Every woman who already has a strong family relationship worries about her husband's infidelity. But until your wife smells cheap perfume late at night, it's hard to tell whether your husband is having an affair or not.

Fortunately, psychologists always help us in resolving such issues.
Below are some of the ways you can tell if it's just jealousy on your part or if your husband is actually cheating on you.

Treason is betrayal. It doesn't matter whether you jump into bed or slowly crawl into bed.
Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva

1. He picks up the phone or makes phone calls in privacy.

While there may be times when you need privacy when talking on the phone, if your partner goes into another room every time the phone rings, something is going on with them.

Especially if such behavior is not typical for him or such negotiations are becoming more and more frequent.

2. He deletes text messages (SMS) from the archive on his phone

Most people don't bother deleting old SMS messages, at least until the phone's memory is full of them.

If your partner makes sure that old messages are deleted every time, or even worse - he deletes them as soon as he ends a conversation with someone, then this could mean something more than just texting.

If your partner avoids formal events or any family gatherings, leaves early for work, or comes home late from work because of some project or task (according to him), then there is a high probability that he is spending time with someone -It doesn’t matter if you communicate by phone, on a computer or in person.

5. He spends a lot of time with another person.

If your husband suddenly starts spending a lot of time with his colleague, co-worker, friend or even just an acquaintance, especially if it is a person of the opposite sex, then you need to find out more about this relationship and what is really going on there.

6. He gives gifts to someone, or often volunteers to help another person.

It's always nice to give gifts and do good deeds for friends, family members and even strangers, but if your husband often gives gifts that are expensive, require time and effort to prepare, or easily agrees to help someone with chores, work, etc. all this may already be a sign that he has an emotional connection with that person.

7. You smelled a different scent coming from him.

Whether it's another woman's perfume or perhaps a different brand of soap from a shower (soap you don't have at home) somewhere else, your feelings should already make you doubt your husband's feelings. If he comes home fresh and clean after a day of work, exactly the same as he left for work, then this is already a hint of his affair with someone.

8. He doesn't touch you like he used to.

Sometimes love fades a little due to poor communication between partners, unresolved family issues or a recent dispute. If your husband’s behavior in such situations is inexplicable to you, or he pushes you away with strange excuses on his part, then this is a signal for you. At the very least, you have a problem in your relationship that needs to be addressed.

9. Dresses differently

Has your husband started to dress a little differently, or has he started washing his car more often? Does he become a little more joyful and happier when he is busy with some activity, or simply by leaving the house more often? For example, going out more often with "friends", working more at work, etc. If so, then take action. Show interest in his activities/work if you are truly interested in what is really going on.

10. Leaves home for a long time

Your husband usually walks the dog for half an hour, but now it's a 60-90 minute walk? Who does he unexpectedly (according to him) meet in a park or square while walking with his dog? If this is not “chatty Natalya,” then this could be an affair. It is best for you to go on such walks with him.

11. Leads to quarrels

Has your husband started throwing scandals, after which he leaves home? Are there any items from his clothes missing from home? If so, then something is definitely going on!

12. Became more secretive

When your husband suddenly changes his attitude towards private life (privacy) - suddenly for some reason you should not know about his whereabouts or who he is talking to on the phone, and this is not related to your birthday (which is not soon), anniversary or upcoming holiday - it could be an affair.

13. The emotional quality of your relationship has changed.

From the outside it may seem that your husband is uninterested and overly busy all the time. We all go through changes in emotions, just like the weather. However, it is not difficult to notice if your husband's attitude towards you has changed over the course of their long life together; your husband may have become more self-centered and less interested in you or the relationship with you. Often your partner may reject your advances towards intimacy. The best solution for you is to pay attention to such situations and be curious about what is happening with your husband.

14. He became very angry

Anger and criticism that borders on cruelty are difficult for us to perceive.
Your partner may treat you with rudeness or impatience. He may be more controlling of your actions and more important than usual. You may sense an increase in the level of dissatisfaction in your spouse, often for reasons unknown to you. But, as a result of some outside connection, you may actually notice an increase in his happiness.

