend in the world,
Get out the iron quickly
We will iron the suits,
And put up the Christmas tree faster,
Because he is coming to us
Real New Year.

I would like to wish Happy New Year to my friend:
Health, happiness with your dear friend,
A house full of love, success and prosperity,
And so that all year long you can ride a blue horse!

Let everything go your way, as they say,
So that there is less sadness, lies, bad weather,
Shine with luck, joy and happiness,
May the light of life always enter your home!

My friend! The New Year is about to cross the threshold... You know how much I value our friendship, so I want warm, friendly relations between us to remain in the new year and for us to remain reliable support and support for each other. I wish that the New Year brings you something special, something that you have dreamed of for so long! Let happiness undoubtedly visit your home, success look into every corner, and prosperity settle there forever! May every member of your family be healthy and lucky, and may your destiny be filled with unforgettable days!

Your shoulder was always there, both in consolation and in moments of despair, and today, when the last sheet of the calendar is torn off, I can’t wait to say a few words to my true friend. Let it be so that nothing ever disturbs our friendship and that the New Year brings you absolute calm, confidence in a brilliant future and the conviction that your friends will never let you down. That their shoulder, just like yours, will always be next to you to support you in all the events of the coming year, and let these be only happy, positive and fabulous moments!

Happy New Year, friend, with new happiness, let it include a brand new car and a brand new house, with a safe in which there will be a lot of new banknotes. But let our strong friendship remain old, let there be good old cognac on the table, let the old robot be just as loved, but interesting in a new way. Let a spectacular mix of new and old make your destiny high-quality and successful, open new notes of the taste of life - unique and sparkling, and let fortune be faithful to you, your old friend.

To you, my good friend, I wish you to notice your happiness in the New Year, catch it and hold it tightly all your life. Rise with him in a dizzying flight to your highest and brightest dream. You know how to be a real person in friendship, and happiness does not fly away from such people.

» Happy New Year greetings to a friend

Happy New Year greetings to friends 2018

I wish you not to get sick,
To be able to do everything and have time to do everything,
There is nothing to fear
Never tense up.
Let the obsessive crowd
Money follows you
Strengths like an elephant's
And all the best to you.
May you always be lucky
The appearance will be cool.
May fortune find you in an instant.
Happy New Year, my friend!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you.
I wish you the most devoted friends, the best,
A lot of health and a lot of luck,
To be the most successful, nothing else.
Let money flow into your hands like a river,
Let life be hassle-free and simple.
I wish you all the best, good mood,
In work there is only stability and luck!

Bro! Happy New Year, my friend!
I want to wish you from my heart
Love, health, money, “lots of it”,
Don't swear or get into trouble.
So that everything in life is like chocolate,
You didn’t have any “strains”,
Was always only in a winning situation
And he got everything he wanted.

Happy New Year,
I wish you all the best:
Health, happiness and love,
May your dreams come true.
May this holiday be magical
Will bring a lot of smiles
Fulfillment of dreams,
Awareness of mistakes.

New Year is a family holiday,
But you can’t forget your friends!
And therefore congratulations
I want you from the bottom of my heart.
Be successful at work
Be fair at home.
May happiness be in your family
Let it become an axiom.
Walk into the New Year happy,
Let love reign in your soul.
Let it be at the pike's command
Every day you are lucky!

Happy New Year.
Let winter not get cold,
Gives many happy days
And he will reward you with health.
To keep the money flowing
So that everything goes smoothly at work.
May good luck all converge
Straight to your house, my friend!

Happy New Year
From the heart, my faithful friend.
May goodness, prosperity, happiness
They will take a reliable circle into theirs.
Do what your heart asks
What does the soul want?
May this year be a good one
May you be lucky.
Be patient and believe in luck,
Your goal will become closer.
Let them always be a support
Relatives, relatives, friends.

My friend, Happy New Year!
Let this be the year
Uncontrollably lucky -
Well, in general, let him be lucky.
Take good luck as a friend,
For traveling companions - love,
Solve problems easily
Globally be healthy!

Happy New Year!
Be lucky always.
Let any troubles in life
They never bother.
Friend, I wish you happiness,
Blessings, success and goodness.
Strong friendship between us
Let the years not weaken.

May everything be great for you:
Cognac, caviar at the table.
May you have a great New Year!
Don't forget, you only live once.
I wish you good health,
So that he could eat and drink to his heart's content.
So that if you wish, you can have caviar
I was able to write: “Life is good!”

