Date in 2019: May 1st, Wednesday.

Traditionally, the beginning of May is perceived as a reason for relaxation. After all, it was this period that became a symbol of spring, the welcome of the sun’s warmth, and a kind of start to work on the ground. And for Russians, this is also the beginning of the May holidays, when all their time can be devoted to communicating with family or household chores. Many are simply relaxing or celebrating Spring and Labor Day. But only a few can tell what history May Day has, and how the name and traditions of the holiday changed.

The date itself, May 1, is perceived by Russians as a holiday. And many people celebrate May Day with pleasure. Some, taking advantage of the legal day off, go to nature or to their garden plot, while others, remembering what a holiday May 1 is in Russia, gladly pick up thematic symbols and go to the May Day. And the most interesting thing is that each celebration option is fully consistent with the theme of the holiday. Let's try to find out what historical events formed the basis of the holiday and what this day is called today in Russia.

Ancient history of the holiday

Many people associate the appearance of the May Day holiday with labor strikes in Australia, America and Canada in the 19th century. But, as it turns out, the history of the May 1 holiday has more ancient roots.

And it is connected with the honoring of the goddess Maya back in Ancient Rome. This goddess patronized fertility and the earth. And in her honor they arranged beautiful holiday, the purpose of which was to appease the goddess before working on the earth. The inhabitants of the ancient empire asked that their hard work bring a well-deserved reward, and that the land produce a good harvest. It was in honor of this goddess that the last month of spring later received its name - May.

This tradition of organizing mass celebrations in honor of labor on the land quickly spread to neighboring countries. But with the advent of Christianity, pagan customs began to be zealously supplanted by the church. And by the end of the 18th century, folk customs of glorifying the “goddess of hard work” were successfully eradicated. It became more popular, which began to be associated with revival, with spring.

Second birth of May Day

But historical events that occurred already at the end of the 19th century gave the holiday a second life. It was reborn, but as a symbol of the solidarity of all workers.

Labor rally in Chicago

The history of the holiday, in the understanding in which it has survived to this day, is connected with the liberation movement of American workers. They, under the leadership of socialist, communist, and anarchist organizations, went on strike in 1886. The event took place in Chicago, and according to some sources, the number of demonstrators numbered up to 40,000 people.

Despite calls from more radical participants for a real socialist revolution, the goal of this demonstration was to achieve humane working conditions, and above all, an 8-hour working day.

However, retribution for discontent was not long in coming. The demonstration was brutally dispersed by the police, and the very next day 1,000 workers simply found themselves on the street without work. Such measures provoked a new wave of discontent, which has already had disastrous consequences. The shooting of demonstrators, a provocation with a bomb that killed the police themselves, and the execution of innocent workers could not change the harsh working conditions, but became the reason for the emergence of new protests and riots.

It was in honor of the first uprising that the tradition of celebrating workers' solidarity on May 1 arose.

Literally three years after the historical event, May Day acquired the status international holiday. At the Congress of the Second International, which took place in France, it was decided to support the Chicago workers. Support was expressed in holding rallies with social demands on May 1. And the holiday itself was called World Workers' Day.

May Day in Russia

Russian workers did not remain aloof from the international action. But, despite the recognition of the holiday at the state level, for a certain time May Days were held in a narrow circle and secretly. Already in 1901, open demonstrations took place, at which not so much social as political slogans appeared. They called for a change of government.

Beginning of May Day in Russia

And this seed of disobedience bore fruit. In 1912, 400 thousand representatives of the proletariat attended the May rally. And in 17, millions walked along the streets.

With the advent of Bolshevik power, the celebration was already held openly, but acquired a different meaning. Moreover, the holiday became larger-scale, and its purpose was to glorify the existing ideology.

In every city, in every village, demonstrators walked through the streets with posters and banners, with flags and portraits of people's leaders. And the most distinguished ones were given the honorable opportunity to participate in the main parade of the country on Red Square.

Over time, the political coloring of May Day faded, and the opportunity to celebrate holiday date with family or with friends. Almost until the collapse of the Union, the tradition of holding processions was preserved, where congratulations were replaced by political speeches. But the second day, which was also a day off, was devoted to rest and communication.

