If the leaders of the state and the Ministry of Defense fulfill their promise to increase the size of military pensions by 70% from January 2012, this will be the most significant event in the life of military pensioners over the entire period of Russia’s development since 1991. But, probably, everyone who has anything to do with military pensions is haunted by certain doubts: why is it supposed to increase military pensions by only 70% when the pay of military personnel increases by 3 times? 70% – is it a lot or a little, is it good or not? And when will military pensioners receive at least 40...50% of military personnel’s pay?

In an exclusive interview Rossiyskaya newspaper On April 22, 2010, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial and Economic Work Vera Chistova noted the problem of the transition of military pensioners to a labor pension. Excerpt from the interview: “...according to official statistics, as of April 1, 2010, the average labor pension in the country is 8.2 thousand rubles, and our military veterans receive on average only 8 thousand. Unfortunately, they became poorer than their civilian counterparts. At the end of last year, we repeatedly reported to all authorities that a massive transition had begun from military pensions to labor pensions. From the point of view of social security of military pensioners, this is an alarming trend.”

But the term “worrying trend” is too soft for the current situation. Let's figure out why. The average length of service of military and equivalent pensioners is about 30 years (according to Rosstat, on average 81% of pensions are paid and, accordingly, the average length of service of military pensioners is about 30 years. Taking into account that many have preferential length of service, let the average be 5 years, then the average calendar service life of military pensioners is 25 years. That is average age of those retiring for retirement ranges from 40 to 45 years. Then it turns out that over the remaining 15...20 years (up to 60 years) many military pensioners were able to earn a civilian pension more than for a longer service in the army!
Thus, the trend of a massive transition from military pensions to labor pensions is not just alarming, but critical (and maybe catastrophic?). Who would want to serve in the RF Armed Forces if they knew for sure that in civilian life the pension is higher and you can earn it faster?

It seems that military security in our Country is in the background, and completely different issues are quickly resolved: the mine collapsed (this, of course, is a huge tragedy, but this has happened regularly for hundreds of years, since they began to build mines for mining ) – a miner (or his family) will receive a pension as a colonel; if he entered the civil service, then the pension will be greater (we’ll see how much later) than for service in the RF Armed Forces. It’s even better to be a doctor or a teacher; in a number of cities they already have larger pensions than military pensioners. Let’s not compare military pensioners with deputies (after all, people’s representatives!), and especially with the private sector, where salaries and pensions depend on the skills, abilities and business qualities of employees and are not limited to limits understandable for budget pensioners...

Such a situation with the level of military pensions was not created in our country even in the Soviet years. In the stagnant 70s, the pension of a major general was 350 rubles a month, and that of a colonel was 250 rubles. These same 250 rubles corresponded to the salary (and not the pension, which was 130 rubles!) of a highly paid city (regional) official! (according to modern concepts of the minister of city (regional) administration).

What pensions are paid to officials now? In Perm, for example, they tried to sort out pensions for ex-officials. And it turns out that three hundred former officials receive more pensions than generals.

And there are many such regions and territories in our country. With such high salaries of civilian officials (their number, for example, at the beginning of 2005 was 1 million 318 thousand 600 people), it turns out that there are tens of times more positions in the Armed Forces that correspond to general positions in terms of accrued pensions.

And in the entire Soviet Union, there were generally two times fewer officials than in the Russian Federation in 2005: in 1990, there were 663 thousand bureaucrats in the USSR.

Today, in our country as a whole, the ratio of the average pension to the average salary for public sector employees is no more than 20...25% with a tendency to further decline (the World Labor Organization recommends no lower than 40-70%). For reference: in 2000, the ratio of the average pension to the average salary was 30...35%. However, civil servants made an exception for themselves. Having worked 15 years in their “harmful and difficult” job, they are guaranteed to receive a pension of 45% of their salary , which they had upon retirement (note - this salary will be higher than the average for the entire period of work of the official). If the length of service to the people exceeds 15 years, this ratio gradually (3% per year) increases, up to 75%. Not bad, isn't it?

Here is a table of the growth of the average pension since 2000 (Rosstat). At the same time, we must not forget that, starting from 2005, the average pensions of civilians also take into account the rapid growth of pensions of officials. And although the number of retired officials is several dozen times smaller than ordinary pensioners, their pensions are on average three times larger than those of public sector employees receiving a labor pension.

Table 1

Average pension (rubles) at the beginning of the year in the public sector (Rosstat data) and forecast for their growth until 2012













Table 1. Continued















Two examples from the Internet about pensions for officials.

...Galina Svetkina, ex-minister social protection regional government, receives a pension almost twice as much as Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Vanichkin. He crossed the Dnieper with his anti-tank gun. On a captured patch of land, he fought off attacks for eighteen days. There was only one left from the calculation. Vanichkin was concussed by the explosion of a shell and covered with earth. When they dug it up, they thought it was dead... But he survived and received a Hero. “The battalions ask for fire” was written about him and his friends. Vanichkin receives a regular pension plus 25 thousand as a Hero of the Soviet Union. And the former official of regional significance Svetkin - about 50... Well, how can one say about such a pension to war veterans and home front workers who shed blood on the battlefields or did not leave their machines for days?

...Deputies of the Samara Provincial Duma have a pension, taking into account deputy and ordinary length of service, from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, and former turner Ivan Goncharov, who as a boy stood at the machine during the war years and worked for 53 years, 6 months, 8 days, became a disabled person of the second group - receives 5.5 thousand rubles. He asked for a raise so that he would at least have enough for medicine. Useless. Everyone politely explains to him - from Finance Minister Kudrin to an employee of the Pension Fund - that an increase in his pension is disastrous for the Russian economy, that the flywheel of inflation will spin up and it will be worse for everyone, that the increase in pensions on average in the country was as much as 20 percent... It’s clear, Why do familiar officials avert their eyes and remain silent when the conversation turns to their pensions? Not only the state, but they themselves protect the ultimate secret of their personal work life.

Let's analyze the growth of average pensions for military personnel since 2000.

table 2

Average pension for military personnel (rubles) from 2000 to the present and forecast until 2012











Brief conclusions.

  • average pensions for military personnel in 2000 were three times higher than labor pensions;
  • in 2010, average military pensions were equal to civilian pensions;
  • if the promises of the leaders of the state and the Ministry of Defense are fulfilled, then the average pensions of military personnel will exceed civilian ones in January 2012 by 1.5 times;
  • the average pensions of officials in 2012 will be approximately twice as large as the pensions of military personnel (and three times more than the average for civilians!);
  • the percentage ratio of military pensions and pay for military personnel will remain at a very low level, less than 15%, while for retired officials since 2004, the ratio of pensions to salaries is at the level of 45...75% with a length of service of 15 to 25 years.

Important note.

It is not only military retirees and their families who experience the low standard of living of military retirees on a daily basis. A number of parties, primarily Yabloko, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, A Just Russia and their leaders (unfortunately, the ruling United Russia party does not belong to this list), constantly remind us of the need to reform the pension system for military personnel.

Thus, the A Just Russia party, led by its leader S. M. Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council, drawing attention to the need to increase the level of pensions for retired military personnel, was one of the first to take the initiative to develop a federal law on increasing the amount of monetary allowances for military personnel and pensions. As the most important strategic objective of improving measures social support It was proposed that by 2017, the pensions of Russian military personnel transferred to the reserve would be within the range of 60-80% of the average monthly salary of military personnel on active duty.

As it became clear from an interview with Deputy Defense Minister Vera Chistova, the 2012 reform is only the first step in this direction. And in order to achieve the ratio of military pensions and military pay to at least 40...50%, according to the principles laid down in the 2012 reform (and to get closer to the pensions of officials!), we will have to wait not until 2017, but another 5...10 years after that term. That is, the majority of today's military pensioners, unfortunately, will not be able to live to see a bright future.

It was suspended by the Federal Law of December 1, 2014 (397-FZ) and adopted in the context of the undeclared war of the United States and NATO against Russia, falling oil prices and falling budget revenues. In times of crisis, when it comes to preserving the country’s economy, implementing important social programs, rearming the army and navy, the need to develop new territories of the country and support the population of Novorossiya - all this is understandable and justified. That is why people in uniform, like military pensioners, I repeat, reacted to this decision with understanding. Indeed, even in these difficult conditions, the state has found opportunities to continue solving housing issues for military personnel, building service and permanent housing, paying housing subsidies, etc.

How to refuse a military pension and switch to a civilian one

If carrying military service contradicts the citizen’s beliefs or religion, he has the right to replace it with an alternative civil service. Replacing military service with alternative civilian service is also permitted in other cases established by law (Part.

3 tbsp. 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). - performing military service contradicts his beliefs or religion (beliefs can be anything - peacekeeping, philosophical, moral and ethical, political, legal, or have complementary content); - the citizen is indigenous small people, leads a traditional way of life, traditional farming and is engaged in traditional crafts (Article 2 of the Law of July 25, 2002 N 113-FZ)

Second pension for military personnel

In order for employer insurance contributions while working in civilian institutions to be taken into account when assigning a second pension, a military pensioner must be registered in the compulsory pension insurance system. Information about civil service, accrued and paid insurance premiums, wages, as well as periods of work in civil organizations are reflected in the individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and will determine the right to insurance pension and possible payment from pension savings.

The number of this account is indicated on the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance - SNILS.

About the transition from one type of pension to another, about the nuances of recalculating pensions for different categories of pensioners, and not only

Do I have the right to recalculate my pension since March marks two years since the last recalculation? For what periods will my salary be taken into account during the new recalculation?” If the insured person continued to work after the pension was assigned, he has the right to recalculate his pension. However, you should know that it is made taking into account at least 24 months of insurance experience after the assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension, regardless of breaks in work.

This is provided for in Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine

“On compulsory state pension insurance”

Thus, if you have these 24 months of insurance coverage, you have the right to recalculate your pension.

For 5 years - this means that the civilian work experience required to receive the second pension (not included in the military pension) must be at least 5 years.

