XVIII century for Russia - an era of great achievements and historical cataclysms. This time gave Russian literature a wonderful playwright, Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. The immortal comedy “The Minor” became the pinnacle of his work. Undoubtedly, by writing it, Fonvizin made a great contribution to Russian literature. After its first production in September 1782, it was a complete success and the audience was delighted. The famous Grigory Potemkin then said: “Die, Denis, you can’t write better.” Comedy really had an impact on people. It is not for nothing that Olenin, a Russian singer and director, after watching “The Minor”, ​​changed dramatically in his better side. Fonvizin discovers the vices of his time and brands them without mercy. XVIII century attracted the attention of A. S. Pushkin as a historian, poet and prose writer. Highly appreciating Fonvizin’s talent, he wrote in “Eugene Onegin”: A magical land! there in the old days, the brave ruler of Satire, Fonvizin, the friend of freedom, shone... And when Pushkin turned to writing a story set in the 18th century, he could not pass by this play, which recreated the features of his time. So, how did Fonvizin’s comedy influence Pushkin’s story? “The Minor” and “The Captain’s Daughter” - these two works have many similarities, but I also have differences. Perhaps the most important difference between these works is the ideas of the authors, their attitude to the 18th century. After all, Fonvizin’s goal is to ridicule the vices of society and criticize its typical representatives. He is indignant; like a dagger, he pierces vice with his thought, with his pen; he tries to correct the mistakes of his time; Much in modern times makes him angry, he doesn’t like this reality. And Pushkin, on the contrary, depicts the 18th century. so that this time, representatives of a typical noble patriarchal family, their morals become sweet and attractive to us, as well as to the author himself. In Pushkin's work, more romantic and sentimental feelings prevail, although there is also irony. When comparing heroes, you can also discover similarities and differences. The two families of the main characters in these works contain the same characters: mother, father, son, courtyard peasants, and a courtyard man caring for his son. The mothers of families have only one similarity: both love their sons without memory. But there are many differences: Avdotya Vasilyevna, the mother of Pyotr Grinev, has a character typical of a noblewoman of that time, a resident of an estate remote from the city. She is sensitive, good-natured, calm. And Mrs. Prostakova is a powerful woman, everyone in the house obeys her. She is cruel, dissatisfied with everything, persistent and demanding, picky and absurd, mean and insidious. Like all negative characters, she is completely unsympathetic to the reader, causing laughter, pity and contempt. Fathers of families too different people. Andrei Petrovich Grinev, Petrusha's father, is the head of the family in the full sense of the word. He is decisive, does not like to cancel his intentions or postpone their execution, everything in the house obeys him, although, unlike Mrs. Prostakova, he is not despotic or cruel, although he is strict and serious. The father of another family, Mr. Prostakov, on the contrary, is weak-willed, submissive to his wife in everything, and has no opinion of his own about anything. The sons of these two families also have little in common. Their most important common feature: they are both the main characters and immatures, that is, young minor nobles who have not yet entered the state or military service. Their characters are different. Pyotr Grinev is not too hardworking, flighty, trusting, honest, curious, crafty, somewhat hot-tempered, but noble, brave, capable of repentance and gratitude. Mitrofan, on the contrary, is a repulsive person. He is extremely lazy, a glutton, a scoundrel and a flatterer, his life credo: “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” He is spoiled and very similar to his mother, only her vices are even more strengthened and rooted in him. And at the end of the play he appears as a traitor and a scoundrel, living only for PERSONAL gain. The similarities between the “minors” are as follows. Each boy is assigned a teacher to Grinev - Uncle Savelich, to Mitrofan - Mother Yoremeevna. Both take care of the master's sons and are submissive to their masters. However, the relationship between Savelich and Pyotr Grinev is warmer and more friendly than that of Eremeevna and Mitrofan. In each of these works, the plot is based on a love affair. In The Captain's Daughter, Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev fall in love with each other. In “Nedorosl” Sophia and Milon love each other. Lovers have selfless and sincere feelings for each other. They go through many trials, but both stories end happily. However, in “The Minor” by Fonvizin and “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin there are not only plot coincidences or a similar tone. Pushkin also borrowed some expressions from Fonvizin. For example, in “The Minor” Mrs. Prostakova says: “The German Adam Adamych Vralman teaches him French and all sciences.” And Pyotr Grinev in “The Captain’s Daughter” says: “We hit it off immediately, and although according to the contract he was obliged to teach me French, German and all sciences, he preferred to quickly learn from me how to chat in Russian,” - and then each of us went about our own business.” To write the story “The Captain's Daughter,” Pushkin had to not only collect material about the historical events of the Pugachev rebellion, but also completely immerse himself in the era of the 18th century, “soak up”! her spirit. And, of course, he could not help but turn to Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” She certainly influenced Pushkin and his future story. In these two works there are many similarities in plot, characters, tone, even the smallest details. However, they are not alike in everything. Both Pushkin's story and Fonvizin's comedy are original works of art with the main difference - this is the idea, the attitude to the XVIII century. And this alone does not allow us to consider Pushkin's story an imitation of Fonvizin's comedy, despite many details that the poet took from the playwright.