So the political holiday gradually turned into a folk one. But he kept his favorite attributes in the form of balls and red flags. People of the older generation remember with pleasure the feeling of elation and solemnity that was accompanied by a sense of the magic of spring. And even more pleasing was the opportunity to relax, which became the main symbol of the beginning of May.

Modern traditions on May 1

The last May Day parade was held in 1990. After the complete collapse of the Union, this tradition was lost. However, people happily continued to celebrate their favorite date. Moreover, in the working calendar, spring days continued to remain days off.

In 1992, the holiday received a new name. Now May 1 is celebrated as the holiday of spring and labor. The idea of ​​combining ancient and social traditions was accepted by the people without much rejoicing. After all, for many it is more important that the May holidays have been preserved, and not the idea of ​​the holiday itself.

And in this form, the holiday embraced the customs of ancient ancestors, the social orientation, and modern trends of celebration.

Many people are happy to go out on the first day of May not to demonstrate, but to their personal plots or garden plots, and spend the workers' holiday working on the land.

For others, this is truly a reason to relax. Therefore, many people try to have their first spring picnic with family or friends on these days. They are full of varied and interesting offers for May holidays and advertising brochures of travel agencies, which our compatriots gladly use to take a break from everyday work.

But trade unions, political organizations, and social movements do not forget to take part in May Day rallies, but under their own slogans. They are joined by both like-minded people and absolutely apolitical citizens who just want to walk through the streets out of habit with flags and balloons.

And even though the holiday has lost its scale, it continues to delight people and unite workers. And the popular slogan of Soviet times: “Peace! Work! May!” – does not lose its relevance and is heard in almost all congratulations.


Please accept my congratulations on May Day. And let the most important day for all workers become simply Spring Day. May he give you hope, strength and inspiration. I wish you never experience fatigue and disappointment. Let your work be only a joy, bring true pleasure and, of course, be appreciated. After all, only a job you love can help you reach unprecedented heights.

On May 1st, all my wishes are connected with success, with high achievements, with labor “feats”. So remain committed to your favorite business, so that it brings not only pleasant fatigue and joy for the soul, but also real impressive rewards: the respect of partners and competitors, the opportunity to bring the craziest ideas to life. Don’t stop, just take a break so that after the holiday you can rush headlong into the whirlpool of new plans. And luck will always be with you - a diligent and purposeful worker.

Spring day, May Day,

Accept congratulations,

Let all your dreams come true,

And also health and beauty.

Let any troubles forget the road to you,

But may luck always be with you.

And may the spring days bring happiness,

And the warm breeze will drive away all your misfortunes.

Congratulations on the May Day chaos,

With a song, barbecue across the neighboring river,

Congratulations to everyone on their work on earth,

The time for Labor Day has already come.

Congratulations on the world, and also with difficulty,

With the May noise outside your window,

Congratulations on your kindness

And, of course, with spring beauty.

And today we have a holiday,

The day spring came

We'll tease you now

You will be gifted.

I'll come to congratulate you

I'm already in a hurry,

After all, we are having a barbecue today,

I will invite you too.

Larisa, April 27, 2017.

History of the May 1st holiday for children

May 1 - Spring and Labor Festival

About the holiday May 1st for children. Interesting and helpful information about the May Day holiday.

For many years, the May Day holiday was called International Workers' Day. Every year on this day, schoolchildren, students and workers went to a demonstration.

Adults carried large flags, flowers and banners in their hands, and children had small flags and air balloons. Everyone rejoiced at spring, the renewal of nature and the warm rays of the sun. Returning home, everyone sat down at the festive table.

May Day was a great occasion to send to friends and family Greeting Cards and wish you health and happiness.

On May 1, 1990, the last May Day demonstration took place. International Workers' Day lost its political character and was renamed the Spring and Labor Day. Today it is not celebrated as actively as in previous years. But, since this day is a day off, people have the opportunity to take a break from work, invite guests or go visit themselves and have a good time on a nice spring day. And some, on the contrary, believe that on Labor Day you must definitely work - they go to the dacha and work in the garden.

How May Day is celebrated in different countries


Labor Day in the United States is celebrated not on May 1st, but on the first Monday in September. But on May 1, Americans have a custom of singing and dancing around the “Maypole” (this custom came to America from Europe). Children collect spring flowers in paper baskets. They place these baskets under the doors of close friends and relatives, and then press the bell button and run away. Someone opens the door, and there is a pleasant surprise!