Happy New Year 2017 greetings to a friend

Let the glass of health be replenished,
To reach all the peaks,
So that you, my good, faithful friend,
Interesting and enjoyable leisure time!

Let the New Year come to you
And it brings freedom of choice,
Will protect you from obstacles and sorrows,
Your soul will be rejuvenated again!

I wish you gentle warmth,
So that the wife is caring,
Do only what you love
And dare to laugh in your enemies’ faces!

Happy New Year! Let them start soon
Miracles happen in life:
May love and luck succeed
Inspire many times to heroic deeds,
May the whole year be a happy path
Leads to new achievements
To meet that beautiful soulmate,
What's been waiting for you for a long time, I'm sure! New Year's fun,
Songs and dances until the morning -
This is happiness indeed
So it's time to celebrate!

Friend, filling glasses,
Make a wish!
And, gaining success,
Do them yourself all year long!

Bright raindrops sparkle on the tree,
And the long-awaited holiday has arrived,
And there are cool snowflakes outside...
I wish, friend, that you were happy!

So that joy quietly knocks on the soul,
Luck came to you with it,
So that the heart only ignites with happiness,
And sadness, without saying goodbye, went into the distance!

❄❄❄ New Year's gift ideas for a friend from Datki.net ❄❄❄ Everyone dreams of New Year's,
To make your wishes come true,
And only those who are lucky
Who will make every effort!

I wish you, friend,
With daring potential
Fill your leisure time quickly
With what life presented!

Don't rely on fireworks
Fireworks promises,
Make a route for love
Through the wilds of life!

New Year is a stage of goodness
And opening new doors!
You know, a dream will come true,
If you truly believe in miracles!

Happy New Year to a friend
I'm in a hurry on a winter evening.
May the weather be good
And sadness will disappear forever.
I wish you bright adventures,
Wonderful walks under the moon.
But among the fabulous moments
You still remember about me!

Happy New Year friend

Happy New Year greetings to a friend

On the New Year - wish you happiness!
I wish - that's a fact.
Bad weather is storming outside,
I will continue in rhythm with him.
Wishing you love on the New Year!
It's been that way for a long time.
The snow lies until it melts,
I wish it to come true!
In the New Year - they promise prosperity!
It's the same for you.
I won't be too brief here,
Let the money circle - lovingly!
And the most important thing is friendship!
I wish for the New Year.
If you need me -
The rest doesn’t count!

Even if it's cold and blizzard outside -
It doesn’t matter – the New Year has come!
Congratulations to my best friend!
May this year bring only good things!
Let happiness settle in your family!
And he will reward you with health!
May the whole year be kind and fun
Burns with a bright flame in the heart!

They spend their lives together
Best friends,
And it’s not for nothing that you have been since childhood
I trust
And let it be about our friendship
Everyone around knows!
You are so! You are real!
Happy New Year, friend!

I don’t feel sorry for anything for my dear friend,
On this New Year's holiday I will give a medal:
Chocolate, large, in gold foil.
You will look strangely and ask: “Where is the money?”
What do you need papers for? Eat chocolate:
Your mood will be better, your look will be more cheerful!
We will celebrate this holiday in the most joyful way possible,
In the year of the snake, happiness, money and success await us!

Happy New Year, my sieve friend!
Here I look - from all sides
You are a prominent boy among us,
And gifted by nature;
They say settle down
You are not burning with desire:
How is that? Calm down?
Get bored or get married?
To grow old in soul? Shish:
We're chatting together,
And you shouldn’t get into the clamp!
My sieve friend, Happy New Year!
Be who you are!

Well buddy, Happy New Year.
Our union comes from childhood.
Although everyone has a family,
We don't see each other very often,
There's a lot to talk about.
After all, family is not a cage,
Friendship is worth cherishing!
For family, for hobbies, friendship
You manage to find time,
Don't neglect your services
And grow in the profession!
May the year bring health,
Lots of creative ideas
More holidays and everyday life,
Or just have a great day!

Fireworks and glasses rattle,
This day is beautiful.
There are carnivals in every house,
And they wish everyone happiness.
Happy New Year.
You are my best friend!
I wish you happiness too,
And there is a lot of love all around.
Let your dreams come true
May good luck be with you.
And warmth of soul,
On days of winter and snowfall.

