Winter is coming and the first thing that comes to our mind is... No, not a question related to the celebration of New Year's celebrations, but what to do, to prevent shoes from slipping. Take away the traumatologist's joy of seeing you this winter by using some life hacks that will partially or completely save you from the embarrassment of sprawling right in the middle of the street. So that, when you find out that there is ice outside, you can boldly answer: “Is it slippery? No, we didn’t.”

Temporary methods to prevent shoes from slipping

Methods suggested by professionals

  • Why not turn to professionals who know more about shoes than we do. For example, when purchasing shoes, at the same time buy special pads. They themselves are attached with a wide elastic band, and the part that goes on the sole is made of iron. They will completely relieve you of questions such as what to do, to prevent shoes from slipping. Wear it outside, take it off at work or at home. The issue is resolved.
  • You can take your winter boots to a shoe repair shop to have a professional make a deeper tread on the sole. This procedure, in principle, is not complicated; you can do it yourself at home, but provided that you are an adult and know the safety rules. The master needs to heat a nail or a special similar device and make a deep pattern. Thus, the tread will prevent the slippery sole from putting you in a snowdrift.
  • The master can also help, to prevent shoes from slipping one more in a simple way. Small nails are nailed along the edge of the sole; inside they need to be bent or cut off so as not to injure the foot. They will allow us to hold out on the skating rink, which suits us in winter. Important! Keep in mind that whether you screw in the screws yourself or ask a professional to do it, they will still scratch the floor, especially wooden ones, so be careful with such a device. And one more thing: you can only put nails on thick soles, since thin soles can simply get damaged and crack.
  • In addition to nails, you can put iron heels on the soles, to prevent shoes from slipping. But if you are worried about unnecessary attention when you walk, because such devices make quite a lot of noise, then it is better to install polyurethane pads; if they are well made, they have a protector. They should also keep you from falling, and as a result, from being in a bad mood.

With the arrival of winter, falls on icy walkways become more frequent. It will help to prevent such an awkward situation, and in the worst case, injury, special shoes with a deep pattern on the surface. This type of sole is also called a tractor sole. The trouble is that not everyone is ready to wear shoes of this style. There is a way out, and everything you might need to solve this problem can be found at home.


The simplest thing you can do is to stick a regular adhesive plaster over the entire length of the sole. This protection from ice will be enough for several days. In addition, the adhesive plaster can be thrown into your purse and used when necessary.


If, from early morning, the panorama outside the window depicts pedestrians stealthily moving towards their place of work, and, as luck would have it, there was no adhesive plaster, an ordinary potato will help out. Everyone knows that its tubers contain starch, but not everyone is aware of its ability to resist slipping. It is enough to rub half a tuber on the soles of your boots and you can go out onto the icy street without fear. The disadvantage of this means of protection is its fragility, but it is quite enough to get to the nearest bus stop.


Those with metal heels can prevent dangerous falls on ice using regular felt. It is enough to cut out small pieces and glue them to the heels using “Moment” or “Dragon” glue. By the way, pieces of felt will be an excellent alternative to special rubber pads with a corrugated surface, which shoe shops offer to stick on the sole when cold weather arrives.


Felt can be replaced with sandpaper. It is better if it is fabric-based - this will allow it to perform its functions longer.

Plain paper

If you glue pieces of felt and sandpaper There is no time for the soles of boots, you can just walk over the soles of your shoes with paper several times and feel free to go outside. The problem is that this treatment will quickly lose its properties, so when you return home in the evening, you can try to equip your slippery boots with a homemade protector.

Sandy "tread"

To do this, the shoes need to be washed, dried, the soles degreased and treated with glue. Without waiting for it to dry, sprinkle the sole with river sand. In the morning, your boots will be ready to withstand the icy conditions. However, this type of protection also needs to be updated periodically - at least 2 times a month.

Nylon "spikes"

Some craftsmen go even further and offer a radical way to solve the problem. It is unlikely to suit owners of beautiful and expensive dress boots, but those who wear their shoes for the last season can easily take it into service. To do this, you need to set fire to an old nylon stocking and as soon as molten nylon drips from it, place your shoes under it with the soles facing up. The frozen tubercles will serve as spikes, preventing falls and injuries.

Constant temperature changes and heavy traffic on the streets lead to ice. It seems like it’s not a big deal, but if your shoes are slippery, a lot of problems and obstacles to normal movement arise. And something needs to be decided about this. Of course, you can buy a new women's and men's shoes. But this is a radical decision. What to do if your shoes are slippery - read on.

1. If slippery shoes- treat its sole with sandpaper or rough sandpaper. This procedure should be repeated periodically.

2. If shoes are slippery- stick on her sole pieces of sandpaper. You can stick it all over your foot. If they are a different color from the sole, paint over them with a marker of a suitable shade, so as not to attract the surprised glances of passers-by.

3. If shoes slip- Apply glue to its surface. Both the usual “Moment” and epoxy glue with hardener. True, you will have to tinker a little with the second option. Before applying glue to a slippery sole, it must be degreased. You can use acetone for this.

4. If shoes are slippery- stick on her sole fabric based patch. True, the product is not durable and not the most reliable, but it’s better than nothing. Don't forget to paint over the patch with a marker so it's less obvious when walking.

