From experience working in older age groups preschool educational institution group. Speech development of children of senior preschool age throughout the child’s entire stay in kindergarten.

In children of older preschool age it reaches a fairly high level. Basically, children pronounce all sounds correctly, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, and are able to convey exclamatory and interrogative intonations.

By older preschool age, a child has accumulated a significant vocabulary. Vocabulary enrichment continues, however Special attention is paid to its qualitative side: increasing the vocabulary of words of similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) meaning, as well as polysemantic words.

In senior preschool age Basically, an important stage in the development of the child’s speech is completed - the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language. The proportion of simple common, complex and complex sentences is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors. The ability to control your speech. In dialogue speech, children resort to short and detailed answers in accordance with the question.

In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of raising and educating children, since the level of mastery of coherent speech determines the success of children’s education at school, the ability to communicate with people and general intellectual development.

At the same time, other features of speech can be noted. Some children do not pronounce all sounds correctly and make mistakes in the formation of various grammatical forms (genitive plurals of nouns, agreement of adjectives with nouns, in word formation). There are errors in constructing a coherent text in compliance with structural elements (beginning, middle, end) and their connection.

The development of speech of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities: during educational activities“Communication”, “Acquaintance with fiction”, with the phenomena of the surrounding reality, etc., and outside of them - gaming and artistic activities, everyday life.

I will focus on solving problems of speech development during routine moments. Properly organized routine moments of the day have great educational and pedagogical significance. Repeated daily, routine moments accustom the child’s body to a certain rhythm, provide a change of activities (play, study, work) and thereby protect the children’s nervous system from overwork. The teacher is with the children in a variety of settings: in the locker room, washroom, bedroom, play corner and other places. Therefore, he has the opportunity to activate and consolidate new words and correct speech errors.

During the morning reception of children, we have the opportunity to talk about the child’s mood, find out what new things happened to him, for example, over the weekend, what book was read to him at home, or he watched a cartoon, and so on. Consolidate knowledge about transport, family, professions, favorite toys, etc. If it’s cold time, then, while getting dressed for a walk or undressing after it, you can talk to the children what color their clothes are (coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender), list the details of the clothes, come up with what the clothes look like (a scarf is a road, a stream), from what material the clothes are made of (wool, fur, denim, etc.).

During labor activity We consolidate children’s knowledge about the names of instruments, words and actions. We ask questions: “What will you do?”, “What are you doing?”, “Why do you need to loosen the ground?” etc.

While on duty in the dining room, you can draw the children’s attention to the dishes, name their shape, color, the material from which they are made, and their quantity on the table. The same work is carried out during preparation required material to classes.

On a walk, while observing living and inanimate nature and its phenomena, children also answer the teacher’s questions, reason, and make conclusions. We invite children to compose or invent a story, a fairy tale about what they saw: about a cloud, about a butterfly, about a snowflake, about the first flower, etc.

Since in preschool childhood The leading activity is the game, then one of the conditions for successful work on speech development is the use of various games. These are games that help consolidate children’s knowledge in all areas of speech development: speech development, coherent speech, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work.

During role-playing games, children improve dialogic speech and develop monologue speech skills. Mastering monologue speech is one of the main tasks of the speech development of preschool children, since it absorbs the development of all aspects of speech - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. During story games, children have indirect communication through a toy.

I would like to dwell on the fact that at all regime moments they include didactic games on speech development, entertaining, phonetic, lexical, grammatical exercises. During didactic games, the skills and abilities acquired during classes are consolidated. This work is carried out with a small subgroup of children or individually.

I will list some games that we use in working with older children:

- “Living words” (consolidating knowledge about sentences and words);

- “Name the end of the word” (the teacher names the first syllable, and the children add the end of the word: ra - cancer, rainbow, daisy);

- “Sound clock”;

- “Say the opposite” (antonyms);

- “Polysemantic words” (make sentences with polysemantic words);

- “Snail” (ZKR, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech);

- “Nonsense” (to reason, to draw conclusions);

- “Telephone” (work on phonetics);

- “Gifts” (ZKR);

- “Count the object” (lexico-grammatical structure of speech)

- “What is red? Red? Red?" (lexico-grammatical structure)

- “Make a sentence using a given word or sound” (Katya bought a doll);

- “What is... the bear doing?” (name as many verbs as possible);

- “Say it differently” (synonyms);

- “Lay it out in in the right order and make up a story” (composing stories based on a series of pictures);

- “Words are relatives” (formation of words with augmentative and diminutive suffixes).

Also speech development occurs during dramatization games. Children improve the expressiveness of figurative speech, enrich their vocabulary, and the ability to combine speech with facial expressions and movements.