comparative characteristics of Grinev and Mitrofanushka from the comedy "The Minor"

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  • The author of the comedy "The Minor" in the image of Mitrofan, one of the main negative characters of the comedy, tried to show the ignorance and degradation of the Russian nobility. Mitrofan Terentyevich Prostakov is 16 years old, but he continues to live with his parents and is dearly loved by his mother, Mrs. Prostakova. The main character is the only child of his parents, his mother dotes on him and pampers him in every possible way, allowing him to behave the way he wants. Instead of serving in the army, he lounges at home, does nothing, is lazy, the only activity he likes is chasing pigeons, having fun and frolicking. Mrs. Prostakova was stupid and arrogant, she did not take into account anyone’s opinion except her own. She did not want to let go of her child and planned for her son to remain with her until he was 26 years old and not start serving. The lady said this: “While Mitrofan is still in his infancy, it’s time to marry him; and then in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, you’ll have to endure everything.” The young nobleman enjoyed the undivided love of his mother, and skillfully used it to achieve his selfish goals and desires.

    Mitrofanushka does not want to study, has no goals in life, and gradually turned from a mother’s boy into a cruel egoist and traitor. Mitrofan was unusually cruel with the servants and with his nanny, Eremeevna. She raised and protected her ward as best she could, enduring all his insults and disrespect. Despite this, the spoiled child constantly complained to his mother about his nanny, and the mother always took her son’s side, punished the poor woman and did not pay her for her work. The little boy treated his teachers with disdain; his mother was against tormenting the “child” with studies and hired teachers for him only because this was the custom in noble families in those days. He did not notice his father at all, because he did not take into account his whims, and he did not like his uncle and was rude to him in every possible way. Young Prostakov, at the age of 16, remained a careless and capricious child, he is impolite and stupid, and treats everyone around him with disrespect. At his age, the only thing he learned was to eat well and complain to his mother that “he was sick to his stomach from malnutrition.”

    The characterization of Mitrofan in the comedy "The Minor" would be incomplete without mentioning the sycophancy and duplicity to which he was accustomed from an early age. So, upon the arrival of Starodum, a complete stranger endowed with money and power, the teenager, on the advice of his mother, rushes to kiss his hand. To which the guest indignantly declared: “This one catches you kissing your hand. It’s obvious that they are preparing a great soul for him.”
    Fonvizin's hero even betrays his mother, through whose efforts he lived in idleness and comfort. When Mrs. Prostakova lost power and sought consolation from her son with the words: “You are the only one left with me, my dear friend, Mitrofanushka! ”, in response I heard a heartless phrase: “Get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself.”

    The hero of the work stopped in his development and began to degrade; his character combines the features of a slave and a tyrant. The reason for this degradation was an incorrect and disfiguring upbringing. From generation to generation, the ignorance and rudeness of the feelings of the Russian nobility progresses and the apogee of this is the appearance of such a person as Mitrofanushka. Mama's favorite, whose fate is twisted by class vices, evokes not so much laughter as laughter through tears. After all, in those days the fates of thousands of ordinary people were in the hands of such representatives of the nobility. Elizaveta Shchipina Student (242) 2 years agoGrinev is a teenager, he is raised by a French tutor and serf Savelich. “I lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys,” Grinev says about his childhood. Grinev leads a wild lifestyle, without thinking about tomorrow. Shvabrin is smart, perhaps received a good education, but this hero immediately evokes antipathy in the reader. Almost nothing is known about his life, only that he ended up in the fortress because of a duel. In the fortress, Grinev falls in love with the general’s daughter, Masha Mironova, and writes a small collection of poems dedicated to her. Shvabrin criticizes Grinev’s poems in every possible way. The thing is that Shvabrin is also in love with Masha and he has no need for a rival. Then a duel will take place between the heroes.
    During the capture of the fortress by the troops of Emelyan Pugachev, everyone was asked to come over to his side or die. Captain Mironov was the first to refuse, then Commandant Ivan Kuzmich, followed by Grinev. But Pugachev, remembering their first meeting, pardoned Grinev. Schwab
    Rin, forgetting about his oath to the empress, the dignity and honor of an officer, went over to Pugachev’s side. Grinev is a valiant officer, faithful to the oath to the end, and Shvabrin is a selfish, cynical traitor who values ​​only his life. True, both Shvabrin and Grinev were brought before the tribunal, but in the end, each got what they deserved: Shvabrin was sentenced to hanging, and Grinev, after Masha’s unexpected meeting with the Empress, was acquitted.
    Here is age, origin, image. education, attitude towards Masha.

