5th place. Unlike love, true friendship is a more noble feeling, devoid of intrigue and attempts to win favor. To paraphrase the proverb, true friends look in the same direction, and not face to face. And the commonality of their interests, thoughts and aspirations is the key to trusting relationships, mutual support and understanding. Many wonderful literary works have been written about the fact that true friendship only becomes stronger over the years. One of them is poem by Nikolai Ogarev “To Friends”, in which the poet not only recalls his carefree youth, but also wants to return the past in order to once again enjoy the company of like-minded people who are not yet devoid of youthful idealism.

“To Friends” N. Ogarev

I'm on the road of this life
I ride on a black horse,
In the distance, covered in thick darkness,
Friends, it’s dark, I can’t see it.
What kind of faces are next to me?
Where are they running? Why with me?
Their motley village is boring,
Their empty talk is unbearable.
My friend is in my arms,
One joy on the way
She huddled, full of fear,
To my trembling chest.
Where is the stern runner rushing us?
Where will he stop his run?
And where is the shelter ready for us?
Will we be happy to have an overnight stay?

I'm on the road of this life
I ride on a black horse,
In the distance, covered in thick darkness,
Friends, it’s dark, I can’t see it.
When will it happen, the tired gaze
Sometimes I throw myself back
I see the joys of the experienced
The country is far behind you.
It's a clear young morning there,
There's a fresh spring breeze there,
There the bank is thrown up above the river
And the city across the river is noisy.
But that country, dear to the soul,
I left a long time ago
There I sang, I will remove liberty,
We were there together, friends,
There I believed in a high destiny,
I was eighteen years old there
I was just setting off on a long journey
Now the past is no more.
And along the road of this life
I'm riding on a black horse
In the distance, covered in thick darkness,
Friends, it’s dark, I can’t see it.

4th place. Many Russian poets have repeatedly made attempts to turn back time in the name of the feelings that friendship gives people in their poems. After all, only friends can you trust in the most bitter moments of your life, and only they can come to the rescue when you need it most. But life sometimes develops in such a way that friends find themselves separated by thousands of kilometers. And the only thing that remains in this situation is to raise a toast to them, as he does in his poem “To Friends” by poet Pyotr Vyazemsky.

“To Friends” poet P. Vyazemsky

I drink to the health of not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends who are unwaveringly strict
In the temptations of changing days.

I drink to the health of those far away,
Distant but dear friends,
Friends like me, lonely
Among people alien to their hearts.

Tears flow into my cup of wine,
But their flow is sweet and pure;
So, with scarlet - black roses
Weaved into my table wreath.

My cup is for the health of not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends who are unwaveringly strict
In the temptations of changing days;

For health and distant neighbors,
Distant, but dear to the heart,
And in memory of lonely friends,
Those who died silent in their graves.

3rd place. Friendship between a man and a woman is another topic that is repeatedly raised in the works of Russian poets. Is it possible, and are such relationships not self-deception? I tried to answer this question Anna Akhmatova in her poem “Seeing a friend to the front...”. In her opinion, in such an alliance, sooner or later the friendly sympathy of one of the people develops into something much more serious. But in most cases, you can’t count on reciprocal feelings, and the only reasonable solution is to break up, so as not to hurt each other, preserving in memory the purity and trust of the past relationship.

*** A. Akhmatova

poetry escorted my friend to the front,
Stood in the golden dust
From the nearby bell tower
Important sounds flowed.
Abandoned! Made up word -
Am I a flower or a letter?
And the eyes are already looking sternly
Into the darkened dressing table.

2nd place. However, male friendship, proven over the years, can crumble overnight. And the reason for this, oddly enough, is women who, at a certain stage in life, become more valuable than even the most faithful and devoted friends. Ironizing such metamorphoses, the poet Kozma Prutkov, known for his caustic aphorisms, composed an appeal poem “To Friends After Marriage,” the moral of which is not without meaning. Unlike a real friend loving woman she is still capable of betraying her chosen one. Therefore, it is worth having a whole arsenal of weapons under your pillow so that, if necessary, you can immediately punish a traitor who not only deprives a man of love and peace, but also separates him from his best friends.