15. He began to spend more time at work or began to spend more time outside the family, outside the home

The work can be demanding. During an economic crisis, most employers demand more and more from their employees. Workplace relationships can turn romantic simply because the amount of time spent working together on a common task tends to bring people together.

If your husband has problems with boundaries, then this could lead to problems for your relationship.

16. He began to pay more attention to his appearance

This is especially noticeable if until this moment the husband was not worried at all, or just a little, about how he looks. If your husband is having an affair, it means he has found a new source of love and affection in him. Looking good for his mistress became very important to him.

17. His appearance has changed

Is your partner, who previously dressed conservatively, now suddenly buying unexpectedly designed knickers and other trendier clothes? Or, is your husband, who never spent much time grooming himself, now fussing over how his hair looks and using hair care products he's never used before? There is also something for the wife to think about here.

18. He often takes a passive position in disputes

In the past, were you able to discuss controversial issues openly and calmly? Now, the husband increasingly takes a position of inflexibility and inaccessibility in his decisions. This indicates an increase in defensive reactions on the part of the husband to family problems.

19. His behavior has changed

Is your husband, who usually avoided office parties and events, now constantly attending them "for the sake of his career"? Or, does your husband suddenly take up exercise and become obsessed with some new hobby or sport that keeps him away from home? Is your husband, who had dinner at home every night, now “working late”, or, worse, starting to go away on “business trips” more and more often? Find out the whole truth from him at any cost.

20. His attitude has changed

Sometimes the opposite happens - when your husband becomes an extraordinary enthusiast, he seems happier, livelier, more energetic, kinder and more loving towards you, sometimes even too much. He can buy you a lot of gifts, give you a lot of surprises, which has not been typical for him until now.

21. He wants less “together time” and more “me time.”

When you came together as a couple, you consciously or unconsciously agreed on how much “me time” you would have and how much “together time” you would have as a couple. Now, you've noticed a shift from your husband's "us" to wanting a lot more "me" time. To one degree or another, you become uninvolved in activities in which your husband participates. All this is also a negative “bell” for you as a wife.

How do you know if your husband is cheating?

Family is a delicate matter. It is built on many pillars, one of the most important of which is trust. How can you live with a person you don't trust? How can you build a strong relationship with someone who cheats? But many women consider betrayal to be the most vile betrayal a man can commit.

According to the men themselves, they are polygamous by nature. Indeed, in wildlife there are often situations when there is only one male and many females in a flock. Or when a male begins a fleeting relationship with the first female he comes across. But we are not animals. In addition to physiological needs, we have reason, feelings, and finally higher nervous activity. And it should suggest that in order to preserve the family, it is worth sacrificing the polygamous inclinations inherent in the genes.

A man cheats out of curiosity about other people's wives, and a woman cheats out of curiosity about her husband.
Valery Bruskov

What to pay attention to

Most often, betrayal is committed not openly, but secretly. This is if a man wants to save his family or relationship with a permanent partner.

The other half, unless she is completely absorbed in herself or work, will sooner or later notice that something has changed. According to various indirect signs.

1. Changes in appearance

The desire to cover up your gray hair, change your hairstyle, change your perfume, start dressing in fashion boutiques or famous dressers - all these are very alarming symptoms if nothing else has changed in your life together.

2. Mood swings

If the husband began to literally fly to work as if on wings, and at home he frowns more and more often, communicates less with loved ones, remains silent for a long time, refuses to spend holidays and weekends together, preferring to go fishing or hunting (and so on on the list), then there is a high probability that that it was at work or somewhere outside the home that someone or something appeared that he liked more than his own family. It doesn’t have to be a woman, but if there are other symptoms, then everything together may indicate exactly this.

3. The emergence of a new hobby

To please a new partner, a man is ready to go to great lengths, join the gym or start jogging in the morning, fall in love with golf or tennis, get a dog - even if before he flatly refused to have a pet. Most likely, your lover or crush has a similar hobby, be it morning jogging or walking the dog.

4. Reduced income

Keeping a mistress is an expensive business. Expensive gifts, flowers, restaurants, jewelry, going to the movies... Even if lovers meet secretly, a man will certainly, at least at first, spend quite a lot on a new passion. Well, he will take the money from his salary.

