1. The meaning and structure of ethical conversation on issues of moral education

2. Technological project for a conversation on issues of moral education

2.1 Rationale for the topic

2.2 Technological project of a conversation on the topic “Feelings”

List of used literature

1. Meaningand structureethical conversation on issues of moral education

The moral education of schoolchildren is one of the most difficult tasks of a teacher. To solve this problem, the teacher needs not only knowledge of the subject and methods of teaching it, but also the ability to direct his activities towards the formation of the moral education of children. Issues of moral education and child improvement have worried society always and at all times. Especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often, the problem of moral education is becoming increasingly relevant.

In the process of moral education of a schoolchild, the accumulation of knowledge about the norms and requirements of morality becomes important. In this regard, the need to organize moral education for students, starting from the 1st grade, is obvious. The need to organize special work of the teacher to explain the essence of moral norms, the moral relations of a person to society, the team, work, to the people around him and to himself is also obvious. The ability to provide moral knowledge at a level where the student will have the ability to grasp the general and essential in various phenomena of the surrounding life, to realistically assess the current situation and the consequences of his action.

In the education of any moral quality, various means of education are used. In the general system of moral education, an important place is occupied by a group of means aimed at judgments, assessments, and concepts for the development of moral convictions. This group includes ethical conversations.

Ethical conversation is a method of systematic and consistent discussion of knowledge, involving the participation of both parties; teacher and student. A conversation differs from a story or instruction precisely in that the teacher listens and takes into account the opinions and points of view of his interlocutors, and builds his relationships with them on the principles of equality and cooperation. Ethical conversation is called because its subject most often becomes moral, moral, and ethical problems.

The effectiveness of ethical conversations depends on compliance with a number of important conditions:

1. It is important that the conversation be problematic in nature and involve a struggle of views, ideas, and opinions. The teacher should stimulate non-standard questions and help students find answers to them themselves.

2. An ethical conversation should not be allowed to develop according to a pre-prepared scenario with memorization of ready-made or prompted answers by adults. We need to give the guys the opportunity to say what they think. Teach them to respect the opinions of others, patiently and reasonedly develop the correct point of view.

3. The conversation should also not be allowed to turn into a lecture: the teacher speaks, the students listen. Only openly expressed opinions and doubts allow the teacher to direct the conversation so that the children themselves come to a correct understanding of the essence of the issue being discussed. Success depends on how warm the nature of the conversation is and whether the students reveal their souls in it.

4. The material for the conversation should be close to the emotional experience of the students. One cannot expect or require them to be active when discussing difficult issues or those that are based on facts, phenomena, connected by alien events and feelings that are incomprehensible to them. Only when based on real experience can conversations on abstract topics be successful.

5. During the conversation, it is important to identify and compare all points of view. No one's opinion can be ignored; it is important from all points of view - objectivity, fairness, culture of communication.

6. Proper guidance of ethical conversation is to help students independently come to the right conclusion. To do this, the teacher needs to be able to look at events or actions through the eyes of the student, understand his position and the feelings associated with it.

It is a mistake to think that conversation is a spontaneous method. Highly professional teachers do not conduct conversations often and prepare for them thoroughly.

Ethical conversations are structured according to approximately the following scenario: communication of specific factors, explanation of these factors and their analysis with the active participation of all interlocutors; discussion of specific similar situations; generalization of the most significant features of specific moral qualities and comparing them with previously acquired knowledge, motivation and formulation of a moral rule; students’ application of learned concepts when assessing their own behavior and the behavior of other people.

In a first-level school, ethical conversation has a simpler structure. Here the inductive path is preferable: from the analysis of specific facts, their assessment to generalization and independent conclusion. In middle and high schools, a conversation can begin with the formulation of a moral rule and, for illustration, use specific material from life and fiction.

Conducting ethical conversations includes:

· preparatory stage;

· conducting a conversation;

· organization and assessment of children’s daily activities and relationships based on learned moral norms and rules.

The preparatory stage, the longest and most labor-intensive, includes a variety of activities by the teacher and children. There may be various options for preparing for the conversation, we recommend the following:

1. Depending on the age of the students, the level of development of the children’s team and moral problems, the topic of the conversation is determined.

2. The purpose of the conversation is to master certain norms and concepts that students must understand; those practical conclusions that will be drawn.

3. A selection of factual material that tells how to act, what needs to be done.

4. Questions for the conversation are thought through.

5. Preparing students for the conversation:

a) the topic of the conversation is announced in advance, literature is indicated, situations are prepared, questions to think about, and examples to choose;

b) if necessary, individual tasks are determined, since this psychologically prepares students for self-analysis of behavior, and they are convinced of the need to improve it;

c) group assignments are determined.

Conducting a conversation requires great skill from the teacher. The main requirement is to ensure that children are active during the conversation itself. The right thing is done by a teacher who, after conducting a conversation, asks questions, gives vivid examples, makes brief convincing comments, guides and clarifies children’s statements, and does not allow incorrect thoughts to take hold.

When conducting a conversation based on the material you have read, it is very important to be able to ask questions. Questions should touch the mind and feelings of children, force them to turn to facts, examples, and events in their surrounding life.

The sequence of questions should lead children to the derivation of a moral rule that must be followed when communicating with other people and performing their duties. When asking questions in conversations on moral topics, you can adhere to the following recommendations:

1. The question should direct children’s attention to the moral side of life, actions, phenomena hidden behind the objective actions of people.

2. The question should force the child to think about the motives of the action, to see the complex relationship between the motive and the result of the action.

3. The question should force children to see the moral consequences of any action for other people.

4. The question should attract the attention of schoolchildren to the internal experiences of people, teach the child to learn about the human condition by external signs, understand this condition and, therefore, empathize.

Questions that would help schoolchildren connect what they read with their own moral experience and their collective experiences are very important.

Ethical conversations with children should take place in a relaxed atmosphere. They should not be of a moralizing nature, contain edifications, reproaches and ridicule. Children express their opinions and freely share their impressions

Ethical conversations with schoolchildren should include elements of entertainment. To do this, it is advisable to include in the content of conversations various situations that contain a moral problem. It is very important that the object of public opinion be the positive actions of schoolchildren and public opinion should not be directed only to actions related to poor performance and discipline. The development of public opinion occurs through the introduction of new and adjustments to existing moral concepts, teaching children the rules for discussing and evaluating events in collective life, and the actions of individual children. The developed rules for the life of the children's group act as criteria for moral assessment.

Various options for the sequence of ethical conversations are possible:

1. Determining the topic of the conversation and arousing schoolchildren’s interest in perceiving and mastering the material.

2. Justification of the relevance and significance of the topic under discussion.

3. Disclosure of the topic of conversation using the example of the life and work of outstanding people, as well as material from the surrounding life.

4. Analysis of the state of affairs in the class in connection with the problem under discussion and identification of specific tasks (advice, recommendations) to improve the work and behavior of students.

5. Summarizing the results of the conversation and a brief survey of students on the main points of the material presented.

Of course, the specified structure of the conversation should not turn into a stencil. As in educational work in general, so in conducting a conversation there cannot be stencils or recipes for all occasions. At the same time, the more such recipes a teacher knows, the more chances he has for their implementation. They do not limit the creative activity of the teacher, but stimulate it.

When determining the topic at the beginning of the conversation, it is necessary to arouse the interest of schoolchildren in the perception and assimilation of ethical material.

To do this, you can use the following techniques:

a) raise questions related to clarifying the essence of the moral concept that underlies the content of the conversation. For example, what is politeness, etc.;

b) before announcing the topic, you can talk about some interesting event or fact related to the intended topic;

c) before announcing the topic, you need to remember some incident from class life, which allows you to justify the need for in-depth disclosure and understanding of the corresponding moral norm;

d) having announced the topic, try to give it special importance and emphasize its significance with the help of meaningful statements or aphorisms.

The method of presenting moral material can combine a question-and-answer form, a story and explanation from the teacher, short reports from students on individual issues, reading from books, newspapers, the use of artistic paintings, etc. In this case, the main role remains with the teacher, since only he can deeply and skillfully reveal the essence of morality.

When analyzing the behavior of schoolchildren, it is best to focus on positive examples and facts, and talk about shortcomings in a favorable tone, emphasizing in every possible way your confidence that the students will eliminate them.

Summarizing the results of the conversation, vivid statements should be given so that the conversation penetrates deeper into the consciousness and feelings of the schoolchildren. Clearly highlight the categories that constituted the purpose of the conversation.

Thus, preparing and meaningfully conducting an ethical conversation is a very difficult matter. It is not for nothing that experienced teachers say that holding a conversation on a moral topic is much more difficult than a lesson.

2. Technological project for a conversation on issues of moral education

2.1 Rationale for the topic

I chose this topic because I think it is more relevant today.

First of all, etiquette must be instilled in a child from an early age. Etiquette expresses the content of certain principles of morality, in the broad sense of the word.

Etiquette is an important part of universal human culture, morality, morality, in goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement.

Teach the child everywhere and in everything to respect society as a whole and each of its members individually, to treat them the way he treats himself and so that others treat him the same way. The rule is very simple, but alas? In everyday practice, human relationships are not always realized by everyone. Meanwhile, culture - human relations, communication between people - plays an important role in life. If a child manages to communicate culturally with loved ones and acquaintances, he will behave in the same way with complete strangers.

Each of us can, by our personal actions, determine almost unmistakably the degree of their upbringing, the prevalence of their habit of thinking or not thinking about the interests of others.

And every era has its own style, every society has its own rules of behavior, but there are universal human values, and it is on their basis that the culture of any nation develops. An integral part of culture is etiquette, which has evolved over centuries and is rooted in the sphere of morality.

It all starts from childhood. Education of morality begins from the cradle. When a mother smiles at a child and rejoices at him - this is already the education of the deepest morality, his friendly attitude towards the world. Next comes kindergarten, then school. The central figure in society, on which its future depends, is the teacher, who also gives out wisdom - in the book. Only high culture can unite us.

Culture is valuable for all humanity, it is dear to everyone. It is not dear only to those people who are deprived of it. Culture, only culture, can help us, and in its absence it is the cause of many troubles.

This is a pressing issue in our society and I believe that we need to pay more attention to the younger generation.

2.2 Technological project of a conversation on the topic “Feelings”

Target: Cultivating a sense of love and attention to your loved ones


· educational: during the conversation, study the main approaches to the definition of “feelings”, define this concept;

· developing: develop the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts and reflect;

· educational: instill love and respect for the people around you and your family.

Concepts: feeling, aesthetics, relatedness, emotions, sensations, love.