“To friends after marriage” K. Prutkov

I got married; the sky listened
Our ardent prayers;
The heart gave the message to the heart,
Passion led us into the bright temple.

O friends! your fear is in vain;
Don't I have a strong character?
In anger I am harsh, terrible,
Guardian of dashing marital rights.

There is for revenge on the black cogs
From a married singer
Above the bed, under the alcove,
A knife, a gun and a pound of lead!

A knife sharper than a Swiss razor;
Well-aimed bullets in the bag;
And the gun on the battlefield
I found it in the damp sand...

With that gun in the old days
The singer shot at the drokhva
And, I swear, they are always in the dark
I hit everyone with a load!

1 place. However, friendship has a certain touch of romance. And not the least role in this is played by the common memories of people who together participated in childhood pranks, and, as they grew older, gradually discovered the amazing world that surrounds them. Poem by Anton Delvig “To Friends”- a vivid example of an ideal friendship that can last for years without losing its sincerity, warmth and devotion.

“To Friends” by A. Delvig

I rarely sang, but have fun, friends!
My soul flowed freely.
O Royal Garden, will I forget you?
I was amused by your magical beauty
My naughty fantasy
And the string echoed the string,
Merging into a consonant ringing under your hand, -
And you, friends, loved my talent.

All the same, songs for you from a rural poet!
Love them just because they are mine.
God knows where you'll rush off in the noise of light
All of you, friends, all my joys!
And maybe my Lileth's dreams
There will be torment for me in love;
And the singer’s gift, dear only to you in the desert,
Like a sad cornflower, a dull one will not bloom.

A significant place in the work of A.S. Pushkin is devoted to the theme of friendship. The lyceum community is what became the support for the poet’s entire subsequent life. In the most difficult moments of his life, he turned to his friends for support, even from a distance. The theme of friendship in Pushkin’s lyrics sounds especially vivid in the works written during his years of study at the Lyceum.

Lyceum friends A.S. Pushkin

The theme of friendship in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin appears in the earliest poems, written by him while studying at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. But even subsequently, the poet turned to the genre of lyrical messages to friends, whom he valued very much. Pushkin had special friendly feelings for his classmates I. Pushchin, V. Kuchelbecker and A. Delvig. However, in addition to the comrades whom the writer met at the Lyceum, he dedicated his works to K. Batyushkov,

Features of the interpretation of the theme of friendship

The motives of friendship in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin acquired different colors depending on the period of writing the poem and the object of dedication. So, in the poems of the brilliant poet we can only find a mention of friendship and support. In some works, friendly relations reach enormous proportions and develop into dedication, sacrifice, a sense of brotherhood and inseparable unity. Most of the poet's lyceum lyrics are devoted to the theme of friendship. After all, Pushkin really loved the dreamy Delvig, the sometimes funny Kuchelbecker, the decisive A. Chaadaev and his other peers. He carried loyalty to his friends throughout his life and was grateful that they did not turn away from him, despite any adversity. This is how Pushkin differs from other poets of the 19th century. Companionship was not glorified as much as love; it was not as poeticized by anyone as by Pushkin.

First experiments. Message "To Batyushkov"

This poem was written in 1814 and is considered one of the first experiments in the field of friendly lyrics. Here the poet addresses his friend Batyushkov primarily as a poet, he gives him advice regarding creativity. The main thing is not to forget the lyre even for the sake of love. The theme of friendship and love in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin is always united and inseparable. But here the lyrical hero places loyalty to his creativity above all else.

"Message to Galich"

Galich was not only a friend, but also a teacher. Already in this poem, Pushkin’s attitude towards friendship is clearly heard, or rather, he gives its definition. Friendship is not “an exchange of vanity and fun,” not just a carefree unity of thoughts, a desire to improve each other, and not to indulge the petty feelings and shortcomings of another person.

Loyalty motive

The theme of friendship in Pushkin's lyrics is closely connected with the motive of fidelity and friendly duty. It manifested itself especially clearly in the poem “Separation”. In general, this work marked the transition from the cheerful carefreeness of Pushkin the lyceum student to more serious, adult lyrics. Here the writer takes an oath of allegiance to the holy brotherhood, which does not look like an exaggeration. The poem is dedicated to his friend Küchelbecker.


