Childbirth is the home stretch of pregnancy; it is the last frontier before the meeting of mother and child. Many women do not think about the fact that this event requires special preparation. For a comfortable stay in the maternity ward, the expectant mother should have some things with her.

The list of necessary things for the maternity hospital should contain items for the woman and baby. It is recommended to pack your bag well in advance - three to four weeks before the preliminary end of pregnancy. It is recommended to start compiling a complete shopping list for the maternity hospital at , since the chances of forgetting anything tend to zero. It is more convenient to sort things into two bags - separately for mother and baby.

List of items for the expectant mother


The bag with things to the maternity hospital must contain all the necessary documents. Without them, the doctor will not be able to know about concomitant diseases, the expected weight of the fetus and other points that should be kept in mind to provide qualified care.

The expectant mother must have an exchange card with her - the main document of a pregnant woman. It contains all the information about the course of the period of bearing a child, the results of all examinations, tests and instrumental research methods. After the birth, the doctor will add information about its progress to the exchange card.

For hospitalization, the medical institution will need other documents. The expectant mother must take with her her passport and two scanned copies of it, POMS, SNILS, and birth certificate.

If a woman has agreed with any doctor about the management of childbirth, she needs to take an official document confirming this - the birth contract. For safety, all papers should be placed in a file or folder.

When an expectant father plans to attend his wife's birth, he should enter into a partnership birth contract. In this case, the man needs to take an identification document, the results of a lung x-ray and tests for infections.


The list of things to take to the maternity hospital contains items of clothing for the mother. However, in some modern medical institutions all things are provided; a woman needs to know about these details in advance.

It is recommended that the expectant mother have shoes that are easy to clean. The ideal option is slippers or flip flops made of rubber. Experts advise taking shoes one size larger, since after childbirth the lower limbs often swell.

A pregnant woman must take underwear to the maternity ward. According to hygienic standards, women in labor should not use regular panties; they should be replaced with disposable items of clothing. It is not necessary, but it is advisable to have a special nursing bra. It helps maintain breast shape, prevents sagging, and makes lactation easy.

To stay in the department, expectant mothers need clothing - cotton robe and shirt. It is also recommended for a woman to have 2-3 pairs of socks. All items of clothing must be pre-washed with baby powder and ironed well. high temperature using an iron. These measures prevent infection from reaching the newborn.

Personal hygiene items

A mandatory item on the list of things for the maternity hospital is hygiene products. The expectant mother should take with her the following items for oral care: toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss. You also need to have a clean towel, toilet paper, a comb for combing, soap, deodorant, and a washcloth.

To prepare for childbirth, the expectant mother needs to shave her pubic area, so it is recommended that she take the razor and foam with her. A woman should also carry thick pads for lochia. For convenience, during a planned admission, you can take your daily diaries with you. Also, for a comfortable trip to the toilet for the expectant mother, it is recommended to take care of disposable pads on the toilet seat.

For a comfortable stay in the maternity ward, the expectant mother is recommended to have cream for cracked nipples with her. It is also helpful to purchase breast pads that are designed to absorb milk or colostrum for convenience. If desired, the maternity hospital bag should contain accessories such as moisturizer, postpartum bandage, and baby wipes.

Many women in labor may have problems with bowel movements. To facilitate the passage of stool, women should take rectal suppositories. Preference should be given to glycerin-based drugs, since they practically do not cause side effects.

Leisure items

The postpartum woman and her baby are discharged on the third day. To pass the time, the woman can take a variety of gadgets. To watch movies and other entertainment, it is recommended to take a tablet, phone, player or laptop. The expectant mother should not forget about chargers for them. For convenience, you can purchase a portable power bank. Also, a pregnant woman can prepare interesting books, magazines, and crossword puzzles for the maternity ward.

In some maternity hospitals it is prohibited to have technical equipment; you should learn about the rules of hospitalization in advance. For recording important information It is recommended to take a notepad or notebook with a pen. Some women in labor want to forever capture the day they met their baby in a photograph; for this they need to have the appropriate equipment with them.


Expectant mother Preference should be given to long-lasting products. It is convenient to take cookies, crackers, and dried fruits with you. Dairy products, fresh vegetables, apples, and nuts are also allowed. You can take home-made food with you: boiled chicken, pasta, potatoes, salads without seasonings or sauces.

