The artichoke technique has always aroused our admiration. But it was impossible to make a craft in this style. The fact is that in our city it is difficult to find foam balls that are used as the base of crafts. And since we, creative people, couldn’t just abandon the idea, we decided to find our own way out of the situation. Several versions of the foundations for this technique were tried, but no result that could be boasted was achieved. After that, the idea came to change the technique itself, that is, we left the modular assembly of the craft, changing only the method of attaching the modules: instead of pins we use double-sided tape, and instead of satin ribbons we use paper (using paper allows us to demonstrate all the richness of crafts, packaging, decorative, foil , embossed, etc. paper).

Below in the photo you can see the making of crafts using the traditional artichoke technique.

Below we present our version artichoke technique “Paper artichoke”- I would like to immediately note that the converted version turned out to be no less interesting in its finished form and easier to assemble. In addition, during work you can use traditional materials for children's creativity.

MK Christmas decorations using the artichoke technique.

So, to make our craft we will need beautiful paper, cut it into rectangles with sides 3x4cm. Next, take the rectangle and fold the long side in half, unfold and bend the upper corners towards the center line (see photo above). Then apply double-sided tape to the bottom corners (as in the photo above). Instead of tape, you can use any glue. This is our module from which we will assemble our crafts for the New Year tree.

Next, let's prepare the base. In our master class, we use an old Christmas tree toy as the base (you can use a ball or other shape made of any material on which paper can be glued with tape or glue). And so we will divide our ball into 8 equal parts, the division lines will be guides for gluing the modules. Place double-sided tape in the center.

Let's start assembling the craft, take one of the prepared modules, remove the protective layer from the tape (or apply glue) and, using the markings, glue the module as shown in the photo above.

In the same way we glue 3 more modules in a circle, as shown in the photo above. This is the first row.

We glue the second row, offset, that is, the line of combination of two modules of the previous row will be the center of the module of the new row. We also glue the new row a little lower by 0.3-0.6cm of the previous row as shown in the photo above.

Thus, we glue the modules until the base is completely covered.

And the final row. In the last row we glue square modules.

It would seem that the New Year is still far away, and we have only just begun to get used to the snow on the streets. But many parents are already worried about the holidays and decorating the Christmas tree. The most beautiful ones, of course, will be the ones you make yourself. I searched the Internet for something interesting and found this beauty - New Year's balls using the ARTICHOKE technique. I just fell in love with these balls when I saw them on the Christmas tree. It’s very easy to make, the main thing is to try it, it’s completely addictive.

This master class is for those who are not yet hooked on decorating using the artichoke technique, and for whom this technique will be something new, and for those who are looking for something MORE to do with their children. Join us, it’s a very creative, meditative activity, perfect to while away the long winter evenings.

What we need:

  • foam balls
  • tapes
  • tailor's needles

Our first ball (you can buy it at Leonardo) was 7 cm in diameter and we had 2 beige and chocolate colored ribbons, 3 meters each. Enough was enough, just enough. We concluded: for balls with a diameter of 8-10 mm, you need a total of about 6.5 meters of tape. We made our first ball from satin ribbon 16 mm wide. Subsequently, experience showed that for balls 8-10 cm in diameter, tapes 16-20 mm wide are the most optimal. (You will see further - so that the studs are not visible and overlap the “seams”).

The tape is cut into pieces of 3-4 cm. We cut it in advance, each piece is folded and attached separately.

So, we look for the center of the ball and fasten a piece with needles like this:

Next, take one of our cut pieces and fold it into a triangle, like this:

And with the help of two needles we attach it to the ball, with the tip of the triangle to the middle of the ball:

In the first row we get 4 triangles. In the second row we attach the triangles in a checkerboard pattern:

And this is the next row:

And the next one:

I think you already understand the principle. Then we fasten our triangles like this until the very end... The end of the ball.

I don’t think it’s necessary to say that we try to fold the triangles evenly and attach them, carefully overlapping them so that the needle heads are not visible. My daughter did it, but I try not to interfere when the child is doing it, so as not to discourage the last desire to do something. It was a tedious task and I thought she would quickly cool down and I would have a blast with the balls, but that was not the case - she finished the entire ball, I was given the command to take pictures. Moreover, after that she proceeded to the next one. In general, I have a restless child, so here is the solution to the problem.

This is how we safely approach the end of the ball and last row The ball closes neatly. It should have been carefully closed for us, but out of ignorance we took 3 meters of each tape. And at this point, our entire tape ran out. But we had the most beautiful thin velvet braid, with which we successfully decorated the ball and made a loop to hang on the Christmas tree. (Everyone also pinned needles to the ball).