This poem was written by Pushkin during his exile in Mikhailovskoye. The poet was alone, he had no connection with the outside world, his only entertainment was reading and poetry. And then one day Pushchin came to visit him. Alexander Sergeevich was incredibly happy about his arrival and was touched. And subsequently he created the greatest poem about faithful and devoted friendship. You had to be a truly brave and selfless friend to openly write such a message to the Decembrist. In the work, Pushkin recalls Pushchin’s visit to him in Mikhailovskoye (1825). The second stanza is the poet’s plea that his voice also help his friend, who is in prison for life, just as Pushchino’s visit once helped him.

Many poems were dedicated to Pushchin. One of the most beautiful is called “To Pushchin”. This poetic congratulation happy birthday, in which Pushkin endows his friend with such vivid epithets as “dear birthday boy”, “cordial friend”. Here the poet says that there is no need for etiquette or any conventions, because they already know how they treat each other.

Late "friendly" poetry

One of the most striking works about friendship written in the 30s was “The More Often the Lyceum Celebrates.” The creation of the work was based on a number of reasons. Firstly, the anniversary of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which Pushkin could not forget. Secondly, by this time his most faithful and devoted friends, Pushchin and Kuchelbecker, were in exile in Siberia. And another comrade has already died - Delvig. That is why the lines of the poem are filled with deep sadness and longing for days gone by.

Already in 1836, Alexander Sergeevich wrote another poem dedicated to the anniversary of the Lyceum - “It was time.” The theme of friendship in Pushkin’s lyrics began to play with different colors and became more ambitious. This is a kind of poetic conclusion that combines the motives of all works dedicated to partnership. The leitmotif is the phrase “Do you remember...”, which suggests that the poet has not forgotten a single wonderful moment spent with his lyceum comrades, and that he hopes for the same feelings in their hearts. But here it is not only the work that sounds that reaches a larger scale. Camaraderie here is a connection between representatives of the same generation who have experienced together many adversities and historical upheavals, but at the same time in their souls they keep memories of the “young holiday”, of days of fun and freedom.

The theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics

Friendly and love lyrics form the basis of Pushkin’s creative heritage. For the poet, love is a bright feeling that brings joy. Moreover, it didn’t matter whether the feelings were mutual. The main thing is the delight of a loving soul, the trembling of the heart. An example is Pushkin’s two most famous poems about love: “K***” and “I loved you.” The poem "K***" ("I remember a wonderful moment") is dedicated to In this text, love is synonymous with the words "inspiration", "life", "tears". Tears, which again become possible for the lyrical hero, are not sadness or a sign of life, a sign that a person knows how to feel, knows how to love, and therefore, he knows how to create.

“I Loved You” is an example of a lyric poem whose theme is unrequited love. Pushkin was able to fit enormous feelings into just a few lines. The love that the author speaks about in the past tense clearly lives in him now. But he is so delicate that he will never tell his chosen one about this, so as not to disturb or upset her. A great, selfless feeling is depicted by the poet. This is not zealous, possessive love, but one that gives freedom, for which the main thing is that its object is happy: “how God forbid your beloved to be different.”

Perhaps none of the poets managed to depict so powerfully life-giving power love. So, Lermontov, the successor of Pushkin’s work, saw in her only bitterness and suffering. The same can be said about Tyutchev, for whom love is an unequal struggle between two hearts, it is a death sentence passed on both lovers.

The theme of friendship and love in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin. Features of interpretation (briefly)

1. Friendship for Pushkin is a person’s ability to see shortcomings in a comrade and fight them.

2. True friendship is eternal; it cannot end due to any external circumstances.

3. Love and friendship in the lyrics of A. S. Pushkin are a source of inspiration.

4. Love cannot be unhappy, even if it is unrequited. Love is a ray of light in a person's soul.

5. Without feelings, a person cannot live fully, cannot create anything.

Thus, the theme of friendship in Pushkin’s lyrics is one of the main ones; it is inextricably linked with love, devotion, as well as service to ideals and the fatherland.