We also often use tongue twisters and tongue twisters in our work. They are good for clarifying the articulation of sounds, for practicing diction, voice strength, and speech rate.

We introduce children to proverbs and sayings. This gives children the opportunity to develop a conscious attitude towards the semantic side of the word. Understanding and using proverbs and sayings presupposes mastery of the figurative meaning of words and the ability to apply them to different situations.

Children really like playing with their fingers, which are accompanied by reading poems, nursery rhymes, and songs. Such games have a beneficial effect on speech development and create a favorable emotional background.

I would also like to say about memorization and expressive reading poems. Fiction and oral folk art develop the child’s thinking and imagination, enrich his emotions, provide examples of literary language, and feel the melody and rhythm of his native language.


Teacher of GBDOU No. 104 kindergarten

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Pogorskaya T.D.

In modern society, its spiritual and material sphere, the problem of communication is relevant. Having been born, a person enters into various relationships with the surrounding world of things and people. Without communication, the human psyche cannot be formed. A child does not become a person on his own; he owes this to communication with people with whom he lives, plays, and educates. In line with the latest concepts preschool education The development of communication skills in children is of particular importance as a guarantee of their successful development and easy adaptation in society.

According to the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, the content of the educational field "Communication" is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them through solving the following tasks:

  • development of free communication with adults and children;
  • development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various types of children's activities;
  • practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

Based on our work experience, we have identified the main directions for organizing the communicative activities of pupils in kindergarten:

  • Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for children’s speech practice and development of communication skills.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive correctional impact on the speech development of preschool children.
  • Optimizing the work of teachers.
  • Organization of targeted work with parents aimed at correct speech education of the child in the family.
  • Creating a subject-based developmental environment in groups that stimulates speech and personal development: cozy group rooms, careful selection of toys, teaching aids, the presence of special rooms with modular equipment.

For a child to successfully master communicative activities, it is necessary to create specialpsychological and pedagogical conditions:

  • Development of an individual development route for each child, which is based on the diagnostic results for this section;
  • Reflection on the activities of the teacher and the activities of the child;
  • Psychological support for the child in difficult moments of learning;
  • Organization of the educational process on the principle of humanism and cooperation;
  • Inadmissibility of standardization of methodological techniques;
  • Selection of didactic materials that are optimal for each child (in terms of content, quantity, rate of learning).

It is no secret that the monotony and pattern of classes causes apathy in children and a reluctance to work with sounds, syllables, and words of their native language. As a result, knowledge of the native language is blocked. All this shows the need to find resources to develop effective technologies for teaching children.

The use of various tasks and forms of work with preschoolers during the day helps to enhance the communicative activity of preschoolers. These are educational and didactic games (dramatization games, role-playing games, competition games, outdoor games, creative games, dramatization games, etc.), conversation, fairytale therapy, music therapy; psycho-gymnastics, modeling and analysis of situations, free and thematic drawing, reading works of art and discussion of poetry, exercises (imitative-performing and creative), improvisation, children's stories, writing stories, mini-competitions, etc.

During the walk, games are organized to reinforce the rules of behavior with adults, peers, behavior in public places, and the formation of ideas about oneself. These are the games: "Magic Ball", "Let's Collect magic words in a basket”, “Give a gift”, etc. “Puppet conversations” are held, i.e. conversations about each other’s health, help, holidays, relatives.

In the afternoon, games are organized to understand different emotional and physical states (joy, sadness, fatigue, grief, love, anger, irritation), manifested in the features of facial expressions, gestures, actions, voice intonation: “Find the residents of the houses”, “Guess the mood ", "Determine the mood of people from photographs", etc.

All proposed games that recreate relationships between people not only develop dialogical speech, but also teach children to communicate with each other and help them master universal human values.

During this work we expect the following results:

  • initiative of each child;
  • ability to formulate an idea;
  • ability to negotiate without conflict;
  • ability to establish contacts with other children;
  • the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of other people.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Communicative activity of preschool children with visual impairment.

In the process of communicative activity, children learn the world, appropriate the socio-historical experience accumulated by previous generations of humanity. Children with visual impairments cannot...

"Circle of Friends" as a form of development of communicative activity of preschool children

A circle of friends is a part of the daily routine, held at a certain time, in a certain specially equipped place, when children and adults gather to exchange information, discuss...

A child’s success in communicating with peers is an important factor in his socialization, which affects personal development, educational success and psychological health in general.

One of the indicators of the full and correct development of a preschooler is the ability to interact with peers and elders.

The preschool period of child development is coming to an end. Parents are concerned about such problems as: is the child ready for school, will he cope with the curriculum, will the team accept him, etc.

