Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Washing your face is an important part of the morning ritual of every woman who wants her skin to be beautiful. We will look at the 10 most popular cosmetic cleansers and tell you what to wash your face with in the morning according to your skin type.

The benefits of washing

Many women neglect cleansing their facial skin in the morning, believing that this is not necessary, since there is no makeup on their face at night and street dust does not settle.

But it's not right! This can even lead to clogged pores, since at night our sebaceous glands work no less actively than during the day. While we sleep, the sebaceous glands continue to secrete sebum and toxins - and this is a favorable environment for bacteria that can lead to pimples on the face. Therefore, morning washing is simply NECESSARY for our skin.

Every day should start with washing your face!

Which product should I choose?

IN modern world There are many different cleansers available. Let's figure out which one is right for your skin type.

1. Facial gel

Gel is a transparent viscous suspension that contains substances that dissolve fat, as well as various beneficial and caring components: herbal extracts, oils, antibacterial substances.

Cleansing gels perfectly cleanse the skin of oil and impurities, penetrating deep into the pores. Suitable for oily and combination skin. Oily skin is characterized by increased sebum production and a tendency to form acne, and the gel cleanses the face well and dries slightly, which helps owners of this skin type fight imperfections.

  • Gel AVENE Cleanance - for deep cleansing of problematic and oily skin, effectively cleanses the dermis of impurities and sebum.
  • There is also a good gel, but at a more affordable price: Pure Line with Aloe Vera Cleansing , for combination and oily skin. The product deeply cleanses, mattifies and refreshes.

2. Micellar water

  • There is a popular Black Pearl milk - for dry and sensitive skin. Cleanses and soothes, moisturizes, nourishes and increases skin turgor.

6. Hydrophilic oil

This is a two-phase product, consisting of two parts - water and oil. Before use, this product must be shaken thoroughly.

Thanks to the oils included in the composition, it is also suitable for dry skin. It will soften and nourish tired, dry skin, and with prolonged use it will also smooth out fine wrinkles. With all this, it copes well with dirt.

  • According to women's reviews, the most popular hydrophilic oil APIEU DEEP CLEAN , it does not violate lipid barrier and prevents the feeling of dryness.
  • Also earned good reviews hydrophilic oil Kanebo Kracie Naive Deep Cleansing Oil (Olive) . Contains macadamia nut oil and olive oil. Penetrates deeply into pores, cleanses the skin, removes toxins and relieves irritation. With a light floral aroma.

7. Cream

This cosmetic product has a creamy texture with a soft, gentle formula. Washing creams contain many oils, extracts, minerals, as well as natural surfactants, and do not contain aggressive components.

Thanks to this natural composition, the cream has a lot of positive qualities: very delicately - but at the same time effectively - cleanses the surface layer of the skin and pores, does not dry out or irritate the skin, promotes cell regeneration, moisturizes, tones, nourishes, rejuvenates, helps overcome dryness - and, importantly, maintains a healthy pH balance of the skin. Such properties make it indispensable for sensitive and.

  • Good examplecream for washing "VkusVill" . A soft and gentle cleansing cream contains ingredients that do not dry out. After using the cream, the skin becomes soft, silky, moisturized and takes on a well-groomed appearance. Free of parabens, artificial colors, lanolin and mineral oils.

8. Facial wipes

One of the most effective types of skin cleansing is washing with napkins. They are different types and are suitable for absolutely any skin type.

The wipes massage, perfectly cleanse, tone, give a blush and radiant appearance to the skin, and also promote exfoliation - the process of deep cleansing the skin from the outer keratinized layer of cells. There are practically no disadvantages to cleansing wipes.

  • Napkins that have many positive reviews - OLAY Skin Comfort. They tone and gently exfoliate, and have a soothing effect even on very dry skin. Carefully removes dirt. An ideal product for daily care.

9. Sponge

These are small porous sponges, usually made from natural materials.

There are different sponges for washing: from soft and gentle ones to harder ones, made from various raw materials, with different cosmetic properties. But basically they all have general characteristics- cleanse of impurities and excess sebum, exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, stimulate blood circulation, promote skin cell renewal, suitable for normal skin and skin prone to increased sebum secretion.

  • Due to its availability, it is popular sponge for washing and removing cosmetics Mirage made from natural cellulose. When in contact with water, this material acquires a soft, porous structure, which is ideal for the effective, gentle removal of cosmetics and impurities from the skin. The sponge also provides a gentle facial massage and has a mild exfoliating effect.
  • The air model received good reviews from women face sponge Konjac Sponge Company . It is natural, removes dark spots from the skin, cleansing it. Gently exfoliates and deeply cleanses the skin.

10. Soap

The product that will wash your skin “squeaky clean” is soap. It can be very different: with and without oils, natural and not very natural, liquid and solid.

But we must remember that any soap (no matter how natural it is) violates the lipid layer of the skin.

