I'm pregnant, what should I do next? Thousands of women ask this question every day. Of course, first of all, the answer suggests itself - to decide whether you need a child now or to terminate the pregnancy before it is too late. Every woman should know that artificial termination of pregnancy is a strong blow to the body; even with an abortion in a good clinic, serious complications can arise. After all, abortion is an operation, albeit with a mini prefix. However, complications are less common, the shorter the pregnancy period at which it was performed. Now women have a non-surgical alternative - termination of pregnancy with the help of drugs, the so-called medical abortion. But it is not absolutely safe for the body. But let’s not develop this topic further, it’s better to think about it as a woman who wants to become a mother and leave a child - I’m pregnant, what should I do next?

First of all, reconsider your lifestyle. Many modern women They lead, to put it mildly, the wrong lifestyle and acquire bad habits. A bottle of beer after work, smoking once an hour, or even more often for “relaxation,” hamburgers and fries with ice-cold Coca-Cola... Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? So, for the expectant mother, all this should be prohibited, because everything that enters her body is all those harmful substances, to one degree or another, poison the body of her child.

Should I start taking vitamins? After all, the most obvious answer to the question “I’m pregnant, what should I do” is to buy an advertised colorful jar of complex vitamins especially for pregnant women. However, modern doctors, supporters of only justified medicinal prescriptions, do not recommend taking complex vitamins, even very expensive and “balanced” ones. A healthy expectant mother in the early stages only needs potassium iodide if she lives in an iodine-deficient region (and there are most of them in Russia) and folic acid. According to indications, an iron supplement (for anemia) or calcium (usually for later). Some vitamins, by the way, prescribed by not very competent doctors, can even be dangerous in high concentrations. This applies, first of all, to vitamins A and E. The fact is that synthetic vitamins are the same medicines, and they should be taken only according to strict indications, and not for “prevention” of something unknown.

By the way, about medications. What to do if they were taken in the early stages, when pregnancy was not yet known? It all depends on what medications... Read the instructions, look at the contraindications. If you have doubts about the harmlessness of the drug to the embryo, consult your doctor. However, in most cases, if the drug really negatively affected the child in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester), then spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) occurs or the fetus dies and stops developing. If there are no abnormalities on the ultrasound and the screening also shows no pathologies, you don’t have to worry. Even an x-ray performed on a pregnant woman, contrary to popular belief, is not always so dangerous.

Then maybe you need to get some vaccinations? No, this cannot be done during pregnancy. However, you need to know which diseases are especially dangerous for children. These are rubella and chickenpox. If a woman has never been sick with them and has not been vaccinated against them, she should, if possible, communicate less with preschool and younger children school age- precisely the age category that these viruses most often affect. You should not visit places with large crowds of people unless absolutely necessary. Infection with herpes type II (genital), toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and some other infections can also be dangerous during pregnancy. You need to be extremely careful, perhaps even narrow your circle of contacts for a while, since even the flu or ARVI can have an extremely negative impact on a child. It’s better to walk more, breathe clean air, feeling good do gymnastics for pregnant women and enjoy all the delights of your interesting position, prepare to meet your closest person - your child.

But even though “naturalness” in everything is in fashion now, you can’t do without medical help. The health of all expectant mothers is carefully monitored by doctors in antenatal clinics. So, if I'm pregnant, when should I go to the gynecologist? Of course, preferably earlier. It is possible already 2-3 weeks after the start of a missed period. The sooner you register for pregnancy, the more likely it is that the pregnancy will take place with a minimum of excesses, the more accurate the pregnancy and birth dates will be, respectively. And remember to follow your doctor's instructions carefully. If you suddenly have doubts about his competence, in this situation it would be a good idea to get advice from a third-party specialist. Pregnant women visit a gynecologist on average once a month during the first half of pregnancy, and once every 2 weeks during the second half. But a lot depends on the state of health, the results of examinations and tests. It is no secret that many expectant mothers are placed in a hospital “for safekeeping”. You can always refuse hospitalization, but is it worth risking the health of your unborn child...

This is clear, but what if I’m pregnant and the test is negative, will they register me with the antenatal clinic? Undoubtedly, if you are really expecting a child. The fact is that women who are definitely expecting a child are registered. And this is determined, at a minimum, with the help of a gynecological examination for a period of 5-6 weeks, when errors are almost excluded. Another option is a blood test for hCG. Using it, you can not only determine whether there is a pregnancy and its duration, but also how the embryo develops. An ultrasound can also make a correct diagnosis, but doctors do not always refer women to this examination in the first trimester. Unless the woman, on her own initiative, undergoes an ultrasound examination...