So, if your husband suddenly starts bringing home less money, you should ask his colleagues what’s going on - usually the salary of not just one, but many employees at once is “cut”.

5. Refusal to fulfill marital duties

“How can I tell if my husband has cheated on me?” - the woman thinks. One of the important signs that this has actually happened is the lack of sex life in the family. If you used to have sex at least once a week/month, but now it’s gone completely, then there are only two options: either the man has health problems, or he has somewhere to use his sexual energy and bypasses you.

In the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes

But how can you find out if your husband is cheating with 100% accuracy? If all or several of the above signs are present, but this is not enough for you, you can take the following actions to help bring the man to clean water.

1. Check his mobile phone

The phone remains the simplest and most convenient means of communicating at a distance, and your man’s girlfriend is probably on his phone too. But it is unlikely that correspondence with your mistress will lie on the surface. So, go through your contact list to see if there are any that look strange.

Infidelity can be forgiven, but not forgotten.
Madame de Sevigne

For example, “Plumber Vasily” - where does he come from if you have never repaired plumbing in the house? Or "car wash". Why write down the car wash number in your phone?

The absence of numbers in the call log should also alert you – this means it has been recently cleaned. Well, the behavior of the husband - if someone calls him in the evening and is silent when you pick up the phone, or the husband goes into another room when the call comes in, or speaks in short phrases - all this can give rise to the idea...

2. Check his page on social networks and email

Social media is another useful source of information. It is more difficult to delete correspondence there, so you should be wary of, for example, changing your password. That is, before you could go to your husband’s page, but now you can’t.

The best thing to do in such a situation is not to start a scandal, but to pretend that you yourself have been social for a long time. you don't use networks. And when your spouse’s vigilance is lulled, find the password on his computer or gain access to the page using his phone. Then all the incriminating evidence will fall into your hands.

3. Search the car

It is the car that often becomes the main meeting place for lovebirds. The appearance of such items as a comb, lipstick, long hair, or items of women's clothing clearly hints that there is someone other than you in your husband's car.

Any family property, even your apartment, also comes under suspicion if you are often away from home (night shifts, business trips). If it is clearly not your earring (bracelet, hair, stockings, etc.) in the bed or bathroom, sound the alarm. Although, you can immediately beat your husband - betrayal has been proven almost 100%.

4. Hire a private detective/establish surveillance

In our country, private detectives are not particularly popular, but they still exist. If this is a professional, then he will get all the information for you and provide irrefutable evidence (photos, videos, meeting addresses, meeting times, information about his mistress, etc.).

If there is no money for a detective, you can take over his function. Spend a few days monitoring so that the question of whether a man is cheating receives a clear answer.

Have you noticed signs that indicate your spouse is cheating? Does your spouse return late or spend long hours under the pretext of work? After a silent dinner, your spouse sits down on the Internet, evading your questions under strange pretexts? If you are concerned about this and want to figure out what's going on, then there are some ways to help confirm your suspicions.

But before you rush through this process, spend a few days thinking about what you're likely to do if or when your worst suspicions end up being confirmed. Are you so devoted to your partner that you will never leave the relationship, regardless of the outcome of your snooping?

If this is the case, then it may be better to overlook their indiscretion and save yourself the pain of knowing the dirty details. Or maybe you believe that your spouse is deceiving you primarily because there is something fundamentally wrong in your relationship with him, and you just want an excuse to end it?

And if you decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad.

The easiest way is telephone tracking. If there is a parallel telephone connection in different rooms in your house or apartment, then pick up the phone every time the phone rings and never be the first to speak, but listen to what they say at the other end of the line and who else besides you will pick up the phone and what they will talk about talk.

If parallel telephones are located very close and will be noticeable when you eavesdrop, then in the case of remote rooms from the main home telephone, you can connect to a landline connection by installing a hidden new telephone jack.

When you hear an incoming call and make sure that your husband answered the phone, then go to your “war room” and very carefully remove the receiver from the hook. But be very careful not to reveal yourself, moving the buttons will cause a clicking sound on the line, which will lead to a break in the connection and may raise unnecessary suspicions in your spouse as to why and how this could happen.

