On November 1, a series of events dedicated to the youngest public holiday in Russia, the Day of national unity. Over two days, more than 250 library readers of different age groups became participants.

National Unity Day is a holiday with a rich history that began 400 years ago (in 1612); This is a holiday of mutual understanding, mercy, and care for people. About the history of the holiday and the history of Russia, about military glory and valor, pride in our Motherland and its heroes, mercy and kindness, library specialists spoke at events of various forms and contents.

Nov. 1evening of kindness and mercy in the library-branch No. 1 named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin united members of the club for elderly people “Together” and the student club “Vzglyad”. Students from neighborhood schools took part in the hour of patriotism “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers” in children’s library No. 3 and the historical hour in library-branch No. 5.

Various events, dedicated to the Day national unity, were held in libraries and November 2: historical evening for schoolchildren in grades 7-8 in the library-branch No. 1 named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, oral journal - for students of the Yeletsk Industrial and Economic College in the Central City Library. Seventh graders from school No. 1 took part in competitive game program “Young Historian” in library branch No. 7. Event participants received a lot useful information about the history of the holiday, the Time of Troubles, the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders, the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country, and also tested their knowledge in the proposed quizzes.

History lesson “Day of National Unity. Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky" held in children's library No. 1 named after. A. S. Pushkin. Fifth-graders of school No. 15 learned about the life and deeds of Minin and Pozharsky, their role in the events of 1612, the liberation of Rus', and then took part in a quiz. The children got acquainted with the contents of the book exhibition “Glorious Sons of the Russian State” and the booklet “Our people will not forget the valor of the Russian governors,” created in the library.

was dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the liberation of Moscow from Polish intervention historical hour “Great Date of Russia” in the library-branch No. 4, the participants of which were schoolchildren of grades 8-9 of the National Educational Institution Secondary School “Development”. The presenters in costumes of that era (representatives of the Spear, Vityaz and Bifrost clubs) led the event participants into the historical past of Russia, into the era of the Time of Troubles.

About 20 readers of library branch No. 9 took part in the quiz at the quiz exhibition.

Holiday Events in libraries, according to the published program, were held on the following days.

the 3rd of Novemberhour of history “There will be no unrest in Russia” held in library branch No. 10.

November 4we celebrated National Unity Day. On this day, young readers of children's library No. 3 by page oral journal “There will be no troubles in Russia” took an excursion into the historical past of Rus', got acquainted with the events of 400 years ago, which gave rise to the birth of the holiday of national unity. The librarians told the children that it was on November 4, 1612 that two Russian heroes - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish invaders from the Moscow Kremlin, thereby putting an end to the thirty-year period that historians call the Time of Troubles.

The oral journal consisted of 4 pages:

1 page « Our tomorrow's Russia looks into the sky with blue eyes" The presenters told those present about the greatness of our Motherland - Russia, about Russian people who are ready to defend their Fatherland without sparing their lives. Poems by E. Asadov and I. Severyanin were read.

2 page « Time of Troubles"was dedicated to the historical events of 1612 in Rus', the so-called Time of Troubles.

On page 3 " Cleansing from Troubles“The conversation was about the expulsion of the Polish interventionists from Moscow and the historical significance of this victory for the life of the Russian people.

4 page « History gives a lesson- about the holiday. New holiday is intended to remind us that we, Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions, a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

The event concluded with a short quiz.

About 400 library readers of different age groups took part in all events.

G.N. Shelamova, methodologist for working with children

Central City Hospital named after. M. Gorky MBUK "CBS of Yelets",

member of the Union of Journalists of Russia

Development of the event "DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY". Scenario for schoolchildren in grades 6-7

Kiseleva Tatyana Yurievna, teacher additional education MKOU DO "SYUN" Pallasovka, Volgograd region.
The holiday scenario I propose for schoolchildren in grades 6-7 may be useful for history teachers, additional education teachers, class teachers in secondary schools and parents. During the educational process, this material can be used in preparation for patriotic events that show the feat and unity of our people.
Target: Create conditions for instilling patriotic feelings.
- Introduce to the historical past.
- Develop interest in Russian history.
- Foster love for the Motherland.
Equipment: Balloons red, blue and white flowers, poster "National Unity Day", Russian tricolor, multimedia player.
-Leading children (1,2,3,4) in Russian costumes.
-Poetry readers.

