labor pension old age

Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to an old-age pension. Such a pension is assigned if there are at least five years of insurance experience.

An old-age labor pension may consist of the following parts:

Base part;

Insurance part;

Storage part.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation“The amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 1,794 rubles per month.

For persons who have reached the age of 80 years or are disabled people with a third degree limitation in their ability to work, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 3,588 rubles per month.

For persons dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

If there is one such family member - 2392 rubles per month;

If there are two such family members - 2990 rubles per month;

If there are three or more such family members - 3,588 rubles per month.

For persons who have reached the age of 80 years or who are disabled, have a third degree limitation in their ability to work, and who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

If there is one such family member - 4186 rubles per month;

If there are two such family members - 4,784 rubles per month;

If there are three or more such family members - 5382 rubles per month.

Disabled family members, the fact of which a person is dependent on the amount of the basic part of his old-age pension, include:

Children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner who have not reached the age of 18, as well as children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner studying full-time in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, with the exception of educational institutions of additional education, until they complete such training, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23 years, or children, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of a deceased breadwinner older than this age, if they became disabled before reaching the age of 18 years, having limited ability to labor activity. In this case, brothers, sisters and grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner are recognized as disabled family members, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents;

Parents and spouse of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the ages of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled people with limited ability to work;

Grandfather and grandmother of the deceased breadwinner, if they have reached the ages of 60 and 55 years (men and women, respectively) or are disabled people with limited ability to work, in the absence of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are obliged to support them.

The size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension for persons living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the region (locality) of residence, for the entire period of residence of these persons in the specified areas (localities). ).

When citizens leave the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for a new place of residence, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1-4 of this article.

When citizens move to a new place of residence in other regions of the Far North and equivalent areas in which other regional coefficients are established, the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is determined taking into account the size of the regional coefficient at the new place of residence.

For persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and have an insurance period of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set at 2,691 rubles per month.

The same persons who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equivalent to them, when determining the number of calendar years of work in areas of the Far North in order to establish the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to areas of the Far North North, is considered to be nine months of work in the Far North.

For these same persons who have reached the age of 80 years or who are disabled people with a third degree limitation in their ability to work, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set in the amount of 5,382 rubles per month.

For the same persons who are dependent on disabled family members (with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled persons with a third degree limitation in their ability to work), the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 3588 rubles per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 4485 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 5382 rubles per month.

1) if there is one such family member - 6279 rubles per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 7176 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 8073 rubles per month.

For persons who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set in the amount of 2332 rubles 20 kopecks per month. month.

For these same persons who have reached the age of 80 years or are disabled people with a third-degree disability in the ability to work, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is set in the amount of 4,664 rubles 40 kopecks per month.

For the same persons (with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people with a third degree limitation in their ability to work), who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 3109 rubles 60 kopecks per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 3887 rubles per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 4664 rubles 40 kopecks per month.

For these same persons who have reached the age of 80 years or who are disabled, have a third degree limitation in their ability to work, and who are dependent on disabled family members, the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the following amounts:

1) if there is one such family member - 5441 rubles 80 kopecks per month;

2) if there are two such family members - 6219 rubles 20 kopecks per month;

3) if there are three or more such family members - 6996 rubles 60 kopecks per month.

The basic part of the old-age labor pension is established in the amounts provided for by Federal Law N 173-FZ, regardless of the citizen’s place of residence.

Citizens who have the right to increase the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension by the corresponding regional coefficient and at the same time to the basic part of the old-age labor pension are given the right to choose when establishing the appropriate amount of the old-age labor pension.

The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

SC = PC / T, where

SCH - the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which the specified person is assigned the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, used to calculate the insurance part of the specified pension, amounting to 19 years (228 months).

The amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension of insured persons who were recipients of the insurance part of the labor disability pension for a total of at least 10 years cannot be less than the size of the insurance part of the labor disability pension, which was established for these persons as of the day from which they were finally stopped paying the specified part of this pension.

When assigning the insurance part of an old-age labor pension at a later age than provided for by Federal Law, the expected period for payment of an old-age labor pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the date of reaching the specified age. In this case, the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, used to calculate the amount of the insurance part of the said pension, cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).

When determining the size of the insurance part of the labor pension, starting from January 1, 2002, the expected period for payment of the old-age labor pension cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). Starting from January 1, 2009, the specified duration increases annually by 6 months (from January 1 of the corresponding year) until reaching 14 years (168 months).

When recalculating the insurance part of an old-age labor pension, the expected period for payment of an old-age labor pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the date of assignment of the specified part of this pension. In this case, the specified period, including taking into account its reduction in the case provided for in paragraph 6 of this article, cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).

The size of the funded part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

LF = PN / T, where

LF - the size of the funded part of the labor pension;

PN - the amount of pension savings of the insured person, recorded in a special part of his individual personal account as of the day from which he is assigned accumulative part old-age labor pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period for payment of an old-age labor pension, used to calculate the funded part of the specified pension, determined in the manner established by Federal Law.

In the case of establishing an old-age labor pension, which includes the insurance part and (or) the funded part of the specified pension, the funds reflected in the individual personal account and (or) in the special part of the individual personal account and taken into account when assigning this pension are not accepted into attention when recalculating the corresponding part of the old-age labor pension and when indexing the estimated pension capital.

The total amount of old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

P = BC + MF + LF, where

P - the size of the old-age labor pension;

BC - the basic part of the old-age labor pension (clauses 1-4.9 of this article) (as amended by Federal Laws dated November 29, 2003 N 154-FZ, dated December 1, 2007 N 312-FZ);

SC - the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (clause 5 of this article);

LF - the funded part of the old-age labor pension (clause 9 of this article).

Having reached a certain age, Russian citizens have the right to state pension payments. Old age pension in 2018, except retirement age(60 years for men and 55 for women), requires insurance experience and fulfillment of other conditions established by law. For our country, this is the most common type of pension provision.