Progress of the conversation:

Exercise 1. Listen to the story of V.A. Sukhomlinsky and answer the questions.

Two young men came to a flowering meadow.

What a beauty! - Sergei whispered. - Look: it’s like someone wove pink, red, blue flowers on the green carpet!

Truly lush grass! - said Matvey. - If only we could let a cow in here, there would be two buckets of milk by evening.

And the bees ring like a harp,” Sergei whispered, captivated by the magical music.

And the hives would be taken here. Honey, honey, how much honey they would apply! - Matvey said excitedly.

And there are people who don’t see this beauty, thought Sergei.

“I’ll go drive the cow and bring the hives,” said Matvey and went to the village.

Students answer the questions:

1) How did Sergei and Matvey perceive the world? For which of the boys did life seem brighter, more eventful?

2) Which of the characters in the story would you choose as your friend? Why?

Exercise 2. Try to formulate what feelings are. What can a person feel? What feelings are most prominent in you?

The students answer.

The teacher gives examples of famous sayings.

Feelings are a special type of emotional experience associated with a concept or idea.

Feelings are the color of thoughts. Without them, our thoughts are dry, lifeless outlines, not pictures. (N.Shelgunov)

U: The basic reality of a person’s inner world is sensations, emotions and feelings. Sensations are “input” information that we perceive from the outside. Emotions are experiences that can be considered “output” information; they are the reaction of our feelings to sensations that are important to them. Feelings are like certain creatures that inhabit our inner world. They can arise, develop and fade away. For each sense there is a certain range of sensations to which it reacts. For each feeling there is a range of emotions that it can generate. A person’s feelings interact with each other, they can support each other, they can conflict and even quarrel. Sometimes one - a single feeling can subjugate all the others.

Feeling of love. The moods accompanying the feeling of love can be extremely diverse: pride, admiration, trust, tenderness, sadness, grief, anxiety, despair. There is hardly any emotional state that we could easily relate to this feeling. But the first emotion should be called joy, delight, happiness caused by the very existence of a loved one.

In love, as in hatred, a wide variety of feelings can be combined: suffering, pleasure, joy, sadness, fear, and anger. (K. Ushinsky)

Exercise3. What feelings does the feeling of kinship include?

Students try to answer.

U: The feeling of kinship is our attitude towards family and friends. The feeling of kinship is one of the earliest human feelings and at the same time one of the most stable, accompanying a person until the end of his life.

The deepest of kindred feelings is maternal feeling. A mother's love does not depend on the qualities of the child. The mother, and only she, can love the baby not for any merits, but simply for the fact that he exists. During this period, the child develops the ability to be loved; only then does the ability - already an adult - appear to love another, for example, a mother. Mother's love is the springboard through which a person takes a leap into life.

Reading a poem by a student(pre-learned) “Take care of mothers”

Take care of mothers

Please, take care of your mothers,

Protect with warmth from the blizzard of life,

Their love is a hundred times hotter,

Than friends and beloved girlfriend.

Mother's love cannot be grasped

And I won’t break the rules here,

If I say: “Mother is ready to give

Your affection, tenderness and soul.”

Mother will take your pain upon herself,

All the torment, confusion and torment,

Mother will put bread and salt on the road

And he will stretch out his hands towards you.

Let him not be severely punished for pranks,

Only you never lie to her

And in the name of the great God

Take care of your mothers.

Don't leave them alone

You will remember this order, children,

After all, there can be no complete happiness,

If mom is not in the world.

(A. Remizova)

U: Feelings for parents - a son for his mother, a son for his father (also for his daughter) - all these are quite different feelings.

U: The feelings of brothers and sisters instill in us a taste for being treated as equals. You will turn to your older brother or sister with things that you cannot express to your parents. A younger brother or sister awakens tenderness and care in us.

Reading a poem teacher.

If I had a beloved older brother,

I would listen to his advice, timidly,

I would be glad to see his brotherly defense

Until I'm weaker.

May I have a beloved younger brother,

I would teach him life as best I can,

And defended without demanding rewards,

Until I'm stronger.

(K. Vanshenkin)

Kindred feelings become for us a school of personal spiritual qualities. From them we learn first of all love, friendship, submission and leadership, we learn to be a man and a woman. The family is our first and most natural society.

Task 4. Students analyze statements

U: Feeling beautiful is a person’s ability to feel and appreciate the beauty of life.

F.M. Dostoevsky was right in many ways when he argued that the world would be saved by beauty. Not beauty itself, of course, but a person who perceives beauty as the true content of life.

The world contains not only necessary and useful things, but also beautiful things. From the time a man became a man, from the moment when he gazed at the petals of a flower and the evening dawn, he began to peer into himself. Man has realized beauty. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

As much beauty as childhood has included, so are you. (A. Popov)


Students answer the teacher's questions:

· What do you think the word “feeling” means?

· How does the feeling of relatedness differ from other concepts?

· Why do we need a sense of beauty?

· What types of feelings do you know? Which of them do you consider the most important?

· How do feelings of love and respect relate?

List of used literature

1. Kopteva S.I. Innovative technologies and psychological support of education. Educational and methodological manual. Mn.: BSPU, 2004.-104 p.

2. Fundamentals of school didactics. Comp. V.A.Kapranova, I.G.Tikhonova. Mn.: BSPU, 2004.

3. The process of education: theory, methodology, practice: educational method, manual / P845 V.A. Kapranova, M.I. Dron, L.L. Podolnaya and others / ed. V.A. Kapranova. -Minsk: BSPU, 2009.-138 p.

4. Handbook on the theory of education in schemes and concepts / compiled by: E.L. Adarchenko, L.N. Gorodetskaya, N.A. Khmelnitskaya. - Mozyr: Assistance, 2005. - 44 p.

5. Stepanenkov N.K. Pedagogy: Textbook. 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Mn.: ed. Skakun V.M., 2001. - 448.

6. Stepanenkov N.K., Penkrat L.V. Pedagogy: Methodology for conducting practical classes. Educational method. Benefit. - Mn.: Ed. Skakun V.M., 2000. - 80 p.

7. Torkhova, A.V. Prevention of unlawful behavior of schoolchildren: a manual for general education teachers. institutions / A.V. Torkhova, I.A. Tsarik, A.S. Chernyavskaya. -- Minsk: Nat. Institute of Education, 2009. -- 120 p.

Theme: “Always be polite”

Program content:

  1. Reveal to children the essence of the concept of “politeness” and “good manners”. Systematize the rules of polite behavior.
  2. Exercise children in analyzing their actions and understanding whether they comply with the rules of politeness.
  3. Cultivate respect for surrounding adults and peers.


Preliminary reading of works of art by V. Oseeva “Three Sons”, “The Magic Word”.

Select pictures with positive and negative actions of children.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher, addressing the children, says:

Guys, has it ever happened to you that you didn’t know what to do? For example: you met someone’s mother at the entrance to a kindergarten and don’t know whether to go through the door first or wait until she passes? (children remember the rules)

Guys, today I propose to play the game “Evaluate the Action” with you. I will talk about something, and you must beat her and tell her how to do the right thing.

Act 1: Children play football. One of them falls and is badly hurt:

The children help him get up;

Children bandage a boy's leg;

The children continue the game, not paying attention to the fallen one;

Children laugh at a boy crying in pain.

Act 2: A girl walks down the street. An old woman with a heavy bag meets her:

The girl will pick up the cane that fell from the old woman;

A girl helps her grandmother carry a heavy bag home;

A girl passes by;

The grandmother herself picks up the fallen cane.

Act 3: A boy meets a lost little girl on the street. She cries:

The boy calms the girl down and treats her to candy;

The boy takes the girl by the hand, finds out where she lives and takes her home;

The boy laughs at the crying girl, teasing her.

The teacher praises the children:

Well done guys, you handled the situations. Tell me how you can explain the following proverbs:

Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

He who overcomes his anger becomes stronger.

It’s good to create - to amuse yourself.

Look for a friend, and if you find one, take care.

Game "Make up a fairy tale"

Guys, now I will give you a series of pictures, and you must come up with a fairy tale based on these pictures about polite children.

After listening to fairy tales, I ask the children:

Guys, what rules did you learn today? What should you do to be a polite, well-mannered person?

Topic: “Rules of behavior in the game”

Program content:

  1. consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in games.
  2. Cultivate friendly relationships among children through play.

Preparing for the conversation:

Making a fairy costume

Making magic glasses

Progress of the conversation:

I enter the group dressed as a Fairy. I say hello to the children. I introduce myself.

Oh guys, where did I end up? (to the senior group “Bee”)

So, I arrived at the right address. And a sorceress sent me to you, who wants to find out what kind of children go to kindergarten now: bad or good, polite or rude, whether they know how to play with each other. Are you ready to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Game "Magic glasses"

Goal: Removing negativity in communication with peers

Game description: The fairy shows the glasses to the children and says:

Guys, I want to show you the magic glasses that the sorceress gave me for you. The one who puts on these glasses sees only the good in others, even what the person hides in himself. Now I’ll put them on: “Oh, how cheerful and beautiful you all are! Come on, now each of you will try to put it on and tell your friend what he saw.

(Children take turns putting on glasses and saying nice words to each other)

Well done boys. In this game I saw that you know how to be friends with each other. And now I will tell you an incident that happened in another kindergarten. Listen.

“The children were playing with the ship. The guys had already sailed all over the world and began to return from a long voyage, and the whole team had a lot of work. The captain kept giving commands to the crew members. Suddenly the sailor Andrey began to throw away the cubes from which the ship was built.

Andrey, we can’t break our ship, we are at sea and we can all drown,” the children said.

What do I care? “I want it and I’m breaking it,” they heard in response and saw that their comrade had now taken the radio away from the radio operator and ran away laughing.

Sailor, take your place! Come to the shore. Get ready to throw the rope,” said the captain.

“Draw it yourself,” came the answer.

Guys, what can you say about Andrey’s behavior in the game?

What ugly things did he do?

Do you have children like Andrey?

If you were playing with such a boy, what would you tell him and what would you do?

Guys, let's now stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, let's name the rules that must be followed in the game. I start. I throw the ball to the child and say:

You must follow all the rules in the game.

Be polite and friendly to the participants of the game

Violators of the rules of conduct should be calmly reprimanded and told what violations were committed.

Always treat others the way you want them to treat you.

At the end of the conversation I tell the children:

Guys, it’s time for me to return to the sorceress and tell me that the children in the “Bee” group are polite, good, know how to play with each other, know a lot of rules in the game and it will be very good if you always remember them and follow them. And as a souvenir of my meeting with you, I will give you magic glasses that will help you be polite, friendly and sociable with each other. Goodbye!