You can do it even simpler, leave your cell phone on record in an inconspicuous place near the landline (or in a place where your husband goes to talk) at the time when calls addressed to your spouse most often come in.

Use a walkie-talkie for your child. It's a cheap, low-tech way to listen. Buy a basic newborn monitor, a can of spray paint that matches the color of the transmitter location, and a roll of matching masking tape (in case the transmitter has flashing LEDs). Paint the transmitter with spray paint.

Go to a room where you think they will both make muffled sounds and disguise the transmitter where it is unlikely to be seen, such as behind some books or a sofa, or somewhere in the bedroom or bathroom.

Turn on a portable radio turned down to about the level of the person whispering and laughing. Enter your room and turn on the receiver. Check your audibility. If so, you're ready. If not, adjust it until you hear a clear signal from the transmitter.

A silent, simple tracking option is to install a cheap car DVR using the same rules as in the case of a transmitter. Here you must remember to mask (glue up) the signal light, otherwise it will be easy to detect.

As you can see, it is possible to obtain evidence exposing your spouse’s infidelity without the expensive costs of the services of a private detective. However, you will only need them if you are initially determined to get a divorce, and not to establish the fact of infidelity.

Other facts about her husband's infidelity

Another undeniable specter of betrayal is a sexually transmitted disease or such an unpleasant condition, for example, as pubic lice. All this can only appear as a result of intimate contact, which means that if this has never happened in your family, it came from the outside.

You should also look for signs of infidelity on your husband’s personal belongings. Lipstick on the collar is a classic “puncture” of many cheaters. In addition to traces of lipstick, the smell of women's perfume should alert you.

The easiest way is to forgive your own betrayal.
Christina Kofta

Finally, changes in attitude towards one of the women you know can also indicate betrayal. Men are quite lazy, and often find love in their immediate environment - be it work or even a common stairwell. Your friends are also under suspicion.

If your husband frequently visits a lonely neighbor, your girlfriend or colleague, even under plausible pretexts (to fix a faucet, replace a light bulb, dig up a garden, etc.), immediately begin an investigation - all this may turn out to be for a reason.

How to tell if a guy is cheating

If the relationship has not yet developed into the stage of marriage, then it will be quite difficult to convict your potential half of cheating. However, it all depends on how close you have become and how far your relationship with the guy has gone.

If you practically live in a civil marriage, then you can use the above signs of infidelity.

If the relationship is just going through the development stage, then cheating will not be considered such - the guy is still at the stage of choosing a partner, and reproaching him for the fact that he communicates not only with you is not entirely reasonable - it is better to make sure that he simply does not want to think about anyone but you.


All these signs are often found in our everyday family life and we are obliged to respond to them in order to maintain family ties and strong family relationships. If her husband exhibits at least one of these signs, the wife should ask her beloved in more detail about changes in his behavior and find out the reason.

The main thing is not to make hasty conclusions. Before you accuse your husband of cheating, make sure that it actually happened (or is still going on).

What do you think should be a wife’s reaction to one of the signs of betrayal? Please leave your comment on this matter.

When developing each test for infidelity, experienced psychologists are guided by the experience of studying married life and infidelity. The behavior of both spouses or people in a relationship makes it possible to identify the fact of betrayal with a high probability. The behavior characteristics of one of the couple may be a banal cause of adultery, while the other may be a clear symptom that he is unfaithful or prone to it. Of course, test results do not indicate exactly infidelity, but can classify a person according to psychological types that characterize the degree of propensity for it.

Psychologists recommend taking the test “Is my husband cheating on me” and other tests in this category, no longer with the goal of identifying marital betrayal, but in order to better get to know your other half, using the developments of psychology. Disclosure of psychological characteristics will help build mutual understanding and correct something in the relationship, normalize it, if necessary. But, perhaps, testing will relieve some users of jealousy by showing the opposite, dispelling any existing doubts about fidelity. The tests are suitable not only for users living a married life, but also for couples who are just preparing for this.

Situations when you involuntarily have to worry about your spouse’s fidelity arise for many women and are accompanied by torment and doubts. Based on psychological techniques, the test “Is my husband cheating on me” allows you to check this using facts, not far-fetched motives.