Types of pensions in Russia

In the Russian Federation, there are several types of pensions, which are divided according to the conditions of assignment. According to Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001, the pension can be:

  • Old-age insurance (otherwise called labor insurance) - to receive it, you must reach retirement age, have at least the minimum insurance period and the required number of points.
  • Social - payments of this type are assigned in the case of disabled people or persons who have lived to old age, but do not have the necessary length of service.
  • State - such provision is intended to compensate for lost income for certain categories of citizens (for example, victims of radiation, military pensioners or test pilots). This type of accrual depends on a number of conditions - the absence of another form of income, the presence length of service and etc.

How is the old age pension calculated?

In accordance with pension legislation(and this is the federal law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” that came into force on January 1, 2015), the procedure for calculating social benefits in old age implies the fulfillment of several conditions. These are conditions such as:

  • Reaching retirement age (55 and 60 years for women/men).
  • Required experience. This figure increases annually, and for 2018 it is 9 years.
  • Availability of the required amount of pension points. For 2018, this number is 13.8 points.

Those who want to apply for an old-age pension in 2018 must take into account that when calculating the insurance period, only the time of official employment is taken into account (that is, when the employer made transfers to the pension fund). Unofficial work or freelancing without a record of employment does not in any way affect the length of service, so those who seek to receive social benefits from the state upon retirement must get an official job.

Who is entitled to old age insurance pensions?

The legislation clearly defines the persons who can receive pension payments. These people can be divided into following categories:

  1. Citizens of Russia: women at least 55 years old, men – 60 years old, with an established amount of insurance coverage.
  2. Citizens of Russia who are in the civil service: - from January 1, 2017, an increasing coefficient will be introduced - annually the retirement age for this category will increase by six months (with a “ceiling” of 63 and 65 years for women/men). For this category, the old-age pension in 2018 is intended for women who have reached 56 years of age, and for men - 61 years of age.
  3. Citizens of Russia who have worked in the northern territories (and equivalent areas) for at least 15 years: women at least 50 years old, men - 55 years old.
  4. Foreign citizens: women at least 60 years old, men – 65 years old, with Russian work experience of at least 15 years.

To calculate payments from Pension Fund There are special formulas that take into account age, length of service and other indicators. It is important that work experience also includes time spent studying at a higher educational institution or military service. Working in hazardous conditions means early date retirement (as a rule, the amount of payments in this case will be larger).

Conditions of receipt

The minimum length of service and the individual pensioner coefficient (IPC) are not constant values ​​- until 2025, they will increase annually. Therefore, the requirements for those retiring in old age will change every year. The table shows this dynamics, according to the Law “On Insurance Pensions”:

How to apply

Making payments involves a certain sequence of actions. It looks like this step by step - you need to:

  1. Collect the necessary documentation confirming the experience and benefits provided.
  2. Prepare an application for the Pension Fund and submit it along with a package of documents.
  3. If necessary, you must provide the required documentation.
  4. Find out about the positive decision and start receiving pension payments.

Where to contact

An application for receiving payments is submitted to the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Another option is to do this through the Multifunctional Center (MFC). In this case, the recipient of payments can:

  • contact in person;
  • use the services of a legal representative;
  • fill out an application electronically on the Pension Fund website;
  • send the document by mail;
  • do this with the help of your employer.

Russian citizens who have traveled abroad must submit an application directly to the Pension Fund (Moscow, Shabolovka St., 4). In all cases, the date of application will be considered the day when the application was accepted (the letter was sent), and if the document is prepared in electronic form, the time of submission via the Internet. It is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to prepare and submit an application no earlier than a month before the retirement date.

What documents are needed

In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit a number of documents confirming that the applicant is entitled to an old-age pension in 2018. The package of documents must include:

  • passport of a Russian citizen (or residence permit for foreigners);
  • document on compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • work book and other documents confirming work experience and its duration;
  • data on average monthly earnings for the last 5 years;
  • supporting documents in the presence of additional circumstances (for example, early retirement for workers in the Far North).

Appointment dates

An application submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia is considered within ten working days from the date of submission or mailing, while 3 months are given to prepare the documentation package. If this deadline is not met, the submission time is considered to be the day the last document was submitted. Payments are assigned from the time the application is submitted, but not earlier than the required age. However, if an employee quits his job and prepares an application within 30 days, payments can be assigned earlier than the day of application and the pension is assigned from the next day after completion of work.

Pension payments are made every month. At the same time, the recipient can choose the delivery method convenient for him. In addition to the recipient himself, a pension can be issued to a trusted person - this requires a power of attorney and annual confirmation of the pensioner’s registration at the place of receipt.

Existing methods for delivering pension payments provide the recipient with the opportunity to choose the option that is suitable for him (by notifying the Pension Fund about this via a personal request or by logging into his personal account on the website). These are options such as:

  • Using Russian Post - home delivery or collection at the post office. When delivering to your home, a schedule is set and the end date of the delivery period is determined - it will be different for different post offices, so it needs to be clarified in advance. If pension payments are not claimed within six months, they are suspended until the circumstances are clarified.
  • Through the bank - directly at the branch or with a transfer to a plastic card. Money is transferred without commission, on the day the funds are received from the Pension Fund, and you can withdraw them from the card at any time. From July 1, 2017, for pension payments, banks issue exclusively plastic cards of the national payment system “Mir”.
  • Through an organization engaged in the delivery of pension payments - full list These organizations are available on the Pension Fund website. The procedure for receiving it is the same as using Russian Post - at the company’s office or with home delivery.

