Plush Toys, which children love so much, often carry danger. The main disadvantage of soft “friends” is that they collect dust and are a “home” for dust mites. Toys often lie on the floor, and they are rarely washed after the baby is sick. It's scary to imagine what's going on inside the plush animals! Therefore, doctors strongly recommend cleaning toys at least once every 3 months, and preferably every month! Let's talk about how to clean a soft toy at home.

Dry cleaning of soft toys

There is a simple way to clean a soft toy at home, without even getting it wet:

  • place the toy (or several toys) in a plastic bag;
  • pour half a glass of baking soda or starch (for 3 medium toys);
  • Tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously for a couple of minutes;
  • All that remains is to take out the teddy bears and bunnies and shake off any remaining soda or starch with a soft brush.

Large toys can simply be thoroughly vacuumed. You will not destroy mites, but there will be much less dust in them!

How to clean a soft toy at home with foam

This cleaning method is suitable primarily for toys with glued eyes, noses, bows and other small parts, as well as toys with balls inside:

  • Apply a drop of baby shampoo to a damp sponge and whip up a thick foam;
  • quickly clean the toy, trying to wet it as little as possible;
  • wipe the toy with a damp cloth, then blot it terry towel and leave to dry on a laid out linen cloth or towel.

If the plush fur has developed over time yellow spots, before cleaning, apply lemon juice to the yellowed areas and dry the toys in the sun.

Felt toys are usually cleaned with a well-wrung cloth, soaped with baby soap, and then wiped again with a clean, damp cloth.

Hand washing and washing soft toys in an automatic washing machine

Small toys are easy to wring out and dry quickly, so they can be easily washed by hand:

  • pour warm water into a basin, soap the toys with baby soap and leave them soaked for 10 minutes;
  • if the material of the toys allows, you can go over the dirt with a soft brush;
  • All that remains is to rinse the plush animals thoroughly, wring them out and put them on a towel to dry.

Before washing Stuffed Toys V washing machine, be sure to study the tag. Not every toy is machine washable. If there are no prohibitions on the label, feel free to throw your baby’s plush “friends” into the drum of the washing machine. Let's remember simple rules:

  • Before washing soft toys in the washing machine, be sure to check the toys for batteries, music blocks, ball fillers, etc. Everything that can be taken out, we take it out!
  • toys are washed only in the delicate wash mode, preferably in a special laundry bag, which you can sew yourself from a piece of tulle or replace with a thin pillowcase;
  • use only baby powder;
  • add at least one additional rinse;
  • At what temperature should I wash soft toys? Washing temperature is 30°C, but if you want to get rid of dust mites, set the temperature to 60°C (after studying the label!);
  • if you do not want to damage the shape of the toys, do not wring them out, but simply drain the water from the drum and then blot them with a terry towel;
  • toys are hung to dry, knitted toys dry only in a horizontal position.

Many questions arise about anti-stress toys. Remember, all toys filled with balls must be cleaned only with a sponge or soapy cloth. In this case, washing soft toys in an automatic washing machine is strictly prohibited, because even seemingly tight seams can come apart during the washing process. As a result, both the toy and the washing machine will deteriorate.

It is also worth noting that not all musical toys can have the “filling” removed without damaging the product. If the music block stretches along the entire length of the toy, including the legs and head, use dry cleaning or refresh the product with a foam sponge.

Cleaning soft toys using freezing

If the toys are old, dust mites may live in them! Throw them in the wash immediately. At what temperature should you wash soft toys to completely protect your child? Dust mites die at 60°C. If the toys cannot be washed, put them in a bag and place them in the freezer overnight. Not a single tick can survive in the cold! Vacuum large toys thoroughly and place them on the balcony in frosty weather for two days. If winter is still far away, hide your plush “friends” in the closet. Children should not play with toys that are infested with dust mites!

For children, plush bunnies and bears are not just toys, but “friends” that they carry with them on a daily basis. kindergarten, to the dacha, to visit, and then sleep with them in an embrace. How much dirt, dust and harmful bacteria accumulate inside soft animals! Only regular cleaning of toys can protect your baby!

