Parents always closely monitor the condition of their child. This is especially true for parents of a baby. Any problem immediately causes concern. Slow hair growth in a child causes concern for mom and dad. This is especially true for girls, because every mother wants to start braiding hair and tying bows as soon as possible.

Slow hair growth in a child worries his parents

Identifying the causes of poor hair growth

The child is unwell for many reasons:

  1. genetic problems;
  2. insufficiently balanced diet;
  3. stressful situations;
  4. metabolic disorders;
  5. poor hygiene.

Why does a one-year-old child have poor hair growth on his head?

If a baby's hair grows poorly, then one of the reasons is genetics. Even if a child’s hair grows slowly, there is no particular cause for concern. Parents do not necessarily need to associate this with poor health, but simply find out how their hair grew at the same age.

Poor hair growth in children may be hereditary

If the parents have thin strands or they grow slowly, then the child simply has an inheritance.

In this case, it will not be possible to change the situation radically, and in order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to ensure proper care for hair.

The rate of hair growth depends on the general condition of the scalp and hair follicles, which must receive the required amount of nutrients. When the quantity or composition of substances is insufficient, growth slows down and the follicles fall into. It is necessary to review the diet and add foods rich in vitamins and minerals to the diet. This:

The condition of the scalp can slow down the appearance of strands
  • dairy and meat products;
  • sea ​​fish or fish fat;
  • nuts, eggs, legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Causes of poor hair growth in infants

If it is not possible to organize a balanced diet, you can resort to the help of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements. But you need to remember that synthetic drugs can negatively affect your health. This step requires mandatory consultation with a doctor. When a baby's hair grows unevenly, the nursing mother needs to reconsider her diet.

Sometimes a child’s hair grows poorly due to increased nervousness, stress or poor metabolism.

Each baby's hair grows in its own way, so don't sound the alarm

In such situations, it is better to contact a neurologist. A specialist will help identify the exact cause of slow hair growth.

What to do if hair grows very poorly at 1, 1.5 and 2 years old

Parents need to protect their child from negative emotions, create a warm home atmosphere, and show him their care and love.

Everyone's hair grows differently. For some it grows faster, for others it grows slower. For some, nature gave thick curls, and for others, thin curls. Thin hair in a child depends on hormones. Therefore, hair growth depends on the hormonal cycle, which is reflected in the growth rate.

Prevention measures for thin hair

The presence of sparse strands can be influenced by hormones

It often happens that the cause has not been identified, but a newborn’s hair still grows slowly. In this situation, more attention needs to be paid to preventive measures. Even if these measures do not accelerate the rate of hair growth, they will help strengthen and restore the strands. The following procedures are required.

  • Rinse your baby's hair after shampooing with herbal decoctions of nettle, sage, and chamomile. You should not use detergents more than once a week, so as not to irritate the skin of the baby’s head. It is better to use a decoction instead of shampoo.
Burdock oil masks help improve hair structure
  • To speed up hair growth, massage your head. This will not only have a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, but will also calm the child, so it is advisable to massage at least once every two days.
  • To improve the hair structure, rub masks based on burdock oil into the scalp. Even if this does not accelerate hair growth, it will certainly affect the health of the hair, since Burr oil enriches the scalp useful substances.


In conclusion, we can say that the growth of hair in each child is individual. And if your baby’s curls do not grow as quickly as you want, then this is not a problem, but a feature of the child’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to protect him from stress and anxiety, provide the most balanced nutrition and proper care.

A parent is not only the person who gave birth to a child. You not only need to become parents, you need to be them. The responsibilities of mom and dad include daily care for the child, and even when he is no longer a baby. Caring is not only the responsibility to monitor the cleanliness and timeliness of food intake, checking lessons and parent meetings. Real parents must monitor everything - the physical and moral health of their child.

One of the possible problems for a child of any age is hair. If your child has poor hair growth, the reasons can be completely different.