Topic: “Rules of conduct for children at work”

Program content:

  1. Reinforce and generalize children about the rules of behavior at work: clean up toys after themselves, respect the work of others, help each other with advice in work.
  2. develop attention, observation, and the ability to notice mistakes in peers.
  3. cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Preparing for the conversation:

Preparing the Dunno doll for class.

Progress of the conversation:

I come to the children with Dunno.

Hello guys, today we will talk about the work of children, about how to behave at work. Dunno will help you. Do you agree? I read a poem:

Dressmaker. Bookbinder.

I've been sewing all day today. Got sick

I dressed the whole family. This book: my brother tore it up.

Wait a little, cat. I'll feel sorry for the patient.

There will be clothes for you too. I'll take it and glue it together.

Guys, what can you say about the children described in these poems, what are they like?

Can I say: they are lazy, not attentive, evil.

Guys, did Dunno say it correctly?

No. Children are hardworking, caring, kind, affectionate, attentive.

What stories or poems do you know about hardworking and caring children?

(Guys name stories)

Dunno, why are you silent? Tell me what you know about hardworking children?

Dunno: I’ll tell you how we helped Malvina with Pinocchio.

Malvina put the house in order, and we scattered the toys. We had a lot of fun. (laughs joyfully)

Guys, tell me, was Malvina funny too? (No)

Is this a story about hardworking and caring children? (No)

Guys, explain to Dunno how he should have behaved:

Help Malvina put away the toys.

Ask if Malvina needs more help

Be respectful of other people's work

Act jointly and collectively in work.

Discuss upcoming activities together

Help each other with advice in work

Dunno, did your children help you?

Very. Thank you. Now I want to improve and help Malvina put away the toys. I’ll go to her right now and tell Pinocchio about the rules of conduct. Goodbye, guys!

Guys, you helped Dunno. Tell me, and you will help your mothers.

Now I’ll tell you about the girls: Olya and Lyuda.

So or not?

Olya and Lyuda were walking in the yard. Olya saw Petya helping his mother hang the laundry on the line and say to her friend:

And today I helped my mother.

“Me too,” Luda answered, “What did you do?”

She wiped the plates, spoons, and forks.

I was cleaning my shoes

Mom's? – Olya asked

No, ours

Is this helping mom? – Olya laughed. -Did you clean them for yourself?

So what? But mom will have less work,” said Luda.

So or not?

Guys, which of the children helped their mother?

Is it possible to say such a proverb to Lyuda?

They judge not by words, but by deeds.

Guys, how do you understand the proverbs:

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

At the end of the conversation I praise the children:

Guys, you did a good deed today: you helped Dunno learn the rules of conduct at work, and at the same time you remembered. Well done!

Topic: “Rules of conduct in class”

Program content:

  1. Continue to expand and consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the rules of conduct in class: do not shout from your seat, do not talk, do not distract your neighbor, etc.
  2. Develop observation skills, be able to notice and correct shortcomings.
  3. Cultivate a positive attitude towards the activity.


A pre-prepared dramatization of the fairy tale “The Music Lesson” with the participation of children, learning words and cues.

Preparing Pinocchio, cat and dog costumes.

Progress of the conversation:

I gather the children and say:

Guys, today artists have come to you to show theatrical performances to children. Today they will show us the fairy tale “The Music Lesson”, where many rules of behavior are violated. Watch carefully, then we will discuss what rules the guys broke.

Music lesson.

(Based on the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky)

Characters (performed by children): - Alyosha Pochemuchkin,

Chizhik dog,


Teacher Cat.

(Alyosha and Chizhik are preparing for the lesson)

Chizhik: (mumbling) do, re, mi, fa...

Alyosha: Chizhik, you learned your lesson at home, why are you whispering?

Chizhik: I’m worried, I repeat. Aw-aw!

Alyosha: And I’m worried about Buratino. He’s not here again, he’s late again and he probably didn’t learn his lesson.

Chizhik: The teacher is coming!

(Cat enters)

Cat: Hello!

Alyosha and Chizhik: Hello!

Cat: Let's start the lesson.

Siskin: (quietly) Oh, I'm afraid they'll ask me now. Aw!

(Pinocchio runs into the classroom and falls)

Pinocchio: Oh-oh!

Cat: Pinocchio! Firstly, you were late for class, and secondly, you didn’t say hello. Log out and log back in the way you need to.

Pinocchio: (He leaves, enters, stumbles and falls) Hello!

Cat: Pinocchio, you did everything wrong again, go out and re-enter the classroom, and don’t fall at the threshold.

Pinocchio: Well, no luck again, I'll try again (he leaves, knocks, calmly opens the door) Hello!

Cat: Sit down, Pinocchio! The lesson will be answered by Alyosha Pochemuchkin.

Alyosha: (Sings any song with the name of the notes) do, re, mi, fa...

Cat: Okay, Alyosha, I see you learned your lesson. Well, Pinocchio, show your knowledge.

Pinocchio: Oh, I think I forgot something! (whispers to friends) tell me, I didn’t learn.

Cat: Have you forgotten your lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes! That is, no, I learned it.

Cat: Name the notes in order.

Pinocchio: Why:

Cat: In order! If you're not ready, sit down.

Pinocchio: No, no, I'm ready. I'll remember now. Before…

Pinocchio: (waiting for a hint) well!

Pinocchio: (hears the hint) not “well,” but “re.”

Pinocchio: Well! Re.

Chizhik and Alyosha: (whispers) mi, mi...

Pinocchio: Mimi.

Cat: What note?

Pinocchio: (sings) mi-mi-mi...(hears the hint) beans.

Cat: Pinocchio, what kind of beans?

Alyosha and Chizhik: (whispers) separately fa sol, fa sol.

Pinocchio: Separate the beans and add salt.

Cat: That's enough, Pinocchio. What a shame not to learn a lesson! Sit down, Pinocchio, you're getting a bad rating.

Pinocchio: No luck again! (sighs)

Cat: Let's listen to what Chizhik has prepared.

Chizhik: (afraid to answer) I sing notes (sings notes, timidly, quietly).

Cat: Not bad, Chizhik. You learned your lesson, but excessive timidity got in the way; you sang quietly and hesitantly. Sit down, “okay.”

Alyosha: Well done, Chizhik, you learned your lesson.

Cat: To study the science of singing.

So that the lesson is not in vain for you,

You must be patient

And it's very good to listen

Meow-meow, and very good to listen to!

Lesson over, goodbye!

We thank the guys for dramatizing the fairy tale. I ask the children:

Guys, what rules of conduct were violated during class?

Together with the children, we formulate the rules of etiquette that future students must follow:

Arrive before class starts!

Get ready for class before the bell rings!

If you are not ready for the lesson, you need to notify the teacher in advance before the lesson starts and learn it for the next time.

Do not be late for class, and if you are late, apologize and ask permission to attend the lesson.

Don't give hints in class, it's better to help a friend learn the lesson.

Remember! The hint humiliates the person.

Feel free to answer the lesson learned.

At the end of the conversation, I praise the children for the staged fairy tale and for correctly identifying the mistakes.

Topic: “Rules of behavior on the street”

Program content:

  1. Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and on the road.
  2. develop mindfulness.
  3. develop independence and the ability to cross the road correctly.

Preparing for the conversation:

Preparation of the sidewalk (cut out of thick paper), pedestrian crossing, traffic light.

Preparation of toy cars, rubber dolls.

Distribution of shares between children in advance (turtles, dog, child with a car, child with a ball)

Progress of classes:

I conduct the conversation at a large table.

Teacher: where does the lesson start? People gathered at the pedestrian crossing. Everyone waits first for the traffic light to cross the street. They are standing on the sidewalk.

Traffic light.

From squares and crossroads

Looks straight at me

Looks menacing and serious

A very important traffic light.

His eyes are colored

Not eyes, but three lights.

He takes turns with them

Looks down at me

Look - now

The yellow eye lit up.

Guys, can we go, go? That's right, no, is this a signal - attention?

There are cars and pedestrians.

The traffic light blinked and

Suddenly he opened his green eye.

The path is open for pedestrians!

(Pedestrian toys cross the street. Children control the toys)

Guys, when crossing the road, no matter how fast or in a hurry you are, you should not run, pushing passersby, as if someone is chasing us.

In this case, you can say to those who are walking slowly: “Will you allow me to pass?”

Try not to touch passers-by with an umbrella, toy, or bag.

Guys, let's remember the basic rules for pedestrians?

Walk only on the right side of the sidewalk

Do not walk on the pavement and do not cross the road sideways

Do not push passers-by when rushing to the bus.

If you meet an acquaintance, then in order to talk, step aside with him.

(the girl takes the turtle across the road without following the rules)

Teacher: “To me,” said the turtle, “

An unknown feeling of fear

I don’t look at the signals:

Wherever I want, I go!

Guys, explain to the turtle why he is wrong. (Guys explain)

And while I was crossing,

It got hit by a car.

(the boy drives a car and runs over a turtle)

Sparks flew from the eyes...

It's good that the armor saved me!

(the child rolls a small ball onto the roadway, the dog “runs” after the ball)

The ball rushes after the ball:

I don't care about the car!

(the car goes around Sharik)

He didn't have time to jump away

And miraculously remained intact.

Guys, explain to Sharik what rule he broke?

Children: You cannot play next to or on the roadway!

Guys, name the traffic lights. What do they mean? Name the rules of conduct for pedestrians and show their effect on toys.

When you get off the sidewalk, you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, to the right.

You can cross the street in places where there is a crossing path.

Do not cross the street if special vehicles are moving along it.

Well done guys, you completed the task. Now let’s play a game with you: “Right - Wrong”

Goal: Development of attention, the ability to find violations of the rules of behavior on the street, in pictures.

Equipment: Pictures depicting various situations on the street.

Description: Guys, carefully look at the pictures to see what is right and what is wrong.

In conclusion, I ask the children:

Guys, tell me, would a cultured person talk loudly on the street, attracting attention, quarrel, throw match husks, pieces of paper?

If you need to ask something on the street, what do you do?

Guys, what rules of conduct on the sidewalk do you know?

(do not push passers-by, do not litter, let passers-by pass).

What rules of behavior do you know on the roadway?

(cross the road only when the color is green, do not run across the road, do not play on the roadway)

At the end of the conversation I praise the children.

Topic: “Rules of conduct when working with a book”

Program content:

  1. To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the rules of behavior when working with a book.
  2. Develop attention
  3. Cultivate careful handling of books.

Preparing the Dunno doll

Preparing a book with a torn page

Progress of the conversation:

I bring a torn book to the children and say:

Guys, look what Dunno did with the book. Did he do well?