If you have a negative test, but you are sure that conception has occurred, menstruation is delayed, there is toxicosis and (or) other signs of an interesting situation, it is worth repeating the test in a couple of days. It is better to choose a test strip with a sensitivity of 10 - it is more reliable, and also to carry out home diagnostics in the morning and, of course, strictly follow the instructions on the package.

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Confusion, fear, uncertainty - these are the emotions a woman can experience when she learns that she is pregnant. She has many questions: where to go, how to behave, how to eat properly? The health of the child depends on the behavior of the expectant mother, so you need to calm down and prepare to meet the baby.

How to find out about pregnancy?

Cycle disruption, absence of menstruation is a reason to buy a pregnancy test. The cost of the test does not play a role in determining pregnancy. It is recommended to do two tests. Two stripes, even if barely noticeable, may indicate an interesting situation. After which you should visit a doctor, as cases of a false positive result are possible.

The main confirmation is a test for the hCG hormone, which can be done at any medical center. The analysis confirms pregnancy and determines the due date.

First necessary actions

When a woman finds out about pregnancy, she must first go to the doctor, register and receive an exchange card. Do not delay in notifying your employer. If a woman is in a position, Labor Code In the Russian Federation she is entitled to benefits. They provide for a gentle work schedule, the allocation of paid time to visit the clinic, and the preservation of average earnings.

Visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist and first ultrasound

When the test shows a positive result, the woman needs to visit a gynecologist. The first visit includes a gynecological examination. The doctor will determine the location of the fetus, rule out ectopic pregnancy, give directions for the necessary studies, provide recommendations on nutrition and daily routine, and determine the procedure for subsequent examinations.

Recent studies indicate the adverse effects of ultrasound on the fetus, so there is no need to do an ultrasound examination before the 10th week.


A pregnant woman is recommended to register for pregnancy before 12 weeks. This is necessary for timely completion of necessary studies and tests. Early registration makes it possible to receive a lump sum payment when going on maternity leave.

When registering, an exchange card is filled out. In the future, a woman must always have it with her. The document contains personal data, medical history, results of studies and tests, and doctor’s observations. An exchange card is required in the maternity hospital.

How to take care of your baby's health?

From the first weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to maintain a daily routine, follow the rules of a healthy diet, and avoid harmful effects on the body. A woman needs to give up bad habits(tobacco products and alcohol, even in small quantities, negatively affect the development of the child).

First, any impact on the mother’s body can provoke a miscarriage or disturbances in the development of the child.

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects that an expectant mother should pay attention to. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, herbs, dried fruits, cereals, legumes, white meat, lean fish, vegetable oils, dairy products. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fried, salted, smoked dishes;
  • flour and confectionery products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • snacks and other similar products containing artificial additives;
  • sausages;
  • store-bought sauces;
  • sparkling water, flavored drinks, coffee (we recommend reading:).

The menu should include only natural products, preference should be given to homemade food. Meals should be split, with snacks (fruits and vegetables) between main meals. Doctors recommend starting to take folic acid, which ensures normal fetal development in the early stages.

Physical exercise

Moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. They provide necessary blood circulation, help avoid swelling and other problems during pregnancy, and help prepare the body for childbirth.

Walking, swimming, dancing, and special gymnastics for pregnant women are recommended. It is important to avoid overexertion and forceful exercise. A pregnant woman should avoid cycling, horseback riding, professional sports and gym activities.

Pregnant woman's daily routine

The health of the unborn child depends on the condition of the mother's body. Sleep is necessary for the normal development of the baby. A woman is recommended to follow a strict daily routine - go to bed and wake up at the same time. Daytime naps and daily cool showers or baths have a beneficial effect on the body. Doctors do not recommend swimming in hot water, visit the sauna and steam bath. The need for regular walks in the fresh air is explained by the increased need of a pregnant woman for oxygen.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman has the right to count on special working conditions. The number of working hours per week should not exceed 30, night shifts are excluded. If desired, the expectant mother can change her work schedule to avoid rush hour public transport. In addition, the employer is obliged to provide the woman with the opportunity to visit medical institutions. This time is considered working time by default; the average earnings are retained by the pregnant woman.

Necessary tests and examinations from related specialists during pregnancy

The next step after registration is taking tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • screening for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • determination of blood clotting, group and Rh factor;
  • testing for the presence of infectious diseases (cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, coxsackie, chlamydia and others);
  • smear of vaginal microflora.

Then the urine test is repeated before each visit to the gynecologist. In the second and third trimesters, screening for the presence of infectious diseases is carried out. In the first trimester, a woman undergoes medical examination. Mandatory visits include a dentist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, and ENT specialist. The pregnant woman also does a cardiogram. A gynecologist can give a referral for examination by specialists, if necessary.