Officially, for 5 years - this means that for at least 5 years the employer transferred monthly insurance contributions to the citizen’s individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system. Passport. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

Pension certificate plus a photocopy of it.

Work book plus its photocopy (for working pensioners, on the last page of the copy of the work book, the HR department entry “Currently working”, date, signature of the responsible person with a transcript and the seal of the organization are required).

Who can count on a double pension?

— If a military pensioner has reached retirement age and his work experience in civilian life is at least 6 years (the length of service requirements will gradually increase - up to 15 years in 2024), then in addition to the military pension for long service (or disability), he has the right to receive the insurance part of the labor pension.

Its size depends on the contributions that were paid to the Pension Fund. By the way, you have the right to abandon your long-service pension altogether and completely switch to insurance.

But today it is better not to do this. When converting military experience into civilian experience, you will lose money.

It is more profitable to receive two pensions at once.

  • military: for length of service and insurance
  • disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad: insurance and disability
  • parents of military personnel who died during conscription service; widows of such military personnel, provided that they have not entered into a new marriage: insurance or social and survivor's pension.

Federal Law "On pension provision persons who served in military service.

", "On state pension provision.

Military pensioners receiving a pension for long service or disability (as well as pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and a number of other law enforcement agencies), in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4461-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in the internal affairs bodies,..." those who continue to work in civilian institutions, subject to certain conditions, are entitled to a “civilian” pension through the Pension Fund Russian Federation. This right is granted to them by Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”.

In 2019, in accordance with the new procedure for the formation and calculation of pensions, military pensioners may be assigned a second pension through the Russian Pension Fund, subject to the following conditions:

– reaching the generally established retirement age: in 2019 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women. It should be noted that the generally established retirement age will increase annually until, in 2028, the retirement age for men born in 1963 and women born in 1968 will be raised by 5 years - to 60 years for women and 65 years for men. Raising the generally established retirement age provided for on October 3, 2018. More details in the article: ““. Certain categories of military pensioners are assigned an old-age insurance pension before reaching the generally established retirement age, subject to the conditions for early assignment. For example, in the case of work in the North, or areas equivalent to them, work in difficult conditions, etc.;

– presence not taken into account when assigning a pension through the law enforcement department. In 2019 it is 10 years and will increase by 1 year annually until reaching 15 years in 2024;

– the presence of a minimum amount of individual funds – in 2019 this is 16.2 points. The number of required points will increase annually, until it reaches 30 points in 2025;

– availability of an established pension for long service or disability through the law enforcement agency.

When calculating the insurance period required to acquire the right to a second (insurance pension), periods of work and (or) other activities taken into account when determining the amount of the pension that is already being accrued are not included in the insurance period. In this case, all periods that were included in the length of service are considered taken into account.

To assign an insurance pension, law enforcement agencies issue a certificate confirming the periods of military service (service), work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of a pension for long service or disability. These periods are not included in the length of service taken into account when assigning an insurance (civil) pension.

The requirements for the minimum length of service for the assignment of an insurance pension (9 years in 2018 + 1 year each subsequent year) raises a question among military pensioners who worked in civilian life: if a man is now 59 years old and has seven years of civilian experience, then according to the new law he is so and you won’t be able to earn the required length of service, since the requirements for work experience increase every year?

We clarify that the required insurance period is determined on the date of reaching the generally established retirement age. That is, if, for example, a man turns 60.5 years old in 2019, his required length of service is “fixed” at the level established for 2019 – 10 years. When this person applies for a civil pension next year, 2020, the required minimum length of service for him will not be 11, but the same 10 years, and will not increase in the future. That is, there is no need to endlessly “catch up” with the possibility of receiving an insurance pension.

Important! Military pensioners are assigned an old-age insurance pension without taking into account a fixed payment (a fixed amount paid as part of the pension to all civil pensioners). The fixed payment amount in 2019 is 5,334.19 rubles.

To assign a civil pension to a military pensioner, you must contact the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence with a corresponding application (it can be submitted using the electronic service on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia “Personal Account of a Citizen”), having with you Required documents:

– identification, age, place of residence, citizenship (passport, residence permit, etc.);

– insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

– a certificate of the established form from the body making pension payments through the law enforcement department on the date of assignment of the pension, periods of service taken into account when determining the amount of the long-service pension;

– documents confirming information about the insurance period (work book, employment contract, etc.).

Periods of work until a citizen is registered as an insured person are confirmed by a work book and (or) certificates of experience issued in the prescribed manner. In turn, periods of work after registration of a citizen as an insured person are confirmed by information from the individual personal account (IPA), which is available to the authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, you may need documents about the place of residence or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, about changing the last name, first name, patronymic, as well as a certificate of a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, and others confirming the corresponding status of the applicant. Pension Fund specialists will inform you about the need to provide these documents directly upon admission.

If a military pensioner, after the assignment of a second pension, continues to work in civilian institutions, then from August 1 of each year his insurance pension is indexed by the state without a declaration.

Posted in category


    Now it’s impossible to keep up with her, either they will add experience, or age, by 2028. they'll come up with something else.


    What can we say about the second (civil) pension when military pension according to the law, it is not indexed to the level of inflation, 2% is frozen, indexation of EOI and DO for the first time in six years is at a ridiculous 4%, with official inflation over the years being about 50%. And what is the discriminatory, frozen coefficient of 0.54-0.7223 worth???


    Can't you tell me anything????




    Can you get an answer here? The question is this: a military pensioner of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation has a Ukrainian passport with a permanent registration dated 2013 in his home apartment, since he lived and served in Sevastopol since 1975. He received a military pension in 1995 in Orel from where he was drafted into the military school. I registered with my parents and received a pension. Then I checked out, had a temporary registration, which I renewed but kept my passport. I lived according to the Ukrainian one I received in 2003, since at the time of the collapse of the USSR I lived in Sevastopol, and with it I could only officially get a job after leaving pension. From 2001 to 2005, he worked in the Russian Federation, acquired the right to the insurance part of the civil pension, returned to Sevastopol and continued to officially work in the Russian high-fleet fleet to this day. There is a work book, there is a Ukrainian passport confirming residence at the time of the referendum, there is a Russian passport, confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation, receives a civil pension of 1570 already in Sevastopol (transferred from Orel) but the Pension Fund of Sevastopol categorically refuses to take into account the length of service according to the work book in Sevastopol from 2006 to 2017, IN ORDER TO RECALCULATE THIS SMALL PENSION, it takes it to court. So that the court ALLOWS to apply Law 208-FZ, BUT THEY ASSURE THAT NOTHING WILL WORK. What to do?



    Dear experts! Please help my friend solve this problem. He was born in 1958. , next year he will be 60 and he has the right to a second, civil pension. On his page in STATE SERVICES the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) is 130.332 For 2017, the cost of 1 pension coefficient is 78.58 rubles; Does this mean that his pension will be (as of today) 130.332*78.58 = 10,241.49??? It turns out to be too much, everyone complains that they didn’t get enough. He has been working as a civilian since 1999, his salary has always been official.


    Hello! I am 62 years old, I live in Crimea, I receive a military pension, I have 17 years of civilian experience (in Ukraine), it is not possible to confirm the size of my salary, my position in the “labor” is head of department - deputy director of a branch (balance sheet) bank. ..How to calculate additional pension?


    You're right, it's unlikely. Do some simple math. Finishing school - 18 years old. Service in authorities, etc. -20 years. Insurance experience is 25 years, taking into account that 15 years in the Kr. North. 18+20+25=63 years. So what is the benefit for the military if a second (insurance) pension can be received without any conditions from the age of 60?


    You probably wanted to say 2025.


    In October 2016 I turned 65 years old. I have served in the Armed Forces for 41 years and receive a military pension. I work in government. institution, 4 years of experience, earned a penny. coefficient 28. When will the right to receive an insurance pension begin?


    “Fixed” in 2016 - this means that in subsequent years the required insurance period for assigning you a civil pension is 7 years.


    Thank you to our state for (taking) care of us. The military pension is kopecks, but they also don’t want to take out insurance, it’s also kopecks. Every year they change laws so that, God forbid, we don’t get rich. I am a working military pensioner; when I left, I had 5 years of civilian experience in 2010. In 2016, I was 55 years old, I went to apply for an insurance pension, it was refused - I need 7 years of experience, I agree well, but the math is simple - 2016-2010 7 will not work, the pension office told me that on the date of reaching 55 years my experience is not recorded, that is, in In 2016 I need 7 and every subsequent year it is added accordingly, I won’t see this pension as my ears. What to do? All this time, contributions have been going to pensions, they don’t want to return this money, but it’s mine, return it.


    No, I have never received any payments, I didn’t even know about it. I was thinking of writing for 10 years and receiving a small supplement to my pension (10 rubles). A good amount has accumulated (about 500 rubles) and now they told me that I will not receive anything, since my insurance period is short and I do not receive an insurance pension


    Apparently, we are talking about the state co-financing program provided for by Federal Law No. 56-FZ. Indeed, the editions introduced into this federal law by Federal Law No. 216-FZ of July 21, 2014. canceled the right of military pensioners - program participants to four times state co-financing. Now, like ordinary pensioners, they have the right to co-financing of no more than 12 thousand per year. Regarding your inability to receive your pension savings. The payment of pension savings is regulated by Federal Law No. 360-FZ of November 30, 2011. Federal Law No. 214-FZ of July 21, 2014 introduced significant changes to it. Incl. Article 4 p1.2 reads like this: “Insured persons who have exercised the right to receive pension savings in the form of a lump sum payment have the right to apply again for a lump sum payment no earlier than five years from the date of the previous application.” Thus, taking into account that you previously received a lump sum payment payment of pension savings generated through participation in the co-financing program, then you can receive the next payment no earlier than five years after the previous receipt. The length of the insurance period does not play any role in this case.


