All of us, even the most successful, smart and rich, were once children - little boys and girls. At this tender age, fairy tales were read to us, and we ourselves happily ran to watch cartoons, where you can meet many fantasy characters and heroines. Lately, vampires and anime characters have been in fashion, but before everyone knew the Snow Queen.

According to the plot of the fairy tale, this snowy beauty is evil and must be destroyed by the forces of good, but I have always liked the Snow Queen, and not only me. It’s not for nothing that she is more popular and famous than the girl Gerda. Shops and clubs are named after Snow Queen, and not in honor of Gerda. So she's not that bad. Therefore, let's remember this icy beauty, and perhaps she will make our new year holidays more fun.

New Year can be met in different ways, depending on interests and cultural development, you can drink alcoholic drinks, “eat up” on fatty salads and meat, or you can dress up as the Snow Queen and go to a restaurant where you can gather glances...

If you are not ready to become the Snow Queen for the general public, you can do this at home or in a friendly company. Where can I buy a Snow Queen costume? In fact, there are many different outfits on the Internet and in real stores, by combining which you can create your own - a unique image of the Snow Queen.

The main thing in creating an image is to be guided by the principle of making yourself beautiful. As beautiful as possible, and then add coldness and icy charm to the beauty. To do this, you can use beads and necklaces made of rock crystal, where the beads are made in the shape of ice crystals, and you can decorate your hair with a tiara made of rock crystal.

If you don’t have rock crystal, you can use New Year’s garlands - sparkling rain and snowflakes. Pearls and white-white fur will provide a good help in creating the image. And of course, appropriate makeup in the Snow Queen style.

These photos and pictures will serve as a source of inspiration for you. tried and collected different images The Snow Queen, there are also works by illustrators and examples of makeup in an icy snowy style. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Before the New Year, many begin to prepare for the holiday in advance, while working on New Year's Eve and the choice of outfits become a priority.

But if someone is limited to just updating their wardrobe, then for some it is important to enter the new year in a bright, unforgettable image.

One of the options for such a magical transformation is transformation into the Snow Queen. The peculiarity of this character lies in the uniqueness and opportunities to bring the most daring solutions into reality. And this can be both an advantage and lead to the implementation of inappropriate and unsuccessful ideas.

You can learn how to do makeup for Harley Quinn from “Suicide Squad” from our guide.

Basic principles

Snow Queen – a special look that requires an appropriate approach to makeup. Any incarnation requires preliminary preparation and consideration of the specific features of the character, and in in this case applying makeup also has its own nuances:

  1. The Snow Queen in cartoons and films appears as an ideal of beauty, even if unnatural and cold. Therefore, before applying makeup, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin and disguise all flaws and defects that are incompatible with such a flawless image.
  2. In the makeup of the Snow Queen “cold” gray, silver and blue tones must predominate, but the appropriate and reasonable addition of contrasting bright colors (for example, red lipstick) will help make the image more “lively” and charismatic.
  3. Don't be afraid to overdo it with small and delicate parts: arrows, patterns and large number strict straight lines in makeup will help convey the cold and hard aesthetic of winter beauty.
  4. It is worth considering that the Snow Queen's makeup is quite difficult for people with dark skin tones. Rather, such a transformation would be suitable for those with fair complexions.

But with some effort, even hot brunettes have a chance to turn into a real Snow Queen.

What will you need at home?

No special attributes or accessories for makeup in the style of the Snow Queen is not required.

The main thing is to choose cosmetics of certain tones.

There are many options here, but main cosmetics will be:

  • light foundation;
  • eye shadow (you should prepare eye shadow in blue, blue, white, brown and black, preferably with glitter);
  • black eyeliner;
  • kayaly for eyes in black and white colors;
  • mascara (blue and black tones are preferred).

As for lipstick - for those with dark skin tones with bright colors there's no point in experimenting.

The ideal lipstick colors for the Snow Queen's makeup in all cases will be pearlescent, blue and gray colors and their shades.

Skin preparation

This is the most important stage: before applying the makeup itself, you need to apply a foundation that Ideally fits only on well-prepared skin. First of all, your face needs to be cleansed. by special means and lotions, then use a corrector to mask skin defects.