First, you need to pay attention to heredity. If no one in your family has luxurious hair, then there is nothing to be surprised that the child’s hair does not grow.

Secondly, mom and dad’s hair growth may be fine. But, nevertheless, the child’s hair still grows poorly. What is the reason? Maybe this is an individual feature of your child, well, he is not naturally given thick and long hair.

Thirdly, the reason may lie not in the genetic characteristics or predisposition of the child, but in metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins and similar problems. In particular, if we are talking about still completely small child, then often the baby may simply not have enough vitamin D. In this case, winter time it is necessary to take, for example, Aquadetrim. The pediatrician will help you figure out the problem, and he will also prescribe treatment. Of course, such treatment will be conservative. No one will prescribe it for a child. Often, introducing more calcium-containing foods into the diet, such as milk and fermented milk products, helps. But you shouldn’t forget about the vitamin complex either.

It often happens that your baby is six months old, and you notice that the child’s hair is not growing well. In addition, they not only grow poorly, but there is a bald spot on the back of the head. Someone can be scared - this is rickets. Don’t rush to panic, because this is a common and common problem for children who are not yet able to move independently. It just so happens that the baby is forced to lie in one position almost all the time and turn his head in different directions. The hair on the back of the head simply gets wiped off and falls out. The problem will go away on its own in a couple of months, when the child begins to move independently - first crawling, then running.

If your hair grows, you first need to think about its nutrition. The diet for a growing body should be rich in useful microelements and vitamins. It is better to steam food and give vegetables raw.

When a boy's hair grows poorly, this is not such a terrible problem. Moreover, over time everything can return to normal. But if a girl child’s hair grows poorly, this can already develop into a family disaster. For girl appearance is of particular importance, so she pays special attention to hair. If the hair does not grow at all, is dull and lifeless, then the child may worry and experience discomfort.

Sometimes a set of hair masks can help if a child’s hair is not growing well. In this case, a decoction of onion peels, burdock oil and a decoction of burdock root, an infusion of nettle leaves, and the like help well.

Modern medicine works wonders; vitamin complexes and various dietary supplements are being developed. On store shelves you can find products for any hair type: shampoos, conditioners, and masks. In addition, for older children and teenagers, whose hair growth problem has not been exhausted, the possibilities for solving it are not complete. Recently, this procedure has been very popular. In this case, hair can not only be lengthened, but also its volume can be increased. Another procedure - lamination - will make your hair shiny and healthy-looking.

But no matter what happens, if a child’s hair grows poorly, don’t despair. Everything in our life is fixable and we can find a way out of any situation!

The mother or father is the first to know about the presence of hair in a newborn and its structure during joint childbirth. But this is only an intermediate stage in the life of hair. If you suspect a slow increase in length, or are concerned about the lack of hair on your baby, check out the factors that influence this. Call on genetics to help and evaluate your diet. Start stimulating hair growth.

From this article you will learn:

The head and body of the babies are covered with soft, thin fluff. The hair is located quite freely in the follicle. Over the first few months, the hair becomes stronger, gradually losing its original softness. Infant bald patches are common. They appear more often on the back of the head. After all, this place is subject to more friction while the baby is sleeping.

A change occurs with fixation of hair color and type. It happens that closer to six months, thin hairs rapidly fall out, gradually being replaced by new, stronger ones. At this moment, it may seem to parents that the child’s hair is not growing. This occurs even in those children who were born “hairy”.

Factors affecting hair growth

Hair growth rate and thickness are individual parameters. The maximum length of hair is programmed genetically. The essential components of growth are proteins and oxygen. Vitamins A, B, C, D and PP, as well as fatty acids, have a beneficial effect.

Therefore, it is so important to provide the baby with a balanced diet and time in the fresh air from the first days of life. Proper care of your hair and scalp is important. The condition of the hair also depends on the nervous system. It is not surprising that hair grows unevenly and poorly in a child exposed to stress.

Why is hair growth slow or absent?