Amount of fixed payment to the insurance pension

As of the end of 2018, the fixed pension payment is equal to 4805.11 rubles, which are accrued every month. This amount can be increased if the pensioner is included in the preferential list - then, depending on the category, the amount of the additional payment will be 6246.64-21622.99 rubles. The table shows the categories of citizens who have the right to a monthly fixed payment:

Monthly payment amount, rubles

Having no dependents - citizens over 80 years of age or disabled people of the first group


Citizens under 80 years of age who do not have a disability of the first group and have 1-2-3 dependents


Residents of the Far North (and areas that are equivalent to it)

When using the increasing coefficient, the pension will increase by the specified amount


having worked for 15 or more years in the regions of the Far North, and having a work experience for men of 25 years or more, for women 5 years less.




having worked for 20 or more years in the regions of the Far North, and having a work experience for men of 25 years or more, for women 5 years less.

Persons without dependents under 80 years of age and in the absence of disability of the first group

Persons over 80 years of age who have no dependents or have a disability of the first group

Persons with 1-2-3 dependents under 80 years of age and in the absence of disability of the first group


Persons with 1-2-3 dependents over 80 years of age or if there is a disability of the first group


Increase in old age pension in 2018

Pensioners belong to the category of socially unprotected disabled citizens (only a few continue to work after retirement), so they are very susceptible to changes in consumer prices. In order for the paid pension to correspond to the level of inflation, the amount of payments is adjusted annually (indexation). As inflation rises, the insurance pension will also increase within the prescribed indexation limits and taking into account the cost of the IPC. Thus, from February 1, 2018, old-age pensions and fixed payments will increase by 5.8%.

Minimum size

For old age, it is directly related to the pensioner’s subsistence level (PMP), which is established annually by the Russian Government (for example, for 2018, the PMP is 8,540 rubles). At the same time, different regions may have their own allowances from local budgets, so PFP-2017 for Moscow is 11,561 rubles, for the Moscow region - 9,161 rubles, and for Yakutia - 13,907 rubles.

What to do if your pension is below the subsistence level

In some regions minimum size Old age pensions are less in 2018 living wage pensioner - for example, we can cite the Ivanovo (7977 rub.) and Kursk (7460 rub.) regions. Looking at the list of pension benefits by region of Russia, the difference in the size of pension accruals is very noticeable, but this does not mean that pensioners in these federal subjects are forced to endure hardships, as it may seem at first.

In a situation where regional payments are lower than the federal PMP, a premium is established for pensioners to compensate for this difference, based on additional laws adopted by regional authorities. The smallest amount that will be paid to a Russian old-age pensioner in 2018 will be equal to 8,540 rubles - in pure form or with increases if necessary.

Will there be indexation for working pensioners?

In 2018, innovative technology will be used for the procedure for indexing pension accruals. Initially, funds for indexation were included in the budget, and the percentage increase obviously had to exceed inflation. This makes it possible to calculate the old-age pension in 2018, without relying on statistical calculations, and to increase pension payments by 3.7 percent from January 1, 2018, and not from February 1, as was the case before. The average pension value in 2017 is 13,557 rubles; from 2018 it will increase to 14,045 rubles. - this means that the average increase will be 488 rubles.


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Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises.

An application for an old-age pension can be accepted by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before the citizen reaches retirement age, but not earlier than a month before reaching the appropriate age. The day of applying for a pension is the day the application for a pension is received is the day of applying for a pension ( unless the application is submitted one month before reaching the appropriate age).

The day of applying for a pension is the day the application for a pension is received is the day of applying for a pension (except for the case of filing an application a month before reaching the appropriate age).

When submitting an application for a pension:

    personally (by a representative, through an employer) the day of application is the day the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation receives the application;

    by mail - the day of application for a state old-age pension is considered to be the date indicated on the postmark at the place where the application was sent;

  • through the MFC - the date of receipt of the application by the MFC;
  • a citizen can submit an application in the form of an electronic document through “” on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia -. If an application for a pension is submitted in the form of an electronic document, the day of applying for a pension is considered to be the date of filing the application in the form of an electronic document.

Russians who have left Russia for permanent residence and do not have a place of residence and place of stay in Russia confirmed by registration, submit an application directly to the Pension Fund of Russia (Moscow, Shabolovka St., 4). The pension fund may accept an application for an old-age insurance pension, but not earlier than a month before the retirement age that gives the right to assign an old-age insurance pension. A citizen can submit an application in the form of an electronic document through the “Citizen’s Personal Account” on the official website of the Pension Fund.

What documents to submit

When filing an application for an old-age insurance pension, the following is provided:

    a citizen’s identity document (for example, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a residence permit of a foreign citizen (stateless person), etc.);

    documents confirming periods of work, other activities, other (non-insurance) periods. Documents must be correctly executed (contain the number, date of issue, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the citizen to whom the document is issued, day, month and year of his birth, place of work, period of work, profession (position), grounds for issuing them (orders, personal accounts, etc.), signature of an official (authorized) person, certified by the seal of the organization). Documents issued by the employer upon dismissal from work may be accepted as confirmation of the insurance period even if they do not contain the basis for their issuance.

  • certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months before January 1, 2002 during employment (if necessary). Information on average monthly earnings for 2000-2001, submitted by employers and available in the information systems of the Pension Fund of Russia, may be taken into account;
  • other documents necessary to confirm additional circumstances.

If not all necessary documents are attached to the application, you will be given an explanation about the need to submit them no later than three months later. At the same time, a notification is issued (sent) indicating a list of documents submitted simultaneously with the application, documents the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant within the specified period, documents at the disposal of other bodies that are requested by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and which the applicant has the right to submit by own initiative.

When sending an application in the form of an electronic document using a “personal account” on the “Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)” and the Pension Fund of Russia website, identification documents, age, and citizenship of the citizen are not required.

If a citizen agrees to grant a pension based on the individual (personalized) registration information available to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the submission of additional documents is not required.

The documents, the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant, are listed in No. 14n dated January 19, 2016.

Appointment dates

The application for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia is considered within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application with all necessary documents or from the date of submission of the last missing document necessary for her appointment, if such a document is submitted no later than three months from the date of receipt of the corresponding clarification from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

An old-age insurance pension is assigned from the date of application for it, but not earlier than the day the right to it arises. It is assigned earlier than the day of application if the application was made within 30 days from the date of dismissal from work. Moreover, her appointment occurs from the day following the day of dismissal from work.