One of the main aspects of readiness for systematic learning is social and communication skills.

T.V. pays special attention to the communicative activity of preschool children. Chirkova. In her opinion, communicative activity is manifested in the child’s relationships with adults and peers. It can be observed in a variety of life circumstances in the child’s activities. The communicative component manifests itself in both the educational and play activities of the preschooler. (21, p. 156).

Individual characteristics of communicative activity are manifested in children in role-playing games. In addition to observation, you can specifically create situations that require the manifestation of the dynamic features of a child’s communication (for example, a child’s request to kindergarten staff; collective forms of carrying out assignments; joint activities in the manufacture of toys, manuals, decorations for kindergarten premises, etc.). You can conduct an individual conversation-survey about the preference for partnership among children; use variants of sociometric techniques. (2, p. 161).

T.V. Chirkova suggests studying communicative activity according to three indicators: speed, ergy and variation. These indicators are in a certain ratio.

Speed ​​indicators are the speed of establishing contacts in communication with peers and adults; speed of reaction to partners’ actions; speed of interactions. (21, p. 154).

Ergic indicators are the desire for consistency in communication; lack of isolation; the desire to be in the midst of people; intensity and breadth of social circle; lack of fatigue from a long stay in a circle of strangers. (21, p. 154).

Variable indicators are the ease of transition from one child to another in games; lack of constant selectivity in partnerships; sociability in a new environment, emotional freedom; variability in ways of communicating with peers. (21, p. 155).

To identify a child’s communicative activity, first of all, educators must observe the manifestation of individual dynamics in a wide variety of child activities.

In the preparatory group, a ascertaining (diagnostic) experiment was conducted to identify the communicative activity of older preschoolers according to the methods of T.V. Chirkova “Communicative activity” and R.S. Nemova “What is a child like in relationships with people around him?”

The purpose of this experiment: to identify the characteristics of the communicative activity of preschool children with adults and peers.

Pupils of MBDOU No. 122 Child Development Center (Avtozavodsky district, Sovestkoy Armii str., 11) took part in the experiment. Age of children: 6-7 years, number of subjects - 20 people, of which 11 boys and 9 girls.

The purpose of the “Communicative Activity” method by T.V. Chirkova is to identify the individual characteristics of communication in preschool children.

Based on the results of the experiment, we identified four individual typological groups.

In children of the first group, in communicative activity there is a rapid establishment of contacts with peers and adults, but the stability and selectivity of contacts is insignificant, there is an increased tendency to communicate, but superficially. There are 7 such children in the group.

As a rule, such activity characteristics were typical for children who were active, lively, but not sufficiently balanced. According to a number of indicators, these children tend to have a choleric temperament.

In children of the second group, sociability is insignificant, but there is greater selectivity in choosing a partner and stability of relationships. The number of children belonging to this group is 4.

According to a number of vital and experimental indicators, children of this group have a weakness of the nervous system and a tendency toward a melancholic temperament. The third group includes children whose speed indicators in communicative activities are high, but their instability is observed. There are 6 people in the group.

Children of this group tend to have a sanguine temperament.

The fourth group included those children whose communicative activity has average levels for all indicators. However, there is significant selectivity and stability in the system of relationships. There are 3 such children in the group.

This group of children are calm, balanced, even somewhat slow, and traditionally belong to the phlegmatic temperament.

Summing up the results of this experiment, it is clear that when characterizing all types of activity, any group of children has its own specific, both positive and negative, characteristics. After conducting this experiment, it is easier for the teacher to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each child in order to determine further individual and group work with them.

Table 1

Communication activity groups

Ulyana A.

Ulyana G.

Maxim G.

Natasha G.

Timosha R.

table 2

Diagram 1

In a child of senior preschool age, communication skills are represented by words denoting relationships between people, rules of behavior in society, and his figurative speech is formed.

The communication skills of preschool children improve by the time they enter school; the child has already mastered speech etiquette and can maintain a conversation on any topic, within the limits of his understanding, logically and consistently in dialogue and monologue.

The importance of an adult for mental development the child was and is recognized by the majority of Western and domestic psychologists. The attitude of an adult towards a child (his sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy, etc.) only facilitates the understanding of social norms, reinforces appropriate behavior and helps the child submit to social influences. (22).

To compare the communicative personality traits of older preschoolers in the kindergarten group, an expert assessment was conducted using the method of R.S. Nemova “What is your child like in relationships with people around him?” This technique is a questionnaire that can be used to determine the level of communication in a child.

The purpose of this technique is to determine the level of communication of children in the preparatory group.

