Excess weight can bring a lot of inconvenience to both women and men. We have already talked about how to deal with the problem on the pages of the site, but what to do to “lose weight” only in a certain part of the body? How to make thick arms more graceful and thin?

The problem of fat arms becomes more urgent with the beginning of the beach season, when men and women reveal more and more of their body, but can cause inconvenience at any other time of the year.

And if you want to look more attractive and slimmer by next summer, want to increase your self-esteem and emphasize your beauty, it’s time to ask yourself the question of “losing weight” on your arms now.

In the future, this will allow you not to be embarrassed about your hands, not to hide them under clothes. And the following recommendations will help reduce the amount of fullness in your hands in a short period of time.

Fat arms: what to do

1. Proper nutrition. Without proper and balanced nutrition, it is impossible to solve the problem of losing weight in your arms, as well as in all other parts of your body. You will have to get rid of excess fat in any case, and a competent diet will help. At the same time, immediately expect that other parts of the body will lose weight along with your arms, since the weight will be lost proportionally.

If the problem of excess weight in general interests you little, you won’t have to stick to a specific diet. It is only important to remove high-calorie, fatty, processed and sweet foods from your menu.

2. Proper drinking. You will have to give up carbonated drinks. However, the total amount of fluid consumed should be increased by drinking only clean water. This will allow you to get rid of fats, improve the condition of the skin of your hands, and normalize metabolism.

3. Massage and anti-cellulite massage. To combat thick hands, you need to stock up on moisturizing creams and massage your hands. Massage sessions should begin with warming up, stroking, rubbing, gradually increasing in intensity.

Active actions are applied here to the fingers, hands, forearms, and shoulders. Hand massage, performed at least 3 times a week, optimizes blood circulation in this part of the body.

4. Water procedures. Along with drinking plenty of water, bathing will increase the amount of moisture absorbed by the skin of your hands. Water is necessary to maintain the elasticity and beauty of the skin, and 30% of the moisture is absorbed here from the skin surface.

A contrast shower is especially good and useful in this regard, as it promotes the development of blood vessels in the hands. Changing cold and hot water will strengthen the skin and help you lose weight on your arms.

5. Active exercises and sports. Motor exercises of the hands will allow you to reduce the volume of this part of your body. Muscle work (ideally) is aimed at quickly burning fat and improving blood circulation in the hands. If such exercises are carried out in the fresh air, combined with walking, the benefits of them increase, and the general mood only improves.

Regarding physical activity, swimming can be recommended for thick arms. To achieve weight loss in your arms and get rid of fat in this part of the body, you will have to actively swim in the pool every day (for half an hour).

In addition to swimming, you could do other sports that put stress on your arms. In this regard, one cannot fail to mention tennis. This game is not only useful, but also extremely exciting, which means you should expect it to lift your spirits.

Don't like sports and working with dumbbells? Take up dancing! After all, there are simply no overweight dancers...

In general, any active sport will benefit your body. The main thing here is not to eat in the next 2 hours after finishing classes, so that the efforts made do not go in vain (). By neglecting this rule, you will ensure that the food consumed turns into muscle growth, which will lead to a reverse increase in the fullness of your arms!

Beautiful and graceful hands are not only a thin wrist, but also the absence of loose skin and fullness along the entire length or in the area from the elbow to the shoulders. Unfortunately, even fairly slender people with a good figure have full arms, which looks quite unattractive. It is possible to remove excess fat from the problem area with the help of special exercises, which can be performed at home without the use of special sports equipment, and a clear understanding of the reasons why it occurs will help prevent its reappearance and development.

Fat arms occur not only with excess weight, but also with people with a fairly good figure and normal weight. The fat layer most often appears in the area above and less often below the elbow, and the reason for this is a general excess of fat in the body. Physical activity and changes in exercise can quickly get rid of it in almost all areas, but not on the hands. And if you ignore the problem for a long time, then your hands begin to look not very well-groomed and spoil your figure.

Often the problem manifests itself with age. After the age of twenty, muscle tissue decreases and the body begins to accumulate more fat. This is the main reason why arms become flabby. An important contribution to the process is also made by a decrease in metabolic rate, when calories are burned in much smaller quantities. Slower metabolism is also an inevitable manifestation of age. General excess weight plays an important role, so it needs to be kept under control.

Sports and active daily physical activity, as well as exercises that eliminate fat in this area, help eliminate or avoid sagging arms. It is not recommended to limit yourself exclusively to them. You need to increase the number of calories you burn by running or walking more often in the fresh air.