Mandatory ultrasound and screening studies

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, during pregnancy 3 ultrasounds should be performed at the end of each trimester. Screening examinations can accompany everyone ultrasound examination for medical reasons or the wishes of the parents. Usually the first analysis at 10-14 weeks is sufficient. Studies help determine the condition of the fetus, the characteristics of its development, and exclude the presence of developmental pathologies.

Each ultrasound provides important information about the structure of the baby and the characteristics of its development, the condition of the placenta, amniotic fluid, location of the umbilical cord. To carry out screening, a woman donates blood from a vein on the same day and undergoes a routine ultrasound. A blood test shows the level of hCG and PAPP-A hormones. A discrepancy between their levels in the blood may indicate problems in the development of the fetus. However, the probability of defect is not necessary.

Special courses for future parents

Training courses for future parents are held in maternity hospitals, perinatal centers, antenatal clinics. They can be either paid or free. For those who are expecting their first child, the courses are an important source of information and help them gain self-confidence and prepare for meeting the baby. Main topics covered in these classes:

  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • features of newborn development, care and breast-feeding.

Most often, the expectant mother has the opportunity to choose individual topics that interest her. Breastfeeding classes are especially important.

How to choose the right maternity hospital, and what to take with you?

You should take care of choosing a maternity hospital in advance. It is necessary to take into account the reputation of the institution, conditions of stay, and transport links. It should be remembered that the road to the maternity hospital should not be long. If a pregnant woman lives far from administrative centers, it is recommended to think about temporary relocation or hospital stay.

In many maternity hospitals, you can conclude an official paid contract for childbirth, which will indicate the doctor and the conditions of stay in the institution. The most important aspects when placing in a maternity hospital and choosing a ward are:

  1. joint or separate presence of mother and child;
  2. possibility of partner birth;
  3. ward (individual or general);
  4. living conditions.

Starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman should collect a package that she will take with her to the birth. At the maternity hospital, you can find out in advance what you need to have with you. Typically you should take the following things with you:

  • robe, nightgown, underwear;
  • rubber slippers;
  • towel;
  • toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, comb;
  • large-sized feminine pads or special pads after childbirth;
  • bandage after childbirth;
  • phone, pen, notebook;
  • drinking water.

The baby will need diapers. You should find out in advance about the possibility of using your own clothes for your baby. These can be diapers, vests, socks, caps.

Pregnancy is a happy and at the same time responsible period. Therefore, a woman should always remember that the baby’s life primarily depends on her behavior and health.

So, you are pregnant. What to do now, where to start? There are many questions. Let's try to answer some of them.

Step one - determine the due date

When will he be born? This is the first thing the expectant mother wants to know. Physiological birth occurs on average after 10 obstetric months (an obstetric month is equal to the lunar month and is 28 days) or about 9 calendar months.

Thus, the expected date of birth (EDD) is determined by counting 280 days from the date of the first day of the last menstrual period. Usually, calculating the due date is simpler: count back 3 from the date of the first day of the last menstruation calendar months and add 7 days. For example, if the last menstruation began on October 2, then by counting back 3 months and adding 7 days, the expected date of birth is determined - July 9. The Maternity website has one that will not only calculate the expected date of your birth, but also show what week of pregnancy is currently underway, and what stage of development the unborn baby is going through at this time.

So, the average length of pregnancy is 40 weeks, but fluctuations are possible from 38 to 42 weeks. One should not think that a child born 10 days earlier than the expected date is necessarily premature, and one born 10 days later is post-term.

Determining the duration of each specific pregnancy is difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to establish the time of movement of sperm and, it is difficult to take into account all the characteristics of the woman’s body and the time the baby is “ready” for birth. As soon as the baby is ready to be born, birth will occur.

Step two - nutrition

Now is the time to thoroughly review your menu. Carefully study the dietary recommendations for pregnant women: in the literature, on this site and other sites on the Internet. To avoid confusion, try to create a sample menu for the day.

The basis of a pregnant woman's diet consists of foods rich in protein and calcium, which are found in abundance in milk and dairy products. Besides, to the expectant mother nutrients, vitamins and microminerals are needed. Do not rely on a vitamin complex purchased at a pharmacy, even the most expensive and high-quality one. Any vitamins in tablets are absorbed much worse than natural ones obtained with food. And therefore, vitamin complexes are prescribed not instead of, but in addition to proper nutrition.

Get ready for the fact that during pregnancy you will have to forget about fast food, chips and other “junk food,” not to mention alcohol. Such food only creates a feeling of fullness, but does not give anything to your unborn child. Of course, it is difficult to suddenly change your habits overnight. But you must realize that from now on you are not living only for yourself. Every piece you eat is a brick that goes towards building the tiny creature that lives inside you. And it is you who will then have to treat him for many years for diseases that might not have existed if you had been more attentive to what you put in your mouth.