    Nina Veniaminovna Which article of the law confirms that the insurance period is determined on the date of reaching the generally established retirement age? Born in 1949, military pensioner. Since 2009 in the co-financing program. I started working in 2010. In 2015, I discovered that the state added 12 thousand rubles to me, and not 48, although I worked, I contacted the Pension Fund - they said that they were mistaken and next year they would add it in 2 years. In September 2016 I applied - again 12. They say that the law has changed. And then it turned out that I wouldn’t receive this money either, because... I don’t receive an insurance pension (when they started adding a year and then I was still working, the pension office said that the military now also have 6-7 years of service, etc., to retire). They said it needed 5 years, but I had 4 years 11 months. 3 days. Work for up to 5 years. I went and worked for another 1 month. When I come, I need 6 years. Otherwise, you won’t get anything (neither pension nor money for co-financing). I wrote a written statement to explain to me how I can get my money on September 13. 2016 - waiting for an answer. What are my next steps and on the basis of what (what articles of the law)?


    Dear N. Soloviev! Military pensioners will receive the 100% pension they have earned only after 20 years. Now the state takes a 50% tax on military pensions. Shyly calling it a lowering coefficient. Yes, Nikolai, in two years I will be 60 years old, by that time I have 21 years of experience (civilian). I will be given a second pension of approximately 2-2.5 thousand rubles. But now he charges 34 thousand rubles in tax. Military service 33 years.


    From February 1, 2016, insurance pensions and fixed payments to insurance pensions were indexed by 4%. non-working pensioners. Military pensioners do not receive a fixed payment as part of their civil pension. If your insurance pension has not been indexed, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with this question at the place where you received this pension.

Against the backdrop of heated debate in society about the upcoming increase in the retirement age of Russians, more and more rumors are appearing about the upcoming reform for military pensioners. Several versions are being considered - from a serious increase in the retirement age to replacing the military pension with a one-time payment.
Pension reform for military personnel is being developed by the Financial Research Institute, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance.

Changes are being proposed for the security forces that, without any stretch of the imagination, can be called radical. Instead of paying long-service pensions, those dismissed may be offered... a one-time social payment. The amount of this payment is unknown. Retirees are offered a pension, like other citizens, after reaching retirement age. According to experts, if the proposal is accepted, the military will practically lose their main benefit.

The military was asked to switch to self-sufficiency
The developers of the reform believe that the skills acquired in the service will help former military personnel quickly find decent, well-paid jobs and become self-sufficient. However, according to experts, the military's ability to adapt to civilian life after service is clearly exaggerated. Not every officer continues to work after being transferred to the reserve. And it’s not just a matter of reluctance - some of them cannot work for health reasons. According to the developers of the reform, the main goal is to make the social package for military personnel more targeted, taking into account the retiree’s opportunity and desire to start a civilian career, and also more fully taking into account the financial situation of his family. A good severance package will be especially attractive to those who leave military service at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a career in the civilian world. This does not take into account the risks that young and promising officers will quit at the first opportunity, which will lead to personnel turnover in the troops.

Idea pension reform It also raises doubts because it is proposed to compensate only a small part of the pension, while nothing else appears in return. By the way, let us remind you that the state is still encouraging military pensioners not to sit idly by after dismissal. Those who continue to work after entering the reserve receive the right to a civil pension, which becomes additional to the military one. It is paid through the Russian Pension Fund upon reaching the state-established retirement age and the minimum required work experience, which in 2017 was eight years and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024. Budget savings from military reform pension system could amount to 500–700 billion rubles per year. Therefore, many experts are confident that due to the difficult economic situation, changes in the calculation of military pensions may occur as early as 2018.

It should be noted that now a military pension is assigned to military personnel who, on the day of dismissal, have served in the law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more. In addition, those dismissed upon reaching the age limit, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events and who have reached 45 years on the day of dismissal can count on it. summer age. To do this, you must have a total work experience of more than 25 years, of which at least 12 years and 6 months are service in law enforcement agencies. The average pension for military pensioners ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

Today it turns out that in the period from 45 years, when military personnel generally retire, to 60 years, when they become entitled to a regular pension, the average military man receives about 5 million rubles. It turns out that the lump sum payment proposed by the reform project should be approximately this amount, which is very doubtful.

This is not the first year that the government has been receiving proposals to reform the pension system for military personnel. There were both hard and soft options, but they were abandoned. Probably, this time too there will be no special changes and cosmetic changes will be carried out. It is possible that the length of service required to receive a pension will be increased, most likely from 20 to 25 years. It should be noted that fulfilling obligations to military pensioners is indeed a serious financial burden for the state today. And here you can save serious money. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define who is a military pensioner and who is not. According to the Ministry of Defense, in 2015 there were about 900 thousand pensioners in the military department. At the same time, the number of military pensioners from all law enforcement agencies is approaching somewhere around 10–12 million. So it is necessary to more clearly define in the law who is a military pensioner, and this will solve the problem with military pensions.

The abolition of military pensions will lead to a social explosion. The current Russian scheme, when the assignment of a military pension occurs immediately upon dismissal from Armed Forces in the presence of a certain length of service, but without reference to the age of the serviceman, is not common in other armies of the world. But the severance pay scheme does not apply there either. At the same time, according to preliminary calculations, after such a reform, budget savings could amount to 500–700 billion rubles per year. Therefore, many experts are confident that due to the difficult economic situation, changes in the calculation of military pensions may occur as early as 2018. Opinions on the methods of reforming the military pension system are diametrically divided. According to some, military retirement in 2018 will be no different from previous years - the calculation procedure, as well as others important points will remain the same.

Indeed, the official position of the state on the issue of pension formation remains unchanged at the moment. It should be noted that recently conversations regarding changes in the pension sector remain just conversations - no laws on this issue have been adopted in recent years. There are also opinions that although the reform of the military pension is inevitable, it will definitely not take place simultaneously with an increase in the retirement age: this will create the preconditions for a social explosion. Therefore, the decision on the retirement age for military pensioners may be postponed for several years until the majority of the population gets used to the new retirement age. At the same time, only future pensioners will be subject to the reform; those who are already receiving a pension will not be affected by the changes. Experts are skeptical about the latest proposals to reform military pensions, but admit that changes cannot be avoided. The military budget today is focused exclusively on rearmament of the army, and the state is looking for ways to find additional resources.

The easiest way to take money is from military pensioners.
The process of cutting benefits may slow down only because other law enforcement agencies are also interested in preserving military pensions. After all, pension reform concerns not only military personnel, but also law enforcement officers, penal system agencies, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, as well as investigators, prosecutors, etc. These law enforcement agencies individually, and especially collectively, have considerable weight and they will certainly connect a powerful administrative resource to preserve pensions. However, it will most likely not be possible to completely maintain the current conditions for their appointment. The complete abolition of pensions for military personnel is, of course, a completely extreme option; A certain compromise will probably be found, and as a result a balanced decision will be made that can find understanding among the employees and management of all law enforcement agencies.

BY THE WAY The economy cannot be fooled; in practice, the situation of military pensioners is already worsening every year due to the freezing of pension indexation. This indicator is the most important condition for ensuring a normal standard of living for people. But due to the financial crisis, the authorities cannot offer retired military personnel serious promotions. Only at the beginning of 2018 did the government decide that military pensions should be increased by 4%. However, further increases will have to wait a long time. The next one is planned only for October 2019. After that, retired employees will have to wait another year before their next promotion. Each of the planned revisions should increase the size of the military pension by 4%.

Colonels Viktor Baranets and Mikhail Timoshenko discuss on the air of the “Military Review” program on Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”
Will military pensions be abolished in 2018?

Military review. Will military pensions be abolished in 2018? Colonels Viktor Baranets and Mikhail Timoshenko talk on the air of the Military Review program

Military personnel may be deprived of pensions
budget crisis, Ministry of Finance, military pensions, reform, civilian pensionsHead of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu most likely will not support the innovations of Anton Siluanov’s department. Photo PhotoXPress.ru

The budget crisis is pushing officials to cancel the so-called military pensions that employees of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB and other law enforcement agencies receive. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis is leading the economic bloc of the government to reduce pensions for security forces. Current military pensioners can sleep peacefully: there are no plans to cancel their pensions. But current security forces may in the future, instead of a lifetime pension, receive only a one-time severance pay - to adapt to work in civilian life. Such a decision is already being discussed within the Ministry of Finance.

The Research Financial Institute (NIFI), subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a rationale for a new pension reform. Now security forces may become victims of optimization. This can be judged by the public speeches of NIFI director Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions need to be reviewed. And, apparently, quite radically. Nazarov spoke about some details last week on Echo of Moscow.

“Those who are planning to retire from the military should be offered a normal social contract instead of a pension,” the economist explained. – When a person finishes military service, if he is not disabled and everything is fine, you need to give him money for retraining, give him a large severance pay so that he has enough for a year or two of comfortable life, and after that he can, just like a normal member of society work at another job."

No matter how strange the ideas discussed at NIFI may seem, they are worth listening to. After all, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institute is the development of the theory and methodology of financial management, forecasting, planning, preparation and execution of the federal budget, the preparation of proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation. In other words, the developments of NIFI in the form of a bill may go to the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Anton Siluanov. And he, with all the calculations and justifications in hand, can then begin lobbying for the next optimization.

If we understand military pensions as payments that are received not only by military personnel, but also by other security officials (employees of law enforcement agencies and penitentiary authorities, security and foreign intelligence services, fire departments, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then After the reform, budget savings could amount, according to rough estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are also more modest expert estimates of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. Until the reform has taken concrete shape, it is impossible to make more accurate calculations.

However, even now it can be difficult to obtain a military pension. She is appointed subject to length of service. The right to a military pension is granted to persons who, on the day of dismissal, have served in the law enforcement agencies for 20 years or more; as well as persons dismissed upon reaching the age limit, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal, having a total work experience of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months is service in law enforcement agencies.

Often, security forces are fired before reaching the required years of service for retirement. There are cases when a citizen learns about his non-compliance with pension requirements after dismissal. Such underserved people can only count on maintaining their salary for one year according to their military rank. Or for a disability pension.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance’s reform of military pensions may abolish the very concept of “length of service.” Most of the experts interviewed by NG were skeptical about the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost impossible to implement.

