You cannot bring back a dead person, but life goes on, and the second pension provided by law to the widow of a military pensioner will help to survive the period of loneliness and grief. The woman, in confusion and grief, accepts the condolences of relatives and friends. But on what means will it exist now? In such tragic situations, the best support is the state. In addition to the husband's pension from the Ministry of Defense for loss of health or length of service, women can count on a second pension for widows of military personnel.

What to do as a military widow if you don’t have enough experience to retire

Being married to military personnel, women do not always have the opportunity to work. This happens due to frequent moving and living in remote areas of the country. The little experience that we managed to acquire will only be enough for meager pension payments. But Russian legislation provides for everything. So, if a soldier during his lifetime also managed to work in a civilian position, then there is a high probability that the law on a double pension for widows of deceased military personnel will become a worthy consolation to the bereaved relatives of the serviceman. In this case, the position, rank, and increases in the length of service of the deceased will be taken into account.

A widowed spouse has every right to count on a decent pension, corresponding to the payments that her husband had during his lifetime. In order for a woman to receive a normal pension, she needs to have documents that serve as confirmation of involuntary unemployment. All certificates and certificates can be obtained from the unit where the husband served. The work experience of a serviceman's wife also includes the period when there was a need to care for sick children. This must be confirmed by relevant medical documents.

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Grounds for receiving payments and calculation of the pension amount

It is worth understanding in more detail those provisions that serve as the basis for a widow to be able to receive money for her deceased spouse.

These include cases when:

  • a woman is unable to exist without financial payments lost due to the death of her husband;
  • educates joint children who are under 14 years of age;
  • cares for a child under 8 years old who has been left orphaned after the death of a serviceman;
  • a widow, 55 years old, is disabled or does not have the opportunity to find a job.

The amount of pension benefits for a widowed spouse of a military personnel is influenced by the reason why her husband passed away and the rank assigned to him. The average amount of payments earned is taken as a basis. For a sergeant major and a sergeant, for example, it will be 3,700 rubles. After the death of a military man due to an injury received during military operations, 200% of his maintenance will be paid. If, during service, a soldier acquired a disease that resulted in death, the payment will be equal to 150%. Cash provision for widows whose husbands served in officers active army, are awarded as follows:

  • loss of a breadwinner due to an injury received at a combat post - no less than 200% of the military’s basic pension (40% for a dependent);
  • death of a military pensioner due to an occupational disease – 30% for a dependent, in an amount of at least 150% of the military personnel’s pension.

Today there are two varieties pension payments for women whose husbands valiantly and honestly repaid their debt to the Motherland in the ranks of the Russian army.

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Additional cash payments

One of due pensions is paid to the widow from the Ministry of Defense if during his lifetime the serviceman earned the right to receive pension payments from the state due to disability or a long-service pension.

The second accrued pension is called civil. It is additional and is accrued if the retired military man continued to work and was registered in the state insurance system of the Pension Fund.

All information about the transfer of contributions, wages, civil service record, terms labor activity reflected in the SNILS document. This is a personal account, which is contained in the pension insurance certificate and gives the right to a civil insurance pension, as stated in Art. 10 from 12/28/13 federal law №400.

If the deceased spouse managed to take advantage of the opportunities provided during his lifetime, then on the basis of the national law on the second pension for the widow of a military pensioner, the woman has every reason to count on double financial support.

The wife of a military pensioner can receive additional pension benefits according to a special calculation without considering fixed payments.

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How can a widow of a military pensioner receive the pension required by law?

In order to apply for a pension, the widow of a serviceman must go to the pension department and write an application. The state pension is issued by the Ministry of Defense, and the additional pension is issued by the Pension Fund. Russian Federation. Along with the application you must provide:

  • passport of a widow of a military pensioner;
  • statutory documents of the deceased;
  • death certificate of a military personnel;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children or one child, when raising minors serves as the basis for receiving pension payments.

After collecting and submitting all documents to the appropriate authorities, at least 10 days pass before a positive result is issued.

The decision of government authorities on pension payments to the widow of a serviceman is considered valid for the rest of her life and does not change even if she decides to start a new family.

Military service involves possible frequent moves, so spouses of military personnel always follow them. Such frequent moves negatively affect the possibility of stable employment for the spouse of a military officer. Accordingly, when retirement age, in most cases, they receive only social pension payments.

