Each of us has encountered the problem of odor from feet and shoes. If not at home, then at your relatives or at a neighbor on the train who dared to take off his shoes. What can be done to prevent such a problem from overshadowing life and relationships with others?

Firstly, need to find out the cause of the smell. Where does it lie: in sweaty feet or is the whole problem in the shoes. And secondly, start solving the problem.

What to do if you have excessive sweating of your feet?

Increased sweating of the feet may be caused either by fungal diseases or by the quality of the shoes. Low-quality shoes made from leather substitutes do not allow the feet to breathe, as a result they become sweaty, and humidity and heat are an ideal environment for fungi. So check the skin of your feet for the presence of a fungal infection, and if found, begin treatment.

It also happens physiologically increased sweating. In this case, special medicines which reduce sweating. For example, formidron, Teymurov paste, and salicylic-zinc paste have such properties. Be careful not to apply these products to damaged skin. In addition, special deodorants for feet have been developed that will also refresh them.

Certainly, Don't forget about hygiene. If you have a problem with sweating, be sure to wash your feet with soap twice a day. To disinfect your feet, you can make special baths. For example, if you make a decoction of strong tea and soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes, it will perfectly tighten the pores and disinfect the skin due to the tannin content. You can also do oil baths tea tree, which is also an excellent antiseptic.

But what to do if everything is fine with your feet, but the problem is in your shoes?

How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes?

There may also be several nuances here. Shoes may smell on their own, as a result of poor quality manufacturing, or they may become saturated with the smell of foot sweat and begin to “smell” in any humidity.

So, how to remove odor from shoes if they initially smell unpleasant? Certainly, best advice- is to acquire a good leather shoes with high-quality materials. But it happens that in a store, among other smells, it is difficult to smell what your couple smells like. And, if you have already discovered this at home, then to remove the smell from new shoes, there are several recommendations:

  1. you need to treat the inner surface of the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. pour baking soda, flour or powder into shoes, leave overnight, and then shake out or vacuum thoroughly;
  3. put a cotton pad soaked in vinegar in your shoes overnight, then wipe with ammonia solution;
  4. treat the inner surface with a special deodorant for shoes.

Okay, that's sorted out. What to do if old shoes smell bad?

There are quite a few ways to remove sweat odor from shoes you've already worn:

  • You can use the recommendations that apply to new shoes.
  • In addition, it is very important to always dry your shoes to prevent bacteria from establishing themselves in the damp environment of your boots. For drying, you should purchase special shoe dryers. There are models with additional functions ultraviolet radiation. It will help disinfect and therefore remove the smell of sweat from shoes.
  • If you don’t have a dryer, you can dry it yourself. Just under no circumstances dry your shoes on the radiator! As a result, it deteriorates and will serve you much less than expected. You can dry it by filling the cavity of your boot or shoe with newspaper. It will absorb all the moisture.
  • It is better to have several pairs of shoes for each season so that you can change them while one pair is drying.
  • It is also important to avoid wearing closed shoes for long periods of time. Therefore, when working or studying, change into open shoes to give both your feet and shoes a chance to rest.
  • You can use activated carbon tablets. They have adsorbent properties and will absorb not only moisture, but also an unpleasant odor.
  • It is also very important to monitor the hygiene of your feet and shoes. To keep your feet from burning, you need to wear cotton socks. Insoles should always be dried, washed and replaced after two to three months. You can get special insoles with antiseptic properties. They will help keep your shoes fresh. There are also insoles with activated carbon, which will also help remove unpleasant odors.
  • For woven shoes (sneakers or slippers), the ideal option to remove the unpleasant odor is to wash them.

First, it’s worth finding out - is it really necessary to sin on your shoes or maybe it’s your feet that smell bad? Excessive sweating or fungus can also cause a delicate problem. If it’s all about the shoes, then let’s figure out what to do so that the shoes don’t stink.

Your feet may be causing your shoes to smell bad.

The smell that we all dislike so much is nothing more than the result of bacterial growth. Moreover, this can become a problem even for those people who carefully observe personal hygiene by taking a shower every day. It's simple - the skin of your feet sweats during the day (and sometimes very much), dust and dirt penetrate into your shoes, and now there's an aroma that irritates everyone around you.

Ways to remove odor

As you know, disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and in the case of your boots or sneakers, the situation is exactly the same.