“This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some confusion,” says Vasily Zatsepin, head of the military economics laboratory at the Gaidar Institute. “A revision of the conditions most likely cannot be avoided, but the complete abolition of pensions for the military is a completely extreme option. Our law enforcement agencies have considerable weight, and they will certainly do a lot to preserve pensions,” says Nikita Isaev, director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics.

Every Russian officer still has a chance to serve until his military retirement. Photo from the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense
In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected sections of the population, the expert recalls. One of the incentives to enlist in the military is the guarantee of a stable income for many years. According to Isaev, it is not enough to simply give a soldier money for retraining: “For the retraining system to function effectively, it needs to be built from scratch. And this is impossible without additional funding. In conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle results. There are clearly not enough vacancies for night watchmen for all retirees.”

The proposed reform “will turn people in uniform into temporary workers who treat the state as just another place to earn money,” fears Anton Sonichev, a lawyer at the Delovoy Fairvater bureau. In his opinion, such changes will undermine confidence in the state. “Resistance from the security agencies will be very serious,” Sonichev expects.

“No lump sum payment can compare with regular receipt of income, especially with such lump sum payments as they are now in Russia. This will lead to an infringement of the social guarantees of military pensioners, since not everyone will be able to adapt to civilian life,” warns Roman Azatyan, legal adviser of the My Family Lawyer company. “As practice shows, in Russia the opinion of the military departments is taken into account, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions,” he adds.

Many economists remind us that a partial erosion of military pensions is already underway. Military pensioners are still faced with budgetary savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says Sergei Zvenigorodsky, an analyst at Solid Management. He emphasizes that the innovation of the Ministry of Finance theorists fully fits into the trend formed by the state: soon almost all civil pensions may move “to the category of symbolic benefits, which, given inflation expectations, will be problematic to live on,” the expert says. It is not without reason that the government offers the population to ensure a dignified old age by forming pension savings.

Although some experts see good grain in the position of the head of NIFI. “The very idea of ​​retraining, regardless of pension payments, is common sense, since there are many people in the army with skills that will be very useful in working in large corporations and small businesses,” says Pavel Sigal, first vice-president of Opora Russia. A large severance package will be attractive “to those who leave military service at a relatively young age and decide to pursue a career in civilian life,” he said.

Finally, some experts do not rule out that discussions about the abolition of military pensions have a very specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, suggests IFC Markets analyst Dmitry Lukashov: “First, the threat of canceling pensions and benefits is created, and then this threat is eliminated with the approval of voters.”

“So far, I personally am not aware of any legislative initiatives in this area,” Nazarov then explained to NG. According to him, the budget spends almost 1% of GDP on all pensions for security forces. “But we are not and cannot be talking about the abolition of military pensions. Military personnel who are already receiving a military pension will continue to receive it. This is a matter of social stability and justice. We can only talk about a gradual modification of the rules for retiring current military personnel: increasing the length of service requirements and using combined age-length of service scales, when longer length of service will allow one to retire earlier, taking into account the professional specialization and rank of the serviceman,” says the head of NIFI. “In this case, gaps may arise between the period of transfer to the reserve and the assignment of a military pension. It is advisable to fill these gaps with severance pay and retraining programs with subsequent employment in a civilian profession,” explains Nazarov. – If the decision to change the conditions for assigning military pensions is balanced, then the attractiveness of military service will not decrease. The understanding that you are serving the Motherland, high wages, as well as the guarantee that in difficult times society will come to the aid of the serviceman himself and his family members is much more important than “spreading porridge on a plate” when all military personnel receive a pension regardless of their age and income in civilian life.

“I hope that a balanced solution can find understanding among employees and management of all law enforcement agencies. The military are people who, first of all, care about the good of their country. Now this benefit consists of making the serviceman’s social package more targeted, taking into account the serviceman’s opportunity and desire to begin a civilian career, as well as more fully taking into account the financial situation of military personnel and members of their families,” concludes Nazarov.

“In its pure form, the severance pay scheme is not used in most countries. However, the current Russian scheme is also not very widespread, when a military pension is assigned immediately upon dismissal from the armed forces with a certain length of service, without any connection to the age of the serviceman, his ability to work in a civilian profession and financial situation,” Nazarov clarifies.

The right to receive a simultaneous pension for length of service through the law enforcement department and the labor part of the old-age insurance pension is available to pensioners who served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, in the Federal Security Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, as well as pensioners from among employees of the prosecutor's office and customs officials with work experience in civilian life.

The “second pension” for military pensioners is assigned under the following conditions:

— establishment of a pension for long service or disability through law enforcement agencies;

- the presence of a minimum insurance period that is not taken into account when assigning a pension through the law enforcement agencies (in other words, length of service in civilian life). In 2015 it is 6 years, and starting from January 1, 2016 it will increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024;

- reaching the generally established age for retirement (for men - 60 years, for women - 55 years).

To assign a part of the labor pension to military pensioners, they must contact the authorities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration. If the address of residence is not confirmed by registration, then at the place of actual residence. You must submit an application and the following documents:

— passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

— insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;

— a certificate from the body providing pensions through the law enforcement agency, which contains information about the date of assignment of the pension, periods of service preceding the assignment of a disability pension, or periods of service, work and other activities taken into account when determining the amount of the long-service pension;

- documents confirming “civilian experience” (work book, employment contract, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, etc.).

Military retirees with periods of work in civilian institutions before 2002 may submit documents confirming average monthly earnings for any 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002.

When calculating the insurance period required for assigning an old-age insurance pension to citizens receiving a pension through law enforcement agencies, all periods that were included in the length of service will not be counted in the “civil” insurance period, including those that do not affect the size of the specified pensions for length of service.

For your information, we inform you that paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 208-FZ “On the peculiarities of pension provision for citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” stipulates that when applying to citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently reside as of March 18, 2014 on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or on the territory of the federal city of Sevastopol, for the appointment of pensions and (or) other payments established for pensions, such pensions and (or) payments are assigned from 01.01.2015, but not earlier than from the date the emergence of the right to a pension and (or) payment. In this case, an application for a pension and (or) payment can be submitted in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2015 inclusive.

How is the transition from one pension to another regulated?

I need advice on this issue.

If I give up my military pension and switch to a civilian pension, will I be able, if I am not satisfied with the size of the civil pension, to switch again to a military pension? The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation said that in order to find out exactly the amount of the accrued pension, I need to refuse my military pension and write an application to the Pension Fund for accrual of a civil pension, and only then can I find out the exact amount of the accrual.

Lawyers' answers (1)

You do not need to switch to a civilian pension; this means switching to an old-age pension; this is not relevant; a military pension is more significant.

Law of July 22, 2008 No. 156-FZ, according to which military pensioners began to enjoy the right to receive, in addition to the military pension, a civil pension in the insurance part.

Taking into account the significant increase in military pensions in recent years and their planned further increase, the military pension, with additional payment of the insurance part of the civil pension, becomes larger than the amount of the old-age pension. This law applies from January 1, 2007, but not earlier than from the date the right to a civil pension arises.
To receive two pensions simultaneously, you must:
- that your civilian experience is at least five years and that during these five years your employer makes insurance contributions (no matter before or after your military service);
- you have reached the general retirement age.
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
- documents capable of proving identity, place of residence, age and citizenship;
- documents that confirm work experience (certificates from places of work, work book, etc.);
- a certificate of average monthly salary for any consecutive 5 years before January 1, 2002 (excluding 2000 - 2001, for this period a salary certificate is not required, and the average monthly salary will be calculated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using personal accounting data in the Pension Fund database);
- documents evidencing changes in last name, first name, patronymic (if any);
- a certificate from the place of service about periods of military service or other activities that were taken into account when calculating a military pension);

Good luck! Sincerely, Julia!

Client clarification

Thank you for your answer. I know all these nuances. I also know about the average size of pensions. The average is the average. When leaving the Far North region, I lose 60% of my military pension (I do not have 15 years of northern military service).

To receive a second pension (not such large payments), I do not have 5 years of civilian experience after leaving the army.

That's why I'm interested in the answer to the previously asked question.

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Tip 1: How to switch from a military pension to a civilian one

  • How to switch from a military pension to a civilian one
  • How to receive a pension from a deceased relative
  • How to refuse a pension
  • To receive two pensions simultaneously, you must:
    - so that your civilian experience is at least five years and during these five years the employer makes insurance contributions (no matter before or after the formation of military experience);

    — you have reached the general retirement age.

    To apply for the insurance part of a civil pension, you must write a corresponding application to your territorial division of the Russian Pension Fund (at your place of residence), attaching the following documents to the application:
    — insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

    — documents capable of proving identity, place of residence, age and citizenship;

    — documents that confirm work experience (certificates from places of work, work record books, etc.);

    - a certificate of average monthly salary for any consecutive 5 years before January 1, 2002 (excluding 2000 - 2001, for this period a salary certificate is not required, and the average monthly salary will be calculated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using personal accounting data in the Pension Fund database);

    - documents indicating changes in last name, first name, patronymic (if any);

    - a certificate from the place of service about periods of military service or other activities that were taken into account when calculating a military pension);
    The application also needs to indicate the method of delivery of the civil pension.

    Switch to a civil pension

    Increase in the size of military pensions by an average of 70...80% since January 2012 - this is the most joyful event in the life of military pensioners over the entire period of Russia’s existence as an independent state (since 1991).

    But most people who are receiving a military pension today or planning to receive a military pension in the future are haunted by certain doubts: Why were military pensions increased only by 70...80% while the pay for military personnel increased by 2.5...3 times? Increasing military pensions by 70...80% - is it a lot or a little, is it good or not? And the next question immediately arises: When will military pensioners receive at least 40% of military personnel’s pay?

    Let's continue to search for answers to these important questions for all military personnel.

