Almond peeling is one of the types of superficial chemical peeling used to cleanse and rejuvenate facial skin.

It is based on mandelic acid (Mandelic Acid or scientifically phenoxyglycolic acid), extracted through hydrolysis from bitter almond extract.

This acid is quite delicate and gentle on the skin.

Therefore, along with the effectiveness of the almond peeling technique, it is also one of the safest. Very important point It is believed that the procedure does not cause significant pain and does not require a long rehabilitation period.

Peeling with phenoxyglycolic acid does not cause swelling, severe redness and hyperemia, so after it you can safely go outside, attend work, i.e. carry out everyday activities without the risk of catching the surprised glance of others.

Who needs it and when?

Facial skin care with phenoxyglycolic acid peeling is suitable even for people with sensitive skin and with skin prone to rosacea. This peeling can be done in the summer season, the risk of complications in the form of pigmentation is minimal.

Mandelic acid is a strong keratolytic (a substance that provokes the exfoliation of dead cells). That is why it is one of the best and most effective means for combating acne, i.e. acne and its unpleasant consequences.

The effectiveness of almond peeling

There are several points that make this procedure attractive for people with different problems and skin phototypes.

So, what is the effect of phenoxyglycolic acid peeling?

  • Exfoliation of dead cells from the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect (elimination of pimples, acne, comedones).
  • Smoothing the surface of the face, combating post-acne (scars, uneven skin).
  • Rejuvenating care. Smoothing of small expression wrinkles on the forehead, in the eye area and nasolabial folds. Restoring elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Stimulating the skin's production of its own collagen.
  • Effect on sebum production. Normalization of live exchange.
  • Elimination age spots.


There are a number of indicators in which the procedure will be effective. In particular, these are:

  • Acne disease.
  • Post-acne (redness, scars, unevenness).
  • Age-related changes (expression wrinkles).
  • Poor microcirculation and low skin tone.
  • Hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  • Oily seborrhea.
  • Enlarged pores.


With all the advantages and effective properties, the procedure also has contraindications. These include:

  • Allergy. It can occur due to drugs included in the peeling (in particular, individual intolerance to phenoxyglycolic acid).
  • Herpes viral infection in the acute phase.
  • Wounds, abrasions, inflamed pustules.
  • Fever.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays (solarium, sun exposure).

On a note!

  • The effect of mandelic acid on the skin is minimal, so any cosmetologist without a doubt uses it to heal, cleanse and rejuvenate the dermis.
  • The acid has comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, and therefore is an excellent alternative to mechanical facial cleansing options, even at home.
  • For more mature dermis, this type of cleansing has an equally positive effect: after the procedure, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, pigment spots disappear and cell renewal improves.

Properties of phenoxyglycolic acid

Almond peeling has a number of positive properties:

  • Lifting effect. Peeling produces elastin and collagen. Because of this, skin cell renewal is activated and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic effect. Due to the structural similarity to macrolide antibiotics, the ability of harmful microorganisms to reproduce is suppressed.
    This greatly reduces the risk of skin inflammation and infection.
  • Antioxidant, in other words, cytoprotective effect. Protecting skin cells from the harmful effects of the environment.
    Occurs due to the ability to bind heavy metal ions and block free radicals.
  • Whitening effect. The stratum corneum of the skin is removed, the skin is smoothed and lightened.
  • Comedolytic effect. Blockages in the hair follicles are eliminated, the secretion and size of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are reduced.
    Pores are smoothed, inflamed acne with papules, pustules and comedones are dried, and “black” spots are eliminated.

Stages of the procedure

Prices almond peeling for the face vary by region depending on the pricing policy of the beauty salon (approximately 1900-3000 rubles). The procedure lasts about 60 minutes. Peeling takes place in several stages:

Pre-peeling preparation

Before the peeling course, it is recommended to prepare the skin for the procedure at home.

This is done within 7-14 days before the procedure itself.

This will make your facial skin smoother and also improve your receptivity to basic peeling at a beauty salon.

It is also recommended to cleanse your face with a gel containing fruit acids in the morning 2-3 times a week. On the day of the procedure, no additional preventive measures need to be used at night or in the morning.

In the absence of a preparatory period, almond peeling begins with a minimum acid exposure time. Before the procedure, the level of skin sensitivity is determined.

In this case, the peeling course increases over time. This is necessary to obtain a lasting effect.

Makeup remover

Before the peeling session with phenoxyglycolic acid, the face and eyelashes are cleansed from decorative cosmetics. A special lotion or toner is used to remove makeup.

Also, milk containing 10 percent phenoxyglycolic acid is additionally applied. You can apply steaming to the skin.


The skin is cleansed with a solution of 10 percent mandelic acid.