You, my mind, are following the paths of search
And you never get tired of repeating a hundred times a day:
“Appreciate the moment of communication with friends!
You are a meadow, but if you are mown, you will not grow again!”

I realized: loneliness is better than friends,
So as not to see good or evil in people,
To strictly understand your own soul, -
Only then should people be among strict judges.

Have fewer friends these days, simpleton,
Be stingy with confessions, do not listen to flattering lies.
But look wisely - and you will immediately see:
The one you trusted is your traitor, your enemy!

I will compare responsive people to mirrors.
What a pity that mirrors don’t see themselves!
To see yourself clearly in your friends,
First, show yourself as a mirror to your friends.

Don't call on your friend or heaven
About help. Look within yourself for the balm.
Be strong in trouble. Wanting to call a friend,
Suffer your misfortune yourself.

Don't look for a friend in strange corners,
With him, their adversity was not shared in half.
Be alone. Find a cure for your suffering yourself.
Let your Comforter heal himself.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

A lot of evil and deceit lurks all around,
You will not find friends in this herd of people.
Everyone you meet seems like a friend,
Wait: he will turn out to be a fierce enemy.

When you are at the table, like a close family,
Sit down again, I ask you, oh friends,
Remember a friend and tip the cup
I used to sit in the place where I sat among you.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle.
And remember: a close friend living far away is better.
Take a calm look at everyone who is sitting around.
In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see your enemy.

You must be good with both friend and enemy!
He who is good by nature will not find malice in him.
If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug an enemy, you will find a friend.

Fewer friends! Oh, day by day
Extinguish empty sparks of fire.
And when you shake hands, always think silently:
“Oh, they’ll swing it at me!”

Conscientious and smart
Respect and visit -
And away, without looking back
Run away from the ignoramus!

In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
Don’t you dare rely on those around you.
With a sober eye, look at your closest friend -
A friend may turn out to be your worst enemy.

You don’t have much of a heart for the people of today,
It's better to be away from people these days.
Open the eyes of your soul to those closest to you, -
You will see with horror: they are your enemies.

Alone, returning after a few years.
You still have the same carefully chosen clothes,
You did not participate in my victories,
Around you is the same air of condescension,
Mixed with a strange fear
The fact that I myself may have used them.
Te Voila, mon Bourrienne, you too will become immortal.

But we will leave you, bos amic,
Because we are indebted to you:
Despite your obvious shortcomings
You once found a modest cheap restaurant.

Remain friends
They become friends
Friends, having parted, become friends again
He has no enemies, he turned them all into friends
A friend will die for you
Acquaintance never leads to friendship
Some friends want to be friends with everyone
There are friends who take you away from your friends
Friends believe in friendship with all their might!
Some friends try to do you a favor
Some people want to always be close to you
You can't do this to me, because I'm your FRIEND
My friends said "FDR"
“So let’s be friends,” says the USSR
And Old Scrooge finds joy in a lonely Christmas
Leopold and Loeb make plans at night!
Et tu Brute
I have many friends, although at times I am no one's friend
Most friends are men
Women always prefer
male friends.
If you're worried, your friends know it
After all, that's what they are for!
The bonds of friendship are not unbreakable
Those who have no friends, but who need them, are often frightening
Those who have friends but don't need them are doomed
Those who have no friends and do not need them are great
Those who have friends and need them are sad
Sometimes I shout: “Friends are slaves!” Madness!
Wasting PERSONAL time -
Life would be different without friends, but not miserable.
does anyone need a friend in heaven -

Friendship is an unconditional, worthwhile thing. How many times in our lives have friends helped us out! Friendship is a capacious and eternal concept. Poems about friendship have been written at all times. Life without friends would be much poorer and more colorless.


In the most distant land,
At the farthest seas
Often we remember
Your school friends.

Those with whom outside the school garden
We looked for treasure together
Those who were sitting nearby -
The best guys.

Friendship is a big word.
Friendship is given to the strong,
Our friendship is harsh
Our friendship is true.

Friendship is to give a hand in trouble,
And things will go smoothly.
Friendship - when to each other
They look you in the face boldly.