The pension is paid monthly. The pensioner has the right to choose, at his own discretion, the organization that will deliver the pension, as well as the method of receiving it (at home, at the cash desk of the delivery organization or to his own bank account). In addition, a trusted person can receive a pension for a pensioner. Payment of a pension by power of attorney, the validity of which exceeds one year, is made during the entire validity period of the power of attorney, provided that the pensioner annually confirms the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the pension.

Pension delivery methods:

1. via Russian Post- you can receive your pension at home or yourself at the post office at your place of residence. In this case, each pensioner is given a date for receiving a pension in accordance with the delivery schedule, and the pension can be paid later than the established date within the delivery period. It is better to find out the end date of the payment period in advance, since each post office has its own. If the pension is not received within six months, then its payment is suspended and you will need to write an application to your Pension Fund to resume payment;

2. through a bank - you can receive a pension at the cash desk of a bank branch or apply for a bank card (from July 1, 2017, only cards of the national payment system “MIR” are issued for pension payments) and withdraw funds through an ATM. The pension for the current month is delivered to the account on the day the funds are received from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia. You can withdraw your money from your bank account any day after it is deposited. Crediting to a pensioner's account at a credit institution is carried out without charging a commission.

IMPORTANT! pensioners currently receiving pensions on accounts opened with credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, providing for transactions using payment cards of other payment systems, will be transferred to the national payment system "MIR" as their current bank cards expire;

3. through an organization that delivers pensions- you can receive a pension at home or independently in this organization. A complete list of such organizations in your region (including those delivering pensions to your home) is at the disposal of the territorial body of the Russian Pension Fund. The procedure for paying a pension through another organization engaged in the delivery of pensions is the same as through a post office.

To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to notify the Pension Fund about this in any way convenient for you:

  • in writing, by submitting an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund that assigned you a pension (application form for choosing a pension delivery method);
  • in electronic form by submitting a corresponding application through the Pension Fund website.

Amount of fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension

As of January 1, 2019, the amount of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is 5334 rubles 19 kopecks per month.

The amount of a fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, taking into account increases to it

Citizens who have reached the age of 80 (without dependents) Group I disabled persons (without dependents)

10668 rubles 38 kopecks per month

Citizens whose dependents are disabled family members (except for persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group 1)

With 1 dependent - 7112 rubles 25 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 8890 rubles 31 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 10,668 rubles 37 kopecks per month

Citizens who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I, who are dependent on disabled family members

With 1 dependent - 12,446 rubles 44 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 14224 rubles 50 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 16,002 rubles 56 kopecks per month

Citizens living in the Far North and equivalent areas

The fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension and increases to it are increased by the corresponding regional coefficient

Citizens without dependents who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women (except for persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group 1)

8001 ruble 29 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens without dependents who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women, who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I

16,002 rubles 58 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, who are dependent on disabled family members (except for persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled 1 group)

With 1 dependent - 10,668 rubles 38 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 13335 rubles 47 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 16,002 rubles 56 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and have insurance experience for men of at least 25, and for women of at least 20 years, who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I, dependent on disabled family members

With 1 dependent - 18,669 rubles 67 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 21336 rubles 76 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 24,003 rubles 85 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens without dependents who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, with an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women (except for persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group 1 )

6934 rubles 45 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens without dependents who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I

13868 rubles 90 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, with an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, who are dependent on disabled family members (except for persons who have reached the age of 80) age or disabled group 1)

With 1 dependent - 9245 rubles 93 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 11,557 rubles 41 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 13,868 rubles 88 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

Citizens who have worked for at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women, have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I, dependent on disabled people family members

With 1 dependent - 16,180 rubles 38 kopecks per month
With 2 dependents - 18,491 rubles 86 kopecks per month
With 3 dependents - 20,803 rubles 33 kopecks per month (regardless of place of residence)

For appointment state pension for years of service, government experience civil service must be at least 20 years old. The requirements for length of service are increasing gradually: in 2017 it was 15 years 6 months and over 9 years, gradually, 6 months at a time, increasing to 20 years by 2026.

It is worth noting here that some citizens may retire earlier. The increase will be the same number of years, based on gender, while the age at which an early old-age insurance pension can be assigned to the corresponding category of citizens is subject to an increase. In relation to persons whose right to early pension provision is exercised regardless of age (for example, teachers), the retirement age is determined based on the date in the corresponding calendar year on which the citizen acquired the required length of service in the relevant types of work and the value of the individual pension coefficient for determining the right to an old-age insurance pension.

Federal state civil servants, if they have at least 25 years of experience in the state civil service and are dismissed from the federal state civil service before acquiring the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension, are entitled to a long service pension if, immediately before their dismissal, they held positions in the federal state civil service. service for at least 7 years.

The long-service pension is established in addition to the old-age (disability) insurance pension assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions,” and is paid simultaneously with it.

It should be noted that the increase in the required length of service for federal civil servants when determining the right to a long-service pension and calculating its amount does not apply to the following persons:

  • for federal civil servants who acquired the right to a pension for length of service in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 1.1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ and dismissed (released from the position they were replacing) from the federal civil service before January 1, 2017 of the year;
  • for persons holding positions in the federal state civil service on January 1, 2017 and having on that date had at least 20 years of experience in the federal state civil service for the purpose of granting a pension for length of service;
  • for persons holding positions in the federal state civil service as of January 1, 2017, who on that date have at least 15 years of specified experience and who, before January 1, 2017, acquired the right to an old-age (disability) insurance pension in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”.
The age at which the right to receive a pension is acquired in accordance with Part 1.1 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ (men) The age at which the right to receive a pension is acquired in accordance with Part 1.1 of Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ (women) Year of acquisition of the right to assign an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ
60,5 in 2017 - those born in the first half. 1957 55,5 in 2017 - those born in the first half. 1962
in 2018 - those born in the 2nd half. 1957 in 2018 - those born in the 2nd half. 1962
61 in 2019 56 in 2019
61,5 in 2020 - those born in the first half. 1959 56,5 in 2020 - those born in the first half. 1964
in 2021 - those born in the 2nd half. 1959 in 2021 - those born in the 2nd half. 1964
62 in 2022 57 in 2022
62,5 in 2023 - those born in the first half. 1961 57,5 in 2023 - those born in the first half. 1966
in 2024 - those born in the 2nd half. 1961 in 2024 - those born in the 2nd half. 1966
63 in 2025 58 in 2025
63,5 in 2026 - those born in the first half. 1963 58,5 in 2026 - those born in the first half. 1968
in 2027 - those born in the 2nd half. 1963 in 2027 - those born in the 2nd half. 1968
64 in 2028 59 in 2028
64,5 in 2029 - those born in the first half. 1965 59,5 in 2029 - those born in the first half. 1970
in 2030 - those born in the 2nd half. 1965 in 2030 - those born in the 2nd half. 1970
65 In 2031 60 In 2031
60,5 in 2032 - those born in the 1st half. 1972
in 2033 - those born in the 2nd half. 1972
61 in 2034
61,5 in 2035 - those born in the 1st half. 1974
in 2036 - those born in the 2nd half. 1974
62 in 2037
62,5 in 2038 - those born in the 1st half. 1976
in 2039 - those born in the 2nd half. 1976
63 in 2040

In accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation in 2019 (as well as in previous years), every person living on the territory of the Russian Federation, upon reaching a certain age, is assigned an old-age pension. This type of support is established for the purpose of financial support for citizens who, due to their age, are limited in their former ability to work or, having reached age parameters, cannot work for other reasons.

To receive at least the minimum pension provision, in addition to reaching retirement age, the recipient must also meet other minimum requirements established by law:

  • The main condition for assigning a pension payment is the presence of a certain amount of work experience.
  • At the same time, pension provision is provided both for citizens who have earned the required length of service and for those who do not have it.

Types of old-age pensions and conditions for their assignment

Depending on the pension recipient’s compliance with the conditions specified by law, he may be assigned one of the following types of old-age pension:

Insurance pension provision

The old-age insurance pension is assigned in our country more often than other pension payments. The vast majority of pensioners (about 83%) are its recipients. this type of payment is regulated by Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, according to which the right to appoint it is acquired by its recipient if there is:

  • Age 60.5 years in men and 55.5 years among women.
  • duration at least 10 years.
  • (IPK) not less than 16.2.

The above parameters for the amount of insurance experience and IPC are set for 2019 and, according to the law, increase annually. The experience requirement increases by 1 year until he eventually reaches 15 years, and IPC by 2.4 to the size 30 .

For persons who worked in difficult climatic conditions, as well as in jobs with harmful, particularly difficult or hazardous conditions for health, access to old-age insurance pension benefits is possible earlier than the generally established retirement age, that is. Conditions of appointment early retirement, as well as the list of professions and persons entitled to it, are established by the same law “About insurance pensions”.

Is a pension entitled if there is no work experience?

There are cases when a person, for some reason, did not have the opportunity to work at all or only had temporary official earnings. In a word, by the time he reached retirement age, he was unable to earn enough length of service that would give him the right to an insurance pension. And for this category of citizens, pension support is provided by the state.

If the citizen’s insurance record and individual industrial complex do not reach the minimum size required to establish an old-age insurance pension, or none at all, this category of recipients is assigned a pension.

However, to receive this financial support there are conditions that include: the federal law « About the state pension provision In Russian federation» dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, in accordance with which social old-age pension benefits are assigned disabled persons:

  • from the number small peoples North, having reached 55 years(men) and 50 years(women), as well as on the day of pension permanent residents in the territory considered to be inhabited by these peoples.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation, permanent residents in our country, as well as citizens of other states, or those without citizenship at all, subject to their permanent residence in our country at least 15 years, when both reach the age 65 years old(men) or 60 years(women).

What is the minimum old-age pension in Russia by region?

Concept « minimum pension» in itself is very subjective, since in different regions of our country both wages and prices differ significantly from each other, and in some areas, such as the Far North and other areas, regional coefficients are applied to wages. The amount of pension payments depends on many circumstances and may vary in different regions of residence.

If the recipient meets the minimum conditions provided for by law, the old-age pension in 2019 was established in the following amounts:

  • Social pension benefit - from April 1, 2019 5163.2 rubles(until April 1, 2019 - 4959.85 rubles);
  • Insurance pension - 6107.46 rubles(based on data for 2019, see calculation below).

Social pension payments are established for their recipients in a fixed form, while old age insurance benefit: IPC multiplied by its cost plus a fixed payment.

Depending on the region of residence of the pensioner, the minimum amount of the pension payment received may differ due to the different cost of living in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This occurs due to the appointment of one of the measures social support pensioners - additional payments to pension.

Minimum size in 2019

Annual pension payments. The law provides for an increase in pension benefits at the level of actual inflation of the previous year. Now the Government has provided for the indexation of pensions in 2019 above inflation in 2018 - by 7.05%(according to calculations, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%):

  • at the same time, the cost of the pension coefficient will increase to 87.24 rubles;
  • and the fixed payment is 5334.19 rubles.

Thus, taking into account that from January 1, 2019, the conditions for assigning an insurance pension change (you will already need to have 16.2 pension points), the minimum old-age insurance pension will be:

16.2 x 87.24 + 5334.19 = 6747.48 rubles.

As for social pensions, the Government of the Russian Federation (in particular, the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development) reports that it will be indexed by only 2.0%, then in 2019 the social old-age pension benefit will be 5163.2 rubles.

What to do if the pension is less than the subsistence minimum?

Minimum pension amount idle by law, a pensioner should not be below the subsistence level determined by the state for such citizens, while the total income takes into account not only the pension itself, but also additional monthly payments, allowances and compensation.