Cheating can be a rash step or a deliberate action. But even if infidelity did not take place, it is not easy for a girl to get rid of doubts, especially if she was given a serious reason to think about it. A guy's fidelity test allows you to determine whether you should worry or whether your doubts turned out to be unfounded.

Many guys are worried about the trustworthiness of their girlfriend, because she can look attractive in the eyes of another man. A simple test for a girl’s infidelity, taking into account her character traits and behavior, can tell about her commitment to constancy or, conversely, her tendency to cheat.

A man may not even think that his wife regularly cheats. But if there is a reason to worry, you can solve everything right now! The fact of infidelity can be detected through testing. You should take the cheating wife test for free in order to find out about the secrets in your wife’s life, remove suspicions or convict her of betrayal.

You can find out about adultery without catching your husband red-handed, by passing a husband's fidelity test. A husband who is prone to cheating or is cheating on his wife betrays himself in his behavior. It’s not easy to determine this on your own, but psychological testing techniques can help you avoid making mistakes.

Question 1 of 10

Cheating is a word that evokes negative feelings and emotions in every person. According to statistics, men cheat most often. A psychological test for a girl’s infidelity will show whether this is true? The fact is that ladies are no less capable of this than the stronger sex. It’s just that girls are more skillful at hiding it, so the cheating test will try to catch them in this.

Test: Why does a girl cheat on her beloved guy?

There are a number of reasons why a woman decides to do such an act.

  1. Revenge. Often a wife finds out about her husband's infidelity, and she is overcome with grief, anger and resentment. She finds nothing better than to change in revenge. “Let it be as painful for him as it is for me,” the offended woman thinks.
  2. Example of parents. Often in a girl’s family there is infidelity on the part of the father or mother. This is the motive in the future. Psychologists answer the question: why does a girl cheat? These people tend to repeat the behavior pattern of their parents.
  3. Unhappy marriage. If a woman is always depressed, doesn’t feel needed, has some problems at home, and her husband doesn’t help, she begins to feel unhappy. Cheating in such a situation is like an outlet to feel at least a little wanted.
  4. Sexual dissatisfaction. Over time, sex becomes less and the passion passes, the man ceases to satisfy. Then the woman looks for someone else. Everyone knows that a woman’s dissatisfaction affects her emotional, psychological and physical state, and also affects her appearance. These factors and the girl’s cheating test will show whether they are an impetus for finding another partner.

Psychological test for infidelity: signs of female infidelity

How to understand why a girl or wife is cheating? There are signs that indicate a partner's infidelity.

  1. Restricting access to personal space. She changed the password on her phone and laptop, does not allow anyone to touch her personal belongings, and immediately grabs her mobile phone if a message arrives. The woman is clearly hiding something.
  2. Change in appearance. The girl began to wear makeup differently, changed her hairstyle, and always looks good. When going to a meeting with friends or colleagues, he dresses too sexy and takes a long time to get ready.
  3. Lack of sex, or no emotions during the process. A woman refuses sex or behaves stiffly and coldly, not showing initiative. It seems like she doesn't need it. This means she is having sex with someone else.
  4. Work late. Some important tasks appear at work that cannot be delayed, and you have to stay late or go out on weekends.
  5. Indifference. She calmly lets her partner go to meetings and drinking with friends, and is not interested in his life. A girl may refuse to spend time together, citing a bunch of things to do around the house or at work.

True, you shouldn’t sound the alarm right away; we suggest you take a test to see if a girl is cheating on you. If one or more signs are detected in the behavior of your beloved, there are other reasons for such behavior. There is no need to rush, reproach immediately, and draw conclusions. To be sure of cheating, you need to answer several questions on the online test.

Suspicion is a terrible feeling. Do you suspect your husband/boyfriend of infidelity, but don’t know how to check? Just ask him a few security questions and this test will tell you everything!
Ask him:

1. “Can you cheat on me?”