Strong friendship guarantee
Not a kind word:
Seeing a friend's mistakes,
Say it straight to your face.

Meeting the dawn with a friend,
Build and live together.
Joy to share and sorrow -
This means being friends!

"We are friends"

In appearance we
Not very similar:
Petka is fat,
I am thin,
We are not alike, but still
You can't splash us with water!
The thing is,
That he and I -
Bosom friends!
We do everything together.
Even together...
Let's fall behind!
Friendship is friendship
And we had a fight.
There was, of course, an important reason.
It was a very important reason!
Do you remember, Petya?
- Something, Vova,
I forgot!
- And I forgot...
Nevermind! We fought honestly
As friends should:
I'll knock!
- I'll crack!
- He will give it to you!
- How can I give it!..
Briefcases soon came into use.
Books flew into the air.
In a word, I won’t be modest -
The fight went nowhere!
Just look - what a miracle?
Water flows from us like a stream!
This is Vova's sister
She doused us with a bucket!
Water flows from us in streams,
And she still laughs:
- You are really friends!
You cannot be spilled with water!

"A true friend"

Friendship is strong
Won't break
Won't come unglued
From rains and blizzards.
A friend will not leave you in trouble,
He won’t ask too much
That's what it means
A true true friend.
A friend will not leave you in trouble,
He won’t ask too much
That's what it means
A true true friend.

We'll quarrel
And we'll make peace
“Don’t spill water” -
Everyone around is joking.
At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue
That's what it means
A true true friend.
At noon or midnight
A friend will come to the rescue
That's what it means
A true true friend.

Always a friend to me
Can help out
If anything
It will happen suddenly.
To be needed by someone
In difficult times -
That's what it means
A true true friend.
To be needed by someone
In difficult times -
That's what it means
A true true friend.

"Friends and comrades"

It was a fun day
Early spring
We walked after school -
Me and you are with me.

Jackets wide open
Hats on one side -
We went anywhere
On the first warm day.

We went anywhere -
Just at random
Forward and to the right,
And then back.

And then back,
And then around
And then skipping
And then run.

We wandered merrily
Me and you are with me,
Have fun back
Go home in the evening.

We parted merrily -
Why should we be sad?
Having fun with each other
Let's meet again!

"Your friend"

Do you have a good friend?
There is no more reliable friend.
Ask about the north and the south,
About what's around you -
He will answer everything.

Do you remember how he came to class?
We all decided: harsh!
But how much did he find for you?
Simple, understandable words!

You at your desk alone
Explained the problem.
Helped your neighbor
And he separated the fighters.

Do you remember when he took you on a hike?
In the morning, at seven o'clock?
Which bird sings how?
He spoke in the forest.

The autumn evening has arrived.
You're already in bed...
The teacher just revealed
Your heavy briefcase.

You are fast asleep now,
You've had enough dreams.
And he, bending under the lamp,
Praise: “Five” this time,
Seryozha Ivanov!

Raised good kids
Your friend for many years.
They thank him now
Collective farmer and poet,
Noble scientist, furnace,
Artist and combat pilot...

Trusted friend -
Your teacher!


There are dictionaries on the shelves,
The green light is on.
- Come in and shut the doors, -
A neighbor tells me.

He sits in a chair at the table,
He will ask me: - How are you? -
He teaches me the alphabet
Reading a book by the fire.

To his service by three o'clock,
And he goes to buy bread himself,
And sometimes he will send me
And he will ask to take it for two days.

He is very smart, our neighbor,
They bring him five newspapers,
And at night, until two o'clock,
He reads aloud to himself.

« A friend won’t leave you in trouble, won’t ask too much, that’s what a true, faithful friend means." A true friend is a great happiness. U true friendship no limits. You won’t constantly weigh the pros and cons: what to say and what to remain silent about. Much is clear without words.

« The bird is strong with its wings, and the man is strong with friendship»

« Cherish your friendship - don’t rush to forget.”

Dear friend Misha...

Sergey Yesenin

Dear friend Misha
You're like a whirlwind, and I'm like hush,
Save under a quiet roof
Love and memory about me.