This is done in order to degrease and tone the skin.

Hi all!

Girls, I just don’t understand how you get such great results using traditional methods with clay, green tree oil, tar soap and so on and so forth?))))) well, badya, no matter what, well, aspirin talkers - yes.... But so that cosmetics " clean line"..... Excuse me, of course, but either youth is just playing into your hands, or the placebo effect, or maybe I'm just so neglected)))))

But that's not the point.

After tens of thousands of money wasted on the treatment of acne and post-acne, while sitting on maternity leave, you begin to think: “Shouldn’t I try to become a cosmetologist myself (well, at least for myself))))?”)... we look into our wallet, look into mirror and say: “TRY IT”!

I recently wrote a review about almond peeling from a cosmetologist, the effect is very pleasant: the skin is smoothed, spots lighten, pimples become smaller and more harmless.... But very gradually.. And now, knowing that there are such foreign stores, where you can buy absolutely everything, I finally decided to buy mandelic acid... A 50 ml bottle cost me 700 rubles!)))) and one peeling from a cosmetologist costs 1800 rubles.

GIRLS! USING ACID BY YOURSELF AT HOME IS VERY DANGEROUS! YOU CAN GET BURNS, SCARS, and other irreversible processes. SO I don’t encourage anyone to use acid at home, but I’m simply telling about my experience to those who have also visited a cosmetologist and know the essence of this procedure, their individual method of post-peeling care and other subtleties that depend on your skin type and the problem you want decide. It’s just that at one time I really wanted to find a similar review, and I didn’t find it.. So I’m correcting the situation:

My acid came to me a month after ordering from America itself, with detailed instructions on English language and cotton applicators.

First, as written in the instructions, I performed an acid test on my wrist, waited a day, and made sure that allergic reactions no, and that it is not sulfuric acid (ha ha), I carried out the procedure.... And what do you think, the only difference with salon procedure this is the consistency and percentage: in the salon there was a gel texture and a little more burning, but at home it was just liquid acid and a little less burning.

But as for the burning sensation, I wrote early... for the third procedure or because of what I use in daily care Differin, or because the acid itself has a cumulative effect (based on the principle of gradual thinning of the skin and as a consequence of its greater reaction to the next procedure), I burnedoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’ before I I felt like I’d had a medium TCA peel and there was clearly very strong redness, like a mask .... And in general, I set myself on fire a little, as it became clear to me... On the second day, the redness became much less, on the third day it began to peel off.... That's it. As for the rest, the same effect of skin radiance after the procedure, everything is smoothed out gradually, in general, cool!

There will be a photo later, since now I am exfoliating, I will exfoliate and show the results “before-after” and “on time”. I hope the difference will be obvious!

And also, considering that spring is coming, and I will be using this bottle for a very, very long time, I also apply it to the body to try to reduce stretch marks... After the first procedure, the skin became like a peach, but then we’ll see.

Be sure to keep in mind that before any peeling you need to prepare the skin with a weaker acid, that peelings cannot be done during solar activity, that even without solar activity it is advisable to use creams with spf, and that post-peeling care is definitely needed in the form of at least moisturizing...

If you have any questions, ask and I will answer.

It's no secret that any visit to a beauty salon costs a pretty penny and requires quite a bit of financial investment. After the next course of skin cleansing, willy-nilly you ask yourself, is there another way to renew the epidermis - less expensive and at the same time safe?

If you want to clean the old stratum corneum yourself, almond peeling is an excellent option - it is considered less aggressive than the others.

How it works?

The most gentle, very superficial, but at the same time effective, almond peeling can work real miracles with the skin even at home:

  • removes acne and pigmentation;
  • brightens the face;
  • removes the upper stratum corneum, which will improve penetration of the rest into the dermis cosmetics(tonics, gels, creams, etc.);
  • smoothes expression lines;
  • makes the skin elastic and radiant;
  • evens out the relief of the face;
  • triggers neocollagenesis processes;
  • increases the production of elastin, glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, which contributes to the lifting effect;
  • improves the tone of the epidermis;
  • stimulates angiogenesis - the process of blood vessel formation;
  • has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

All this is tempting. However, we should not forget that such facial cleansing is classified as superficial, i.e. it treats only the upper layers of the skin. This means that this effect will either not be so pronounced or will not last long. But still, the condition of the epidermis will improve significantly and will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Through the pages of history. Before the discovery of antibiotics, mandelic acid was widely used in urology as an excellent antiseptic. It was prescribed for the treatment of urinary tract infections.

You are not a professional cosmetologist, and yet working with acids as peeling agents requires special skill. Therefore, do not be too frivolous and be sure to listen to the advice of professionals to reduce the risk side effects after such an aggressive home procedure.