It is forbidden to take fried, smoked or spicy food with you. It is also undesirable to eat foods that cause allergies: chocolate, seafood, fish, peanuts. In addition to food, the expectant mother will need utensils: a spoon or fork, a plate, a glass.

To quench your thirst, you should purchase clean water or apple juice. It is prohibited to take carbonated drinks, coffee, or alcoholic beverages with you. It is recommended that you bring trash bags with you as not all rooms may have waste bins.

List of things for the baby

Hygiene items

The list of things for a newborn in the maternity hospital should include hygiene items. First of all, you should take care of the availability of diapers for the baby. You should take sizes 0 or 1, which corresponds to the age of the newborn. One large pack of diapers should be enough for the entire period of stay in the maternity ward.

Should include hygiene products for the perineal area. For your baby, you should purchase a cleanser, baby soap, powder, and cream. All products must be purchased from minimum size, since there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction.

You should also purchase items such as cotton pads and swabs for your first aid kit. They will be needed to treat the baby's eyes, ears and umbilical wound. Don't forget about medications for your newborn. In the maternity ward, the child is provided with all the necessary medications, but in the future, the expectant mother should have emergency medications. Their list includes medications for constipation, diarrhea, allergies, and runny nose. It is also necessary to have antiseptic drugs: potassium permanganate, brilliant green, furatsilin, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.

If desired, the expectant mother can purchase a device for suctioning milk. It is an optional hygiene item, but often makes life easier. Also, for personal reasons, a pregnant woman can buy a pacifier. During a planned caesarean section, a woman should take care in advance of the list of necessary medications for her and the unborn child.


Quite often, maternity hospitals provide clothing for newborns; exact information should be clarified in advance. If the medical institution does not provide the babies with things, the expectant mother needs to buy them in advance.

Be sure to take diapers made of cotton material. It is enough to have 4 pieces measuring 0.6 by 0.9 meters; they should be washed with baby powder and ironed at high temperature. For convenience, you can purchase disposable diapers at pharmacies.

You should also take a towel for your newborn. It should consist of soft natural material. For clothes, the baby will need several sets of vests or bodysuits. Preference should be given to items with external seams and sleeves that can be closed. The number of kits corresponds to the number of days spent in the maternity ward.

In order to protect the baby's delicate skin, you should purchase gloves for the maternity ward. They prevent the nails from scratching the skin. The newborn will also need rompers and overalls.

If possible, caps should be purchased for the maternity ward. It is enough to buy 2-3 cotton hats. All items of clothing should be washed frequently with a special children's hypoallergenic powder and thoroughly ironed at high temperature.

List of things to check out

It is absolutely not necessary to take these things with you to the maternity ward right away. It is more convenient to prepare a package with items in advance and ask relatives to bring it to the medical facility a day before discharge. The composition of the discharge kit depends on the time of year the child is born.

In summer, discharge clothing consists of a standard set. If desired, the expectant mother can choose an unusual color or style of things. Clothes for a newborn should consist of a headdress, a vest, and rompers. On the outside, the child is placed in a light blanket made of natural materials, or dressed in overalls.

In winter, the basic set of clothes is similar to the summer set. However, it should be supplemented with a hat made of insulated materials, an envelope or a special overall. It is recommended to wear a flannel vest and rompers under these items of clothing. Using blankets with tape is irrational, since they are inconvenient for transportation by car.

Necessary things for childbirth and after childbirth for mother and baby:

In spring and autumn, preference should be given to materials that have demi-season properties. The basic set includes a blouse, a cap, and rompers. In cold weather, it should be supplemented with insulated overalls or an envelope. If the birth of a child falls in March or November, preference should be given to a winter set of clothes.

Discharge from the maternity ward is a memorable day for the mother and the whole family. A woman can hire a photographer or take her own equipment to capture the happy date on film. The postpartum woman should remember that she should look good on the day of discharge and prepare all the necessary things for this.

Mother's clothes should be beautiful, but comfortable. Preference should be given to loose-fitting dresses, tunics, loose sweaters, and stretchy leggings. Immediately after childbirth, the female figure is far from the appearance it had before pregnancy. This is why you should not take tight jeans and turtlenecks when you leave.

