Fresh stains of this origin are usually easily removed with a soap solution followed by rinsing with warm water.

Old stains you need to soak in glycerin and rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

♦ For silk thin fabrics good remedy is a mixture of glycerin with water (equal parts) and with a small amount of ammonia.

Mixtures prepared according to the following recipes help well:

1) glycerin - 2 parts, water - 3 parts, ammonia - 0.1 parts.

2) wine alcohol - 4 parts, ammonia - 4 parts, table salt - 1 part (for dark fabrics).

♦ Stains from soups, sauces, milk on colored wool and silk fabrics are moistened with glycerin heated to 35 degrees and wiped with a brush. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the glycerin with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

♦ Canned fish oil stains are removed this way. Place a clean white cloth under the stain and pour clean chalk (but not tooth powder) onto it. A sufficient amount of chalk is also poured onto the stained material. Cover the stain from above with a white cloth, on which a weight is placed. All this remains to lie for 12 - 15 hours. Then the weight is removed, the chalk is shaken off.

♦ Fish oil stains are cleaned with an emulsion of turpentine and water, after which the cleaned fabric is hung in the air to better bleach the areas where the stains were.

How to remove an egg stain

Egg yolk stains are removed with a cotton swab soaked in glycerin heated to 35 degrees, which is washed off every 15 minutes with warm water and soapy alcohol or regular soap.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product. However, it has a very unpleasant smell. Any type of fish emits a pungent aroma that can be felt indoors, on hands, on dishes and on clothes for a long time. You can get rid of it, but you will have to make an effort.

How to remove fish smell from clothes?

It is impossible to immediately remove an unpleasant fishy smell. First, try washing your clothes in the washing machine as usual. If the smell still remains after washing, then use additional funds. In a small container, mix laundry detergent with lemon juice and stir well. Lemon absorbs fishy smell. After washing with lemon juice, rinse the item in the washing machine with added fabric softener.

How to remove fish smell from clothes?

If you don't have fresh lemon on hand, use a lemon-scented detergent. Add it to washing machine under no circumstances is it possible. Dishwashing liquid forms a large number of foam, which will lead to equipment failure in the future. Combine lemon-scented cleaning powder with regular washing powder. Use the resulting mixture for hand washing. Do not forget that the previously contaminated item should be soaked. Add 1 large spoon of table vinegar to the rinse water. Acetic acid is an excellent odor neutralizer.

If the proposed methods do not give the expected result, take the items to the dry cleaner. Professional cleaning products will certainly help you cope with the problem of unpleasant fishy odor.

How to remove the smell of fish from tablecloths and towels?

If you need to remove an unpleasant odor from a tablecloth or kitchen towels, try the following washing methods. Prepare the vinegar. Measure 2 tablespoons, dilute in 5 liters of warm water. Soak the fabric, leave it for a while, and then wash it as usual.

So that you don’t have to look for the answer to the question: “how to remove the smell of fish?”, it is better to prevent the appearance of this unpleasant odor. The fabric absorbs the smell of fried fish very strongly. The following methods will help prevent this situation.

While frying the fish, add vegetable oil a few potato slices.

Fish should be prepared in advance for frying. Clean the carcass, cut into small pieces, season and salt. Pour half a liter of beer into the pan, combine with fish pieces, place on the refrigerator shelf and leave the pan for 20 minutes. Before frying, place the slices in a colander to drain any remaining liquid.

Regular kitchen salt absorbs unpleasant odors perfectly. Heat it in a frying pan, let it cool. Heat the lemon zest in a frying pan (you can just hold it over the fire). Salt and lemon zest absorb extraneous flavors in just a few minutes. Thanks to this, you will not need to look for ways to wash fish from clothes.

Pour a small amount of water into a saucepan, mix it with lemon juice and acetic acid. Boil the prepared water and thoroughly ventilate the kitchen.

The smell of fish can appear not only on clothes, but also in the refrigerator. How to remove it in this case? Mustard will be an excellent assistant in this matter. Place a small amount of mustard powder on a plate and place it on the refrigerator shelf. Another option is to wash the refrigerator with a solution of dry mustard.

Required components:

  • starch;
  • acetic acid.

Sprinkle the greasy stain with starch, which will remove excess grease. Clean the fabric from remaining starch after half an hour. Combine 2 tbsp. spoons of water and a large spoon of acetic acid.

A solution of ammonia and glycerin will help get rid of old fish stains. Mix 2 teaspoons of water and a small spoon of glycerin. Add 6 drops of ammonia. Moisten the stain generously and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the product in soapy water and wash as usual.

If the stain still remains, use a chlorine stain remover. Please note that it is not advisable to use it for washing delicate fabrics.

Washing fish and getting rid of the smell of this product is not easy, but it is still possible. The best helper will be lemon and acetic acid. Do not forget that it is better to prevent the appearance of odor than to get rid of it later. Wash things right away! Also, make sure that during frying the fish does not emit such a strong aroma.