Hair growth rates are uneven. In one period it is clear that the length has noticeably increased, in another there is a clear slowdown or fading.

The number of active bulbs a child inherits from his closest relatives. Parents of the baby should evaluate the thickness and growth rate of their own hair, the hair of their brothers and sisters, as well as the hair of their parents.

It is best to evaluate before natural hair loss occurs with age. Look at family photo albums and video archives if it’s difficult to rely only on memory.

If at first you did not notice any abnormalities, and then slow hair growth appears on your baby’s face, then you will need to undergo a medical examination. Perhaps this is due to a lack of a microelement such as selenium. Or little Ca, Zn, I, Fe or K enters the body.

The selection of vitamin and mineral complexes is carried out by a pediatrician. If there are initial problems with the rate of hair growth, the lag behind the age norm may persist for several more years.

What to do to stimulate hair growth?

  • Consultation with an endocrinologist.
  • Contact a neurologist if you notice excessive anxiety and overexcitement in your baby.
  • Examination by a trichologist if the child does not grow hair on his head. Trichoscopy along with a phototrichogram will help in making a diagnosis or indicate the absence of a problem.
  • A selection of children's shampoos according to age with adequate composition and approved by dermatologists. You should rinse your hair roots thoroughly with water. Wash your hair with shampoo no more than once a week.

Before trying masks or oils on your child traditional medicine with other cosmetics and care products, get the approval of a specialist.

  • Daily scalp massage improves blood supply to hair follicles. The duration of the procedure is from 10 minutes. You can massage not only with your fingertips, but also with a comb with medium-hard bristles.
  • Sunbathing is not only for the body, but also for the scalp during the warm season.
  • Trimming the ends of the hair.
  • If the child is on breastfeeding, then the mother can eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements for hair growth. At artificial feeding The baby should be given a vitamin-mineral complex or a mixture enriched with vitamins. If the child has already become familiar with complementary foods, then it is necessary to enrich his diet based on his age. The start of complementary feeding starts at six months.
Minimum age, months Food product
6 buckwheat
6 green apple
6 cabbage
6 pumpkin
7 flaxseed and olive oil
7 butter
8 greenery
8 milk for children
8 fish
8 egg yolk
8-9 carrot
10 green bell pepper (boiled or steamed)
10-12 red vegetables and fruits

More often, the problem of hair growth worries the girl’s loved ones. After all, the boy with short hair is perceived as normal. There is no clear evidence that shaving speeds up hair growth and makes it coarse. You won’t use a razor every day in the future, but will only trim the baby from time to time.

Continue to love your son or daughter, even if the child’s hair does not grow well. If the urge to braid your hair is so strong, then use a doll for this.

Of course, any mother wants her child to be the healthiest, smartest and most beautiful! This is why the problem of hair growth causes a lot of concern.

So why doesn't the child's hair grow?

In general, hair growth in children depends on a number of factors. The hair itself may grow quickly in some children and slowly in others. We are all unique. The fact that your child's hair grows more slowly does not mean anything bad. Hair growth can also depend on hormones. The hormonal cycle is very complex; at times hair can grow faster, at times it can grow slower.

Hormones are hormones, but is there a way to somehow change the situation for the better if the child’s hair does not grow?


As you probably already understood, hair is a reflection of the general condition of the body. If there is a lack of any substances in the body, hair may fall out or grow poorly.

Remember, your child's diet should be varied and balanced.

Pay special attention to the presence of sufficient amounts in food:

  • Vitamin A and beta-carotene (pumpkin, carrots and other red-orange fruits and vegetables are rich in them);
  • Vitamin D (folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin A in large quantities found in leafy vegetables: sorrel, cabbage, spinach);
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (flaxseed oil, salmon, fish oil and walnuts will help compensate for the lack of these acids);
  • Protein, because hair is 70% protein (protein is found in meat, milk, eggs, legumes and nuts).