The boy and the girl were friends...

Sergey Mikhalkov

The boy and the girl were friends
The boy valued his friendship.
Like a comrade, like an acquaintance,
As a friend, he more than once
I walked her home
Before the gate at a late hour.
Very often with her
He went to the stadium.
And about her as a bride
He never thought.
But the parents are bourgeois
They said this about them:
“Look! To our Tanya
The groom started showing up!”
The neighbors open the door,
They smile: “Hello!
If you are with Tanya, Fedya,
Then the bride is not at home!”
Even at school! Even at school
Conversations sometimes went on:
“What are they watching there, in the Komsomol?
This friendship is oh-oh-oh!”
It's worth appearing together
Behind my back: “Hee-hee!
Ivanov decided to get married.
Signed up as a groom!”
The boy and the girl were friends
The boy valued his friendship.
And he didn't think about falling in love
And I didn’t know until now
What will it be called
Stupid word “boyfriend”!
Clean, honest and open
The boy had friendship.
And now she is forgotten!
What happened to her? She died!
Died from stupid jokes
Evil laughs and whispers,
From bourgeois jokes
Fools and vulgar people.

Letter to a friend, or Sketch about Paris...

Vladimir Vysotsky

Oh, dear Vanya! I'm walking around Paris -
And what I hear and what I see -
I’m writing in my notebook to follow up on my impressions:
When I get old, I’ll publish a book.

About the fact that, Vanya, you and I are in Paris
You need them like pliers in a bathhouse.

All the emigrants here are second generation -
They are full of misunderstandings:
They confuse everything - both the name and the titles -
And you, Vanya, they would howl - “Vanya”.

But in general, Vanya, you and I are in Paris
You need skis, like in a Russian bathhouse!

I myself started tricks with a Frenchwoman,
My friends now are both Pierre and Jean.
I've already spat from the Eiffel Tower
On the heads of careless Parisians!

Our penetration of the planet
Particularly noticeable in the distance:
In a public toilet in Paris
There are inscriptions in Russian!

Friends (Gods have given you...)

Alexander Pushkin

The gods have yet given you
Golden days, golden nights,
And languid maidens are directed
Attentive eyes are on you.
Play, sing, O friends!
Lose the fleeting evening;
And your carefree joy
I will smile through my tears.

Mordey, friend. Friends are getting younger...

Andrey Voznesensky

Mordey, friend. Friends are getting younger.
Don't get excited.
Try it with your model
How “anti” turns into antiquity.

I have debts to my friends...

Vladimir Vysotsky

I have debts to my friends, -
But they have it in front of me,
But with your strange deeds
And they are strange, and I am strange.

Write me letters guys
Give me a couple of minutes -
Otherwise my life will be crushed,
And fewer songs will be sung about you.

Don't burn bridges behind you,
Don't destroy houses of cards, -
God be with them, who are eager to fight
Just because of women and debts!

Write me letters guys
Make me happy at least a little, -
Otherwise I'll die without a salary,
Without having time to sip your affection.

Between 1967 and 1969

Song about a friend

Vladimir Vysotsky

If a friend suddenly turns out to be
And not a friend, and not an enemy, but - so,
If you don't understand right away,
Whether he is good or bad -
Pull the guy to the mountains - take a risk!
Don't leave him alone
Let him be in conjunction with you -
There you will understand who he is.

If a guy is in the mountains - no,
If you immediately become limp and go down,
The step stepped onto the glacier and - wilted,
Stumbled - and screamed -
So, next to you is a stranger,
Don't scold him, drive him away:
They don’t take people like that up, and here
They don't sing about people like that.

If he didn’t whine, didn’t whine,
Even though he was gloomy and angry, he walked
And when you fell off the cliffs,
He moaned, but held on,
If I followed you as if into battle,
He stood drunk, -
So, as for yourself,
Rely on him. Where did I hide my treasure?
As I remember, happiness lived before
And tears hid in that place:
But happiness soon changed,
And then the tears flowed.
Protect the holy treasures
Now I have been taught by fate;
No strangers' eyes will meet them,
They will die in me, with me!