Step-by-step makeup instructions

Makeup for the Snow Queen for the New Year - photo:

After preparing the surface of the skin, you can begin applying makeup. This work is divided into several stages:

  1. The cheekbone area is treated with a dark shade to give features “sharpness”, but too sharp and contrasting edges should be avoided so that the image is not so aggressive - for this you can use a soft sponge, softening the transitions.
  2. Apply under the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes white shadows(it is advisable to use this particular color, although if desired, it is permissible to apply light shadows blue color).
  3. Next, use glitter eyeshadow the area of ​​the bridge of the nose is outlined.
  4. On the lower eyelids shadows are applied without glitter, and here it is better to use brighter shadows of blue or dark blue.
  5. Temples, cheeks and neck area can be easily treated with blue or any other shadows with glitter, applying cosmetics with light movements and in small quantities: this technique will help create the impression of light frost.
  6. You can draw thin patterns on top of the frost with white kajal - they will look like frost.
  7. If necessary, you can complete the application of makeup by adding a small amount of glitter, which will make the applied patterns more voluminous and shimmering.

  8. Lipstick color can be chosen based on personal preference or just match the general color scheme. In any case, it is worth lining your lips with a pencil to add rigor and create clear lines.

Errors in image creation

Sometimes when applying Snow Queen makeup use blush according to the recommendations of makeup artists.

This must be done extremely carefully and not use a large amount of this product: at best, the Snow Queen will turn into, at worst, the image will turn out to be too contrasting, caricatured and tacky.

If you want to apply powder to your blush, you should also pay attention to its color and type. Better to use translucent powder with a shimmering effect, which will give the image freshness and a feeling of cold.

The most common mistake in the Snow Queen's makeup can be called excessive use of glitter.

It would seem that this detail fits perfectly in this case and perfectly imitates the shine of ice and snow, but in practice a large amount of sparkles begins to sparkle and shine too unnaturally. Ideally, it is better to decorate certain parts of the face with glitter.

Despite the obvious features of makeup in the “Snow Queen” style, there are several nuances that makeup artists focus on:

  1. Experts insist on using exclusively light foundations, but you can’t overdo it and instead of aristocratic and “cold” pallor, you can give the skin an unnaturally white, sickly color.
  2. Such a detail, invisible at first glance, as shadows on the eyelids, will help complement the image of the Snow Queen. You don't have to limit yourself to one color: You can combine several “cool” colors, but if you need to maintain a strict look with a minimum amount of makeup, you can completely abandon the shadows.
  3. It is easy to compensate for the lack of shadows with eyeliner, and it is advisable that it be in silver or gray tones.

  4. In general, silver shades in the Snow Queen’s makeup are always a winning option, since blue and cyan tones, despite their association with “winter” images, may turn out to be too “heavy” and intrusive.
  5. Eyebrows and eyelashes are considered separately in the context of this image. The Snow Queen is a strict, spectacular and powerful image, which is why such flaws as excessive thick eyebrows and sticking hairs inappropriate here. Eyebrows should definitely be given correct form and highlight with a pencil to match your hair color.
  6. Eyelashes too should not be left in its “natural” form Moreover, you can glue long enough false eyelashes. In this regard, you should not be afraid of unnaturalness, because the Snow Queen is a fairy-tale character and may well have such surprising and uncharacteristic details for an ordinary person.

What clothes and hairstyle to combine with?

The Snow Queen's image for a photo shoot:

If the Snow Queen's makeup will in any case be dominated by blue and blue tones, then it is better to choose clothes neutral gray or silver.

As an option - white robes interspersed with any other “cold” colors, but elements of any shades of red are also acceptable. Gold, green and any other “warm” shades must be excluded.

Obviously, the Snow Queen must be wearing a dress, and the longer it is, the better. Such solutions make it possible to create a mysterious and unapproachable image of the real Lady of Winter, but if desired, soften this harsh stereotypical role.

You can learn how to do the Snow Queen's makeup with your own hands from the video:

As an experiment, I myself tried to compare two key female images- Gerda and the Snow Queen - in the interpretation of two artists.

Snow Queen
In my opinion, Nika Goltz’s image of the Snow Queen turned out to be incredibly complex. There is rigor in her - but without severity, majesty - but at the same time fragility and even grace, restraint - but not impassivity.

Here is the famous episode when the Snow Queen, together with Kai, flies in her white sleigh over the roofs and spiers of the old city: “Kai looked at her. She was so good! He could not imagine a more intelligent, more captivating face. Now she didn’t seem icy to him, like that time when she appeared outside the window and nodded her head to him - now she seemed to him perfection” (hereinafter translated by A. Hansen).

In Niki Goltz's drawing, Kai is looking at the Snow Queen without stopping - with awe, surprise and even as if with delight (but let's not forget that fragments of the troll's mirror have already gotten into his eyes and heart). We look into the face of the Snow Queen: a light half-smile and an attentive, intelligent look from under lowered eyelashes - it contains cunning, determination, and tenderness. Although the Snow Queen's kiss was " colder than ice“, but in the way in Goltz’s drawing she subtly touches the boy’s cheek with her hand, something resembling a caress can be discerned.