Quite often, after childbirth, a woman’s face looks tired. In order to hide small defects, the postpartum mother is recommended to use decorative cosmetics. Collateral beautiful photos is an impeccable complexion and an expressive look, so a woman should not forget about foundation or powder and mascara. For beautiful styling, you can purchase in advance beautiful hairpin, headband or other accessories.

Almost 9 months of waiting for the baby are over and the pregnant woman is interested in how to prepare for childbirth, because the baby is due to be born literally any day now. During this period, all pregnant women behave differently. Someone is calm, cheerful and cheerful, someone panics and is very worried, and someone, having studied mountains of literature, can tell even more about childbirth than a gynecologist. But, most importantly, according to experienced girls, this is nothing more than direct preparation for childbirth.

Packing your bags

In the maternity hospital, you need to find out what documents and tests are needed: in some places they may turn a blind eye to the lack of a second AIDS test, but in others they won’t even let you in without it, so it’s better not to risk it and take everything with you in advance.

Be sure to take from the maternity hospital a list of things that are necessary for the woman and the newborn baby. These things should be collected from you already 2-3 weeks before the PDR (expected due date). Distribute them into packages: one for childbirth for the expectant mother, the second for the baby, the third for discharge.

List of things for the maternity hospital:

  • nightgown or wide T-shirt;
  • socks;
  • shower slippers;
  • water;
  • light food;
  • napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • small towel;
  • If possible, experts recommend taking a player with relaxing music or a book.

What to take mom - things that will be needed immediately after giving birth:

  • comb;
  • robe;
  • nightgown;
  • toilet paper;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • disposable diapers;
  • two bras;
  • about ten disposable panties;
  • five cotton panties;
  • soap;
  • gauze napkins;
  • socks;
  • cream for cracked nipples.

What gaskets should I take?

  • sanitary pads a large number of“drops”, there are even special postpartum ones (several packs);
  • disposable pads for the mammary glands (some women use regular daily pads if they need to be used for a long time, because special ones have a rather high price).

Some people may need after childbirth: nipple shields, face and hand cream, laxative suppositories.

What to take your baby:

  • diapers;
  • vest - 5 pieces;
  • cap - 3 pieces;
  • socks - 2 pairs;
  • sliders - 5 pieces;
  • diapers - 5 pieces;
  • disposable diapers - 10 pieces;
  • wet wipes.

This will be enough for the first time, everything else that the doctors say can be bought and delivered after birth to the dad himself or relatives. It is believed that during the first weeks the baby will not need to be given anything except breast milk. It is not recommended to give water to newborns, so bottles are unlikely to be needed.

For discharge

In addition to clothes for the mother, put in the bag clothes for the baby, which should be selected in accordance with the weather:

  • diaper;
  • thick and thin diaper;
  • socks;
  • cap;
  • blanket;
  • corner;
  • tape;
  • envelope;
  • suit.

How many diapers will you need?

In most cases, one package of newborn diapers will be enough for you. In some cases, babies are allergic to certain diapers. Therefore, many mothers take only about 10 diapers, and the rest are bought by dad or other relatives when they come to visit the woman in labor. If a situation arises where there is no one to check on you, a nurse will definitely help you buy diapers. Don't buy too many packs of newborn diapers at once - babies grow incredibly quickly.

What diapers should I take to the maternity hospital?

It is best to choose diapers "For newborns" - they are sold in every pharmacy and children's store. Each company has its own type - it all depends on the price category. You can take 5 pieces of each brand - this way you will choose the ones that suit you best, because each baby is individual.

Every pregnant woman eagerly awaits the birth of her baby. With the onset of the ninth month of pregnancy, labor can occur at any time. To avoid having to pack your bag to the maternity hospital in a hurry during contractions, you need to fold it in advance. In this article we have collected lists necessary documents, things and products that a woman will need in the maternity hospital and upon discharge home.

What does a mother need in the maternity hospital - a list of everything needed for childbirth and after childbirth

List of clothes for a newborn - in the maternity hospital

Maternity hospitals have their own individual rules that allow the bringing of certain items and products. However, there is a certain list of what a woman will definitely need in the maternity hospital during childbirth and after.