In ancient times, on the first day of May, the Celts celebrated Beltane - a holiday whose name translated means “Merry Bonfire”. It was dedicated to the sun and driving cattle to summer pastures. Residents collected wood for sacred fires. They piled them on the hills and set them on fire at dawn. They brought the cattle from the pastures and led them between the fires. In this way, they paid tribute to the sun and tried to appease the forces of nature. Of course, today Beltane is no longer celebrated like that - they just organize processions and mass celebrations.


German boys secretly plant maypoles in front of the windows of their beloved girls. It's a beautiful tradition, isn't it? And the holiday could have turned out to be very pleasant, if not for one circumstance. On May 1, numerous parties and movements hold rallies, which very often end in fights and brawls.

In general, in Germany the night from April 30 to May 1 is Walpurgis Night! Tradition says that at this time witches hold a Sabbath on Mount Brocken. And this is why this legend appeared. In the Middle Ages, some Germanic tribes did not want to accept Christianity and secretly organized bonfires with dances, worshiping pagan gods. Well, legends began to circulate among the people that it was witches who were going to the Sabbath.


In Greece, it is customary to celebrate the transition of spring into summer. Wreaths are hung above the entrance to the house, symbolizing the onset of the Flower Festival. Early in the morning, girls in the villages dress in elegant national dresses and go off to collect flowers to weave wreaths and decorate their houses with them. The Greeks also hold flower processions to celebrate the arrival of summer.


The Italian holiday has ancient pagan roots. And it is not called Labor Day by chance. The fact is that three thousand years ago the inhabitants of Ancient Italy worshiped the goddess Maya, the patroness of the earth and fertility. It was in her honor that the last month of spring was named May. Well, on the first day of May, celebrations and festivities were held.

The ancient Romans held festivals called Floralia in late April and early May, which were dedicated to Flora, the goddess of flowers and youth. Today, the people of Italy also revere this goddess: they hold flower festivals and bring flowers to the temple. Well, in Sicily, on May Day, everyone collects meadow daisies - according to local beliefs, these flowers bring happiness. The Italians have another wonderful tradition - decorating the “May Day tree”. Moreover, they can dress up not only a tree, but even an ordinary pole. Tassels, bows, artificial flowers are used - the main thing is that it is beautiful and festive! Round dances are held around the “May Day tree”, people dance and sing, fire performances and fireworks are staged. The main thing is that no one digs up the tree on the night before the holiday.

Spring and Labor Day 2020 is celebrated in Russia on May 1. This Public Holiday and a public holiday in the country. It is dedicated to all workers. Another popular name for the celebration is May Day.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday dates back to the middle of the 19th century. In 1856, workers in Australia staged mass protests and demanded an eight-hour working day. The Australian movement was taken up by workers in Canada and the USA. On May 1, 1886, a demonstration in Chicago ended in a clash with police and bloodshed. In July 1889 in Paris, the Congress of the Second International decided to hold annual May Day demonstrations in memory of the victims.

First in Russia holiday events and the actions took place in 1891 in St. Petersburg. In 1918, the government of the RSFSR decided to hold the national holiday International Day on May 1. In 1972, it was named “International Workers' Day - May Day” and began to be celebrated on May 1 and 2. In 1992 it was renamed the Spring and Labor Festival. Until 2005, May 1 and 2 were official holidays holidays in Russia. In accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2004 No. 201-FZ “On amendments to Article 112 Labor Code Russian Federation“Only May 1st remains a day off.

Traditions and rituals

On May 1, trade unions, communist, anarchist and alternative political parties organize rallies and parades highlighting slogans for workers' rights. Concerts and concerts are held in city squares entertainment programs with the participation of pop stars.

Top officials of the state send postcards, certificates of gratitude, awards and valuable gifts to distinguished employees.

On May Day, not only workers are honored, but also the onset of the last month of spring, symbolizing the flowering of all living things and the approach of summer. On this holiday, residents of Russia organize May Days: picnics, trips out of town, fishing, to the dacha. During such outings into nature, they cook dishes over the fire, sing songs with a guitar, and play games.

For many citizens of the Russian Federation, the May 1 holiday has lost its original political and social meaning and has become an occasion for meetings with friends, colleagues and a pleasant outdoor recreation.