Children: No!

And here comes Dunno himself.

Dunno: Hello, guys! Look how interesting I played with the book.

Guys, explain to Dunno that books are not treated this way.

(the guys explained to Dunno, and the teacher reads a poem):

Children must know

What not to spoil books:

You shouldn't paint in them

And pull out the leaves!

All the pages in them are important,

You must take care of books

The book needs to be put in the closet.

There are a lot of books around

Each is a wonderful friend.

Guys, tell me, why should books be handled carefully and taken care of?

(because we learn a lot from books)

Let's read a story from a book that Dunno tore.

(I’m reading the story, but I’m stopping at the most interesting part)

Children: Why?

Dunno tore out a page here.

What will he do now?

Let's tell Dunno how to handle books:

Take care of books!

Don't tear books!

Don't draw in books!

Take care of the book!

When working with a book, carefully turn the pages, do not wrinkle them.

Store books in a closet or on a bookshelf!

Dunno, now do you understand why you need to handle books well?

Yes! Thank you guys for the good advice. I am very ashamed that I did this to the book. Let me now glue the piece of paper in place and we will finish reading the story.

(The guys, together with Dunno, glue the torn page back into place. The teacher finishes reading the story)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher says:

Guys, take care of books, our dear and faithful friends.

Topic: “Culture of Behavior”

Program content:

  1. Continue to develop in children a friendly, polite, respectful attitude towards the people around them.
  2. Develop the ability to evaluate the positive and negative actions of peers.
  3. Develop coherent speech, intonation and expressive speech.

Equipment: toys, bear.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, you have already talked so many times about politeness, you have learned to be attentive to each other, to adults. And toys also have lessons in politeness. I invite you to a lesson at the toy school.

The teacher approaches the toys, takes them (one by one) in his hands and greets the children on their behalf:

Hello, good morning, etc.

The morning at the toy school begins with an unusual exercise called “Let's get to know each other.” You should go up to the toy you like, say kind words to it, pick it up and gently hug or stroke it.

(Children get acquainted with toys)

So you got acquainted with toys. The toys told me in confidence that they are very polite, kind and attentive. They know a lot of the right magic words. And they want to check whether the guys know polite words. Let's prove that we also know and can do a lot.

The teacher takes the toys (one by one), approaches a child and asks: the little bunny (fox) wants to know...

What should you say after lunch? (Thank you)

Who do they address with “you”? (to adults)

How should I ask? (Please)

How should I thank you for your help? (Thank you)

What should you do if you accidentally offend someone? (ask for forgiveness)

What words are spoken in the morning? (Good morning)

How to invite someone to visit you? (I will be very glad to see you..)

Guys, now I will introduce you to a bear, for whom studying at school is not easy.

Bear: I can do anything - I can dance,

And draw and sing,

I can stand on my head

Fly to Mars

I can jump to the moon

I can find a diamond

I can even dream

Without closing your eyes...

I can't lie all day long.

Can! Can! Can!

…but I do not want!

Did you like the bear?

What can you say about him? Do you want to be friends with him?

If there was such a boastful child in our group who said: “I can do anything!” I will do the best!”, then what would you advise him? But the bear is not only a braggart. Listen to the poem:

The bear was angry today

Pushed my brother away.

And he was rude to his sister,

And he buried himself in a book.

(The bear turns away and covers its muzzle with its paw)

What can you call such a bear?

Bear: I don't want to be rude. Tell me what needs to be done?

Let's help the bear get better. Let's tell you what every child and little bear should do to be polite?

Absolutely right. Polite children are the first to greet adults, do not forget to say goodbye, apologize for disturbing them, and thank them for their help. Polite children do not talk loudly, do not tease their friends, and know how to negotiate with each other. A polite child, if he inadvertently offended, will definitely ask for forgiveness.

Bear: I realized that it is very bad to be boastful, loud, and rude. And you guys always remember this. Thank you!

Topic: “How to dress in cool weather”

Program content:

  1. Generalize and consolidate the skills of correct, consistent dressing and changing clothes.
  2. Develop attention and observation.
  3. Foster independence, the ability to determine what to wear according to the weather.


Paintings depicting different seasons; flat dolls, cardboard, with a set of clothes according to the seasons; Tanya doll with a set of various clothes (dress, trousers, apron, etc.)

Preparing the costumes of Malvina, Pinocchio, Dunno.

Preparation of green cards.

Progress of the conversation:

Malvina, Buratino and Dunno come to visit the children in the group. Children greet guests. Malvina says:

Children, yesterday I went to the middle group and saw Tanya helping the new boy Alyosha get dressed. And there was no one else in the group. I asked Alyosha where all the guys were. Alyosha said that they were at a music lesson, and he was late because he didn’t know how to change clothes - his grandmother always dressed him at home. What about you guys?

Do you dress yourself at home? Do you know how to quickly and neatly dress if your mother is not at home and your grandmother is sick or busy and cannot help you?

(children answer)

Guys, let's test ourselves (shows a picture). Imagine: summer, warmth, gentle sun. How should you dress dolls in this weather? Let's set an hourglass and check how long it takes you to dress the dolls for a walk. Our faithful friends will help us in this: Malvina and Buratino, who will give you green cards for the correctness of your actions.

Children turn to cardboard dolls with a set of clothes (boys have boy dolls, and girls have girl dolls). Pinocchio and Malvina help the teacher evaluate the children's actions, placing green cards on the table for the one who dresses the doll correctly and faster than others.

At this time, Dunno gives the children a hint, but again it is not true, which makes the task confusing. After counting the green cards, the winner is awarded Buratino and Malvina with a flower.

Well done boys. Now imagine a cold, rainy autumn. How should you dress dolls in this weather?

The teacher sets the hourglass and checks how long it takes to dress the dolls. All seasons are played out in turn. After which the teacher invites the children to dress the dolls not for a walk, but for a visit to kindergarten.

Afterwards, Dunno turns to the children:

Guys, I also want to play with you: I know everything well and can do it.

Now let’s test Dunno’s knowledge, right guys? (Yes!)

Tell me, Dunno, which of these brushes should be used to clean shoes? (Dunno points to the clothes room). That's not true. This brush is for clothes, and if you clean your shoes with it once, then it will stain your clothes. Now try dressing the Tanya doll for skiing.

Dunno puts an apron on the doll. The guys give Dunno a hint.

The teacher instructs him to help Dunno dress the doll correctly, and explain what his mistake is and why he dresses the doll differently.

After which Dunno says to the children:

Guys, now I know how to dress at different times of the year. Thank you.

Malvina and Buratino ask the children:

Guys, what did you remember today? What new things did Dunno learn? Well done, now we are sure that you can get dressed without the help of your grandmother.

Topic: “Make friends with a toothbrush”

Program content:

Continue to introduce the rules of personal hygiene. To form an idea of ​​a children’s toothbrush and children’s toothpaste, to provide an understanding of their purpose and function; Introduce children to dental care methods (brushing teeth, rinsing the mouth after meals, visiting the dentist for toothache and to prevent dental diseases)


Several different brushes for the floor, for hair, for clothes, for dishes, for teeth.

Progress of the conversation:

Malvina and Buratino come to visit.

M: Hello guys! Look at Pinocchio. Come in, come in boldly, let the guys have a look.

B: Guys, Malvina tortured me. He teaches and teaches.

M: Why shouldn’t I teach you, Pinocchio! You don’t know the basics, you don’t know the rules of personal hygiene. Dear Buratino! How many times do you have to repeat that you should wash your hands before sitting down to eat!

B: Okay, I’ll wash my hands (Spits on his hands and rubs them).

M: Then wash your face (does not look at Pinocchio).

B: Look how I wash my face (rubs my face with my hands without water)

M: Comb your hair.

B: It's easy! (licks hair with hands)

M: And brush your teeth with a toothbrush (Pinocchio looks around in confusion, finds several different brushes for the floor, for hair, for clothes, for dishes, for teeth. He doesn’t understand which brush is for teeth!)

M: Don't worry, Pinocchio! The guys will now help you find a toothbrush. (children talk about the purpose of all brushes, they also talk about the toothbrush)

B: And brushing your teeth is not at all necessary. These are shoes and clothes that are dirty. Where can there be dirt on your teeth?

M: Guys, is Pinocchio thinking correctly? (no, you need to clean it 2 times)

B: Why?

M: Yes, we’ll have to help Buratino understand why he needs to brush his teeth. Sit down, guys, make it more comfortable and seat Buratino next to him.

Guys, how many teeth does a person have?

Why do people need teeth? (to bite food, chew it, a person is not beautiful without teeth)

Do only humans have teeth?

Everyone needs teeth to bite, gnaw, and chew food. Therefore, teeth are the hardest part of the body, and they are covered with a layer of white enamel. Let's knock our teeth. Now look at your teeth in the mirror: are all teeth the same? Yes, everyone's teeth are different. There are small, wide, sharp, narrow. Look, there are 8 sharp incisors in front. Behind them are 4 strong fangs. These teeth help chew food. Behind them are the indigenous people, who chew their food.

Soon all your teeth will change. Baby teeth will fall out and permanent teeth will grow in for life.

B: Oh, thanks, I'll go. They told me everything about the teeth, I know everything.

M: No, wait. You don’t know that you need to take care of your teeth. Why do teeth decay? (game with a ball. Carrots, apples, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, kefir are good for teeth. Not good - chocolate, candies, cookies, lollipops, marshmallows)

How can you help your teeth? (clean, rinse mouth, chew fruits and vegetables)

How often should you brush your teeth, and why?

This means that the best friends for our teeth are a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Are the brushes the same for adults and children?

How do you care for your toothbrush?

M: Pinocchio, do you remember? (Yes!) What if my teeth hurt? (To the dentist). But don’t wait until your teeth hurt, go to the dentist while your teeth are healthy.

B: Oh, there are also doctors who treat teeth?

M: If your teeth are treated on time, they will never hurt. Let us tell you the rules of caring for your teeth:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

Rinse your teeth after eating

Don't eat a lot of sweets, don't chew hard objects

Use your own toothbrush

Visit the dentist

M: Today I was at the dentist, had my teeth checked and told the doctor about you guys. The dentist said hello to you and wished you health.

Topic: “We are traveling in transport”

Program content:

  1. Introduce children to the rules of behavior in transport: give way, be polite, do not push, etc.
  2. Develop attentiveness and observation.
  3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people traveling in transport.


Preparation of seats, chairs, tickets.