When entering the maternity ward, you must have the following documents with you:

  • passport of the mother in labor with a photocopy;
  • from the antenatal clinic an individual exchange card for a pregnant woman;
  • maternity insurance medical policy;
  • SNILS;
  • referral from a residential complex from a gynecologist;
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if there is one).

The following items and products will be needed in the prenatal ward:

  • slippers (washable);
  • towel;
  • loose-fitting shirt;
  • toilet paper;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • a small bottle of water (still) to quench your thirst.

What documents does the future father need to provide to the maternity hospital?

If you are planning a joint birth, you must provide it to the maternity hospital passport and health certificate for the future dad .

A woman in the ward after childbirth will need the following things:

  • robe (preferably cotton);
  • spacious nightgown;
  • nursing bra;
  • disposable panties;
  • socks;
  • telephone set with charger;
  • high-quality postpartum bandage;
  • toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, small mirror;
  • several towels (for body and hands);
  • sanitary pads with a high volume of absorption (for women in labor);
  • special cream for cracked nipples;
  • absorbent breast pads;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • spoon, plate and mug for food in the dining room, where food is prepared directly for women in labor.

You should take into account the fact that in almost all maternity institutions the use of cloth bags is prohibited, so all things and products should be collected in plastic bags.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby - list of things for a newborn

The baby in the maternity hospital will need the following things:

  • diapers (a pair of flannelette, two calico);
  • 2 cotton vests/2 bodysuits;
  • special anti-scratches;
  • cap/thin cap;
  • two pairs of socks;
  • 2 rompers/2 overalls;
  • disposable diapers;
  • terry towel(large)/blanket;
  • compact packaging of diapers size 0-1;
  • cream for newborns under a diaper or talc for children;
  • special wet wipes for newborns;
  • , which must first be boiled (used when there is a shortage of milk);
  • liquid baby soap.

What things should you prepare for mother and baby when leaving the maternity hospital?

A few days after the birth, if everything is fine with the mother and the newborn, they are prepared for discharge. In this case you will need:

  • For discharge for mom : loose dress, tights (if it’s cold), comfortable shoes, clean linen. All this can be brought by the husband or relatives on the day of discharge. Mom also definitely needs cosmetics, because discharge is a festive moment for the whole family, so you should look your best.
  • Baby on the day of discharge you will need a special kit: an envelope for discharge, a cap, undershirts (1 light and 1 warm), overalls, socks, a diaper and, of course, a pink ribbon for a girl, a blue bow for a boy. When selecting for discharge, you should focus on the time of year in order to prevent the child from overheating in the warm season, and during cold weather - the baby is hypothermic. So in summer a thin cap, a vest and a light blanket will do. In spring and autumn, you can use demi-season envelopes, but in late autumn and early spring it is better to use its winter version. For winter, you need to purchase a warm cap and a winter envelope, as well as warm undershirts and rompers or diapers.
  • Relatives should also take care of a photo or video camera , because this moment should be captured forever.

By the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time. In order not to experience discomfort, not to pack things for the maternity hospital at the last moment, risking forgetting the necessary items, responsible expectant mothers pack their bags in advance.

What does the list of things for the maternity hospital include? Ask the reception department what you need to take with you and what things you don’t need. Each maternity hospital has its own rules and lists, which may change depending on the time of year.

Things for a child in the maternity hospital

It's better to take more than you need

The list of things to take to the maternity hospital consists of essential items for mother and child. You need to take only the essentials that you need all the time, otherwise you risk bringing a couple of extra suitcases with you. Therefore, when collecting things for an important event, be guided by the principle: only what you cannot do without. What are these things?

All the things you need should be divided into three parts:

  • mother during the period before and during childbirth;
  • mother, which are necessary during the postpartum period;
  • newborn.

Some items, such as dishes, will be necessary for a woman throughout her stay in the maternity hospital. But it’s still better to pack yourself two separate bags. The first one should be unpacked immediately after admission to the maternity hospital (items that will be needed before the birth). Leave the second one for later. This will avoid unnecessary hassle and confusion.

One more thing: if you are planning a joint birth, collect a separate package for your husband.

When packing, be guided by the following principles:

  • Pack the documents into a separate file or folder;
  • Place all items strictly in plastic bags. Sanitary and epidemiological standards in maternity hospitals prohibit bringing leather or fabric bags from home;
  • divide the list into 3 parts: to the delivery room, postpartum ward, discharge (and also to the husband, if the birth is joint). Prepare transparent bags and label them;
  • You can leave the discharge package at home. Later his relatives will bring him.