Happy New Year.
I wish you good luck:
So that you don't get tired at work,
Income grew steadily.
So that the house is not a hut, but a palace,
And many loving hearts.
So that I can be in comfort and warmth
You lie down with the “lazy one”
So that everyone cherishes you,
No one dared to grumble!

Snow is like white flour
Covers on New Year's Day
All the past centuries
City, streets, people.
Let it be, friend, always
Keep your hearth warm,
It's just cold outside
Yes, everything was covered in snow.

Best friend, Happy New Year!
Let winter nature
She will tell you herself
What will come true one day
Dreams and everything will work out:
Your new house will be built,
And the tree will be planted,
And everything around will get better.
Let the holiday never end
Wishes come true.
Career progressing
And sons are born!

New Happy New Year greetings to a friend

New Year's greetings to a friend in prose

Dear friend, may the New Year bring you an ocean of positive emotions, mountains of money and a sea of ​​luck. May all your endeavors certainly end in success, may your most cherished desires come true. I wish you inner harmony, peace of mind, pure bright mutual love. Despite life's difficulties, maintain your characteristic optimism and fortitude. Let there be as few difficulties as possible in the New Year, and if a problem does occur, let the closest devoted people always be next to you, ready to support and help. Be happy in the New Year!

Buddy! Happy New Year! I have known you for a long time, I appreciate and respect you not only as a friend, but also as a person. Therefore, may crowds of charming beauties pursue you in the New Year, may life become a holiday, and may money always be in your wallet. I wish you success in everything and may you have everything you dream of.

Buddy! Happy New Year! Let the champagne flow like a river at the festive table, let a sea of ​​smiles and kind words splash, and let the fun overflow on this New Year's Eve, and in the morning only the most pleasant memories will remain and no headaches! I hope that next year our friendship will be as strong and will last for many more years without quarrels and insults.

New Year's greetings to a friend in prose

New Year, my dear friend, is a significant holiday and I want to congratulate you on it and wish you everything. Never lose interest in life and don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by trifles. I know that you have the courage, strength and experience to overcome all obstacles. I want you to still be my best friend in the new year. Let everything be even better on the personal front than last year. And I wish you luck in everything. I want you to enter the New Year with your head held high!

Happy New Year greetings to a friend in prose

Happy New Year to you my old faithful friend! And although you and I have completely opposite characters and there is nothing in which we could be similar to each other, thank you for our kind, selfless friendship. On this New Year's Eve, I want to wish you that all your friends will be with you in sorrow and in joy. Let that warmth, that friendly participation that has connected us for many years, grow stronger day by day, bringing the joy of meetings, communication and spiritual comfort. Be always healthy and cheerful. And in this new year, don’t grow old, my good friend!

Cool congratulations to a friend in prose

My sincere, devoted and wonderful friend! How much we have experienced together in the past. You and I have been tested by falls and failures, disappointments and mistakes. You and I had many good moments that will never be forgotten. And I can say with confidence that our friendship is only growing stronger day by day. Today, on the eve of the New Year, I look at you and think that I am grateful to fate that we have been walking through life side by side for many years. I would like to wish all your plans to be realized this year, to be realized not one hundred percent, but two hundred percent. Let the work you are doing bring great satisfaction and good reward. And loving people are waiting for you at home! Be healthy and happy!

To a friend for the New Year in prose

Dear friend! I could wish you a lot: earn a billion, relax in Sri Lanka, get a beautiful wife, buy a new Ferrari or even fly into space... But I wish you only two things: that your health be great, and that our friendship be so strong for many years to come! And everything else will follow - together we will earn this billion, we will find you the best and most beautiful wife on the beaches of Sri Lanka, we will come to your wedding in a luxurious Ferrari and someday we will fly into space! Happy New Year!

New Year is our holiday,
Holiday of Russian men.
Bathhouse, girls, caviar, vodka,
A whole bowl of kebabs.
Instead of balls on the Christmas tree
The basses hang in packs,
These are such show offs
From ordinary Russian guys!

I wish you a tender friend,
Reliable, great friend.
May there be success in life,
So that I buy a Mercedes quickly.
To drink wine, walk, party,
So that I go to the casino often.
And to spite the enemies there
You're very lucky
To win millions of dollars,
So that it doesn't end.

Happy New Year to friends!