Can a widow receive the pension of her deceased military pensioner husband?

According to Russian legislation, widows of retired military personnel have the opportunity to claim the deceased’s pension in full.

It should be noted that today there are several types of benefits that are paid to widows:

  • Payments assigned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - such accruals are made if the officer was paid a state allowance for length of service or a state pension associated with receipt of disability;
  • The insurance pension is additional. Its receipt is possible in cases where the deceased was accrued an age-related insurance benefit or disability insurance accruals. The widow of a pensioner can also claim these accruals if the spouse has received security rights, but payments have not yet been made.

What pension will the widow of a deceased military pensioner receive?

Pension accruals for the loss of a survivor are regulated by law. However, for this it is important that the corresponding funds are active at the time of the officer’s death, or that no more than five years have passed since the last payment. The presence of minor offspring (under 14 years) of the deceased pensioner is also taken into account. In such a situation, the wife of a deceased serviceman can receive this type of accrual, but with the condition that she does not have an official place of work. In addition, wives of retirement age and those with a degree of disability have the right to transfer to the deceased’s pension.

If a serviceman is wounded or injured while serving his homeland, his spouse also acquires the right to receive a military pensioner's pension. In a situation where a serviceman became disabled as a result of an injury acquired during his service and received accruals in the form of disability benefits, his wife has the right to claim these payments subject to certain conditions:

  • Reaching the age of 50;
  • Presence of an heir under 8 years of age.
  • In the latter case, age and presence of official work are not taken into account.

The conditions for accruing an additional insurance pension to the wife of a deceased officer are determined by Article 10

The size of the pension for the widow of a deceased military pensioner depends on his rank, the cause of death of the spouse, the position held, as well as the length of service before retirement. The basis is the amount of payment for the service of the deceased serviceman. This value is equal to the sum of salaries for the position and rank plus a bonus for length of service.

  • The deceased was on pension provision or the cause of death was an injury received during the period of service, 50% is taken (the calculated benefit is not less than 200% of the calculated payment);
  • The cause of death is an illness acquired during military service, 40% is taken (at least 150% of the calculated payment).

How can a widow of a military pensioner transfer to her deceased husband's pension?

To acquire the right to a pension of a deceased military pensioner, you must write an application and submit a package necessary documents to the appropriate authority.

To receive government payments, the widow must appear at the Ministry of Defense, and for social charges - at Pension Fund Russian Federation. In addition to the main package of documentation, official papers may be required that will confirm the cause of death of the pensioner, as well as the fact that he has diseases associated with military service.

The main package of official papers includes:

  • Widow's passport;
  • Certificate of death of the husband, as well as all his military documents;
  • An official document certifying the marriage with the deceased.

The verdict on the assignment of pension accruals to the wife of the deceased is issued within 10 days from the date of filing the documents.

Two pensions for the widow of a deceased military pensioner

The bill establishing two pension payments for widows of military personnel became effective on January 1, 2016. To receive such accruals, certain conditions must be met:

  • The officer's death occurred during a period when pension payments were active;
  • The widow has reached the age of 50;
  • The deceased's wife was supported by a child under 8 years old;
  • Death occurred due to injury or illness resulting from military service.

These rights are retained by the wife of the deceased even after she enters into a new marriage.

If a number of circumstances arise, such payments may be terminated:

  • After execution, the child who remained dependent on the widow is 14 years old;
  • in case of removal of a previously established disability;
  • if the widow gets a job and starts receiving official income.

Two pensions In January 2018, a law came into force granting the wives of deceased military personnel two types of pensions at once. The following charges are possible:

  • In the event of the death of an officer during the period when he was already receiving a pension;
  • When a woman reaches 50 years of age.
  • In the event that the cause of death was an illness that arose during service.
  • If you have a dependent son or daughter under 8 years of age.

As reported last news, indexation of pensions of military pensioners was carried out on 01/01/2017.

How is the second pension calculated for widows of military pensioners?

The applicant can submit an application with documents to the Pension Fund either personally or through an authorized person. In this case, the authorized citizen must have a document with a certification signature and seal of a notary stating that he really has such powers. The applicant can also send all necessary documentation by registered mail.
If the Pension Fund for any reason refuses to accrue a pension to the widow, she has the right to file an application in court and appeal this decision. The procedure for accrual after remarriage As stated in Law No. 4468-1 (Article 35), after the spouse of a deceased serviceman remarries, her financial benefits for the loss of a breadwinner will remain and will be paid in full.