The Russian National Anthem is played. (Music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov.)

Presenter 1. Our Fatherland, our Motherland, our mother - Russia!
We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial.
We call it our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us.
And as a mother because she fed us with her bread, gave us drink with her waters, taught us her language and, like a mother, protects us from all enemies...

Poetry reader.
Russia! You have always had a reputation
For other countries it is a mystery.
But fate was not always
Great smooth country.
Sometimes it’s not joy, but; sadness
Reigned over Russia
And often protected by steel
Its lakes are blue.
Sometimes adversity over the country
Were circling like a black raven,
The people stood shoulder to shoulder,
To fight the enemy.
And they had big country
Heroes of the generation -
On Independence Day we
We will remember them, without a doubt!
(E. Shvetsova)

Presenter1. Good afternoon, dear guys! On November 4, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. This day occupies a special place among our public holidays. It is connected with the events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors, who rallied in the name of the independence of the Motherland.

Poetry reader.
Gone into the history of the year
Kings and peoples changed,
But times are troubled, adversity
Rus' will never forget!

The line is written with victory,
And the verse glorifies past heroes,
He defeated the people of rogue enemies,
Gained freedom forever!

And Rus' rose from its knees
In hands with an icon before the battle,

Blessed with prayer
To the sound of coming changes.

Villages, towns, cities
With bow to the Russian people
Today we celebrate freedom
And Unity Day forever!
(N. Maidanik)

Presenter 2. In severe trials and heroic battles, the will of our country was tempered and the unity of the people was strengthened. There were times in the history of Russia when people lost faith and reason, they could no longer distinguish good from evil, truth from lies: enmity and mutual insults blinded people’s eyes.
Presenter 3. Many years ago, after the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Time of Troubles began in Rus'. The son of Ivan the Terrible, the kind-hearted Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, ruled the country for a short time. He left no heirs, and after his death, the king’s relative, boyar Boris Godunov, sat on the throne. Tsar Boris was smart and tried to do a lot of useful things for his people, but it was as if some kind of curse was weighing down on all his deeds. First, a terrible famine began in the country. And soon an Impostor appeared, who, with the help of the cunning Polish king, decided to seize the Russian throne, posing as Tsarevich Dimitri, the son of Ivan the Terrible, who died in infancy. This Pretender False Dmitry gathered a robber army in Poland and together with it moved towards Moscow.

The song “Get up, Russian people!” (Music by S. Prokofiev) is played. The dancers perform a choreographed dance.

Presenter 4. The Russian people first believed the Pretender. However, Boris Godunov himself stood firm and did not allow False Dmitry into the capital. But suddenly Tsar Boris died, and False Dmitry and the Poles entered Moscow without a fight, taking the royal throne. However, the capital rebelled against their power: they killed False Dmitry in the Kremlin and expelled the Polish troops. A new king was elected to the kingdom - Prince Vasily Shuisky.
Presenter 1. Is the Time of Troubles over? No. It was just beginning. Prince Vasily was elevated to the throne, but the country continued to worry. Very soon the new False Dmitry showed up and set up camp near Moscow. And again there were people who believed the new Pretender. And there were a lot of them! The power of Tsar Vasily weakened before our eyes. The faithful warriors who served the tsar began to go to the camp of the Pretender False Dmitry. Only a few remained to serve the rightful Tsar Vasily.
Presenter 2. At that time, there lived in Russia a courageous and wise man - Patriarch Hermogenes. He was the first to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland and sent a messenger with a letter to the Pretender’s camp to bring to reason those who had betrayed the rightful king. "You have forgotten your vows Orthodox faith ours, in which we were born, baptized, raised, raised. Look how the Fatherland is being plundered and ruined by strangers; to what desecration are our shrines given over; how the blood of innocents is shed. Who are you taking up arms against - is it not your brothers? Are you ruining your Fatherland? Swedish cavalry attacked Rus' from the north-west; detachments of Poles and other robbers roamed around the country, who came with the Pretender to Rus'. The Polish king Sigismund declared war on Russia and entered the country with an army, wanting to rule Russia and convert our people to their faith.
Presenter 3. Russian cities and fortresses defended themselves bravely. The defense of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, located not far from Moscow, became an example of courage and perseverance in the fight against the Polish invaders. Two thousand people - monks, soldiers, peasants, women, children - defended themselves within the walls of the monastery against fifteen thousand besieging Poles. They stood like that for a whole year and a half, without surrendering the monastery.