Interpersonal relationships or functionally related communicative qualities of a child’s personality in in this case determined by a small group of independent adults who are knowledgeable of this child. These are his parents (relatives), teachers and other teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. (23). Using this questionnaire, the following communicative qualities and types of relationships of the child with people are assessed: kindness, generosity, attentiveness to people, truthfulness and honesty, politeness, fairness, sociability, cheerfulness, responsibility.

In the preparatory group, parents of 20 children participated in the survey. They were asked to take this experiment seriously and answer these questions as honestly as possible. Parents turned out to be interested in diagnosing their children.

Based on the parents' answers to these questions, the group was divided into two equal parts. It was found that out of 20 older preschoolers, 10 children had an average level of development of the child’s communicative personality traits. And 10 children have a high level of development. It should be noted that among the parents surveyed there were no results of low and very low levels of child development. Also, based on the results, there is not a very high level of development.

To summarize this experiment, we should pay attention to the fact that sociability and the ability to communicate with people around us are a necessary component of a person’s self-realization, his success in various activities, the disposition and love of the people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for normal psychological development child, as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for later life.

Table 4

Level of development of children's communicative activity

Ulyana A.

Ulyana G.

Maxim G.

Natasha G.

Timosha R.

Table 3

Diagram 2

Based on the results of the experiments, it should be noted that the development of communication skills is one of the main tasks in the development of older preschoolers.

The study revealed certain problems in children's communication with adults and peers.

It should be noted that some communication problems in children may depend on the child's temperament type.

Children with a choleric type of temperament are very active, impulsive and unbalanced. Carried away by a game or some idea, he often stops listening to the demands or requests of the teacher and parents. Such children very rarely compromise in communication, are quick-tempered and, if they don’t like something, easily become aggressive. Educators and parents should give such children special attention and patience, help direct their energy in a peaceful direction, teach them to patiently interact and negotiate with adults and peers.

Melancholic children are very vulnerable and susceptible, and have difficulty finding friends. Even the most innocuous remark can cause a negative reaction. The child will be depressed and may withdraw into himself. Such children have difficulty making contact with adults and peers, are unemotional and restrained. It is important for teachers and parents to help such a child enter society and learn to communicate with people around him. A melancholic child must be constantly supported, approved, and praised. Even if something doesn’t work out for him, the adult who is next to him should always demonstrate his confidence in him. In this way, such children will be supported and feel confident in themselves.

Children with a sanguine temperament type are strong, self-confident and balanced personalities; they also have leadership qualities. Sanguine children are very friendly, they have a very wide circle of friends, and they quickly get used to new surroundings. But the problem with such children is that when communicating with many children, it is difficult for them to establish strong connections. The communication of such children is often superficial. Also, sanguine people often lose interest in the activities they have started and cannot complete many things. When working with such children, you should pay attention to the work you have started and encourage them to complete their actions. Also help your child establish strong friendships.

Children are phlegmatic: leisurely, calm, balanced, assiduous. They need time to get used to new surroundings and new people. These children need more time to complete tasks. When communicating with such children, it is important not to scold them for their slowness, but also not to give them the opportunity to linger for a long time in their activities. It is very important to let your child take the initiative and make his own decisions.

Also, examining the typological group of children based on the parents’ answers, the most common negative answers of parents to questions about the relationship of their child with other children were identified.

Most often, negative responses from parents were to the questions: “Is your child attentive?” and “is your child generous?”, as well as to the question “is your child truthful?”

Based on the negative responses of parents, it should be concluded that the development of attentiveness, generosity and truthfulness directly depends on the activities of parents and educators. Therefore, the formation of these qualities should become a priority in the development of the communicative sphere of children, which will ensure more harmonious communication between children and people around them.

Summarizing the results of the research, it should be concluded that children of senior preschool age need targeted work on the formation of socially significant personality traits and the development of the communicative sphere, since they ensure academic success, acceptance of the child in a group of peers and productive communication with adults.

Games are the most effective means development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age, since play is the leading activity of preschoolers. Therefore, educators and parents should pay special attention to the development of play in the child. It is through play that children learn norms of behavior and play out interaction situations that may arise in everyday life.

You should also pay attention and time to conducting special psychological games to develop communication skills.

The success of the development of communicative activity in preschoolers depends on the degree of productivity of the process of consolidating speech skills and abilities acquired in classes throughout the day.

The leading form of organizing the education of preschool pupils is direct educational activities, which are implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities: play, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, etc. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, direct educational activities, consisting of five educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social communication development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, must be integrated, that is, must include everything educational areas.

ECD is aimed at children mastering one or more educational areas, or their integration using a variety of forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by us independently.

To work with children, we often use subgroup and individual forms of training.