If you really want, you can afford to sit with your girlfriends at McDonald's a couple of times in nine months. But remember, before you swallow a piece, you must ask yourself every time, is this really the best thing I can give my baby?

Step three - exercise

Choose a complex to your taste, and make it a rule to perform them every day. It is also important to remember the need for daily walks. It's great if you can spend two hours a day outdoors. But if circumstances or work schedule do not allow you such luxury, then force yourself to at least walk to the metro every day. In addition to being outside, this will give you constant and much-needed exercise without taking too much time. And of course, you simply must spend your weekends in nature.

Why is this so important? If you do not give yourself regular exercise and breathe fresh air, your unborn baby will not be able to receive enough oxygen, which negatively affects the development of the brain and other vital systems. I think it’s clear what this could lead to. In addition, it is important for you to maintain good physical fitness, which will help reduce toxicosis, not gain excess weight and avoid the appearance of.

Step four - observation by a doctor

The next question asked by women who have heard something about pregnancy is when to take what tests and when to do an ultrasound?

The advice is simple: make an appointment at your local antenatal clinic. At your first visit, they will create a long, detailed record of you, in which they will write down everything not only about you, but also about your relatives, in order to find out all the factors that may affect the course of the pregnancy. After which you will visit your doctor approximately once every two weeks, undergo all the necessary tests in a timely manner, visit specialist doctors (ENT, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, dentist), weigh yourself and receive the necessary recommendations. If everything goes smoothly, you will be sent for ultrasound three times during your pregnancy.

If you work at a state-owned enterprise, then you need to register before 12 weeks to receive maternity leave. If for any reason you are delaying registration, remember: this must be done at least twelve weeks before the birth in order to be eligible to receive a birth certificate.

At about 32 weeks, you will be given an exchange card containing information about your pregnancy, and a birth certificate to pay for pregnancy and childbirth services. You must have these documents with you when you go to the maternity hospital.

And finally - the main advice: become a regular visitor to the site!

03.10.2014 14:40:00

Pregnancy test shows two lines? Congratulations, you will soon be a mother! Of course, many questions immediately arise about what will need to be done during pregnancy until the moment of birth. We have already prepared a plan of useful “reminders” for the expectant mother, and, believe me, there will be a lot to do.

However, the mission is certainly possible! Are you ready? Begin!

1 month

Once you know that a new life is developing inside you, you need to eliminate all possible risk factors . This list includes stress, smoking, taking alcoholic drinks, using medications without a doctor’s prescription, working in hazardous enterprises. Passive smoking is also undesirable, so smoking household members also switch to “caution and precaution” mode. Is someone sneezing or coughing at work? It’s better to stay at home for a couple of days, you don’t need to get sick now.

Of course, pregnancy is not a disease, but very responsible state . Exactly from The behavior of the expectant mother determines the health of her baby , because everything is his internal organs and systems are formed during the first month, so it is better to minimize and eliminate any possible risks.

4 month

Add activities ! If there is no threat of miscarriage and you feel well, now is the time to start (or continue) playing a suitable sport. The best choice for pregnant women: yoga, water aerobics and Pilates, and you can do special ones at home.

Talk to the baby . Every day, tell your baby something pleasant and communicate with him. Let the future dad also join the process; the baby perceives low male voices with even greater pleasure. Also, your baby will definitely enjoy listening to beautiful music and reading with you.

Change your sleeping position . It's time to sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your legs bent at the knees. This position is harmless, while it is better not to lie on your back or stomach.

Buy maternity clothes . Skirts, jeans and trousers become tight at the waist, and blouses do not meet at the chest and hips. Staying in tight clothes for a long time causes discomfort, so choose a loose top made of elastic fabrics, and trousers and skirts with a special “tummy”.

5 month

Record an ultrasound video . Of course, this research is not done for the sake of curiosity, but while the baby is still placed entirely on the screen, it is very interesting to observe his movements.

Visit the dentist . During pregnancy, the ability of saliva to destroy microbes may weaken, which is explained by the specifics of the hormonal system. It is important to take care of your dental health and prevent possible problems in advance, because caries is a source of infection, which is absolutely unacceptable in your situation. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and use floss and mouthwash. If there is pain, a hole has formed, or a tooth is crumbling, consult a doctor as soon as possible; modern dentists have products approved for pregnant women in their arsenal.

Take care of your feet . Your weight and blood volume increase, which means the load on your feet and veins increases. Anti-varicose cooling gel on a natural basis, compression tights and the “legs above head” pose will help avoid feeling tired at the end of the day.

6 month

Enjoy . It's so great to feel new life, feeling it not only as a fact confirmed by tests, analysis and ultrasound, but also as a living pushing person!