However, facial soap is popular ORGANIC SHOP Organic Kitchen . This is a nourishing facial soap. Gently cleanses and effectively fights skin imperfections, revitalizes, gives tenderness and natural radiance.

The morning begins not with coffee, but with cleansing the skin.

Girls, share your favorite cleanser in the comments!

Caring for each skin type has its own characteristics and nuances. So, it plays an important role in caring for oily/problem skin. After all, it is oily skin that is most prone to the appearance of pimples, blackheads and other inflammatory processes.

Gentle and at the same time effective cleansing can reduce the risk of such problems. What is a regular action in the process of cleansing the skin? Of course, washing.

And today’s article is about how to do it correctly and what means can be used for this.

If you naively believe that to care for oily skin it is enough to purchase an alcohol-containing tonic/lotion and literally dry out your skin with it, then you are mistaken. Excessive exposure of the skin to alcohol causes its protective reaction, and provokes even more active work sebaceous glands.

So, how to properly wash your face if you have oily skin?

  1. Let's start with the fact that the frequency of this procedure should not exceed 2-3 times a day. Excessive use can harm problematic and sensitive skin.
  2. The temperature of the water for washing should not be hot. Hot water increases the secretion of sebum, so the water should be cold or at a cool temperature. Once a week you can perform a contrast wash for oily skin with cold and hot water, this improves cell tone.
  3. Once every 7-10 days, in addition to washing, it is necessary to perform. To do this, you can use fine salt or soda. A cotton pad soaked in water is sprinkled with fine salt and applied to the skin in the direction massage lines. Wash off after 2-3 minutes. In case you have increased sensitivity skin, it is recommended to replace salt with soda.
  4. To wash oily skin, you can use a special foam or gel wash that suits your skin type.

Well, you can prepare special cleansers at home.

Home Recipes for Cleansing Oily Skin

Lotions and tonics for washing homemade will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve skin tone, and some of them will cope with acne and help even out skin color.

  • Aromatic tonic for washing.

Add 5 drops of bergamot and lavender essential oils to a glass of cool purified water. When washing, avoid getting tonic in your eyes. After washing, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a decoction of sage or calendula.

  • Rose petal lotion.

A full glass of ripe rose petals is poured with peach seed oil. The container is placed in a water bath and heated until the rose petals lose color.

Infuse for 24 hours, then filter. Store in a tightly closed container. Wipe dry skin twice a day.

  • Dairy products for skin washing.

Dairy products (sour milk, kefir, yogurt) have long been used for washing oily skin. There is a rule: the oilier your skin, the more acidic the product you should choose. To wash the skin, soak a cotton pad generously in the selected product and wipe the skin with it. This procedure has a slight whitening effect.

  • Honey lotion for washing.

Natural honey is applicable not only for nutrition, but also for cleansing oily skin. To prepare the lotion, dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water and add 5 drops essential oil lavender. The cleansing lotion is ready.

  • Herbal infusion.

The recipe for this herbal infusion has not only a cleansing, but also an anti-inflammatory effect on skin. That is why washing with this infusion will help dry out inflammation and reduce acne on the face.

To prepare the lotion, pour 1 tablespoon of the herbs St. John's wort, sage and yarrow into 250 ml. hot water. The broth is infused for several hours, after which it is reheated in a water bath. After 25 hours, filter the broth and add 30 ml to it. alcohol The tincture for daily rubbing of the skin is ready. It is recommended to treat the skin with alcohol lotion once a day.

  • Vegetable oil for cleansing the skin.

In the classical sense, wash with vegetable oil Not sure it's going to happen. But oil can effectively cleanse the skin. heat slightly and wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in oil. Remaining oil is removed using a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of St. John's wort or calendula. For oily skin, it is recommended to perform this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Benefits and contraindications for using cleansing gel for washing, rules for its use. Overview of tools for different types skin.

Why do you need a cleansing gel for washing?

During the day, the skin becomes dirty for many reasons: due to the negative impact of environmental factors such as smog and dust, due to sweat and fat secretions from the body and makeup residues. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it by washing your face in the morning and evening, regardless of whether you use cosmetics or not. A cleansing gel is ideal for this purpose, but only a quarter of all women buy it instead of cheap but irritating soap.

But the gel is not so aggressive, and it can be selected according to your skin type. In addition to surfactants, the cleanser contains various useful additives and components that, while improving appearance, also heal the skin, penetrating deeply through cleansed pores.

Depending on what type of surfactant (surfactant) is included in the gel, they come in the following types:

  • Amphoteric. Their packaging lists components such as Sarcosine, Cocoyl, Betaine. These are the most expensive and high-quality gels that act most effectively and gently.
  • Anionic. The substances included in their composition do not penetrate deep enough into the skin, but are repelled from it, and therefore cleanse worse. And lauryl sulfate, which is part of them, dries out the skin.
  • Cationic. They, unlike the anionic ones described above, penetrate too deeply, thereby causing people with sensitive skin dryness and allergies. Contains Polyquaternium, Quaternium.
  • Nonionic. Contains Decyl-Glucoside. Like ordinary water, they simply wash away dust from the surface of the skin, and therefore are ineffective and practically useless, although inexpensive.
The packaging of any product indicates its composition. Divide the list in half. The first half contains substances that make up approximately 90% of the volume of the cosmetic product. It is preferable if the gel contains mildly active ingredients: Coco or Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Carpylyl (Capryl) or Coco Glucoside, Glycolic, Lactic or Salicylic Acid, as well as natural oils.