Preventing the problem

To prevent shoes from smelling in the future, the following remedies will help:

    • vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide - soak a cotton pad in one of these liquids and wipe the inside of the shoe;
    • steam. Getting it is as easy as shelling pears - heat the kettle and hold the shoes over it for a few minutes so that the steam treats their inner surface until they become soft. For a similar procedure, you can use a steam generator. This method is not suitable for suede shoes.
    • natural adsorbents that can be found in any kitchen (flour, baking soda) - pour inside the shoes overnight, and vacuum them up in the morning;
    • activated carbon - it will easily absorb any incipient odor inside the shoes. The only caveat is that you will have to work on removing the black marks. 5-7 tablets are enough.

Wipe the inside of the shoe with vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide Treat the inside of the shoe with steam Eliminate the unpleasant odor of shoes using soda or flour Use activated carbon to remove odor from shoes

If the problem has already appeared, then you need to get rid of it, and this is not as difficult as it seems.

Wrap your shoes in plastic bag and put it in the freezer overnight

One of simple ways, which is available to everyone - freeze shoes. If you have a car, then leave it in the showroom for a couple of days during the cold season. Or you can do it even simpler and simply place the source of the unpleasant odor, wrapped in a plastic bag, in the freezer. But this does not apply to patent leather shoes - freezing is destructive for them! Naturally, before putting on your shoes, you need to warm up your shoes.

If your sneakers stink, you already know what to do. You can also take a few oranges and put the peels inside. It will absorb the unpleasant aroma.

If you, when studying what to do to prevent shoes from smelling, combine several methods at once, the result will be better.

Orange peel will absorb unpleasant shoe odors

Insoles to help

It’s not just cheap shoes that can emit a “fragrance” - sometimes this is a problem for expensive ones too. leather boots, shoes or boots. Replacing the insoles can sometimes help solve this problem. Instead of the usual ones you can use the following:

  • antibacterial;
  • flavored (disposable);
  • absorbing odor;
  • insoles with silver ions (it is best to choose orthopedic ones - Salamander, Orto Ultra).

Antibacterial insoles will help prevent the development of fungus
Disposable scented insoles

Insoles with odor absorption properties
Insole with silver ions – for hygienic freshness

As for regular insoles, the more often you change them, the less you'll be bothered by smelly shoes. As an alternative to insoles, wipes soaked in deodorant can be used - they will absorb the “aroma”.

Regular insoles need to be changed at least once every three months.

Hygiene rules

To prevent your shoes from smelling, take care of your own hygiene. For some this may be trivial advice, but the most common regular washing of feet can already eliminate the problem. However, if this is not enough, then you should follow a few more useful recommendations:

  • buy foot deodorant - apply it to your feet to prevent sweating. It’s worth doing this every morning;
  • take a shower in the mornings and evenings. If this is not possible, you should wash your feet separately, which is especially important in the warm season when open shoes are worn;
  • change your tights or socks daily (it is better to wear cotton ones - they will absorb some of the moisture).

Use foot deodorant Wash your feet daily, morning and evening Wear clean socks and tights every day

Special rules for shoe care will also prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. The whole secret is to wash and wash it regularly. The latter is especially true if you are looking for an answer to the question of what to do to prevent your sneakers from stinking. Machine washing (if the shoe manufacturer allows it) will not take up your time. Or you can clean it manually by washing your sneakers or sneakers in a basin with soap and making sure to dry them before putting them on again. This recommendation is especially important for those who lead an active lifestyle, playing sports or simply walking or hiking frequently. Neglecting the recommendation to regularly wash sports shoes will sooner or later lead to the fact that it will become very difficult to get rid of the smell.

It is ideal if you have several pairs of shoes for each season so that you can alternate them.

If you have several pairs for one season, then arrange a general shoe cleaning in order of priority.

Then while some are dried or ventilated, others can be worn. Also try to change your shoes at work. So women's legs will only be grateful if you change your boots to high heels on comfortable ballet shoes.

You should pay special attention to your shoes in wet weather. You fell into a puddle, walked in the snow - all this is a reason to wash and dry your shoes or boots. And once a week you can do a “general cleaning” - send your shoes to the balcony or to the yard to properly ventilate and dry.

The easiest way to dry shoes that have been damaged by contact with a puddle or snow is to place them on a radiator.