What are you doing?! I?! Never! (0 points)
Probability less than 10% (3 points)
Depends on how you behave (1 point)
How you infuriate me with these conversations! (2 points)

2. How does he react to the passing of someone near and dear?

Becomes silent and withdrawn (3)
Getting drunk (2)
Talks a lot about this person (0)
May cry (1)

3. How does he feel about homosexuals?

Hates (0)
They don't bother him much (3)
Openly declares his tolerance (2)
He has a gay friend and they don't worry about it (3)

4. Is it easy for him to change jobs?

He will sit on a small salary in a terrible team until they kick him out (1)
Constantly monitors the market in search of a more interesting place (0)
With great difficulty, thoroughly preparing (2)
With a creak, but at the same time does not hold on to a place that does not suit him (3)

5. Is he a good owner for his car?

Spends a lot of money on tuning (0)
It’s scary to eat a bun in his car - he’ll kill for the crumbs (1)
Regularly goes to service and car wash, according to schedule (3)
Poor car, I feel sorry for it! (2)

6. What kind of pets does he prefer (would he be willing to have)?

Big dog (2)
Small dog (3)
Kota (0)
Fish (1)

7. How does he react to a situation where people live in marriage for a long time without children?

Judging a woman (0)
This situation seems normal to him (3)
Confused (2)
She is surprised how a man can allow this (1)

8. If a married couple in your circle is breaking up...

He justifies a woman (0)
He's sorry (2)
He doesn't care (1)
He supports the man (3)

9. How does he feel about his mother?

They have a difficult relationship, but he is a good son (3)
He's a mama's boy (1)
They are in conflict (0)
He made you become friends (2)

10. If because of you you can’t get where he wants...

He tears and rushes (1)
He is calm but unhappy (3)
He is eloquently silent (0)
He travels alone or somehow compensates himself for moral damage (2)

11. How does he feel about the fact that you don’t share some of his interests?

Calm (3)
Trying to interest you (2)
Throws: “Of course, you won’t understand!” (1)
Sets as an example girls who are fascinated by all this (0)

12. In bed he is inclined to:

To the classics (3)
To the experiment (2)
To laziness (1)
To sadism (0)

13. Stories about women’s infidelities make him:

Outrage (1)
Indifference (3)
Compassion for a man (2)
Disgust (0)

14. How carefully does he take care of himself?

Looks like a system administrator who was locked in a server room for a year (1)
He's a metrosexual (2)
He just looks neat (3)
It's turned on purity (0)

15. How does he feel about striptease and porn films?

With scientific interest (3)
Hobbies (0)
Was not noticed in love with such a pastime (2)
Violently attracts you to watch together (1)

Sum up your points and read the answer:

33-45 points

Your man tends to be faithful. He won't cheat because you hurt him or he had a nervous breakdown. He is able to restrain his desires and think with his head, and she tells him that there is no need to get involved in sexual adventures for the sake of thrills. In life, of course, anything can happen, but in general he is committed to normal partnerships without deception.

17-32 points

He does not dream of betrayal and does not look for a reason. However, it is quite possible to seduce him if, as they say, you seize the moment. However, he is unlikely to get too carried away and insist on continuing the banquet after an accidental betrayal. Rather, he will feel guilty and close this topic for a long time. You should be sensitive to such men when they are emotionally unstable or in crisis.

9-16 points

This man is flattered by female attention and it may seem to him that, having resisted the pressure of a passionate beauty, he will show himself to be a mattress. If he is seduced, he may not be able to resist, although the feeling of guilt and remorse is by no means alien to him. The seductress, however, cannot be envied: she will always feel like a leader, and he will begin to behave like an independent person who owes nothing to anyone.

0-8 points

You've come across a rather flighty guy. He learned in theory that cheating is bad, but in practice it can happen to him more than once or twice. Moreover, this does not mean at all that he does not love you, he simply cannot automatically restrain his impulses; it requires a strong-willed effort. He won't necessarily cheat. But he must have a clear and understandable answer to the question: “Why not?”

If you discern some of these signs in the behavior of your beloved, then you know that this terrible event for you has already happened, or betrayal is close, at the door. ... Exact signs betrayal of his beloved wife to her husband- this is not a pursuit of shadows, but eloquent witnesses of female treachery.