And the Moscow boyars, frightened by the Poles, betrayed Tsar Vasily Shuisky, overthrew him from the throne and, opening the gates of Moscow, allowed Polish troops into the Kremlin, trying to persuade the Muscovites to swear allegiance to the Poles. The Russian throne was taken by the son of the Polish king Sigismund, Vladislav.
Presenter 4. The fearless Patriarch Hermogenes sent messengers around the city to call Muscovites to the Kremlin, to the Assumption Cathedral. He spoke until he became hoarse in the cathedral, forbidding anyone to take an oath of allegiance to the conquering Polish king. Polish guards captured Patriarch Hermogenes and imprisoned him. And here the patriarch gave an example of fortitude in the Time of Troubles. Then, following the example of the patriarch of the city, Smolensk and Moscow began to send out letters, calling on all of Rus' to gather a militia and go to liberate Moscow. The people in all Russian cities and villages listened to calls to stand up for the Fatherland.

Poetry reader.
On Unity Day we will be close,
We'll be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages and cities!

Live, work, build together,
Sowing grain, raising children,
Create, love and argue,
Protect people's peace.
(N. Maidanik)

The song "Nizhny Novgorod" is playing. (Words and music by I. Russkikh)

Presenter1. Nizhny Novgorod. At that time, the tradesman Kosma Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod. On the square, where the letters were read, Minin told the people: “Our Fatherland is perishing, but we can save it. We will not spare life and property to save Moscow, we will sell our houses, but we will redeem the Fatherland from trouble! Nizhny Novgorod residents! Let's defend Russia! Let's die for holy Rus'! I know a brave commander - Prince Dmitry Pozharsky! Let’s go to him, and on behalf of all Russian people we will ask him to save Russia...”
Presenter 2. And the militia went to Moscow - one hundred thousand soldiers from twenty-five cities of Russia. And with the army they carried the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Before the decisive battle, the Russian soldiers fasted for three days and prayed to the Mother of God for help in front of Her miraculous icon. This icon was miraculously revealed...

Poetry reader.
In front of the holy icon
How many people prayed!
They bowed to the ground
They whispered something to her,
They asked her with hope:
- Save, save, teach.
And Her face is meek and gentle
The rays of love illuminated.
And those who stood before Her
And their hands stretched out in prayer,
She consoled in sorrows,
Alleviated suffering and pain.

Presenter 3. On November 4, 1612 (October 22, old style), the militia of Kosma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky rushed into battle with the Poles for Moscow. The Mother of God herself blessed the Russian soldiers for the sacred battle. There were battles on the streets of Moscow, the city was burning. The Polish garrison desperately resisted, but the Russian soldiers fought to win. And we won! All of Russia thanked its brave sons Kosma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, around whom people from all over the country gathered to defeat the Time of Troubles. The Poles were expelled from Moscow, the warriors solemnly brought the Kazan Icon into the Kremlin. Over the course of another whole year, Russian lands captured by the Poles and Swedes were liberated.

Poetry reader.
Having confounded the enemies with deceit,
In a terrible year for Russia
Together Minin and Pozharsky
The people were led into battle.
And teams of volunteers,
Full of righteous anger
Evil Poles and Lithuanians
They were driven out of the country.
We are proud of that victory
On National Unity Day!
(O. Emelyanova)

An excerpt from the opera “Ivan Susanin” (Music by M. Glinka) is played.

Presenter 4. Even after the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow, the interventionists still for a long time made attempts to harm the Russian people. We all remember the feat of the Russian peasant Ivan Susanin, who is considered one of the national heroes of Russia. In the winter of 1612-1613. Susanin was taken as a guide by a detachment of Polish gentry to the village. Domnino is the estate of the Romanovs, where the Tsar was located. Susanin deliberately led the detachment into an impenetrable swampy forest, for which he was tortured. The memory of Susanin was preserved in oral folk tales and traditions. His feat is reflected in fiction and in M. I. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin”. A monument to I. Susanin was erected in Kostroma.

Presenter 1. Russia elected a new Tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. And peace and tranquility came to the country. In memory of the miraculous victory over the Poles, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was installed autumn holiday Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which has been celebrated since 1649 on November 4 as a sign of gratitude to the Mother of God - Intercessor for Russia in the Time of Troubles. In Moscow on Red Square in honor glorious victory A temple was built over the Poles in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The icon, which was in the ranks of the militia, was solemnly transferred to this temple. A monument to the liberators of Russia was also erected on Red Square, on which is written “Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. Grateful Russia."

Poetry reader.
They don’t argue with history, they live with history
It unites for heroism and work
There is one state when there is one people
When with great strength he moves forward
He defeats the enemy by standing up as one to fight
And Rus' liberates and sacrifices itself
For the glory of those heroes we live by one destiny
Today we celebrate Unity Day with you!
(N. Maidanik)

Presenter 1. The history of Russia teaches us: separately, alone, we cannot do what can be done together. When we are united, we are invincible!
Presenter 2. This happens in life: one person plants a tree, and all together - a garden! Friendship unites people and nations. Only together they live happily!
Presenter 3. Let us remember: Russia is strong only when it is united!

Poetry reader.
Happy National Unity Day,
May peace and grace shine upon us,
And let friendship bind everyone even stronger,
We can defend each other's pride!

No one will destroy our power and strength,
Only together can we overcome everything,
And we will tell the whole planet, the whole world,
That the people are united, they cannot be defeated!
(O. Fursova)

Since 2005, in Russia every year on November 4 we celebrate the holiday - National Unity Day. Before this, there was no official holidays dedicated to the events of pre-Soviet history. Almost four centuries ago, in the most difficult times of division and civil strife, the multinational people of our country united to preserve the independence and statehood of Russia. And therefore for modern Russia National Unity Day is a holiday for the entire civil society. The day when we pay tribute to the centuries-old traditions of patriotism, harmony and unity of the people.

For this date, the Central District Library has created a thematic book exhibition “Unity of the people carried through centuries”, which includes the following sections:

The strength of the country lies in the unity of the people

About the days of great unrest.

Heroes of troubled times

Russia after the Time of Troubles.

The exhibition presents books, magazine and newspaper articles, recommended lists of literature dedicated to the Day of National Unity - its history, the events of 1612, when soldiers of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took China Town by storm, liberated Moscow from Polish invaders, showing heroism and unity.

Celebrating this holiday, people of all nationalities, faiths and beliefs, belonging to different social groups, must recognize themselves as a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future, be imbued with love for the Motherland and concern for their neighbors.

“When we are united, we are invincible” was the name of the musical and educational program organized jointly by the Central district library, children's art school, RDK and local history museum for National Unity Day.

To the attention of those present at the event, librarians presented an electronic exhibition - the story “ Great holiday, Great Country,” during which they talked about the history of the holiday, the date of its establishment, the events of 1612, when mortal danger united all the patriotic forces of the country and the people’s militia, under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, showing perseverance, courage and selfless devotion to Motherland, liberated Moscow from Polish invaders.

Young readers of the Naberezhnye-Morkvash Library took part in the historical mosaic “One People – One Power”.

Participants of the event received a lot of useful information about the history of the holiday, the period of troubled times, the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders and the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification of the country, and the guys also tested their knowledge in a thematic quiz.

The Oktyabrskaya Library is decorated exhibition-review “One state, as long as one people!”

In the first section, “The Strength of Russia is in Unity,” the readers are presented with literature on the history of the Fatherland, telling about the feat of the Russian people in those distant times, about the great Russian prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the national hero Kuzma Minin, as well as about the modern development of Russian statehood.

In the section “For the glory of the Fatherland, for the glory of Russia!” contains books that talk about patriotism and love for the Motherland, about the unity of modern Russia, symbolizing a tribute to centuries-old traditions, harmony and friendship of many peoples.

The purpose of the exhibition is to develop a sense of patriotism and increase interest in historical events that took place in the Russian state.

In Maidanskaya rural library An hour of the story “Towards each other” has passed.

The guys took an excursion into the historical past of Rus' and got acquainted with the events of 400 years ago. Librarian Selskaya L.N. told the children that it was on November 4, 1612 that two Russian heroes - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish invaders from the Moscow Kremlin, thereby putting an end to the thirty-year period that historians call the Time of Troubles. The children got acquainted with the contents of the book exhibition “Motherland and Unity”, where literature on the topic was exhibited. The event concluded with a short quiz.

Readers of the District Children's Library are presented with an exhibition - the story “The Key Word is “Unity”.

The Vvedensko-Slobodskaya Library held an educational hour “National Unity Day” for young readers.

A thematic display of literature “For the Glory of the Fatherland” was prepared for the event.

An hour of historical events “Our strength is in unity” was held for readers of the Kildeevsky library.

Using the electronic presentation "National Unity Day", librarian G.N. Mukaeva told the children about the history of the celebration of this day, about what happened in Rus' four hundred and five years ago, how, under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the Moscow Kremlin was finally liberated from the Polish invaders.

An open viewing of the literature “Feat in the Name of Russia” complemented the librarian’s story and visually introduced young readers to the feat and unity of the multinational Russian people.

The younger generation is obliged to remember events of this magnitude, and this memory should under no circumstances be lost by descendants. In this memory we draw strength to overcome difficulties, in this memory we are a united and invincible Russian people.

A conversation was held at the Korguzin Library with an electronic presentation “We are starting to walk through history again.”

The head of the library, Lyubov Gracheva, told readers about the historical events of 1612, in memory of which the Day of National Unity was established, about its significance in strengthening the Russian state and the history of Russia, about the Time of Troubles, the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders, about the role of Minin and Pozharsky in the unification countries.

The children listened to the librarian with interest, and then took part in a quiz about Russian national holidays. At the end of the event, everyone chose books to read at home on this topic.

The Mamatkozin Library hosted a conversation “Through the distance of centuries: Minin and Pozharsky.”

The head of the library, Elena Sedova, told young readers that on November 4 we celebrate one of the most important public holidays of friendship and unification, love and harmony - National Unity Day.

With the help of an electronic presentation, pages of the history of our country came to life in front of students: the difficult Time of Troubles for the people, false kings, heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. The guys looked at the presentation slides with great interest and were able to understand that the history of Russia teaches us that separately, alone, we cannot do what can be done together. Russia is strong only when it is united. That is why our country has such an important holiday.

An informational minute “All the strength of Russia lies in the unity of the people” was held at the Kuralovsky Library.

405 years ago, the Russian people defended their dear homeland from Polish intervention. And everyone can rightly be proud of this holy and great deed, remembering kind words valiant, honest and faithful defenders of their native land. The event used the electronic presentation “Glory to our Motherland to our brave sons” and the section “Liberation of Moscow from the Poles” from the book “My First Story”.

“From Rus' to Russia” - an hour of interesting history about the history of the National Unity Day holiday was conducted by the head of the Russian-Makulov Library N.A. Pershina. for students of the after-school group of Makulovskaya secondary school.

During the conversation, readers became acquainted with the history of the Time of Troubles, as well as with the events of 1609-1612, which played a key role in the history of the formation of the Russian state. At the end of the event, a video about this period in the history of our country is shown.

The hour of patriotic education “National Heroes of Russia: Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky” was held at the Sobolev Library.

Librarian Samoilova L.A. told readers about Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky that under their leadership the Moscow Kremlin was finally liberated from the Polish invaders. That National Unity Day is a day of uniting the past, present and future, uniting all the people of our huge country in love for each other, for their land, for Russia.

The flash mob “In the friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia” was dedicated to the Day of National Unity, organized jointly by employees of the Shelangovsky SDK, library and school.

At the beginning of the event, everyone stood in a circle and, holding hands, performed a number of sports dance movements, thereby showing the friendship of different peoples. Then they talked with those present about the Day of National Unity, about the national heroes K. Minin and D. Pozharsky, about patriotism and love for their native country , respect for the traditions of our multinational people.

Summing up, we came to the conclusion that it does not matter what nationality a person is, the main thing is to be kind, sympathetic and live together in peace and harmony.

On the eve of the holiday, the head of the Shelangovskaya library held aheld a conversation - dialogue “In unity is all the strength of Russia ii".

The librarian spoke about the history of the holiday and the history of Russia. The pages of our country came to life before the students: the difficult Time of Troubles for the people, the heroes of the people's militia Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Homeland and unity - such a deep meaning was embedded in this event.

An in-shelf exhibition entitled “One People - One Power” was mounted in the Vakhitov Library. Readers are presented with materials about the history of the holiday and books on the history of Russia.

Readers of the Kanash Library are offered materials from the book display “In unity is our strength”

National Unity Day in Russia is Public Holiday, which is historically connected with the distant events of the early 17th century, when on November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish invaders, demonstrating an example of heroism and unity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society.

Among the events that are taking place in preparation for the celebration of National Unity Day, the information and bibliographic department (headed by Pashkina L.S.) of the Kstovo Central Library named after. A. S. Pushkin prepared a book exhibition “November 4 – Day of National Unity”. The exhibition is addressed to everyone who is interested in the history of the Russian state.

The exhibition includes publications from the library's collection:

  • book by A. N. Sokolov “The Minin Family and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky”;
  • historical novel by Kostylev V.I. “Kuzma Minin”;
  • Ruslan Skrynnikov’s book “Minin and Pozharsky. Chronicle of the Time of Troubles" (series of biographies "Life of Remarkable People");
  • book by Khramtsovsky N.I. “ Brief essay history and description of Nizhny Novgorod" - unique monument Nizhny Novgorod local history;
  • textbook “History of Russia” (edited by M. N. Zuev and A. A. Chernobaev);
  • encyclopedia “Holidays of the Peoples of Russia”;
  • “Minin Readings”;
  • catalog of the book exhibition “Nizhny Novgorod feat. Books about the Time of Troubles of the early 17th century and the Nizhny Novgorod militia of 1611-1612. (from the collection of the Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V. I. Lenin);
  • methodological materials to help the spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents L. V. Suskina, E. A. Martynenko “Great citizens of great Russia. Dedicated to the Nizhny Novgorod militia (1611-1612)”;
  • local history almanac “Fatherland”;
  • articles from Literaturnaya Gazeta about the Russian nation;
  • booklets of the information and bibliographic department, issued for the holiday “Day of National Unity”.

Lazukina N.Yu., teacher of Russian language and literature, deputy director for educational resources of MAOUOU Secondary School No. 59, Ekaterinburg

National Unity Day at school

Subject: “Let's join hands, friends!”

Target: Cultivating tolerance, responsibility, patriotism, and a sense of collectivism in children and adolescents.

in municipal educational institutions

Item no.

Event name

Age of participants

Number of participants

Drawing competition “The world we live in”

6th grade students

4 people per class

Fun starts “Friendship is our strength!”

7th grade students

Team: 2 people per class (1 girl, 1 boy), 3 fans

History Quiz “The Past Is Near”

Students of 8th and 11th grades

4 people per class (2 people per parallel.)

Master class “Preparation of the exhibition “Time of Troubles: the history of Russia in Russian art”

Activists of the school museum

2 people per class

Literary marathon “Yes, there were people in our time...”

10th grade students

Competition for young correspondents “Report on the topic of the day”

5th grade students

4 people per class

Competition for young political scientists “From the High Rostrum”

9th grade students, representatives of student government bodies

Team: 2 people from the class, 3 spectators

Festive kaleidoscope “Let's join hands, friends!”

Students in grades 2-4

6 people per class


General (for competitions 1 – 7):

  1. The educational institution on the basis of which the event is held prepares everything necessary for its holding (room, content of the competition or quiz, evaluation criteria, protocol, report on the event), determines the composition of the jury, and takes photos or videos.
  2. Protocols (a sample is attached) and a report are submitted in the form of a collage: done in A-3 format (the number of sheets is not limited) using photographic materials. A booklet will be published based on the submitted materials.
  3. All participants are divided into teams (an equal number of people in each team). The main criterion: all participants must be from different classes. Team members assign roles to complete the test task. After completing the competition task, each team prepares a presentation of the collective result, the obligatory attribute of which is the team name.



name of the competition, quiz

No. OU______________

Team name

Last name, first name of participant

№№ OU



For individual competitions:

  1. Drawing competition “The world we live in.”All participants should bring with them a sheet of A-3 format and everything necessary for drawing (paints, pencils, brushes). Each participating team determines the concept of the exhibition of their works in accordance with the stated theme, chooses a name, distributes roles (what each participant will depict in their drawing), prepares an exhibition at the end of the work and its presentation.
  2. Fun starts “Friendship is our strength!”All participants must wear sportswear. The participating teams (consisting of an equal number of boys and girls) go through various stages determined by the organizer of the fun starts. The winning team is determined by the sum of victories at each stage.
  3. History quiz “The past is nearby.”Participants are invited in advance to repeat the material on the history of the Fatherland “Time of Troubles. K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.” Have pens with you. The team consists of students in grades 8 and 11 from different schools. The winning team of the quiz is determined by the sum of points scored for correct answers in the team and individual competitions.
  4. Master class “Preparation of the exhibition “Time of Troubles: the history of Russia in Russian art.”Participating teams are asked to prepare and design an exhibition on a given topic within a certain time, as well as conduct a tour of it. To do this, prepare in advance and have with you required material. Sources that can be used in preparation: historical materials, A.K. Tolstoy “Prince Silver”, “Tsar Boris”, K. Makovsky “Minin on Nizhny Novgorod Square”, photographs of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, M.P. Mussorgsky “Boris” Godunov”, A.N. Ostrovsky “Kozma Zakharyich Minin”, A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov”, etc.
  5. Literary marathon “Yes, there were people in our time...”.The participating teams present a creative product - expressive reading excerpts from artistic and journalistic works in accordance with the stated topic. The main criterion is integrity literary composition. The performance may be accompanied by musical fragments. The duration of the literary composition is no more than 10-12 minutes. To prepare the content, participants are invited to prepare and bring sources in advance, as well as use the library collections of the educational institution where the literary marathon is taking place. While the teams are preparing for the performance, the audience is invited to play a group game, watch a film, and take an excursion to school museum and so on.
  6. Competition for young correspondents “Report on the topic of the day.”Participating teams are preparing school wall newspapers on the theme “National Unity Day”. All participants should have with them everything necessary for publishing a newspaper: pencils, leaves, paints, brushes, glue, newspaper clippings, magazines, photographs, etc. The newspaper is printed on standard size Whatman paper. Whatman paper and accompanying materials (if necessary) are prepared by the educational institution where the competition is held.
  7. Competition for young political scientists “From the High Rostrum”.The participating teams are given the task: to prepare the text of a public speech on a certain topic and deliver it from the “high rostrum”. The team determines the speaker independently. While the teams are preparing for the performance, the audience is given a group game, a movie screening, an excursion to the school museum, etc. The topics for speeches are prepared by the educational institution on the basis of which this competition is held.
  8. Festive kaleidoscope “Let's join hands, friends!”This event is for entertainment purposes. In the process of getting to know the educational institution, schoolchildren visit various studios, workshops, living rooms, sections, etc. (dance studio, choir studio, literary lounge, sculpture and architecture workshop, etc.), where children are invited to learn a simple group dance, sing their favorite songs, make a simple souvenir with their own hands, etc.). It is advisable to form several temporary children's associations. The content of the festive kaleidoscope is prepared by the educational institution where the event is held. The main criterion: children should get to know each other and get joy from new communication.