And no chips, fast food or a huge amount of sweets. The absence of these products will have a beneficial effect on the overall health of your child.

Of course, providing a child’s diet with enough vitamins in winter is not so easy. In this case, children's vitamin complexes would be appropriate. However, remember that no artificial vitamins should replace a varied diet. They can only complement it.

Baby hair care

First of all, it is worth remembering that the child needs his own shampoo that is suitable for him. Don't skimp on your children by using one adult shampoo for the whole family.

Carefully study the composition of the shampoo on the packaging. It should not contain strong fragrances, dyes or synthetic ingredients. It is better if it is without sodium lauryl sulfate. The PH level of the selected shampoo should be neutral.

Try to avoid stressing your child's hair. Don't blow dry your baby's hair. And if this is unavoidable, use the cold air drying mode. Hot air can damage Thin hair child.

Don't braid your hair too tightly and choose only safe jewelry and hair accessories.

To comb, choose a comb that suits your hair type. For the even ones hair will do massage brush, and for curls - a comb with wide teeth. And no metal combs with sharp teeth! They can damage your baby's scalp.

Natural remedies can also be used to improve hair growth and strengthening. For example, chamomile, burdock root, and nettle have long been known as herbs that strengthen hair growth.

  • Universal natural remedy- Burr oil. It will enrich the scalp with useful substances and also improve hair growth.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you won’t be able to jump over your head. If your hair grows slowly, then it makes no sense to expect it to grow quickly in a child. You can't argue with heredity! And don’t get hung up on the length of your hair, let it not be too long, but healthy and beautiful!

Some children are born with hair on their heads, while others are almost bald. Usually in the first year of life, the baby's down falls out, and sparse and thin, but real hair gradually grows back. Curls may appear or the color may change dramatically. Some parents do not attach much importance to this, accepting this process as natural, others worry. Mothers who have girls are especially worried, because they so want to give their daughters braids and ponytails.

Possible causes of poor hair growth

Hair growth is affected by many reasons. First of all, this is a hereditary factor. The lucky owners of luxurious hair will most likely have hair that is no less beautiful. If men are early in the family, then the descendants will not have thick, long hair. Much also depends on race. Asians always have strong and long hair. Mongols have the longest hair lifespan and growth rate. Europeans cannot boast of this.

The baby's nutrition has a significant impact on the rate of hair growth. Monotonous and unbalanced food will not benefit your hair. The diet must contain a whole range of essential substances: calcium, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. It is necessary to give your child enough fruits and vegetables. The lack of keratin formation in the baby’s body dramatically affects the condition of the hair, the hair follicles weaken. Replacing flour products with whole grain products will correct the situation. Hair fragility and loss occur due to insufficient intake of iron, zinc and fatty acids. Provide meat, chicken, fish and olive oil in your child's diet.

They say hair grows faster. This is wrong. During the first three years of life, a child's hair changes slowly. Only after this time can one judge their condition and quality. If the hair does not grow at all, you need to look for the reason. The first step is to contact your local pediatrician. It will help determine whether the baby’s digestive organs are functioning normally. If there is any pathology, the body will not be able to absorb the substances necessary for good hair growth and development. A lack of vitamin D can also cause lack of hair. In summer, this vitamin is formed in the body under the influence of the sun's rays. At other times of the year, the child mainly gets it from food: fish, butter, eggs, etc. If in autumn-winter period A deficiency of vitamin D is detected, the doctor prescribes the drug in the form of pharmaceutical drops or capsules.

Hair care

Improper hair care is often the cause of poor hair growth. Parents should teach their child to comb their hair correctly without pulling tangled hair. It is advisable not to use combs made of wood, since roughness on the surface of such a comb will systematically damage your hair. To wash your hair, it is better to use special shampoos for children; products for adults are not suitable. After washing, you need to gently pat your hair dry with a towel; do not use a hair dryer. If there is a girl in the family, you can braid her hair loosely before going to bed: this will save her from long combing in the morning.