If the product contains mineral oil, then after prolonged use of such cosmetics you will end up with clogged pores and an increase in the number of comedones. You should be wary if the gel contains Sodium Myreth Sulfate (SMS), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), these are aggressive surfactants. True, there is an opinion that SLES is safer than SLS.

Beneficial properties of face wash gel

Using a properly selected cleansing gel can have the following positive effects:
  1. Cleaning and disinfection. In addition to the purely mechanical removal of particles contaminating the skin (dust, dirt, sebaceous secretions, makeup), the cleansing gel often has an antibacterial effect and stops the spread of infection.
  2. Hydration and nutrition. Unlike soap, the gel is gentler and does not dry out the skin, and thanks to a variety of useful additives, it moisturizes and nourishes it.
When choosing a suitable cleansing gel for washing, remember that for those with oily skin, products containing oils are contraindicated (they promote the growth of bacteria). Those with problematic dermis should, in addition to thorough cleansing, also prevent the occurrence and spread of foci of infection. To do this, the cleanser must contain salicylic acid, zinc and triclosan. For normal skin, gels containing plant extracts are recommended, and for mature skin - with antioxidants and fruit acids, with a moisturizing and nourishing thick cream-gel being preferable.

Contraindications to the use of cleansing gel

If the gel is chosen incorrectly, then instead of a positive cleansing effect, its use can cause quite serious consequences, such as allergies, irritation and skin rashes.

But even the right product may not be suitable for people with hypersensitive skin, as well as those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to any of the components included in its composition. Before using a new face wash, test it on your wrist and make sure there is no redness after use.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding the skin can react differently, including negatively, to familiar products.

The choice of gel must be taken seriously, because using the wrong one breaks the lipid barrier and dries out the epithelium. The gel can be selected for a specific skin type: dehydrated (it needs additional hydration, but it itself can be a combination type or oily), dry (which lacks its own lipids), combination, problematic and oily.

Features of choosing the best washing gel

When choosing a gel for washing, consider several factors: your age, skin type, the chemical composition of the product and whether it has additional positive effects in addition to cleansing (nutrition, hydration, etc.), which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis in a certain season. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer: well-known companies, valuing their reputation, monitor the quality and safety of their products.

Cleansing gel for oily skin

Oily skin retains youth longer, but is prone to inflammation. Right choice Cleansing gel for washing will solve this problem.

Review of gels for oily skin:

  • "Gel Pure Focus" from "Lancome". It has a light texture with microgranules and capryloyl, which give the gel an exfoliating effect. Can be used daily. The skin is deeply cleansed thanks to the Dermo-Guide System™, a unique composition that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, developed by Lancome. Price: $32 for 125 ml.
  • "Sebo Gel Nettoyant Purifiant" from "Arnaud". Deeply cleanses, tightens pores, mattifies the skin surface throughout the day. Relieves inflammation, normalizes sebum secretion, does not dry out or tighten the dermis, and gives a feeling of freshness. Cost - 10.5 dollars per 150 ml.
  • . Contains plant extracts, vitamins and organic oils. It perfectly removes makeup, cleanses pores and tightens them, has an antibacterial effect, relieves irritation, but does not dry out the skin. Gives it freshness and improves color, normalizes sebum secretion. Has a persistent aroma. Price - 3.5 dollars for 200 ml.
  • Cleansing gel for oily and combination skin from “Clean Line”. Cleanses the epidermis, tightens pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Gives a feeling of freshness without drying out the skin. Contains aloe extract. Cost - 1.5 dollars per 100 ml.

Remember! When choosing one of the two cosmetics you like, give preference to transparent and colorless (or with a not too bright shade), preferably without a strong odor.

Gel for washing problematic epidermis

It doesn’t matter what type of skin it is (oily, dry, normal or combination), if it has defects, for example, acne, rashes, spots, scars, it is considered problematic. A cleanser for such dermis, in addition to cleansing, must necessarily moisturize it.