Don't forget about sex . Now your tummy is not too big yet, and toxicosis and other unpleasant sensations are behind you. The perfect time to enjoy your husband's company. The main thing is to choose the right position, without putting pressure on the stomach and not to be too zealous in activity, giving preference to tenderness and softness.

Visit an ophthalmologist . During pregnancy, your eyes may feel dry or your vision may deteriorate. Go to the ophthalmologist to make sure that everything is fine with your eyes, because childbirth awaits you ahead, which will be a serious test for the eye vessels and capillaries.

Have a photo shoot . Your still neat, but already quite noticeable tummy is more photogenic than ever! At the 6th month future mommy She is not yet too tired of her special situation and a professional photographer can easily capture many indescribable emotions in her eyes. It’s great if your husband takes part in the filming. Believe me, the pictures from this photo shoot are still for a long time will be your favorite ones, because they are filled with amazing love and happiness.

7 month

Count your movements . Depending on the time of day, the concept of normal varies, but on average, a child should make itself known at least 10 times a day.

Take care of your skin . Your body is changing more intensely than before, so it needs special care -. Although stretch marks do not cause physical discomfort to a woman, they are quite unaesthetic and any expectant mother will not want such “memorable marks” to remain on her body.

There are many remedies for stretch marks, these can be creams, oils, souffles, skin tonics. It is important to purchase a pregnancy line and use it regularly. The selected tube should contain retinol, which moisturizes the epidermis; after a shower, you can also apply an oil solution of vitamin E, olive or almond oil to the body.

Finish things at work before maternity leave . The expectant mother goes on maternity leave after 30 weeks of pregnancy, and if you are expecting twins, you need to leave the office even earlier - at 28 weeks. Try to finish all the projects you have started before this time and without haste, begin to transfer your affairs to the employee who will remain in your place.

Go to the hairdresser . After the birth of your baby, you will want to look good, and you will have very little time for styling and caring for your hair. It makes sense now to get a comfortable haircut and give your hair a shape that will later be easy to maintain on your own and your reflection in the mirror in the morning will not upset you.

Find the information you need . You will definitely have questions about where and how to give birth, how to establish , care for the baby and raise him correctly. Read thematic books and magazines, visit specialized websites, share your experiences on forums. Discuss your point of view on important issues with your husband - the ability to find a compromise in important issues will help you after the birth of your baby and will become the key to understanding and harmony in the family.

8 month

Find your doctor . Meet the doctor who will... Discuss with him your vision of this process and do not be afraid to ask different questions, even if they are absolutely stupid in your opinion. Position during childbirth, possibilities of pain relief, emergency interventions - all issues are important in childbirth.

Take a pregnancy course . Many mothers are sure that since childbirth and breastfeeding are natural processes, they do not require additional knowledge. Quite the opposite is true. The more savvy you are in the process and the better you understand what awaits you, the fewer problems you will have and the healthier your baby will be. Find out what there are, what, when a baby needs to be put to the breast for the first time, how the lactation process begins and how you should prepare your breasts for it, how to care for a newborn and what the expectant mother should definitely pay attention to - all this and much more you can learn in such courses. The information you will receive is 100% necessary and professional, because such lectures are given by doctors and maternity hospital specialists.

Do an ultrasound and CCT . Cardiac monitoring of the fetus is prescribed to draw conclusions about how adequately the baby is receiving nutrition and oxygen. The third ultrasound is performed according to schedule at the 32nd week of pregnancy.

Hurray, maternity leave! Now you can, with the help of your loved ones, do a general cleaning at home or start renovations, carry out and purchase children's furniture. And also start buying everything that the baby will need and will need to take with him to the hospital. A crib, stroller, bed linen, clothes, bath, cosmetic and hygiene items will definitely be useful to the child. But there are also, it’s not worth spending money on them, since they will rarely be useful, if you use them at all.

Discuss childbirth with your husband . It's time to decide whether dad will be present at the birth. If this is part of his plans, then he will need to attend in advance, and it is also advisable to attend special courses together on preparing for partner childbirth for married couples.

9 month

Sign the exchange card . Have you decided on the choice of maternity hospital? Be sure to sign your exchange card with the head physician. When the time comes to give birth without a signed “exchange”, only the maternity hospital at your place of residence will accept you.

Prepare bags for the maternity hospital . They should contain things for you during and after childbirth, as well as things for the newborn baby for the first few days. The necessary lists can be found on the Internet, and the list of necessary things is posted right in the maternity hospital.

Gather the information you need . Soon you will have a baby and free time will become scarce. Therefore, find answers to questions about what documents are needed to obtain child benefit, where the children's clinic is located, how to apply for registration for a child and on what days the registry office issues a birth certificate for a baby, it’s better right now.