What to take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

What things does a baby need in the maternity hospital? The most necessary things are:

  • 4 diapers – 2 flannelette and 2 calico;
  • vests and bodysuits – 2 pcs.;
  • anti-scratch pads for a newborn's arms (babies are born with long nails and may injure themselves);
  • hat and cap;
  • jumpsuit and romper – 2 pcs.;
  • a large terry towel or blanket;
  • packaging of diapers (size 0-1);
  • packaging of disposable diapers;
  • baby diaper cream for newborns (usually the doctor advises the woman which one is best to use);
  • baby powder. Better than ordinary Soviet without aromatic additives;
  • a pack of wet wipes for newborns;
  • cotton swabs with a limiter for cleaning the nose and ears;
  • safety scissors for newborns to trim nails;
  • formula feeding bottle. Useful in case of absence breast milk. Be sure to boil it at home;
  • liquid soap for children.

Packing a bag with things

This is a complete list of things for the baby and mother in the maternity hospital. Coordinate it with your doctor, since some maternity hospitals prohibit taking cloth diapers and gowns with you, but give them to women in labor on the spot, just like disposable diapers.

When choosing clothes for a newborn, follow the rules:

  1. Buy clothes for your baby only from natural fabrics. The newborn has a vulnerable and thin skin susceptible to allergies. The threads used to sew clothes must be cotton.
  2. At first, until the baby gets used to the clothes, seams, fasteners, and seals will interfere with him. With this in mind, buy items that have ties and the seams facing out.
  3. The rompers should have wide knitted rubber that will not damage the umbilical wound.
    Depending on the time of year, the list of clothes you need to bring with you may change.

in winter

In late autumn, winter, spring, take:

  • a pair of warm bodysuits;
  • warm socks or booties – 3-4 pairs;
  • a warm wadded blanket so that the baby does not get cold while sleeping;
  • warm hat – 2-3 pcs;
  • A warm envelope will be useful for discharge in winter; you should buy it in a specialized store.

In summer

In summer or late spring, refuse a warm blanket and replace it with a blanket or terry towel. Replace all insulated items: bodysuits, overalls, socks, hats with lighter ones.

What to discharge your child in in the summer and spring, be guided by the weather. A demi-season or summer set is perfect. If it's cool, wrap your baby in an extra thin blanket or flannel diaper.

A set of things for the maternity hospital for mom

Medicines from home

What things will the mother need in the maternity hospital? Take with you:

  • a cotton robe and a loose shirt. You can purchase the kit immediately;
  • 2 pairs of warm socks, not wool ones. During and after childbirth, women often suffer from chills;
  • rubber slippers that can be easily washed in the shower;
  • drinking still water - at least 2 bottles of 0.5 liters each. Light food that does not spoil, a thermos with tea will come in handy;
  • small terry towel for wiping your face cold water during childbirth;
  • hygienic lipstick, which will prevent the appearance of cracks on the lips (during childbirth, lips become very dry);
  • elastic bandages or stockings for women who have varicose veins;
  • hair clip or elastic band;
  • disposable toilet seat covers.

The baby in the delivery room will need:

  • pilch;
  • socks and anti-scratch pads;
  • diaper;
  • thin hat with ties;
  • flannelette blanket.

These items are needed directly in the delivery room, so prepare them in advance, wash and iron them on both sides.

If you are planning a partner birth, take your husband:

  • results of fluorography and other studies. Find out in advance at the maternity hospital what tests your partner needs to undergo in order to be allowed to give birth;
  • clean clothes (T-shirt with light pants or surgical suit);
  • disposable cap and mask, shoe covers.

Some maternity hospitals allow you to take a camera with you to take photos and videos.

Necessary documents for the maternity hospital

We take everything

When entering the maternity ward, a woman must have the following documents with her:

  • ID card (passport and photocopy);
  • individual exchange card for a pregnant woman (issued at the antenatal clinic). The card contains the results of examinations of the woman throughout the entire pregnancy;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • referral from a gynecologist (issued at the antenatal clinic);
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if available).

Don't forget about money. Take a small amount of cash and a plastic card. This will help you save money; if necessary, you can withdraw money from an ATM (they are installed in all modern maternity hospitals).

Hygiene items before childbirth

What mom will need

Before giving birth, a woman will need the following hygiene and care items:

  • 2 towels – for hands and shower;
  • a pack of disposable diapers 90x60 (necessary for examinations and childbirth);
  • underwear – bras and panties;
  • wet and dry wipes;
  • enema. The intestines are cleaned at the beginning of contractions, but sometimes there is a need for a repeat procedure;
  • bags for dirty laundry and garbage.

Postpartum period in hospital

After giving birth, a woman will need the following things:

  • bras. Include a special nursing bra in your shopping list. Before purchasing, keep in mind that with the appearance of milk, your breasts will increase by at least 1 size;
  • a shirt that fastens in the front and has straps to make feeding the baby convenient;
  • disposable panties. After giving birth, your underwear will have to be changed frequently, but there will be no opportunity to wash it;
  • slippers;
  • mug, tablespoon and teaspoon, plate;
  • personal care products: comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo;
  • sanitary pads with maximum absorbency - especially for women in labor.

It won’t hurt to take with you a bag of dried goods, a pack of cookies, apples, and tea bags. Labor may end late at night, and the woman needs a snack. After childbirth, appetite increases, and canteens are closed at night.

For personal hygiene and recovery

You should also take with you:

  • cream for cracked nipples. When the baby starts sucking the breast, the nipples will be injured. A special cream (Bepanten) will speed up the healing of cracks, and an ice cube will relieve pain. Prepare ice in advance and keep it in the refrigerator (assuming there is a freezer in the delivery room);
  • postpartum bandage. It supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the skin from sagging after childbirth;
  • glycerin suppositories. They will be useful if the birth was complicated and stitches were applied to the tears. In this case, you cannot push, but candles will help you go to the toilet without any problems;
  • Magnesia. Useful for compresses in case of lactostasis;
  • breast pump It will come in handy if for some reason you cannot feed your baby. It is difficult to express breasts with your hands, especially for beginners. A breast pump will ensure the preservation of milk and breastfeeding in this situation;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of a newborn.

When leaving the maternity hospital, ask relatives to bring the child’s belongings:

  • envelope for discharge. Focus on the weather. If it’s winter outside, buy a winter envelope, on sheepskin, if it’s summer, buy a thin one. In the off-season, an envelope with padding polyester is suitable;
  • suit or overalls;
  • cap;
  • beautiful bow.

Things for mom to check out:

Make arrangements in advance to transport your baby home. Buy a bassinet or baby seat for your car.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, you should be given the following documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate. It is required for registration with the Civil Registry Office.
  2. Discharge summary of the development of the newborn. It should be given to the local pediatrician.
  3. Extract from the birth history. Necessary for a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic.

These things will definitely come in handy

According to the rules, a woman in labor spends 3 days in the maternity hospital after giving birth. During this time, doctors examine the child and mother so as not to miss the development of complications. The following will help you brighten up your leisure time and keep yourself busy during this period:

  • pen and paper for notes;
  • player and headphones;
  • books. Books about childbirth, caring for a newborn, and developmental features are useful.

If you forgot something, don’t worry. Every maternity hospital has a pharmacy where you can buy everything for mother and baby: powder, baby cream, diapers, pads, etc.

Thank you 0

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Starting from the third trimester or 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, to the expectant mother you need to start preparing for the upcoming birth. Preparation includes purchasing and assembling furniture for the nursery, a trousseau for the newborn and, of course, things for visiting the maternity hospital. In order not to miss anything, it is advisable to prepare a list of things that need to be taken to the maternity hospital. Since the list has several components, assembling all the accessories may take a couple of weeks. But, having fully prepared, you will know that you will definitely have everything you need at your fingertips in the maternity hospital.

Necessary documents for the maternity hospital

Documents are the most important part of preparing for a visit to the maternity hospital. Perinatal centers are strict about this; if any document is missing, then your loved ones will have to fuss and urgently bring everything. It is advisable to carry documents with you in a folder at all times, with early dates pregnancy. Childbirth can begin prematurely, you need to be prepared for anything.

So, from the documents you need to have with you:

  • passport;
  • exchange card (issued antenatal clinic on hands after 22 weeks);
  • medical policy + copy;
  • birth certificate (issued by the head of the hospital after 30 weeks).

If you plan to have a paid delivery, you will also need to have a birth contract with you.

List of things for childbirth

Now directly about preparing for childbirth. A list of necessary things for the maternity hospital can be found in the reception area. perinatal center, where you are going to go in childbirth. Some medical institutions publish a list of what things are needed in the maternity hospital on their official websites.

In each city and maternity hospital, the list for childbirth may vary slightly. But each of them includes basic requirements:

- personal hygiene items : toothpaste/brush, liquid soap, unscented antiperspirant, towel (2 pcs.), comb, wet or double-ply toilet paper, as well as a mug and spoon;

– change of clothes: robe, nightgown, socks – 2 pairs, slippers, washable slippers, underwear (cotton swimming trunks) – 3 pcs., bra for nursing mothers – 1 pc.;

– for postpartum discharge: cotton lining or 1 pack of sanitary diapers, disposable diapers, postpartum pads;

– for sanitary treatment: disposable machine, towel.

All of the above should be in plastic bag. The necessary accessories can be purchased separately, but recently it is gaining popularity completely assembled bag for the maternity hospital. It has the entire set of what a mother will need during childbirth. There are also variations of “mother + baby” bags.

On a note! The woman in labor is very thirsty during labor, so be sure to take a bottle of still water to the delivery room. But it is not recommended to take food; in extreme cases, you can take crackers, bread, and chocolate for a snack.

During the postpartum period, all those items that are needed for childbirth will be useful. Bed linen is provided by the maternity hospital, but it is advisable to clarify this point at the reception department. It is advisable to take hygiene items with a reserve, it will not be superfluous. What else can you prepare for your stay in the ward:

– bottled water;

– postpartum bandage (optional)

– a change of clothes - take what you will be comfortable in in the room after childbirth, as well as feed the baby;

– a breast pump may come in handy – give preference to models with the ability to regulate the force of expression;

– mirror, comb, decorative cosmetics;

– a mobile phone or player will help you pass the time in the maternity hospital. A camera will also come in handy for the first shots. Don't forget to take chargers for your equipment.

Planned caesarean section - what to take for childbirth

The list of things for a caesarean section is generally no different from the usual list for childbirth. But for certain indications and/or doctor’s recommendations, it includes the following items:

– operating kit– it includes a shirt for the mother in labor, a beret, shoe covers, disposable sheets and shoe covers;

compression stockings – used to prevent thrombosis, put on at the time of surgery and are recommended to be worn for a couple of days after caesarean section;

postpartum bandage– to maintain and tighten abdominal muscle tissue. Fixation with a bandage reduces painful postoperative sensations.

Assembling a package for a newborn

For newborns, the list of necessary things in the maternity hospital is very strict - the baby is in almost sterile conditions. Most maternity hospitals provide free use of what is necessary for the baby in the first days of life. These are diapers, syringes for formula, medications. But still, some of the children's things will need to be taken from home:

  • disposable diapers 0+ (at least 30 pcs.);
  • large package of wet wipes (68-72 pcs.);
  • safety nail scissors;
  • liquid soap/gel for washing babies;
  • 250 ml bottle with nipple 0+ (for newborns) – 2 pcs.;
  • pacifier with cover – 2 pcs.;
  • bodysuit (or vests) – 2 pcs.;
  • slips (or sliders) – 2 pcs.;
  • hats without ties – 2 pcs.,
  • children's padding blanket – 1 pc.;
  • towel;
  • socks – 2-3 pairs;
  • mittens - anti-scratch.

Discharge from the maternity hospital: everything you need

The last preparatory moment is coming - discharge with the baby from the maternity hospital. You do not need to take a package with things for this special day upon admission to the maternity hospital. Relatives will be able to give it to you on the eve of discharge. So, what things do you need to prepare for discharge from the maternity hospital:

  • clothes and shoes for discharge for mother, according to the season;
  • discharge kit for the baby: a suit for the summer, a jumpsuit for spring-autumn, or an outfit with a beautiful blanket/envelope for the winter;
  • video camera and camera to capture a touching moment;
  • You can prepare sweets and flowers for the prescribing staff;
  • car seat for newborn.

And remember - the main thing you should stock up on this day is a good mood.