    In an exclusive interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta on April 22, 2010, Deputy Minister of Defense for Financial and Economic Work Vera Chistova was noted the problem of transition of military pensioners to a labor pension. Excerpt from the interview: “...according to official statistics, as of April 1, 2010, the average labor pension in the country is 8.2 thousand rubles, and our military veterans receive on average only 8 thousand. Unfortunately, they became poorer than their civilian counterparts. At the end of last year, we repeatedly reported to all authorities that began a massive transition from military pensions to labor ones. From the point of view of social security of military pensioners, this is an alarming trend. »

    The term " alarming trend"too soft for the current situation. Let's figure out why. The average length of service of military and equivalent pensioners is about 30 years (according to Rosstat, on average 81% of pensions are paid and, accordingly, the average length of service of military pensioners is just over 30 years.

    Taking into account the fact that many military personnel have preferential service, even if on average 3...5 years, the average calendar service life of military pensioners is 25...27 years. That is, the average age of those retiring does not exceed 45 years. Then it turns out that in the remaining 15 s small years old Before receiving a retirement pension (men), many military retirees earn a civilian pension more than for longer service in the army!

    Thus, the trend of mass transition from military to labor pensions is not just alarming, but critical(or maybe catastrophic?). Who will want to serve in the RF Armed Forces if they know that in civilian life the pension is higher and you can earn it faster? It would be interesting to know: Has the process of transition of military pensioners to a labor pension since January 2012 stopped completely or not? One of the next surveys on our website will be devoted to this issue.

    Today, in our country as a whole, ratio of average pension to average salary for public sector employees, as a rule, it does not exceed 25% (the World Labor Organization recommends no lower than 40-70%). For reference: in 2000, the ratio of the average pension to the average salary was 30...35%.

    However civil servants (civil officials) made an exception for themselves. After working 15 years in my “harmful and difficult” job, they are guaranteed to receive a pension of 45% of their salary, which they had upon retirement (note - this salary will be higher than the average for the entire period of work of the official). If the length of service to the people exceeds 15 years, this ratio gradually (3% per year) increases, up to 75%.

    It seems that the security of our Country is somewhere in the background, and completely different issues are quickly resolved: the mine collapsed (this, of course, is a grave tragedy, but this has been happening regularly for hundreds of years, since the mines began to be built) - the ordinary miner (or his family) is promised (V.V. Putin) a pension more than the colonel had until 2012. If you entered the civil service, your pension will be earlier and greater than for service in the RF Armed Forces. It’s even better to be a doctor or a teacher; in many cities they already have larger pensions than military pensioners who served for 20 years as contract soldiers and sergeants. Let’s not compare military pensioners with deputies (after all, people’s representatives!), and especially with the private sector, where salaries and pensions depend on the skills, abilities and business qualities of employees and are not limited to limits understandable for budget pensioners...

    Such a situation with the level of military pensions in our country, which developed by the end of 2011, did not exist in the Soviet years. For example, in the stagnant 70s, the pension of a major general was 350 rubles a month, and that of a colonel was 250 rubles. These same 250 rubles corresponded to the salary (and not the pension, which was equal to 130 rubles!) of a highly paid city (regional) official! (according to modern concepts of the minister of city (regional) administration).

    A lyrical digression dedicated to the pensions of officials

    In Perm, for example, they tried to sort out pensions for ex-officials. And it turns out that three hundred former officials receive larger pensions than generals (until January 2012).

    And there are many such regions and territories in our country. With such high salaries of civilian officials (their number, for example, at the beginning of 2005 was 1 million 318 thousand 600 people), it turns out that there are tens of times more positions in the Armed Forces that correspond to general positions in terms of accrued pensions.

    For reference: in the entire Soviet Union there were half as many officials as in the Russian Federation in 2005: in 1990 there were 663 thousand bureaucrats in the USSR.

    ...Galina Svetkina, ex-minister of social protection of the regional government, receives a pension almost twice as much as Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Vanichkin. He crossed the Dnieper with his anti-tank gun. On a captured patch of land, he fought off attacks for eighteen days. There was only one left from the calculation. Vanichkin was concussed by the explosion of a shell and covered with earth. When they dug it up, they thought it was dead... But he survived and received a Hero. “The battalions ask for fire” was written about him and his friends.
    Vanichkin receives a regular pension plus 25 thousand as a Hero of the Soviet Union. And the former official of regional significance Svetkin - about 50... How can one say about such a pension to war veterans and home front workers who shed blood on the battlefields or did not leave their machines for days?

    ...Deputies of the Samara Provincial Duma have a pension, taking into account deputy and ordinary work experience, from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, and former turner Ivan Goncharov, who as a boy stood at the machine during the war and worked for 53 years, 6 months, 8 days, became disabled the second group receives 5.5 thousand rubles. He asked for a raise so that he would at least have enough for medicine. Useless. Everyone politely explains to him, from Finance Minister Kudrin to an employee of the Pension Fund, that the increase in his pension is disastrous for the Russian economy, that the flywheel of inflation will spin up and it will be worse for everyone, that the increase in pensions on average across the country was as much as 20 percent... It’s understandable why familiar officials avert their eyes and remain silent when the conversation turns to their pensions. Not only the state, but they themselves protect the ultimate secret of their personal work life.

    Let's look at the growth of the average civil labor pension since 2000 (Rosstat and Pension Fund). At the same time, we must not forget that the average old-age labor pension is like the average temperature in a hospital, as it includes pensions for state employees, civil servants (officials), and the private sector.

    Table 1. Average size of old-age labor pensions and forecast for their growth in 2012





    Amount of labor pension, rub.

    Let's analyze the growth of average pensions for military personnel since 2000. There is no provision for indexation of military pensions in 2012, so pensions for military personnel during 2012 will remain at the same level as in January.

    The average military pension in 2012 was calculated based on the results of a survey on our website “How much has your military pension increased since January 2012?” The increase in the average pension of military personnel from January 1, 2012 amounted to 70...80%, which is even higher than what the leaders of our country previously promised.

    Table 2. Average pension of military personnel (rubles) from 2000 to 2012





    Amount of military pensions, rub.

    Brief conclusions.

    1. Average pensions of military personnel in 2000 exceeded labor three times.

    2. In 2010, average military pensions were equal to civilian ones.

    3. Average pensions for military personnel in 2012 will exceed civilian ones by approximately 1.65 times (65%). This is more than what the authorities promised us (30...40%).

    4. Average military pensions for privates and non-commissioned officers (contract soldiers) in 2012 approached civilian pensions.

    5. The percentage ratio of labor pensions and salaries of public sector employees remains at about 25% (military pensions and pay for military personnel is at an even lower level - 20%), while for retired officials since 2004 the ratio of pensions and salaries has been at level of 45...75% with service from 15 to 25 years. In order to get closer to the pensions of officials and achieve a ratio of military pensions to military pay of at least 40%, according to the principles laid down in the new laws, we will have to wait another 23 years. That is, the vast majority of today's military pensioners, unfortunately, will not be able to live to see their full pension.

    Comment. The size and principles of calculating pensions for civil officials at the federal and, especially, regional levels require additional consideration.

    15 answers to Civil or military pension, which is better?

    Nikolay: 01/15/2011
    I completely agree with Evgeniy. It is incomprehensible to the mind what is happening in our country. And everything comes from... “United Russia”... I am a military pensioner, I was in Afghanistan, I have 26 years of service, and what is the result? Nothing. I looked on the Internet how much a military pensioner in the USA earns and almost fell out of my chair. With our money – 75 thousand rubles – there’s no way we could get paid like that. And no matter how much “A Just Russia” and its like-minded people speak out in our favor, their efforts will be cut down by “United Russia”, there are still more of them, and they vote only for projects that are beneficial to it. Well, it’s okay, elections are coming soon and we’ll see who has the wider riding breeches (as one character said in the film). And until we elect a new president and prime minister, there will be no sense; they are only too willing to promise in words.

    Inga: 02/27/2011
    Elect? There will be the same ones, or someone like Yeltsin or Gorbachev - horseradish is no sweeter than a radish!

    Leonid: 01/25/2011
    In our country, the Constitution does not work in terms of equal rights for citizens (the one who has more rights is right). Putin is lying when he says that the situation of veterans and pensioners is always a priority for the country’s leadership. The priority for the current leadership of the country and deputies has always been and will be increasing their own well-being and the well-being of officials. This is evidenced by the salaries and pensions of officials.

    Anatoly: 01/31/2011
    An interesting philosophy among officials is the habit of averaging everything. It is being broadcast throughout the country that the pension of military personnel and their equivalents is more than 7 thousand. Good excuse. Why not start from the minimum? Taking into account the 2010 supplements, the pension is about 5 thousand. But every citizen is an individual and why does he need these average statistics. In the same way, almost everything is calculated based on the average, both wages and the country’s economy in general.
    This is a gross mistake that does not give a clear picture of what is happening in reality. But it seems that this is beneficial for certain circles. Indeed, why not start from the minimum? There would be a specific point (and not a floating one, which gives a vague idea of ​​​​the state of the entire country) from which to start. This is a question for our government - will they answer?

    Alexander: 02/15/2011
    Since February 1, 2011, the average civil labor pension amounted to 8,886 rubles. Military retirees are resting. “Before his death, my father said: “Abdullah, I lived my life as a poor man, and I want God to send you an expensive robe and a beautiful harness for your horse.” I waited a long time, and then God said: “Get on your horse and take what you want, if you are brave and strong.” White Sun of the Desert

    Lieutenant Colonel Gareev: 02/21/2011
    Military retirees!
    It's time to fight for your pensions by any legal means!
    1. Under no circumstances vote for either V. Putin or D. Medvedev!
    2. Protest and protest again! Right up to going to organized demonstrations and rallies!
    The authorities deliberately did not pay additional pensions to us, sophisticatedly using various allowances that were not included in the base that forms the pension. V. Putin modestly called this mockery “distortions.” And as if he himself had nothing to do with it at all! It's like the Martians did it! And he, supposedly so good, is now struggling with this! Now for some, 70% will probably seem like just a “fabulous” increase! And the difference between military and civilian pensions of 25% is simply “the height of justice”!
    Don't fall for another sophisticated deception!…

    Yuri: 02/27/2011
    I completely agree, United Russia should not get our votes in the elections. They are already tired of fairy tales. Our response to their attitude must be adequate.

