Dream Interpretation: wedding. Why does a married or unmarried woman dream of a wedding, interpretation of dreams about weddings.

Are dreams a parallel reality or a specific work of our brain? No one knows for sure, but over the centuries people have learned to compare the signs that come to us in dreams and upcoming events, thereby lifting the veil of the future. In a strange way, dreams help us overcome difficult moments, confusing life situations and much more. In this article we will talk about why you dream about a wedding, as well as what you dream about Wedding accessories and situations.

A wedding is a very specific ceremony. It ends one period of life and opens the door to another, new stage of life. A wedding in a dream is a symbol of the beginning of a new life, the birth of something new, but no one knows whether it is beautiful or terrible.

If you are planning changes in your life, and not on the personal front, but moving, getting hired, getting promoted or getting a new job, then you are on the right track. You are still thinking, but changes have already come to your life.

But if you have a familiar way of life and you seem to have gotten bogged down in monotony and monotony, a dream about a wedding is an impetus for change. In the very near future you will have the opportunity to breathe full breasts the wind of change. But don’t miss this opportunity, there may not be another one!

And remember that a wedding is not only a symbol of the new and beautiful, but also a symbol of responsibilities, a symbol of limitations and responsibility. Don't think that the changes will be easy and not painful, far from it. There will be doubts, disappointments, and difficulties. But you will definitely cope with everything!

If you dreamed that you were a guest at a colorful wedding, you have new acquaintances ahead of you. But if you are an honored guest at a wedding, and you get a lot of attention, in reality they will help you get out of the current difficult situation.

If you are single and in a dream you get engaged, a great joy awaits you in the coming days that will fill your life with meaning.

If in a dream you see yourself at a wedding, I am next to a young bride - your parents are in danger, be sure to monitor their lives.

But if you saw an old and ugly bride in a dream, you or your closest relatives are in danger, which is impossible to avoid, but you can react to it in time. Stay alert.

Seeing someone else's wedding and the newlyweds at it in a dream means changes are coming in your life.

You dreamed of participating in someone else’s wedding - in the near future you will make new acquaintances who will bring you joy in life.

An unmarried girl dreams of her beloved marrying another woman - you have unjustified jealousy and suspicions that can lead your beloved to danger. If you continue in this spirit, a breakup is inevitable.

You are unmarried and you dream that you are organizing someone else’s wedding - in the near future you will have obstacles in your life that will be difficult for you to overcome.

If in a dream you dreamed of a marriage proposal from a loved one, all your hopes and expectations will come true in the near future, and a long, happy life awaits you.

But getting married to a hated person in a dream means finally putting an end to it and stopping all communication.

Happy wedding in a dream - troubles in life

Do you dream about a wedding where your loved one’s parents don’t accept you? In life, your relationship with his parents will not improve, and if he is on their side, you should not hesitate and waste time on an unsuccessful game.

If you dream of a wedding of a couple you know and someone is wearing mourning clothes, your family life will be unhappy if you choose the one you are currently dating as your husband.

Walking in a dream at a cheerful, noisy wedding means in life you will encounter problems and illnesses of loved ones.

During an illness, seeing a wedding in a dream is a complication of the illness.

Walking at someone else's wedding in a wedding dress is a bad sign, meaning that in life you, without knowing it, got into someone else's family.

In a dream, seeing a stranger marry you (and the feeling of someone else’s holiday) means in reality breaking up with your partner.

If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster at a wedding, stop having fun and take your life seriously. After all, your life is falling apart and bankruptcy is just around the corner.

You interfere with someone else’s wedding in a dream - in life someone is trying to harm you, and most often to take revenge for past insults inflicted by you.

An unmarried girl getting married secretly in a dream is a bad sign, meaning that in reality everyone is discussing her reputation.

Seeing a wedding where the groom is an old man is a sign of an upcoming illness.

Expecting your wedding night in a dream means you will be accused of something you didn’t do.

At someone else's wedding, dancing in a dream means problems from men in real life.

If you dream that you are preparing for the wedding of your daughter, niece, sister or other blood relative, no changes are expected in your life unless you want it. Everything depends on you and only you!

If an unmarried girl has a dream that she is preparing for a wedding, this is a bad sign, showing that her lover is unfaithful in his thoughts and is already carried away by another. Don’t be upset, because life gives you the opportunity not to waste time on a wandering man, but to find a loving soul mate.

But for an elderly lady, a dream about preparing for a wedding means bustle and not minor problems.

If you received an invitation to a wedding in a dream, in reality you will have the opportunity to profitably purchase a very expensive item.

If in a dream you help prepare for a wedding, namely, set the table, in reality you will have good profits at work, and possibly career growth.

Also, many dream books interpret preparation for a wedding in a dream as pleasant chores in life.

Seeing a wedding in the distance from the outside means that in your country, city, town there will be riots, unrest, possibly an epidemic, and you will be very worried about this, but this will not affect you.

If an unmarried woman sees a wedding procession in a dream, you will have important new things to do that can improve your financial well-being.

If you dreamed that you were a guest at a wedding, in reality you will have problems that will not be easy to solve.

But if you are a witness at a wedding, both of acquaintances and strangers, in the near future there will be only positive moments in your life.

But if you dreamed that you were sitting in the wrong place at a wedding, and at the same time there was a lot of attention on you, in reality you will be asked to help, and this will need to be done, otherwise you will regret it in the future.

Did you dream that the wedding was upset and did not take place? You are invited to a wedding, but it is cancelled, etc. - it would seem that you have an ace up your sleeve, but no, your plans will be ruined.

But to see yourself canceling your wedding in a dream means giving up an amazing opportunity in life.

But if you see your own wedding in a dream and run away from it, in reality you will change your destiny and purpose.

Why see someone else's wedding without a groom in a dream?

Seeing a wedding in full swing, but without a groom Bad sign, meaning that unpleasant surprises await you in life. Be attentive and ready to quickly solve the problems that have befallen you.

Dream Interpretation: getting ready, being late for someone else’s wedding

In a dream, actively getting ready for a wedding - you know everything about your life and manage it well, do not listen to bad advice.

But if you are reluctantly going to someone else’s wedding, think about what is holding you back in life, what is preventing your dreams from coming true?

Getting ready for your lover’s wedding, and not as a bride - you are tired of the relationship, but you are afraid to do something. Decide what you want, otherwise they will decide for you.

Video: Why do you dream about a Wedding (Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams)?

When trying to determine what someone else’s wedding is about in a dream, you need to remember not only as many details of the plot as possible, but also the emotions that the dreamer himself experienced in the dream. Such dreams are interpreted in different ways. They can be both positive and negative harbingers.

In Miller's dream book, someone else's wedding is considered a positive sign from a dream. Especially if a woman or man is present as a dear guest. You can be sure that after such a dream in real life, the dreamer’s business will grow and develop. Don't worry about your own future.

Aesop's dream book describes that attending a strangers' wedding symbolizes the dreamer's predicament in reality. A person is tired of a pile of troubles that has piled up and has no idea how to cope with them alone. But help will arrive soon. Someone from the outside will help the sleeper quickly sort out the problems and finally breathe freely.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets the plot under discussion as follows: if a person attended someone else’s wedding and sees many familiar faces at it, it means that his loved ones will soon need help. Its provision should be taken seriously. Indeed, in the near future the dreamer will have to seek reciprocal support.

Preparing for someone else's wedding

Did you have to participate in preparations for someone else’s celebration? This is a clear sign that in real life a person, out of the kindness of his heart, constantly takes on someone else’s responsibility and solves the problems of even complete strangers. Most likely, another reason for this behavior of the sleeper is his inability to say “no.” It takes effort to master this science. If you cannot do this on your own, you can use special psychological training.

If the dreamer prepares outfits for someone else’s wedding (dress, suit) or even helps try on holiday images future spouses, it means that in reality he will have a passionate, bright intimate contact. Both partners will be satisfied with what happened. Just don’t expect a fleeting affair to turn into something serious.

To be a guest in a dream

If in a dream the sleeping person turns out to be a guest at someone else’s wedding, then such a celebration symbolizes certain obligations for him. First of all, you need to remember how fun and joyful the holiday turned out to be.

If the celebration takes place exclusively in a positive way, then this is a sign that the person is on the right path. There is no need to be afraid of the obligations that he is asked to assume. But a sad, boring event suggests that it is better to categorically refuse such offers. A woman or a man will not attract them either spiritually or physically.

Being a guest at your friend's wedding and wearing a mourning suit is a very bad sign. It promises a close friend or relative of the sleeping person an unsuccessful, unhappy marriage. If anyone around you is planning to wedding celebration with his soulmate, then you should advise him to think a few more times and carefully weigh his decision so as not to make a fatal mistake.

Seeing someone else's wedding without a groom in a dream

A very unusual sign is a dream of a marriage without a groom. If such a dream is seen by a girl who is planning to get married soon, then it probably simply symbolizes her inner fears and experiences. Many women suffer from prenuptial syndrome. Everyone is worried that the holiday may be disrupted, something will go wrong, or the man he loves will suddenly change his mind about committing himself to his soulmate for life. If such fears are really present, then the plot seen does not require any special interpretation.

If a woman in a dream is very worried that someone else’s wedding is taking place without a groom, this means that the sleeping woman herself has some problems in her love relationships. A representative of the fair sex understands that she puts too much pressure on her significant other, restricts a man’s freedom out of jealousy, and commits other common women's mistakes. Surely it seems to her that she will lose her loved one if she loosens control. The plot seen suggests that the pressure needs to be stopped. Otherwise, a man can really run away from a relationship that is uncomfortable for him.

Why does an unmarried girl or woman dream?

A woman who has never been married herself often dreams of someone else’s wedding.

There are several interpretations of this version of the dream:

  1. For a very young lady, such a plot promises the fulfillment of her cherished desire in the near future. Since the celebration is someone else’s, it will be carried out with the help of strangers. Perhaps even complete strangers.
  2. For a woman who has already been married and divorced, the dream under discussion is a harbinger of a quick acquaintance with an interesting man. A whirlwind romance will begin that will last for quite a long time. True, it will not develop into a new marriage. But the dreamer shouldn’t worry about this; it’s better to just enjoy her new relationship, which will bring her a lot of positive emotions.
  3. It happens that an unmarried representative of the fair sex sees herself as a guest at the wedding of her lover with another woman. In this case, you can perceive it as a harbinger of conflicts, quarrels and other troubles in love relationships. Most likely, it will be the man who is to blame. In order not to lose your loved one, you need to try to resolve the conflict yourself and offer a competent compromise.

If a girl herself dreams of a beautiful formal wedding, then she may dream of other people’s holidays without much meaning. It's just a continuation of daytime dreams. Under such conditions, there is no need to be puzzled by a detailed interpretation and look for a special meaning in the plot.

A very noisy, cheerful wedding of a colleague or boss foreshadows a man’s promotion up the career ladder. Finally, he will be able to take the place at work that he has long dreamed of. A similar plot sometimes promises the fulfillment of a desire that has already been forgotten. Perhaps the man decided that he would not be able to achieve his goal and tried to stop thinking about it. And suddenly what he wants instantly materializes for him.

If a man acts as a toastmaster at someone else’s holiday, such a plot warns him against excessive entertainment in real life. You need to remember that the first thing you should always do is do the work and only then plunge headlong into endless fun. The dreamer’s habit of doing the opposite often leads him to problems with his superiors and does not allow him to actively move up the career ladder.

Mourning at someone else's wedding is a negative sign. A man should give up long trips and any flights for the near future.

Did you see the bride and groom in a dream and woke up in confusion and bewilderment? Look in the dream book, find out why someone else’s wedding is dreaming. Wedding worries in dreams reflect your experiences and anxieties about some serious matter. They dream when in reality it is difficult for you to resolve problems that accumulate until you begin to act decisively.

Why do you dream about someone else’s wedding?

If you dreamed of a wedding at which you are a guest, the dream book interprets it as a good sign, news that your business will expand. To be an honored guest in a dream means that one of your close relatives needs help. Don’t refuse, today you will help, tomorrow – you.

Take a closer look at those around you, if you are suddenly lucky enough to see a wedding procession - in the near future you will be able to win someone’s heart.

What does the dream book say about the wedding of relatives

A dream about the wedding of loved ones calls for giving them attention and care. A dream about your mother’s wedding will warn you about your mother’s impending depression; it’s time to visit her and chat over a cup of tea.

If you saw the wedding of a groom or husband in a dream - beware, difficult, unreasonable experiences and jealousy await you. Think about whether it’s worth ruining your happiness because of baseless fantasies. Stop, count to ten, smile - where would he be without you, so beautiful and smart?

Why do you dream about your daughter’s wedding? To get rid of the burden of worries. The white dress is very good omen, red or blue - the dream book warns that there will be envious people who will spread rumors about her. But the dream book interprets the wedding of a sister or brother as career successes awaiting them.

Why dream of mourning at someone else's wedding?

Sometimes in a dream there are people in mourning at someone else’s wedding. As the dream book says, these people may have an unsuccessful marriage. Don’t sit idly by, do everything to ensure their happiness. Also, such a dream may mean that your long-planned trip will be disrupted.

A dream in which newlyweds celebrate their marriage secretly from their parents warns of a meeting with an insidious, selfish woman who will try to benefit from your gullibility.

What dream promises love affairs?

When a cheerful party with a richly laid table bursts into your dream, an incendiary party with friends will await you, where a new fateful acquaintance is possible. You danced - beware, intrigue, deceit and deception on the part of representatives of the opposite sex are possible. But if at someone else's wedding you are surrounded by a lively crowd of men and women, you must try not to get caught up in your own intrigues.

Everything will work out especially well for those who were kicked out of a wedding in a dream - the dream book says that they will be spared problems and adversity for a long time.

Pleasant surprises for married people

It is useful for family people to know that partying at someone else’s wedding in a dream means expecting surprises. If both of you dreamed about it at once, get the baby stroller ready, there will soon be a happy addition. One of the spouses sent the newlyweds to Honeymoon- this means that magical harmony has arrived in your intimate life.

What does a wedding mean in a dream?

In life, everything is subject to its own strict laws, but in dreams absolutely anything can happen.

That’s why the world of dreams is so alluring and captivating. Especially when you dream of something amazing, after which your hands reach out to the dream book - to quickly find out what this dream means?

Girls and even adults, married ladies, often dream of a wedding. Such a dream can cause a whole storm of emotions and can be interpreted in different ways. But take your time!

Let's take a look at the dream books and try to understand correctly and accurately what a wedding is about, how to interpret such an ambiguous dream and what to expect from fate?

Oh, this wedding...

It is difficult not to remember or ignore such a dream. After all, a wedding itself is a rare, solemn, and unusual event. And if you dream about it, then it is certainly some important sign!

First of all, it is worth remembering all the details of this dream, and only then looking into the dream book - a wedding can be dreamed of for various reasons and mean completely different things. And the main thing is not to confuse anything. So, the most common dreams are as follows:

  • Own wedding.
  • Marriage of a friend or sister.
  • My own daughter's wedding.
  • Someone else's wedding where you are a guest.
  • A failed celebration.

Also, a married or unmarried young lady can dream of a wedding - and this is also very significant. So, having understood the basic conditions, remembering important details and details, you can safely look into dream books and discover the secrets of the unknown, mysterious world of dreams...

Dreams come true... It's a pity that only in dreams!

In general, a wedding itself in dreams is always a very important and serious sign, and such a dream must be interpreted correctly. And even more so for your own wedding.

If an unmarried girl or woman dreams that she herself is getting married - and it doesn’t matter who appears as the groom - this means that serious changes are coming in life.

Alas, such a dream does not directly mean that you will be proposed to or will get married in reality. Although the mysterious dream books are silent about exactly in which area to expect big changes, so anything can happen!

Therefore, on a difficult and important question Why you dream about a wedding, or more precisely, your own wedding, is definitely not easy to answer. One can only confidently expect a new, decisive stage in life, some new milestone.

At the same time, most likely, nothing here depends on you, but more on fate. Calm your train of thought, meditate, reflect on your life and look very closely and carefully in which direction you are moving, whether it is the right one.

Don’t be afraid of changes - as you know, they always happen only for the better. Even if it doesn't seem that way from the very beginning.

Knowing what a young and still unmarried girl dreams of about her own wedding, you can safely expect a new stage in life - open up internally, trust fate and expect the best!

Married again?

But when a married woman dreams of her own wedding, the situation is completely different. Don’t rush to conclusions, this does not mean that a new marriage awaits you! But still, such a dream is a reason to think.

If a married lady suddenly dreamed that she was walking down the aisle with someone (no matter who) then, most likely, she is subconsciously dissatisfied with her marriage. Perhaps, deep down in his soul, he wants to break out of it.

Often such a dream can signify approaching difficulties in a marriage. But how it will all work out and how it will all end depends only on you.

As almost every dream book suggests, a wedding for a married lady is an important sign. This is a call to think carefully and seriously, reflect on the situation, be honest with yourself and try to understand what exactly is actually happening in her marriage at the moment.

But such a dream is always dreamed only by wise and reasonable women, and it means that if you spare no time and effort, think carefully, you will find the right way out of the current, possibly difficult, situation.

You will definitely be able to find within yourself the wisdom and strength to save, restore relationships, refresh your feelings, and create a new, even brighter and more prosperous stage in your life. family life.

A surprise for the mother - her daughter is walking down the aisle!

Of course, if a mother sees in a dream how her dear, only, beloved daughter in a wedding dress is going to get married, this can cause a real shock.

What to think, what could this mean, is the daughter really hiding something? All mothers, without exception, worry and “screw up” such situations terribly, but you shouldn’t do this. If you had such a strange and unexpected dream - your own daughter’s wedding - first calm down.

  • This could easily mean that you and your daughter may or may have already started having some small conflicts, friction, misunderstandings, but nothing serious.
  • A wedding in a dream is always a symbol of change, and perhaps an important, new period in life awaits your daughter. It may not be easy, but it will be important and inevitable.

Having correctly understood why you dream about your daughter’s wedding, you must certainly draw the right conclusion and do everything to alleviate the situation.

1. If you really notice that your relationship with her has somehow become colder lately, you have begun to move away from each other - take action. Apologize sincerely if you were wrong in something, talk to her peacefully and kindly, tell her how much you love and value her.

Try to improve your relationship with your daughter every day. You will thank yourself later, and even more so, there will be no end to her gratitude.

2. If your relationship with your beloved beautiful daughter is really in perfect order, then the dream can signify big and serious changes. And every dream book confirms this. A daughter’s wedding in a dream should be a reason for the mother to help, support, and do everything possible so that these changes are not painful for her beloved daughter.

This could be getting a new job, entering a technical school or institute, or vice versa, graduating from school, starting a new relationship - in general, any new milestone. Support, but don't pressure - help with your affection, love and care, and then, without a doubt, everything will be fine.

Is she married?

Often girls and women dream of their sister or friend proudly walking down the aisle. I want to immediately tell her such a funny dream, discuss it, gossip with her - after all, it’s not every day that you get to hang out at your sister’s or friend’s wedding!

But don’t rush to tell, first find out why you dream about the wedding of a friend or, perhaps, your own sister. And what to expect from such night vision.

Every interpreter, including Miller’s famous dream book, makes it clear that such a dream is significant for you, and not for the “bride.” If you had to be a guest at the wedding of your sister, friend, or indeed dreamed of someone else’s wedding, this means that you are now going through a not very favorable period.

For some reason, all the main, bright, significant events pass you by; all the most interesting and significant things happen to others. And you, perhaps, are even trying as hard as you can to get into the center of events, but for some reason you remain out of work.

As you can see, if you dream of someone’s wedding, be it a sister, girlfriend, employee, or even a neighbor, this is a hint that fate, for some reason, wants to keep you away from big events. Don't worry and don't blame fate!

After all, she gave you such a dream - you had to be a guest at someone’s wedding. This means that the Universe is telling you: wait, now is not the time for active action.

For example, this may well be related to both work and the personal or social sphere. Now you are in a period when you should rest, stop, not make sudden movements and just observe.

Perhaps, having understood why you dream about your sister’s wedding, and indeed about someone else’s wedding, you will be able to stop for a minute, look around more carefully and understand something incredibly important. You try...

Dreams are a mystery!

If you dreamed of your wedding or someone else’s failed wedding, you should know that you are in captivity of dreams. You dream and fantasize more than you live your real life, and this can cause various problems.

Live in reality, but analyze your dreams. After all, they can be extremely helpful in life, suggest, guide, warn.

The wise and caring Universe always gives us hints, leads us by the hand, opens doors and shows us the right path. She will always warn you about dangers or wrong steps, and will even tell you how to behave correctly so that any life situation is resolved in the best possible way.

The main thing is to trust fate, listen to its whispers, be attentive and listen to your intuition. We are so accustomed to acting prudently and faithfully, to live solely by our minds and logic, that we completely forget how much intuition and listening to the heart can give!

Try it - and you will be surprised how much is hidden inside us, how much a single short dream can show and tell, and how easy it is to lead your life correctly, make the right decisions and avoid failures, if only you know how to listen...

Dream Interpretation, dream meaning: wedding in a dream

Why do you dream about a wedding? This pleasant event is interpreted in its own way in dream books. What will happen in reality to a person who sees herself in a dream in front of the altar? Is it possible that such a dream will turn out to be prophetic?

Many people wonder why they dream of a wedding. For representatives of the fairer sex, such a dream seems to be a harbinger happy events. Is it really?

Miller's Dream Book: wedding in a dream

Miller believes that a person who dreamed of a wedding will, in reality, quickly find a way out of a difficult situation that has long been troubling him.

  • For a woman who sees herself in front of the altar, fate hints that she needs to change her priorities, otherwise her life will not turn out well.
  • A marriage proposal accepted in a dream is a harbinger of fulfilled plans and hopes, as well as an increase in status in the right circles.
  • A dream in which a loved one associates himself with another girl means that all worries and doubts in reality are ridiculous and groundless.
  • If a young lady sleeps and sees herself already married to her lover, this does not bode well for her.
  • Dreaming of someone else's wedding predicts someone's unhappy fate, illness or a failed trip in reality.

Why do you dream about a wedding according to Vanga?

The all-seeing Vanga prophesies that for those who see themselves in a dream as a guest at a wedding event, life is preparing a fateful meeting with their soulmate. This will happen at a fun meeting of mutual friends and will become one of the main events in the biography. A person who dreams of his own wedding will soon face a difficult choice that can change his entire future destiny. Being an honored guest at someone's wedding means that in reality the sleeping person needs immediate help from someone around him, and this support must be provided so as not to find himself in a similar situation in the future.

Loff's dream book: a dream about a wedding

Speaking about why a wedding is dreamed of, Loff starts from the events that happened to a person in reality. Maybe he's really going to tie the knot? Then such a dream is only a projection of expected events. Perhaps the sleeper is in the process of solving some important life task? In this case, a dream about a wedding may mean discord and confusion in his soul. A sad event will foretell an unsuccessful outcome of events in reality, and a joyful one will foretell a happy outcome. In addition, a wedding in a dream may hint that a person has taken on too heavy a burden that he is not able to cope with in reality.

Dream about a wedding as interpreted by Freud

Freud gives his interpretation of what a wedding means in dreams. He believes that such a dream is associated with sexual relations between two halves. Moreover, such a dream means that in the spouses’ bed everything is enviably harmonious. If the sleeper has not yet had sexual contacts, then he is simply afraid to start them in reality.

Dreamed wedding according to Tsvetkov

This interpreter testifies that there is a dream about a wedding for a very alarming reason. For the sleeper, such a dream can predict a sad fate, even death.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a wedding

Hasse deciphers a dream about a wedding as a promise of a quick marriage to people who are not married. For spouses, such a dream foreshadows an imminent addition to the family. If the sleeper sees himself dancing at a wedding, then in reality he is in danger from the opposite sex. A dream in which a person gets married himself testifies to his future happy marriage. If the dreamed wedding turned out to be very crowded, it means that a period of confusion and confusion begins in the fate of the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a wedding in a dream?

A wedding in a dream is a symbol of the unity of spirit and body, as well as male and feminine energy. This is a difficult and ambiguous image, as it symbolizes changes in life. Most often these are positive changes, but it can also lead to restrictions and the emergence of new responsibilities. If some changes are happening in your life, a dream about a wedding may indicate them.

  • A wedding in a dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • If you see newlyweds in a dream, the dream warns of changes.
  • See wedding departure in a dream - to receive good news.
  • Participation in a trip warns of important matters.
  • If you are organizing someone's wedding, in reality there may be obstacles in business.
  • A dream in which you see yourself at the wedding of a loved one foretells that in reality you may experience disappointment or fear for the life of your loved one.
  • If in your dream the table at a wedding is empty, be patient - a streak of bad luck awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were having fun at a wedding, in reality you can expect a party with friends where you can meet your soul mate. If in a dream you accept wedding congratulations, then in reality you will soon receive good news. If someone asks you if you had a wedding, such a dream predicts the imminent appearance of a loved one.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding greatly depends on who dreamed it - a man, a married woman or a young girl:

  • If a woman dreams that she is getting married, but at the same time she feels unhappy or indifferent, then this portends disappointment in love, and you will probably get sick.
  • If a girl sees in a dream that she is getting married to an elderly man, then this dream warns against illness.
  • If a woman dreams that someone is dressed in mourning at her wedding, she will be unhappy in her marriage.
  • For a single man to see himself married is a sign of trouble.
  • If a woman dreams that her beloved is marrying someone else, then in real life she will have to suffer from empty anxieties and groundless fears.
  • If it seems to her that her parents do not approve of her choice, this means that a real engagement will cause condemnation from her relatives.
  • If a girl sees a secret wedding in a dream, it means that she needs to learn to control her impulses.

But if during a dream you see yourself at someone’s wedding, this means that you will successfully find a way out of the difficult situation that was the cause of your troubles.

Dream Interpretation Wedding

If in a dream you attended a Wedding or, moreover, you happened to be a Bride or Groom at a Wedding, Dream Interpretations will give you very contradictory forecasts on this matter. Old Dream Books traditionally believe that a Wedding is not a very favorable dream image. A wedding in a dream foretells you sorrows, adversity, death or divorce. However, Modern Dream Interpretations have a completely opposite opinion on this matter, believing that your own or someone else’s wedding in a dream is a very positive sign, indicating that in reality you will face major and most likely the most positive life changes.

I dreamed of a wedding or wedding, I dreamed of my own wedding (for singles)- to get married soon; thoughts about marriage.

One way or another, the dream was provoked by your own experiences and thoughts about marriage. You can make the final forecast based on an analysis of what you see. If your own wedding made you happy, then in reality you are already ready to get married. And vice versa, if a wedding, even in a dream, was a frightening step for you or simply unacceptable, then in reality it is too early for you to start a family.

Seeing your wedding in a dream, Walking at your wedding in a dream (for family people) - happiness, well-being; otherwise - the death of one of the relatives, one’s own illness or death.

In the traditional interpretation of a dream like “my wedding” for a long time were considered a prophecy of all kinds of troubles, troubles and problems. However, in modern interpretation, such dreams are considered very positive, foreshadowing your transition to a new, very favorable stage of life.

Being a bride at a wedding, Seeing yourself as a bride in a dream (for young unmarried girls)- the wedding is not destined to take place; otherwise - to a quick marriage.

In old interpretations, a girl who saw her Wedding received a forecast that her Wedding was unlikely to take place in the near future. In modern interpretations, it is pleasant to decipher dreams of this kind from a different position. Probably, the question of marriage is very relevant for you now, you are striving for it in every possible way. These emotions provoked such a dream. For girls who don’t think about marriage at all, the dream carries a forecast that a serious and long-term relationship will really appear in your life very soon.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress, Being dressed in Wedding Dress(for married women)- pleasant changes in life and business; otherwise - dissatisfaction.

Having become a Bride in a dream, you can count on some joyful changes happening in your life. However, such a dream may indicate that your current relationship with your spouse has lost the brightness of emotions and freshness of feelings. You want to feel desired and loved again, like a Bride.

Being a groom at a wedding (for unmarried people) means marriage; to a serious illness.

Having seen yourself as the Groom in a dream, you subconsciously tried on this image. And depending on whether you were comfortable in this status in a dream, or whether you felt extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable, you can judge whether you are ready to get married in reality.

To be the groom at your wedding, To prepare for your wedding (for married people)- troubles; the most favorable changes in life and business.

A wedding is both a very joyful and troublesome event. By deciding to get married, you take on new obligations and a huge burden of responsibility. Probably, in reality you will have to voluntarily take on some kind of responsibility (obligations), which provoked such a dream.

I dreamed of my own wedding without a groom or a bride- unsuccessful life changes.

I dreamed of a wedding without rings or without a veil- troubles; hesitant to make a commitment.

I dreamed of a wedding that did not take place, I dreamed of a runaway bride- failed marriage; otherwise, your plans and changes are not destined to come true.

Dreamed of an abandoned bride, Bride without a groom- will not be able to get married; otherwise - collapse of plans and hopes; strong anxiety about the upcoming wedding.

This kind of dream can appear for one of three reasons. First, a wedding in a dream symbolizes some major life changes or obligations that you have to take on. A failed wedding is a sign that what you planned is not destined to come true in reality. Secondly, dreams of a failed Wedding can be dictated by dreams of a wedding and delays in realizing this dream. Third, it’s not uncommon for such dreams to come on the eve of an actually scheduled wedding. In this case, the dream does not carry any important forecast, but is a consequence of daytime experiences about such an exciting and important event.

I dreamed about someone else's wedding, a friend's wedding- for a fun event; otherwise - envy.

Perhaps you really will soon have to attend some noisy and fun event (and not necessarily a wedding). Or the dream was provoked by subconscious envy of a friend who is going to get married before you.

Dreamed of a dead bride, Seeing the corpse of a bride in a dream- Unfortunately.

A very disturbing dream, which foreshadows the most negative and dramatic events.

I dreamed of two weddings, Two brides in a dream, Many brides- major changes in life; many joyful and pleasant events.

A wedding seen in a dream symbolizes life changes. Two Weddings- this is a sign that your entire habitual way of life must change radically; something large and large-scale is ahead of you.

I dreamed of a beautiful young girl in a wedding dress- fortunately.

I dreamed of an elderly bride in a white dress- disappointment, deception.

Seeing the Wedding from the Side- good sign. However, only if it was a beautiful, cheerful wedding. If the Wedding in a dream was of a grotesque (strange) nature, the Dream promises very unpleasant events in reality. A major deception or disappointment cannot be ruled out.

I dreamed of a bride's bouquet, Catching a bride's bouquet in a dream- to get married soon; otherwise, envy of the happiness of others.

A dream from the region will take it, It promises a quick marriage. However, the Dream could appear to you in response to a feeling of envy at the happiness of others (for example, If a close friend gets married, and you are still not married).

To be a guest at a wedding, To be a witness or maid of honor at a wedding- to have a fun time; otherwise - pleasant changes in your personal life.

In all respects, a very favorable dream, But only if the Wedding seen and all the characters who took part in it Were cheerful, Beautiful and healthy.

I dreamed about the date of the proposed wedding- sign of fate.

Very often, Numbers heard or seen in a dream really are significant dates. It is necessary to accurately remember the Wedding Date Received in a dream. There will probably be some very important event in your life on this day (not necessarily a wedding).

Seeing your daughter in a wedding dress in a dream- for the daughter’s imminent marriage; otherwise, your daughter will become seriously ill.

In the traditional interpretation, such dreams foreshadowed the illness of a girl who was getting married in a dream. It is likely that your daughter is indeed facing major life changes. And it was you who caught this signal, since you are a very close and dear person to your daughter. However, the Dream about your daughter’s marriage could appear to you as a response to the emotions you experience in reality. For example, the Daughter will have to leave home for a long time, change her place of residence, go to study, etc. The upcoming event in reality is perceived by you as a painful and long break with your beloved child, which provoked such a dream.

Married woman wedding

Dream Interpretation: Married woman's wedding dreamed of why a married woman dreams of a wedding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means for a married woman to see a wedding in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - An uninvited guest attacks and (or) rapes a married woman

The need to conquer a new level in relationships with men. To be prepared for this, you must be independent.

Dream Interpretation - A married woman is getting married


Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people of the opposite status; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation. For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death. If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about death loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you. Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts an unhappy family life for you. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretells receiving news of success in business. If you dream that someone asks in a dream if it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved). Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death. Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

There are many popular expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person’s life: “Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly”, “Red wedding day - live red but poor”, “Blizzard on the wedding train - the whole blizzard will blow away”, “Under Throw money at the wedding footstool - the newlyweds will be rich”, “They take care of the wedding candle, but light it to help with the first birth”, “There is no wedding without divas” (without miracles), “When the newlyweds meet, a fire is laid out at the gate (from damage)” . A wedding could have appeared in your dream because some changes happened to you in real life. To be a bride or groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign that you will soon make a very important decision that will affect your entire subsequent life. Perhaps it will contribute to changes in your life in better side. If you are present at a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain. If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young people, then quick changes await you in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better. If you dreamed that you were a toastmaster conducting a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time. Seeing a wedding cortege in a dream is a prophecy that no changes are expected in your life in the near future. Interfering with a wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile towards you and wishes you harm.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If you see yourself at a wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances. A young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding most likely does not have a very good disposition. If a girl accepted the proposal in a dream, then in reality she will earn everyone’s respect. In addition, all the promises made to her by her lover will come true. If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react poorly to the engagement. A dream in which a loved one marries someone else portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears. If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen. A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very successful family life. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about a wedding as follows. Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although it will not be directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means. Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party awaits you with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life. If you were at your wedding in a dream, you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

To be at a wedding means to experience troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness. Being a groom at a wedding means danger. If the marriage takes place, this is a very bad omen. For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death. For a woman, dreams about a wedding do not have such a dark meaning. But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent. If in a dream someone is in mourning at a wedding, in reality the marriage of the person who saw such a dream will be unsuccessful. Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Being at someone's wedding - you will successfully find a way out of the situation that was the cause of your anxiety; for a woman - to see a secret wedding - you should learn to restrain your desires and impulses; for a girl - agree to get married - you will grow greatly in the eyes of people who have influence on your destiny, and you will justify their trust; for a girl - your parents do not approve of your choice - a real engagement will cause condemnation from relatives; for a girl - your lover marries someone else - you will suffer from empty anxieties and groundless fears; For a single person, being married is a misfortune; for a girl - at your wedding someone is dressed in mourning - you will be unhappy in your marriage; This happens at someone else’s wedding - an unenviable life awaits your friend or relative. Also see Parents, Mourning.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life. To be at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Taking part - for unmarried people - quick marriage; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of the other sex; your own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will become confused

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die.

If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family.

To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death.

Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children.

Dancing at a wedding - beware of people of the opposite status; seeing your own wedding is family happiness.

Being at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life.

Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man.

A meal at a wedding is a meeting with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sewing a wedding dress and all that stuff, then in reality you will be so nervous that the wedding ceremony itself will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself at a wedding table in a dream means that in reality you will have good luck in everything except love.

If you are arranging a wedding contrary to the wishes of your parents not to allow this marriage, it means that in reality you are in danger of an illness that will undermine your strength and lead to complete mental exhaustion.

A dream in which you are present at the wedding of your friend, who took your fiancé away from you, foreshadows the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you.

A dream in which you are getting married a second time speaks of a danger that you will have to confront with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, a cheerful one - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your beloved.

If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality this threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband.

A dream in which you go on a honeymoon means harmony in your intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation of someone else's wedding

When you wake up after a night vision, are you left confused? In a dream, did you receive an invitation to a wedding celebration, dreamed of preparations for the holiday, and you had to get ready to go there? To correctly interpret the dream, you should look into the dream book. It is with the help of this publication that you can decipher even the most confusing night vision.

General interpretation

If you dreamed of someone else's wedding

In many dream books, someone else’s wedding and an invitation to it indicates the harmony of your inner world. Any decision or action you take is actually correct, you think about it and really evaluate your actions. The pre-wedding bustle and preparation seen in a dream is a reflection of your anxious state in real life. The vision suggests that the time has come for decisive action.

In real life, are you indecisive and afraid to take responsible actions? In a dream, you dreamed of someone else’s wedding, and you were invited as a guest - the plot suggests that soon you will be able to easily resolve all the difficulties of life.

Have you ever been a guest at a wedding? For those involved in business, the vision portends success, the scope of activity will be expanded.

Are you the guest of honor? Your family needs your support and help.

Why see only elderly guests at a friend’s wedding? Try not to plan your future, let everything take its course, don’t rush to live.

Dreaming of a wedding procession? For those who are still single, the dream indicates that the person will soon be planning to marry a loved one.

Whose wedding?

It is worth noting that whose celebration you attended plays a big role in the interpretation of the night’s plot.

Marriage of loved ones

To see a wedding, relatives in a dream, or simply dream of preparing for it - a night dream indicates: do not forget about them, and also give them a little of your time and care.

Did you see your mom getting married and she was wearing a wedding dress? This means that in real life she is on the verge of depression. You should not delay preparing your visit to her, or just call her.

A married woman dreams that she is watching her husband’s wedding from the side - this means that in real life the woman will unreasonably experience feelings of jealousy. It’s worth soberly assessing the situation and not spoiling it a good relationship in the family with different inventions.

In the plot of your dreams, did you happen to receive an invitation and go to your daughter’s wedding? All hassles and concerns will be resolved.

In this vision, it is important to note the color of the bride’s dress:

  • A white dress is dreamed of as an auspicious sign.
  • A blue or red dress will make you envious in real life.

To be at the wedding of a brother or sister means that the dreamer will climb the career ladder.


The wedding of friends is dreamed of before upcoming fateful changes in a person’s life.

In the night story, you happened to be getting ready for the wedding of a friend or classmate - this means that events will happen in your life that will affect your soul.

If you were at your daughter's wedding


Gathering for a celebration of strangers means unexpectedly meeting your classmate or just an old friend.

Preparation for the celebration

If in a night dream you happened to be preparing for a wedding, then in real life you will not be able to achieve the goal you abandoned. You dreamed of preparation, but you woke up before the celebration began - you yourself did not set a specific task for yourself.

Preparing for a secret wedding - you will not achieve your plans due to your difficult character.

Mourning at a wedding

If there was a magnificent table

In real life, sometimes a situation occurs when invited guests who are in mourning are present at a wedding celebration. If in the plot of dreams you dreamed about this on the eve of the wedding, then this foreshadows failure in marriage. In other cases, you decide to go on a trip, but the trip is canceled.

Was the table set richly at the wedding? What he saw predicts a fateful acquaintance for the dreamer in the near future, which will take place at a noisy party. Why dream of dancing at a banquet - deceiving the opposite sex. If you are among the invited guests, the dream indicates that you are not playing fair with those around you.

Did you get kicked out of the celebration? A favorable dream indicates a good period in the dreamer’s life.

Who dreams of the plot

When interpreting night vision, it is worth noting who had the dream.

If you are married in real life and you had a dream in which you walked at someone else’s wedding, this is a pleasant surprise. Did both husband and wife have such a dream? This couple will soon have a beautiful baby.

For a single guy or an unmarried girl to be a guest at someone else’s wedding in a night dream - in real life the dreamer will achieve everything cherished desires. And this person’s personal life will soon change for the better.

The guy will meet a girl with whom he will marry in the future. To a young man to see your beloved in a wedding dress and she wants to connect her life with another person in the dream - you should not be afraid of what you see, since the dream foreshadows a new love.

If you were a witness

Why does a man dream of seeing himself as a witness at someone else’s wedding? They will trust you with a secret, but it will be difficult to keep it secret.

  • For a girl, the dream foreshadows several fans and the fulfillment of her plans. Why see your rival already married and in a wedding dress in a dream? In real life you will experience a feeling of jealousy. But you should think carefully before giving vent to your emotions, because perhaps this is just a figment of your imagination?
  • A married woman dreams of a vision for a big family holiday.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book indicates: receiving an invitation to someone else's wedding in the plot of dreams means you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Why see that there were guests in mourning at the celebration? Not a good symbol portends illness, disappointment.

A girl dreams of a story in which she happened to be among the invited people at her fiancé’s wedding - the vision advises, treats upcoming fears and worries calmly.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The dream book indicates: someone else’s wedding is dreamed of as a manifestation human qualities character.

Seeing the bride's wedding dress in the plot of dreams means loneliness and illness.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

To receive an invitation to a wedding celebration - the interpretation of dreams foreshadows the receipt of good news in real life.

Wedding feast - in your intimate life you have a harmonious relationship with your partner. For virgins, to see such a dream plot means the dreamer experiences a feeling of fear from his first sexual experience.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga, to see in the plot of dreams: an invitation to a wedding celebration - the dreamer will have to relax in a pleasant company, where he will meet a person who will later become the meaning of life for you.

What does it mean to dream of being a guest of honor at a wedding? Try not to refuse help from your family.

Loff's Dream Book

If in real life you don’t see a wedding celebration in the near future, then the wedding scene you see indicates upcoming circumstances.

As you can see, the interpretation of the night plot with someone else’s wedding has a varied interpretation, each dream book indicates its own meaning of the dream. Trust your intuition and inner feelings, perhaps this will help you decide and understand which dream book is most suitable for you in the interpretation of your dream.