Signs of female infidelity, how to recognize the signs of a wife by panties, by behavior, by makeup, by test, by voice, by look

Signs of cheating: Wife cheating on her husband - how to find out? Any guy can understand that a girl has cheated. Having checked your beloved for some... If you find some of these signs in the behavior of your beloved, you know that the girl’s betrayal of the guy has already happened.

How to recognize your wife's cheating? They say that if a husband cheats, the wife is the last to know about it. A husband in a similar situation will often never know. ... Signs of female infidelity. It is not at all necessary that he will find out about this when he finds a stranger on his own bed (or maybe...

There are many signs of a wife’s betrayal, but we will tell you about the main ones... To the typical tardiness you can add a slight smell of alcohol, disheveled hair, less than ideal morning makeup, etc. Behavior also naturally changes, and in two possible ways...

How to find out if a wife is cheating on her husband? Are the signs of your wife cheating on you 100% correct? ... You can find out about your wife's infidelity either with the help of some psychological techniques - for example, an offer to take a walk together to a lie detector, or with the help of a specific test - a set... Signs of your wife's infidelity. How to find out if your wife is cheating? Women's logic. What is the difference? ... Test whether my husband is cheating on me. How to find out if your husband is cheating? A test that will help confirm or refute your fears.

Signs of female infidelity are easy to spot. And if you have a shadow of suspicion, monitor her behavior. ... Your wife has a desire to constantly talk about her colleague or neighbor in the stairwell.

This behavior is the first sign of a husband’s betrayal. This can happen if there is a place for frequent scandals in the family, or the wife is exclusively occupied with herself. ... It should be borne in mind that the fact of betrayal may be the reason for the wife’s improper behavior.

Signs of a wife's cheating. Stories about female infidelity have recently become a byword everywhere. ... It is always more difficult for men to recognize a woman’s infidelity, because they do not pay attention to seeming trifles and minor changes in their spouse’s behavior. Signs of betrayal are not necessarily real signs of real betrayal by your husband or wife. … Human perception of reality is mostly biased. Any behavior or change in the behavior of a loved one can be interpreted in different ways.

Signs of a wife's cheating. Cheating in a marital relationship is a complex psychological situation, painful for both spouses, and also for observers of the conflict - relatives, children, friends. ... Dramatic changes in habits and behavior.

A wife who has succumbed to betrayal, as a rule, tries to revive in herself the ability to love a man and feel desire and attraction. ... By the way, such women are calm about male infidelity and the first signs of infidelity, they do not experience feelings of jealousy

The following signs indicate a woman's infidelity: Your wife has a desire to constantly talk about her colleague or neighbor in ... how to catch a wife cheating, signs of a wife's infidelity, signs of a wife's infidelity, signs of a girl's infidelity, external signs of infidelity...

List of the main signs of a husband’s infidelity: the main signs of male infidelity and betrayal. ... However, what even the most accurate psychological test for a husband’s infidelity will hide from the inquisitive female gaze, or what an unfaithful husband will skillfully hide from a deceived wife

Sure signs of a wife's betrayal (Read only for serious men!) ... she suddenly became a beautiful model, without her usual shopping bag, a new hairstyle, her breasts are puffing up, a feverish look, a manicure, a pedicure, new panties, a fancy bra, her butt is shaking.

Signs of female infidelity

If the girl’s betrayal was a one-time affair, due to drunkenness, for example, then you will never know unless she accidentally spills the beans. There are practically no special signs of betrayal by which one can calculate a one-time betrayal. For example, if a wife is cheating on her husband, how can she be identified in advance? Read the signs of cheating that I have given below. Carefully study these signs of cheating on girls. Perhaps some of the following signs of betrayal will seem familiar to you.

1. The first sign of betrayal that will catch your eye is the sudden restriction of access to your personal space. Those. Previously, you could easily surf her computer or mobile phone, but now, when the girl’s betrayal is close, she will not let you in there under any pretext. And he will still squeal if he notices that he himself has climbed.