The heroes of these works have a lot in common. Both main characters are peers, contemporaries, representatives of the same class - the small landed nobility. Both bear the stamp of raising minors in a landowner family. Both Mitrofan Prostakov and Pyotr Grinev loved to chase pigeons and play leapfrog with the yard boys. The heroes were unlucky with their teachers. Just as Mitrofan is taught by a German, a former coachman, so Peter is taught by the Frenchman Beaupré, who “was a hairdresser in his fatherland.” The results of teaching are obvious. Mitrofanushka performances

doesn’t know what geography is, but Peter made a snake from a geographical map written out for him from Moscow.

But that’s where everything that unites the heroes ends. If it makes no difference to Mitrofan where to serve, and he indifferently says: “For me, wherever they are told,” then Pyotr Grinev respectfully listens to his father’s order that the dress must be “taken care of again, and honor from a young age,” and goes to serve in a distant steppe fortress .

D.I. Fonvizin does not show us how Mitrofan will prove himself in the service, but A.S. Pushkin portrays young Grinev as an honest and brave officer.

Other works on this topic:

  1. At the heart of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” is a clash and a great human conflict of views, characters, and natures. Grinev and Shvabrin are two completely opposite representatives...
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(Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” and the comedy by D.I. Fonvizin “The Minor”)

When thinking about this topic, the question arises: how legitimate is this comparison. Fonvizin's comedy was written in 1781, during the period when, after the suppression of the Pugachev uprising, the government's reaction could be the harshest. But thanks to Potemkin’s patronage, Fonvizin managed to stage the play. Pushkin’s novel is a testament to his descendants, practically the main book of his entire life. The events of his "Captain's Daughter" refer to the height of the rebel uprising. Between the works there are 55 years - half a century, the change of two generations. But why do we like Grinev Petrusha so much and Mitrofan Prostakov so unpleasant?

The picture of noble life, it seems, is not much different: “Let me run to the dovecote,” Mitrofanushka says to Mother after trying on a suit. “I lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old,” writes the author of “The Captain’s Daughter.” What's the difference?

Let's start with the teachers. Mitrofan had three of them, but only Tsyfirkin is more or less worthy of respect: he is the only one who refuses to pay tuition fees, since he believes that he did not teach the undergrowth anything. Eremeevna is a mother-nurse, who is needed only in a moment of difficulty, is ready to give her life for her master, but does not play any role at all in Mitrofan’s upbringing. Petrusha has few teachers: Savelich and Beaupre, a former hairdresser. But the latter had no influence on his upbringing at all, since he was constantly drunk, and Savelich was the guy in front of whom Petrusha felt remorse in a moment of moral error. It is unlikely that pedagogical influence shaped the characters of our teenagers.

Let's pay attention to the parents. The laconic and downtrodden father Prostakov did not dare to raise his voice in front of his wife. “Before your eyes, mine see nothing,” says the father of the family. Father Petrusha behaves completely differently. We hear him twice, when he makes a decision to remove Monsieur Beaupre from work, on the way slapping his son on the head for “studying” geography (it is appropriate to remember Prostakova, who could not even pronounce a word correctly). And the second time he decides to send his son to “pull the strap” and smell gunpowder for military service not in St. Petersburg, but in Orenburg. Moreover, Avdotya Vasilievna’s tears are not taken into account. Severe? The father is, of course, harsh. But he also pursues not purely personal goals, but civil, state ones. What is the value of the moral instruction alone that he gives to his son:

“Take care of your honor from a young age!”

And Petrusha’s decision to suddenly marry Masha Mironova was strictly, sternly rejected. Pushkin’s father is a clear example of that worthy nobility who decided the fate of the fatherland.

Mitrofan also goes to work. But under what circumstances, what instructions does he hear? Will he serve as gloriously as Pyotr Alekseevich Grinev? Will he be ready to give his life for the Fatherland? Will he be ready to defend his honor and come to the aid of the suffering? Very controversial.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the main difference in the images of undergrowth by Fonvizin and Pushkin is the ability to develop and change, which is characteristic of realistic art; and on the contrary, the static nature and one-sidedness of Mitrofan, created within the framework of classicism, does not allow us to speculate on his positive development.

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