In the illustration by Boris Diodorov, the Snow Queen, who carries Kai into her palace, looks distant, even threatening, and does not fascinate, but, on the contrary, repels with her cold beauty.

The gaze of the powerful sorceress is directed forward, into the endless snowy distances, her lifeless face can hardly be called captivating, and in the way she hugs Kai there is only an expression of power over him. And Kai doesn’t look at the Snow Queen at all; in his eyes, averted to the side, one can read anxiety, despair and some kind of melancholy. With one hand he holds his hat, which the wind is trying to tear off his head, with the other he clasps his legs, stiff from fear. There is no mutual, even deceptive, attraction between him and the Snow Queen.

The episode of Kai's abduction by the Snow Queen is one of the key ones in this fairy tale, and all artists depict it in their illustrations. But the artists reveal the image of Gerda through different episodes.

In many of Niki Goltz's drawings, Gerda seems self-absorbed and focused on her experiences, as if she draws strength to move forward from memories of lost happiness. The artist was not afraid to portray Gerda as truly suffering.

One of the most emotionally powerful illustrations refers to the episode of Gerda’s meeting with a raven: “A large raven was jumping in the snow right in front of her... He could not speak the language of people well, but apparently wished the girl well and asked her where she was wandering in the world so lonely. Gerda understood the word “lonely” perfectly and immediately felt its full meaning. She told the raven her whole life and asked if he had seen Kai.”

In the drawing, a thin blond girl sits in the snow, her bare feet tucked under her, with a sad and at the same time humble expression on her face, she looks not at the raven - inside herself, and in the background there is a stunningly beautiful black and white forest frozen. This is loneliness truly captured.

It seems to me that Gerda, as depicted by Boris Diodorov, is not a reflective character, but an active one. For Diodorov, it is more important to show how she steadfastly overcomes all difficulties and knows how to fight for her happiness. In many illustrations, Gerda runs barefoot through snow whirlwinds, towards the cold wind, in the gathering dusk. And to emphasize how small she is, there is always a lot of space around her in the drawings - so the girl’s courage evokes even more respect.

Diodorov’s episode of Gerda’s farewell to the deer was very expressive. In the text it is described as follows: “...The deer did not dare to stop until it reached a bush with red berries; Then he lowered the girl into the snow, kissed her on the lips, and suddenly large shiny tears rolled from his eyes. Then he ran back like an arrow. The poor girl was left alone, in the bitter cold, without shoes, without mittens. She ran forward as fast as she could.”

In the drawing, Gerda, standing on her tiptoes, hugs a deer, bowing its large furry head towards her. The girl's arms and legs are bare, although it is so cold that the air she exhales turns into a thick fog. The northern lights cut through the surrounding darkness, and in the background a lone bush with frosty red berries trembles in the wind. The deer is crying, but no tears are visible on Gerda’s face. She remains alone in a clearly hostile big world, but some kind of indestructible force is felt in her.

Nika Golts and Boris Diodorov managed to create two completely different artistic and emotional images of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, which are revealed through the confrontation between a powerful ice sorceress and a little girl with with a loving heart. I hope that when Fyodor grows up, he will be able to talk in detail about his perception of the illustrations for this fairy tale, but even now it seemed to me that we completely understand each other.

In 2004, Nika Goltz was awarded the Silver Medal of the Academy of Arts for her drawings for Andersen's collection of fairy tales.

Ksenia Zernina

New Year is a long-awaited holiday filled with children's laughter, confetti and the smell of tangerines. On this night you really want some kind of magic and fairy tale, especially when in the evening you have to go to a masquerade ball. That is why many girls, young women and women try to create something creative in their appearance. For this they use thematic images and stunning make-up. One of the most popular characters in such cases is Snow White, fairy, Snow Maiden and Elsa (from the cartoon “Heart of Ice”). Today we will tell you - “The Snow Queen”.

Choosing a festive costume for carnival

The first step is to find an appropriate suit. For example, important attributes in it could be:

  • long skirt;
  • white fur jacket and turtleneck;
  • white shoes;
  • a large stand-up collar resembling a fan;
  • white hat with large brim and staff with rain;
  • white wig or feather boa.