Review of gels for washing problem skin:

  1. "Effaclar" by "La Roche-Posay". Foaming gel designed for sensitive oily skin. Created by a French company based on thermal water. Hypoallergenic because it does not contain parabens, alcohol, dyes or soap. The gentle cleansing components of the gel perfectly remove grease and impurities without drying out the skin. Cost - 11.5 dollars for 200 ml.
  2. "Joyskin" from "Akrikhin". The product, developed by a Polish company, is intended for gentle cleansing of problem skin. Eliminates irritation, exfoliates, refreshes, and prevents dehydration. Large volume, but quite liquid, so it is not used very sparingly. Price - 6.1 dollars for 200 ml.
  3. "Immuno" from "Propeller". Gently but effectively cleanses the dermis, including cosmetics, removing grease and creating a slight mattifying effect. Relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of new rashes, because the immune complex in the product increases the barrier properties of the skin. Price - 2.1 dollars per 150 ml.
  4. “Problem skin” from “Biocon”. It qualitatively cleanses and also soothes the skin, brightens, heals, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Normalizes the condition of the epidermis, preventing the appearance of acne. Contains silver ions, panthenol, herbal extracts. Price - 1.7 dollars for 175 ml.

Anti-acne wash gel

Skin with rashes is quite difficult to get in order, but it is possible, and proper cleansing is the most important component of success.

Review of acne wash gels:

  • "Aven Cleanance". Medicinal french gel for washing based on thermal water. Thanks to the presence of pumpkin extract, it normalizes the production of sebum, cleanses the epidermis and relieves irritation, without tightening the skin. It has an antibacterial effect and hypoallergenic composition. Price - 14.2 dollars for 200 ml.
  • "Clearasil Stayclear "3 in 1" for sensitive skin. The three functions of this creamy face wash are to cleanse, exfoliate and kill bacteria. All this together helps to get rid of acne. The product contains salicylic acid, but the formula is balanced with additional components, and therefore the gel does not cause irritation. Gives the skin a matte finish. The smell is pungent, medicinal. Price - 2.3 dollars for 150 ml.
  • Cleansing gel with cincidon from Propeller. Deeply cleanses pores, really gradually getting rid of acne. It is quite aggressive (after it it is recommended to apply a moisturizer or mask), it dries the skin, so it is better to use it in courses for treatment. Not suitable for permanent use. Price - 2 dollars for 150 ml.
  • . Cleanses the skin and reduces inflammation after just 3 days of use. Can be used daily. Contains zinc and herbal extracts. Price - 1.3 dollars per 100 ml.

Cleansing gel with acids for mature skin types

After 25 years, you can start using washing gels containing fruit acids. These are wonderful antioxidants that help fight skin aging. Mature dermis needs hydration, so cleansing should not only be effective, but gentle and gentle.

Review of cleansing gels with acids for mature skin:

  1. Christina Fresh cleansing gel with alpha hydroxy acids. Deeply but delicately cleanses the skin without drying or tightening it. Removes impurities and dead skin particles, giving it silkiness and smoothness, improves complexion. Thanks to the convenient dispenser, it is used economically. Price - 22 dollars for 200 ml.
  2. Gel for washing “Youngfaces”. The fruit acids contained in this gel cleanse the skin carefully and gently, improving its structure and surface, removing the stratum corneum and excess sebum. Sage and propolis extracts relieve inflammation and promote healing. Price - 8.1 dollars for 125 ml.
  3. Cleansing bio-gel “Youth Stimulator” from Natura Siberica. Contains glycolic and salicylic acids, Rhodiola rosea extract and various wild Siberian herbs. Cleanses and refreshes the skin, stimulates regeneration. Cost - 3.2 dollars per 300 ml.

Important! If the cleansing gel contains fruit acids, then it should not be used if you have skin injuries, including herpes, or immediately before sunbathing. In any season, after such a gel, you should definitely protect your skin with a cream with a UV filter.

Gel for washing combination dermis of the face

It’s not easy for those with combination skin to choose the right cleanser, but the manufacturers have thought of everything.

Review of cleansing gels for combination skin:

  • Phyto-gel for washing from “Planeta Organica”. It contains many natural ingredients: plant extracts, organic oils and vitamins. The smell is harsh, but pleasant. The product perfectly cleanses pores and normalizes sebum secretion. The gel has an antibacterial effect, so it relieves inflammation without drying out the skin, refreshes it and improves color. Used sparingly. Price - 3.5 dollars for 200 ml.
  • Cleansing gel “Clean Skin Active” from “Garnier”. Contains absorbent carbon and salicylic acid. It cleanses the dermis well, drying out inflamed areas and promoting the disappearance of acne, refreshing and making it matte. Creates some feeling of tightness. It is better to use it not every day, but as a remedy once every 2 days. Be sure to moisturize your skin with cream afterwards. This gel may not be suitable for those with sensitive skin and allergies. It foams well, smells nice, and is used sparingly. Price - 3.1 dollars per 100 ml.
  • Gel-mousse "Trio-Active" from "L"oreal. Suitable for normal and combination skin. It cleanses well, including cosmetics, sometimes leaving a feeling of tightness and a film on the face. Doesn't foam much, has a jelly-like consistency, smells nice. Price - 3 dollars for 150 ml.
  • Gel "Face Care" from "Johnson's". Remarkably cleanses, tightens pores, suitable for daily use even for those with sensitive skin. Contains minerals that give the product a soft scrubbing effect. After use, it is advisable to use a moisturizer. Price - 1.5 dollars for 150 ml.
  • Gel for combination and oily skin from “Clean Line”. This deep cleanser is suitable for daily care. Contains extracts of medicinal herbs, in particular celandine, which promote excellent cleansing of impurities and cosmetic residues. After using the gel, the epidermis becomes more elastic, pores become smaller, oily shine, inflammation and acne disappear. Thick, uses sparingly and smells nice. Cost - 0.7 dollars per 100 ml.