Then our hands and imagination could no longer be stopped. We took smaller balls - 4 cm in diameter and narrow Christmas ribbons - 7 mm wide. We had them in 3 colors. And we decided to try to distribute the colors differently:

At first I thought that I would make these balls from a satin ribbon of the same color with a velvet ribbon of contrasting light, then it occurred to me that I could take ribbons of the same color - but of different textures - satin and velvet, for example. But in the end, I liked using bright Christmas ribbons - it suits the style of my tree better.

You can also start attaching triangles from both sides of the ball and go to the middle. And in the place where the joint will be, grab it with a ribbon.

Then we took a large ball and a narrow braid. This was an unsuccessful option, since the width of the braid is not enough to cover all the borders of the triangles:

We have drawn conclusions for ourselves:

  1. A ball with a diameter of 8-10 cm - a ribbon with a width of 16-20 mm.
  2. Balls with a diameter of 4-5 cm - ribbons with a width of 7-10 mm.

For a ball with a diameter of 8 cm, to decorate a ball using the artichoke technique, you need 6.5 meters of ribbons; for a ball of 4 cm, you need about 3 meters of ribbons.
Satin-velvet combinations look beautiful on big balls, you can play with color by attaching triangles as you please. You can play with texture. The main thing is that the ribbons are approximately the same width and this width corresponds to the diameter of the ball. Although.. what you can’t come up with along the way.

Keep the kids busy, keep yourself busy, and have a happy New Year's rush! And beautiful New Year's balls made using the artichoke technique.

Thanks for the master class

Ribbons of white and of blue color 25 mm wide using scissors, cut into rectangles 4 cm long. To prevent the edges of the ribbons from crumbling, you need to singe them over a candle.

Using nails, pin a white satin rectangle onto the ball (you need to pin it strictly in the corners).

Now we will make triangles from the remaining rectangles: we bend both edges into the middle and hold them so that they do not fall apart.

We lay out 4 triangles in the first row (we also pin them in the lower corners with nails) - 2 white and 2 blue, and they should be positioned so that their tops are in the center of the previously pinned white rectangle.

We pin the next row with a color shift, that is, the upper corners of the triangles of the new row are at the junction of the sides of the triangles of the previous row. In this case, the white triangle of the new row overlaps the blue of the previous one, and the blue of the new row overlaps the white of the previous one. So let's start making serpentine.

The next row is laid out according to the same pattern.

We cover the entire ball with triangles in this way, and as a result we get a ball with smoothly twisting blue and white stripes in the artichoke sieve.

From the remaining blue rectangles we make a bow and secure it with threads.

Sweep a white strip of satin ribbon (25 mm wide) 15 cm long along one edge with white thread and gather it slightly. Sew a blue bow on top of it. We sew such a skirt to the base of the New Year's artichoke ball.

We make a loop with a bow from a white ribbon 10 mm wide and sew it to the skirt of the ball.

The artichoke ball is ready, all that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree with it and enjoy the coming of the new year! Do-it-yourself New Year's balls in the power of an artichoke need to be made in the required quantity for your Christmas tree.

Got its name due to its resemblance to fruits artichoke. This technique has other names - “teeth”, “corners”, “scales”, “feathers”...

By and large, it all comes down to folding the cut out parts and sewing them onto the base in a certain sequence. Or, using paper, create (pasting) various panels of a round (or multifaceted) shape on a plane or in volume.

You can sew in two ways: direct the edge of the blanks to the center of the main part, or to its edges. This is if you sew a flat product. For products of a volumetric nature - with the tip towards the narrower part. The folded parts are not necessarily cut in the shape of squares. These can be rectangles or circles. In any case, we encounter the folding of cut-out blanks, therefore, it can be argued that these patchwork techniques belong to the family of patchwork origami, and since they create volume, then, therefore, to the “3d” technique.

Master Class

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Approaching New Year, and it’s time to think about how to decorate the interior for the holiday to surprise your guests unusual decor. New Year's balls made from ribbons using the artichoke technique can be used not only to decorate a Christmas tree, but also as a gift to loved ones. Such crafts do not require special skills and are completed fairly quickly. The technique itself resembles origami, but not from paper, but from scraps of fabric. It also has other names related to the shape of the blanks: “corners”, “feathers”, “scales”. Products made using this method can be either flat or voluminous.