    Andrey: 02/22/2011
    All of the above is true! But things are still there! We ourselves allowed them to come to power. I can grind my teeth in anger as much as I want, but I can’t fix anything. Of course, I won’t vote for “United Russia”, but look around - young people by and large don’t care, they would have something to drink, civilian pensioners were given a handout in the form of an increase of 200 rubles, and they are happy, and they even show it on TV how well we live. So the bulk will still be for these United Russia members...

    Oleg Alekseevich, reserve colonel. : 02/22/2011
    Very good article. Everything is written correctly. with specific examples, names and numbers. Such articles should be immediately sent to the website of the President, the Government, the Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor's Office - let them read it - maybe they will feel ashamed. As for which pension to choose, civil or military (state), then as a lawyer I will say that currently there are two laws in force in the Russian Federation - “On State Pension Provision” and “On Labor Pensions” and one law does not exclude the other. In 2007, military pensioners (including officials also came here, how could it be without them, in general, all those who receive pensions for long service under the Federal Law “On State Pensions” - judges, prosecutors, deputies, etc., although it was a military pensioner who was sued - God bless him and many thanks from all of us) they sued (they had to go all the way to the Constitutional Court - shame on the leaders of the country!) the right to receive along with (and not by choice, as was before) a military (state) pension and labor (although for some reason only the insurance part - it is also not clear why not in full - how much you earned in civilian life is what you will receive according to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”).
    The laws we pass are normal - you read, everything seems to be correct and fair - and then the officials distort everything so much that it turns out like Chernomyrdin - they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Enough of this leveling! It is necessary to raise not oligarchs of raw materials, but oligarchs of labor and finally begin to implement the fundamental principle of justice - from each according to his ability to each according to his work. If a person joined the army at the age of 18, served the required 20-30 years, and received a decent military pension in full (50-85% of the current colleagues in arms, and without any tricks - various additional payments, bonuses and increases, and as expected - if in the new-look army, a colonel will receive 150,000 rubles - and even this is 3 times less than a NATO colonel, but not to the point of fat, so a retired Russian colonel should receive 75,000-127,000 rubles, respectively.
    If you want to work in civilian life - please work - have worked for at least five years (have accumulated the required insurance work experience) - receive a labor pension after 60 years (for men, 55 years for women) and not cut off as now - but in full, according to the Federal Law “On labor pensions” how much I have already earned working years and how much your employer paid in actual insurance premiums for you. And then a person should have two full pensions - one for length of service under the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision”, which should be indexed in full in accordance with this law, and the second - a labor pension in full (both the insurance part and the basic and funded ) according to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions”, which must be fully indexed in accordance with this law, like all civil pensioners. Then everything will be according to the law and justice.
    And with the current leveling system, it turns out that those who did not work and did not serve receive the same amount as those who served, and then worked for another 15-20 years in civilian life. And then we wonder why salaries are gray, why young people don’t want to serve or work. There are no incentives for service and work. Today it turns out to be absurd - if a person has money, for example, in several banks, then he receives dividends from all banks, according to the terms of deposit agreements, and not in any one of them to choose from, or in one of the banks in full , and in others only part. So in work activities, everything should also be fair and transparent - you’ve earned state pension for length of service - well done, get it in full, earned a labor pension - well done, get it in full as much as you earned.
    Doesn’t the country’s leadership understand this? It’s unlikely – they’re all lawyers. And if they understand, but cannot restore basic fairness in the sphere of labor relations, then they are not coping with their direct job responsibilities. And this is already professional incompetence. It's time to retire - just not a privileged bureaucratic pension, but as it used to be in the USSR (today it turns out that if you are the head of a region, then your pension should be like that of a colonel - brigade commander - 26 tariff category). And it’s time to finally make a table of ranks and publish it in the public domain, so that the people know how much people’s servants receive, how much are defenders of the fatherland, and how much are guardians of the law. Then maybe the bureaucracy will be reduced by 4 times. Fewer is better (as they did with the army over the past 20 years - they reduced it from 5 million to 1 - yes, we are not against it, but please reduce both officials and all other state employees by 5 times compared to their number in the USSR). Then you'll see that military pensioners will have decent pensions - like in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Israel, etc. But there is money in Russia. Today, after the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East, a barrel of oil already costs $105! Where is the money from the sale of our oil and gas?

    Vyacheslav Ivanovich: 03/21/2011
    They understand everything perfectly well, and this is most indignant. It’s time to say – vote with your mind! Unfortunately, many people think differently when voting. Well, we were gossiping “in the kitchen...”

    Anton: 03/03/2011
    I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a major, a pension of 6,000 rubles, and although the pension is not my main income now, I want everything to be fair, because I see many military and our pensioners who wear out their uniform in civilian life, since they cannot buy clothes on What. In these elections, both my wife and I will vote for anyone, but not for “United Russia”.

    levon: 03/03/2011
    Comment by Oleg Alekseevich dated February 22, 2011. clear, fair and logically justified. I fully support and approve. Thank you for this comment. I served for 31 calendar years, was dismissed with the rank of “lieutenant colonel” under Article 59b, i.e., due to illness, disabled 2nd class.
    I worked in the reserves for another 19 years and receive two pensions, which are two or even more times less than the pension of a former official of the city administration of the Omsk district. What can I say?

    Victor: 03/13/2011
    United Russia members need to be hammered for their creativity in the country, no one will vote for them and campaigning needs to be carried out in this regard.

    Colonel: 03/14/2011
    When will camps be created to house former military personnel? For Russia it’s cheaper and we won’t be so hungry. Yesterday, after paying utility bills for accommodation, I bought 840 rubles worth of food with the last of my pension, and there are still 17 days left before retirement (quiet impoverishment is underway). By the way, people with higher education are not hired anywhere (I visit the labor exchange many times), they say that I am already old (47 years old). All this predicts to me some kind of social blockade for our generation. Previously, at the age of 45, already with education and great life and professional experience, they became heads of departments and higher, now it’s the other way around - the longer the legs, etc.... The state or the fair “Batman” - help. Give me a normal job, a salary... or finally my well-deserved pension, so that I can live as a worthy citizen of Russia who defends the interests of the State.

    Nikolai Gavrilovich: 03/21/2011
    I am a military pensioner, a participant in the activities of the Special Risk Units, a disabled person of the 2nd group. Retired in 1992. Over these 19 years, I have been constantly robbed: monetization of benefits, payment for damage to health, disability not for the APLK-431 explosion, but general civil disability, etc., etc. It’s a shame to publish the size of the pension. Question to E.R.: Do you have at least a drop of conscience...

    Transferring from one type of pension to another

    The new pension legislation allows for a transition from one type of pension to another.
    Read more in this article.

    By general rule assignment of pensions in our country to citizens who have right to simultaneous receipt various types pensions

    • one pension is established at their choice.
    • This rule for assigning pensions is enshrined in Federal laws:

    • clause 2 art. 3 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision”;
    • Part 1 Art. 7 of the Federal Law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1 “On Military Pensions”;
    • Part 1 Art. 5 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.
    • Attention. A state pension or insurance pension is assigned regardless of the assignment of a funded pension.

      You can switch from one pension to another, if a citizen is entitled to both of them under pension legislation, at any time after the right to establish it arises, without any time limit.

      The main condition for switching to another type of pension

    • availability of the right to the pension you want to switch to(paragraph 12, article 2, paragraph 2, paragraph 1, article 22 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Security”; part 4 of article 5 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On insurance pensions").
    • Subject to this main condition, everything depends only on your desire and whether it is beneficial for you or not. And before making a final decision on switching to another type of pension, it is recommended to first consult with the employees of the Pension Fund branch to determine whether such a switch is beneficial for you.

      After making a decision to transfer from one type of pension to another pension, it is recommended to adhere to a certain step-by-step algorithm of actions discussed below.

      Algorithm of actions for switching from one pension to another pension

      Step 1. Submit an application to transfer from one pension to another to the Pension Fund branch or to the multifunctional public service center (MFC) at your place of residence.

      An application for transfer from one pension to another can be submitted:

    • in writing directly to the Pension Fund,
    • transfer through the MFC or
    • send in the form of an electronic document via the Internet, in particular through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) (Part 2, 4 of Article 21 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”; paragraph 1, Part 1 Article 22, paragraph 1 of Article 24 of the Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision”; paragraphs 3, 15, 35 of the Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 17, 2004 N 884n).
    • Besides, if you are still working, an application for switching to another type of pension from your written application can be submitted by the employer (clause 14 of Rules No. 884n).

      All necessary documents must be attached to the application for switching to another type of pension:

    • confirming the right to receive the type of pension to which the transition is being made, and
    • which, due to their absence from state bodies and local governments, cannot be requested by the Pension Fund branch independently (Parts 7, 8, Article 21 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”; Clause 3, Article 24 of the Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Security”; clauses 21, 36, 38 of Rules No. 884n; clauses 49 - 51 of the List, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 28, 2014 N 958n).

    Attention. To submit an application through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions), you must first register on it.

    Step 2. Receive from the Pension Fund branch a notification of acceptance and registration of an application for switching to another type of pension, confirming the fact and date of acceptance of the application and the necessary documents.

    In addition to confirming the receipt of the application and documents, the notification may also contain a list of missing documents that must be submitted by you and that the Pension Fund branch will request on its own.

    This is due to the fact that each type of pension requires its own documents and some of them may be missing from your pension file.

    The notification is issued by hand or sent to the applicant if the application and necessary documents were received by mail.

    In case of other methods of contacting the Pension Fund branch, the notification is sent to the citizen, respectively, through the MFC, the employer, or in the form of an electronic document (clauses 20, 30 of Rules No. 884n).