Walk more . A growing baby requires an increase in oxygen volume. Walking in the fresh air improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles and helps prepare for childbirth. Just it’s better to walk not near busy roads, but in green parks and squares.

Love each other . over a long period of time - quite a useful activity. Men's seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, special substances that help the cervix prepare for childbirth naturally.

Be positive . The course of labor largely depends on the mother’s mood. Read more about positive birth experiences and avoid various horror stories. Remember that doctors are your assistants during childbirth, but they cannot do it for you, so do not shift responsibility for your decisions to them. It is the right feminine attitude and the necessary preparation for the birth process that is the guarantee that everything will be fine for you.

We wish you an easy pregnancy and childbirth without problems!

30 votes

Very often women call me with questions like: “I found out that I’m pregnant, where to start? What to do? Where to run? What should I take? I decided that it was easier to write a detailed short guide than to tell everything again every time

This article is your quick guide to a new country for you - “pregnancy”. Then you will learn everything you can and will be perfectly oriented in all signs and conditions. In the meantime, I’m giving you quick, brief advice - what to do, what to quit, what to eat and drink, what vitamins to take, and others.

So, the first 15 steps:

First - Take a pregnancy test and donate blood for hCG

At the first suspicion, we take a pregnancy test; start taking it no earlier than 1-2 weeks of your missed period. Previously, he may not show anything.

If in doubt, you can donate blood for a hormone secreted by the fertilized egg - chorioganadotropin (hCG).

It is IMPORTANT not to do an ultrasound to determine pregnancy!

For some reason, everyone immediately thinks that they need to run to an ultrasound and register. This is not true!

Ultrasound has a very strong effect on the embryo, and can be done no earlier than 12 weeks.

To make sure that you are pregnant, it is enough to donate blood for hCG. This is a very accurate analysis and does not interfere with the development of the fetus.

Second – Tell your husband and family

After you are sure that you are pregnant, you can tell your husband and family about your happiness. If the pregnancy is unplanned, be patient and gentle.

Tell your husband first, preferably in writing, leave a note in the morning, write that you are pregnant and discuss everything in the evening. Give him time to recover from this news. Then you can tell your family.

Whom to tell is up to you. But many girls do this - until 3-4 months they tell only those closest to them, and then they tell everyone.

I think this is a completely justified decision; the first trimester, as a rule, is the most important and difficult for both the baby and you.

Third -Change the pace of life

Of course, pregnancy will require you to change your rhythm and lifestyle. First of all, exhale and relax.

100% of all expectant mothers feel tension, fear and uncertainty in the first days of pregnancy. And this is natural, there is no need to blame yourself for this.

You are on the verge of big changes and don’t yet know whether you can cope with them or not. But you still have 9 months to get used to it.

Although I know from experience the sensations of future motherhood will come already in the second trimester, and when you feel the baby’s first movements, you will understand how strong the feeling of motherhood is in you, and how natural this process is.

In the meantime slow down your pace– try to rest more and more often. If you have a minute, sit, or better yet, lie down.

I often hear, but how to rest is still scheduled - there’s not a minute, where can I get the time. The answer is simple and at the same time very complex - discard EVERYTHING unnecessary. And what is not superfluous - sleep, food, water.

Everything else can be discarded or put aside: a cafe with a friend, phone calls, work, household chores, movies, books, shopping. Just wait until the 2nd trimester, it will be easier there, and you can make up for everything.

Moreover, your body will help you with this; in the first trimester, all mothers complain of very high fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

Fourth – Stop smoking and drinking alcohol immediately

As soon as we found out about pregnancy, stop smoking, drinking alcohol immediately even in small doses, even wine and beer. The consequences may be completely unpredictable.

Every day of the first trimester there is a huge amount of work going on, the cells of the fetus are dividing at an incredible speed, the foundation of all organs, systems, cells and tissues is being laid. Any interference in this process can cause great harm.

Fifth – Stop taking medications and any treatment

If you are taking any medications, are undergoing or are about to undergo treatment - stop immediately.

Go to your doctor at the antenatal clinic and tell him what medications you are taking, the doctor will change the treatment method.

You will treat any ailment during pregnancy differently than you are used to, so if you feel signs of a cold, do not run for Fervex or aspirin.

Most drugs Do not take during pregnancy!

Check out the section , you can find there the answer to the question of whether you can take this or that medicine during pregnancy.

Sixth – Start listening carefully to yourself

Pregnancy is a time when you hear your inner voice more clearly than ever. He protects you from everything harmful and dangerous.

Listen to everything he says without reservation.

If you want to wrap yourself up warmly, do it, regardless of the opinions of others. It makes you want to sleep - run to do it. Suddenly a person or a whole family became unpleasant, the smell - well, go back to them after giving birth.