Basics of the artichoke technique

To create a ball using the artichoke technique, you will need a foam plastic blank, to which corners folded in a special way, a lot of tailor’s nails, and ribbons will be attached. various colors and sequins. There is also an option to create New Year's decorations in this technique, without using a base. Instead of scraps of fabric, you can take paper and connect the parts with glue. Toys can be folded not only in the form of balls, but also in the form of cones.

The technique is based on the assembly of triangular parts cut from pieces of fabric or ribbons in a special order. The blanks are attached to the base different ways, but the most common option is when the tip of each part is directed end-to-end between the teeth of the previous row. When creating a round flat craft, the corners are directed towards the center or outwards.

Artichoke technique: master class

Before starting work, you should prepare a foam base. To do this, you need to divide the sphere into four equal parts. Then an equator is drawn, which divides the workpiece into two hemispheres. To do this, you can use a regular pen, since the marks in the future will be under the scraps of fabric. The amount of material depends on the diameter of the ball. Color range You can choose according to your taste, but three-colored balls look especially impressive. Suitable for decorating a ball using the artichoke technique cotton fabric with a bright print, brocade, silk or satin ribbons. If you combine various options, real masterpieces are obtained, depending on the width of the tape or the size of the pieces of fabric. If you choose a 5 cm wide tape for work, it needs to be cut into 6 cm pieces. You will also need two square scraps.

When working with fraying fabrics and satin ribbons, the edges of the pieces should be scorched over a candle or lighter. The most convenient way to do this is to hold the shreds with special tweezers. Then, on the foam blank, you need to mark the poles of the ball with pins or nails. They must be on the same axis - to check the accuracy, it is best to use a centimeter and measure the distance between the poles. If it is equal to half the diameter of the circle, then the points are chosen correctly.

Beginning of fixing the flaps

New Year's balls made from ribbons begin to be decorated from the poles. In this master class, we will use as a blank foam ball with a diameter of 8 cm. First, a rectangular piece is fixed on one side of the sphere. The pin is located exactly in the center of the piece of fabric or tape. The edges must be secured to the marks made earlier: the corners must coincide. In a similar way, the second piece should be placed on the opposite side of the workpiece.

Location of corners on the workpiece

Further work using the “artichoke” technique from ribbons consists of sequentially pinning identical teeth folded in a special way to a foam ball. Each of the 6 cm wide sections is folded in half. A pin or nail is placed in the center at the top. With its help, the flap is fixed on a ball 2-3 mm from the pole. It is important to focus on the marking line and align the mount with it.

Now the corners of the tape are folded towards the center and secured at the bottom with nails. The result should be a fabric triangle. The artichoke technique consists of sequentially superimposing such triangles on top of each other. The same corner is fixed on the opposite line, and then on one perpendicular to it. As a result, there will be four identical triangles of fabric on the first row. The edges of each of them should also be secured with nails.

Further design of the ball

The next row of corners is placed on top of the first, with an indentation of 1 cm. You can use a ribbon of a different color for it. The top of the triangle from the new row should coincide with the center line of the corner located in the previous one. The third row is located differently: between the triangles of the previous rows. You also need to step back about 1 cm from the pole. For the fourth row, change the color of the tape again and attach the corners on top of the third row, stepping back 1 cm from the corner. The next two rows are again fixed between the previous ones. If you use a foam ball with a diameter of 8 cm in your work, the sixth row should end exactly in its middle. After which the same steps are repeated on the opposite side of the workpiece.

Decorating the joint line

The Christmas tree toy using the artichoke technique is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate the joint and add a loop so that the toy can be used to decorate a Christmas tree. The easiest way to make a loop is from a narrow ribbon using a glue gun. You can attach it anywhere along the joint line. Then you need to decorate the joint. A decorative braid or ribbon 1 cm wide is suitable for this purpose. It can also be fixed to the ball using a glue gun.

Bow for additional decoration

The toy can be considered ready, but to make it look more interesting, it is advisable to place it around the loop lush bow from decorative brocade or satin ribbon. It is best to use two types of material of different widths. First, 5 pieces of 15 cm each are cut from a wide ribbon, and the same amount, but 10 cm each, from a narrow ribbon. Petals are formed from them and fixed to the ball using a glue gun. You can place a beautiful bead or any other decorative element, such as a snowflake or rhinestone, in the center of the bow. Now Christmas tree decoration, made using the artichoke technique, is ready. All that remains is to hang it on a tree or package it beautifully and give it to a loved one.