Friends, we hasten to congratulate you
Happy another wonderful year.
May it come true with his arrival
Everything you and I want:
Health, happiness, joy in families.
Successes, profits in business.
In love - reciprocity, pleasure.
Support, sincerity are in friends.
May there be frequent congratulations
To you from loved ones and friends
Happy angel's day and birthday,
Or for a wedding anniversary,
Happy Valentine's Day, the eighth of March,
On the twenty-third of February,
Happy baptism, Merry Christmas, Easter,
And simply, the mood for.
Let them be congratulated by you,
Perhaps more than once a year,
In simple warm words
Or sometimes with tricks
Bosses and teams
Colleagues, relatives, friends,
Beloved or beloved,
Clients, bosses and family.
Let there be the essence of congratulations
Clean, honest, diverse:
Love, career, respect,
Marketing or gratitude.
And in this whirlwind of congratulations
With an open heart and soul
Let inspiration help you
The entire Internet stanza.

Happy New Year greetings to friends 2018 in prose

Happy New Year, friend! I wish you the realization of all your plans and the fulfillment of all your desires. Let there be no disappointments and regrets. May the coming year be smooth, sweet and happy!

Happy New Year, (name)! I sincerely wish you that the next year will be more successful than the previous one and bring you more opportunities for self-realization and the implementation of your plans. Continue on your path and your dreams will come true and your goals will be achieved. I would especially like to wish that the smile of fortune accompanies you throughout the year, since without this lady any efforts may be in vain.

My dear friend! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish that it changes your life for the better! May the year be rich in joyful events and long-awaited meetings, pleasant surprises and expected amenities!

My dear and dear friend, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you to achieve all your goals and make long-present dreams come true. May every day give you unforgettable impressions and the most vivid emotions, and may the coming year be the best in your life.

May waves of happiness, joy and success cover you in the new year! I wish you to maintain vital energy and a positive attitude throughout your life! May your family and friends never leave you! And may your home always shine with warm rays of prosperity, love and kindness!

Dear friend, Happy New Year! I wish you to reach impossible heights this year, turn your life upside down, get a million pleasures and new sensations. May all your endeavors come to fruition without delay. Let warmth and kindness live in your soul! All the best to you!

Happy New Year! I wish you to love yourself, trust your reflection in the mirror, become part of success, meet every obstacle with a smile and a sense of humor, cherish the fire within yourself, never despair! May the year be busy, rich, cheerful, healthy.

Happy New Year, my dear friend. I wish you to celebrate this holiday cheerfully and happily, to spend this year successfully and beautifully, filling it with great achievements, joyful events and pleasant moments. Let this year begin with luck and a good fairy tale. May you be surrounded by love and fun every day.

Happy New Year! Let it become for you the starting point for the happy life that you so dream of. I wish you not to know sadness and failures in the new year, to meet only kind and sympathetic people on your way. May everything succeed that you have in mind.

The New Year is ahead - a time of miracles. And I want to wish you that all your dreams will certainly come true. And the main thing is that health and luck do not leave you next year. Let everything that was planned become real in the coming year.

Happy New Year greetings from friends

Dear friend, I wish you
So that you get married before May,
I drove to the Canaries in June,
I visited the bars there with my wife,
So that you go on a spree in restaurants,
Don't forget about shopping
And so that this Santa Claus,
I brought you a bag of currency.

So, dear friend, Happy New Year!
He's on the threshold... Meet him!
Whether we want him to come or not,
And he will come! And not for tea,
With whom would I meet the coming year,
Check in mentally with me
And drink this glass in silence...
For our quiet holiday with you.

Let everything be for you:
The sea splashes under your feet
On the sand, in the Canaries
In the company of beautiful women.
To have enough snacks
And the drinks never ran out
May the male pearl be strong!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!

Happy New Year
And I wish you a lot of money,
What would you buy a car,
Skates, a dacha and an apartment,
To furnish it with furniture
And don’t leave your friends behind.
So that you don't forget us,
Invited me to a housewarming party.

We shake hands: “Happy New Year!” We wish you: “Happy new happiness!”
Everything will soon be new, breathtaking!
What about old happiness? Should I say goodbye to him?
But is he an old friend, isn’t he better than the new two?
No, of course, you have to fly to the new with wings.
I myself, as before, always fly headlong to him.
Guys, “Happy New Year!”, dear ones, “Happy new happiness!”
But I’ll still take the old one with me.