Remember! If the washing gel foams well, it will be used sparingly.

Cream-gel cleanser for dry skin

Dry mature skin requires gentle care and cleansing, which a cream gel can provide. This product is heavier in structure than a regular gel, because... contains additional nutrients designed to fight aging and keep skin elastic and youthful longer.

Review of cleansing gels for dry skin:

  1. "Purete Thermale" from "Vichy". Gently cleanses, protecting even from particles of cadmium and mercury, which is important for city residents. The product contains thermal water that soothes the skin and restores its fluid balance. After use, pores are reduced, the skin becomes velvety and soft. Easily washed off. Price - 12.6 dollars for 200 ml.
  2. Delicate cream-gel with almond extract from Nivea. Designed for gentle daily cleansing, but not very good for removing makeup. Contains microgranules that help gently exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis, as well as the Hydra IQ complex (based on glycerin and glucose), due to which the use of cream is not required after using the product. Does not cause allergies, smells nice. Price - 3.5 dollars for 150 ml.
  3. "Absolute tenderness" from "L"oreal. This cream-gel is designed for sensitive skin. It does not contain soap, but is enriched with special gentle cleansing ingredients that remove dirt and makeup gently but effectively. Cost - 3.2 dollars per 150 ml.

Soft gel for washing the face for children

The baby's delicate skin does not require frequent bathing or washing with detergent. It should be gentle and soft and not dry out the skin. Gel for washing is more often needed by older children, from 5 years and up. adolescence. Parents should make sure that the child has his own suitable product for washing his face.

Here short review children's washing gels:

  • Cream-gel for washing face and hands “Softwash” from “Johnson's baby”. A gentle product that does not cause tightness or dryness of the skin, contains cream. Gently cleanses. Be careful not to get it in your eyes - it stings. It has a pleasant aroma and the dispenser is convenient. Cost - 6.3 dollars for 250 ml.
  • Gel for washing and bathing “From the first days” from “Bubchen”. This product contains panthenol and shea butter, suitable for those with sensitive skin. Doesn't sting the eyes. Used sparingly. The smell is unobtrusive. Despite the fact that it is a children's gel, it washes off well decorative cosmetics, so it’s also suitable for mothers, especially in autumn and winter, when the skin needs delicate care. Price - 5.2 dollars for 150 ml.
  • Cream-gel for washing face and hands “Disney Baby without tears” from “Svoboda”. Suitable for newborns too. Doesn't sting the eyes. Contains extracts of medicinal herbs, allantoin, panthenol, glycerin, coconut oil, therefore suitable for sensitive skin. It contains no dyes, silicones or parabens. Hypoallergenic. Cleanses gently, delicately, and does not dry out the skin. Price - 2.3 dollars for 250 ml.
  • Gel for washing “Princess. Freshness and tenderness" from "Clever Company". Suitable for children from 5 years old. Contains panthenol, aloe extracts and peach oil. Gently cleanses children's sensitive skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. Foams well, does not contain allergens and salt. It smells pleasant with the mixed aroma of apples, watermelon and currants. It has an attractive design, so children will surely like it. Cost - 1.3 dollars per 260 ml.

Moisturizing gel cleanser for normal skin

To the lucky owners normal skin, which does not have any special problems, you should choose gels enriched with caring components, for example, extracts of medicinal plants - celandine, aloe, chamomile, calendula, tea tree.

Review of gels for washing normal skin types:

  1. Cleansing "Gel Eclat" from "Lancome". The light pearlescent texture of the gel deeply cleanses the skin, gives it radiance, freshness and smoothness, and removes toxins. Contains extracts of anise, French rose, white lotus and Japanese cedar. Smells nice, foams well. Price - 32.1 dollars for 125 ml.
  2. Cleansing gel “Pure Calmille” from Yves Rocher. Perfectly removes dirt and decorative cosmetics. Hypoallergenic. Contains chamomile extract. Thick, foams well, is used sparingly. Those with sensitive skin may feel dry after washing and will need to moisturize their skin with cream. Cost - 5.3 dollars per 200 ml.
  3. Cleansing gel “Ideal skin” from “ Clean line» . Cleanses deeply but does not dry out the skin. It contains chamomile and mint extracts, as well as zinc, which prevents the appearance of inflammation and acne. Foams well and removes decorative cosmetics well. Price - 1.5 dollars per 100 ml.

How to use cleansing gel

If you have decorative cosmetics on your face, you need to remove it with a special product (makeup remover milk, etc.) and only then wash with a cleansing gel.