Russians look forward to the May holidays with special impatience - there are so many days off at the beginning of the month, when the dacha season opens! But if every baby today knows what May 9 means for Russia, then few people can clearly tell us what exactly we celebrate on May 1. Together with the news agency "Amitel" we are figuring out what kind of holiday May Day is.

If we delve deeply into history, then even in ancient times our ancestors organized large-scale celebrations, which took place at the end of April and beginning of May. In this way they tried to appease the gods before starting work in the fields. The Slavs celebrated the departure of the spring colds, organized ritual bathing in cold water, burned bonfires, greeted the goddess Zhiva, who, according to legend, revived nature.

Residents Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome worshiped the goddess Maya, who was the patroness of farmers. In the last month of spring, in honor of the goddess and the beginning of the new harvest season, they held a big celebration.

Everyone probably remembers from history that two centuries ago the working day of a poor man lasted from 12 to 15 hours. On April 21, 1856, protest marches were held in Australia by workers who demanded that the working day be reduced to 8 hours without reducing wages. They managed to achieve their goal. And even without bloodshed

In 1886, workers in the USA and Canada also decided to organize rallies and demonstrations to achieve an 8-hour working day, a fixed salary and social guarantees. On this day, every city rebelled. However, the center of the protests was Chicago, where about 40,000 workers took to the streets. Here it was not possible to resolve the matter peacefully. Thousands of workers were fired, and demonstrations were dispersed with weapons. A lot of people died. In memory of the victims, the Paris Congress of the Second International declared May 1, 1890, the Day of Solidarity of Workers of the World and proposed to mark it with demonstrations demanding an 8-hour working day and other social demands. The holiday has become an annual event.

How was May Day celebrated in Russia?

IN Russian Empire May Day was first celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw. This trend was picked up by St. Petersburg, where in 1981, on May 1, a May Day strike of workers took place. The first May Day in Moscow took place in 1895. Since 1897, May Days began to be political in nature and accompanied by mass demonstrations. In 1917, May 1 was celebrated openly for the first time. In all cities of the country, millions of workers took to the streets with the slogans of the Communist Party “All power to the Soviets”, “Down with the capitalist ministers”.

In 1918, post-revolutionary Russia adopted a law stating that May 1 would be celebrated at the national level.

In the USSR, May Day demonstrations were of great importance. It was a truly large-scale celebration. Organizations have been preparing for it for weeks. In the first years of Soviet power, military equipment entered the parade in honor of May 1, and real performances were staged with acrobatic and gymnastic acts. It was a real holiday that everyone was waiting for.

It had many names. Initially, in the USSR May 1 was called International Day. In 1930, this day was renamed the Holiday of International Solidarity of the Proletariat. During the Great Patriotic War it was called the Battle Festival of the International Proletariat. After that it appeared official name— International Labor Day. Since 1997, on May 1st we have been celebrating Spring and Labor Day.

For many, May 1 is one of the most beloved holidays. Despite the fact that it falls in the last month of spring, it is considered a symbol of the beginning of warmth and sunlight. And for Russians, it also means the beginning of the May holidays - a series of days free from the hustle and bustle of work and devoted exclusively to relaxing with family and friends.

Despite such love for this date, few people know how the story of May 1 began. While the older generation still remembers the scale of the celebration during the Soviet Union, for the younger generation this day often means only an extra day off. But at the same time, May Day has a rich history that will be interesting for everyone to get acquainted with.

Origins of the holiday

This date originates in the American city of Chicago, where on May 1, 1886 a large-scale workers’ protest took place. Tired of unbearable conditions, people demanded that the number of working hours per day be limited to 8. But the rally not only failed to achieve its goal, but also led to numerous casualties among the protesters.

The American authorities, who did not intend to reduce the 15-hour working day, ordered the police to take tough measures against the protesters. As a result, a massive fire was opened, which claimed hundreds of lives. Despite this, workers continued to hold protests on May 1st every year, demanding that their harsh working conditions be taken into account. Such rallies often ended in real fights with the police. It was in memory of the first Chicago protest that the date began to be celebrated, first of all, as Labor Day.

Such mass protests did not go unnoticed. The Congress of the Second International, which was held in Paris in 1889, decided to call May 1 World Workers' Day. This was done in honor of the workers of Chicago, who were the first to decide to resist the existing system.