A set of exercises for slender and beautiful arms

Full arms do not allow you to wear clothes with short sleeves or a light top. You don't have to put up with this situation. It is enough to change some exercise habits and master simple exercises that will make your arms thin and slender.

Aimed at getting rid of fat on the back and triceps. This area is most susceptible to the accumulation of fat mass. The advantage of such push-ups is that not only the fat layer disappears, but also the arms become sculpted and the skin becomes toned. The exercise can be performed on the floor or using a regular chair with or without a backrest.


  1. sit on the floor, keep your feet together;
  2. hands are placed shoulder-width apart so that the fingers point at the hips, feet are located in front of the hips;
  3. legs are bent at the knee joints, legs are not lifted off the floor;
  4. arms are straightened, hips are raised so that the weight is supported by the arms;
  5. bending your left elbow, helping with your right straight hand, lower your hips, but without touching the floor;
  6. repeat the same actions, but with the other working hand.

If a chair is used, it serves as a support.

Used by athletes during the drying period, this exercise allows you to work the triceps and give elasticity to your arms. It can be done using a table or chair approximately 2 meters high. The weight of your own body, transferred to the triceps, will increase the tone of this muscle.


  1. the chair or table is placed in the most stable position;
  2. stand opposite the table (chair) at a distance of three meters, but not closer;
  3. turn their backs to the fulcrum (table/chair);
  4. hands are held shoulder width apart;
  5. take three or four steps forward;
  6. straighten the body and bend the legs so that they form one line with the surface of the table or chair from the knees;
  7. bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible;
  8. return to their original position.

If you do three approaches daily with twenty repetitions each, your arms will very quickly gain the desired slimness.

Similar to reverse push-ups, it perfectly burns accumulated fat deposits and tones the muscles.


  1. take the position of a longitudinal plank, lying on your stomach on the floor, holding your hands shoulder-width apart;
  2. press your feet and legs together;
  3. the whole body should be positioned in one straight line, fingers pointing forward;
  4. both the right arm and the left leg are moved to the left side and held in the accepted position;
  5. repeat the same thing, but with the left arm and right leg;
  6. return to the starting position;
  7. the stomach is pulled towards the spine and pelvis;
  8. change position again and take three steps to the side.

They help not only to work the triceps and pectoral muscle groups, but also to tone the arms. No additional equipment is required for push-ups. Problematic fat deposits disappear due to the involvement of your own body weight. Thanks to this exercise, your arms become slender and toned.


  1. take a lying position on the floor;
  2. get into a push-up position - keep your legs together, arms wider than shoulder-width apart, elbows should be straight;
  3. bend the elbow joints and lower the body towards the floor, making sure that the stomach does not touch the surface of the ground;

To make your arms toned and elastic, do the exercise three times, ten times each. If your hands are placed close, then such push-ups are closed, and if they are wider than your shoulders, then they are open.

Important: Without preparation, doing push-ups can be quite difficult. Doing the exercise from your knees will help make the task easier during the first lessons. Thus, the body weight will not fall on the toes, as in the classic position, but will move to the knees, which will greatly facilitate the performance of push-ups.

They work perfectly on the triceps and are very effective for making your arms slim and elegant.


  1. lie on the stomach;
  2. stand in the usual position for push-ups, legs pressed against each other, arms spread wider than shoulder level so that the fingers are directed not forward, but to the sides;
  3. bend the left elbow and lean the body to the left;
  4. return to the starting position, repeat a similar movement, but with the right hand.

Important: This exercise is very effective, but quite difficult. And if it is difficult, then it is better to do push-ups from your knees first.

Similar to classic push-ups. The only difference is that they are performed either from the table or from the platform.


  1. take a standing position, place your hands on the platform;
  2. keep your legs together, your arms are wider than your shoulders;
  3. the back should not bend, and the shoulders should always be straight, which allows you to use the arm muscles to the maximum;
  4. doing push-ups.

When the exercise is easy, you need to do three sets of twenty repetitions.

Wrist rotation

The simplest and most effective exercise that allows you to achieve excellent results in losing weight in your arms. The goal is achieved only with regular implementation. You need to do rotations with dumbbells of 500 g each or with 500 ml bottles filled with water.


  1. stand up straight, take weights in your hands - bottles or dumbbells;
  2. palms, holding bottles (dumbbells), turn first in the direction and then counterclockwise;
  3. Rotations on each side are performed for at least one minute.

Thanks to rotations, not only your arms lose weight, but also your shoulders, from which all excess fat disappears.

A very effective cardio exercise. It perfectly tightens and strengthens the arm muscles both internally and externally.


  1. stand straight, hold your hands in front of you at shoulder level;
  2. hands are spread to the sides, and then brought together in front of you, “overlapping” so that a semblance of scissors is formed;
  3. return to the starting position, repeat the action at least twenty times.

To get the desired result in the shortest possible time, you need to scissor every day for 15 to 20 minutes.

The most effective way to eliminate fat deposits in the arms, which will make them not just fit, but also strong. They will look sculpted and slender.


  1. pick up a 2.5 liter bottle filled with water, which is used as free weight;
  2. sit on a chair, keep your back straight, and raise your hands with a bottle straight above your head;
  3. hands with a bottle should be straight;
  4. put the bottle behind your back, bending your elbows;
  5. you need to lower the free weight as low as possible;
  6. lift the bottle back over your head without sudden movements, but slowly.

The more carefully and technically the flexion and extension are performed, the more the arm muscles are worked out and used. You need to do the exercise every day, performing three approaches with twenty repetitions in each.

Important: Each set should be followed by a minute's rest before starting the next one. This will make you more productive. Gradually increasing weight allows you to get results faster.

It is a complex exercise that helps not only strengthen and tone the muscles of the shoulders and arms, but also the legs, and also perfectly stretch the back. Those who dream of excellent posture must do it regularly.


  1. get on all fours;
  2. knees are placed under the hips, hands under the shoulders;
  3. raise the right hand so that the fingers look only forward, straighten it at the elbow;
  4. simultaneously with the hand, raise and straighten the left leg, stretching back;
  5. stay in the accepted position for some time, return to their original position;
  6. repeat the same procedure, but on the right leg and left arm.

Do the exercise from fifteen to twenty times.

Exercise for slender and beautiful shoulders and arms

It is an effective complex that helps get rid of fat deposits and sagging skin on the hands. It is quite easy to learn and does not require a visit to the gym. It can be performed in the most comfortable conditions at home. This exercise is guaranteed to slim your arms and tighten sagging skin. It is aimed at working on the most vulnerable part of the arms - the upper part, where fat deposits most often form. The main condition for achieving a guaranteed good result is regular execution.

Execution of the complex:

  1. stand straight;
  2. feet are placed shoulder width apart;
  3. hands are raised to shoulder level, fingers pointing upward;
  4. make forward circular movements with your hands for about half a minute;
  5. change direction, making circular movements for the same amount of time, but backwards;
  6. elbows bent, fingers pointing upward;
  7. move your elbows back and forth for at least 30 seconds, which allows you to perfectly work and tighten your biceps;
  8. then the elbows are joined together, the fingers are again directed towards the ceiling;
  9. move the elbows together upward towards the jaw, return back, and repeat the exercise for half a minute.

By finding a few minutes in your schedule for such exercises every day, very soon you can admire your slender and toned arms and shoulders.

Recommendations for losing weight on your arms and preventing the appearance of fatty deposits

It is not recommended to limit yourself solely to exercise. So that by the next summer season you don’t have to worry about finding a sleeveless outfit or feel embarrassed about having full arms when going to the beach, you should make some adjustments to your usual routine:

The main “friend” of full arms is an incorrectly composed daily diet. And even if fat deposits appear only in this area, it means that the menu contains harmful foods that promote fat accumulation and no healthy ones.

You should definitely include more vegetables and fruits in your daily menu. They make you feel full faster and replace foods that are harmful to your figure, which causes an overall reduction in calories consumed.

Food rich in fiber allows you to increase the speed of metabolic processes, and, therefore, burn more calories. It helps get rid of fat deposits and saturates for a long time. Any protein food with low fat content, containing slow carbohydrates, will be an excellent addition to a proper diet.

Reduce portions

You need to eat small amounts of food, but only at regular intervals. This routine allows you to avoid feeling too hungry and reduce the number of calories you consume.

Be sure to have breakfast

Don't skip this important meal. It is the very first and allows you not to overeat during the day, since you already have a certain feeling of fullness in the morning.

Drinking fluids helps speed up your metabolic rate. If you drink water before eating, the feeling of fullness comes much faster, that is, the number of calories you eat decreases.

Give preference to green tea

This drink helps burn calories. And if you drink a cup of this tea for breakfast, and two or three more thereafter, this will speed up metabolic processes and burn more fat.

Daily physical activity helps you get rid of excess calories that come from food. Swimming, rowing, rock climbing, jumping rope, or other forms of cardio can help prevent new fat from being deposited and help remove existing fat. After some time, you will notice how the deposits simply begin to disappear.

Walk more

You should abandon the elevator in favor of the stairs and give preference to walking when you can avoid using personal and public transport.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms and shoulders, changing your own eating and drinking habits will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. The main thing is to maintain regularity. You can do one or several exercises at once. If you make a little effort, you can forever forget about flabby, unkempt, plump and unattractive hands.

If you have full arms, then one built in the classical way may be narrow in shoulder circumference. It is this problem that women with a full figure and full arms often face when sewing dresses or blouses with sleeves. So how do you build a sleeve for full arms? There are several methods you can use when constructing a pattern.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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Sleeve for full arms: method 1

Adjusting the armhole depth

When constructing, you should increase the width and depth of the armhole. To do this, it is necessary to give additional increases to the values ​​of Armhole Width and Armhole Depth. This will increase the width of the sleeve during construction, and reduce the length of the fabric along the edge, which requires fitting.

When choosing this method, remember that increasing the depth and width of the armhole too much can change the design of the product in the sleeve-armhole area.

Sleeve for full arms: method 2

Rice. 1. Sleeve for full arms

If for some reason you do not want to increase the depth of the armhole, you can change the sleeve itself by cutting it and spreading it as follows.

To do this, cut the sleeve from the top of the sleeve to the bottom and horizontally, setting aside 4-5 cm from the bottom of the sleeve. Pull the upper parts of the sleeve apart and unfold so that along the edge they overlap each other (but not more than 1 cm), and at the elbow moved apart. In this case, the width of the collar does not change, but we increased the width of the sleeve (see Fig. 1).

Sleeve for full arms: method 3

Rice. 2. Construction of a sleeve pattern

Construct a sleeve pattern based on the circumference of the arm at its widest point. However, you must understand that in this case the height of the collar may decrease and the fit of the sleeve may change. However, it all depends on the fullness of the hands (see Fig. 2).

Constructing a pattern

Set aside a horizontal piece equal to the circumference of your arm at the widest point +1cm. Measure the length of the armhole according to the pattern of the front and back of the dress. Divide the resulting value in half and from the ends of the segment (at an angle) set aside 1/2 the length of the armhole according to the pattern. Next, build as usual according to the pattern (see Sleeve for full arms, Fig. 2).

Sleeve for full arms: method 4

Another way to construct a sleeve for full arms is to make a dart or pleats from the top of the sleeve cap and remove all excess fabric into it. You can also use a pattern.

Many women claim that there is no fashion for plus size people. But these are excuses and unwillingness to think, listen to the advice of experts in order to dress stylishly and beautifully.

So overweight women walk around, all as one, in stretched, loose T-shirts, shapeless pants, believing that loose clothing hides their fatness.

Or maybe it’s not so necessary to hide your shape, because often it’s fullness that makes a woman piquant and feminine. You need to be able to love your body and take care of it.

But fashion for plus-size people exists! Moreover, by following fashion trends, plus size women can gain the self-confidence that they so often lack.

The main thing in fashion for plus size people is to keep it in moderation, to know exactly what you should wear and what things you should forget about, and, of course, to maintain your own individuality.

In the summer, hands become a problem for overweight women. On the one hand it’s hot, but on the other hand, the wrong clothes will make you look like a ball. What do experts advise women who have full hands?

If you are buying a blouse, then, first of all, pay attention to the sleeves. If they are shorter than three-quarters and are set with an elastic band that gathers it into a lantern, such a blouse is not worth buying.

If the elastic band gathers the sleeve on the wrist and the fabric is light enough to flow along the arm, this model will suit you.

A stylish sleeveless model, but with a closed collar, like a turtleneck, is suitable only for those with thin arms. With full hands it will look very ugly!

If you have full arms, then a blouse, such as a classic men's shirt, will suit you perfectly. But here it is important to make sure that the sleeve does not fit tightly around your arm.

Women with full arms should exclude blouses and T-shirts with wings and small sleeves from their wardrobe. Such things, even if they are at the height of fashion, will only emphasize full hands and draw attention to your problem areas.

If you are planning to purchase T-shirts, then choose models that have a cape neckline and wide straps (5-7 cm). This T-shirt takes the emphasis off full arms and large breasts. A tank top with thin straps gives the exact opposite effect.

Women with full arms should not have shoulder pads or “buffer” or “raglan” sleeves in their jackets. A slightly flared sleeve looks very nice.

By the way, if you have full arms, then even in sweaters the best sleeve for you is three-quarters. Although you can try a very long sleeve, up to the middle of the palm.

Dresses with straps are clearly not for full hands. Ideally, your dress should have long or quarter sleeve flares made from a light, flowing fabric. The pattern on the fabric may be small or medium, or even absent.

If you have full hands, capes, stoles, thin silk or chiffon scarves will help hide this flaw. By the way, fashion today only welcomes such things. Moreover, these additions to your clothes will make your look stylish, romantic and mysterious.

If you love jewelry, then bracelets on your wrist will look great on full hands, and the thinner the bracelet, the more impressive!

Don't be afraid to experiment with colors too! Full hands can look very beautiful and sexy - take care of it!

Are your arms fuller? Have your arms become full, even “fat”? What can you do to make them lose weight? - It is possible to fix this! They are part of your body. This means that they too can lose weight if they set such a goal.

Your arms will lose weight if you prepare and eat a very healthy salad. What must be in it:


It contains two grams of fiber and one gram of protein. Raisins, by the way, are an excellent “candy substitute”.


This vegetable manages to contain vitamins (A and C) and substances that protect against cancer (lycopene). The recommended “dosage” for one serving of salad is half a cup.

Sweet pepper

It contains a lot of vitamin A. So much that one can envy it in this regard. This “handsome guy” also needs to be “dosed” to a volume that is equal to half a cup.


Minerals, fiber and fats. This is what nuts can “boast” of. Let them “boast”, and you use them. For your own good! How much of this treat do you need? A tablespoon or a little less.


A very useful thing! But please do not put more than one egg in the salad, because one egg yolk contains as many as six grams of fat! By the way, you can only put whites in the salad. One protein contains fifteen calories.


Prepare one third of the cup for the salad. Despite the fact that the apple is “rich” in fructose, it contains many antioxidants and vitamins.


It's high in calories, but it contains a sufficient amount of minerals and fats.

Cheese (can be replaced with feta cheese)

Choose cheese only with a low fat content so as not to be “oversaturated” with calories. Half a cup of cheese should be placed in a serving of salad.


Allow one-third cup for salad. Better choose broccoli and cauliflower. They are low calorie.


If you choose... Black or green? Choose black ones. They have much less sodium. Sodium, like salt, retains water in the body.

What's the best thing not to put in a salad?

Product list:

  1. Pasta.
  2. Potato.
  3. Radish.
  4. Radish.
  5. Cucumbers.
  6. Crackers.
  7. Bacon.
  8. Sausage.
  9. Ham.
  10. Sausage.

Asana – amazingly helps to lose weight on your arms!

Asanas are poses and exercises associated with yoga.

Utthit Atrikonasana

(Extended Triangle Pose).

  1. Get into mountain pose.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Raise your arms horizontally to the floor.
  5. Raise your right foot ninety degrees.
  6. Turn your left foot slightly inward.
  7. Bend your torso to the right.
  8. Bend your right leg at a ninety-degree angle.
  9. Use your right hand to hold your right ankle.
  10. Extend your right arm with your palm forward.
  11. Turn your head.
  12. Look at your (left) thumb.
  13. “Freeze” for forty seconds and breathe.
  14. Straighten up.

This asana is very useful for the back - (relieves pain) and for the legs - (strengthens them).

Utthita Parsvakonasana

(Side Angle Pose).

  1. Get into mountain pose.
  2. Pull your arms in different directions.
  3. Turn your right foot ninety degrees outward.
  4. Turn your left foot slightly inward.
  5. Take a deep breath.
  6. Jump with your feet apart.
  7. Bend your right leg at the knee (about ninety degrees).
  8. Inhale (not very deeply).
  9. As you inhale, rotate your body.
  10. Place your right elbow on your right knee.
  11. Raise your left hand up.
  12. Lower your right hand in front of your foot.
  13. Press yourself straight into the floor.
  14. “Freeze” for about thirty seconds.

This asana greatly strengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the leg muscles.

Hand exercises in pictures


Women's reviews

Natalya Varlenskaya:

I listened to songs, read an article. Reading to music doesn't bother me at all. This is, by the way, how I check for “overload with unnecessary things.” If I can read and listen at the same time, that’s a very good sign. If music interferes with reading, I try to read something else. Maybe the technique is strange, but it suits me. I'm used to it, I love it, I respect it, I appreciate it. Thank you!

Ruslana Neorinskaya:

Out of the blue! I didn’t even think that I would have to read articles of this type. I need my arms to lose weight, so I read, hoping that I will put something into practice, and not leave it at the level of “pure” theory. Practice is more interesting. It's time to start...

Alisa Pershina:

I'm all for the salad! He helped me along with the exercises. My arms have lost weight, my legs have lost weight, but my stomach doesn’t want to shrink, I still don’t understand why?

Do not miss. . .

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