Imagine: you place the most tender pink salmon fillet on a board, grate the zest of an orange and mix it with coarse sea ​​salt, Provençal herbs, pink pepper... and get ready to enjoy the most delicious ceviche of your life... If only all this were as fashionable culinary bloggers write! Well, why don’t they talk about the fact that you will also have to “enjoy” the smell of fish, which remains on the clothes even after washing?! They just know these ways to quickly eliminate bad smell.

Different products for different types of clothing

To remove fishy smell from clothes, you need to get down to business immediately after it appears.

If your T-shirt or trousers are dirty, just soak them in a soapy solution with lemon juice. Citrus fruits are excellent at neutralizing odors on fabrics. Then the items are washed as usual with fabric softener.

Before washing, kitchen aprons and towels are soaked in a solution of 5 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of table vinegar.

Do not try to remove the smell of fish oil from outerwear on one's own. It is not recommended to wash a jacket or coat if such a problem occurs. The smell can spread over the entire surface and penetrate into the filler. In order not to spoil the item, it is recommended to immediately contact dry cleaning specialists.

How to choose the best method depending on the type of fabric

The easiest way to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes is if they are made from white cotton or flax. These materials can be cleaned using chlorine bleach. Chlorine effectively eliminates any unpleasant odors, including fishy ones. An item washed with bleach must be rinsed several times and dried in fresh air.

Clothes treated with chlorine will have a specific odor for some time, which will go away after several washes.

For colored and thin white fabrics, it is better to use oxygen bleaches. They fight odor by gently acting on the fibers without destroying the dye.

Items made of wool and silk are difficult to remove from the smell of fish. Delicate fabrics must not be treated with aggressive substances. Under the influence of various bleaching agents, such material becomes deformed and loses its attractiveness.

Used to clean delicate fabrics saline solution. It is able to remove the smell of fish from clothes without damaging the fibers of the fabric. To prepare the composition, you need to take warm water and dissolve it in it. table salt based on 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml.

What to soak things stained with fish in?

Pre-soaking significantly increases the chances of successfully removing fish odor from clothing. To do this, use laundry soap or ordinary table vinegar.

The soap is first grated and dissolved in hot water until the composition is as rich as possible. Soiled clothes are placed in it for 2-3 hours.

The darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, which effectively removes unpleasant odors.

To make an acidic soaking solution, add 3-5 tablespoons of vinegar to warm water. Things are immersed in the composition for 40 minutes. This soaking helps get rid of not only the fishy smell, but also some types of stains.

White items and colored fabrics with permanent dye are soaked in water with chlorine-free bleach and kept for 40 minutes. Afterwards, the clothes are washed in a machine with an additional rinse.

Regular wash

You can remove the smell of fish from clothes if you get down to business right away.

When machine washing, set the program with the maximum permissible temperature. They use powders that contain acids or special enzymes that can break down protein. It is recommended to add a conditioner with a pleasant aroma.

Popular brands of powder are well suited for washing:

  • Tide;
  • Gloss;
  • Eared nanny.

If you don’t have a suitable powder on hand, you can add a small amount of citric acid to the existing one.

When washing by hand, add to the soap solution lemon juice. During the first rinse, dilute 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in water, then rinse the acid thoroughly so that streaks and stains do not form on the fabric.

If washing is delayed, smelly items should be wrapped in newspaper. It will absorb some of the odor and make further cleaning easier.


If the smell of fish cannot be removed by regular washing, you can use boiling. This method is suitable for white natural fabrics that are resistant to high temperatures.

For boiling, you will need a large enamel container and tongs for hot laundry. A basin or pan is filled with water and placed on fire. Add crushed laundry soap.

When the water boils, the smelly clothes are completely dipped into the container. Keep the bowl of laundry on the fire for 30-40 minutes. Then it is taken out and sent to the washing machine.

Boiling even gets rid of the smell of rotten fish.

Dishwashing liquid

No less effective method to get rid of the problem - dish gel, preferably with a lemon scent. Sources of odor are wiped with the product and left for 30 minutes. Without washing off the gel, the item is washed by hand.

IN in this case Machine washable is not suitable. Dish detergent produces a lot of foam, which can damage the unit.

Folk remedies

Often, to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, it is enough to use one of the home recipes:

  1. To permanently remove fish smell from clothes, you can use baking soda. It even removes old fish smell. Instead of detergent Load a glass of soda into the powder receptacle and wash as usual.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a basin with 3-4 liters of warm water. Immerse things and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse thoroughly and wash.
  3. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 liters of water. In the resulting solution, wash things with laundry soap. After several rinses, hang it out to dry in the fresh air.
  4. Things are placed in a cold water with salt diluted in it, then sent to the wash.

In winter, when dried in the cold, unpleasant odors quickly disappear. In summer, you should not dry things in the sun. Ultraviolet light fixes odors in fabrics.