Is the widow of a military pensioner entitled to a second pension?

Preferential pension By virtue of the law, widows of military personnel can receive a military pension indefinitely not only upon reaching 55 years of age, but also before the agreed period. Thus, in accordance with Article 30 of Law No. 4468-1, they are given the right to receive an agreed pension on preferential terms. In particular, a survivor's pension is established on a permanent basis if the widow is supported by a child of the deceased under 8 years of age, even if the wife has a permanent place of work and excellent health, excluding disability.
Pension for widows of deceased military pensioners in 2017-2017 Benefits for the loss of the main breadwinner do not arise automatically with his death, but only after submitting a package of documents provided for by federal legislation in compliance with deadlines and other registration conditions.

Pension for widows of former military personnel

Along with the application, you will need to provide documents indicating that the deceased actually served. Upon registration state pension The application and a photocopy of supporting documents are sent by registered mail. Next, you will need to collect a package of documents and submit them to the local Pension Fund.

Here you will also need to fill out an application form, which the PF employees must provide to you. The package of documents includes:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • A document confirming the fact of her husband's death.
  • Certificate of registration of the applicant with the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • A document confirming the deceased’s right to long-service payments.
  • Help with work experience husband.

In addition to the listed documents, additional papers may also be required.

The procedure for obtaining a pension for the widow of a military pensioner and its amount in 2018

Documents The list of documents giving the right to receive survivor benefits was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 958n, where clause 10 states that the widow must provide as supporting data:

  • copy of ID;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • husband's death certificate;
  • a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office about the length of military service;
  • a certificate confirming the woman’s disability or incapacity for work;
  • copies of birth certificates of children or small relatives of the husband, including documents confirming the death of their parents;
  • certificate of family composition and place of residence;
  • income certificate;
  • work book;
  • a certificate confirming receipt of another type of pension or non-receipt of pension provision at all.

Pension for widows of military personnel

But this person’s relatives and friends need help and care. Today we will talk in detail about what the state can do when military widows need help. Conditions for appointment This year, legislation began to pay two types of pensions, the payment of which is carried out after the death of the breadwinner: Name Conditions for accrual Pension accrued by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, its payment occurs in cases where the deceased received a state pension for long service or disability Insurance pension accrual occurs only if the deceased military pensioner has received the right to payment of an insurance pension for age or disability. The widow of the deceased can receive a state pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner on the basis of Articles 28 and 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993.


  • 40% of the husband’s allowance if the husband’s disability was caused by an accident during service and is not related to the performance of direct duties.

At the same time, the husband’s monetary allowance, in accordance with Article 2 of Federal Law No. 306, will include the following accruals:

  • salary according to rank;
  • salary according to position;
  • additional pay for length of service.

Also, in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 166, the widow of a conscripted soldier has the right to a pension in the following amount:

  • 200% social pension in case of death from injury received during service;
  • 150% of the social pension in the event of the development of an illness, again received during military service.

Calculation example Salaries for military personnel are established by Government Decree No. 992 in accordance with position, rank and affiliation with certain troops.

Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces


The pension payment is paid during the entire period of incapacity for work. For persons retiring, payments will occur throughout their lives. Payment of the second pension to military pensioners Starting from 2018, payment of the second pension to military pensioners can be accrued through the pension fund of the Russian Federation.


In this case, several conditions must be met: Indicators Description Age Men retire at the age of 60, and women - 55 years. Certain categories of military pensioners insurance pension may be accrued outside the established retirement line, but conditions for early accrual must be in place. Such a condition may be work in difficult conditions. Work experience for the calculation of the second pension requires the presence of work experience through the law enforcement department.

Pensions for widows of deceased military pensioners in 2018 - latest news

How to apply and receive? First, you need to determine what type of pension the widow of a deceased military pensioner can apply for, taking into account her own length of service and the circumstances of her husband’s death - in particular, a survivor’s pension or a military pension, given that the agreed types of support are paid subject to conditions different from each other. friend. A survivor's pension is paid to all widows who are unable to work or are raising small children or relatives of the deceased, and a military pension is paid only in the event of the death of a former serviceman due to an injury or illness received during service. Also, the widow must understand that she will be entitled to a double pension only if she has at least 15 years of experience, and not in any case, even if her husband died in the line of duty.