Children's educational activities should be interesting and entertaining. Lexical topics varied and rich in information. With the help of educational activities, the following tasks were solved: to develop children’s communication skills, to form knowledge, to develop cognitive activity, interest in the subjects around us; develop creative abilities; develop the ability to perform teamwork; develop speech, expand vocabulary.

This results in integrated educational activities with in different forms work, during which all children are happy to participate in the process, communicate, play, design, dance, engage in creativity, and get acquainted with new terms.

The development of communication skills is a priority basis for ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary general education, a necessary condition the success of educational activities and the most important direction of social and personal development.

Through communication, the development of consciousness and higher mental functions occurs. A child’s ability to communicate positively allows him to live comfortably in the company of people; Thanks to communication, a child not only gets to know another person, but also himself. Regardless of his personality type, a child needs help to communicate with the outside world. Environment useful and exciting, but without communication skills its benefits are difficult to assess.

Teachers in preschool educational institutions should create all conditions that promote a positive attitude in children, which leads to the need for children to be able to communicate with each other. Sociability and the ability to communicate with other people are a necessary component of a person’s self-realization and his success in various types of activities.

The social and communicative development of preschool children is one of the basic elements in the system of development of the child’s personality. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the socialization of the personality of a preschooler and his communicative development are allocated to one educational area “Social and communicative development”. Such a combination of directions of child development is not accidental and natural, since the decisive factor in the development of personality is the social environment. And it is precisely this that provides full-fledged practice of interaction and verbal communication.



Communicative activity of preschool children as the basis for integrating the content of preschool education

The social and communicative development of preschool children is one of the basic elements in the system of development of the child’s personality. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the socialization of the personality of a preschooler and his communicative development are allocated to one educational area “Social and communicative development”. Such a combination of directions of child development is not accidental and natural, since the decisive factor in the development of personality is the social environment. And it is precisely this that provides full-fledged practice of interaction and verbal communication.

What is socio-communicative development?This is a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live. This is the development of the child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, the development of the communicative and social competence of children. The most important basis for a child’s full-fledged social and communicative development is his positive sense of self: confidence in his abilities, that he is good, that he is loved.

IN modern world The problem of social development of the younger generation is becoming one of the most important. Parents and teachers are more concerned than ever before that the child entering this world becomes confident, happy, smart, kind and successful. It is in childhood that a person matures, capable of harmoniously and effectively adapting to a changing environment and distinguishing his “I” from other people. Thus, the relevance of the formation of communication skills of preschoolers is determined by the social order of society - the formation of a socially developed personality of the child.

At the same time, we are increasingly faced with communication disorders, as well as insufficient development of the moral and emotional sphere of children. This is due to the excessive “intellectualization” of education, the “technologization” of our life.

It's no secret to anyone that best friend for a modern child it is a TV or a computer, and favorite hobby– watching cartoons or computer games. Children began to communicate less not only with adults, but also with each other.Children who do not communicate enough with their peers and are not accepted by the team due to the fact that they do not know how to build communication and be interesting to others, consider themselves hurt and not accepted. This lowers the child’s self-esteem, he becomes withdrawn and shy,At the same time, he experiences severe emotional distress.The child will experience fewer difficulties in future life in the process of communication if the teacher pays attention to this side of the child’s life as early as possible and conducts targeted work to develop the child’s communicative personality qualities, to expand and enrich experience joint activities and formscommunication with peers.

Communication is the main condition for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of personality, one of the main types of human activity, aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through other people. Communication and joint activities are important components of the life of a preschooler. Thanks to them, the child learns about the world, learns to build relationships with other people, and develops personally.

The ability to communicate has a positive effect not only on relationships with others, but also on the child’s self-esteem, its internal characteristics: the adequacy of ideas about oneself and one’s capabilities, self-confidence, emotional comfort. Only in communication and in relationships with other people can a person feel and understand himself, find his place in the world, socialize, and become a socially valuable person.

Communication becomes a meta-activity in modern life, i.e. an activity that is basic to all other types of human activity, permeates them and is a condition for their successful implementation.

According to the views of domestic psychologistsL. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. B. Elkoninacommunication acts asbasic conditionchild development, the most important factorformation of his personality, presenter a type of human activity aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself and through other people.

Thus, being a priority, social and communicative The development of children today is considered to be a strategic direction for the renewal of Russian education, including preschool education, and is directly related not only to pedagogy, but also to psychology, which studies the influence of the social environment on the development of a child’s personality.

The modern educational process in kindergarten is based on activities that are significant for the development of preschoolers. They are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

What types of activities are these?