2. You suddenly notice that a girl who is ready to cheat begins to look after herself much more carefully and tries to score herself a few points. Well, remember what it was like when you met? Why isn't that a sign of betrayal to you? She's perfectly made up, you're clean-shaven... You're trying to impress each other. And now she is trying. Not for you. In general, I noticed that she wears stockings instead of tights, puts on makeup like she’s on parade, and when she goes somewhere without you - you can drain the water, you horny one - the girl cheated on you. If you didn’t notice, this was the second sign of betrayal that is ringing like an alarm bell in your ear...

3. You noticed that your wife or girlfriend suddenly has a new friend, or a group of friends to which she does not invite you, or she suddenly begins to spend all her free time with her old friends. She walks with them, goes to some events, returns late. And all this without you! Do you get the point? After such walks, the girl is usually in a great mood, which, however, instantly deteriorates in your presence. This is another sign that indirectly indicates that your girl has cheated on you.

4. The next sign of cheating: after she asks you to go out somewhere with an overnight stay, she is unusually affectionate with you, incessantly talking about how cool you are and how much she loves you, although she was silent about this before. Or it may happen that a girl or wife will in every possible way avoid contact with you on a bodily level, even to the point of not wanting to kiss.

5. Probably the most disgusting and unpleasant sign of betrayal is cooling in sex. He directly says that the wife cheated on her husband. She has become uninteresting in you in bed. She now tries to go to bed earlier than you and fall asleep immediately, or, conversely, later, when you fall asleep, in order to avoid sex with you. Maybe during foreplay, in response to some kind of affection on your part, she will irritably push away your hand or you, although before she was pleased... A very unpleasant sign of betrayal.

6. If you notice that your wife or girlfriend begins to react sharply to those shortcomings of yours that she had not noticed before, tries to make you laugh and generally ceases to respect you as a man - know that she has lost interest and respect in you because she found it's all in something else. This is not even a sign of cheating, your wife has already cheated on you!

7. Is seven a lucky number? Whatever the case! This is the seventh sign of betrayal I’m describing! - She misses your calls, although you haven’t noticed this before. Or she generally pretends that she “forgot” her phone at home, or suddenly her battery began to last no more than a day, and therefore the phone began to turn off often. And at this time she is cheating on you somewhere.

8. She often begins to talk about some new classmate, a colleague from work, a partner in business negotiations, about whom you knew nothing at all before. And every time she emphasizes that their relationship is purely friendly, but at the same time she constantly chatters about his cool character qualities that she likes and which you don’t have - this is a sign of betrayal, perhaps still distant.

9. Overtime work suddenly overwhelmed her. Either he stays constantly at consultations, or he stays late in the library, comes home late - this is a sign of betrayal, perhaps he has already had sex, and maybe it still happens at every such “lateness”. A very respectful sign of betrayal, isn't it?

10. The tenth sign of a wife’s betrayal. As a consequence of the previous paragraph, he forbids meeting her from such events, work, study. Naturally! They will already show you through or give you a ride for you. A wife cheats on her husband most often in this way, “staying late” after work.

11. She becomes indifferent to your lateness, your late arrival from work. She doesn't care if your girlfriend or wife's head is filled with another guy. By the way, do you feel like you’re not getting enough sex from her? may suggest that you go have some fun on your own. Maybe you’ll pick up someone and her conscience won’t gnaw at her so much, or, what’s even more true, having fucked on the side, you won’t demand sex from her. The break is near. The girl cheated, this is a fact, not a sign of betrayal.

12. If earlier your arguments were like tank battles, now she doesn’t give a fuck... She agrees with everything, just not to talk or communicate with you. This is the twelfth sign of betrayal.

13. The thirteenth sign of betrayal. You notice that she is constantly looking at you, perhaps now she is overestimating you and comparing you in all positions with another. And he thinks, maybe he can pit you against each other in the game “Rival”? I'll write about her soon...

14. The warmth and smile disappear from her face. The poses are usually closed, he tries not to look into the eyes, and if there is accidental eye contact, he immediately looks away. Communicates without interest, as if with a stranger, which you probably already are. This was the penultimate sign of betrayal.

15. The thoughtfulness on her face is explained by heavy thoughts about how and when to break off relations with you, whether someone else will accept her, how to leave, leaving the possibility of returning... The last, alarming sign of betrayal has been voiced.