Some experts argue that serious issues of word formation and stress should be addressed when the child’s speech is already formed. Others believe that it is better to immediately spend effort on teaching how to pronounce words correctly than to try to relearn them later.

Children show a conscious interest in language starting from the age of three. Having accumulated a certain vocabulary, the baby is happy to learn new words and asks what they mean and why we pronounce them that way. This internal desire to learn to pronounce and then read words may arise earlier. It is important for parents to capture and support this interest. Most two-year-old children have unclear sound pronunciation. They omit and replace sounds, in some cases rearranging entire syllables, and quite often make mistakes in stress. To correct these shortcomings and help your baby learn to speak correctly, play simple games with him. speech games, which do not require special knowledge or training.

Tell me how I am

It's no secret that children consciously and unconsciously repeat the actions of adults. Therefore, if your family and immediate surroundings speak competently, the likelihood that the little one will follow your example is very high. Especially if, when communicating with him, you do not distort words, imitating a child’s pronunciation, and call things by their proper names, and do not use onomatopoeia after the baby.

However, the essence of the game lies not only in correct repetition, but also in the development of auditory perception. Select words and phrases that your child has difficulty pronouncing. Shout the first word and ask your baby to repeat after you at the same volume. Say the next word in a whisper and make sure your baby says it the same way. Speed ​​up and slow down the pace of the game, pause and shout the word again as soon as the baby is a little distracted. This will add fun and excitement to the game.

Guess the riddle

All kids love to solve riddles. Use this not only for gaming purposes, but also for educational purposes. Ask “What is a dog?”, or “Where does the fox live?” Incorrect use of accents will not only amuse the child, but will also develop the ability to “play” with words, which will be useful to him in subsequent learning to read.

Call a friend

A stressed syllable can be heard if you “call” a word. Demonstrate this by extending your pronunciation, for example: “MASHI-I-Ina”, “mA-A-Ama”, “kU-U-Uk-la”. By highlighting a stressed syllable, you can focus additional attention on it by nodding your head or crouching. To make the child feel the difference, show him what will happen if you shift the emphasis. Practice on words that are already familiar to the baby, for example, the names of family members and his toys, names of animals, products, and so on.

Repeat the poem

When choosing works to read and learn, pay attention to “memory poems” that will help your child master the correct pronunciation of words, the emphasis of which even some adults make mistakes in. The child does not need to know the rhyme by heart; his task is to correctly pronounce the “impact” word, before which you pause. For example.

Favzana Ayupova

An important stage in teaching preschoolers sound analysis is the distinction between vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants. First of all, linguistic intuition, a flair that can and should be exercised, should be involved in distinguishing sounds. The most convenient object for awakening sound intuition, which is necessary for a preschooler to easily distinguish between vowels and consonants, are stressed vowel sounds, which are the easiest to draw out, the pronunciation of which is not interfered with by anything. I would like to offer you games for highlighting and intonating stressed vowel sounds. (Ideas for some games were taken from E. A. Bugrimenko, G. A. Tsukerman, I. R. Kalmykova)

The easiest way to teach a child to identify stressed vowel sounds is through play. "Call a Friend". You remind the child that you are your friend, who is far from you, by calling out “MarIIIina!” (But in no case “Marina!”) Then all the toys in the room scatter, and you help the child call them correctly: KUUUubik, book, bunny. And the child will hear this long, percussive sound.

To form the syllabic structure of words and the skill of highlighting a stressed vowel, I play a game "Find the stressed syllable" (in one-, two- and three-syllable words).

Children are offered a playing field with syllable stress patterns and object pictures with 1-3 complex words. (A large card with subject pictures is cut along the lines).

Small cards are distributed equally to the players. One by one, the children pronounce their words (the names of the pictures, determine the stressed syllable and find the corresponding syllable-stress pattern on the playing field and cover the pattern with an object picture. If the child makes a mistake, the right to move passes to the next player. The one who first placed his cards on the playing field wins.

Sound kingdom. Palace of Vowel Sounds.

Purpose of the game: continue to teach children to use their voice to highlight stressed vowel sounds in words - names of objects denoting food, dishes, kitchen utensils.

Progress of the game:- Listen, guys, to a fairy tale about a dispute between the inhabitants of the palace kitchen. One day they argued about which of them was the most important.

“I’m the most important,” Bread crunched its golden brown crust, “No one sits at the table without me!”

No, I'm the most important! - The Water began to gurgle, - Without me, not a single dish can be prepared!

No, I’m more important,” objected Salt. “If they forget to put me in the pan, then no one will eat the food.”

They argued and decided: the king of the kitchen will be the one who can summon as many subordinates as possible. And in sound kingdom words with the same accents served each other. They even had the same uniform. All words with an accented “A” - wore red uniforms, all words with an accented “E” - wore b (EEE) light uniforms, with an accent “O” - f (OOO) light uniforms. (Educators should not forget that we are playing sound games.) Children begin to name words, emphasizing the stressed sound with their voice: “chAAAinik”, “polotEEEntse”, “morkOOOovka”, they call it a separate stressed sound “A”, and the teacher places a little man in a red uniform next to the water.

At the end of the game, they count who has how many subordinates, and put a crown on the inhabitant who managed to gather more subordinates. He becomes the king of the kitchen.

Masters of Sound Affairs

They will teach children to identify stressed sounds in words.

Each master has his own hammer. The master “EH” will hit the sound “E”, and it will sound long and loud. Brother “UH” hits only the sound “U”, “AH” hits the sound “A”, “OH” hits the sound “O”. The masters have a lot of work, because there are a lot of words, not a single word is left without emphasis. And the brothers are also great debaters: how they greet the word, they begin to argue - who should hit with the hammer? Help them reach an agreement.

One day the brothers found themselves in the forest and met wild animals. And again they argued about who more work. Help the brothers: whose words are “bearEEED”, “foxAAA”, “tIIig”, “wolfOOOk”? (There are many game options: Sound masters may find themselves fishing, in a toy store, harvesting fruit, traveling on different types transport, buy clothes, shoes, etc.)

Game-experiment “Wizard – emphasis”

Target: in practice, show children the power of the sound of a stressed syllable.

I light a candle, bring it to my lips and say the word: “drum”. Why did the flame flicker three times? Because the word has three syllables, three shocks. Why did it go out when pronouncing the third syllable? We conclude: that the last syllable is stressed, and the stressed syllable is pronounced with force, the pressure of exhaled air increases.

In the second half of the year, when we have mastered the initial reading skills, to understand the mobility of stress, I play the following games with the children:

“Various words – the same and different”

Target: help children understand that stress in a word plays a very important role: it helps to distinguish words; by changing the place of stress, we can change the meaning of the word.

Children are offered pairs of words:

iris – iris

carnations - carnations

castle - castle

flour - flour

mugs - mugs

arrows - arrows

Children read the words and say that the words are the same. I suggest reading the words first with the emphasis on the first syllable, then on the second syllable. Has the meaning of the word changed? I suggest choosing pictures in pairs that correspond to the meaning of the words.

The game helps children understand that changing the emphasis can change the meaning of a word.

Game "Casting"

helps children understand the mobility of stress.

In Russian, stress can fall on any syllable. And there are languages ​​in which the stress falls on the same specific syllable. For example, in French the stress falls on the last syllable: Paris, fitter, coat, miner. The French, when learning to speak Russian, often pronounce words in the French way.

And now I offer a game


You have been invited to act in a movie, where you will play the role of a Frenchman who speaks Russian poorly, with the emphasis on the last syllable. Casting for the role of the Frenchman is announced. Read the words on the slide as a Frenchman would read them: pike, chicken, cuckoo, fly, fish, raspberry, lily.

During the lesson, parents often notice that their child puts the emphasis on words incorrectly. You can correct the situation quickly enough by using fun educational games. In this article you will find several examples of exercises that will help your child master this difficult task.

How to teach a child to put stress in words correctly?

Games such as:

  1. “Try calling!” Choose animal names consisting of two syllables - cat, mouse, hedgehog, and so on. Invite your child to “call” the animal, stretching out the place with the accent, for example, “ko-o-oshka.” A little later, the task can be complicated by choosing words of three or more syllables. This exercise will help teach your child how to determine stress in both disyllabic and polysyllabic words.
  2. "Repeat!". Choose any word and say it in a calm tone, and then ask your child to repeat it. After this, shout the same name, and then whisper it, and let the baby repeat your actions.
  3. "Corrector". Ask your child various questions, deliberately emphasizing the incorrect emphasis in your voice, for example, “Where is the lamp hanging?” The child must not only answer the question, but also point out the mistake made.
  4. "Knock, knock". Together with your child, “tap” the words syllable by syllable with a small hammer, placing emphasis on the place with stress.

In addition, an excellent simulator for developing this skill are syllables on each of them, from which you can form various words. In this case, during the lessons, it is recommended to highlight the cube on which the stressed syllable is written in any way. This way the child will quickly learn to put emphasis on words and will not be confused in the future.

As soon as children enter first grade, they are faced with many new interesting and challenging tasks. The child copes with some quickly, while others turn into a real problem. For example, for many children it is very difficult to correctly determine the stress in a word. You will need:

  • - Zaitsev's cubes.

To explain to your child what a stressed syllable is, pronounce the words drawn out, “call” the word. For example, ma-a-a-ama, Ta-a-a-anya, Mi-i-i-isha. At the same time, highlight the stressed syllable, you can even nod your head or sit down. Then show what will happen if you shift the emphasis: mom-a-a-a, Tanya-a-a-a-a, Misha-a-a-a, so that the child can feel the difference. Practice words your child knows, such as his name, pet's name, etc.
First take simple words of two syllables and, together with the child, determine which syllable the stress falls on, the first or second. For kids, just say the words; for older children, write the words on paper or a board. When pronouncing words, tap the syllables, emphasizing the stressed syllable with a louder tap.
Explain to your child that to determine a stressed syllable, you should not divide the word into syllables. Ask him to pronounce the word, stretching out the stressed syllable, but not dividing it into parts. Explain to an older child that stress can only fall on a vowel sound.
If possible, use Zaitsev's cubes, which differ from ordinary ones in that they contain syllables rather than letters. Compose a word of several syllables, ask your child to identify the stressed word and place a cube with a drawn accent mark on it. Of course, help your child at first until he gains enough experience.
Ask your child humorous riddles, for example, who is a hippopotamus or what is a hammer, so that the child learns to “play” with emphasis. Thanks to such fun training, the child gains freedom to control sounds, which is very helpful in reading words and correctly determining stress. Related article How to correctly put emphasis in the words “ease”, “lightened”, “lightened” The baby grows up, gradually becoming acquainted with the world around him, in which everything is unusual and interesting. We, adults, are already accustomed to the routine of life, and often what is difficult for a child causes us bewilderment. When a child first sees a toy, he has no idea what to do with it. An adult needs to be nearby, show what this item is for, and, if there is difficulty, guide the baby’s actions.

You will need:

  • - rattles
  • - musical toys
  • - dolls
  • - cars
  • — constructor
  • - dishes
  • — play set of doctor, hairdresser, salesman

Baby's first games.
When a baby is just born, he is not yet interested in toys. You can show them to him as much as you like, but you won’t see a response. It’s just that sounds and touches are of great importance for a newborn at this time.
At about 1.5-2 months, the baby will begin to see his first rattles, bright, ringing, beautiful. And in another month (each in his own time) he will start holding them. Every month new manifestations will be observed in the child’s attitude towards toys.
It is important for adults not to leave the child alone with toys, since for now he can only hold them in his hands, and there will be no play as such. Reveal all the possibilities of the toy to your baby, do it several times yourself and together. Show him how a car rolls, a ball, for example. Soon you will see for yourself that the child has learned to use this toy and performs the actions independently.

We play with children aged 1.5 - 2 years.
From the age of 1.5-2 years, you can role-play various everyday situations with children, for example, preparing dinner, welcoming guests, putting dolls to bed, etc.
You can play not only with a car, soft toys, dolls, but also with several objects at once. It will be very useful to play out simple stories with toys (for example, how a bunny came to visit a hedgehog, said hello, the hedgehog treated the bunny to tea, said goodbye to each other), and then offer more complex ones. Usually, young children enjoy watching such performances, and then begin to show them with great pleasure.
While playing with your baby, let him be in the role of mom or dad, give him the opportunity to express his love for someone and take care of him. This is important because the child receives your love, but his emotions remain uninvolved.
We play with a 3-4 year old child.
At the age of three or four years, children become more conscious. They are already able to convey in the form of a game what they saw or heard (for example, after visiting a cafe, hairdresser, doctor’s office).
From the age of three, you can stage mini-performances with your child based on the plots of books you have read and familiar cartoons, first choosing those that he loves.

You can reproduce it in parts, starting with those events that he remembered better, and therefore liked more.
Already at 3-4 years old it is worth teaching children to play with their peers. But this does not exempt an adult from being present during the game. It may be necessary to reveal actions or help resolve inevitable quarrels and conflicts (which very often arise due to children’s inability to communicate together).

If the child a large number of spends time with other kids, but adults often want to stay away and do not interfere in their games, then he will learn to find a common language with other children, but playing with them will be quite primitive: pushing, running, bullying.

It is important to prevent the child from getting used to commanding or, conversely, obeying and, growing up, either constantly arguing with other children (“commanders”), or unable to defend their position (“subordinates”).
If you are sending your child to kindergarten, then take the advice of other mothers about choosing an institution. Find a kindergarten that not only has a lot of toys, but also where teachers conduct classes with children and organize their joint games.
Games with a 5-6 year old child.
At 5-6 years old, a child is usually good at acting out scenes from his favorite books or cartoons and various everyday situations. Sometimes you can play with him, giving new stories or playing out various life situations and rules of behavior, for example).

A child at this age, if he does not attend kindergarten, simply needs a playmate - otherwise he will not learn to establish contact with his peers and build communication with them. An adult in this situation cannot replace a child partner, because adults cannot play long enough and communicate with the child differently than a peer would communicate.

Games for children 6-7 years old.
From 6-7 years of age, only occasional adult intervention is allowed, provided that the children have found a common language and learned to play together. If at this age they are just beginning to play together, the adult needs to help negotiate and, if they are timid, encourage them.
At this age, for joint games, children most often choose “Mothers and Daughters”, “Teacher and Children”, “Superman”, “Princesses”, etc.

Pay attention to what your child is interested in and what characters he imitates.
The more varied the content role-playing games games that children play, the more developed their inner world and soul will be. And on the contrary, his inner world threatens to remain undeveloped and primitive if the games are monotonous.
If adults buy a child only robots, dolls, soft toys, monsters, then this can lead to the child’s gaming experience not developing and his horizons narrowing. Therefore, always make sure that the toys are varied (monsters and monstrosities are best avoided).

Soft toys and dolls are very necessary not only for girls, but also for boys, as they help the concept of relationships between people. Soft toys calm the child and give him a feeling of warmth and comfort.

Likewise, cars, airplanes and other equipment are necessary not only for boys, but also for girls, since if a girl only plays with dolls, this can lead to a narrowing of her interests and developmental limitations. Involvement only in war games, military toys, “shooting games” and armed conflict can lead to the development of life patterns of hostility.

Excessive addiction to technical toys and refusal of dolls, soft toys often leads to the child not knowing how to establish contact with people in real life.

If you are not sure about the quality of the toy, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate for it. Offer children compromises when playing together, introduce the rule of giving in turns.

Do not impose your help and do not perform any actions for the child. He will ask himself if there are any difficulties, or you will see it. Sometimes a child can offer a solution to a problem that an adult could not even think of. What a wonderful Russian language it is! It is at the same time the most complex and the simplest. With the help of this language we express our feelings, for example, we confess our love, wish for happiness, etc. But a striking property of the Russian language is that not only can any phrase mislead the reader with its duality, but even one word can be understood ambiguously.

Accent in Russian is radically different from stress in some foreign languages. If in the most elegant French language it is always fixed on the last syllable, i.e. at the end of the word (for example: pardOn, bonjUr), then in Russian it can freely be either at the beginning, at the end, or in the middle, no vowel the letter is not immune from it.
Strictly speaking, stress is the emphasis of a syllable, with greater force in pronunciation and increasing the duration of the sound. Naturally, only vowels are subject to him.
The vowel sound of the syllable on which the stress falls is called stressed. When forming word forms, the stress can remain stationary (Volk - Volka - Volku) or can move from one syllable to another (list - sheet - leaves).
There are words that do not have stress; in pronunciation they are attached to previous or subsequent stressed words, usually these are prepositions, conjunctions, particles (under the mountain, to me, bring-ka).
In order to determine where to put the stress in a word, it is necessary to inflect it, for example: camelYud (masculine, singular) - camels (masculine, plural).
To find out where to put the emphasis, read the entire sentence in which this word is located and, based on the meaning, you will understand which syllable to emphasize (“Coming out of the forest thicket, I saw a beautiful castle.” - “There was a strong lock hanging on the doors.”).
Please note that in complex words, in addition to everything, there is an additional stress, it is indicated (‘). Example: VodogrYazelechYbnitsa, Zheleznodorozhny. Related article How to correctly stress the word "sorrel" Division is not at all a simple mathematical operation for baby, and therefore the material should be presented in a special way. Here it is important not only to correctly explain the nature of the action itself, but also to create an environment favorable to learning.
You will need:

  • -apples;
  • -candies.

First of all, keep in mind that at the age at which the school curriculum is usually divided, the child is still in the so-called “formal-operational” stage of development. This means that he cannot understand abstract concepts, so behind every explanation there must be a real example that can interest the child.
Before starting to study division, make sure that your child knows the multiplication table well and understands the mechanism by which this mathematical operation is carried out.
Give your child, for example, four candies and ask them to divide them equally between him and you. Then ask how many candies there were and how many people there were. Explain that the candy is divided among people, and then just show the mathematical notation for the action.
Make sure that the child understands the essence of the process by changing the number of objects and people between whom the objects should be distributed.
Show your child the connection between multiplication and division. Let him intuitively feel that this is the opposite effect. For example, by pointing to real example that three times two is six, and six divided by two is three, and so on.
Constantly return to these operations, for example, playing division outside the house. Give your child problems that reflect reality. So, when buying apples, take, for example, six pieces and ask how many apples each member of your family will get. While walking on the street, invite him to share candy among all the children in the yard.
If the child does not immediately understand what is required of him, be patient and look for a way to explain better. But don’t put pressure on him, as you can cause a negative psychological reaction, which will make it difficult for the child to perceive information. In this case, the learning process will take much longer. A syllable is the minimum phonetic unit. It combines sounds of different degrees of sonority. The most sonorous ones perform a syllabic function. The unit must include a vowel sound. Without vowel sounds there can be no syllable. In spoken speech, sounds are grouped into syllables according to the following rules.

Do not mix dividing a word into syllables and hyphenating a word, these are different categories. Syllables are part of oral speech, and transfer is part of written speech, grammar. Compare: the idea is the sound of three syllables, i-de-ya. But you can’t move the word. Look: motley - 2 syllables, but it can be translated in different ways: motley, motley.
When dividing words into syllables, take into account the law of ascending sonority: the beginning of a non-initial (not the first in a word) syllable is built from a weakly sounding one. If a word contains a combination of consonants between vowels, then the syllabic boundary should pass so that the next syllable begins with a less sonorous consonant. For example, say the word “helmet” [ka - ska].
Divide into syllables according to phonetic sound, and not according to how you write. If the syllable is open, that is, ends with a vowel sound, then the division into the syllable will take place after the vowel. For example: dog - so-ba-ka. a shock - a pile of stumps. The syllable boundary will pass at the junction of a sonorant consonant and a noisy one. For example, desk [par-ta].
The syllable division will occur after Y if any consonant follows it. T-shirt [may-ka].
Remember: doubled consonants (between vowels) move into the next syllable. For example, ka-ssa, dro-zhi, gah-mma. BUT, when hyphenating words with double consonants, leave one letter on the line and transfer the other: van-na, long, art.
The law of ascending sonority is not observed in the last syllables of a word: [tsvie-to’k], [l’ie-zhy’t], [go’-ls], etc.
Most often, when hyphenating a word, division into syllables is used, but there are many exceptions to this rule. Don't leave a single letter on a line. Ъ, ь, И - do not separate these letters from the previous ones. For example: detour, foil, bunny. Do not remove the final consonant from the prefix if the root of the word also begins with a consonant. Correct transfer: spill, sign. Do not remove the first consonant from the root. Correctly transfer: attach. Dividing words into syllables is one of the foundations of learning baby reading. It is this skill that allows you not only to combine letters with each other, but also to gain an understanding of how letters are made words. Understanding syllables is not always easy for a child, but parents can help their child in this matter.

There is no need to rush too much into the question of how to teach baby divide words on syllables. First, the baby must memorize the alphabet and understand the principle of connecting letters with each other. The mistake of many parents is that they try to teach their child to add single letters; this prevents the further division of words into syllables. Accordingly, the process of mastering reading also slows down. The child must read both letters of the syllable in a single merger. This allows you to avoid problems associated with misunderstanding the basic principle of putting words together from syllables.
Once these skills are established, focus your attention baby not on words x, but on the sounds he pronounces. Phonetics affects the quality of reading almost more than knowledge of the letters themselves. Invite your child to watch his mouth in the mirror as he pronounces words. This way he will be able to understand that the shape of the lips changes precisely when pronouncing syllables, and not individual letters.
If the baby cannot understand how syllables add up to words, we can suggest a fairly simple method. To do this, the child must be asked to hold his palm in the neck area, under the jaw. The feeling of pressure on the hand allows you to feel the movement of the mouth during pronunciation. The simplest word for setting up an experiment is “mom” or other terms that are accessible and familiar to children’s ears. But also more complex words no less easily laid out on syllables, you just need to be a little patient.
It is necessary to start such training with two-syllable words, since they can be divided into syllables easiest way. Gradually move on to those words m, which consist of three or more syllables, for example “milk” or “cow”. To prevent the lesson from seeming too boring, divide the words into syllables children are best spent in game form. Words arranged into syllables and taken from the usual counting rhyme, are perceived much easier. The rules for setting stress in the Russian language are complex and confusing, which gives rise to a lot of problems with mastering orthoepic norms. Adverbs are particularly difficult - there are no rules for “calculating” the correct pronunciation for this part of speech. Therefore, in words such as “white-hot” it is recommended to simply memorize the emphasis.

In accordance with the rules of the modern Russian literary language The emphasis in the word “dobela” is on the last syllable, on the vowel “A”:

  • white-burnt hair,
  • wash the stain white,
  • grind the yolks until white,
  • White hot iron.

This emphasis is given in many reference publications - both special spelling dictionaries, and spelling dictionaries, and explanatory ones. However, in some dictionaries (as correctly, published back in the 20th century) you can also find the “pre-White” norm. This type of pronunciation can also be found in some poems by Russian poets - and it is often confusing.

The fact is that spelling standards can change over time. This happened with the word “white” - once the emphasis on the first syllable was considered correct, but now the pronunciation "dobela" is already considered obsolete. Some spelling dictionaries (for example, the reference book “Russian Word Accent” or the spelling dictionary edited by I.L. Reznichenko) even specifically focus the reader’s attention on this, citing, along with the literary norm “dobelA”, the old version of pronunciation, marking it “outdated.” and warning against making mistakes.

How to remember the correct accent “dobelA”

The Russian proverb “You can’t wash a black dog/you can’t wash it white” will help you get rid of doubts about the pronunciation of the word “white-white.” In the word “dog” the emphasis is also placed on the third syllable, and the rhythm of the phrase “dictates” the stress in the word “dobelA”.

Words whose stress is similar to the word “white”

In the Russian language there are a number of similar adverbs (with the prefix “do-” and the suffix “a”), the stress in which will also fall on the last syllable:

  • naked,
  • red-hot,
  • until late,
  • additionally
  • drunk,
  • before dawn,
  • before dark,
  • before dark,
  • daughterA.

At the same time, it cannot be said that stress on the last syllable in such adverbs can be considered a rule: in words such as "clean"

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    From our material you will learn why the problem of incorrect accent placement occurs and what to do to avoid it. And also, how to teach a child to put emphasis on words, while using teaching methods without boredom.

    Correctly remembering the stress in words is not an easy task even for many adults, let alone children! In the Russian language, the stress in words is flexible and varied, it is learned along with the word, you just need to remember it. But often it’s not faster and easier to remember correct option, and then retraining to the correct one is very difficult. For first graders who are just learning to read, this can be a real problem.

    There may be several reasons for this:

    • The child constantly hears incorrect accent placements. In kindergarten, at home, from TV screens, from favorite cartoons - somewhere the accents are distorted on purpose, somewhere it can be an accidental mistake. In any case, parents need to carefully monitor the sources of knowledge for their child, as well as control their pronunciation, because the baby very quickly absorbs information coming from everywhere, and it is important that it is immediately correct.
    • Lack of communication with parents. Children learn everything through imitation - imitation of adults. Lack of communication with parents can affect both general development the child and his speech. If a child does not hear how to speak, he begins to invent his own words or his own versions of the words he heard.
    • Talking to children in "children's language", lisp. Hearing an incorrect version of a word, a child will naturally think that this is the correct way to say it. After all, for a child, any adult is a role model. Especially if these are his parents.
    • Misunderstanding of the concept itself- what does it mean to “put emphasis”. Why "put"? How can it stand? We speak, and when we pronounce words, some sounds simply sound louder. Children have concrete thinking and take every word literally.

    At what age should you start exercising to avoid this problem?

    All children are different - some develop faster, some a little slower, but approximately By the age of 3 or 4, a child has developed the vocabulary that allows him to construct phrases and even complex sentences. At an earlier age there is no need for systematic classes, but even before school age You shouldn't pull either. Getting rid of an already formed problem, for example, in a 1st grade student, will be much more difficult than preventing it in the early stages of development.

    The sooner you start correcting speech errors, the better.

    How to teach a child to speak correctly?

    First of all, ALWAYS Pronounce words correctly and clearly when talking to your child.

    From the early age Explain objects and phenomena to your child, comment on your actions, while trying to let him see your facial expressions and lip movements. Do not distort words in any way, trying to make them cute. If you want your baby to speak correctly as early as possible, listen to this advice.

    There are also many ways to teach correct stress in a playful way. These include rhyming lines, rhymes, counting rhymes, funny tasks and riddles, and toys that help learning. Below we will look at these methods in more detail.

    How often should you exercise?

    Regularity in any activity will lead to a positive effect, so it is better to work with your child every day, but constantly change the form of the activity, otherwise the child will be bored, perceive information worse, and study with less interest.
    The optimal form of teaching children can be called a game form. Absolutely any action can be turned into a game, so you just need to show a little imagination and boring exercises will turn into entertainment.

    Counting tables, rhymes, rhyming lines.

    Poems already composed by someone or your own will do. With their help it is very easy to remember the correct accent, because... Without this, the lines simply don't rhyme.
    Once the shaggy gorilla
    I called the crocodile.
    He was not friends with the gorilla,
    I immediately hung up.
    It's better not to call him,
    Whoever calls is the one to drive.
    In the nursery the children played around,
    The teachers swore:
    "Don't play around, strap
    He’ll put you on the potty.”
    The technique of adding rhymes is very effective and interesting: one word is suggested by an adult, and another is invented by the child himself, and then the rhyme itself is composed.
    Martha scarves:
    Like our Marfa
    All striped scarves!
    Our huge catalog
    Supports the ceiling.
    What a strange rhinoceros
    Ate both cottage cheese and cottage cheese


    All exercises should be in the form of a game, many of them can be remembered casually - while walking, on the road, before going to bed.

    "Guessing the words."

    You name a word with the wrong accent and ask your child to correct it. For example: dogA - dog, candy - candy, etc.

    Another version of this game. You need to choose the correct option from a pair of words with different accents.
    Which is correct? - cup or cupA? flower OK or flower? sun or sun?
    Usually, most children intuitively guess the correct option.

    "Call me".

    We need to pronounce the name of the surrounding objects as if they were lost in the forest and we call them: tUuUumbochka! stoolEEETka! PodokOOonnik!

    Important: all words must be pronounced in a chant, but without separating them by syllables.
    In the same way, you can call acquaintances, friends, and favorite toys by name.

    We pronounce the word very loudly, and only once during the pronunciation you need to hit the hammer. The child chooses the loudest syllable, the stressed one. Instead of a hammer, you can clap your hands or hit the table with your fist.

    Zaitsev cubes

    The basic idea of ​​these cubes is that the minimum unit of speech is a warehouse, and that all words are made up of warehouses, not letters. The cubes have different size and are made of different materials, and also “sound” differently:
    Iron-gold cubes- warehouses with a soft sign
    Iron-wood— warehouses with a firm sign
    Gold- vowels are depicted
    Iron- loud warehouses
    Wooden— subdued warehouses
    Voiced and voiceless consonants can be explained very easily and clearly. Inside a cube with a voiced consonant there is a ringing filling, inside a cube with a voiced consonant there is a dull tapping.
    By following the methodological manual that comes with these cubes, you can easily teach your child to pronounce words correctly, because all the material must be sung, and in this way it will be clear where the emphasis is located - by singing the words, we lengthen the emphasis. Having found out where it is, we place a special cube with an accent on it.

    Traditional methods

    Traditional methods can also be very effective and interesting, and have been tested by more than one generation of children and parents.

    For example, sit your child at the table, have him place his fists one on top of the other and on the table, so that his chin is directly above them. During the impact sound, the chin will touch the fists and there will be no doubt which sound is impact.

    As you can see, there are many ways to give a child correct literate speech. in various ways, the main thing is to devote time to this and remember that no games or exercises can replace good example the parents themselves. After all, no matter how correctly we teach, if we ourselves make mistakes in everyday life, children are more likely to follow a living example than the most interesting and exciting game.

    And in addition to the counting rhymes and exercises, we recommend that you watch the following video.