Ticket office sign

Progress of the conversation:

I invite children to play “bus ride”:

Together with the children, I install the seats, attach the “ticket box,” and tell the children:

Guys, Dunno and Buratino also want to ride with us on the bus. Shall we take them for a ride? But, before inviting Pinocchio and Dunno, let’s remember the main rules of behavior on the bus. After all, they will follow our example:

Give way to adults and children on public transport.

Pick up and politely present an object that has been handled by someone.

For boys: let the girls go ahead into the transport and into the premises.

Don't talk loudly in public transport.

Don't litter in transport.

Don't get the seat dirty.

After listing the rules, I invite the children to take their seats.

Which one of us will be the driver? (I call the child). Now let's go. Vanya, please take us to Dunno and Buratino.

The driver announces the route, the children drive. At one of the stops, the teacher sits down with Dunno. One of the children gives way to the teacher. The teacher thanks the child.

During the trip, Dunno talks loudly and demands a seat by the window; tries to stand with his feet on the seat, scatters candy wrappers.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, remind Dunno how to behave on the bus (children point out his mistakes).

Thanks guys, now I know how to behave.

At the next stop, Pinocchio gets on the bus, raises his hand, which the teacher had nicked, and says:

Sorry, you dropped it. Take it please.

The teacher offers Buratino to sit next to Dunno so that he can learn politeness from Buratino.

After several laps, the driver announces the “kindergarten” stop.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, let's play a game with you, and Dunno and Pinocchio will see how smart you are.

Game "Continue the sentence"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how everyone should behave correctly.

Equipment: ball

Description: The teacher tells the children:

Now I will throw the ball to you and tell you about something, but listen carefully and continue:

  1. If you start jumping on the bus and talking loudly, then (it will disturb other people).
  2. If you climb onto the seat with your legs, you will litter, then (the bus will be dirty, and other passengers, children and adults, will not be comfortable).
  3. If you talk loudly and distract the driver from the road, then (this may end badly).
  4. If a grandmother or a sick person gets on the bus, then (you need to give up your seat).

Well done boys. Now I know that you will behave well in transport and will set an example for other children to follow.

(Dunno and Pinocchio thank the children and say goodbye to them).

Ethical conversation is a method of systematic and consistent discussion of knowledge, involving the participation of both parties - the teacher and students. The subject of conversation most often becomes moral, moral, and ethical problems. The purpose of an ethical conversation is to deepen and strengthen moral concepts, generalize and consolidate knowledge, and form a system of moral views and beliefs. Ethical conversation is a method of attracting students to develop correct assessments and judgments on all issues that concern them.



Theme: “Always be polite”

Program content:

  1. Reveal to children the essence of the concept of “politeness” and “good manners”. Systematize the rules of polite behavior.
  2. Exercise children in analyzing their actions and understanding whether they comply with the rules of politeness.
  3. Cultivate respect for surrounding adults and peers.


Preliminary reading of works of art by V. Oseeva “Three Sons”, “The Magic Word”.

Select pictures with positive and negative actions of children.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher, addressing the children, says:

Guys, has it ever happened to you that you didn’t know what to do? For example: you met someone’s mother at the entrance to a kindergarten and don’t know whether to go through the door first or wait until she passes? (children remember the rules)

Guys, today I propose to play the game “Evaluate the Action” with you. I will talk about something, and you must beat her and tell her how to do the right thing.

Act 1: Children play football. One of them falls and is badly hurt:

The children help him get up;

Children bandage a boy's leg;

The children continue the game, not paying attention to the fallen one;

Children laugh at a boy crying in pain.

Act 2: A girl walks down the street. An old woman with a heavy bag meets her:

The girl will pick up the cane that fell from the old woman;

A girl helps her grandmother carry a heavy bag home;

A girl passes by;

The grandmother herself picks up the fallen cane.

Act 3: A boy meets a lost little girl on the street. She cries:

The boy calms the girl down and treats her to candy;

The boy takes the girl by the hand, finds out where she lives and takes her home;

The boy laughs at the crying girl, teasing her.

The teacher praises the children:

Well done guys, you handled the situations. Tell me how you can explain the following proverbs:

Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

He who overcomes his anger becomes stronger.

It’s good to create - to amuse yourself.

Look for a friend, and if you find one, take care.

Game "Make up a fairy tale"

Guys, now I will give you a series of pictures, and you must come up with a fairy tale based on these pictures about polite children.

After listening to fairy tales, I ask the children:

Guys, what rules did you learn today? What should you do to be a polite, well-mannered person?

Topic: “Rules of behavior in the game”

Program content:

  1. consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in games.
  2. Cultivate friendly relationships among children through play.

Preparing for the conversation:

Making a fairy costume

Making magic glasses

Progress of the conversation:

I enter the group dressed as a Fairy. I say hello to the children. I introduce myself.

Oh guys, where did I end up? (to the senior group “Bee”)

So, I arrived at the right address. And a sorceress sent me to you, who wants to find out what kind of children go to kindergarten now: bad or good, polite or rude, whether they know how to play with each other. Are you ready to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Game "Magic glasses"

Goal: Removing negativity in communication with peers

Game description: The fairy shows the glasses to the children and says:

Guys, I want to show you the magic glasses that the sorceress gave me for you. The one who puts on these glasses sees only the good in others, even what the person hides in himself. Now I’ll put them on: “Oh, how cheerful and beautiful you all are! Come on, now each of you will try to put it on and tell your friend what he saw.

(Children take turns putting on glasses and saying nice words to each other)

Well done boys. In this game I saw that you know how to be friends with each other. And now I will tell you an incident that happened in another kindergarten. Listen.

“The children were playing with the ship. The guys had already sailed all over the world and began to return from a long voyage, and the whole team had a lot of work. The captain kept giving commands to the crew members. Suddenly the sailor Andrey began to throw away the cubes from which the ship was built.

Andrey, we can’t break our ship, we are at sea and we can all drown,” the children said.

What do I care? “I want it and I’m breaking it,” they heard in response and saw that their comrade had now taken the radio away from the radio operator and ran away laughing.

Sailor, take your place! Come to the shore. Get ready to throw the rope,” said the captain.

“Draw it yourself,” came the answer.

Guys, what can you say about Andrey’s behavior in the game?

What ugly things did he do?

Do you have children like Andrey?

If you were playing with such a boy, what would you tell him and what would you do?

Guys, let's now stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, let's name the rules that must be followed in the game. I start. I throw the ball to the child and say:

You must follow all the rules in the game.

Be polite and friendly to the participants of the game

Violators of the rules of conduct should be calmly reprimanded and told what violations were committed.

Always treat others the way you want them to treat you.

At the end of the conversation I tell the children:

Guys, it’s time for me to return to the sorceress and tell me that the children in the “Bee” group are polite, good, know how to play with each other, know a lot of rules in the game and it will be very good if you always remember them and follow them. And as a souvenir of my meeting with you, I will give you magic glasses that will help you be polite, friendly and sociable with each other. Goodbye!

Topic: “Rules of conduct for children at work”

Program content:

  1. Reinforce and generalize children about the rules of behavior at work: clean up toys after themselves, respect the work of others, help each other with advice in work.
  2. develop attention, observation, and the ability to notice mistakes in peers.
  3. cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Preparing for the conversation:

Preparing the Dunno doll for class.

Progress of the conversation:

I come to the children with Dunno.

Hello guys, today we will talk about the work of children, about how to behave at work. Dunno will help you. Do you agree? I read a poem:

Dressmaker. Bookbinder.

I've been sewing all day today. Got sick

I dressed the whole family. This book: my brother tore it up.

Wait a little, cat. I'll feel sorry for the patient.

There will be clothes for you too. I'll take it and glue it together.

Guys, what can you say about the children described in these poems, what are they like?

Can I say: they are lazy, not attentive, evil.

Guys, did Dunno say it correctly?

No. Children are hardworking, caring, kind, affectionate, attentive.

What stories or poems do you know about hardworking and caring children?

(Guys name stories)

Dunno, why are you silent? Tell me what you know about hardworking children?

Dunno: I’ll tell you how we helped Malvina with Pinocchio.

Malvina put the house in order, and we scattered the toys. We had a lot of fun. (laughs joyfully)

Guys, tell me, was Malvina funny too? (No)

Is this a story about hardworking and caring children? (No)

Guys, explain to Dunno how he should have behaved:

Help Malvina put away the toys.

Ask if Malvina needs more help

Be respectful of other people's work

Act jointly and collectively in work.

Discuss upcoming activities together

Help each other with advice in work

Dunno, did your children help you?

Very. Thank you. Now I want to improve and help Malvina put away the toys. I’ll go to her right now and tell Pinocchio about the rules of conduct. Goodbye, guys!

Guys, you helped Dunno. Tell me, and you will help your mothers.

Now I’ll tell you about the girls: Olya and Lyuda.

So or not?

Olya and Lyuda were walking in the yard. Olya saw Petya helping his mother hang the laundry on the line and say to her friend:

And today I helped my mother.

“Me too,” Luda answered, “What did you do?”

She wiped the plates, spoons, and forks.

I was cleaning my shoes

Mom's? – Olya asked

No, ours

Is this helping mom? – Olya laughed. -Did you clean them for yourself?

So what? But mom will have less work,” said Luda.

So or not?

Guys, which of the children helped their mother?

Is it possible to say such a proverb to Lyuda?

They judge not by words, but by deeds.

Guys, how do you understand the proverbs:

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

At the end of the conversation I praise the children:

Guys, you did a good deed today: you helped Dunno learn the rules of conduct at work, and at the same time you remembered. Well done!

Topic: “Rules of conduct in class”

Program content:

  1. Continue to expand and consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the rules of conduct in class: do not shout from your seat, do not talk, do not distract your neighbor, etc.
  2. Develop observation skills, be able to notice and correct shortcomings.
  3. Cultivate a positive attitude towards the activity.


A pre-prepared dramatization of the fairy tale “The Music Lesson” with the participation of children, learning words and cues.

Preparing Pinocchio, cat and dog costumes.

Progress of the conversation:

I gather the children and say:

Guys, today artists have come to you to show theatrical performances to children. Today they will show us the fairy tale “The Music Lesson”, where many rules of behavior are violated. Watch carefully, then we will discuss what rules the guys broke.

Music lesson.

(Based on the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky)

Characters (performed by children): - Alyosha Pochemuchkin,

Chizhik dog,


Teacher Cat.

(Alyosha and Chizhik are preparing for the lesson)

Chizhik: (mumbling) do, re, mi, fa...

Alyosha: Chizhik, you learned your lesson at home, why are you whispering?

Chizhik: I’m worried, I repeat. Aw-aw!

Alyosha: And I’m worried about Buratino. He’s not here again, he’s late again and he probably didn’t learn his lesson.

Chizhik: The teacher is coming!