When is dry cleaning needed?

If trouble occurs with clothes made from delicate fabric, which is not recommended to be exposed to moisture, dry cleaning comes to the rescue. It is also recommended to turn to professionals if you are not sure of the successful outcome of using home remedies. Dry cleaning workers are guaranteed to achieve a positive result without ruining the clothes.

Lovers of fish in all its forms (fried, smoked, etc.) often encounter a situation when their clothes begin to smell of a corresponding and very specific aroma. It is difficult to eliminate such an odor, but it is possible. The main thing here is to know how to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes so that the item can still be worn. After all, there are both effective and not so effective methods for solving this problem.

The first thing that comes to mind when you need to get rid of fishy smell is soaking. A fragrant item can be soaked in a thick solution made from laundry soap. It is better to take soap with a high alkali content (brown color). It dilutes well in hot water. To speed up the dissolution, the soap can be grated on a coarse grater. After adding the pieces to the water, you must mix everything thoroughly.

Instead of soap, you can use dishwashing detergent. It is best to use products with a lemon scent. The liquid is applied to the smelly area for a while. After which the item is sent to the wash. Due to the tendency of such solutions to form a lot of foam, washing is done by hand, since the washing machine may break.

Soaking in vinegar will also get rid of the unpleasant odor. Foul-smelling clothes should be placed in warm water to which 2 tbsp have been added. l. vinegar for 40 minutes. This way we remove not only the fishy smell, but also some types of contaminants.

If the thing has White color, then it is soaked in bleach. You need to use a product that does not contain chlorine. This component may damage the fabric. Clothes should sit in bleach for 40 minutes.


After the smelling item has been soaked, it is sent to the wash. In most cases, soaking followed by washing will help remove unpleasant odors. For light soiling, you can use regular cleaning products. Washing can be done either by hand or in a washing machine.

If you need to remove more stubborn stains, you need to additionally apply lemon juice. The fact is that citric acid, when added to the powder, neutralizes the fishy smell. Also, bad-smelling items can be washed well when using conditioners that have a pleasant smell.

You can remove a strong fishy smell by using baking soda during washing. IN washing machine Instead of powder, you need to add one glass of soda. It is necessary to wash at maximum temperature.

If washing does not help and the smell on the clothes remains, you should use other methods to eliminate it.


Another method of getting rid of fishy smell is boiling. This method is considered “heavy artillery”, since it does not have a beneficial effect on the tissue.

Unpleasant odors are removed from clothes by boiling in a solution made from laundry soap and water. Boiling is performed as follows:

  • the prepared solution is poured into a basin or pan;
  • then clothes that emit an unpleasant odor are placed in the selected container with the solution;
  • after this, the solution is brought to a boil;

Things are boiled over low heat for 40 minutes. Periodically you need to add water to the container.

If your clothes smell of fish, you can remove this unpleasant smell different ways. Whatever method is chosen, the following recommendations must be adhered to:

  • if your clothes often smell like fish because of your profession, then you need to remove the smell and stains from several things at once. This saves both money and time with the cleaning product;
  • if it is not possible to immediately wash fish-stained clothes, then they are wrapped in newspapers. They absorb unpleasant odors well. Moreover, after being in the newspaper, things are usually washed much easier. This is due to the fact that newspapers will absorb most of the fishy smell;
  • The aroma of fish is easily removed by vinegar. It is enough to add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the soap solution. Therefore, it can be added in small quantities both to soaking solutions and used when washing. Here you need to rinse clothes especially carefully. Rinsing is done in a large volume of water. Otherwise, stains or chemical stains may appear on things;

After the clothes have been washed, it is recommended to dry them in a ventilated area. It is best to hang it outdoors. The stronger the smell, the longer the clothes should be left in the air (for example, a day). Cold air or frost has a positive effect.

Remember that the key to effectively eliminating fish aroma is quickly treating contaminated items.

Dry cleaning

If after all the above cleaning methods the smell of fish remains on the cleaned clothes, then the last hope remains - chemical washing.

Dry cleaning is used when the fabric of the clothing is very delicate. In this case, using vinegar, soda or boiling will cause it to become unusable. At the same time, dry cleaning is considered a radical method of combating unpleasant odors.

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost. However, dry cleaning specialists have at their disposal an extensive arsenal of a wide variety of cleaning products to combat all types of dirt and unpleasant odors. Therefore, dry cleaning will give a 100% clean result.

Knowing how to remove the persistent smell of fish from clothes, you can save your favorite item and return it to a pleasant aroma. After all, you shouldn’t give up your favorite treat or take an effective medicine(fish oil) due to the risk of staining clothing. With the right approach, the problem of fishy odor can be solved quite simply.

Video “Getting rid of fishy smell on your hands”

From this video you will learn how to effectively get rid of the smell of fish on your hands.