Please note the following:

  • Water. It should be only slightly warm. Cold or hot will unnecessarily narrow/dilate blood vessels, which will not have the best effect on those who have fragile blood vessels or who have inflammation or rosacea on their skin. It is also necessary to monitor the quality of water. A high chlorine content negatively affects the skin, but with a detergent it will penetrate quite deeply into it. Water must be filtered or bottled.
  • Mode of application. In most cases, the algorithm for using a cleansing gel is as follows: moisten the skin with water, apply the product to your hands, and rub it into your facial skin with your fingertips. in a circular motion, doing a kind of massage from the forehead to the chin three times, then rinse thoroughly with water. Do not press or rub roughly; all movements should be gentle and soft.
    Be sure to read the instructions on the package; perhaps this particular product has some subtleties in its method of use. For example, gels for problem skin may rub harder into the skin. It would be a good idea to consult with your cosmetologist, who knows the characteristics of your skin well.
  • Time. You cannot keep the cleanser on your skin for a long time; Negative consequences. Use time is no more than 20 seconds, then the gel should be washed off. If the skin is still not clean enough, simply repeat the procedure.
  • After washing. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Then use a cream or mask.
  • How often. Some experts recommend washing your face with gel twice a day - morning and evening. Others believe that in the morning it is enough to simply rinse and use a tonic (after 40 years - milk), and leave the cleansing gel for the evening wash, when the skin is really dirty. This opinion is based on the fact that frequent washing with products containing surfactants can cause dehydration of the epithelium and damage to its protective layer. You can try both options and, taking into account the result and your feelings (comfort/discomfort), choose the best one for you.
How to choose a gel for washing - watch the video:

Cleansing gel for washing is a product that should definitely be among your cosmetics. After all, cleansing the skin is a fundamental factor on which its health, and, consequently, beauty depends. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing, take into account all factors: skin type, age, chemical composition and brand.

Do you need pharmacy cosmetics for problem skin?? Have you been looking for proven products that will help get rid of acne, blackheads, blackheads, and comedones?

Pharmacies sell different products and formulations: creams, gels, foams, lotions, emulsions, powders, masks, foundations, “washes”.

There are drugs that fight dermatological problems from the inside: vitamin complexes, antibiotics, hormonal ones.

On the shelves you will find many solutions and manufacturers. These are Noreva, La Roche-Posay, SkinCeuticals, Uriage, Avène, Ducray, Lierac, Vitaskin Anti Acne.

Don’t forget about proven pharmaceutical drugs, which are “Curiosin gel”, “Zinc ointment”, “Vichy normaderm acne cream”, “Salicylic acid”, “Hydrogen peroxide”.

Antibiotics“Tetracycline”, “Domiksotlin” + hormonal drugs will also come in handy.

What should be included in proven and high-quality products?

When purchasing a drug from a pharmacy, ALWAYS look at the ingredients. Helps to cope with acne, acne and comedones:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherols;
  • B vitamins;
  • provitamin A;
  • vitamin F

For anti-inflammatory effects, extracts of various plants are provided: aloe, calendula, chamomile, horsetail. If you have severe acne, pay attention to products with medicinal oils containing: primrose, lavender, tea tree.

Drying effect(which is very important for combating problem skin and acne) have the following components:

If you choose medicinal cosmetics at the pharmacy, look at the alcohol content. It shouldn't exist! Alcohol irritates the skin and sometimes activates the process of sebum synthesis (this causes the skin to become oilier).

As a result, there may be even more comedones and pimples, although you tried your best to cope with them.

As part of medicinal pharmaceutical cosmetics panthenol and bisabolol should be present, as well as allantoin and azelaic acid. They improve skin condition, relieve inflammation and redness.

If you have severe acne, a comprehensive approach (based on daily care+ special procedures). This means that at the pharmacy you can hardly get by with 1-2 bottles of products.

You require:

The best pharmacy cosmetics for problem skin: manufacturers, lines and compositions

Exfoliak cosmetics line to combat acne (for teenagers and adults)

The line of pharmaceutical cosmetics offers customers everything they need to care for sensitive and problem skin:

  1. The cleanser is a gel saturated with fruit acids.
  2. A foundation that not only masks acne, but also helps restore cells and relieve inflammation.
  3. A cream that has a pronounced nourishing and antibacterial effect.

The Exfoliak cosmetics line is created specifically for oily skin, so it is suitable for people of different ages. In cosmetics pharmaceuticals fatty acids and vitamins B3 are present. The compositions are characterized by an acidity level of 3.5 pH.

The Russian company has been operating on the market since the 1990s, offering a range of products for the care of oily and sensitive skin. The products contain natural extracts (chamomile, calendula, sage, corn germ oil and others), as well as furatsilin, zinc oxide, kaolin.

Due to this composition, it is possible to solve several main problems:

  • dry the skin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • perform the role of a professional antiseptic;
  • reduce sebum production;
  • improve local immunity.