All details of your future wardrobe should match the white and blue palette. For a special effect, the costume can be decorated with silver or white rain, shiny sequins. Such an outfit, as a rule, can either be purchased to order or sewn according to a specialist’s sketch. And when your costume is ready, all that remains is to choose the right Snow Queen makeup for it. We will tell you how to apply it further.

Selection of cosmetics for make-up

To create the desired effect, you will need the following attributes from your cosmetic set:

  • very light foundation;
  • two special kajal pencils (white and black);
  • (white, brown, blue and blue);
  • black eyeliner;
  • black or blue (you can even take purple) mascara;
  • pearlescent lipstick;
  • white base makeup “Snow Queen”;
  • white or pearlescent rhinestones on a sticky basis;
  • false eyelashes.

Preparing to apply make-up: drawing the eyes

At the first stage, you need to cover your face with a light foundation and rub it well so as not to leave unnecessary streaks. Next, you should take brown shadows and lightly walk them along the contour of the eyebrows, and draw their “tail” with a dark blue color. Then apply a white base and blend it all over your eyelid. Then take a black pencil and draw a dark arrow from the corner of the eye towards the tip of the eyebrow (it should not be too wide).

Continuing to create a real “Snow Queen” makeup for the New Year, carefully widen the arrow (closer to the middle of the eyelid) and blend. Do it this way so that dark color seemed to flow smoothly into the light base.

Next, take the black pencil again and draw a border line over the eyelid (in the crease). Lightly brush and blend the dark shadow just above the corner of the crease. Apply blue shadows over the black color and blend again.

Enlarge and change the size of the eyes

Fill the moving part of the eyelid with white shadows and complete the “Snow Queen” look. The makeup will turn out to be very expressive and bright. Then take a white pencil and draw a white one below the black arrow (drawn in the corner of the eye). Draw a line on the opposite side of the eye and thus lengthen the line of the eye. Line the upper and lower eyelids with black eyeliner and overlap the white wing on the side.

After this, go over the eyelid again with blue shadows. And finally, glue the rhinestones, stick and paint. Wipe off the crumbled shadows. The eyes are ready. All that remains is to make your lips expressive.

Paint and highlight lips

Once you have your eyes and eyebrows filled in, your “Snow Queen” makeup will be completed with expressive lips. To do this, take a white pencil. Contour it, outline your lips and cover them with blue shadows.

Blend the resulting color well and cover it to create the perfect lipstick. And will complete your image beautiful dress, furs and sparkling accessories.

Makeup in the style of "The Snow Queen" for adults

Don't know how to do the Snow Queen makeup? We offer you one of the options. To do this, use the following attributes:

  • white foundation;
  • gray pencil;
  • gray, white and dark blue shadows;
  • white powder;
  • glitter;
  • transparent lip gloss;
  • white stroke corrector or white paint.

Apply foundation all over your face. Pay special attention to eyebrows and lips. Blend without leaving any traces. Take a gray pencil and line your eyebrows. Lightly powder them and comb them with a special brush.

Paint your eyelids first with white, and then (meaning in the corners of your eyes) use a brush to make a couple of strokes of gray and dark blue shadows. The result will be something in the “smoky eye” style. Gently smudge your makeup. In this case, the “Snow Queen” will take on a more realistic look. And you can achieve the desired “cold look” effect.

Drawing in the eyes and lips

At the next stage, wipe off all excess, trace along the contour and paint the eyelashes with black brasmatic. Cover your lips with transparent lipstick and apply glitter to them using a special brush. If necessary, shade along the edges with a dark blue or white pencil. Eyes and lips are ready.

Draw a pattern on the cheek

To make your image a little more interesting, let’s create a unique pattern on the cheek of the future “Snow Queen”. It will be the special interpretation of the pattern that frost so often leaves on our windows. In order to draw it, first take a sheet of paper, a simple pencil and make a small sketch.

Then take a stroke or special white paints and try to transfer the design to the face. In this case, it is advisable to affect the forehead area and most of the cheeks. Don't rush. After applying the white design, take a short break and let your artwork dry. And finally, the final result can be touched up with a blue or cyan pencil, as well as silver glitter. Your image is ready.

How to do “Snow Queen” makeup for a girl?

By analogy, we create make-up for a girl. To start, you need to use the lightest foundation you have available. Apply it and rub it all over your face, including eyebrows, eyelids and lips. To make the skin color on your face even whiter, lightly powder it

Next, take a white pencil and use it to line your lower eyelids. It is recommended to apply beige shadows to the moving part of the eye. Blend them with a brush or your fingers. Add silver and light blue glitter to the area under the eyebrows. And then you can paint your eyelashes with white mascara. Moreover, apply a double layer on the top ones, and only one on the bottom ones. This is what the makeup of “The Snow Queen” looks like. Using your hands, distribute the glitter evenly. If desired, you can use rhinestones and special cosmetic glue, with which you can attach them not only to your face, but also to your neck.