Before removing dust, dirt and stains, carefully read product labels and arrange toys by size and washing method. Choose the best option: some items can only be dry cleaned, others can be thrown in the washing machine. The size of the toy is of great importance. Large items are more difficult to wash and dry. Excess moisture provokes the proliferation of microbes, and powder residues due to poor rinsing can cause harm to the child’s health.

Place some toys in the washing machine and then dry them

Experts recommend using the following cleaning products:

  • regular shampoo;
  • laundry soap.

Many mothers wash products only by hand. If in doubt, the instructions or label will tell you whether the stuffed toys can be washed in the washing machine. Most items can easily withstand such exposure, but only in a delicate mode. Manual cleaning is used in the following cases:

  1. The bear or bunny is sewn from different materials.
  2. There are parts that require glue to be attached.
  3. The presence of eyes, nose and mouth made of painted plastic - they can be scratched when washed.
  4. The filler is straw, cotton wool, sawdust.
  5. The presence of long pile, which may lose its shine and fluffiness.

You can wash the toy using baby powder

If such products are sent to the machine, the consequences can be unpredictable: stretched fabric, damp filling, etc.

Some toys cannot withstand exposure to moisture, so only dry cleaning is possible for them.

Musical products

Many modern toys can talk and sing songs. Children love them the most, so cleaning should be done more often. How to do this correctly? If the contamination is minor, you can remove it manually. Add powder to the water, apply the mixture to a soft brush or sponge and process the product, removing dirt, then repeat all steps with clean water.

If the item is too dirty, do the following:

  1. Feel around it and find the place where the electronics are located. Open the nearest seam.
  2. Carefully remove the box. At this point, it is recommended to check the power supply and replace it if necessary.
  3. Mend and wash the product by hand or in a machine.
  4. Dry the product, open the seam again, replace the electronics and carefully sew everything up.

If everything is done correctly, the toy will still entertain the child and at the same time shine with cleanliness.

This is a gentle cleaning method that can be used on almost all toys. But it will require some effort. The situation is easiest with small products - they can easily withstand spinning and dry quickly. Sequencing:

  1. Wet the item, lather thoroughly with soap and leave for fifteen minutes. You can soak it in soapy water.
  2. Wipe off heavy stains well with a brush and shake with your hands.
  3. Rinse the product, wring it out, straighten it, hang it to dry or place it next to the heating device.

How to wash your favorite soft toys in an automatic washing machine? in this case everything is very simple. Place them in a bag, add powder, select gentle mode. To prevent the fabric from losing its color, the temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. Sometimes washing at sixty degrees is allowed - usually these are products intended for children under three years of age. It is recommended to turn on the super rinse function - it will help remove all traces of the cleaning product, as well as the conditioner - it will maintain the softness of the product.

Spinning at a speed of more than six hundred revolutions is not recommended, as there is a risk of deformation. Instead, you can turn on the water drain. After washing wet toys leave for several hours until all the water drains away. After this, hang them on a rope or leave them in place until completely dry.

For many, the pressing question is how to clean a soft toy at home. large sizes, which cannot be washed in any way. One option is to take it to the dry cleaner. But if this is not possible, open the product, remove the filler and wash the shell. When it's dry, stuff it and sew it up carefully.

Not all plush products can be washed - in this case, there is a corresponding instruction on their label. There are two options.

You can vacuum the toy

If we are talking about a small toy, removing dirt is very simple. Prepare the following solution: dilute powder, baby shampoo or other cleaning product in water, whisk thoroughly. Apply foam to a sponge and work the items, starting with the dirtiest areas. Wipe each area thoroughly to remove moisture - a microfiber cloth works well for this.

Apply foam to a sponge and treat the product

After cleaning with a spray bottle, spray the conditioner solution onto the toy and dry with a hairdryer, smoothing the fur with a comb. Then place the item near a heating device or leave it on the balcony overnight to dry. This method can also be used for large toys.