  • Play activitymakes the child feel like an equal member of society. In the game, the child gains confidence in his own abilities, in the ability to get real results.
  • Research activitiesallows the child to independently find a solution, confirmation or refutation of his own ideas.
  • Visual activitiesallows a child, with the help of elementary labor in the process of creating children's creative products based on imagination and fantasy, to “get used to” the world of adults, to know it and take part in it.
  • Subject activitysatisfies the child’s cognitive interests at a certain period, helps to navigate the world around him.
  • Cognitive activityenriches the child’s experience, stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise to and strengthens social feelings.
  • Communication activities(communication) unites an adult and a child, satisfies the child’s various needs for emotional closeness with an adult, for his support and evaluation.
  • Constructive activitymakes it possible to form complex mental actions, creative imagination, and mechanisms for controlling one’s own behavior.
  • Project activitiesactivates the child’s independent activity, ensures unification and integration different types activities.

Each type of these and other types of joint activities makes its own special contribution to the process of social and communicative development of preschool children.

One of the priority ones iscommunication activity. The content of the educational section “communication” is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with the outside world through solving certain problems:

Slide Objectives of communicative development:

  • Create conditions for preschool children to assimilate the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values.
  • To promote the development of independence, focus and self-regulation of children’s own actions.
  • Develop social and emotional intellect children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy, skills of friendly communication and interaction with adults and peers.
  • Develop all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various types of children's activities;
  • To promote students’ practical mastery of the norms of the modern Russian language.
  • To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the team, positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity.

Based on the tasks presented on the slide, it is not difficult to determine the main directions of organizing the communicative activities of pupils in kindergarten:

o Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for children’s speech practice and development of communication skills;

o Implementation of a comprehensive impact on the speech development of preschool children;

o Optimizing the work of teachers;

o Organization of targeted work with parents aimed at correct speech education of the child in the family;

o Creation of a subject-development environment that stimulates speech and personal development: cozy group rooms, careful selection of toys, teaching aids, the presence of special rooms with modular equipment.

Integration - one of the most important principles of the Federal State Educational Standard. Today it is very important to restructure and provide for the integration and “living” of the content of preschool education by the child in all types of activities. And communication, like a locomotive that integrates, unites all activities and educational areas that are significant for the development of our students, ensures the integrity of the educational process.

It is important that each of our students develops communication skills:

  • the desire to make contact with others “I want”;
  • ability to organize communication “I can!”;
  • knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others “I know!”

The Federal State Educational Standards cite as one of the integral indicators of mastering the program the ability to establish constructive interaction with a partner, communicate freely with adults and children, conduct a dialogue, show friendly attention, sympathy, empathy, coordinate one’s actions to achieve a common result, and take into account the characteristics of the partner. Cooperation is built on the basis of children’s interest in each other and in joint activities, and is expressed in the ability to consciously interact.

The choice of forms of organizing joint adult-child activities as a means of developing communication skills is due to the development of a non-situational - business form of communication with peers and a non-situational - personal form of communication with adults in a preschooler.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education, the idea ofhow to organizecommunicative activities, the way of organizing activities has changed: not the guidance of an adult, butjoint (partnership)activities with children, which are carried out in the process of direct educational activities, as well as during regime moments. Now we are using new forms of working with children that allow us to teach preschoolers without them even realizing it.Organizing the educational process in the form of joint partnership between an adult and children is the optimal means of solving current problems related to the development of children’s communication skills, since it is the cooperation of an adult with children that contributes to their personal development, and also fully complies with modern requirements for organizing the educational process.

And this involves the daily inclusion of games to develop communication skills, because the game is the leading type of activity, during which children learn to cooperate, communicate, interact, actively listen, process information and speak correctly. A game is a school of social relations in which forms of child behavior are modeled. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help children acquire the necessary social skills through play.

It is in the game that children:

  • actively engage in dialogue;
  • ask questions
  • listen and understand speech,
  • build communication taking into account the situation,
  • easily come into contact,
  • express their thoughts clearly and consistently,
  • use forms of speech etiquette, regulate their behavior in accordance with norms and rules

Thus, given that play in preschool age is the leading type of activity, it is one of the most effective and available ways formation of communication skills of preschool children.

In work on this problem, you can use scientific and methodological literature from such authors as: Bogouslavskaya N.E. Vasilyeva N.N., Ermolaeva M., Kupina N.A., Panfilova M.A., Chistyakova M.I. and many others. Based on their views, games for developing children's communication skills can be classified as follows:

At the first stage, the purpose of the communicative games used is:





Formation in preschool children of basic communication skills such as: the ability to listen to another, maintain a general conversation, participate in a collective discussion of a topic, tactfully criticize, praise another, express feelings with a smile, calm speech, sympathize, empathize with each other, clearly and clearly express your point of view, finish speaking to the end, listen carefully to everyone, do not interrupt, teach how to relieve muscle tension in various stressful situations.