In order to get a complete look, you need to cover your lips with liquid gloss, or you can use pearl or pale pink lipstick. At the same time desired color you can get it by mixing several shades of eyeshadow, for example, beige, white and blue.

What should you pay attention to?

When creating the Snow Queen makeup, pay attention to some nuances. First, carefully select cosmetics that will not cause allergies. Especially when you plan to work with children. Secondly, carefully blend all layers applied to the skin. This will avoid the unwanted effect of peeling plaster.

Thirdly, when drawing the eyelid with a pencil, do it with with open eyes. Otherwise, the lines will turn out fuzzy and uneven. Fourthly, when using glitter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Choose one part of the face to cover with them, for example, the area of ​​the eyes, cheeks or part of the forehead. And finally, everything in your image should be harmonious: suit, makeup, hairstyle and accessories. Then your character will become bright, realistic and memorable!

The Snow Queen's makeup is suitable for a special special event. In fact, there are many techniques that allow you to create irresistible cold makeup. The Snow Queen style is perfect for girls with a cold type of appearance (winter, summer). This image demonstrates majesty, emphasizes inaccessibility and, at the same time, charm. If you wish, the image of the Snow Queen can become the image of the Snow Maiden. Bright beautiful makeup can be used for going to themed party. Snow Beauty makeup is ideal for colorful New Year's Eve.

How to create a beautiful cold make-up

The first thing you need to do is cleanse your face: use cleansing foam and toner. Then you will need to apply moisturizer and create a base for your makeup. Makeup base allows you to correct and even out your complexion tone. It is used for different types make-up, including for “fantasy”. To make your style flawless, correct your under-eye circles. Use concealer to eliminate unevenness and all kinds of inflammation.

Next, foundation is applied to the skin. Don't forget important rule: foundation does not rub in. For a smooth, even application, use a sponge and go a little over the neck and ears. Thanks to a light foundation, you will get the image of the Snow Queen. Using foundation, you can harmoniously whiten your skin, giving it a beautiful, even color. Instead of powder, you can use baby powder.

To complete your look, set your makeup with powder (or powder). You will need to take a dark shade of corrector and work on the cheekbone area: try to highlight them beautifully. Rigid boundaries must be softened. Remember: make-up should not be mechanical. The Snow Queen's makeup involves using powder several shades lighter. White shadows are applied under the eyebrows.

At the top, above the eyelid, apply blue eyeshadow. It is advisable to use the option with mother of pearl. An arrow of the same color should be applied to the lower eyelid. You will need to apply bright blue paints to the top; they should not have glitter. Draw a line of eyelashes and draw a harmonious arrow from it. Dark blue colors indicate the outer upper corners of the eyelid. Draw a beautiful “corner”, sharp contours are worked out using a soft brush. In any makeup it is necessary to create smooth transitions, only then it will come out harmonious.

Glue on false eyelashes and paint them with mascara. After your eyelashes are dry, draw a black line using liquid eyeliner. Next, you need to apply a little pearlescent white shadow to the inner area of ​​​​the eyes. You can use a white pencil to draw the frost. If you wish, draw patterns on your face - they will look like snowflakes. In general, any artistic pattern is welcome.

Sometimes the Snow Queen style involves applying shadows to the eyebrows. To do this you need to use cosmetic glue. Thanks to this technique, you will make your style even more majestic. As for lip makeup, use foundation and tint them slightly. The contour is emphasized with a pencil that matches the natural shade.

Second technique

The Snow Queen's make-up varies. We suggest considering a simplified version. In this case, your face will not be overloaded with “theatrical” colors. Use foundation mixed with blue eyeshadow. Dilute a little shadow in your foundation. Thanks to this, you will receive good remedy for a formal make-up. The resulting tone should not be distinctly blue: when applying, pay attention to the neck. The shade is set with light powder.

You can apply spectacular glitter to the lower eyelid white. They can be located under the tail of the drawn arrow. In the process of creating a make-up, you can make a thin nose: go over the sides with the corrector. It is necessary to blend the color well to avoid the effect of spots. You can apply gloss to the middle of your lips, covering it with silver sparkles. The snow queen style is completed with a stunning white wig. Strands of hair can be highlighted with baby powder, but it takes a long time to wash out. The Snow Queen style is also complemented by a crown and beautiful long nails.