    Step 3. Wait for the decision of the Pension Fund and receive the documents necessary to switch to another pension.

    Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application for transfer to another pension and documents (or from the date of submission of the missing documents), the Pension Fund branch makes a decision on the transfer from one pension to another or on the refusal of such a transfer (Part 7 of Article 22 of the Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”; clause 38 of Rules N 884n).

    If the decision is positive, the transfer to another pension is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the pensioner submitted an application for transfer with all the necessary documents,

  • but not earlier than the day of acquiring the right to an insurance pension(Part 11, Article 22 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”; Part 3 of Article 23 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pensions”).
  • Attention. In this case, the size of the pension to which you are switching is determined anew, as in the case of a new pension assignment (pensioners who switched to another type of pension are issued a new pension certificate).

    Application for switching to another type of pension and necessary documents, calculation of the amount new pension and the decision of the Pension Fund branch are attached to the payment file of the pension recipient(Clause 44 of Rules No. 884n).

    If the decision to switch to another type of pension is negative, the Pension Fund branch must notify the applicant about this within five working days after the decision is made, indicating

  • reasons for refusal,
  • procedure for appealing it and
  • return all documents at the same time (Part 9, Article 22 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”; Clause 42 of Rules No. 884n).
  • Attention. In case of disagreement with the decision about switching to another type of pension made by a branch of the Pension Fund, you can appeal such a decision to a higher authority of the Pension Fund. In addition, the decision of both the territorial branch of the Pension Fund and the higher body of the Pension Fund can be appealed in court (Part 20, Article 21, Part 9, Article 22 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).

    PS. If the material “Transitioning from one type of pension to another” was useful to you, click on the “Like” button at the beginning of the article and leave your comment at the end of the article. Share with your friends on in social networks. They will be grateful to you.

    With respect and faith in your worthy LIFE in retirement,

    Read also about the new Pension reform:

    Forum for mutual legal assistance of military personnel

    Transition to civil pension

    Is it right? What should I do? Who should I complain to?

    I am becoming more and more convinced of the correctness of this statement.

    IN FACT, THIS is the procedure for determining tariff categories in accordance with occupied military positions, established on July 1, 2002. — APPENDIX to instructions of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2002 No. 180/3/390.
    The text of the instructions is given below.

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of May 7, 2002 No. 49-FZ “On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of monetary allowance for military personnel and the provision of certain benefits to them” and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 1 June 2002 No. 537 “On the salary of military personnel” On June 26, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 462 “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel.”
    The said decree of the Government of the Russian Federation introduced new salary levels for standard military positions for military personnel serving under a contract from July 1, 2002, and instructed the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation*, in relation to these salaries for standard military positions, to establish salary levels for other ( non-standard) military positions of military personnel performing military service under a contract.
    Salaries for military positions are established on the basis of the correspondence between the main standard military positions of military personnel serving under contract and government positions in the federal civil service, as well as the salary ratio, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2002 No. 537 for other standard military positions to establish salaries for military personnel.
    New unified approaches to establishing salaries for military positions subject to recruitment by military personnel undergoing military service under contract both as officers and as warrant officers, midshipmen, foremen, sergeants, soldiers and sailors, which have not been revised since 1993, but were only indexed, necessitated the need to take measures to change the tariffication of these military positions in order to determine the salary amounts established for them from July 1, 2002, which are not related to the implementation of organizational and staffing measures.
    In order to fulfill the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2002 No. 462 and timely payment of new salaries to military personnel for the military positions they occupy, I DEMAND:
    1. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, fleets, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces, heads of main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense, commanders of formations, commanders of formations and military units, chiefs (leaders) of organizations Armed Forces, military commissioners to make changes before July 1, 2002
    to the states regarding the establishment of tariff categories for military positions
    employees undergoing military service under contract, to determine monthly
    salaries in accordance with these military positions in the following order:
    a) for military positions, for which the staff of the central military bodies
    of the Armed Forces, military command and control bodies, military units
    and organizations for their support and protection, departments of military districts, fleets, armies, flotillas, corps, squadrons, naval bases are provided military ranks officers, - according to the staffing and tariff list of military positions of senior, senior and junior officers of the Armed Forces, approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;
    b) for military positions for which the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen are provided in the staff of military administration bodies, military units and organizations specified in subparagraph “a” of this paragraph, as well as for all military positions in the staffs of formations, other military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, military commissariats - in accordance with the Procedure for determining tariff categories in accordance with occupied military positions (appendix to these instructions).
    2. The General Staff, together with the Main Financial and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, the main headquarters of the branches of the Armed Forces, the headquarters of the Logistics of the Armed Forces, the headquarters of the branches of the Armed Forces, the main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense, shall ensure:
    before July 1, 2002, making changes to the staff of subordinate military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, military commissariats;
    control over the correct and timely tariffing of military positions in the staffs of subordinate military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces, and military commissariats.
    S. Ivanov

    Military retirement
    The social situation of military service veterans has really reached a point
    2010-05-21 / Vladimir Mukhin

    The Russian Ministry of Defense is concerned about the facts of the massive transition of reserve officers to pensions under civilian pension legislation. As Vladimir Kulakov, a representative of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces, recently reported, “in just two months of this year, 15 thousand people refused their military pension.” Apparently, this process is only gaining momentum.

    Today, 1.131 million former military personnel are registered as pensioners in the Armed Forces. At the same time, according to General Kulakov, “about 519 thousand people receive pensions below the average level of labor pensions, which is 46% of the total number of military pensioners.” Officials from the military department have not presented such data, which clearly does not bring authority to the federal authorities, for a long time.

    Apparently, the social situation of military service veterans has really reached a point. An officer of the Ministry of Defense, who asked not to use his last name, clarified to NG that the situation with mass refusals of military pensions by retirees looks even more acute than Vladimir Kulakov described it. After the April decree of the Russian government on increasing labor pensions, the country's military registration and enlistment offices are simply inundated with applications from reserve servicemen demanding that they be transferred to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund for pension provision. The officer is concerned that “this sharply reduces the attractiveness of the army in the eyes of society and does not encourage young citizens to enroll in military service under a contract.”

    As a result, according to Lieutenant General Netkachev, a member of the Association for the Social Protection of Veterans of Special Forces of Law Enforcement Agencies and Special Services “Rus,” social discontent in the families of military personnel and retirees is sharply increasing. And it is no secret that many opposition parties and movements use this discontent for political purposes. As an example, NG's interlocutor cited the May Day protests that took place in the country, organized by opposition parties and movements, with the participation of servicemen and military pensioners. Netkachev recalled that back on January 30 this year. The bureau of the Yabloko party appealed to President Dmitry Medvedev with a demand to “reconsider the discriminatory pension system for military personnel.” In the following months, street actions of military personnel, military pensioners and Yabloko supporters in support of the appeal took place in Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan, Amur, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan regions, and in a number of other regions of the country. In Moscow, two such pickets were organized near the Ministry of Defense building. “These actions do not paint either the government or the leadership of the military department. But what is most interesting is that there is no proper reaction to these demands of the country’s leadership,” General Netkachev is indignant.

    His concern is shared by the Chairman of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Trade Union of Military Personnel, Oleg Shvedkov. "According to official data, average pension reserve officer is about 7 thousand rubles, while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, reporting to State Duma deputies in April, said that the average Russian pension in 2010 was increased to 8,100 rubles, says NG’s interlocutor. - Such in modern history There was no Russia yet. And here it is completely incomprehensible why the country’s leadership ignores this fact, provoking a certain discontent not only among military veterans, but also in the active army.”

    "question answer"

    procedure for transferring from a military pension to a civilian one

    is there a resolution on military pensioners who have also worked in civilian life for 12 years on transition on civil pension

    Everything is. Just not the way you think. Military who served in the army to pensions pay military pension and besides, if after dismissal they worked for some time in civilian life, as part of their labor force, then they receive a second pension.

    For what period of military service do I need to get a salary certificate? transition on civil pension

    These certificates are not needed. WITH military salaries are not transferred to the Pension Fund. " Civil» pension calculated on the basis of certificates about “ civil» salary

    exit on pension At transition With military services on civil in 2007, a customs major, had the right to leave on pension? if he worked in customs since 1994.

    You are not saying anything that needs to be stated to get an answer to the question, and no one here can guess about it. You mention military And civil service, as well as work at customs. In order to receive pension.

    Management has been delaying salary payments for more than a month, what can an employee do to speed up payment? How can you force someone to pay? Thank you in advance.

    If payment of wages is delayed for more than 15 days, the employee has the right, by notifying the employer in writing, to suspend work for the entire period until the delayed amount is paid. Suspension of work is not allowed: (c.

    contact the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office 1. write a collective complaint addressed to the director (I understand that it is useless, but this is order!) 2. contact the labor inspectorate in the local administration with a complaint 3. if persuasion does not help - c.

    Please answer if it makes sense to switch on pension husband? I am a pensioner, 74 years old, the amount of the insurance part pensions 6400 rub., wanted to switch on pension deceased husband's insurance portion pensions 8200 rub.. V.

    My mother passed on on pension dads. it was more profitable. She is now 80 years old. They said that little would be added, and when they went to count it, it was already to another. We counted as much as we thought. about 3600 She has a lot of experience. But in general.

    on pension the husband's transfer is not provided for by law. You can only choose which one pensions- yours due to old age or yours due to the loss of a breadwinner is larger in size. According to your application to the Pension Fund, both options must be calculated for you and you can choose.

    How to apply pension by old age, a citizen of the Russian Federation, a resident of Estonia?

    Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad apply for an appointment pensions directly to Pension Foundation of the Russian Federation (Department for pension providing for persons living abroad - st. Shabolovka.

    what a strange citizen - you go to Russia where you are registered - apply to the Pension Fund - there you are pension and will issue such a question to the consulate on a general basis.

    941 decisions when and where published

    Which one? Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 N 941 (as amended on February 15, 2011) “On ok calculation of length of service, appointments and payments pensions, compensations and benefits to persons undergoing military service as officers, warrant officers.