Keep and protect your body like a temple!

Seventh - Stop playing sports

If you were involved in any sports before pregnancy, stop all activities. (Including running, cycling, horse riding, tennis, hiking, aerobics, fitness, gym classes and, of course, all types of professional sports.)

During pregnancy, you can dance (all dances except sports), do gymnastics for pregnant women, swim, and do some yoga asanas.

Eighth - Start taking folic acid

In the first trimester, it is very important to take folic acid, as it will lay the foundation proper development and the formation of the baby’s brain and entire nervous system.

However, I advise you to take folic acid not in tablets, as is customary everywhere, but only from food sources.

The fact is that, according to recent studies, artificially synthesized tablets with folic acid do not have the desired positive effect; their activity and strength fluctuates within 10% of the power that simple spinach can provide.

In addition, American scientists have proven the connection between taking tablets containing folic acid and the occurrence of breast cancer between the ages of 40-50.

We will talk in more detail about natural and artificial vitamins in the section on nutrition, where a separate block of articles will be devoted to this.

So, you will get folic acid only from greens and vegetables, taking into account the fact that you need to get at least 400 mcg per day.

Folic acid content in plant foods:

Product How to eat?
Mung bean, raw
Lentils, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
Beans, raw In the form of sprouts, adding to salads
Sprouted wheat (germ) In sprouts, adding to cocktails, salads
Raw sunflower seeds
Spinach (raw) How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Parsley dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Beetroot (raw) In juices, in salads - raw
Hot pepper Adding to salads
Sea kale As a salad

What recipes can I recommend? Are you trying to get enough folic acid for yourself and your baby?

– So, the very first thing is a green smoothie with spinach (1-2 bunches) and wheat sprouts (greens) (0.5-1 liter daily). Alternate spinach with parsley every 2-3 days.

– Freshly squeezed juice from carrots and beets (0.2-0.5 liters daily)

– Salads with bean sprouts, mung beans, green peas (only raw, not canned), cauliflower and white cabbage, tomatoes.

Ninth - Include foods containing calcium in your diet

Calcium in the body is not only the material that makes up human bone tissue - skeleton, teeth, bones, etc. Calcium is involved in a huge number of processes in the body, More than 179 body functions are known, for which calcium is responsible.

Calcium affects:

  • to work all human muscles
  • affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the regulation of heart rhythm
  • is one of the blood clotting factors
  • participates in the formation of the body's antiallergic defense
  • relieves pain
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect
  • affects immune processes
  • normalizes the function of endocrine glands
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses

In a pregnant woman's body, a lack of calcium increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.

It is quite obvious that a person needs calcium not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. Your daily norm is 1500 mg of calcium per day.

However, contrary to popular belief, calcium cannot be obtained from tablets, supplements, calcium cannot be obtained from water, milk, cheese, sour cream and other things.

According to recent studies, calcium in water, tablets, and mineral supplements is inorganic calcium, which is not absorbed by the body; moreover, it is deposited in various parts of the body, causing a lot of problems.

Milk, cheese, and sour cream not only do not add calcium, but also wash it out of the bones.

You can read more about calcium in these two articles:

So, you should get your calcium requirement from these foods:


How to eat?

Raw sesame seeds As sesame milk or added to salads
Raw sunflower seeds Can be soaked for 1-2 hours and eaten, or added to a salad or smoothie
Almonds, raw As is, raw
Rose hip As a tincture in cold water
Dill How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Turnip tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Garlic How to eat, adding to salads
Fresh basil How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Sea kale Raw, like salad
Dried figs As it is
Algae "Wakame" Raw, like salad
Hot pepper How to eat raw, add to salads
Beans, raw
Beans, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
Parsley How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Lemon How to eat, adding to salads
Mung bean, raw Sprout and eat raw, adding to salads
Beet tops How to eat, adding to salads, cocktails
Hazelnuts, raw As it is


– Sesame milk

– Cabbage salad with celery, onions, seeds, basil

– Green smoothie

All these recipes are in the article -

Tenth – Include foods containing iodine in your diet

Iodine is very important during pregnancy, as it affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, which supplies the body with hormones.

During the first 4 weeks, both you and the baby develop and live off your hormones (mother’s hormones), which are intensively produced by the thyroid gland; at 16 weeks, the placenta comes to the rescue.

Therefore, for the first 3 months you need to ensure that at least 250 mg of iodine enters the body daily.

Sea kale will provide you with your daily dose of iodine; it contains from 500 to 3000 mg of iodine per 100 grams of product.

You can eat it either as a salad or dried, soaking it and adding it to prepared vegetable salads.

Eleventh – N Don't take any vitamins!

Recent studies involving more than 15,000 pregnant women have not confirmed the benefits of taking vitamins.