(Cat enters)

Cat: Hello!

Alyosha and Chizhik: Hello!

Cat: Let's start the lesson.

Siskin: (quietly) Oh, I'm afraid they'll ask me now. Aw!

(Pinocchio runs into the classroom and falls)

Pinocchio: Oh-oh!

Cat: Pinocchio! Firstly, you were late for class, and secondly, you didn’t say hello. Log out and log back in the way you need to.

Pinocchio: (He leaves, enters, stumbles and falls) Hello!

Cat: Pinocchio, you did everything wrong again, go out and re-enter the classroom, and don’t fall at the threshold.

Pinocchio: Well, no luck again, I'll try again (he leaves, knocks, calmly opens the door) Hello!

Cat: Sit down, Pinocchio! The lesson will be answered by Alyosha Pochemuchkin.

Alyosha: (Sings any song with the name of the notes) do, re, mi, fa...

Cat: Okay, Alyosha, I see you learned your lesson. Well, Pinocchio, show your knowledge.

Pinocchio: Oh, I think I forgot something! (whispers to friends) tell me, I didn’t learn.

Cat: Have you forgotten your lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes! That is, no, I learned it.

Cat: Name the notes in order.

Pinocchio: Why:

Cat: In order! If you're not ready, sit down.

Pinocchio: No, no, I'm ready. I'll remember now. Before…

Pinocchio: (waiting for a hint) well!

Pinocchio: (hears the hint) not “well,” but “re.”

Pinocchio: Well! Re.

Chizhik and Alyosha: (whispers) mi, mi...

Pinocchio: Mimi.

Cat: What note?

Pinocchio: (sings) mi-mi-mi...(hears the hint) beans.

Cat: Pinocchio, what kind of beans?

Alyosha and Chizhik: (whispers) separately fa sol, fa sol.

Pinocchio: Separate the beans and add salt.

Cat: That's enough, Pinocchio. What a shame not to learn a lesson! Sit down, Pinocchio, you're getting a bad rating.

Pinocchio: No luck again! (sighs)

Cat: Let's listen to what Chizhik has prepared.

Chizhik: (afraid to answer) I sing notes (sings notes, timidly, quietly).

Cat: Not bad, Chizhik. You learned your lesson, but excessive timidity got in the way; you sang quietly and hesitantly. Sit down, “okay.”

Alyosha: Well done, Chizhik, you learned your lesson.

Cat: To study the science of singing.

So that the lesson is not in vain for you,

You must be patient

And it's very good to listen

Meow-meow, and very good to listen to!

Lesson over, goodbye!

We thank the guys for dramatizing the fairy tale. I ask the children:

Guys, what rules of conduct were violated during class?

Together with the children, we formulate the rules of etiquette that future students must follow:

Arrive before class starts!

Get ready for class before the bell rings!

If you are not ready for the lesson, you need to notify the teacher in advance before the lesson starts and learn it for the next time.

Do not be late for class, and if you are late, apologize and ask permission to attend the lesson.

Don't give hints in class, it's better to help a friend learn the lesson.

Remember! The hint humiliates the person.

Feel free to answer the lesson learned.

At the end of the conversation, I praise the children for the staged fairy tale and for correctly identifying the mistakes.

Topic: “Rules of behavior on the street”

Program content:

  1. Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and on the road.
  2. develop mindfulness.
  3. develop independence and the ability to cross the road correctly.

Preparing for the conversation:

Preparation of the sidewalk (cut out of thick paper), pedestrian crossing, traffic light.

Preparation of toy cars, rubber dolls.

Distribution of shares between children in advance (turtles, dog, child with a car, child with a ball)

Progress of classes:

I conduct the conversation at a large table.

Teacher: where does the lesson start? People gathered at the pedestrian crossing. Everyone waits first for the traffic light to cross the street. They are standing on the sidewalk.

Traffic light.

From squares and crossroads

Looks straight at me

Looks menacing and serious

A very important traffic light.

His eyes are colored

Not eyes, but three lights.

He takes turns with them

Looks down at me

Look - now

The yellow eye lit up.

Guys, can we go, go? That's right, no, is this a signal - attention?

There are cars and pedestrians.

The traffic light blinked and

Suddenly he opened his green eye.

The path is open for pedestrians!

(Pedestrian toys cross the street. Children control the toys)

Guys, when crossing the road, no matter how fast or in a hurry you are, you should not run, pushing passersby, as if someone is chasing us.

In this case, you can say to those who are walking slowly: “Will you allow me to pass?”

Try not to touch passers-by with an umbrella, toy, or bag.

Guys, let's remember the basic rules for pedestrians?

Walk only on the right side of the sidewalk

Do not walk on the pavement and do not cross the road sideways

Do not push passers-by when rushing to the bus.

If you meet an acquaintance, then in order to talk, step aside with him.

(the girl takes the turtle across the road without following the rules)

Teacher: “To me,” said the turtle, “

An unknown feeling of fear

I don’t look at the signals:

Wherever I want, I go!

Guys, explain to the turtle why he is wrong. (Guys explain)

And while I was crossing,

It got hit by a car.

(the boy drives a car and runs over a turtle)

Sparks flew from the eyes...

It's good that the armor saved me!

(the child rolls a small ball onto the roadway, the dog “runs” after the ball)

The ball rushes after the ball:

I don't care about the car!

(the car goes around Sharik)

He didn't have time to jump away

And miraculously remained intact.

Guys, explain to Sharik what rule he broke?

Children: You cannot play next to or on the roadway!

Guys, name the traffic lights. What do they mean? Name the rules of conduct for pedestrians and show their effect on toys.

When you get off the sidewalk, you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, to the right.

You can cross the street in places where there is a crossing path.

Do not cross the street if special vehicles are moving along it.

Well done guys, you completed the task. Now let’s play a game with you: “Right - Wrong”

Goal: Development of attention, the ability to find violations of the rules of behavior on the street, in pictures.

Equipment: Pictures depicting various situations on the street.

Description: Guys, carefully look at the pictures to see what is right and what is wrong.

In conclusion, I ask the children:

Guys, tell me, would a cultured person talk loudly on the street, attracting attention, quarrel, throw match husks, pieces of paper?

If you need to ask something on the street, what do you do?

Guys, what rules of conduct on the sidewalk do you know?

(do not push passers-by, do not litter, let passers-by pass).

What rules of behavior do you know on the roadway?

(cross the road only when the color is green, do not run across the road, do not play on the roadway)

At the end of the conversation I praise the children.

Topic: “Rules of conduct when working with a book”

Program content:

  1. To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the rules of behavior when working with a book.
  2. Develop attention
  3. Cultivate careful handling of books.

Preparing the Dunno doll

Preparing a book with a torn page

Progress of the conversation:

I bring a torn book to the children and say:

Guys, look what Dunno did with the book. Did he do well?

Children: No!

And here comes Dunno himself.

Dunno: Hello, guys! Look how interesting I played with the book.

Guys, explain to Dunno that books are not treated this way.

(the guys explained to Dunno, and the teacher reads a poem):

Children must know

What not to spoil books:

You shouldn't paint in them

And pull out the leaves!

All the pages in them are important,

You must take care of books

The book needs to be put in the closet.

There are a lot of books around

Each is a wonderful friend.

Guys, tell me, why should books be handled carefully and taken care of?

(because we learn a lot from books)

Let's read a story from a book that Dunno tore.

(I’m reading the story, but I’m stopping at the most interesting part)

Children: Why?

Dunno tore out a page here.

What will he do now?

Let's tell Dunno how to handle books:

Take care of books!

Don't tear books!

Don't draw in books!

Take care of the book!

When working with a book, carefully turn the pages, do not wrinkle them.

Store books in a closet or on a bookshelf!

Dunno, now do you understand why you need to handle books well?

Yes! Thank you guys for the good advice. I am very ashamed that I did this to the book. Let me now glue the piece of paper in place and we will finish reading the story.

(The guys, together with Dunno, glue the torn page back into place. The teacher finishes reading the story)

At the end of the conversation, the teacher says:

Guys, take care of books, our dear and faithful friends.

Topic: “Culture of Behavior”

Program content:

  1. Continue to develop in children a friendly, polite, respectful attitude towards the people around them.
  2. Develop the ability to evaluate the positive and negative actions of peers.
  3. Develop coherent speech, intonation and expressive speech.

Equipment: toys, bear.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, you have already talked so many times about politeness, you have learned to be attentive to each other, to adults. And toys also have lessons in politeness. I invite you to a lesson at the toy school.

The teacher approaches the toys, takes them (one by one) in his hands and greets the children on their behalf:

Hello, good morning, etc.

The morning at the toy school begins with an unusual exercise called “Let's get to know each other.” You should go up to the toy you like, say kind words to it, pick it up and gently hug or stroke it.

(Children get acquainted with toys)

So you got acquainted with toys. The toys told me in confidence that they are very polite, kind and attentive. They know a lot of the right magic words. And they want to check whether the guys know polite words. Let's prove that we also know and can do a lot.

The teacher takes the toys (one by one), approaches a child and asks: the little bunny (fox) wants to know...

What should you say after lunch? (Thank you)

Who do they address with “you”? (to adults)

How should I ask? (Please)

How should I thank you for your help? (Thank you)

What should you do if you accidentally offend someone? (ask for forgiveness)

What words are spoken in the morning? (Good morning)

How to invite someone to visit you? (I will be very glad to see you..)

Guys, now I will introduce you to a bear, for whom studying at school is not easy.

Bear: I can do anything - I can dance,

And draw and sing,

I can stand on my head

Fly to Mars

I can jump to the moon

I can find a diamond

I can even dream

Without closing your eyes...

I can't lie all day long.

Can! Can! Can!

…but I do not want!

Did you like the bear?

What can you say about him? Do you want to be friends with him?

If there was such a boastful child in our group who said: “I can do anything!” I will do the best!”, then what would you advise him? But the bear is not only a braggart. Listen to the poem:

The bear was angry today

Pushed my brother away.

And he was rude to his sister,

And he buried himself in a book.

(The bear turns away and covers its muzzle with its paw)

What can you call such a bear?

Bear: I don't want to be rude. Tell me what needs to be done?

Let's help the bear get better. Let's tell you what every child and little bear should do to be polite?

Absolutely right. Polite children are the first to greet adults, do not forget to say goodbye, apologize for disturbing them, and thank them for their help. Polite children do not talk loudly, do not tease their friends, and know how to negotiate with each other. A polite child, if he inadvertently offended, will definitely ask for forgiveness.

Bear: I realized that it is very bad to be boastful, loud, and rude. And you guys always remember this. Thank you!

Topic: “How to dress in cool weather”

Program content:

  1. Generalize and consolidate the skills of correct, consistent dressing and changing clothes.
  2. Develop attention and observation.
  3. Foster independence, the ability to determine what to wear according to the weather.


Paintings depicting different seasons; flat dolls, cardboard, with a set of clothes according to the seasons; Tanya doll with a set of various clothes (dress, trousers, apron, etc.)

Preparing the costumes of Malvina, Pinocchio, Dunno.

Preparation of green cards.

Progress of the conversation:

Malvina, Buratino and Dunno come to visit the children in the group. Children greet guests. Malvina says:

Children, yesterday I went to the middle group and saw Tanya helping the new boy Alyosha get dressed. And there was no one else in the group. I asked Alyosha where all the guys were. Alyosha said that they were at a music lesson, and he was late because he didn’t know how to change clothes - his grandmother always dressed him at home. What about you guys?

Do you dress yourself at home? Do you know how to quickly and neatly dress if your mother is not at home and your grandmother is sick or busy and cannot help you?

(children answer)

Guys, let's test ourselves (shows a picture). Imagine: summer, warmth, gentle sun. How should you dress dolls in this weather? Let's set an hourglass and check how long it takes you to dress the dolls for a walk. Our faithful friends will help us in this: Malvina and Buratino, who will give you green cards for the correctness of your actions.

Children turn to cardboard dolls with a set of clothes (boys have boy dolls, and girls have girl dolls). Pinocchio and Malvina help the teacher evaluate the children's actions, placing green cards on the table for the one who dresses the doll correctly and faster than others.

At this time, Dunno gives the children a hint, but again it is not true, which makes the task confusing. After counting the green cards, the winner is awarded Buratino and Malvina with a flower.

Well done boys. Now imagine a cold, rainy autumn. How should you dress dolls in this weather?

The teacher sets the hourglass and checks how long it takes to dress the dolls. All seasons are played out in turn. After which the teacher invites the children to dress the dolls not for a walk, but for a visit to kindergarten.

Afterwards, Dunno turns to the children:

Guys, I also want to play with you: I know everything well and can do it.

Now let’s test Dunno’s knowledge, right guys? (Yes!)

Tell me, Dunno, which of these brushes should be used to clean shoes? (Dunno points to the clothes room). That's not true. This brush is for clothes, and if you clean your shoes with it once, then it will stain your clothes. Now try dressing the Tanya doll for skiing.

Dunno puts an apron on the doll. The guys give Dunno a hint.

The teacher instructs him to help Dunno dress the doll correctly, and explain what his mistake is and why he dresses the doll differently.

After which Dunno says to the children:

Guys, now I know how to dress at different times of the year. Thank you.

Malvina and Buratino ask the children:

Guys, what did you remember today? What new things did Dunno learn? Well done, now we are sure that you can get dressed without the help of your grandmother.

Topic: “Make friends with a toothbrush”

Program content:

Continue to introduce the rules of personal hygiene. To form an idea of ​​a children’s toothbrush and children’s toothpaste, to provide an understanding of their purpose and function; Introduce children to dental care methods (brushing teeth, rinsing the mouth after meals, visiting the dentist for toothache and to prevent dental diseases)


Several different brushes for the floor, for hair, for clothes, for dishes, for teeth.

Progress of the conversation:

Malvina and Buratino come to visit.

M: Hello guys! Look at Pinocchio. Come in, come in boldly, let the guys have a look.

B: Guys, Malvina tortured me. He teaches and teaches.

M: Why shouldn’t I teach you, Pinocchio! You don’t know the basics, you don’t know the rules of personal hygiene. Dear Buratino! How many times do you have to repeat that you should wash your hands before sitting down to eat!

B: Okay, I’ll wash my hands (Spits on his hands and rubs them).

M: Then wash your face (does not look at Pinocchio).

B: Look how I wash my face (rubs my face with my hands without water)

M: Comb your hair.

B: It's easy! (licks hair with hands)

M: And brush your teeth with a toothbrush (Pinocchio looks around in confusion, finds several different brushes for the floor, for hair, for clothes, for dishes, for teeth. He doesn’t understand which brush is for teeth!)

M: Don't worry, Pinocchio! The guys will now help you find a toothbrush. (children talk about the purpose of all brushes, they also talk about the toothbrush)

B: And brushing your teeth is not at all necessary. These are shoes and clothes that are dirty. Where can there be dirt on your teeth?

M: Guys, is Pinocchio thinking correctly? (no, you need to clean it 2 times)

B: Why?

M: Yes, we’ll have to help Buratino understand why he needs to brush his teeth. Sit down, guys, make it more comfortable and seat Buratino next to him.

Guys, how many teeth does a person have?

Why do people need teeth? (to bite food, chew it, a person is not beautiful without teeth)

Do only humans have teeth?

Everyone needs teeth to bite, gnaw, and chew food. Therefore, teeth are the hardest part of the body, and they are covered with a layer of white enamel. Let's knock our teeth. Now look at your teeth in the mirror: are all teeth the same? Yes, everyone's teeth are different. There are small, wide, sharp, narrow. Look, there are 8 sharp incisors in front. Behind them are 4 strong fangs. These teeth help chew food. Behind them are the indigenous people, who chew their food.

Soon all your teeth will change. Baby teeth will fall out and permanent teeth will grow in for life.

B: Oh, thanks, I'll go. They told me everything about the teeth, I know everything.

M: No, wait. You don’t know that you need to take care of your teeth. Why do teeth decay? (game with a ball. Carrots, apples, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, kefir are good for teeth. Not good - chocolate, candies, cookies, lollipops, marshmallows)

How can you help your teeth? (clean, rinse mouth, chew fruits and vegetables)

How often should you brush your teeth, and why?

This means that the best friends for our teeth are a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Are the brushes the same for adults and children?

How do you care for your toothbrush?

M: Pinocchio, do you remember? (Yes!) What if my teeth hurt? (To the dentist). But don’t wait until your teeth hurt, go to the dentist while your teeth are healthy.

B: Oh, there are also doctors who treat teeth?

M: If your teeth are treated on time, they will never hurt. Let us tell you the rules of caring for your teeth:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

Rinse your teeth after eating

Don't eat a lot of sweets, don't chew hard objects

Use your own toothbrush

Visit the dentist

M: Today I was at the dentist, had my teeth checked and told the doctor about you guys. The dentist said hello to you and wished you health.

Topic: “We are traveling in transport”

Program content:

  1. Introduce children to the rules of behavior in transport: give way, be polite, do not push, etc.
  2. Develop attentiveness and observation.
  3. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people traveling in transport.


Preparation of seats, chairs, tickets.

Ticket office sign

Progress of the conversation:

I invite children to play “bus ride”:

Together with the children, I install the seats, attach the “ticket box,” and tell the children:

Guys, Dunno and Buratino also want to ride with us on the bus. Shall we take them for a ride? But, before inviting Pinocchio and Dunno, let’s remember the main rules of behavior on the bus. After all, they will follow our example:

Give way to adults and children on public transport.

Pick up and politely present an object that has been handled by someone.

For boys: let the girls go ahead into the transport and into the premises.

Don't talk loudly in public transport.

Don't litter in transport.

Don't get the seat dirty.

After listing the rules, I invite the children to take their seats.

Which one of us will be the driver? (I call the child). Now let's go. Vanya, please take us to Dunno and Buratino.

The driver announces the route, the children drive. At one of the stops, the teacher sits down with Dunno. One of the children gives way to the teacher. The teacher thanks the child.

During the trip, Dunno talks loudly and demands a seat by the window; tries to stand with his feet on the seat, scatters candy wrappers.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, remind Dunno how to behave on the bus (children point out his mistakes).

Thanks guys, now I know how to behave.

At the next stop, Pinocchio gets on the bus, raises his hand, which the teacher had nicked, and says:

Sorry, you dropped it. Take it please.

The teacher offers Buratino to sit next to Dunno so that he can learn politeness from Buratino.

After several laps, the driver announces the “kindergarten” stop.

The teacher tells the children:

Guys, let's play a game with you, and Dunno and Pinocchio will see how smart you are.

Game "Continue the sentence"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how everyone should behave correctly.

Equipment: ball

Description: The teacher tells the children:

Now I will throw the ball to you and tell you about something, but listen carefully and continue:

  1. If you start jumping on the bus and talking loudly, then (it will disturb other people).
  2. If you climb onto the seat with your legs, you will litter, then (the bus will be dirty, and other passengers, children and adults, will not be comfortable).
  3. If you talk loudly and distract the driver from the road, then (this may end badly).
  4. If a grandmother or a sick person gets on the bus, then (you need to give up your seat).

Well done boys. Now I know that you will behave well in transport and will set an example for other children to follow.

(Dunno and Pinocchio thank the children and say goodbye to them).

Conversation – mutual conversation, sociable speech between people, their verbal communication, exchange of feelings and thoughts in words.

The most common form of conducting a class hour.

In the pedagogical literature, ethical conversation is defined both as a method of attracting students to discuss, analyze the actions of peers, and to develop moral views, judgments, assessments, and as a form of explaining to schoolchildren norms and principles, understanding the generalization of the moral experience of schoolchildren. Ethical conversation appears in the real educational process both as a form of ethical education and as a method of moral education.

Ethical conversations have become widespread in school practice. Facts from the life of a school, class, works of fiction, statements by teachers, scientists, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc. can serve as valuable material for ethical conversations. It is advisable to involve students in collecting material for conversations.

Ethical conversation acts as one of the traditional forms of education. The main purpose is to help schoolchildren understand complex moral issues, form a strong moral position in children, help each student understand their personal moral experience of behavior, and instill in students the ability to develop moral views, assessments, and judgments based on the knowledge gained.

An ethical conversation is based on the analysis and discussion of specific facts and events from the daily lives of children, examples from fiction, periodicals, and films.

Conversations can be group and individual, as well as programmatic (a system of conversations based on the rules of a culture of behavior, rules for students, etc.). Conversations can also be episodic, related to the current situation in the team.

Ethical conversation is carried out in two ways - inductive and deductive.

The main stages of conducting ethical conversations:

Reporting facts about student behavior taken from life, or drawing on vivid passages from works of fiction;

Explanation of the given facts and their analysis with the active participation of schoolchildren;

Discussion of conflict situations;

Generalization of facts;

Motivation and formation of moral rules;

Applying learned concepts to assessing your own behavior and the behavior of others.