In addition, at the Congress it was decided that people of all states have the right to go to rallies annually on May 1 and put forward their demands of a social nature. Thus, Labor Day was officially recognized at the state level.

The emergence of the holiday in Russia

The history of the May 1 holiday in Russia begins in 1890, when world communists celebrated this date for the first time. This happened in Warsaw. Inspired by the example of their American colleagues and the actions of the Poles, Russian workers gradually came to the idea of ​​starting protests. The first mass demonstrations of the proletariat were celebrated in 1897, when the holiday acquired political overtones.

But, despite the fact that Labor Day was officially recognized by the authorities, mass celebrations remained informal for a long time. It was only in 1901 that the first slogans openly demanding a change of power were seen. By 1912, the number of representatives of the proletariat participating in the May demonstrations reached 400 thousand. And already in 1917, entire millions of people walked the streets, demanding the overthrow of the tsarist government. It was this year that the Russian holiday began to take on an official character, and demonstrations and parades began to be held openly.

The coming of the Bolsheviks to power became an important stage in the celebration of May 1, and the history of the holiday took on a different color. The status of this day has also changed. Now the date has been awarded the title of “the most large-scale holiday in the Soviet Union,” which had to be celebrated by all residents of the country.

In every locality, entire working groups walked along the streets, carrying posters in their hands that reflected the existing ideology. And the reward for the most distinguished was the opportunity to participate in the main parade of the country, which took place on Red Square in the capital.

Despite the fact that May Day initially had a political character, which is why it was celebrated quite strictly, over time it turned into a favorite folk holiday. Slogans calling for action against the capitalist system were replaced by banners with solemn congratulations written on them.

People began to celebrate this date with family or friends, enjoying the two-day weekend. Traditionally, the first day was dedicated to parades, at which political speeches were replaced by congratulations, and large-scale processions were held, covered by television. But the second day could be spent at a fun May Day with loved ones and relax before working days.

This is how May 1, or the Spring and Labor Festival, gradually turned from an annual political rally into a favorite national celebration. Red flags and balloons are integral attributes of this date. The older generation recalls with pleasure the unique atmosphere that reigned throughout the country at that time. The first real warmth, the feeling of the magic of spring and the opportunity to spend two extra weekends with loved ones - this is what May Day symbolized for the working class of the Soviet Union.

May 1 in modern Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this date continues to be celebrated. But the previous excitement around the holiday is no longer there, and the main joy from it is the additional days off. The last parade dedicated to May 1 was held in 1990.

Now this day is traditionally celebrated with a picnic, and for many residents of the country this is an additional opportunity to work in the garden.

Despite the fact that the holiday no longer pleases people on such a scale, its significance is not forgotten. The famous slogan “Peace! Work! May!" still continues to sound in congratulations. Warm holiday, which united the entire working class, will remain among the most beloved.

May 1st in various countries

This day is celebrated not only in the USA and Russia. Number of countries that joined the celebration significant date, equals 142. Most of them celebrate it on May 1, but there are states where celebrations are held on the first Monday of the month.

This holiday is especially loved in:

  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Sweden;
  • Greece;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Holland.

Each country has its own traditions for celebrating May Day. For example, on this day young Spaniards present their spouses with the first spring flowers, which bloom by this time.

And in Germany there are large-scale celebrations, entire fairs and funny dances. In addition, there is a wonderful tradition here - young people in love plant a tree in front of the window of their chosen one.

On the night of April 30 to May 1, giant fires are lit in Swedish cities, in which garbage that has accumulated throughout the year is burned. After this, it’s time to dance and have fun. And the next morning various rallies begin in support of the working class.

In Greece, this day is a holiday symbolizing the change of seasons. Young girls collect the first flowers, weave wreaths from them and decorate their homes.

In France, May Day is associated with lilies of the valley. These are the flowers that represent happiness that the French give when congratulating each other.

On this day, Italians return to the pagan origins of the holiday. Flower festivals are held in honor of the goddesses Maya and Flora.

In Holland, May Day is the time for the tulip festival. Many people from all over the world come here specifically to see this colorful spectacle.

Thus, May 1st - wonderful holiday which unites different peoples. It doesn’t matter what version of the celebration is held in the country. Either way it's light spring holiday, which brings a lot of positive emotions.