Happy New Year, winter holiday
I congratulate you with all my heart!
May this year be happy
Let there be no worries or troubles.
Let it be an unexpected dream,
Let him be an invited friend.
And this year will bring you
Wonderful juice and nice honey.


Happy New Year, friends, congratulations!
We've been with you for many years.
We are friends, and I know for sure
There is no stronger friendship in the world.
I wish you happiness, smiles,
Glad we're all gathered again
Together we will not make mistakes -
Our friendship was tested by life!

Happy New Year greetings to old friends

Every year there are fewer of you
This is how life is now.
And that's why guys
I value you so much as friends.
Happy New Year,
I want to wish everyone
So that the year that comes,
I was able to give you the best.
So that everyone is healthy,
So that they forget about doctors,
So that we meet more often -
After all, it's more fun with friends.
So that everyone on the personal front
The ideal status was
And to career and work
The fervor has not cooled down!

cool New Year greetings for friends

I wish my friends prosperity in the New Year!
You don’t know the bad weather and the power of decline!
We are moving forward towards our dreams,
Bathing in smiles and kindness!
Let luck continue to walk by your side,
And it saves everyone from troubles!
Health, luck, strong spirit,
And so that you feel comfortable and dry!

Happy New Year, my dear friend,
Let him be kind and wonderful,
So that everything you dreamed about passionately,
It became an amazing fate.
Christmas tree branches, rose scent...
I am glad to give you this for the New Year!
I can’t just see you -
You are too far away, dear friends!
Better not be bored this New Year,
He will bring a lot of joy today!
There will be worries, just don’t be timid!
Feel free to look further into the future.
Smile nicely, remember me,
Happy New Year, faithful, distant friends!

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Happy New Year greetings to a friend in verse

Happy New Year greetings to a friend

If this New Year
Happiness will come to you,
Know that we are his friends
They wished you joyfully.

We also wish you a lot
Achievements and victories.
Let it be like snowdrifts
Friendship will protect you from troubles!

Happy New Year to a friend

Let the silver blizzard
Yours covers the path.
Snowdrifts are a soft bed
They are calling you.

Do you remember that today is New Year,
And he will give you a gift:
Fun games and fireworks,
Everywhere you will be fed and watered.

Happy New Year Wishes to a Friend

We ask you very much
On this cool New Year
Come visit more often
A friend is always calling you!

May happiness be with you,
May good luck await you
Bad weather will pass by
And it will be a fun year!

Happy New Year greetings to a friend 2019

Happy New Year to you my friend.
You have many famous friends.
To be as cheerful and brave
And as skillful as ever at work.

Let them bring in bags of salary
And the disease will not affect the prostate.
To meet love, to fall in love mutually,
May they love you very much.

Have fun and walk until the morning
Happy New Year comrade, hurray!

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to a friend

We've been with you since childhood
We shared all the candy together,
We lived next door to you,
And the friendship became stronger and stronger.

And on a wonderful holiday
I wish you only happiness,
And the whole year will go well,
And all misfortunes will go away.

Nice New Year greetings to a friend

What to wish for the New Year?
May the people be rich!
And I wish you personally
Be indifferent to banknotes.

The oligarchs have billions,
But I really have no friends,
Well, we are from the school desk
We've been friends together for so many years!

In the New Year I want to wish
Good luck catching the bird by the tail,
Pleasant changes in fate,
May you always be lucky!

Poems for a friend Happy New Year 2019

Good Grandfather Frost
I brought gifts for you:
Jokes, joy and fun,
And in all matters, luck!

Friend, look at life more courageously!
Be more athletic and cheerful!
May crazy love
Up to a hundred years of blood excites!

Happy New Year Poems for a Friend

May the New Year bring magic,
No, not heavenly, quite earthly:
Well, for example, a tire got punctured -
Immediately two people rolled up the spare wheel.

Or if there was a hole
In the pocket where the last stash was,
You should look around with longing -
There was a pack of bucks lying nearby.

Or, for example, I was late for work,
Are you afraid that your boss will suddenly punish you?
And he greets you warmly, shakes your hand
And he says that he has already boiled the kettle.

May miracles happen in the New Year,
Dreams and wishes come true.
And let the voices of your loved ones
They whisper to us not “goodbye”, but “goodbye”!