Is the widow of a military pensioner entitled to a pension?

A military pensioner died at the time the funds were transferred to him. The cause of death was illness, concussion, injury, or other injuries received by the person during his military service. The widow (widower) of the deceased is also on an old-age or disability pension, or has a dependent child , has not yet reached the age of fourteen. The widow (widower) is 50 years old. The spouse of a military pensioner has the right to apply for a survivor's pension if she has a dependent child of eight years of age or less. So, if the above conditions are met, you are fully entitled to receive the deceased military retiree's second pension.

Pensions for widows of military pensioners

Double payment The legislation establishes that citizens do not have the right to receive several payments simultaneously for different circumstances. They must choose the highest payment level and apply for it. But this does not apply to the wives of officers. They have the right to receive two pensions at the same time.

For example, if all the conditions for receiving a labor payment are met, a woman has the right to apply for it and receive payments related to the loss of a breadwinner. But such preferential conditions are not established for all women, but only for those who really need them. If a woman really does not and cannot have an additional source of income.

This benefit ends if the woman remarries. This is due to the fact that in this case the husband will be obliged to support the disabled person.

Second pension for widows of military pensioners

Will they cancel their second pension if they gave it to me? In accordance with Article 7 of Law No. 4468-1, the widow of a deceased pensioner has the right to receive two pensions at the same time, that is, a pension for the loss of her breadwinner and an old-age pension, but only if she does not remarry. Pension provision for widows at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is well deserved, given that spouses have faithfully followed their husbands to different parts of the country for many years. But how a pension is calculated in more specific cases can only be found out by studying the legislation, taking into account that the circumstances of death, as well as the procedure for assigning pensions for different categories of wives, differ depending on their family circumstances.

A pension for the widow of a military pensioner in 2019 may be granted in certain cases.

The wives of officers can be classified as an unprotected category of citizens, because often the husband’s career develops in such a way that he is forced to constantly change service cities. In addition, service in small towns does not allow a woman to build a full-fledged career and find a job. Therefore, when they lose their husband, many wives are left without their own pensions, since they have not earned the necessary work experience.

There are several types of payments to military widows:

  • civil payment;
  • husband's military pension;
  • payment in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

Civil payments are due to the wife under certain conditions:

  • reaching retirement age;
  • availability of the required work experience;
  • accumulation of necessary points.

The husband's military pension is assigned to the woman if he directly received it or was entitled to it. It could be prescribed to the husband in two cases:

  • upon receipt of disability.

In order for this type of payment to be assigned to a woman, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The pensioner received this payment or died no later than 5 years from the date of termination of its receipt.
  2. If a woman is left with a child under 14 years of age, provided that she does not officially work anywhere.
  3. The husband's death was caused by a work-related injury.
  4. The woman has reached retirement age or has a disability confirmed by a medical commission.

Payments for the loss of a breadwinner are assigned in certain cases by law:

  1. If an officer is declared missing in action under circumstances related to military service, or is in captivity.
  2. Death of an officer while performing a duty assignment.
  3. If the death of the husband occurred after he was transferred to the reserve due to an injury received while serving.
  4. After the death of her husband, who registered war pay, but died due to injuries received while performing official duties.
Thus, depending on the conditions under which the pensioner died and the life circumstances of the widow, she has the right to claim 3 types of pension benefits.

Double payout

The law establishes that citizens do not have the right to receive several payments at the same time for different circumstances. They must choose the highest payment level and apply for it. But this does not apply to the wives of officers. They have the right to receive two pensions at the same time. For example, if all the conditions for receiving a labor payment are met, a woman has the right to apply for it and receive payments related to the loss of a breadwinner.

But such preferential conditions are not established for all women, but only for those who really need them. If a woman really does not and cannot have an additional source of income. This benefit ends if the woman remarries. This is due to the fact that in this case the husband will be obliged to support the disabled person.

Preferential pension

The law determines that widows have the right to receive a military pension indefinitely, even if they have not reached retirement age, in certain cases:

  • woman's age is under 55 years;
  • being a dependent child under 8 years of age.
In this case, the wife’s level of earnings and her official employment status do not matter. And she won't lose it if she marries again.