An ultraviolet dryer will help get rid of bacteria

But there is a more high-tech method - the action of ultraviolet rays. To do this, you need to find a special dryer on sale that can get rid of the source of the odor, namely bacteria. This method will allow you not to worry about awkward situations if you don’t wear sneakers or sneakers with socks. Timson makes good ultraviolet dryers. However, it will take 5-8 hours to completely dry, so it is better to leave such a dryer in sneakers, boots or shoes overnight. You can use it as often as you need.

A modern shoe dryer will not only fulfill its task, but also disinfect it. This means that all bacteria that serve as a source of unpleasant odor are effectively destroyed.

It won't hurt your sneakers, shoes or boots at all if you spray them with a special deodorant at night. Then the next morning you can put on fresh and pleasant-smelling shoes. Such deodorants are produced by the Russian company Salamander, and foreign companies Patisson, Salton, Saphir also sell their products in Russia. The cheapest products cost less than 100 rubles, the most expensive (such as Sholl) cost about 250 rubles, but the average cost is about 150 rubles.

Shoe deodorant will help get rid of unpleasant odor

Getting rid of cat tricks in shoes

What to do if the shoes your mustachioed pet “worked” on stink? Then you need to go to the pharmacy where you can buy a drug called formidron. Wipe the inside of your shoes or boots with it, then wrap it in a plastic bag and put it away for a day. Treatment with formidone should be carried out in the yard or on the balcony; you need to work with gloves. Afterwards, do not forget to ventilate your shoes well.

You can replace formidron with a special odor absorber, which is used in such cases - they are sold in pet stores.

Now you know what to do if your shoes smell. Finally, when purchasing, we advise you to try to give preference to more expensive, but at the same time higher quality shoes from well-known manufacturers. It should not be synthetic, but made from natural materials. Your feet will breathe in it, which means that the likelihood of an unpleasant odor will be much lower.

When purchasing new clothes, many people face an unpleasant problem - smells new shoes . Don't be upset, because the reason for the "factory" smell does not necessarily lie in the quality of the shoes.

Can new shoes smell bad?

Foul-smelling shoes are not exclusively a masculine attribute. However, men often do not care about foreign smell, and women want to look perfect in any situation. It is important for us not only to be successful, but also to look neat and elegant. Often the smell comes from the materials used in the production of products.

When coming to a store, it is very difficult to identify the smell of a particular product among the huge number of shoes. Already at home, the buyer discovers that the new thing smells unpleasant. An unaesthetic odor is an unpleasant problem, but it is completely solvable. Emergency assistance should be provided to restore a pleasant smell to the shoes, and give the buyer peace of mind and confidence.

Mandatory shoe care: thorough ventilation, drying using an ultraviolet dryer, which not only dries the inner surface of the product, but also kills various pathogenic bacteria.
There are a number of ways to get rid of unpleasant impressions.

Instructions for eliminating unpleasant odor from new shoes

1.First you need to find out the root cause of the smell. In a product made from artificial materials the smell sometimes occurs due to the use of low-quality components in the manufacture of shoes (faux leather, artificial fur, inexpensive glue, synthetic linings). In this situation, dryers with ozonizers, all kinds of deodorants and compliance with hygiene rules will help.

2. The smell can be caused by bacteria that appear during the wearing of the product. To neutralize the odor, wash the product with soap and water, wipe with a vinegar solution, wash again (using ammonia) and dry. In addition, you can use a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is repeated until the smell disappears completely. Do not forget to carry out all actions carefully so as not to harm your beloved couple.

3. If new shoes smell because of microorganisms, a more radical method should be used to destroy them: you need to pour soda (flour or activated carbon) inside the product overnight, and in the morning, thoroughly vacuum the product. You can freeze shoes in the refrigerator.

4. Proper care will be required for new clothes made of suede and leather: after use, wash, dry (using a dryer with ozonizers) and air the shoes.

5. To prevent microorganisms from multiplying and to prevent you from being overcome by an unpleasant odor, you can purchase replacement insoles made from natural raw materials. They are able to absorb water and neutralize unwanted odors. Every day you need to remove them from your shoes, wash and dry them.

The unpleasant smell that comes from shoes can greatly spoil the mood of any person. Indeed, for many this is a real problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it exactly. Some take a radical approach to solving this problem - they simply buy a new thing and throw away the old one. But a month passes - the second and everything repeats again. Some try to treat shoes and boots with a variety of means, but here again, little gives a good result. So what should you do when your shoes start to smell? What does it smell like - it just stinks disgustingly.