“Compliments”, “Magic glasses”, “ Tie thread”, “How to act”, “Tale in a circle”, “General circle”, “Eye to eye”, “Convey the mood”, “Show poems with your hands” and others.


Formation of adequate self-esteem, development of interest in one’s comrades, respect for their opinions, such as: criticizing the actions of others, not the individual; understand the individuality of others; see the good in people; speak kindly; fix your attention on the merits of others; appreciate communication with them; create an atmosphere of goodwill, joy of joint activities, kindness and sympathy, interest in each other.

“Name”, “Who do I look like”, sketches: “Oh-oh, my stomach hurts”, “Salty tea”, games: “Biography from photographs”, “A connecting thread”, collective conversation “What can you wish for each other”, exercise “Playing out situations”, etc.


Mastering models of behavior in a conflict, stressful or simply difficult situation such as: feeling like a teacher; independently solve a number of complex problems; show consideration to others

Exercises: “Chefs in senior group”, “Mom got sick”, “Comrade got lost”, “Queue at the store”, “Magic store”.

The proposed principle of systematization of games helps children experience a sense of community with each other, teaches them to notice the advantages and experiences of a peer and help him in play and real interaction, as well as the child’s individuality as a whole. All games for the development of communication skills can be used in all routine moments, as well as in various forms, such as: warm-up games, exercises, improvisation games, finger gymnastics, dramatizations, round dance games, during which children learn to cooperate and actively listen , process information and speak correctly.

The method of guiding preschoolers’ games is based on the following principles:

  • The teacher must play with the children;
  • At each age stage, the game unfolds in a special way, so that children “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing the game;
  • At each age stage, when developing gaming skills, it is necessary to orient children both to the implementation of a gaming action and to explaining its meaning to partners.

There are different games: with rules, creative, role-playing, active, folk, didactic, and so on. All of them are necessary and useful in their own way, since this is the leading activity of a preschooler - through play he learns about the world. Communication is important element any game. And it is the game that allows you to interestingly, naturally and emotionally intensify communication with adults and peers, teach them to enter into verbal contact and actively participate in it.

Let's move on to specific examples of the use of games and gaming techniques in practical activities to develop communication skills.

The most important prerequisite for improving the communicative activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is the game that helps create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up.

It helps to create such situations original way– use of a magic wand, objects of transformation (crown, cap, magic pen), figurative toys, for example, Parsley. My Parsley is always a surprise, it is a way to organize children, attract attention, evoke an emotional attitude, and encourage dialogue. Homemade parsley arouses genuine interest in children and a desire to engage in verbal contact.

Any adult, be it a parent or a teacher, should remember that when we enter into communication with a child, we have a special responsibility for building interaction, since it is in communication that the child perceives and assimilates its patterns. An adult who is highly competent in communication is the most likely role model for a child. Moreover, he is not just a role model. Perceiving the norms and style of interaction that an adult demonstrates, the child accepts them as natural and builds his own style of communication on their basis.

A special feature of a children's team in a kindergarten is that it is always led by an adult who directs and coordinates the children's actions. Minutes of friendship, or emotional minutes, will help create a positive emotional mood in the group; they can be used as a ritual when “entering the day”, as well as elements of the beginning of any joint activity of children. In order to organize children and attract their attention, you can use games in a circle: “Give a smile”, “Hello”, “ Good morning", "Let's say hello", "Rays of sunshine", "A trickle of joy", "Let's say hello in an unusual way" Such games help create a friendly atmosphere in the group and relieve children's emotional stress. In such games, you can always use a fairy-tale character or objects of transformation; with the help of these objects, children can easily enter into dialogue and answer questions asked.

Using Parsley, you can invite children to play very interesting game"Petrushka's fun." The teacher must explain the rules of the game:

when Parsley hides, the words become diminutive, and when she appears, the words become magnifying.

House - house - house. Rain - rain - rain. Cat - cat - cat. Hand-handle-hand. Mustache - mustache - mustache. Frost - frost - frost. Nose - nose - nose. Mind - mind - mind.

When organizing games, don't be boring. Do not distract children, do not criticize, scold or interrupt. Voluntariness is the basis of the game.

When working with children, you should pay attention to the development of children's organizational skills, the ability to fairly and calmly resolve disputes and conflicts, and take into account the opinions of the team. To form children’s ideas about how to live in a team, what it means to be good comrades and friends, we use literary works, I recommend looking at paintings and illustrations of relevant topics, and holding ethical conversations.

In my card index there are a lot of word games that give children pleasure, captivate them, and activate their vocabulary. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since in these games it is necessary to use previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances.