Individual items can only be dry cleaned. You will need a vacuum cleaner, hot steam, sun, frost and baking soda. The easiest way to vacuum a toy is by installing a special attachment for cleaning furniture. This needs to be done every week. But this method does not remove all dirt from the pile.

Small items can be cleaned as follows:

  • place them in a bag;
  • add a few tablespoons of starch or soda;
  • seal the bag and shake well for a few minutes;
  • remove the toys and brush them.

Baking soda removes dust and dirt well. If the toy is old, it may harbor mites and harmful bacteria. You can get rid of them using cold. Place the products in bags and put them in the freezer for two days. In winter they can be sent outside. The sun's rays have a similar effect.

Laundry during quarantine

During periods of exacerbation of infectious and viral diseases, soft toys require special care, as they quickly collect germs and unwittingly become a source of infection. Items that cannot be washed will have to be put in a distant drawer. And wash the rest at least every other day. It is not recommended to use substances containing chlorine for disinfection - they can harm the child. Wash plush items at a temperature of sixty degrees, if possible, and then pour boiling water over them. Drying should be carried out only in the apartment, on a surface pre-treated with antimicrobial agents.

Extreme frost, sunlight and hot steam have excellent disinfectant properties. One of available ways– treat the products with an iron, turning on the steam mode, or with a steam cleaner.

Soft toys are true friends for children, so they need to be taken care of, otherwise they will become hazardous to health. Try to wash and wash them as often as possible to keep them looking fresh and making your baby happy.

Materials and tools


  • fabric softener;
  • shampoo;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda;
  • baby soap;
  • powders for baby clothes;
  • starch.


  • soft brush;
  • sponge;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • plastic bag;
  • comb;
  • iron;
  • steam cleaner.

The method is suitable for small toys:

  • Take a large plastic bag.
  • We put a toy in it.
  • Pour in classic baking soda or starch (for 2-3 medium-sized toys - ½ cup).
  • Tie the bag tightly and shake vigorously for a couple of minutes.
  • We take out the toy and use a dry brush to brush off the soda along with any dirt.
We carefully vacuum large toys , changing the usual wide nozzle to a special one for upholstered furniture. If it is possible to change the suction mode, lower its level so as not to accidentally “suck in” eyes, spouts and other parts.

Wet cleaning of soft toys at home - how to wash soft toys with foam

For felt toys:

  • We soap a cloth with baby soap.
  • Squeeze as much as possible and thoroughly wipe all contaminated areas.
  • Take a clean cloth, soak it in clean water (no soap), wring it out, and clean the toy again.
  • Place the toy on the windowsill (drying rack) until completely dry.

For toys with glued parts (noses, eyes, bows, etc.) and balls inside:

  • We collect water in a small bowl.
  • Pour in baby shampoo and whisk until a thick, high foam forms.
  • We collect foam on the sponge and begin cleaning the toy, being careful not to completely wet it.
  • Wipe with a barely damp cloth.
  • Blot with a terry towel.
  • We dry it by laying the toy on a linen cloth or placing it on a radiator.
  • Gently comb the plush fur with a brush.

If yellow stains appear on the toy (these appear from time to time), then before cleaning, pour it onto the stain lemon juice and dry in the sun.

Hand washing soft toys - how to hand wash soft toys correctly?

Little toys, which dry quickly, can be squeezed by hand and do not have an abundance of small parts, can be washed by hand in the following way:

  • Pour warm water into a bowl.
  • We soap the toys with baby soap and leave them soaked for 10 minutes.
  • If necessary, we wash it with a brush (and if the texture of the toy allows).
  • We rinse the toys, wring them out, hang them to dry, put them on a radiator, or “spread them” on a dryer under the sun.
And remember a few rules for washing toys:
  • Toys filled with balls (anti-stress and for development fine motor skills), clean only using the wet cleaning method. It is strictly not recommended to wash them in a machine: even the seams that seem strong at first glance can come apart during the washing process. As a result, you can ruin both the toy and the car.
  • If you have batteries (musical toys), first carefully rip the seam and remove the batteries. We sew it up again (with a large stitch so that the filling does not fall out), wash it in the most appropriate way, and dry it. Next, we put the batteries back in place and sew them up again.
  • Before washing, treat greasy stains on toys with a sponge soaked in regular medical alcohol, or using dishwashing detergent.
  • Toys made of knitwear and velor (without accessories, balls, batteries and plastic parts) can be washed in a machine, packed in a special mesh designed for washing delicate items of clothing. As for the bows, hats and other similar details sewn to the toy, they will also remain in the mesh if they do come off.
  • Washing/cleaning toys with chemicals is prohibited. Only baby shampoo or baby/laundry soap.
  • After cleaning/washing, the toy should be rinsed/cleaned well so that no soap, powder or soda remains on it.
  • Not all musical toys can have the “stuffing” out of them. There are also options where the musical blocks stretch along the entire length, including the legs and head of the toy. In this case, it is simply impossible to remove the block without damaging the product. Therefore, the cleaning method is only dry or wet.
  • How to properly wash soft toys in an automatic machine - everything about machine washing soft toys at home

    Rules for machine washing toys:

    • Be sure to examine the tag on the toy. Not every item is machine washable.
    • We check the toy for music blocks, batteries, ball fillers, and loose seams. We take out everything that can be pulled out.
    • We put the toy in a special net.
    • Wash on delicate cycle.
    • We use only baby powder!
    • Increase the number of rinses by at least 1 rinse.
    • The water temperature is no higher than 30 degrees. If there is a risk that there are already dust mites in the toy - from 60 degrees (after studying the label!).
    • Do not wring out the toy in the machine so as not to damage it and maintain its shape. We simply drain the water and “wring out” the toy itself using a terry towel.
    • We dry toys hanging or on a radiator if the machine does not have such a function. We dry knitted toys only in a horizontal position.
    • Cleaning soft toys from ticks using frost

      If your toys are so old that they still remember your prom, then you can rest assured that dust mites live in them. Don't panic, don't rush to throw them out of the window - the cold will help deal with ticks!

      • We wash small toys at temperatures above 60 degrees.
      • If you can’t wash it, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer overnight. Or even two – just to be sure.
      • We take the large toy out onto the balcony, vacuum it thoroughly and leave it in the cold for a night or two. If winter is far away, put the toy in the closet - a child should absolutely not play with a toy infested with dust mites.

      Don't "launch" toys. Regular cleaning and washing of toys will preserve not only their appearance, but also, most importantly, the health of your child.

Toys become human companions literally from the first days of life. While playing, the child gains initial communication skills, which will help him socialize in the future. The first play partners are soft bears, hares and clowns.

Children conduct their first dialogues with them; they are associated with comfort and safety. With such close contact, the cleanliness of your plush friends must be strictly observed.

After all, dust and dirt easily get clogged into artificial fur and fabric, and children often try to taste them. That's why it's so important to clean and wash your stuffed animals regularly.

Main types

The world of toys is wide and varied, like a child’s imagination. There you can meet all kinds of flora and fauna, cartoon and fairy tale characters, even representatives of the automotive industry.

They can be divided into several conditional groups:

  • educational, include soft books, rugs and small-sized construction sets;
  • musical, thanks to built-in mechanisms they produce a certain set of words, sounds or melodies;
  • standard ones, such as stuffed animals, birds or fish;
  • multifunctional, having in their arsenal sound, light or other types of effects at the same time.

The world of toys is wide and diverse

The selected varieties reflect only part of the world of soft toys. All of them can still be divided by size, relation to different cultures and countries, and materials of manufacture.

Children, as a rule, do not pay attention to these subtleties, limiting themselves to a simple choice: either like it or not. And regardless of the type, all plush products need to be cleaned.

Toys for newborns

In babies under one year of age, immunity is not fully formed. It is necessary to handle everything with which the child has direct contact. This does not mean that the fur bear should be boiled after each fall on the floor. With regular wet cleaning, the floor will be, if not sterile, then clean.

It is enough to adhere to the basic rules for the hygiene of your baby’s plush companions:

  1. Immediately after purchase, you should read the information on the tag. After this, it will become clear whether machine and hand washing is possible, or dry cleaning only.
  2. If the product can be washed, you should use baby powder or laundry soap.
  3. In some interactive models, it is possible to remove the mechanism and then return it to its place after washing.
  4. To maintain the richness of the colors and the softness of the pile, you can use baby fabric conditioner.
  5. Electronic mechanisms are disinfected with alcohol or an antibacterial solution, such as chlorhexidine.
  6. Finally, the toys are dried; you can speed up the process with a hairdryer.

A soft toy is a constant companion for children and schoolchildren, helping to develop imagination, thinking, attention and learning. the world. Children also have a favorite one, without whom they will not go to sleep or eat, or go on a visit. Such a toy is preserved for many years, and carries not only joy and pleasant memories, but also dust. After all, not every mother knows how to properly care for fluffy products.

Important points before washing

Plush toys tend to accumulate in large quantities dust and dirt, creating a favorable habitat for germs, bacteria and microscopic mites, which is why it is so important to clean and wash on time. The label on the package will tell you whether soft toys can be washed. The following data is indicated there: temperature conditions, washing and drying methods, as well as other care features. If such information is not available, you should carefully inspect the toy, and then decide for yourself on the cleaning method. However, it is worth keeping in mind that there are cases in which such things cannot be washed. These include:

  • Musical toys that have a microcircuit and batteries inside.
  • Instances that have moving components. Drive mechanisms may break if in contact with water.
  • Products are too large in size, exceeding the capacity of the drum for loading laundry in the washing machine.
  • Toys with glued parts and natural fillings.

If the product has at least one sign, then you should turn to dry cleaning. The simplest and most affordable option is a vacuum cleaner. The easiest way to vacuum the product is by installing an attachment for cleaning upholstered furniture. This option is especially good for larger sizes.


You should think about how to wash a large soft toy even at the purchase stage, because when proper care the product will serve for a long time and faithfully. There is a set of rules, following which, you can maintain the neat appearance and original shape of the product.

Before washing a plush product, it must be carefully checked:

  • Parts may be poorly sewn: a paw or button has come off, or a bow has become frayed. Even the padding can stick out from the torn material. In this case, repairs are required.
  • You also need to examine it for the presence of electronic components. If it is possible to pull them out, it is better to do it right away. Sometimes you have to rip the material and then sew it up again, which is not very convenient.
  • If there are heavy stains on the fabric, they should be removed in advance.
  • Special bags are used to protect delicate fabrics.

Additional Information! If you need to wipe off a greasy stain, you should use regular dishwashing detergent. It will do the job perfectly.


The threads from which the animals are knitted are usually natural: cotton, wool, bamboo. They shrink during the washing process. To prevent this from happening, there are some guidelines:

  • The product should be washed by hand at 30 degrees.
  • Use better shampoos for delicate fabrics or products from the children's series, as well as soft sponges and brushes.
  • After washing the toy, you need to rinse it and blot it with a towel, stretching it to the sides.
  • It is recommended to dry in the fresh air.

Laundry during quarantine

IN autumn-winter period Children and adults are plagued by infectious and viral diseases. In such difficult times, every mother should know how to wash her child’s teddy bear and other soft toys. After all, they accumulate microbes on themselves and, as a result, are a source of infection. You need to know the following:

  • To somehow reduce the risk, you need to put as many toys in the closet as possible. The rest will have to be washed several times a week, choosing a temperature of at least 60 degrees.
  • Dry on a clean surface treated with an antimicrobial agent.
  • Bacteria are effectively destroyed even in severe frost. To do this, you need to leave your pet on the balcony for one night.
  • Hot steam will also be a good help in the fight against germs. It is enough to turn on the steaming mode and casually process the fabric, trying not to touch the surface itself, so as not to damage the plush.

Note! The use of chlorine-containing substances should be avoided, as they are harmful to the baby's skin.

A soft toy is not only a faithful and beloved friend of every child, but also a source of health hazard. Therefore, it requires utmost attention and careful care. It is important to do this on time, then the product will last a long time and the baby will be happy.