In this situation, you should definitely start fighting the unpleasant aroma. And a special remedy can help here, which is designed to rid a person of this unpleasant problem once and for all. And this product is called shoe spray.

You can buy it in almost any store. However, it is very difficult to recommend one particular brand or another. The thing is that only through your own experience can you understand whether the spray works or not. Each one is developed using a special technology that makes the treatment of shoes, boots and slippers completely safe for both the person himself and his favorite shoe models.

As a rule, after the first use, the product works perfectly for a whole week. This means that after treating your boots, for example, on Sunday, you can forget about the unpleasant aroma for a whole week. In addition, using this spray is simple and convenient. And this is also of no small importance for every person who, at least once in their life, has encountered the problem of unpleasant odor from their shoes.

Traditional methods

To prevent your shoes from smelling, you can use different folk remedies. Some of them are very effective, but it’s still not worth the risk and using some untested substance. After all, in this way you can cause irreparable damage to your favorite shoes and new boots.

Hydrogen peroxide helps to cope with odor well. This solution can be purchased at any pharmacy. You should only treat with peroxide at night. To do this, moisten a cotton pad with a small amount of solution, after which the boots are wiped from the inside with this pad. Be careful not to get the solution on the outside surface, otherwise a stain may remain.

Baking soda also helps with odor. In the evening, you need to pour a small amount of soda into each shoe and distribute it in an even layer over the entire inner surface. And in the morning, the soda must be shaken out well. Make sure that the soda that is poured into the shoes is dry.


Something as simple as freezing can also help eliminate odor in shoes. To do this, place your favorite boots, shoes or slippers in a bag and put them in the freezer overnight. In the morning they need to be taken out and warmed at room temperature. But this remedy does not always help, because some bacteria are completely insensitive to low temperatures. So don’t be surprised if everything happens again in a couple of days.

You can try this remedy - soak a small piece of cotton wool in vinegar and put it directly into the shoe. However, after this you should definitely ventilate them. The unpleasant odor, of course, can be removed in this way, but at the same time the shoes will acquire an unpleasant aroma of vinegar. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out in the summer and on the balcony, or in another open room.

Attention to insoles

The insoles in each pair of shoes must be strictly individual, and they must be made of natural material, but in no case synthetics. Insoles need to be washed at least once a week, and ideally daily, because it is in them that a huge amount of bacteria accumulates. Cleaning the insoles with special products will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. However, this cannot be done once and for all.

Insoles made of cardboard, which are impregnated with a special substance, also help to cope with the problem. But they need to be dried daily and changed at least once a month.

Changing socks daily can also help get rid of the smell. However, it is worth knowing that socks should only be cotton and in no case synthetic. In this case, they will not be able to absorb sweat, which is produced quite a lot on a person’s feet. Therefore, wearing only socks made of natural fabric helps solve this unpleasant problem.

But there are times when it is simply impossible to remove the smell from it. Such shoes, as a rule, have artificial fur and artificial leather. The smell is absorbed very deeply into such materials, and it becomes impossible to get rid of it. There can be only one solution here - buying something new that is made from natural materials.

Insoles are also important. In order to eliminate the smell, you just need to wash them daily. However, here it is worth knowing that the insoles should also be made of natural material. And after such treatment of the insoles, you can forget about the smell.

Some people recommend using green tea. In this case, you need to spray strongly brewed tea from a spray bottle inside the shoes, and the smell of sweat after this procedure will disappear within minutes. for a long time. However, to ensure that the problem does not return again, treatment using this method should be repeated several times a week.

But to prevent odor, you need to carefully care not only for the shoes themselves, but also for your feet. Feet should be washed every day with soap and treated with special talcum powder or lubricated with a cream that prevents the growth of bacteria. Namely, bacteria, or rather their waste products, are the cause of that very smell that everyone fights as best they can.

If shoes are made of poor quality material, then removing odor from them can become a real problem. That is why, before buying certain boots, you should consult with a sales consultant, who is obliged to answer all your questions in detail, and choose those that are of high quality and durable.

Some people also recommend very exotic odor control products. For example, baking powder for dough. A sachet of this substance must be poured into the shoe, distributed well over all walls, and after a few hours collected with a vacuum cleaner. They say that after this the shoes do not smell for a long time. So it’s worth a try - maybe it really helps.

Unpleasant odor in shoes can be eliminated using special means, which are not sold in pharmacies, but most often in hardware stores. Such substances are called “odor and moisture absorbers.” And they are actually very effective tools.

The odor absorber for shoes is sold in a cardboard package, inside of which there are 2 bags. You can read what exactly is in them on the packaging. These bags must be placed in the toe of each shoe every evening, and in the morning they must be taken out and dried. You can use them for a month, and then you have to throw them away, since they will cope with their functions worse and worse.

Yes, indeed, the problem of stink from shoes is very relevant today. Everyone suffers from this - both women and men. And this can even create a real complex that will interfere with a person’s life.

Foot care rules

In order to get rid of odor in shoes, you must take proper care of your feet. This is the only way to solve this difficult problem.

The first rule is washing your feet every evening. At the same time, they should definitely be washed with soap and thoroughly rubbed with a sponge, and not just rinsed in water. After this, you can make contrast baths - first soak your feet in cold water, then in warm water, then in cold water again. This procedure will improve blood circulation in the legs and improve immunity. In addition, it will help your feet sweat less.

After this, you should definitely wipe your feet thoroughly with a towel, and finally apply a better moisturizing cream containing disinfectant ingredients to your feet. This will help remove the unpleasant odor of sweat.

In the morning, it is better to apply talcum powder to your fingers and soles or lubricate them with a special deodorant or cream that would prevent them from sweating during the day. And, of course, you must put on clean socks or tights every morning.

In the fight against odor, you need to put a lot of effort and effort. These rules must be habits, and this is not so easy to do. After all, sometimes a person is so tired at work that he is simply unable to take out and dry his insoles or wash his feet before going to bed. He wants only one thing - to fall asleep. However, remember that in the morning your feet will emit an unpleasant odor that not only you, but also your family members or colleagues will not like.

Unpleasant odor of feet, socks and shoes is a problem affecting many of us. From a medical point of view, it does not pose any threat to health, much less life, but it is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, getting rid of it is not that difficult. So, your feet and shoes stink - what to do at home?

Why can feet be so “fragrant”?

There are about 250,000 sweat gland ducts on our feet - more than on any other part of the body! When it's warm, they secrete sweat. However, it is not the moisture itself that is the source of the unpleasant odor. The same principle applies here as with the armpits. The “aroma” appears due to bacteria living on our skin, which feed on organic substances contained in sweat and release isovaleric acid. It is she who emits this irritating odor, clearly audible from a distance.

You can support the proliferation of microorganisms if you don’t worry too much about hygiene, wear synthetic clothes and shoes on your lower limbs, don’t let your skin “breathe,” etc. The situation can worsen if a fungus settles on the skin of the feet. Its symptoms are redness and small blisters that form mainly between the fingers. The appearance of such symptoms should be a signal that it is necessary to use medications.

In turn, bad-smelling shoes are the result of excessive sweating of the feet, which, releasing an excess amount of sweat, begin to stink, “endowing” our shoes and sneakers with the same smell.

This all becomes a very awkward problem when we find ourselves in someone else's house or somewhere else where we are forced to take off our shoes. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to do if your feet and shoes stink badly, what to do to prevent delicate situations.

Feet and shoes stink - what to do, how to deal with the bad smell?


1. Washing

Frequent washing of the lower extremities is the basis for the prevention and treatment of bad foot odor and, accordingly, footwear. They must be washed thoroughly in warm water and soap (preferably antibacterial) up to several times during the day.

If necessary, use a soft brush to gently but thoroughly cleanse the skin.

2. Thorough drying and deodorizing

After washing, dry your feet thoroughly before putting on socks. After each hygiene procedure You should use baby foot powder, potato starch, powdered boric acid, or plain baking soda.

If your feet stink and you don’t know what to do, then even at home you can use more complex products - powder with anti-sweat properties (they are sold in pharmacies) or an antifungal spray. Drugs based on antifungal drugs are worthy of attention. essential oils. These are complex formulations in which a refreshing, odor-eliminating effect is combined with an antiperspirant effect. It’s just that deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor, but do not prevent excessive sweating, which means they are only a half-measure. The optimal solution is preparations containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate. True, in case of deprivation, you should not use this kind of remedy, because they cause a strong burning sensation. Sticks are recommended instead of sprays. At first they are used 2-3 times a day, then only once.

Spray your feet with a special antiperspirant five minutes before putting on your shoes. However, avoid places where the skin is cracked or injured.

3. Evening procedure

In the evening, wash your feet thoroughly and rub alcohol into them, then spray a strong antiperspirant over your feet and wrap your foot in plastic wrap so that the active substances penetrate deeper into the skin. Put on your socks. The procedure must be repeated every evening for a week, and then, if necessary, 1-2 times a week.

4. Baths against bad foot odor

Frequently soaking your feet in various solutions is another proven answer to the question of what to do at home if your feet stink. Here are examples of such compositions and recipes.

  • Tea. The tannin contained in the famous drink has a drying effect. 3-4 bags are boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then diluted with cold water, after which the feet are kept in this liquid for 30 minutes. After this time, the limbs are thoroughly dried, sprinkled with powder or something else. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the condition improves, then it is enough to repeat it twice a week.
  • Kosher salt(stone, rougher than a normal dining room). Stinking feet are kept in a solution diluted in the proportion of half a glass of spice per 1 liter.
  • Baking soda. Dissolve a tablespoon of the substance in 1 liter of water and wet your feet 2 times a week for 15 minutes.
  • Vinegar. Half a glass for 1 liter of water - use the same as in the recipe with soda. Or you can soak your feet in warm water with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes once a week.
  • Aluminum acetate (Burow's fluid). In 0.5 l cold water add 2 tablespoons of liquid and soak your feet in the resulting solution for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Cold bath with ice cubes or lemon juice . At the end, the feet are rubbed with alcohol and dried. During hot weather, this procedure should be repeated every day. Contraindications: diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

If none of these methods help, consult your doctor - he may be able to recommend medications for excessive sweating.


  • Frequent changes of socks (or tights) are needed, at least twice a day, up to 3-4 times a day. It is better to choose products made from natural fibers, such as cotton, which absorbs moisture well.
  • Wear two pairs of socks at a time. At first glance, this advice seems inappropriate if your feet and shoes are already very stinky due to sweat - where are more socks! Meanwhile, the layer of air between the two pairs improves the cooling of the feet, thereby reducing their sweating. First you need to put on cotton socks, then wool socks on top. Of course, this advice is only relevant for the cold season.


What to do if your feet stink after wearing shoes? Convert Special attention exactly at her!

  • Classic closed shoes and boots increase foot sweating, create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. That's why best choice from this point of view are leather sandals or open-toed shoes.
  • Avoid shoes made from synthetics.
  • Never wear the same pair for two days (let alone the whole week) in a row. Replace them every few days, giving the previous pair a chance to dry and air out. Only after 24 hours do the shoes dry sufficiently.
  • Process the insides. Before putting on shoes, you can pour it into shoes, sneakers, etc. a little soda, talc, so that they absorb moisture and unpleasant odor. An effective remedy eliminate the “aroma” - a decoction of wormwood. This liquid should be used to irrigate the inside of the shoe.
  • Insoles with the addition of activated carbon effectively absorb moisture, which helps prevent the problem.

What else to do if your feet and shoes stink?


This is a procedure based on blocking overactive sweat glands. The device generates weak electrical energy of the desired frequency, which affects the sweat glands in such a way that their excessive activity decreases for some time. Regular repetition of the procedure allows you to keep your feet dry and reduce their sweating.
The tension acting on the skin is very low, so the risk of any negative side effects absent. Iontophoresis can also be used at home if you have the appropriate devices. They are not cheap, but the costs are offset by savings on procedures performed in professional salons, on special cosmetics, sweat-damaged shoes, socks, etc.

Calmness, combating increased emotionality

Sweat glands respond quickly to powerful emotions. Therefore, stress (both positive and negative) causes an increase in sweat secretion, which in turn activates bacteria that cause bad odor. Therefore, it is worth adopting and using proven relaxation methods.


Eating spicy foods, such as onions, peppers, or garlic, can make your sweat smell more intense.

Leg condition

Excessive stress on your feet or an orthopedic condition (such as flat feet) can also cause excessive sweating. The more burdened your feet are, the more sweat they produce - accordingly, the more moisture, which contributes to the development of bacteria, turning it into a source of stench. Therefore, eliminating the immediate cause (for example, restoring correct form feet with the help of appropriate orthopedic inserts) will help reduce sweating.

If your feet and shoes stink, what to do can be recommended by a dermatologist, who is probably aware of modern advances in the field of means of combating excess sweating. However, you need to start with the simplest, home measures - in many cases they are sufficient.