Pension amount

Size military pension depends on several factors. These include:

  • the cause of the husband's death;
  • rank and position of the military personnel;
  • length of service until retirement.

In 2019, a certain procedure for calculating military pensions for widows was established:

  1. If the death of a military pensioner occurred due to a disease acquired during his military service, then the widow will receive 40% of her husband’s payments.
  2. If the death is associated with an injury sustained on military service, then the wife will receive 50% of the payments to her husband.

The calculation of the survivor's pension is made individually and depends on:

  • the sums of all pension coefficients;
  • from the amount of the second pension;
  • on the number of dependents of the serviceman.
These coefficients consist of many factors, such as length of service, position held, rank. If certain points were not taken into account when calculating this pension, you can apply for recalculation of payments only once a year, in August.

Payment processing procedure

To begin receiving a widow's pension, it is necessary to determine what kind of payment she is entitled to. The government agency to which the application must be submitted depends on this.

To apply for a military pension, you need to contact the Pension Fund where your husband received his pension. To register labor pension, you can visit any Pension Fund. To apply for survivor benefits, you need to contact the Ministry of Defense. To submit an application, you will need to have a certain package of documents with you, as well as their photocopies:

  • husband's military documents confirming his rank and position;
  • own passport;
  • certificate of death of a serviceman;
  • medical reports on the cause of death and documents confirming illness or injury during military service;
  • papers confirming the official marriage between the applicant and the serviceman;
  • disability documents;
  • the child's birth certificate;
  • work book;
  • any other documentary evidence of entitlement to receive this payment.
After the documents are accepted, the decision on assigning pension payments to the widow must be made within 10 days.

Benefits for widows

In addition to pension payments, Russian legislation still provides some benefits to widows:

  1. The time when the wife accompanied her husband on military trips is included in the work experience for no more than 5 years.
  2. If the deceased husband was a participant in hostilities, then a 50% discount on utility bills is awarded. For other widows, discounts for this category are determined individually by regional authorities.
  3. Priority right to admission to kindergartens and schools, as well as military schools.
  4. If the husband died in the first year after retirement, his family can compensate for the costs of moving, provided the weight of all property does not exceed 20 tons.
  5. Compensation for annual travel to and from the sanatorium.
  6. Free treatment, registration in departmental hospitals.
  7. Receive free prescription medications in these hospitals, as well as sanatorium treatment if it is prescribed in the medical report.
  8. Discounts on sanatoriums subordinate to the military unit where the spouse served.

In this way, the state provides financial support to women who remain financially unprotected after the death of their military husbands.

Most women who marry military personnel face the problem of constant moving. Life in a military camp is often accompanied by difficulties associated with finding work.

For this reason, in many military families the main source of income becomes wage husband, or his pension. And in the event of the death of the husband, the wife is left without a source of income.

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Therefore, the state provided a measure regulating the rights of such women - a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.


A military pension is money that is paid to a person who has sufficient work experience in the following organizations:

  • ATS of the country;
  • fire service;
  • FSKN;
  • FSIN and other institutions.

Such payments are calculated in accordance with the law “On pensions for persons who served in military service.”

This regulatory act contains Article 13, according to which persons with at least 20 years of service can receive this type of material support. However, the right to complete service does not depend on age.

One month of work experience in certain regions can be conditionally accepted as 2 or 1.5 years of service under ordinary conditions.

When approving a pension for the widow of a military pensioner, the following may also be included:

  • The periods during which the citizen performed military service in other CIS countries;
  • periods of unlawful imprisonment;
  • interruptions caused by illegal dismissal from a position;
  • the service time of mobilized officers who are trained in educational institutions. In such cases, one year of study is equivalent to 6 months of experience.

Types of assistance

Depending on which institution makes the payments, there are two types of pensions for the widow of a military pensioner:

  1. the first type of financial benefit is paid by the Ministry of Defense in cases where the husband received a long-service pension, or retired due to disability;
  2. a cash benefit paid to citizens by the Pension Fund if the deceased was already retired and was paid insurance or a disability pension.

How is the pension calculated for the widow of a military pensioner by the Ministry of Defense?

If material resources were paid by the Ministry of Defense, then the widow will receive assistance for the loss of a breadwinner.