It has been proven that vitamins are medicines, and not a food additive; they should be taken only if, based on the results of the analysis, they found out that some vitamin is missing, they prescribed it, they drank it and that’s it.

You can’t just “drink” them for your health; many of them have no benefit, some are simply not absorbed, and some are harmful.

Vitamins must be obtained from food.

Your vitamins for all 9 months are vegetables, fruits and herbs:

We will talk in detail about nutrition, I will write many important articles on this topic because by changing your diet, you can restore yourself completely, get rid of diseases, complications, and prevent all unnecessary diseases in the future for your baby.

Listed above is everything you need to eat to fill your body with folic acid, calcium, iodine and vitamins. Feel free to take the listed products and make up your diet from them.

But remember a few golden rules of nutrition:

  1. There is no need to eat for two, the child has enough. There is no need to increase the amount of food significantly. The phrase “eating for two” is not true! Eat as your body asks, but don't overindulge. If your pregnancy is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and you are not losing weight - this is normal) and you eat almost nothing, do not be afraid, this will not harm the baby, he is still developing at the expense of your reserves.
  2. Your diet should consist of: 80% vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  3. Fruits and berries should be eaten separately from any other food and preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. There should be a lot of greens in your diet every day. 0.5-1 liter of green smoothie is the key to your happiness and health before, during, and after pregnancy.
  5. Vegetables should only be eaten raw, as they lose most of their vitamins when cooked.
  6. It is necessary to remove animal protein from your diet, this includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and all dairy products.
  7. You should not drink water/juice/tea and other liquids during meals and immediately after. Drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.
  8. Do not indulge in sweets and starchy foods, such as cookies, rolls, bread, sweets, gingerbread, etc. Instead, try eating sweet fruits or dried fruits, or at least pure chocolate.
  9. Stop drinking carbonated juices and drinks: cola, Fanta and the like. Read the label, there is nothing natural except water, the rest is chemical compounds that you will never digest, but will only waste your body’s energy to remove them. In addition, all carbonated drinks rapidly remove calcium from your bones, teeth and nails, as well as your baby’s bones.
  10. Stop eating canned food, sausages, jams, pates, minced meat. Each canned product contains a lot of chemicals, and no one knows how all this will affect you.
  11. Forget about the microwave oven, it not only destroys all the beneficial vitamins, but also changes the chemical composition of the food!
  12. Avoid excessive salt consumption, or better yet, give it up altogether. This step will help protect your kidneys and prevent pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  13. Herbs, herbal tinctures and infusions are also medicines, so do not just take them without clear instructions. For example, nettle has a very strong effect - it causes contractions, which is useful only after childbirth to remove the placenta and all excess from the uterus, but not during pregnancy.

Thirteenth - Drink water!

Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. Please watch this very carefully. In ordinary life, we barely drink a glass, mostly tea, coffee, juices, soups, but not water.

However, all drinks, including clean water, are food for our body.

Only water is immediately absorbed into the blood, thinning it, helps carry oxygen, and all substances to cells.

With a reduced amount of water in the bloodstream (if you drink a glass a day), under a microscope you can see that red blood cells stick together and “float” not one at a time, but in a chain. In this form, red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen.

Because one red blood cell must be surrounded by oxygen; if it sticks together with others, it simply does not have free space where oxygen atoms could attach.

At the same time, the blood thickens, the blood flow slows down, and organs and tissues suffer from hypoxia. We feel weak, headache, tired, lethargic.

During pregnancy, water is infinitely important, not only does your blood volume increase by 40%, but water is also needed to fill the baby’s pool (amniotic sac), to constantly clean it and renew the water in it, because the mother’s body itself removes everything for itself and for the baby .

Therefore, carry a bottle of water with you everywhere and teach yourself to drink as much as possible.

Water sometimes works wonders - if you have a cold, you can drink only clean water all day and nothing more, the disease goes away completely in 1-2 days, if you are tired after some exercise - increase the amount of water the next day, you will recover in 3-5 times faster.

At the beginning, I know from myself, you don’t seem to want to drink water, you can hardly drink one glass. Everyone is drawn to something sweet and carbonated. But time passes (5-10 days) and you feel that you don’t want anything other than water.

Fourteenth – Register

Next, you need to find a place where you will get tested and where they will give you everything Required documents (sick leave, exchange card). It could be Women's consultation or any paid clinic that has a state license to provide “obstetrics and gynecology” services.

The LCD will do all the tests for free, but that’s probably where the benefits end. In a paid clinic there are fewer queues, more attention to you, better equipment. It will be convenient to visit a doctor at 12 weeks, then you can have an examination and an ultrasound.

That's all you need for now! If you have any questions or doubts, please write in the comments to this article, I will be glad to answer you.