The content of ethical conversations and the methodology for conducting them largely depend on the age of the students. So, for example, in primary grades, conversations touch on a small range of issues accessible to students, and vivid examples are given from fiction, from programs watched, from the life around them. Ethical conversations with primary school students are most often conducted inductively, when students are exposed to vivid facts that contain certain moral patterns. Already in 3rd grade, some topics of ethical conversations can be carried out deductively, i.e. go from the definition of the concept to the facts and corresponding conclusions.

Moral and ethical conversations

for preschoolers.

The theme is “Always be polite.”

Program content:

Reveal to children the essence of the concept of “politeness” and “good manners”. Systematize the rules of polite behavior.

Exercise children in analyzing their actions and understanding whether they comply with the rules of politeness.

Cultivate respect for surrounding adults and peers.


Preliminary reading of works of art by V. Oseeva “Three Sons”, “The Magic Word”.

Select pictures with positive and negative actions of children.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher, addressing the students:

Guys, has it ever happened to you that you didn’t know what to do? For example: you met someone’s mother at the entrance to a kindergarten and don’t know whether to go through the door first or wait until she passes? (children remember the rules)

Guys, today I propose to play the game “Evaluate the Action” with you. I will talk about something, and you must beat her and tell her how to do the right thing.

1 act:

Children are playing football. One of them falls and is badly hurt:

    children help him get up;

    children bandage a boy's leg;

    children continue playing, not paying attention to the fallen one;

    children laugh at a boy crying in pain.

2nd act:

A girl walks down the street. An old woman with a heavy bag meets her:

    the girl will pick up the cane that fell from the old woman;

    a girl helps her grandmother carry a heavy bag home;

    a girl passes by;

    The grandmother herself picks up the fallen cane.

Act 3:

A boy meets a lost little girl on the street. She cries:

    the boy calms the girl down and treats her to candy;

    the boy takes the girl by the hand, finds out where she lives and takes her home;

    the boy laughs at the crying girl, teasing her.


Well done guys, you handled the situations. Tell me how you can explain the following proverbs:

Don't dig a hole for someone else - you will fall into it yourself.

He who overcomes his anger becomes stronger.

To create good things is to amuse yourself.

Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.

Game "Make up a fairy tale"

Guys, now I will give you a series of pictures, and you must come up with a fairy tale based on these pictures about polite children. (Listening to fairy tales invented by children).


Guys, what rules did you learn today? What should you do to be a polite, well-mannered person?

Topic: “Rules of behavior in the game”

Program content:

consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in games.

Develop attention and observation.

Cultivate friendly relationships among children through play.

Preparing for the conversation: make a fairy costume and magic glasses.

Progress of the conversation:

A teacher dressed as a fairy is part of the group.

Oh, guys, where did I end up? (in kindergarten)

So, I arrived at the right address. And a sorceress sent me to you, who wants to find out what kind of children go to kindergarten now: bad or good, polite or rude, whether they know how to play with each other. Do you want to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Game "Magic glasses"

Goal: Removing negativity in communication with peers

Game description:

The fairy shows the glasses to the children and says:

Guys, I want to show you the magic glasses that the sorceress gave me for you. The one who puts on these glasses sees only the good in others, even what the person hides in himself. Now I’ll put them on: “Oh, how cheerful and beautiful you all are! Now each of you will try to dress it up and tell your friend what he saw. (Children take turns putting on glasses and saying nice words to each other)

Well done boys. In this game I saw that you know how to be friends with each other. And now I will tell you an incident that happened in another kindergarten. Listen.

“The children were playing with the ship. The guys had already sailed all over the world and began to return from a long voyage, and the whole team had a lot of work. The captain kept giving commands to the crew members. Suddenly the sailor Andrey began to throw away the cubes from which the ship was built.

Andrey, we can’t break our ship, we are at sea and we can all drown,” the children said.

What do I care? “I want it and I’m breaking it,” they heard in response and saw that their comrade had now taken the radio away from the radio operator and ran away laughing.

Sailor, take your place! Get ready to throw the rope,” said the captain.

“Draw it yourself,” answered the sailor.”

Guys, what can you say about Andrey’s behavior in the game?

What ugly things did he do?

Do you have children like Andrey?

If you were playing with such a boy, what would you tell him and what would you do?

Guys, now let’s stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, let’s name the rules that must be followed in the game.

You must follow all the rules in the game.

Be polite and friendly to the participants of the game

Violators of the rules of conduct should be calmly reprimanded and told what violations were committed.

Always treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Guys, you are so great! It’s time for me to return to the sorceress and tell her that the children in kindergarten are good, they know how to play with each other, they know a lot of rules in the game and it will be very good if you always remember them and follow them. And as a souvenir, I will give you magic glasses that will help you be polite, friendly and sociable with each other.


Topic: “Rules of conduct for children at work”

Program content:

Consolidate and generalize knowledge about the rules of behavior at work: clean up toys after yourself, respect the work of others, help each other with advice in work.

develop attention, observation, and the ability to notice mistakes in peers.

cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Preparing for the conversation:

Prepare a Dunno doll.

Progress of the conversation:


Hello guys, today we will talk about the work of children, about how to behave at work. Dunno will help you. Do you agree?

I read poems:


I've been sewing all day today.

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little, cat.

There will be clothes for you too.


Got sick

This book: my brother tore it up.

I'll take it and glue it together.

I'll feel sorry for the patient.

Guys, what can you say about the children described in these poems, what are they like?

Can I say: they are lazy, not attentive, evil.

Guys, did Dunno say it correctly?

No. Children are hardworking, caring, kind, affectionate, attentive.

What stories or poems do you know about hardworking and caring children?

(Guys name stories)

Dunno, why are you silent? Tell me what you know about hardworking children?

Dunno: I’ll tell you how we helped Malvina with Pinocchio.

Malvina put the house in order, and we scattered the toys. We had a lot of fun. (laughs joyfully)

Guys, tell me, was Malvina funny too? (No)

Is this a story about hardworking and caring children? (No)

Guys, explain to Dunno how he should have behaved:

Help Malvina put away the toys.

Ask if Malvina needs more help

Be respectful of other people's work

Act jointly and collectively in work.

Help each other with advice in work

Dunno, did your children help you?

Very. Thank you. Now I want to improve and help Malvina put away the toys. I’ll go to her right now and tell Pinocchio about the rules of conduct.

Goodbye, guys!

Guys, you are so great! You helped Dunno understand that he did the wrong thing.

Tell me, do you help your mothers?

Now I’ll tell you about the girls: Olya and Lyuda.

Olya and Lyuda were walking in the yard. Olya saw Petya helping his mother hang the laundry on the line and say to her friend:

And today I helped my mother.

“Me too,” Luda answered, “What did you do?”

She wiped the plates, spoons, and forks.

I was cleaning my shoes

Mom's? – Olya asked

No, ours

Is this helping mom? – Olya laughed. – Did you clean them for yourself?

So what? But mom will have less work,” said Luda.

So or not?

Guys, which of the children helped their mother?

Guys, how do you understand the proverbs:

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Guys, you did a good deed today: you helped Dunno learn the rules of conduct at work.

Well done!

Topic: “Rules of behavior in the classroom.”

Program content:

Continue to expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge about the rules of conduct in class: do not shout from your seat, do not talk, do not distract your neighbor, etc.

Develop observation skills, be able to notice and correct shortcomings.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards the activity.


Learning words and cues with children for staging the play “Music Lesson”

Prepare costumes for Pinocchio, cat, and dog.

Progress of the conversation:


Guys, today artists have come to us to show theatrical performances “The Music Lesson”.

Music lesson.

(Based on the fairy tale by A. Ostrovsky)

Characters (performed by children): - Alyosha Pochemuchkin,

- Chizhik dog,

- Pinocchio,

- teacher cat

(Alyosha and Chizhik are preparing for the lesson)

Chizhik: (mumbling) do, re, mi, fa...

Alyosha: Chizhik, you learned your lesson at home, why are you whispering?

Chizhik: I’m worried, I repeat. Bow-wow!

Alyosha: And I’m worried about Buratino. He’s not here again, he’s late again and he probably didn’t learn his lesson.

Chizhik: The teacher is coming!

(Cat enters)

Cat: Hello!

Alyosha and Chizhik: Hello!

Cat: Let's start the lesson.

Chizhik: (quietly) Oh, I'm afraid they'll ask me now. Woof!

(Pinocchio runs into the classroom and falls)

Pinocchio: Oh-Oh!

Cat: Pinocchio! Firstly, you were late for class, and secondly, you didn’t say hello. Log out and log back in the way you need to.

Pinocchio: (He leaves, enters, stumbles and falls) Hello!

Cat: Pinocchio, you did everything wrong again, go out and re-enter the classroom, and don’t fall at the threshold.

Pinocchio: Well, no luck again, I'll try again (he leaves, knocks, calmly opens the door) Hello!

Cat: Sit down, Pinocchio! The lesson will be answered by Alyosha Pochemuchkin.

Alyosha: (Sings any chant with the name of the notes) do, re, mi, fa...

Cat: Okay, Alyosha, I see you learned your lesson. Well, Pinocchio, show your knowledge.

Pinocchio: Oh, I think I forgot something! (whispers to friends) tell me, I didn’t learn.

Cat: Have you forgotten your lesson?

Pinocchio: Yes! That is, no, I learned it.

Cat: Name the notes in order.

Pinocchio: Why?

Cat: In order! If you're not ready, sit down.

Pinocchio: No, no, I'm ready. I'll remember now. Before…

Pinocchio: (waiting for a hint) well!

Pinocchio: (hears the hint) not “well,” but “re.”

Pinocchio: Well! Re.

Chizhik and Alyosha: (whispers) mi, mi...

Pinocchio: Mimi.

Cat: What note?

Pinocchio: (sings) mi-mi-mi...(hears the hint) beans.

Cat: Pinocchio, what kind of beans?

Alyosha and Chizhik: (whispers) separately fa sol, fa sol.

Pinocchio: Separate the beans and add salt.

Cat: That's enough, Pinocchio. What a shame not to learn a lesson! Sit down, Pinocchio, you're getting a bad rating.

Pinocchio: No luck again! (sighs)

Cat: Let's listen to what Chizhik has prepared.

Chizhik: (afraid to answer) I sing notes (sings notes, timidly, quietly).

Cat: Not bad, Chizhik. You learned your lesson, but excessive timidity got in the way; you sang quietly and hesitantly. Sit down, “okay.”

Alyosha: Well done, Chizhik, you learned your lesson.

Cat: To study the science of singing.

So that the lesson is not in vain for you,

You must be patient

And it's very good to listen

Meow-meow, and very good to listen to!

Lesson over, goodbye!


Guys, what rules of conduct were violated during class?

Together with the children, we formulate the rules of etiquette that future students must follow.