If the pension recipient’s monthly income is below the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS), then his pension is set.

Depending on the level to which the pensioner’s maintenance does not reach (in Russia or in the region of residence), a social supplement is assigned to him:

  • federal, paid from funds provided in the Pension Fund budget;
  • regional(from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, for its appointment, you must contact the territorial branch of the pension fund or the territorial body social protection population.

Living wage for pensioners in 2019

In 2017, the size of the PMP, which determines the right to receive federal social supplement(relative to 2016). The Federal Law on the Budget of the Russian Federation included the minimum subsistence level for a pensioner (in the country as a whole) to determine the social supplement to the pension at the federal level in the amount of 8,540 rubles. This event was aimed at reducing budget costs for the payment of social supplements to pensions.

However, in 2019, the budget included an increased cost of living for a pensioner - 8,726 rubles.

Here it should be taken into account that the social supplement is set to the level of the regional PMP, and in many regions it differs in one way or another from the federal value (maybe either up or down). For example, in Moscow in 2019, a PM was established for receiving social benefits for pensions of 11,561 rubles, and in the Khabarovsk Territory - 10,895 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2019 (in rubles)

The maximum amount of an old-age pension benefit is difficult to determine precisely, since it also depends on many components. For example:

  • from the contribution base (in 2017 it was 876,000 rubles, in 2018 - 1,021,000 rubles);
  • from the citizen’s retirement age;
  • from the maximum possible amount per year of work, etc.

As an incentive for citizens to retire later, the state sets their pension provision by increasing it and depending on how many months later the citizen applied for a pension payment from the date he became entitled to it.

In accordance with Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”(Appendix 1) such a coefficient is provided in the calculation from 1 year up to 10 years deferments and maximum its value is equal 2,32 .

The amount of pension content largely depends on the number of individual pension points earned by a person during the period of his working activity and formed by converting the insurance contributions paid for this period, and their pension payment established at the time of appointment. However, in accordance with Appendix 4 to the above law, their maximum value per calendar year you can dial no more than 10. In 2018, this figure is 8.70 points.

01/25/2015. with additions 2019. Topic of the article:

Indexation of labor and social

Indexation coefficients
the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension

  • from 01/01/2019 - 1.0705
  • from 01/01/2018 - 1,037
  • from 02/01/2017 - 1,054
  • from 02/01/2016 - 1,040
  • from 02/01/2015 - 1,114
  • from 04/01/2014 - 1,017
  • from 02/01/2014 - 1,065
  • from 04/01/2013 - 1,033
  • from 02/01/2013 - 1,066
  • from 04/01/2012 - 1.0341
  • from 02/01/2012 - 1,070
  • from 02/01/2011 - 1,088
  • from 04/01/2010 - 1,063
  • from 01.08.2009 - 1,075
  • from 04/01/2009 - 1,175
  • from 04/01/2008 - 1,075
  • from 02/01/2008 - 1,120

Since 2016, an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it
working pensioners will not be indexed.


(Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ) From January 1, 2015 the labor pension is being transformed into two types of pensions (insurance and funded) and a new procedure is in place for the formation of pension rights of citizens, as well as for calculating pensions in the compulsory pension insurance system - the so-called. "new pension formula". New pension formula the amount of the insurance pension is calculated based on individual pension coefficients, which reflect the pension rights of the insured person in relative units. In turn, individual pension coefficients (points) are calculated taking into account the amount of insurance premiums paid, the length of the insurance period and the retirement age. The size of the old-age insurance pension is determined as the product of the individual pension coefficient and its value as of the day from which the old-age insurance pension is assigned. Since 2015, indexation of insurance pensions has been carried out through indexation of the value of the pension point and a fixed payment to the insurance pension (analogous to the former fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension). In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is subject to annual indexation from February 1 to the consumer price growth index for last year. Every year, from April 1, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to decide on an additional increase in the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension, taking into account the growth in income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The indexation coefficient (additional increase) of the fixed payment amount to the insurance pension is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Thus, the amount of the insurance pension is adjusted annually in the following order:
1) from February 1 in connection with the establishment of the value of the pension coefficient for the specified date based on the increase in consumer prices over the past year; 2) from April 1 in connection with the establishment of the value of the pension coefficient for the specified date.
In accordance with Part 6 of Article 35 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, in 2015 the cost of one pension coefficient:
1) from February 1, it increases by the consumer price growth index for 2014, the amount of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation; 2) from April 1, it is established by the federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the next year and planning period based on the difference between the annual growth index of average monthly wages in the Russian Federation and the coefficient of the adjustment made to the consumer price growth index. In this case, the specified coefficient cannot exceed the growth index of budget revenues of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation per pensioner, allocated for the payment of insurance pensions.

Cost of one pension coefficient (point)

The date from which the value of one pension coefficient increasesConsumer price growth indexSize
(in rubles)
From 01/01/2024.1,055 RUB 116.63The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2023.1,056 110.55 rub.The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2022.1,059 104.69 rub.The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2021.1,063 98.86 rub.The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2020.1,066 93.00 rub.The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2019.- 87.24 rub.The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2018.- RUB 81.49The federal law
dated December 28, 2017 No. 420-FZ
From 04/01/2017.- RUB 78.58The federal law
dated December 19, 2016 No. 416-FZ
From 02/01/2017.1,054 78.28 rub.
dated January 19, 2017 N 35
From 02/01/2016.1,04 RUB 74.27The federal law
dated December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ
From 02/01/2015.1,114 RUB 71.41Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 23, 2015 N 39
From 01/01/2015.- 64.10 rub.Part 1 of Art. 15 Federal Law
dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ
Amount of fixed payment to the insurance pension
The date from which the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension increasesIndexation coefficientSize
(in rubles)
From 01/01/2024.1,055 RUB 7,131.34The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2023.1,056 RUB 6,759.56The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2022.1,059 RUB 6,401.10The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2021.1,063 RUB 6,044.48The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2020.1,066 RUB 5,686.25The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2019.1,066 RUB 5,334.19The federal law
dated 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ
From 01/01/2018.1,037 RUB 4,982.90The federal law
dated December 28, 2017 No. 420-FZ
From 02/01/2017.1,054 RUB 4,805.11Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 19, 2017 N 35
From 02/01/2016.1,04 RUB 4,558.93The federal law
dated December 29, 2015 N 385-FZ
From 02/01/2015.1,114 RUB 4,383.59Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 23, 2015 N 40
From 01/01/2015.- RUB 3,935Part 1 of Art. 15 Federal Law
dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ

Structure of old-age labor pension

(from 01/01/2015)

New - 2015

From January 1, 2015, Russia plans to introduce a new procedure for the formation of pension rights of citizens and the appointment of an old-age labor pension.

According to representatives of the pension fund, today the size of the old-age labor pension depends primarily on the volume of insurance contributions that employers pay for an employee to the compulsory pension insurance system during their working life. At the same time, the length of insurance (work) experience has practically no effect on the size of the pension.

The equalizing principle of calculating pensions leads to the fact that pension payments to citizens with little insurance (work) experience are made in approximately the same amount as to citizens with a long work experience.

Therefore, representatives of the Pension Fund propose for the economically active population, that is, for those who plan to lead a long and active working life, to increase the role of length of service in the formation of pension rights and calculation of the pension amount.

What will change from January 1, 2015

1. For the first time, the concept of “annual pension coefficient” is introduced, which will evaluate each year of a citizen’s work activity. The annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of a person’s official salary, from which insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system were paid this year, and the maximum salary from which employers legally pay insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system. That is, the higher the salary, the higher the annual pension coefficient.

If the citizen’s total insurance experience (periods for which insurance premiums were paid in pension system) by the date of assignment of the labor pension will be more than 35 years old, then, according to the new rules, the labor pension will be assigned in an increased amount.

For each year of work experience from 30 to 40 years for women and from 35 to 45 years for men, one additional pension coefficient is accrued. For 35 years of service for women and 40 years for men, an additional 5 pension coefficients are accrued.

2. The new rules for calculating labor pensions will include such significant periods of a person’s life as military service and maternity leave for up to three years. For these so-called “non-insurance periods” special coefficients are assigned.

3. By 2025, minimum total experience to receive an old-age labor pension will reach 15 years. It will increase annually for 10 years, starting in 2015. Women whose pension experience is less than 15 years will be able to apply to the Pension Fund for a social pension upon reaching 60 years of age, men - 65 years of age. In addition, a social supplement to the pension will be made up to the subsistence level of the pensioner in the region of his residence.

4. According to the new rules, it will be beneficial to retire later. Every year the insurance pension will increase by the corresponding premium coefficients. For example, if a citizen works for three years after reaching retirement age without applying for a labor pension, then the fixed payment will be increased by 19%, and the insurance pension by 24%. And if the length of service beyond retirement age without applying for a pension is 8 years, then the fixed payment will be increased by 73%, and the insurance part by 90%.

Right to an insurance pension
depends on the year the insurance pension was assigned

YearMinimum insurance periodMinimum amount of individual pension coefficientsMaximum value of the annual individual pension coefficient
in case of refusal to form a funded pensionwhen forming a funded pension
2025 and later15 30 10 6,25
2024 15 28,2 10 6,25
2023 14 25,8 10 6,25
2022 13 23,4 10 6,25
2021 12 21 10 6,25
2020 11 18,6 9,57 9,57*
2019 10 16,2 9,13 9,13*
2018 9 13,8 8,70 8,70*
2017 8 11,4 8,26 8,26*
2016 7 09 7,83 7,83*
2015 6 6,6 7,39 7,39*
2014 5

* From 2015 to 2020 Regardless of the choice of pension provision option in the compulsory pension insurance system, all citizens have pension rights only to an insurance pension based on the entire amount of accrued insurance contributions.
In this regard, the maximum value of the annual individual pension coefficient is the same for any pension formation option.

The minimum level of pension provision, taking into account the provided social support measures and the establishment of a social supplement to the pension of non-working pensioners will be maintained at the level of the subsistence level of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Pension of a pensioner with Moscow registration ( with additional payment from the Moscow budget):
  • Pension in 2018 – 17,500 rubles.
  • Pension in 2017 – 14,500 rubles.
  • Pension in 2010 – 10,275 rubles.
  • Pension in 2011 – 11,000 rubles.
  • Pension in 2012 – 12,000 rubles.
Anyone who has “Soviet” experience should know that the amount as of January 1, 2002, located on the insurance part will be indexed by 10% for the first year of experience. For each year worked until 1991, 1% will be added. Thus, it turns out that if, say, you worked for 10 years before the specified year, then the increase in your pension will be 20%.

Adjustment and indexation of pensions since 2015

From 01/01/2015 Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions” came into force, according to which:

  • the concept of “fixed base size” was abolished, instead the concept of “ fixed payment to the insurance pension", which from 01/01/2015 is an independent type of payment and is indexed in the manner prescribed by Article 16 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ;
  • Instead of the concept “insurance part of the old-age labor pension”, “labor pension” the concept “ insurance pension" The term “indexation of labor pension” has been replaced by the concept “ adjustment insurance pension,” the procedure for which is regulated by Part 10 of Article 18 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

Thus, starting from 01/01/2015, a fixed payment to the insurance pension and state pension pension are indexed, and insurance pensions - are being adjusted.

Both correction and indexing- this is an increase in the size of the payment received (pension or fixed payment to the insurance pension), the basis for which is the need to compensate pensioners for the decrease in the purchasing power of the pension due to inflationary processes occurring in the country.

  • Indexation of fixed payment

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is subject to annual indexation from 1st of February on the consumer price growth index over the past year.