This is possible if one of the following circumstances exists:

  • If the husband was in reserve and received a pension, or within 60 months after its payment was completed;
  • if the deceased died as a result of injury, injury or illness that he acquired during his service;
  • if the spouse reaches retirement age or becomes disabled;
  • if the wife does not officially work, and at the same time she has a dependent son or daughter of the deceased under the age of 14 years.

The legislation provides that if the deceased acquires a disability as a result of a military injury, and if he was paid a disability benefit, the wife has the right to receive a preferential survivor's pension:

  • Upon reaching 50 years of age;
  • if the widow has a dependent son or daughter of the deceased under 8 years of age. The age of the wife and her ability to work under such circumstances do not matter.

Video: Sherin A. N. about payments

Pension Fund

IN in this case the wife of the deceased is provided with an additional survivor's pension. She can receive such support only if the pensioner, before his death, earned the right to receive a second, civil pension.

In this case, the wife of the deceased, who remarried, has the right to retain the already assigned financial support.

All types of financial assistance are divided into three categories:

  1. upon loss of a breadwinner (paid to disabled wives);
  2. state (accrued if the wife has a work experience of 15 years or more);
  3. widows of WWII participants.

Sizes in 2020

To understand how the survivor's pension is calculated, you need to know that its amount depends on the following factors:

  • Position held by the former spouse;
  • length of service;
  • rank;
  • cause of death.

Thus, in the event of transfer to the reserve or the death of a spouse as a result of an injury received in the service, the amount of financial assistance will be 50% of his monetary allowance (SDS).

If the husband died as a result of an illness acquired in the service, then the amount of the pension paid to the widow will be 40% of the allowance.

The final amount is calculated taking into account the pension coefficients of the serviceman and the value of the pension coefficient relevant at the time when the spouse submitted the paperwork for registration. In the case where the deceased was already paid a pension, the calculation will also take into account the number of persons who were dependent on the military man before his death.

When assigning an additional pension, the individual calculation part is taken as a basis, while the fixed payment does not affect it.

Recalculation is carried out in the same way: if the payment was assigned without any coefficient affecting the amount, then the woman has the right to re-submit an application with a request to recalculate the amount taking into account the missing period.

Minimum size

Depending on what service the deceased was in - contract or conscription, the amount of the pension is determined.

This amount also depends on the cause of his death:

Persons living in the Far North and in areas that are equivalent to it are entitled to higher payments due to regional coefficients.

If such a citizen moves for permanent residence to other regions of the country, the pension is subject to recalculation in accordance with the rules of the new place of residence.

Registration procedure

Those who do not know how to apply for financial assistance should first of all register with the regional military commissariat. Along with the application, you will need to provide documents indicating that the deceased actually served.

When applying for a state pension, an application and a photocopy of supporting documents are sent by registered mail.

The package of documents includes:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • A document confirming the fact of her husband's death.
  • Certificate of registration of the applicant with the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • A document confirming the deceased’s right to long-service payments.
  • Certificate of husband's work experience.

In addition to the listed documents, additional papers may also be required. For example, if the deceased has any occupational disease, it will be necessary to provide confirmation of this fact to the Pension Fund.

Such evidence is obtained from the medical institution where the deceased was treated. All certificates must be certified by the signatures of the responsible doctors, as well as seals.

Another document that may be required when applying for benefits is a certificate explaining the cause of death of the serviceman.

After the PF has provided all the necessary documentation, the employees of this institution are obliged to accept and consider the submitted application. According to the law, the period for its consideration should be no more than 10 days.

If it becomes necessary to provide additional documents, the period for consideration of the application may be extended by the time it takes to collect them.

The applicant can submit an application with documents to the Pension Fund either personally or through an authorized person. In this case, the authorized citizen must have a document with a certification signature and seal of a notary stating that he really has such powers.

The applicant can also send all necessary documentation by registered mail. If the Pension Fund for any reason refuses to accrue a pension to the widow, she has the right to file an application in court and appeal this decision.

Procedure for accrual after remarriage

As stated in Law No. 4468-1 (Article 35), after the spouse of a deceased serviceman remarries, her financial benefits for the loss of a breadwinner will remain and will be paid in full.

If a number of circumstances arise, such payments may be terminated:

  • After execution, the child who remained dependent on the widow is 14 years old;
  • in case of removal of a previously established disability;
  • if the widow gets a job and starts receiving official income.

Two pensions