  1. Do not allow the product to come into contact with your lips or eyes.
  2. Do not replace the branded acid neutralizer usually included in an almond peel kit with a baking soda solution. This will worsen the condition of the skin and may lead to undesirable consequences.
  3. If during the action of the acid the skin begins to burn strongly and a burning sensation appears, peeling should be stopped immediately. If this happens when a neutralizer is on the face, this is normal.
  4. White spots during or after peeling at the site of damage are an increased reaction of the skin to acid. You shouldn't be afraid of them.
  5. Recommended amount: you need from 5 (for dry skin) to 10 (for oily skin) procedures.
  6. Interval - once every 10 days.
  7. Repeated course - no earlier than six months later.
  8. For the first time, apply mandelic acid for no more than 6 minutes. If in the future you realize that this is not enough, in subsequent times increase its temporary effect on the skin. Maximum - 12 minutes.

Question answer

Which peeling is better?

  • Almond or glycolic

The molecule of almond peeling is 8 times larger than that of. Accordingly, it penetrates the dermis and exfoliates much more slowly. This guarantees gentle action. Glycolic testing cannot be done in the summer, but almond testing can be done with great caution.

  • Almond or milk
  • Almond or salicylic

Salicylic is worth choosing if you need to cleanse oily skin with enlarged pores, suffering from. It also has much more pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, i.e. it is good to use in the fight against acne. Almond also controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but not as effectively. As for rashes, it only eliminates small acne, but cannot cope with larger tumors.

How often can I do it?

The course can be repeated once every six months. It consists of approximately 5-10 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10 days.

Can it be done in the spring?

Experts recommend doing it in autumn or winter. If in spring, then only early, when the sun has not yet entered its active phase. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such procedures in the summer, although some manage to polish the skin at this time of year. But in such cases, additional, high-quality care is required. It includes, first of all, cosmetics with powerful SPF filters of at least 50.

Consequences and complications

Despite the fact that almond peeling is superficial, it is not always possible to avoid side effects and complications. You need to be prepared for them mentally and physically. This is the minus of all home peels: you take sole responsibility for the consequences of using acids.

The most common troubles that can await you:

  • if the skin peels locally, this is normal, but if it falls off in whole layers, then the acid’s action time should be reduced;
  • exacerbation of inflammatory reactions;
  • excessive pigmentation occurs due to the fact that the procedure was carried out in the summer and care products with a minimum SPF were selected incorrectly;
  • infection;
  • pastosity (swelling);
  • allergic reaction;
  • chemical burn.

If you are tired of investing your hard-earned money in various beauty salons, but cannot do without regular skin cleansing, it makes sense to try mandelic acid peeling, which can be easily done at home. Firstly, it will cost several times less than in a salon. Secondly, the procedure is simple and does not require special skills or education. And most importantly, the harm from such exfoliation is minimal.

Mandelic acid is used quite actively in cosmetology, since today it is one of the safest types of chemical peeling for the skin. With its help, you can solve the problem of teenage acne and defeat the first wrinkles, but, most importantly, mandelic acid gives a strong keratolytic effect, that is, it promotes the production of natural keratin, which has a positive effect on the skin. appearance skin and its elasticity.

How is mandelic acid beneficial for the face?

Like all alpha hydroxy acids, almond is capable of dissolving the upper, stratum corneum of the skin. Due to this, nutrients flow into it better and blood circulation increases. The substance is also able to saturate skin cells with oxygen, which has a rejuvenating effect. Because the mandelic acid molecule is slightly larger than other acids, it penetrates the skin more slowly. This significantly expands the possibilities of using the product and reduces the number of possible contraindications:

  1. Mandelic acid is the only acid that can be used even during periods of active sun, in summer. In this case it is necessary to use .
  2. Mandelic acid peeling is suitable for all skin types and can be performed at any age.
  3. Cream containing mandelic acid daily use helps prepare the skin for the peeling procedure and makes the product penetrate the skin more evenly.
  4. You can buy acid in a pharmacy in a small concentration (up to 5%) and use it as a facial toner. This will help normalize problematic skin and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Mandelic acid is best peeling, but it should only be carried out in the salon. As we know, chemical peeling involves exposure to a product with a high percentage of acid (from 30 to 50). In order to correctly estimate the time of the procedure and perform a high-quality peeling of the face, a lot of experience is needed, because everyone’s skin is different and reacts differently to chemicals.

As a rule, the peeling procedure involves pre-peeling - wiping the face with a tonic with a small percentage of acid of the type that will be used. Then the peeling itself is applied, after the required time has passed, the skin is cleansed and a soothing moisturizing mask is applied. As a rule, for 20-30 minutes.

On the first day after peeling, the skin may turn a little red and begin to peel, but already on the second day the face will take on a normal appearance, allowing you to leave the house. The maximum peeling effect is revealed after 5-6 days, while in the case of mandelic acid it is recommended to do the procedure in a course of 8-10 sessions.

Mandelic acid at home

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of 5% mandelic acid, 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil, mix.
  2. Apply with a brush to previously cleansed face. After 5 minutes, blot with a napkin.
  3. Wash your face with warm water without using cleanser, apply moisturizer to your face.
  4. Use this mask once every 5 days for a month. This will restore skin tone, improve complexion and narrow enlarged pores.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


The acid molecules are larger in size compared to glycolic acid, which ensures their gradual penetration into the skin. Thanks to this, the risk of allergies is minimized. Is it possible to carry out this procedure at home? What is needed for this, and are there any contraindications?

Almond peeling. Features and benefits of this procedure

This type of peeling is often prescribed as a preliminary process before serious procedures that intensively affect the skin of the face. Almond belongs to alphahydroxy acids and is a gentle care method. What are its features?

  • The immediate result is not considered positive due to its rapid disappearance. The best result is gradual .
  • Correction of the skin occurs after just a few courses.
  • For best results you need peeling course of ten procedures (one per week).
  • Presence of contraindications (be careful).
  • Good tolerance.
  • Absolute safety for girls with sensitive and dark skin.

Recipe 1. Composition of almond peeling mask

This peeling is ideal for use in a roast summer time . How to mix the mixture for this almost magical mask at home?
You will need:

  • Powdered almonds – 4 tsp.
  • Aloe (juice) – 4 tsp.
  • Almond oil – 2 tsp.
  • Mineral still water – 4 tsp.
  • Kaolin – 2 tsp.
  • Oatmeal (finely ground) – 4 tsp.
  • Lavender oil – 9 drops.

Method for preparing the mask:

  • Chopped almonds, oatmeal and kaolin are poured hot water(not boiling water, about sixty degrees).
  • Aloe and almond oil are added to the resulting mixture.
  • The lavender mixture is added there after the mixture has cooled.

Apply the mask to a clean face before showering (in ten minutes ), after a shower, moisturize with cream. Frequency of procedure – no more twice in seven days , for dry skin - no more than once every week and a half.

Recipe 2. Composition of almond peeling mask

  • Ground almonds
  • Oat flour
  • Powdered milk

Take half a tablespoon of each component. Apply the resulting mixture to clean skin, massage, after moistening it with a little water. Rinse (without soap), pat dry with a towel. Recipe to apply two times a week , not more often.

Instructions for peeling with mandelic acid

  • Before purchasing an almond peeling product, make sure that best before date the composition has not expired, and the brand has exclusively positive reviews.
  • Carefully study the instructions for use of the composition.
  • Remove makeup.
  • Cleanse your face with a toner based on ten percent mandelic acid.
  • Perform peeling using five percent mandelic acid (at this stage, the sensitivity of the skin to the chemical components of the mixture is determined).
  • During the main time (twenty minutes), cleanse the skin with a thirty percent solution of mandelic acid.
  • Apply calming mask for five minutes.
  • Remove the mask and apply moisturizer.

Action and results of almond peeling

  • Efficiency in the treatment of acne , thanks to its solid keratolic content.
  • Preventing comedogenesis .
  • Bactericidal effect , comparable to the effect of antibiotics.
  • Recovery general tone, relief skin, elasticity.
  • Struggle with expression wrinkles And early aging skin.
  • Neutralization inflammatory processes , the companions of which are often acne.
  • Stimulation of the cell regeneration process.
  • Elimination age spots , thanks to the removal of the upper keratinized layer.
  • Gain synthesis of elastin and collagen (skin rejuvenation).
  • Lifting effect .

Indications for use of almond peeling

  • Age-related skin changes (first signs of aging)
  • Dark spots
  • Comedones, pimples, blackheads
  • Post-acne
  • Freckles are too bright
  • Thickened, acne-prone skin in women over 30
  • Shallow wrinkles
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Decreased skin tone

Despite the fact that almond peeling is chemical, its irritation is minimal (unlike glycolic peeling), and it can be safely used even for sensitive skin .

Contraindications for peeling with mandelic acid

  • Individual intolerance to components
  • Herpes
  • Cuperosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Impaired integrity of the skin
  • Somatic diseases
  • When performing the almond peeling procedure at home, it is not recommended to immediately use a concentrated acid solution. That is, it should not be abused, and caution will not hurt. It's better to start from a five percent solution .
  • Ten days before peeling, it is preferable to use a cream containing mandelic acid to acclimate the skin.
  • You should not be in the sun (sunbathing) after peeling.
  • After peeling, apply a soothing moisturizing cream .

Video: Homemade peeling-gommage