Every year from April 1 The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to decide on additional increase the amount of a fixed payment to the insurance pension, taking into account the growth of income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The indexation coefficient (additional increase) of the fixed payment amount to the insurance pension is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

  • Adjustment of the amount of insurance pension

Insurance pension amount adjusted annually in the following order:

  1. from February 1 in connection with the establishment on the specified date based on the increase in consumer prices over the past year. At the same time, the consumer price growth index for the past year is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Happy April, 1 in connection with the establishment value of the pension coefficient on the specified date. In this case, the cost of one pension coefficient as of April 1 is set in accordance with the formula:

SPKi = (ObSSi + TrFB) / ∑ IPK ,

SPKi— the cost of one pension coefficient for the corresponding year;
ObSSi— the volume of revenue from insurance premiums for the payment of insurance pensions;
TrFB— transfers from the federal budget to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the payment of insurance pensions, taken into account for the calculation of SPKi;
∑ IPC— the sum of individual pension coefficients of insurance pension recipients taken into account for the calculation of SPKi.

The cost of one pension coefficient annually from April 1 is established by the federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the next year and planning period. At the same time, the annual increase in the value of the pension coefficient cannot be less than the consumer price growth index over the past year.
The methodology for determining the cost of one pension coefficient is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the value of the pension coefficient established in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part 20 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” exceeds the value of the pension coefficient established in accordance with paragraph 1 of Part 20 of Article 15 of the said Federal According to the law, from April 1, an additional increase in the amount of the insurance pension is made by the specified difference.

Indexation coefficients for fixed payment of insurance pension
and the cost of the 1st pension coefficient

  • Indexation of pensions for state pension provision
    (including social pensions)

Pensions provided for by Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” are indexed in the following order:

  1. pensions of federal state civil servants - with a centralized increase in the salary (monetary remuneration) of federal state civil servants, taking into account the provisions provided for in Articles 14 and 21 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. pensions of military personnel and members of their families (except for pensions of military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, and members of their families) - in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families”;
  3. social pensions - annually from April 1, taking into account the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation over the past year. The indexation coefficient of social pensions is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  4. pensions of military personnel who served in conscription and pensions of their family members, pensions of participants of the Great Patriotic War, pensions of citizens awarded the badge “Resident of Siege Leningrad”, pensions of citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, and pensions of their family members, pensions of citizens from among flight test personnel - when indexing the size of social pensions;
  5. pensions of citizens from among the cosmonauts and members of their families - in case of an increase in wages received in accordance with the Regulations on material support for cosmonauts in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, based on the amount of the increased wage from the date from which the increase in said wage occurred . If there was no increase in wages during the calendar year (from January 1 to December 31), pensions of citizens from among the cosmonauts and members of their families are recalculated from January 1 of the following year in an amount equal to the total amount of indexation (change) in the amount of the social pension , provided for by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, produced (produced) in the past year, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

For reference:

Indexation coefficients for the insurance part of the labor pension,
from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014:

date Social pension Insurance part
labor pension
base size)
Normative act
04/01/2014 1,171 1,017 1,083
dated March 22, 2014 No. 220,
dated March 28, 2014 No. 240, No. 241
02/01/2014 1,065 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 23, 2014 No. 46
04/01/2013 1,0181 1,033 1,101 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 27, 2013 No. 263, No. 264,
dated March 29, 2013 No. 281
02/01/2013 1,066 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 23, 2013 No. 26
04/01/2012 1,141 1,0341 1,1065 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 27, 2012 No. 236, No. 237, No. 238
02/01/2012 1,07 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 25, 2012 No. 4
04/01/2011 1,1027 1,088 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated 31.03.2011 No. 224,
dated 04/07/2011 No. 255
02/01/2011 1,088 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 26, 2011 No. 21
07/01/2010 1,0341 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated June 21, 2010 No. 457
04/01/2010 1,088 1,063 1,1427 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 18, 2010 No. 169, No. 167, No. 168

Indexation coefficients of the basic, insurance part of the labor pension,
estimated pension capital, social pension
from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2009

date Basic part
labor pension,
social pension
Insurance part
labor pension
Normative act
01.12.2009 2562 rub. (1.313846) Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated April 28, 2009 No. 72-FZ
08/01/2009 1,075 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 23, 2009 No. 611
04/01/2009 1,175 1,269 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 21, 2009 No. 247, No. 248
03/01/2009 1950 rub. (1.0869565) Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated December 22, 2008 No. 269-FZ
08/01/2008 1794 rub. (1.15) 1,08 Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated 01.11.2007 No. 244-FZ,

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 21, 2008 No. 548

04/01/2008 1,075 1,204 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 25, 2008 No. 204, No. 20
02/01/2008 1,12 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 25, 2008 No. 25
01.12.2007 1560 rub. (1.2381) Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated 01.11.2007 No. 244-FZ
01.10.2007 1260 rub. (1.13236034) Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated September 24, 2007 No. 223-FZ
04/01/2007 1,075 1,092 1,16 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 27, 2007 No. 181, No. 183
08/01/2006 1,062 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 28, 2006 No. 466
04/01/2006 1,085 1,063 1,127 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 24, 2006 No. 165, No. 166
08/01/2005 1,06 1.06 and 1.048 1,114 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 11, 2005 No. 419, No. 417
03/01/2005 900 rub. (1.36363636) Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated February 14, 2005 No. 3-FZ
08/01/2004 660 rub. (1.06280193) 1,0628 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 21, 2004 No. 363
04/01/2004 621 rub. (1.0384268) 1,09 1,177 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 15, 2004 No. 142, No. 141
08/01/2003 1,08 1,08 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 16, 2003 No. 428
04/01/2003 1,126 1,307 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated March 13, 2003 No. 152>
02/01/2003 1,06 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 24, 2003 No. 47
08/01/2002 1,09 1,09 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated July 18, 2002 No. 535
02/01/2002 1,065 1,065 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 24, 2002 No. 42