Therapeutic cosmetics for problematic facial skin are presented in a wide range in pharmacies. If one product suits you, it’s worth buying the whole line.

Cream for problem skin from the manufacturer “Kosmoteros GROUP”

The product is often recommended by cosmetologists because it has a unique antibacterial effect.

But you can choose a specific cream only after professional consultation with a specialist (the choice depends on the condition of the skin, the characteristics of acne, the patient’s age, and the presence/absence of contraindications).

The Kosmoteros GROUP assortment includes a full range of cosmetics for caring for problem skin and getting rid of acne. We recommend:

The best pharmacy cosmetics for problem skin. Series “Floresan” (“Face without problems”)!

The line includes a full range of cosmetics that will be useful to you for caring for problem skin, protecting against the appearance of blackheads, inflammation, acne and acne.

The Floresan series (“Face without problems”) includes:

"La Roche-Posay" - medicinal cosmetics created with you in mind

The French manufacturer offers products based on thermal water(has a cleansing effect, contains selenium and other useful minerals).

The manufacturer's line includes all the necessary drugs to combat acne:

  1. Moisturizing pharmaceutical cream for problem skin.
  2. Tonics and lotions.
  3. Nourishing and cleansing masks.

Therapeutic cosmetics “La Roche-Posay” relieves inflammation, helps eliminate acne, destroys bacteria, has a pronounced tightening and modeling effect (which is important for people over 30 years old).

Bioderma cosmetics - complex of vitamins + cleansing + getting rid of acne

Bioderma is a manufacturer that boasts 8 product lines that are used to combat various dermatological problems: sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and external influences, soreness, wrinkles and aging, dryness and lifelessness, acne and acne.

During clinical studies, it was proven that ointments and washes from manufacturers give quick results and have a prolonged effect.

What products will help cope with a lot of redness and irritation due to acne?

  1. Prime Renewing Pack from the manufacturer Valmont (Switzerland). It costs about $200, but provides deep nutrition and comprehensive restoration, helps relieve redness, “subcutaneous pimples” and tubercles in 1 application.
  2. Atoderm PO zink from Bioderma (France). Soothing healing cream with a pronounced antibacterial effect. Costs about $15, helps cope with acne, treats dermatitis.
  3. Micellar Lotion Cleanser And Make-Up Remover from the manufacturer Avene (France). It costs the same $15 and can be used to cleanse the surface of the skin throughout the day.

You will be offered different variants, but proven pharmacy cosmetics for problematic facial skin are:

Manufacturers' assortment includes both powder and foundations, which have a double effect: mask skin imperfections + cleanse it, relieve inflammatory processes.

Manufacturers offer series (lines) of products, which contain all the products necessary to combat dermatological problems: ointments, powders, washes, tonics, creams, gels, lotions, masks and others.

If you have teenage acne (or acne appeared after 30-40 years), then pay attention to the following series:

  • Cleanance by Avene;
  • Sebium from the French manufacturer BIODERMA;
  • Keraknil from the company DUCRAY;
  • Efaklar from the French company LA ROCHE POSAY (you can also get Toleriane from this manufacturer);
  • ANTI ACNE specifically for combating acne from the manufacturer VITASKIN;
  • Extra Pure by KORFF;
  • Tolederm from Uriage.

What effect does medicinal cosmetics from a pharmacy give?

  1. Removing dead scales (keratinized skin). It is what clogs the pores and clogs the channels, causing inflammation. If you remove the “dead pieces of skin”, the inflammation will disappear.
  2. Softening sebaceous plugs. They are easier to remove.
  3. Purification and reduction of bacterial growth. Previously, bacteria provoked the appearance of black and white “pustules,” but now everything has returned to normal. Your skin will automatically become clearer and brighter.
  4. Regulating the process of sebum secretion. The production of fats decreases, the unsightly “shine” disappears, you feel an improvement in the condition of your skin, and become more confident.
  5. Narrowing pores. Black dots become less noticeable, the effect of a “lumpy” surface with a large number of dimples disappears.

Selecting a manufacturer, line, or composition should not be done “at random,” but after consultation with specialists.

Perhaps the cause of the redness was the activity of the subcutaneous demodex mite(and then it makes no sense to use drying, healing and nourishing components).

Or your subcutaneous fat is too “viscous” due to hormonal changes : To eliminate it, you will need a course of hormonal therapy, and not just a superficial treatment.

TOP 3 facts for the health of your skin

  1. The best pharmacy cosmetics for problematic facial skin are SkinCeuticals, Uriage, Noreva, La Roche-Posay, Avène, Ducray, Lierac, Vitaskin Anti Acne.
  2. After consulting with a specialist, it is better to buy a whole line of products (gels + tonics + ointments + lotions + creams + foams + soaps and much more).
  3. The products are used as part of a complex treatment of acne. Most often they are suitable for care and cleansing (while tablets and ointments are necessary for treatment!).

