Natalya Bondareva
Project “The Beauty of Dymkovo Toys” (middle group)

View project: cognitive-creative

Implementation period project: medium term, 1 Week

Participants project: children middle group, parents, teachers

Relevance project

Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to various types of decorative and applied arts and folk traditions. The conditions for introducing children to folk art using, for example, folk Dymkovo toys. But it is precisely decorative drawing classes that can teach children to perceive beautiful and kind, will teach you to admire beauty. One day, my children and I came to the kindergarten museum, where the exhibition was located Dymkovo toys. I drew the children's attention to the brightness and the beauty of toys and asked the children, what are their names. The children didn't know this. That's how the idea of ​​holding this came about project.

Target project:

Bringing children into the world beautiful through acquaintance with works of folk art Dymkovo masters.

Tasks project:

Expand ideas about Dymkovo toy, the process of its manufacture, colors and variety of shapes;

Develop creativity, initiative, artistic taste, cognitive activity, attention, curiosity, aesthetic perception.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands and fine movements of the fingers.

To cultivate a love for folk applied arts, folk art, and respect for the work of masters.

Expected Result: during the implementation of this project I guess that as a result of the joint activities of pupils, their parents and teachers groups children will develop an interest in Dymkovo toy. They will learn the colors of this painting and be able to name some of its elements. Learn drawing techniques and learn how to make patterns. Children will get an initial understanding of decorative and applied arts and expand their horizons with the help of poems, riddles, and games.

Parents of students will show interest in the implementation project and will use the acquired knowledge at home.

Product project activities:

Exhibition of joint crafts of children and parents « The Beauty of Dymka» .

Stages project

Preparatory stage (1 day)

Choosing a theme project and planning its content taking into account the age characteristics of children, their interests and needs;

Studying literature on this issue;

Davydova “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten”,

Visual and methodological aid. Dymkovo toy. Edited by A. Dorofeev.

Visual - teaching aid from the series “The world in pictures. Dymkovo toy» .

Miracle Horses, miracle birds. G. Blinov. Stories about Russian folk toy. Moscow "Children's literature" 1977

Velichkina G., Shpikalova T. Dymkovo toy. Workbook on the basics of folk art Mozaika-Sintez Publishing House

Velichkina G. A. « Dymkovo toy» publishing house Mosaic – Synthesis 2009

Doronina G. Familiarization of preschoolers with Dymkovo toy// Preschool education. - 1984. - No. 8. - P. 23-25.

Involving parents in project(notification, invitation to cooperation).

Main stage

Implementation project

Forms of work Contents

OOD Topic: "Multicolor Dymki» (Cognitive development)

Subject: "We decorate Dymkovo horse»

Subject: "We decorate Dymkovo goose» (Artistic and aesthetic development)

Subject: "Modeling a horse" (Artistic and aesthetic development)

Joint activities carried out during routine moments Conversations "Characteristic features of painting Dymkovo toys» , "How do they work? Dymkovo masters» , "What are we made of?",

Reading a poem “Oh, what a horse, what a black mane.”.

A. Dyakova "Cheerful haze» ,

M. G. Smirnova « Haze» ,

V. V. Gavrilova "Turkey", "Waterbearer",

L. Gulyga "Motley round dance",

I. V. Kadukhina “Grandfather Yegor is coming.”

Review of the book by V. Krupin « Haze» , "IN Dymkovskaya Sloboda»

Guessing riddles about Dymkovo toys.

Learning poems about haze.

Educational games: « Dymkovo Lotto» , "Find the same pattern", "Assemble a pattern", "Gather the Whole", “Dress up Oleshka”

Finger game: "Horse"

Outdoor folk games: "Stream", "Golden Gate", “A goat was walking through the forest.”

Construction from building materials material: "Houses for Dymkovo lambs»

Studying the properties of clay. Experimentation.

Independent activity for children Coloring flat silhouettes Dymkovo toys

Looking at pictures, illustrations in books, toys

Role-playing games: "Shop toys»

Interaction with the family Consultation "Artistic and aesthetic education of children in the family"

Conversation with parents "About the meaning Dymkovo toys in children's lives"

Participation in making handicrafts together with children based on Dymkovo toys

Final stage (4 days)

1. Design of an exhibition of joint works of children and parents « The Beauty of Dymka» .

2. Design of an exhibition of children's crafts.

3. Reflection (summarizing project)

Publications on the topic:

Educator: Chetvertnova E. M. Age group: senior group. Form of joint activity: Artistic and aesthetic. Integration.

Conversation “Getting to know the painting of Dymkovo toys” Acquaintance with the painting of Dymkovo toys Purpose: Acquaintance with decorative and applied arts; expand children's understanding of folk traditions;

Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It arose in the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now.

Dear colleagues! I love to sculpt myself and with children, I conduct a lot of sculpting classes, but mostly this is the material for this.

Hello! Today I will show you how my Dymkovo toys were created. Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art toys.

Project "Acquaintance with the Dymkovo toy." Middle group

Description: this project was developed for children of middle preschool age; it may be useful for kindergarten teachers
Objective of the project:
Formation and development of the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of children through familiarization with folk crafts - Dymkovo toys, painting.

- Introduce Dymkovo toys and elements of Dymkovo painting.
- Develop the skill of using drawing materials.
- Teach to see the beauty of the Dymkovo toy.

-Develop cognitive activity, visual memory, attention, curiosity.
- Develop artistic taste as a result of making crafts.
- Develop hand motor skills and fine finger movements.
- Develop all components of coherent speech, its grammatical structure, dialogic speech, social and linguistic competence, skills

- Cultivate a love for folk crafts and folk art.
- Cultivate respect for the work of masters.

Project type: cognitive - creative.

Project duration: short-term

Project participants: educators, parents, children of the middle group.

Relevance: Dymkovo toy is a Russian folk toy that has firmly entered the everyday life of preschool institutions. It's hard to imagine a more "childish" toy. Dymkovo toys attract children with their brightness and originality. These products delight the eye, lift your spirits, and reveal the world of a joyful holiday. Decorative drawings of Dymkovo toys are simple but original; they are naive but expressive. Decorative drawing of a Dymkovo toy gives children the opportunity to feel themselves in the role of an artist - decorator, to reflect in their work an aesthetic vision and feeling of the beauty of the surrounding world and nature.

Expected Result: during the implementation of this project, I assume that as a result of the joint activities of the pupils, their parents and the group teacher, the children will develop an interest in the Dymkovo toy. They will learn the colors of this painting and be able to name all its elements. Learn drawing techniques and learn how to make patterns. Children will get an initial understanding of decorative and applied arts and expand their horizons with the help of poems, riddles, and games.
Parents of students will show interest in implementing the project and will use it at home.

Project Implementation Plan:
1. To get interested in Russian folk culture using the example of getting to know the Dymkovo toy.
2. Preparatory stage:
- Select and study literature about the history of the Dymkovo fishery and its current state.
- Creation of necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.
- Development and accumulation of methodological aids for getting acquainted with Dymkovo painting.

3. Main stage (practical):
- Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques for developing preschoolers’ knowledge about the Dymkovo toy.
- Implementation of the project through various types of activities: holding conversations with children, reviewing manuals, artistic and creative activities, conducting didactic and board games, learning poems, nursery rhymes, guessing riddles on the topic.

4. Final.
- Exhibition of drawings on the topic, crafts.
-Preparing consultations for parents “The role of folk toys in the upbringing of preschoolers”
- Organization of an exhibition of joint works of parents and children “The Beauty of the Haze”.
- Quiz for parents and children “Dymkovo Toy Factory.”

Project activity product:
Didactic games, coloring pages “Dymkovo toys”, replenishment of the Dymkovo toy collection, exhibition of handicrafts “The Beauty of Dymka”.

Project progress

Goal: To consolidate the ability to examine, describe and compare folk toys. To develop knowledge about the features of painting toys, color, and the main elements of the pattern. To cultivate interest, respect and respect for folk art.

1. Topic: “Introduction to the Dymkovo toy.”
2. Topic: presentation “Merry Haze”.
3. Topic: guess the riddle “Beautiful Haze.”

Target: Examination, comparison and description of objects. Formulating statements and independent judgments, drawing up proposals. React emotionally to the story, ask questions.
1. Topic: conversation “Features of painting Dymkovo toys.”
2. Topic: reading poems about the Dymkovo toy.
3. Topic: guessing riddles about Dymkovo toys.
4. Topic: learning poems about haze.

Artistic creativity.
Purpose: Examination of Dymkovo toys, study of details and features of the ornament. Participate in a conversation about color and rhythm in a pattern. Completing the task according to the sample. Independent choice of color for the pattern and composing a pattern from familiar elements. Develop fine and gross motor skills of the hands.
1. Topic: “Dymkovo toy” (coloring with pencils according to the proposed sample). Coloring book of children's choice.
2. Topic: “Patterns of Dymkovo toys” (drawing some patterns with gouache).
3. Topic: “Decorating plates with Dymkovo patterns” (applique with drawing elements).
4. Topic: “Decorating a dress with Dymkovo patterns” (drawing).

Educational games.
Goal: enrich children's vocabulary. Develop coherent speech, attention, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about the Dymkovo toy.
1. “Dymkovo Lotto”.
2. “Find the same pattern.”
3. “Assemble a pattern.”
4. “Put the whole thing together.”

Musical and artistic activities.
Goal: to develop in children an interest in folk music and a desire to listen to it. Evoke emotional responsiveness.
1. L. Volokitina “Fair”.
2.Russian folk song “Berry”.
3. Russian folk song “Barynya”.
4. Russian folk song “We lived with grandma.”
5. Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Outdoor games.
Goal: to introduce children to folk games. Develop the ability to act in a team.
1. "Stream".
2. "Burners".
3. “The shoes are lost.”
4. "Tug of war."
5. "Golden Gate".

1. Vokhrintseva S. Learning to draw. Dymkovo toy – 1. Didactic demonstration material for organizing visual activities for kindergarten and primary school programs. Publishing house "Fantasyland".
2. Vokhrintseva S. Learning to draw. Dymkovo toy – 2. Didactic demonstration material for organizing visual activities for kindergarten and primary school programs. Publishing house "Fantasyland".
3. Vokhrintseva S. Coloring book “Dymkovo toy”.
4. School of the Seven Dwarfs. Painted toy. For classes with children from 4 to 5 years old.
5. Tikhonova M.V., Smirnova N.S. Introducing children to Russian folk art, crafts, and everyday life in the kindergarten museum. St. Petersburg Childhood - Press, 2000.

Larisa Dugina
Project “Dymkovo Toy” (middle group)

Passport project

Name project: « Dymkovo toy»

View project: Informational and creative

Base project: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 14 "Spring"

Implementation period project: Short term 3 weeks (4.04.2016-25.04-


Participants project: Children middle group, parents, teacher

Relevance project

The development of a harmonious creative personality is difficult to imagine without the participation of art. At the same time, the role of decorative and applied folk art cannot be overestimated.

It not only has a beneficial effect on the child’s personality, reveals his creative potential, develops his intellect, but also


The development of a harmonious creative personality is difficult to imagine

without the participation of art. At the same time, the role of decorative and applied

folk art cannot be overestimated.

It not only has a beneficial effect on the child’s personality,

reveals his creative potential, develops his intellect, but also

talks about the history of the people and their traditions.

Fosters a love of beauty - this means introducing children to

with various types of art.

First of all, with works of folk art.

Target project

To introduce children to the world of beauty through familiarization with works of folk art Dymkovo masters.

Tasks project

Create a developing space for decorative and applied arts

art of folk craftsmen Dymkovo;

Develop a creative personality in an artistically productive way


Expand ideas about Dymkovo toy, the process

manufacturing, colors and variety of shapes;

Teach the ability to highlight elements Dymkovo painting

(circles, squares, stripes);

Foster a sense of pride and satisfaction from doing well and

beautifully done work and the approval of peers and


Involve parents in creating


Stages of work

Preparatory stage

Choosing a theme project and planning its content taking into account

age characteristics of children, their interests and needs;

Studying literature on this issue;

creation of developing environment, corner equipment groups

materials on the topic project;

involving parents in project(notification, invitation

to cooperation).

Practical stage

Selection and production of didactic games, poems, stories

on this topic project;

Conversations, looking at photographs and illustrations;

Story-based role-playing games "Shop toys» , "Fair


Organize an exhibition of children's works;

Create a mini-museum "People's toy»

The final stage

Album art « Dymkovo toy» ;

Registration of consultations for parents (“The role of folk

toys in raising a preschooler", "Folk toy

and its role in the development of a preschooler");

Design of an exhibition of children's works;

Creation of a mini-museum "People's toy»

Interaction with children

Conversation "Folk toys» ;

Conversation with consideration Dymkovo toys;

Drawing an outfit for a young lady, a horse;

Di "Make a pattern", “Dress up Oleshka”;

Reading fairy tales, riddles, memorizing poems;

Interaction with parents

Questionnaire on the topic;

Consultations for parents;

Involve parents in collecting exhibits for the mini-museum

Expected Result


expanded ideas about Dymkovo toy;

learned to highlight elements Dymkovo painting;

learned to see and respond to manifestations of beauty

in art;

acquired visual and expressive skills (transfer

shapes, proportions, composition).


took part in the selection of folk craft items;

acquired knowledge about folk Dymkovo toys;

strengthened family ties.


1. Vershinina N. Gorbova O. Acquaintance with the features of decorative and applied art in the process of didactic games. //Preschool education. 2004 No. 6

2. Gribovskaya A. A. Folk art and children's creativity. 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2006.

3. Gribovskaya A. A. Teaching preschoolers decorative drawing, modeling, appliqué. – M.: Scriptorium, 2008.

4. Knyazeva O. A., Makhaneva M. D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture. – St. Petersburg: Aksident, 1997.

5. Lyalina L. A. Folk games in kindergarten. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

6. Folk art in raising children. / Ed. Komarova T.S. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

7. Solomennikova O. A. The joy of creativity. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

8. Shpikalova T. Ya., Velichkina G. A. Dymkovo toy. Workbook on the basics of folk art. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005.

Alena Firsova (Sychevnik)

Dymkovo toy

Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group

Teacher Sychevnik A.V.

Program tasks:

1. Educational: developing in children the skills to apply pattern elements, using an unconventional drawing technique - cotton wool sticks: paint peas with a brush; Apply points by lightly touching with a cotton swab.

2. Developmental: develop children’s aesthetic perception, sense of color; interest in folk art.

3. Educational: cultivate the desire to paint independently toy based on Dymkovo painting.

Didactic material:

Illustrations: Dymkovo toys.

Vocabulary work:

Activating the dictionary: clay, wooden, plastic, horse.

Vocabulary enrichment: craftsmen, Dymkovskaya, masters, painting, pea, dot.

Preliminary work:

Watch a video presentation about Dymkovo toy;

Getting to know Dymkovo toys, with the technique of their implementation, with the masters of the craft;

Looking at illustrations Dymkovo toy.

Handout: (per child)

Horse silhouette

visual materials: (watercolor paints, brush, cotton swab, water, oilcloth, napkin)

The course of the educational and developmental situation at the playground basis:

Part 1: Cognitive and communication activities "Story Dymkovo toys» .

I attract children's attention.

Guys, look what I have in my hands!

This morning the postman brought a parcel to the kindergarten. Now we will find out who this parcel is to and from whom.

I read the inscription on the parcel, who sent the parcel and to whom it is intended.

- “For the guys middle group"B" "Dandelions" from Russian masters." Want to see what's inside the package?

Guys, what is this? (toys) Do you like them? Do you want me to tell you about these toys?

These toys made of clay. What are they made of? toys? (made of clay)

In ancient times there were no such toys, which you now have, so the craftsmen made them themselves. Who did toys before? (craftsmen). All the boys and girls liked to play with these toys.

Come up with toys people, but they make these toys special machines for toy factory. These machines are called machines.

Where is it made now? toys what are the names of the machines they use to make toys? (children's answers).

Manufacturing plants there were no toys before. The toys were made by the people themselves. They made them from wood and clay (showing).

With wooden we've already met with the toy. What is it called? (Matryoshka)

What were they made from in ancient times? toys? (wood, clay).

Clay, like wood, can always be found. Today I'll show you toys made by craftsmen from clay.

I take the rest out of the package toys, we consider it with children. I call and showing:

Goats, chickens, young ladies and others toys made by folk craftsmen.

The masters were different. Everyone had their own business. Some sculpted toys, others painted them.

Look how interesting and unusual they are painted toys. Now we will take a closer look at them.

I'm arranging toys on the tables, children approach toys upon request, are considering.

I give the children the opportunity to hold it in their hands and examine it. After the children have looked, I'm asking:

What's on them? (circles, squares, stripes, dots).

What colour? (children's answers).

We started making these toys for a very, very long time, in a village with a beautiful name Dymkovo. (Children repeat the name). That's what they called them toys – Dymkovo(children repeat). They can be recognized by these beautiful patterns. Many years have passed since then, but even today Russian craftsmen make these beautiful Dymkovo toys. People buy them and admire them. Nowhere in the world can they do something like this toys, only here in Russia. Here's an interesting story Dymkovo toys.

Now you and I will rest, and then we will turn into folk craftsmen, into masters.

Physical education minute:

Oh, lyuli, oh, lyuli,

The horses went to the meadow (walk in place, raising their legs high)

Daring horses,

Proud, dashing (perform a spring, as if holding the reins with your hands)

I propose to guess a riddle about one of the Dymkovo toys:

Very slim and beautiful

With bangs and fluffy mane.

Can swim and jump

He eats oats and can laugh.

Will jump into water and fire

Loyal to man... (horse)

Part 2: Productive activity "Painting Dymkovo horse»

Guys, do you want it too? Dymkovo masters paint toys?

Sit down at the tables. Each of you is now becoming a master and each has his own workplace, his own tools with which he will work.

Before we get started, let's take another look Dymkovo toys.

We are considering toys. I talk in detail about the elements of painting. I show you a drawing example. We discuss with the children what elements are used in this painting. Using a dry brush, draw a circle, a square, a strip, or dots on a sheet of paper. I hand out templates to the children and invite them to think and write each one their own. toy in the style of Dymkovo painting.

Children perform their work to the accompaniment of folk music. I personally help those who find it difficult to cope with any elements. I perform the display on my sheet. I monitor the children’s posture.

We will use your works to create an exhibition "Cheerful Dymkovo fair» .

Reflection. Questions for children:

Guys, let's find a horse that has the smoothest, roundest peas? Dots?

Guys, now let's find a horse that is most similar to the horse I painted, let's find him a twin brother?

Guys, let's find a horse that has a lot of peas and dots?

Labor assignment.

Guys, each master cleaned his workplace after completing the work. You are also craftsmen, so don’t forget to clean your work area.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Dymkovo toy” Goal: to develop in children of primary preschool age an interest in the history and culture of our ancestors. Objectives: introduce children to folklore.

Program content of educational activities: “Artistic creativity” - Continue to introduce children to folk Dymkovo.

Summary of the final lesson on visual arts in the secondary group “Dymkovo painting” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Balashikha urban district Combined kindergarten No. 45 “Bee”.

Summary of educational activities on modeling in the middle group “Duck” (Dymkovo toy) Summary of educational activities on modeling in the middle group “Duck”. Topic: "Duck". (Dymkovo toy) Purpose: to introduce the Dymkovo toy.

Summary of the lesson on sculpting “Duck” (Dymkovo toy) SCENARIO Creative workshop Topic “Duck (based on the Dymkovo toy)” Age group: 2nd average Teacher: Svetlana Nikolaevna Urvantseva.