    Why, when calculating, the average salary in Ukraine for the year preceding the year in which the person applied for pension Why, when calculating, the average salary in Ukraine for the year preceding the year in which the person applied for pension; that is, when transition With.

    Well then in Pension fund and demand written explanations! Moreover, with Ukrainian pension Few people here are familiar with the legislation.

    I am a pensioner, can I receive pension husband due to loss of a breadwinner? My husband died at the age of 57, 6 years have passed since his death, I have been on pensions. On I was still working at the time of his death. my pension on this moment.

    Of course, receive pension deceased husband, you cannot, because it was HIS pension. Go on pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, it is possible only if at the time of his death you were disabled (i.e. you were already on pensions.

    Autolady is misleading you. Pension a husband’s property is not an inheritance, and one cannot receive it. This is what we have military(you can get 30% pensions breadwinner), now this is not relevant, because " civilian» pensions almost equal With « military«.

    at transition With military pensions on pension by age, what is the average salary used when calculating?

    Military pension nothing to do with it. For accrual civil pensions civilian wages are taken for any 5 years.

    That’s the catch with the military. What should we go over? U military pension anyway more! Any most advantageous period you specify

    Pension on disability + pension for the loss of a breadwinner after the age of 23. Please tell me if there is such a law in Ukraine that allows disabled people of group I from childhood to receive and pension on disability, and pension By.

    Of course you can! You will only receive from different organizations. If you are registered with Pension fund as a recipient pensions for disability since childhood (there are documents or a certificate from MSEC stating that you acquired a disability before the age of 18) and.

    Do I have the right to social assistance in old age? I am soon 65, having lived in Germany for 10 years. Pension didn't work here. although all these years I worked on a “basis” basis and only 2 years full time. Pensions.

    If you are a citizen of Russia and have at least 5 years of insurance experience (i.e., any experience in the territory of Russia or the USSR), then the right to labor pension by old age you were 55 years old, if citizenship Yes, but no experience, then at 60 years old.

    I have a friend who has been coming from Greece for several years and receiving his pension, though due to disability, for the length of service worked in Russia you will receive pension= everyone comes from Israel, collects their experience and salary and registers. for work.

    I really ask for advice from competent people! Good afternoon to you! My husband is 36 years old. in 1993, he was enrolled as a cadet in a general military school, in December of the same 1993, he suffered an injury (.

    I agree with the AKMS, first you need to obtain disability for this disease, which must be recognized through the VVK military injury, which I highly doubt will be possible because injury sustained while not performing duties military.

    If injury military and no other disability payments are made, then yes. But most likely it will be pension on disability military personnel, since the injury occurred before the introduction of the Federal Law “On Monetary Allowance.

    Husband gets pension How military he is a pensioner, but while continuing to work, he transfers money to the pension fund. Does he have the right to use the accumulated funds without transition on civil pension?

    Your question is complicated and took a long time to understand, but I’ll try to explain it as I understand it! at the moment, as I understand it, your husband is military retired and works as civil face and at the same time receives military pension! but they come from wages.

    At the moment, unfortunately not. Currently military a pensioner can receive simultaneously military pension And savings part labor pensions(if he has money in his savings account and meets the conditions for its appointment.

    Please tell me what documents are needed to receive pensions living in Germany?

    Yes, in general, the same as for someone living in Russia, only order the application is slightly different, documents must be submitted directly to Pension Russian Federation Fund. Right on pension, of course, citizens of the Russian Federation have. LIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED.

    transition on military pension deceased spouse My mother is a working pensioner, pension about 4900 with 38 years of experience. She decided to go on MILITARY pension deceased spouse, there at 1000.

    You can run back and forth as much as you like, where there is more, you will go there. There are no restrictions. Mother will receive 30% of pensions husband whether he works or not, civil pension the husband can get it all at once, if he has one.

    The commander wants to dismiss him at the end of the contract on his own initiative. Does he have the right?

    Now pay attention to the correct answer. Art. 23 Federal Law “On status. "Dismissal of citizens With military Military personnel- citizens passing military contract service and those who have not reached the age limit.

    Legislation of the Russian Federation ( Federal laws"About the status military personnel", "ABOUT military responsibilities and military service", Regulations on ok passing military services, as well as orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issued in pursuance of these laws do not provide.

    Worked in the USSR. Kazakhstan. Latvia. Can I count on the Russian pension?

    Right on pension will only be if there is a Russian citizenship, reaching 60 years of age (if there are no grounds for early pension) and having 5 years of insurance experience (it does not matter where it was earned in Russia or.

    Dear Iskander is right, as always. If you have any questions, please contact him only, he has extensive experience in PF and is a brilliant lawyer! How long did you work in the former USSR, if you have more than 5 years? If in Russia for at least 5 years!

    my husband is studying at military school received a serious injury, with deteriorating health... it was 20 years ago, their first-year students were taken to the bathhouse, in the winter at night, without a fence, crossing the road along a pedestrian transition, my husband.

    Pass the MSEC to determine the cause of disability. If this military injury, then you will be prescribed military pension for disability 50% of salary for 3 grams and 85% for 1.2 grams. The cadet then received 22 rubles. Taking into account inflation, 2200 rubles, that's how you count it.

    What exactly was not investigated and what do you want to achieve? “A very terrible diagnosis” is a conversation about nothing. If the injury led to a change in the category of fitness, then the soldier was treated and the appropriate amounts were paid. Driver.

    To a woman pension age must be registered pension, she has a son who is dependent on disability due to disability..(see vnWoman pension age must be registered pension, she has a son who is dependent on him due to disability, question: 1. What documents.


    go to pension fund. Everything will be explained clearly and patiently there. You need to apply yourself or another person with a notarized power of attorney, if your son is disabled from childhood, it is possible to increase the basic part pensions. needed for this.

    You cannot change your passport before your birthday. What should you do if you need to go somewhere the next day after your birthday? Your passport is no longer valid. It's okay to travel, but there are also serious urgent transactions. What to do if your passport is changed within 10 days at best.

    According to the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the validity of the passport is determined until the execution of gr. 220, 45 years old. All! From the next day it is invalid. And the gap lies in the fact that the legislator did not provide for the need for a period in order.

    This phrase is somewhat incomprehensible: “Yes, they can issue a temporary identity card, which is a full-fledged identity document. Then, in any case, for several days the citizen cannot have an identification document.”

    Many or few? The driver of the Kamaz truck was given a suspended sentence of 2 years and was not deprived of his driver’s license. the victim suffered serious harm to health, there was only a criminal trial, civil It hasn’t happened yet, the driver had to admit his guilt, the forensic examination found him guilty.

    The timing is normal. Such arbitrage practice. If the driver’s license was not revoked, it means that the pedestrian did something wrong. There is no need to immediately blame the court for bias and corruption. And here civil he will bear full responsibility. That car.

    Hell knows. The circumstances of the case are very vague. 1. Do KamAZ trucks even have ABS? And what does abs have to do with it anyway? 2. 8 meters is a _VERY_ short braking distance. He slowed down, and effectively. 8 meters is the minimum braking distance from 60 km.

    Urgently need advice! A man was hit on a pedestrian street transition

    Firmly declare to the representative(s) of the person responsible for the accident: all matters are after the final recovery. Do not write any receipts or statements on scraps of paper. The inquirer (investigator) has no right to “pressure” you into making a decision, for example.

    If the harm to health is not serious, then the driver will be held administratively liable, since an accident involving a pedestrian on a pedestrian transition-100% driver's fault. If the victim was seriously injured, then...

    Does the President of the Russian Federation have a work book?!

    Yes and definitely! Like any civil face - he obeys Labor Code, and as a guarantor of compliance with the rule of law in the state, it also protects this law. At the time of his election, an entry is made in the work book - that he is at.

    of course there is, like everyone else decent citizen of his country I think so. After all, he also works, “pays” taxes, earns himself a pittance pension and experience 🙂 Of course YES! He even receives a white salary. There definitely is. Yes.

    What to do about the lawlessness of judges?

    Fight with everyone accessible ways and means. Up to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg).

    which ones? although they all look at us through the prism (we are material for them). You don’t understand, they demand money. And lawlessness is only for malicious defaulters. I cannot fully agree with your statement about “lawlessness.

    Can I be fired? serviceman without his consent, if he does not have length of service for the right to receive pensions?

    RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON STATUS MILITARY SERVANTS Accepted State Duma March 6, 1998 Approved by the Federation Council on March 12, 1998 Article 23. Dismissal of citizens With military services and the right to employment 1.

    I live in the Republic of Moldova, a citizen of the Russian Federation, before the collapse of the USSR I already had 30 years of experience, I want to return to the Russian Federation, can I count on on pension

    In the presence of citizenship Russian Federation and non-receipt of the Moldovan pensions pension You can receive it without living in Russia. Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad apply for an appointment pensions.

    can I start the registration? pensions through the Russian consulate in Greece? I am a citizen of Russia, I have been living in Greece since 1996

    Consulates of the Russian Federation for appointment issues pensions They don’t do it because it’s beyond their competence. Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad apply for an application pensions directly to Pension fund.

    March 6, 2001 N 21-FZ R.F. FEDERAL LAW ON PAYMENT PENSIONS FOR CITIZENS LEAVING PERMANENT RESIDENCE OUTSIDE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Adopted by the State Duma on February 14, 2001 Approved by the Federation Council on February 22, 2001

    Do I have the opportunity to transition on civil you can only receive a pension with civil service without taking into account military service. I know that this pension It will be less, but it’s more profitable for me.

    How can it be beneficial to get less? pension? Or was he going to pay alimony from her? yes you can if civil more than experience military experience)))) Or military, OR civil, but they say that from the age of 12 you can get 2 pensions.))

    Please write down your question when you are promoted to military pension and how much?

    AHA! They'll catch up and add more. So far, only empty words are heard from high stands about increasing the DD military personnel. Or they raise it so that military pensioners would not need a raise. This is called purely in Russian,” the cat threw.

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