Children enjoy playing the game called “Guess the name of the fairy tale.”

The leader names the first word of the intended fairy tale, and the children guess and pronounce its full name:

Sivka…, Zayushkina….., Horse…., Ugly……, Frost…….., Princess…., Geese….., Boy….., Red….., Tiny….., Inch…

Human communication needs can be satisfied different ways. Among them, the most important are gestures, facial expressions, speech, and intonation. By older preschool age, the word becomes the leading means of communication. At the same time, until the end of preschool age, non-verbal methods of communication play the role of verbal accompaniment, addition, and reinforcement of the content of children's speech.

There is such a concept as “visual communication” - this is the transfer of information through gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. Visual communication has the advantage of being understandable to most. According to experts, about 70% of information is transmitted through nonverbal means.

There is a large group of games for the development of non-verbal means of communication, one of them is a game that children play with great pleasure - “Conversation through glass"allowing children to develop facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, and body movements.

To effectively improve children's activities, the teacher needs to use a wide variety of methods and techniques, and he can work both individually and with the group as a whole.

For example, the game "Series of pictures."

The children's task is to collect 3 stories in the correct sequence

Slide 6 (...)

An adult helps you find the first pair: bear ...(bump), and the rest of the pairs are found by the children themselves:

ball….(flashlight), poppy…(crayfish), pillow…(frog), rose…(mimosa), Dunno…(balalaika).

While playing this game, children can independently assemble pairs using pictures, and then based on these pictures, children can make up their own stories.

The following game helps to master coherent dialogic speech.

We emphasize that in the development of coherent speech the concepts of “dialogical and monological” speech are central. Dialogical speech is considered by scientists as the primary, natural form of linguistic communication, which consists of the exchange of statements. It is characterized by such forms as: question, answer, additions, explanation, distribution, objection, speech etiquette formulas.

Let's get acquainted with the game that I use in my practice with children - the game "Why"

At the beginning of the game, children need to tell a story:

Somewhere in this world she lived - there was a grandmother with her granddaughter. The girl loved to ask questions. All Grandma heard was:

Why are trees big?

Where does the rain come from?

Who draws a rainbow in the sky?

The grandmother answered and answered, and then laughed and said: “You are not my granddaughter, but Why.” What do you think, children, is it good to be Why?

Now you and I will also turn into Pochemuchek, putting an imaginary magic cap on our heads. Look carefully at the illustration from the fairy tale and come up with your own question for this picture.

How many bears are there in the picture? What are bears doing? What weather is depicted? What kind of bears? Who painted the picture? etc.

The more complete and varied a child’s activities are, the more significant they are for the child, the more successful his or her development is. That is why games and active communication with others are the closest and most natural for a preschooler.

Children like another game from the Cheburashka game box.

For this game you need a toy, the Cheburashka that everyone loves.

Taking the toy in his hands, the teacher begins his story:

In one dense tropical forest there lived a funny animal. One day he woke up early in the morning and went for a walk. Near the orchard he saw boxes of oranges. Without thinking twice, he climbed into one of them and began to have breakfast. Having removed his hunger, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, it turned out that he and the oranges had arrived in a distant unknown city.

The saleswoman pulled him out of the box and sat him on a chair. But since his paws were numb, he couldn’t resist and kicked the bucket.

Wow, what a Cheburashka!

Now he knew that his name was Cheburashka, but what kind of animal he was he had to find out. And we will help him.

So, Cheburashka ended up in the zoo. (a dialogue with the animals begins; the teacher asks a question on behalf of Cheburashka, and the children answer on behalf of the animals)

-... maybe I’m an elephant, I have the same big ears...

The child says his answer why Cheburashka is not an elephant.

-...maybe I’m a monkey, because I also love oranges...


-... maybe I’m a hamster, I’m just as small and I don’t have a tail...


-... maybe I’m a bear, I have the same soft and brown fur...


I'm definitely not a bear, then who am I? Who should I be friends with?

The players build their version of who Cheburashka will be friends with and where he will live.

Intense play activities in the process of social and communicative development allow children to master accessible ways of modeling the life around them and mastering patterns of speech behavior. The teacher must ensure that the life of children in kindergarten is meaningful and conducive to the development of children’s diverse interests.

In conclusion, I would like to say that work on developing communication skills in preschool children can enrich the social experience of children and possibly eliminate most of the problems in communication. In our opinion, one of the most effective ways The formation of all the above listed qualities in a child can be achieved by organizing joint partner play activities with children, and a high level of communication is always the key to a person’s successful adaptation in any social environment, which determines the practical importance of developing communication skills from early childhood.