Relevance: April 2019

There are many reasons why our skin becomes dirty. Negative Impact environment- dust and dirt, makeup and sweat and fat secretions from the body. The health of our skin directly depends on the condition of the protective layer that protects it from exposure external factors and moisture loss. We are faced with a task: how, when washing, not to violate the protection and cleanse the face. You can do this with water. But it will not dissolve or wash away the fat and remnants of cosmetics that have formed during the day. Only correct option- application special means. The most versatile is the cleansing gel. This cosmetic product contains PAs that gently and delicately cleanse the epidermis.

We have compiled a list of the best washing gels based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. La Roche-Posay
  2. Christina
  3. Bioderma
  4. Vichy
For oily skin For dry skin For sensitive skin For normal skin For eyes Moisturizing Hypoallergenic

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Cleansing gels: For acne-prone skin

For normal skin / For problematic acne skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin

Main advantages
  • La Roche-Posay thermal water gel is ideal for gentle cleansing of sensitive, redness-prone skin.
  • The formula of the product includes sodium hyaluronate, similar hyaluronic acid. It improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes the skin, restoring its tone and elasticity.
  • The gel easily removes makeup, does not injure skin prone to redness, and does not provoke the appearance and development of rosacea.
  • The product is well suited for washing after a peeling procedure or mechanical impact on the skin.
  • The ability to use the gel without water (without rinsing) and the presence of a dispenser allow you to take it with you when traveling if necessary.

For oily skin / For normal skin / For problematic acne skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin

Main advantages
  • Gel for deep and delicate cleansing of any skin type, with a unique combination of fruit acids and active plant ingredients
  • Acids remove dead skin cells, stimulate collagen production, restore damaged epithelial tissue, reduce scars.
  • Cucumber and fenugreek extracts moisturize, tone and relieve puffiness of the skin. The enzymes contained in the extracts block the production of melanin, brightening dark spots and freckles, evening out the tone
  • The gel has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, restores the skin and prevents premature aging
  • Regular use of the product refreshes the skin, gives it a healthy and radiant appearance.

For normal skin / For problematic acne skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin

Main advantages
  • Azulene gel for cleansing sensitive skin prone to redness differs favorably from other products in that it does not cause allergic reactions, peeling and irritation
  • Fresh juice with a pH level of 5.5 maintains hydrolipid balance. The plant extracts included in the composition soften and soothe the epidermis
  • Azulene is the active substance found in chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, regenerates skin cells, protects it from early aging
  • Regular use cleanses pores, eliminates redness and irritation, removes oily shine without drying out the skin.
  • The gel gently and gently cleanses the skin and removes makeup

Show all products in the category “For acne problem skin”

Cleansing gels: For oily skin

For oily skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin

Main advantages
  • A gel with carefully selected ingredients that are ideal for sensitive skin without causing irritation when cleansing or removing makeup
  • Two active substances: Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Coco-Betaine, delicately cleanse the epidermis without disturbing the lipid barrier and pH balance
  • The product not only removes dust and makeup from the skin, but also excess sebum and, having an antiseptic effect, prevents the appearance of acne
  • Has an exfoliating effect, cleanses pores of dead cells. Well moisturizes and softens the skin
  • It washes off well with water. Does not contain soap or alcohol. Does not leave a sticky film or unpleasant feeling of skin tightness

Show all products in the category “For oily skin”

Cleansing gels: For sensitive skin

For sensitive skin/ Moisturizing

Main advantages
  • The gel is intended for cleansing those prone to allergic reactions sensitive skin of any type
  • Panthenol, thermal water and niacinamide included in the composition soothe and relieve the skin from discomfort, soften and restore, protect from environmental influences
  • Ceramides create a protective barrier that maintains optimal moisture in the epidermis
  • The structure of the gel is delicate, creamy, the smell is very weak. Almost no foam. After use there is no feeling of tightness, burning or dryness, the skin does not shine. Suitable for makeup removal
  • The composition does not include preservatives, soap and perfumes. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions

Show all products in the category "For sensitive skin"

Cleansing gels: For eyes

For eyes / For oily skin / For normal skin / For problematic acne skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin

Main advantages
  • Fresh is intended for daily high-quality cleansing. It does not contain synthetic components that negatively affect dermal cells, so it can be used to care for sensitive skin and remove makeup in the eye area
  • The balanced formula includes natural plant extracts of chamomile, calendula, hazel and cucumber. Thanks to the properties of these plants, sebum secretion is regulated, pores are narrowed, water balance and skin tone are restored, and peeling disappears.
  • The consistency is thick, but the gel spreads well and is easily washed off. The skin becomes soft, smooth, without a feeling of tightness
  • Packaging with a dispenser ensures ease of use and prevents bacteria from entering the bottle
  • Fresh delicately cleanses the face, soothes and softens the skin, leaving a feeling of freshness and comfort for a long time.

Show all products in the category "For the eyes"

Cleansing gels: Hypoallergenic

Hypoallergenic/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin