Oil is an integral part of almost all anti-cellulite procedures. Essential oils for cellulite are used in baths; without oil, anti-cellulite massage is simply impossible; various masks and wraps are based on them. Essential oils optimize metabolic processes in tissues, stimulate metabolism and regeneration processes, help relieve inflammation of the nervous and connective tissue - in short, they do what is so necessary in the difficult fight against cellulite.

Essential oils for cellulite - which one is better?

Here is a list of essential oils of various types that you can use in various methods of combating cellulite.

  • Orange oil is a traditional essential oil against cellulite, one might say its class enemy. Well, who else, tell me, should fight the notorious “orange peel”? Orange oil, due to its active acids, removes waste, toxins and excess fluid from cells and skin an order of magnitude faster than other similar substances - see more detailsreviews of orange oil for cellulite .
  • Grapefruit and lemon oils continue the anti-cellulite citrus theme; they also actively burn fat and even out the skin. These three essential oils - orange, lemon, grapefruit - can be used either individually or together, in equal proportions.
  • Rosemary essential oil is very active, it instantly accelerates blood in the problem area and causes fatty plaques to break down. It is better to use it separately from other oils.
  • Next, let's pay attention to the block of coniferous oils, primarily juniper, cedar and fir. These oils help very well if the skin in the cellulite area is often irritated, inflamed, and extremely sensitive. This can happen in everyday life, and after harsh anti-cellulite procedures, for example, massage. In addition to fat-absorbing properties, conifers essential oils They also contain soothing, anti-inflammatory components, thanks to which the skin and muscles quickly return to normal.
  • The next helpers in the fight against cellulite are spicy essential oils, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. They have powerful tonic properties, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, restoring its smoothness and elasticity. These are clear leaders in accelerating metabolism in problem areas, and reviews of their use are the most positive.

How to combine and mix essential oils against cellulite

Essential oils cannot be used in their pure form against cellulite or for the skin in general., they must be diluted in the so-called base oil. Base oils - olive, peach, almond. I recommend the last one, almond, it is sold in pharmacies. The proportion for one session is 10 drops of essential oil per teaspoon of base oil.

It is very important to mix the oils correctly. Remember that this must be done exclusively in a glass container, since first you need to drip into it the oil that you need the least, two, and make the mixture exactly as much as you need, because beneficial features essential oils disappear quickly, three.

In what anti-cellulite procedures can essential oils be used?

Now let’s look at the procedures that will bring the greatest results to the anti-cellulite effect of oils. The rating is based on your reviews, for which we thank our readers.

  • Anti-cellulite massage is a great reason to remember essential oils. The proportion is classic - mix 10 drops of the chosen essential oil (or different ones, but the total is still 10 drops) and a teaspoon of base oil. Warm up the skin, exfoliate it, apply a mixture of oils and perform a firm anti-cellulite massage - see how to do this correctly at home .
  • Cellulite wraps - another one good way using essential oils. Here, essential oils can be used either in their pure form, that is, a mixture of base and essential oils and that’s it, or you can add essential oils, excluding the base oil, to the composition for cellulite wrap, which will enhance the anti-cellulite effect. We talked about which formulations cope with cellulite better than others in the materialcellulite wraps .
  • Baths for cellulite require a special approach. Here, essential oils do not need to be dissolved in the base oil; first mix the required amount with salt or foam, and gradually add them to the bath. What else can be added to enhance the effect, you will find in the articlebaths for cellulite .

Zhenya Zhukova All rights reserved

What else do people who are interested in the topics of cellulite and essential oils read on our website?

Cellulite, how to get rid of cellulite. Essential oils against cellulite are a useful thing, but oils alone cannot solve this problem. Especially for you, we have collected the most effective methods of getting rid of cellulite in a single large section.

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Reviews and comments (14)

Cellulite of the second and subsequent stages, when the blood vessels experience strong pressure, is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the different shapes Therefore, I recommend that anyone who wants to use essential oils to treat cellulite take at least a two-week course of anti-inflammatory therapy. There is nothing complicated about it - buy two oils at the pharmacy - oil tea tree and fir, lubricate the cellulite areas first in the morning, the second in the evening, before bed. It takes one minute, the oils are quickly absorbed, there is no need to rinse them off. Often rashes begin to appear on the skin - this is good, which means that essential oils remove all sorts of bad things from the body, and the process of treating cellulite must be continued.

I read somewhere that the best essential oil is the one you like the smell of. Inhaling this aroma, you imagine yourself slim and beautiful with smooth and elastic skin. And I like cinnamon. There was another argument. My older brother is a master of sports in athletics. He told me about massage with cinnamon oil and its warming effect. Therefore, to combat cellulite, I chose cinnamon oil. I took 3 drops of cinnamon oil to a tablespoon of olive oil and rubbed this mixture in a clockwise circular motion into the skin. The skin tightened after a month of using this product. True, I don’t have pronounced cellulite, maybe someone needs more time.

And the orange oil wrap helped me a lot. True, what I have is not the same as you describe in the article, not homemade, but it also turned out to be an excellent remedy. My base oil is olive and sweet orange essential oil (it says so right on the label). I take 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, put it in an iron cup, then heat it in a water bath so that it is warm, drop 10 drops of orange into it, mix and apply to your problem areas. Then I rub them with a hard washcloth until they become slightly red. This is necessary to improve blood circulation, then the result will be better. Then I wrap the problem areas with cling film and under a warm blanket for an hour. Then I remove the film and rub it a little if the oil is not all absorbed. All! At first I did it every other day for 2 weeks, now 2 times a week to maintain the effect. Use it)))

My recipe is completely for the lazy. Take a quarter cup of any oil that you can find in your kitchen (I use unrefined vegetable oil, they say it has more vitamins and nutrients), add 1 tsp. ground chili pepper and 5 drops of grapefruit. I apply it to problem areas, and then wrap it with film. Pepper increases blood circulation on its own and quickly, so there is no need for any massages or rubbing. Just follow your feelings, it will bake! make sure it's comfortable and doesn't cause burns. It only lasts me 30-40 minutes, but I can’t take any more. The result is good.

And what do these oils actually directly help? That is, if I put two drops of oil into my cream and that’s it, cellulite will go away? The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

Essential oils against cellulite have a beneficial effect on lymph flow and blood flow, and also optimize metabolic processes in tissues. Rubbing with such substances stimulates regenerative processes and helps remove existing inflammation in connective and nervous tissues. The use of aromatic oils for cellulite has been used for a long time, but it needs to be done correctly.

Due to the fact that essential oils have an active effect not only on blood vessels, but also on fat cells, as well as on the entire lymphatic system, with their help you can completely eliminate the problem of cellulite.

In addition, carbohydrate and water balance normalizes and disappears hormonal changes subcutaneous tissue. The fact is that cellulite is considered not a private disorder, but a systemic one, which requires the same systemic remedies.

Citrus aromatic oils are recognized as the most effective in the fight against cellulite.

There are certain rules when mixing aromatic oils for “orange peel” skin. Thus, the approach in which such substances are dripped into the bath or on the palm of your hand is considered incorrect.

Aromatic oils must be mixed in glass containers. You should start adding them with very small quantities. For example, if an anti-cellulite recipe specifies 5 drops of orange, 3 drops of juniper and 1 drop of neroli oil, then first add neroli oil to the container, then juniper and lastly orange aroma oil.

After all the fragrant components have been added, you need to pour in the required amount of the base specified in the recipe. It should be remembered that such a mixture should under no circumstances be prepared for future use. The fact is that anti-cellulite oil compositions quickly lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to use them on the day of preparation.


To combat the “orange peel”, essential oils for cellulite are used mainly for rubbing and massage (in rare cases, as compresses applied to problem areas). All these procedures will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure, since the delicious aromas that will be in the air can have a positive effect on your mood. The massage is carried out according to the following scheme:

⦁ The composition of oils is applied to areas affected by cellulite.
⦁ The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the problem area with your hands.
⦁ A firm massage is carried out with a special mitten, brush or sponge.

At the last stage, the skin affected by cellulite must be rubbed until red. Only in this case will the oils be well absorbed and blood will flow to problem areas. In aromatic procedures that are aimed at removing " orange peel", the essential oil must be used in a much higher concentration than the usual dosage.

In some recipes, such products are used slightly diluted. They are not mixed with other components, but are immediately applied to the surface of the skin. This approach gives maximum anti-cellulite effect.

Experts warn that you should not immediately use an unfamiliar aroma oil. You should first do a sensitivity test on the crook of your elbow (this is the most delicate area on the body, so any redness that may appear will be noticeable here).

If a recipe calls for multiple ingredients, you should check them all. Instead of bending your elbow, you can use the area behind the ear, which is also very sensitive. In addition, you need to do a test with a fully prepared mixture. Despite the fact that such manipulations may take some time, their implementation can protect against possible allergic reactions. If the aromatic oils do not cause redness or rash, you can safely use the recipe.

Selection of oils

One of the most famous anti-cellulite oils is citrus oils (orange, lemon and grapefruit). Oils of neroli, lavender, oregano, geranium, lime, juniper, fennel, thyme, yarrow and oregano have also proven their effectiveness.

In addition, the following components must be present in recipes for cellulite: rosemary, bergamot, patchouli and dill. These essential compositions have a beneficial effect on metabolism, stimulate the lymph system and help remove excess fluid from the body.

A good recipe for a universal orange peel mixture that is suitable for massage consists of 3 tbsp. l. honey You need to add 2 drops of any of the aromatic oils listed above (you can take any quantity). This composition is applied to problem areas and thoroughly massaged. After this, it must be washed off.

As a base, instead of honey, you can take hazelnut or almond oil (3 tbsp) and add 2 drops to it (here, as in the recipe with honey, you can take any oils you like). It is great for massage due to its restorative and tonic effect on the skin.


The use of lotions and creams against cellulite will help stop the development of “orange peel” in a matter of weeks and improve the surface of the skin. If you alternate such compositions with massage mixtures, the positive effect will not be long in coming. As a base, it is best to choose a ready-made cream with an anti-cellulite effect. To enhance the effect of such a product, the following combinations of aromatic components are added to it:

  • Rosemary combined with sage, geranium and lavender (2 drops of each oil) and juniper (4 drops).
  • Lotion. Hazelnut with lavender, lemon and rosemary (2 drops of each). The base in this recipe is almond oil (2 tbsp.).
  • Alcohol rub. Neroli combined with hazelnut, rosemary and geranium (2 drops). To this composition you need to add alcohol (2 tbsp), diluted in a ratio of 1:2. Instead of alcohol, you can use honey (3 tablespoons).

The given recipes have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin with “orange peel”.


Special baths to which essential oils are added will help against cellulite and stretch marks. For example, the following recipe is considered very effective: two glasses of milk, 5 drops of any citrus-based aromatic oil (grapefruit, orange or lemon), as well as 6 tbsp. bath salts (any will do). You need to pour warm water into the bath (about halfway) and add the prepared mixture there.

In order for the composition to act on problem areas, you need to lie down for at least 10 minutes. Such baths are recommended to be carried out regularly. The mixture that is added to water is absolutely harmless and does not have any side effects. But before using such a recipe, you should definitely conduct a test for possible allergic reaction, using each component.

In order for the effect after such baths to be more noticeable, experts advise thoroughly massaging problem areas during water procedures. A special mitten with coarse fibers is best suited for this purpose. If you don't have one, you can use a massage brush or a non-soft sponge. If you carry out such manipulations regularly, the condition of the skin will become much better. This applies even to very advanced cellulite.

Below are the compositions that can be used in the bath to get rid of the “orange peel”:

  • Fennel combined with cypress and rosemary is mixed in a glass container. You need to take 3 drops of each oil. Mix with a handful of any bath salts and add to warm water. You need to lie in the bath for at least 10 minutes.
  • Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, orange and geranium (2 drops each) are mixed with a handful of bath salts. Next you need to proceed exactly according to the same scheme as in the previous recipe.

In general, you can add any aromatic oils to the bath that help with cellulite. It is recommended to combine all of them with salt, and then massage the problem areas well. This will help get rid of the problem in a short time.

A visit to the steam room is very effective for “orange peel” skin. Here it is best to use aromatic oils of vetiver, mint, fir, sandalwood, cedar and juniper. Each of them is aimed at improving the condition of the skin and normalizing metabolism. Any of the listed oils should be added to honey (1 drop per 1 tablespoon) and thoroughly rubbed on the problem area. This massage will help you get rid of even pronounced cellulite in a short time.

Everyone's disliked orange peel, which quite often leads to depression for many women, can develop in the fair sex at absolutely any age. Some ladies begin to despair when they see the uneven surface of their hips and abdomen. In this case, they strive at all costs to return these problem areas to their former appearance.

Currently, in beauty salons and offices, specialists offer a lot of procedures and services that help get rid of cellulite. This includes simple massages, wraps, anti cellulite creams, liposuction and even laser correction. But it is worth noting that many of these procedures cost a lot of money. And for this reason, women try to eliminate orange peel at home. Anti-cellulite massage oils, as well as essential oils for cellulite and weight loss can be used for this.

Range of anti-cellulite products

Currently, there are many different essential and vegetable oils which are quite effective in the fight against cellulite. Surely some of you have already brought home such essential oils from seaside resorts, where a variety of oilseeds grow in abundance.

The oils described below are most often allowed for use as anti-cellulite cosmetics.

Vegetable oils include the following:

  • On apricot or grape seeds.
  • Coconut.
  • Castor.
  • Burdock.
  • Almond.
  • Argan.
  • Avocado.
  • Sesame.
  • On flax or pumpkin seeds.
  • On wheat germ.

Quite often, the oils described above are called base oils. They must always be added more than essential ones. As a rule, such oils always contain a larger amount of vitamins. The most common of these vitamins are vitamins A, E, F, B and many others.

The second group includes aroma oils.

Most often they are extracts and concentrates from plants. That is why they have such a strong aroma and effect.

When using aromatic oils, only a few drops are added to achieve a positive effect from a mask, lotion, or emulsion. But what oils are considered essential?

  • Rosemary.
  • Orange.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Lavender.
  • Juniper.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Lemon.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Ylang-ylang.
  • Anise.
  • Sage and many others.

However, the most effective in the fight against cellulite and extra pounds are the following aromatic oils:

  • Citrus fruits: tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit. They are able to actively break down fats, stimulate cell regeneration and collagen production, and they also make the skin firmer and more elastic.
  • Spicy and herbal: rosemary, cinnamon, sage, thyme, juniper. They tend to improve metabolism and blood circulation in the body, tightening and rejuvenating flabby muscles and skin.
  • Floral: patchouli, geranium, lavender, sandalwood. Promotes cell division, due to which dead particles are separated, and the skin becomes smoother.

Grapefruit oil

Many people have probably heard that grapefruit is an essential ingredient in many diets. But it is also used in anti-cellulite procedures, for example, added to a bath or anti-cellulite masks are made based on it. orange peel.

In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to follow a fairly simple and in an accessible way. To do this, you just need to take a hot bath and add an aromatic additive to it. It will be enough to add 5 drops grapefruit aroma oils, then immerse your body in a hot bath. In addition to the anti-cellulite effect, this aromatic composition protects the body from viral infections, relaxes and promotes quality relaxation.

In addition to one grapefruit component, you can create your own essential composition by adding lemon or lemon oil to your bath. rosemary. However, in this case, the number of drops of the grapefruit composition is reduced.

Quite an effective remedy against cellulite is to take the following bath: you need to heat 1 liter of milk, add two drops of grapefruit oil and two teaspoons of honey. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and poured into a hot bath. You need to lie in such a bath for about 20 minutes, after which you need to pat your body dry with a towel.

Orange aroma oil

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, orange aroma oil helps get rid of the orange peel of the same name. Thanks to this component muscles relax, fatigue is relieved, the skin is smoothed and regenerative processes are stimulated at the cellular level. This component acts most effectively on the skin as part of an essential composition for massage. However, this procedure will require another person to massage you.

In this case, experts recommend taking a whole course of anti-cellulite massages at once, during which you can change the set of aromatic compositions. Best used as a base grapefruit component, as well as oil based on almond and bergamot.

Such compositions are quite effective in combating existing cellulite on the stomach and thighs:

  • Grape seed based base oil.
  • Geranium, patchouli and orange oil, one drop each.

If you decide to have a massage, you need to remember that the oil must be heated before use. Thus, the component will penetrate deep into the skin much faster and will also affect problem areas more effectively. It is best to trust a professional massage therapist. However, rubbing yourself at home can be quite effective if you do not have the opportunity to visit a massage parlour.

Try rubbing a little essential anti-cellulite composition on your thighs and abdomen yourself. Gradually move on to active stroking and pinching. Now you need warm up the skin for rougher movements. When the skin is warmed up, you can begin to apply strong effects to the skin. The movement should be as if you are kneading dough. Do not be afraid of redness on the body, as this is an absolutely normal phenomenon during a massage. But you should not allow bruises or bruises to form.

At the end of the session, it is recommended to lightly stroke the body and gently rub the remaining mixture into it. Upon completion, the oil composition is removed with dry wipes. If we are talking about self-massage, then only 15 minutes will be enough. If you regularly carry out such procedures, you can quickly see the first anti-cellulite effect from essential oils.

Rejuvenating rosemary essential oil

Rosemary, which is part of the essential oil, is able to actively stimulate blood circulation, due to which small blood vessels become much stronger, the skin acquires normal tone, rejuvenates and tightens. In the fight against orange peel, rosemary oil composition is considered best friend, because it also has other effects, which include the following:

  • Relieves spasms.
  • Protects immune system from viruses.
  • Helps relieve depression, fatigue, stress.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps in the treatment of varicose veins.
  • Heals wounds and restores skin structure.
  • Has anti-inflammatory effects.

Rosemary oil best affects the condition of the skin in the abdomen and thighs as part of anti-cellulite scrubs and masks. If you want to make an effective emulsion yourself at home that will perfectly smooth the skin on the thighs, arms, or abdomen, give it elasticity, and also eliminate the appearance of orange peel, then you should use the following recipe.

The avocado fruit must be thoroughly mashed with a fork to obtain a homogeneous paste, add two tablespoons of white clay, as well as a few drops of lemon and rosemary essential oils. The resulting composition must be applied to problem areas of the skin on the thighs and abdomen, wrapped with cling film on top, and also put on tight trousers. Walk in this position for no more than half an hour, after which the mask is washed off with plain warm water and the skin is dried with a towel.

Wrap and compress

Anti-cellulite compresses or wraps using rosemary essential oil can have a positive effect on the skin. They are quite easy to make at home. This compress can be done even at night. To make an anti-cellulite wrap at home, you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • Essential oil of lemon, rosemary and mint.
  • Basic oil composition based on grape seeds.
  • Food film.

For 10 ml of base oil, take 2 drops of aromatic oils. The quantity will depend on the size of the area covered. For the first time, there will be a fairly small amount of anti-cellulite composition, as it is well absorbed and rubbed into the skin. Before use, do not forget to heat the oil solution, but under no circumstances should it boil. Oil wrap is recommended to be carried out in combination with massage movements. First, the oil needs to be rubbed into the skin, doing an active massage, after which the problem areas are wrapped in cling film, and thick pants are put on top. For greater effect, you can cover yourself with a blanket.

When doing a thermoactive or hot wrap at home, you must remember that it is only allowed for those women who do not have varicose veins or vascular diseases.

Almond for cellulite and stretch marks

Almond oil is effective in the fight against orange peel and stretch marks. To do this, you can use a scrub, which is easy to prepare at home. To prepare the scrub you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 100 g almond oil.

All components must be thoroughly mixed together, and the finished scrub is applied to problem areas on the body after taking a warm shower. The composition should be applied to the steamed skin with light movements, massage is done for several minutes. The full course of treatment should be about 1 month. After this, a break is taken, and then a repeat course is given if necessary.

In addition to the oils described above, other oils are quite effective in the fight against orange peel, for example, lavender, geranium, juniper, cedar, olives, as well as Peach oil. These ingredients can be combined with others, such as honey, milk, blue clay, banana and many others. If you wish, you can choose an essential or herbal anti-cellulite oil for yourself in order to create natural scrubs, peelings, as well as lotions at home


Speaking about such a problem as cellulite, it is worth noting that for a more effective result, the above remedies are recommended to be used in combination with other methods of combating orange peel. These methods of struggle include sports, fitness, proper nutrition. If you use an integrated approach to combat cellulite, you can get rid of it cosmetic defect in a relatively short period of time. Don't forget to take good care of your skin as well.

Attention, TODAY only!

Essential oils against cellulite: recipes for home use.

Cellulite is a scourge that poisons the lives of almost all women. Moreover, this problem is relevant for both young girls and mature women, both overweight and thin.

Today we’ll talk about which ones can be used.

It's no secret that our fight against cellulite intensifies in the spring-summer period, since it is at this time that we want to have perfect figure and catch envious glances, but not sympathetic ones. That is why we wrote this article in the summer and decided to remind you that there are very effective essential oils for cellulite.

Even a slight “orange peel” can poison a woman’s life, because we all constantly think about how we will look in open clothes or a bikini, and these nasty dimples and bumps spoil everything.

But this is not the time to despair, and it is not worth it. It is quite possible to defeat cellulite with the help of essential oils, and the procedures will not only be useful, but also quite pleasant. For a very long time, people have noticed that a correctly selected mixture of essential oils works wonders against cellulite - smoothes the skin and literally burns the “orange peel”.

You should not spend a lot of money on expensive creams and gels for cellulite, since they are ineffective, and all procedures can be done at home. The only problem - essential oils against cellulite They take up time that you have to spend on yourself.

What are the most effective essential oils against cellulite?

  • Grapefruit essential oil for cellulite – it is not without reason that this fruit is included in almost all diets, and we will not ignore the essential oil. It removes excess fluid from the body well and stimulates lymph. Thanks to the removal of excess fluid, the blood supply to cells and their nutrition are normalized.
  • Geranium essential oil against cellulite - not only does it stimulate lymph flow very well, it will also make your skin elastic.
  • Lemon oil for cellulite is practically a treasure for those who have decided to get rid of the “orange peel”. It promotes fat burning. But, most importantly, this essential oil against cellulite works wonders. Wraps and massage with it normalize metabolism, blood circulation, and the skin very quickly becomes even and looks healthy.
  • Essential tangerine oil for cellulite - also acts as a means of combating “orange peel”, but is mainly used to get rid of stretch marks and prevent them.
  • Jasmine essential oil against cellulite - has a good effect of rejuvenating the skin, making it firmer and more elastic, but most importantly, jasmine oil makes the chest muscles elastic so much that it has a slight muscle correction effect.
  • Anise essential oil against cellulite is very effective for aging, sagging skin. Perfectly restores youth and elasticity to the skin. Many anti-cellulite essential oils rejuvenate the skin and restore its elasticity, but anise is the best at normalizing the water-fat balance.
  • Vetiver oil for cellulite is also good for increasing skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Cellulite – Great for Moisturizing sensitive skin. It also very reliably protects any skin type from negative effects. environment, rejuvenates and protects her.
  • Limetta essential oil against cellulite – has a drying effect, therefore it is primarily recommended for those who have oily skin. It also tightens sagging skin quite well. But among essential oils against cellulite, limetta is distinguished because it perfectly improves the elasticity of the muscles of the hips, abdomen and chest.
  • Rosewood essential oil against cellulite is also a very effective remedy against stretch marks on the skin, but most importantly, it is perfect for treating cellulite with essential oils.
  • Cypress oil for cellulite – normalizes water-fat metabolism in the body, helps get rid of obesity. Many essential oils for cellulite are also suitable as a drying agent, but cypress will perfectly dry the skin with varicose veins.
  • Patchouli essential oils against cellulite - among other things, it makes the muscles of the chest more elastic (raises the bust a little), hips and abdomen.
  • Petitgrain essential oil for cellulite – prevents the appearance of stretch marks, also called stretch marks, on the skin. But essential oils for cellulite should primarily get rid of the orange peel, and petitgrain oil does this perfectly. Reviews about it are very positive. In addition, it strengthens the abdominal muscles after pregnancy and the chest muscles. And this is true for all women.
  • Rosemary essential oil against cellulite is another good remedy that will eliminate stagnation of blood and fluid in tissues and normalize lipid metabolism. In general, this is also a very healthy oil.
  • Juniper essential oil against cellulite - breaks down uric acid in tissues, removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, cleanses the blood. But, for a greater anti-cellulite effect, it is better to use essential oil from juniper berries.
  • Orange oil for cellulite - no matter how funny it may sound, it is orange oil that perfectly fights the “orange peel”. That is why, recommending essential oils against cellulite for massage, orange is almost always recommended first. In addition, it fights obesity quite effectively. It can be used for “orange peel” skin and dry, inflamed and even cracked skin.
  • Sweet fennel essential oil for cellulite - plays a very important role, actively removes toxins from tissues, which is very important. In addition, after treatments with sweet fennel essential oil, you will get smooth and elastic skin.
  • But, all these oils will give a truly amazing effect only as mixtures. And you still need to know how to mix correctly.

How to properly mix essential oils against cellulite

In general, everyone knows that to prepare the mixture we will need a base oil, because essential oils in their pure form are not applied to the body. Any base oil is suitable for preparing the mixture. fixed oils. For example, olive, apricot, peach, etc.

Mixing anti-cellulite essential oils for massage is not difficult - you need to add 10-15 drops of essential oil to 30 ml of base oil.

To prepare a bath for cellulite, essential oil must be mixed with salt and added to foam or bath gel. You cannot simply pour oil into water, as it will not be distributed evenly.

Essential oils against cellulite for massage

Recipe for the first mixture of essential oils for cellulite massage

Mix together in this order: 3 drops cinnamon oil, 5 drops nutmeg oil, 8 drops geranium oil, 10 drops bergamot oil, 10 drops grapefruit oil. Now you need to mix the resulting mixture with base oil. Sweet almond oil is best suited for these purposes.

Since it does not have a pungent odor, at the same time it has a delicate texture. It is also important when preparing a mixture of essential oils against cellulite that others dissolve very easily in this oil. You need to add one teaspoon of base oil for each type of essential oil, i.e. in our case, anti-cellulite essential oils must be mixed with 5 teaspoons of base oil.

Recipe for the second mixture - anti-cellulite essential oils for massage

Mix essential anti-cellulite oils in the following order: 4 drops grapefruit oil, 4 drops juniper oil, 3 drops lemon oil, 3 drops geranium oil, 3 drops sweet fennel oil and 3 drops cypress oil. We add base oil, as in the first case, one teaspoon for each type of essential oil, i.e. for this mixture – 6 teaspoons.

The third recipe for a mixture for anti-cellulite honey massage with essential oils

Mix essential oils together in the following order: 3 drops lemon oil, 3 drops juniper oil, 2 drops orange oil, 2 drops lavender oil. Now add the mixture to the heated honey, mix everything thoroughly and use the resulting mixture for a honey massage against cellulite. The massage technique is ordinary.

The fourth recipe for a massage mixture - essential oils against cellulite, according to the advice of stars and top models

This recipe, according to their own reviews, is often used by stars and top models for cellulite. Take your shower gel that you are used to using and pour a little gel into a separate container. Now add essential oils for cellulite to the gel: 4 drops of bergamot oil and 4 drops of geranium oil. Everything must be mixed thoroughly. Now lather the areas of the body affected by cellulite with the resulting mixture and begin massaging using a hard washcloth or a special mitten.

Massage movements should be circular - 20 times counterclockwise and 20 times clockwise. After the massage, it is necessary to completely wash off the remnants of the mixture of anti-cellulite essential oils and gel from the body, but only pat the body dry with a towel, and do not wipe it dry. Take some of your body milk and add 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil against cellulite. Apply the milk to the body, to still damp skin (this is important!).

Essential oils against cellulite for body wraps

First recipe

Dilute the black clay with warm water, add 2 tablespoons of crushed seaweed, 5 drops of lemon or orange essential oil. Now you need to mix everything thoroughly and use the mixture for wraps. The wrap takes 40 minutes. Many essential oils against cellulite are very effective, but orange oil is perhaps the most effective, so we recommend using it.

Second recipe

Dilute with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 natural Apple vinegar, then add essential oils of mint, rosemary and lemon to 20 ml of the resulting solution.

Third recipe

Dilute the white clay with warm boiled water to a paste consistency. Now you need to add 3 drops of cinnamon and orange essential oils to the resulting cellulite mixture.

Fourth recipe

Mix together anti-cellulite essential oils of juniper, lavender and lemon. Now mix them with 20 ml of base oil and apply the mixture to areas of the body affected by cellulite. Next, as with any other wrap, you need to wrap the areas of the body to which the mixture of essential oils was applied with food-grade plastic wrap and lie down under a blanket for an hour. After the procedure, the remnants of essential oils from cellulite should be washed off under a warm shower, and a moisturizer should be applied to the skin of the body.

Fifth recipe

Essential oils against cellulite can be added to almost any mixture for wraps, and honey anti-cellulite wrap is no exception. This is one of the most effective means against cellulite, but to make it even more effective, you can add tangerine essential oil.

The recipe is as follows: mix together 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of honey, 10 tablespoons of cocoa powder and add 10 drops of tangerine essential oil for cellulite to the mixture. Now apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the body, wrap them in plastic wrap, and lie down under a blanket for 25 minutes. After the procedure, the remnants of essential oils against cellulite must be washed off under a warm shower, and a moisturizer with an anti-cellulite effect must be applied to the skin.

Sixth recipe

Take 2 tablespoons of fucus vesicularis powder (it must first be crushed using a coffee grinder) and pour hot water. Wait for the algae to swell (about 20 minutes). Now add one egg yolk, 20 drops of camphor oil and 10 drops of lemon oil to the anti-cellulite seaweed. Further, everything is the same as with the usual wrapping procedure.

Essential oils against cellulite and for smooth skin - sea salt scrub recipe

To prepare the scrub, we first need a glass sea ​​salt, but you can also use a regular one. Mix together 3 drops of dill, lemongrass, petitgrain essential oils, 2 drops of black pepper, 1 drop of cinnamon oil. Now add 1 cup of sea or regular salt to the mixture of these oils and mix everything thoroughly. As a result, you will get an anti-cellulite scrub with essential oils.

Use the resulting scrub to rub the problem areas of the body, wait until the anti-cellulite essential oils are completely absorbed and take a warm bath. There is no need to specifically rinse off the remaining scrub from the skin of the body. After a bath, taking a shower and wiping yourself dry with a towel is also not worth it, let better skin will dry on its own. The full course of such procedures is 10. They must be done every other day.

This scrub is excellent against cellulite, as it contains essential oils with a good anti-cellulite effect, which together significantly enhance each other’s properties. At the same time, this scrub smoothes the skin very well and makes it flawlessly smooth.

Cinnamon essential oil accelerates the process of breaking down fat cells.

Lemongrass and petitgrain oils also do an excellent job of reducing the subcutaneous fat layer.

Dill essential oil against cellulite perfectly removes excess moisture from the body.

Black pepper oil improves metabolic processes, but mainly it enhances the effect of other essential oils against cellulite.

Essential oils against cellulite for baths at home

At the end of the article, we will talk about probably the most pleasant way to get rid of cellulite - baths with essential oils. Many women like aromatic baths; who hasn’t dreamed of bathing in milk. Besides the fact that baths with essential oils against cellulite are very pleasant, they are also very effective. Even with neglected and old cellulite, the result will be and it will not take long to arrive if you do the procedures at least once a week.

Such baths usually last for 20-30 minutes, and you can take them at least every day. The procedure itself is not difficult to carry out, you just need to remember that the anti-cellulite essential oils themselves are not added directly to the water. First, they must be mixed separately in a glass vessel, then mixed with salt, milk, bubble bath, honey or bran.

If you simply pour essential oils into water to fight cellulite, they will remain on the surface (since they are lighter than water) and there will be no effect from such baths. It is advisable to take baths no earlier than 2-3 hours after meals; the water temperature should be 37-38 degrees.

Before taking a bath using essential oils against cellulite, you need to wash yourself in the shower. However, using shower gel or soap is not recommended. Better wash yourself with bran, egg yolk or oatmeal. It is not necessary to rinse after a bath, but in order to invigorate you can take a contrast shower. No alcoholic drinks after baths with essential oils to combat cellulite. Just rest after the procedure for 40-50 minutes.

The first recipe for a mixture of essential oils for a bath against cellulite

This bath recipe will help your skin regain elasticity and make it smooth. Naturally, such a bath will also get rid of cellulite. The recipe is very simple - dissolve 9 drops of lemon essential oil in bath foam and sea salt and add the resulting mixture to the water. Take a bath for 20 minutes for two weeks.

The second recipe for a mixture of essential oils for an anti-cellulite home bath

For this bath we will need the following essential oils against cellulite: 6 drops of thyme oil, 4 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of juniper oil. The resulting mixture is taken as 1 part and diluted with 10 parts of base oil. Next, everything is as usual - mix the resulting mixture of essential and base oils with bath foam and add them to warm water.

The third recipe for a mixture of essential oils for a bath against cellulite at home

Mix together 5 drops thyme oil, 5 drops rosemary oil, 3 drops lemon essential oil. Now the resulting mixture must also be mixed with 10 parts of base oil, then mixed with bath foam and added to warm water.

The fourth recipe for a mixture of essential oils for a bath against cellulite at home

For this bath we will need the following anti-cellulite oils in the following quantities: 2 drops of lemon oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, 1 drop of lavender oil, 1 drop of rosemary oil, 1 drop of sage oil. Mix essential oils together, then mix them with 10 parts carrier oil. Add the resulting mixture to the bubble bath and pour into warm water.

The fifth recipe for a mixture of essential oils for a home anti-cellulite bath

You will need the following essential oils against cellulite: 6 drops of juniper oil, 4 drops of grapefruit oil, 4 drops of orange oil, 3 drops of cypress oil, 3 drops of lemon oil. All essential oils must be mixed in a separate glass container, then dissolve the resulting mixture in 200 ml of cream and pour into warm water. A bath with these essential oils to combat cellulite should be taken for 20 minutes.

The sixth recipe for a mixture of essential oils for an anti-cellulite bath at home

IN in this case We will use the following essential oils: 10 drops of bergamot oil, 10 drops of grapefruit oil, 8 drops of geranium oil, 3 drops of nutmeg or cinnamon oil. All essential oils must be mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and combined with a teaspoon of warmed liquid honey.

Add the resulting mixture to warm water. Almond oil was taken as a base oil because other anti-cellulite essential oils dissolve well in it, it is odorless and has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin. A bath with this mixture perfectly nourishes the skin, activates its regenerative abilities, gets rid of cellulite and has a good lifting effect.

The seventh recipe for a mixture of essential oils for cellulite for a bath at home

Take as a basis olive oil, add 7 drops of orange oil to it and pour into a warm bath.

The eighth recipe for a mixture of essential oils for a bath against cellulite at home

To prepare this bath we will need: 2 drops of juniper oil, 2 drops of cypress oil, 2 drops of sweet dill oil. All essential oils must be mixed and dissolved in 30 ml of base oil, then added to the bath gel and pour the resulting mixture into warm water. After the procedure, take a cool shower, and the bath itself should be taken once a day.

The ninth recipe for an anti-cellulite bath mixture at home

For this bath we will need the following essential oils against cellulite: 2 drops of sweet dill oil, 2 drops of orange oil, 2 drops of geranium or grapefruit oil, 2 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of lemon oil. All oils must be mixed, then add a glass of milk, a handful of sea salt and pour into warm water.

Tenth recipe for anti-cellulite home bath mixture with essential oils

Mix together: 2 drops of sweet dill oil, 2 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of geranium oil. Then dissolve in 30 ml of base. After this bath you should also take a cool shower.

Summing up

Once again we would like to remind you that, despite the fact that essential oils against cellulite are very effective, you can do massages, wraps and baths with them, an integrated approach is required. Only all the means together can give a fairly quick and lasting effect. It is necessary to do honey wraps, and clay wraps, and massages, and baths - but you need to do all this.

Yes, essential oils against cellulite can give an effect even with an old and advanced disease, but comprehensive measures will give an effect much faster. In addition, do not forget that living without cellulite is not just about essential oils, it is a way of life. Be the most beautiful, attract admiring glances on the beach and let essential oils against cellulite help you with this.

Essential oils will help increase the effectiveness of massages and cellulite wraps. Professional cosmetologists use them in pure form or as an addition to massage oil or base for body wraps. Essential oils for cellulite can be used not only in a beauty salon, but also at home.

Olive, flaxseed, peach oil or jojoba are suitable for anti-cellulite massage. Such basic products, unlike essential essences, do not cause skin irritation, but can increase blood flow in problem areas and increase the anti-cellulite effect of home treatments. At home, you can use ready-made products that include tea tree oil, rosemary and cinnamon, or you can also prepare the mixture yourself.

Mechanism of action of ether

The appearance of cellulite is caused by an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue and the accumulation of excess fluid. Fat accumulations compress capillaries and veins, disrupting blood flow. The supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues decreases, metabolism slows down and the destruction of fat accumulations slows down. It is not easy to restore normal tissue trophism in problem areas and get rid of cellulite and stretch marks.

On a note!

The best way to combat cellulite is massage, the effect of which is enhanced by a mixture of essential oils. The anti-cellulite treatment complex includes, in addition to cosmetic procedures, diet and regular strength training.

Application of anti-cellulite essential oils:

  • Activates lymph outflow;
  • Reduces the accumulation of fat cells and fluid;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Accelerates the natural process of removing metabolic products (slags and toxins);
  • Promotes skin cell regeneration;
  • Dilates blood vessels, makes blood microcirculation in problem areas more active.

When oil is prohibited

Despite their high effectiveness, there are a number of contraindications for the use of essential oils against cellulite. These include:

  • The period of bearing a baby;
  • Predisposition to histamine (allergic) reactions;
  • Presence of skin damage or inflammation.

If there are contraindications, massage for cellulite and stretch marks can be performed using base oil (olive, linseed, jojoba).

Popular essential oils

Essential oils are used in the fight against cellulite by adding them to baths, wrap mixtures or massage bases. The best essential oils for cellulite include:

  • Celery oil – accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, relieves stress, fights insomnia, and promotes weight loss. Allows you to normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder;
  • Rosemary – prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, activates the functioning of the brain, improves memory and concentration, quickly eliminates cellulite, evens out the skin texture;
  • Cedar – cleanses the skin and evens out its color, has a diuretic property, due to which it promotes rapid weight loss. Stretches connective tissue, promoting the removal of fat accumulations. But to obtain an anti-cellulite effect, cedar oil should be used daily;
  • Lemon – relieves emotional stress, tones and soothes the skin, has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which it is used to combat cellulite. Improves mood, increases performance, helps cope with stress and depression;
  • Grapefruit oil - allows you to form slender body contours and improve your mood. Accelerates the process of removing waste and toxins, allowing you to quickly lose weight. Reduces appetite, making it easier for a woman to follow a cellulite diet;
  • Geranium essential oil is a popular oil for smoothing skin texture and eliminating cellulite. Normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system, activates blood circulation, accelerates the natural process of removing toxins;
  • Fennel – has a diuretic effect, allowing you to quickly lose “extra” pounds. Procedures with fennel essential oil get rid of subcutaneous accumulations of fat and water, which makes it possible to get rid of cellulite;
  • Tea tree essence is a popular remedy for cellulite. Penetrating into the skin, tea tree oil activates lymph and blood flow, prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • Juniper - has a diuretic effect, eliminates swelling. Used to cleanse the skin and increase blood flow in problem areas.

Recipes for blends with essential oils

The most popular is orange oil for cellulite. But it can cause an allergic reaction or the woman may not like the smell. Compositions of several essential oils allow you to achieve quick and lasting results by preparing the most suitable mixture.

Essential mixture against cellulite No. 1

Homemade cellulite cream can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Hazelnut kernels crushed in a coffee grinder – 100 grams;
  • Jojoba oil – 100 grams;
  • Essential oils of cypress, rosemary, lavender, cinnamon, juniper - 10 drops each.

Essential mixture No. 2

To prepare it you will need:

  • Camphor oil – 50 grams;
  • Essential oils of bergamot, cedar and grapefruit – 10 drops each;
  • Orange, lemon, tangerine oil - 5 drops each.

The method of preparing the first and second recipes is identical. The listed substances are mixed and placed in an opaque glass vessel with a lid. The mixture can be stored for no more than 6 months in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Expert opinion!

If included homemade cream for cellulite includes essential oils of citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon), exposure to the sun should be avoided. Citrus essential oils increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, which can cause hyperpigmentation.

Rules for using the oil mixture against cellulite:

  • The composition should be applied every day;
  • Before the procedure, you should take a contrast shower;
  • Warm up the skin of the thighs and buttocks by rubbing it with a “miracle mitten” or a special massager from bottom to top until slightly reddened;
  • Treat areas with cellulite with the oil mixture, rubbing in circular massage movements until completely absorbed.

Oil baths

Such procedures allow you to get rid of stage 1-2 cellulite. Before a bath, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub and rub with a hard washcloth. To prepare an anti-cellulite bath with essential oils, you will need 3-5 drops of ether:

  • Orange;
  • Lavender;
  • Cypress;
  • Rosemary;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Mandarin;
  • Lemon.

To enhance the effect, you can dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt in water. Procedures are performed every 3-4 days.

Wraps with essential oils

Wraps with essential oils for cellulite and for weight loss are one of the most effective home treatments. They break down subcutaneous fat accumulations, promote the removal of waste and toxins, thereby smoothing out the skin texture. The base for wraps is olive, linseed or almond oil and cosmetic clay.

A course of wraps consists of 8-10 procedures, which are performed every 3-4 days. The algorithm for performing home wraps is as follows:

  • Cleanse the skin with a scrub and shower gel;
  • Apply the pre-prepared oil mixture to the butt, thighs and stomach, securing it with plastic wrap;
  • Wear thermal shorts or warm pants;
  • To increase efficiency, you can do homework or perform gymnastic exercises;
  • After half an hour, unwind the film and rinse off the remaining mixture under warm water.

Popular recipes for cellulite wraps

All mixtures for home wraps are easy to prepare yourself. In this case, you can be sure of the 100% natural composition of the product.

Recipe No. 1

Combine 3 tablespoons of blue clay with warm boiled water to form a homogeneous thick mass. Add 5 drops of almond and citrus essential oils (grapefruit, orange, lemon, tangerine) to the composition. The result is noticeable after 2-3 wraps.

Recipe No. 2

In a clean glass container, combine essential oils of lavender, cypress, juniper, rosemary and grapefruit in a 1:1:1 ratio. Add 50 grams of base oil: jojoba, almond, flaxseed, grape seed, olive. Mix the mixture thoroughly until you obtain a creamy mass. Apply to skin with massaging rubbing movements.

Recipe No. 3

This composition can be used as a scrub or wraps. In a small container, combine 200 grams of sea salt and 5 drops each of lemon, fennel, tangerine and geranium oil. Mix thoroughly.

If you use the composition as a scrub, you should distribute it over areas with cellulite and massage for 10-15 minutes. If used for wraps, distribute the mixture over the skin of the thighs and buttocks, wrap with film and insulate. After an hour, wash off under a warm shower without using gel or soap.

A course of procedures allows you to eliminate cellulite, even out skin texture, and make your hips slimmer.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe will not only help you get rid of cellulite, but also lose extra pounds. To prepare it, grate a cinnamon stick on a fine grater, add 10 drops of juniper, geranium and tangerine essential oils. Combine the spicy mixture with a base oil (olive, almond, linseed) and add a tablespoon of green or white clay.

Apply the product with circular massage movements to areas with cellulite, lightly driving the composition into the skin. Wrap your thighs with film and put on thermal shorts. After 1-1.5 hours, the composition is washed off in the shower.