5. If slippery shoes- rub it raw potatoes(cleaned).

5. If shoes slip- apply it to it super glue and sprinkle sand or salt on top. True, when walking, you can begin to make unpleasant sounds, a kind of creaking. And unpleasant marks will remain in the premises, especially on the parquet, and not even in the form of fallen sand or salt.

6. If slippery shoes - melt an old nylon stocking and drip onto the sole. You will get some kind of spikes that will make the shoes less slippery without harming the sole.

7. If shoes are slippery - hiss her. However, this method is only suitable for outdoor boots. They will make a clattering sound indoors and can also damage the floor.

8. If shoes slip- put on top nylon sock or golf. Of course, the method is radical and not at all aesthetic, but it is effective. You can also make special cases. Suitable for people who care primarily about their safety and health.

9. If shoes are slippery- glue special ones on the sole vulcanized rubber stickers. Pre-clean the sole and degrease it.

10. If slippery shoes- buy special ones ice drifts or ice accesses. True, before entering the premises they will need to be removed, especially for options with spikes.

11. If shoes slip- purchase anti-slippers. These are rubber clamps that fit onto the sole and prevent it from slipping.

12. If slippery shoes- apply to her sole relief drawing heated metal rod. Of course, this option is not suitable for leather soles.

13. If shoes are slippery- do it sole prevention. But it must be special, so it is better to check with shoe workshops for what purpose it is needed. Conventional prevention slips no worse than the sole of the shoe itself.

14. If shoes slip- stick on the heel or heel piece of felt.

If shoes are slippery- something needs to be done urgently about this. Don't wait for the first fall. It's better to protect yourself in advance. We hope you find the above tips helpful.

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With the onset of winter, people begin to think about how to make their shoes resistant to ice. There is always a risk of falling unsuccessfully and breaking something, thereby ruining not only your mood, but also your long-awaited vacation. You shouldn’t walk on a knife’s edge and hope that everything will work out. The proven methods that we will discuss in this article will help your shoes stop slipping.

Let's look at them in order.

  • Method No. 1. Band-Aid. To get started, purchase a fabric-based adhesive plaster. Preferably in roll format. Before gluing, clean the sole from dirt, dry it and heat it. Apply adhesive plasters in a cross pattern. This method is the simplest and most accessible. The downside is that it is not durable. Validity period is maximum 3 days.
  • Method No. 2. Sandpaper. First of all, prepare the surface of the sole for gluing. Next, cut pieces of the desired size from sandpaper (preferably waterproof). Lubricate the sole with superglue and apply the workpiece. If you don’t have sandpaper, sprinkle the surface coated with glue with coarse sand. The effect is the same as from emery. The procedure must be done every week, because the glue will wear off over time.
  • Method No. 3. Anti-slip pads. Professional pads can be purchased in travel stores or contact a shoe repair shop. It's better to choose the latter option. The workers will do everything for you: they will cut the overlay to the size of the sole and glue it well. In addition, the lining is not visible when walking and it looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Method No. 4. Potato. If your shoes slip very much, before going outside, treat the sole with a starch solution or rub it with a cut potato. This will increase the chances of not falling on ice.
  • Method No. 5. Drawing. The method is relevant when the sole does not have protectors. In this case, apply the design yourself using a nail or knife. You can also heat a metal object and move it across the surface. The main thing is not to make holes in the sole, so try to apply the relief with extreme care.
  • Method No. 6. Screws. This method is the most durable. Use it if your shoes have thick enough soles (at least 2 centimeters). First of all, buy small screws and carefully screw them into the sole. The boots will no longer slip, but will click on the stone floor and may damage the hardwood floors.

Use these simple methods to keep yourself and your family safe during icy conditions. And don’t stop enjoying all the delights of winter!

With the onset of winter, the rate of injuries among pedestrians increases sharply, and this is not surprising. Slippery soles of boots and shoes do not contribute to stability on ice. As a result, people not only end up in unpleasant situations by falling on the street, but also risk getting fractures. However, if you do not want to part with your favorite boots, then you can always find a way to make their soles less slippery and, thereby, take care of your personal safety. Moreover, you don’t need to make any special efforts for this.

Today, many shoe stores sell so-called ice access devices - special devices that are attached to the sole of boots and prevent the sliding process due to their corrugated surface and metal spikes. Ice access bars are very convenient and practical to use; they are guaranteed to protect you from falling even in icy conditions. True, such devices are devoid of aesthetics, so not every woman agrees to decorate her shoes with massive metal overlays.

Folk remedies to prevent shoes from slipping

If for some reason you cannot use ice access, then you can protect yourself from falls using simple folk methods. One of them is to rub the soles of your boots with a piece of potato. The starch contained in the tubers has an excellent anti-slip effect. The only trouble is that after just 10-15 minutes of walking in the fresh air, this universal remedy is simply washed off the sole. However, to the store or the nearest stop public transport you can still get there without incident. A regular medical adhesive plaster, which should be glued crosswise to the sole of your boots, has a more lasting effect. In this case, the shoes will not slip even on ice, but such stickers, which very quickly become unusable, will have to be changed several times a week.

If your boots have already successfully survived several winter seasons, and you don't mind subjecting them to special treatment, then you can resort to “Moment” glue, which should be applied to the soles of your shoes. Then, without waiting for the product to dry completely, you need to sprinkle sand on top of it. After a day, you can safely put on your boots and go outside without fear of ice. Coarse sandpaper has a similar effect, pieces of which can also be glued to the soles of boots. True, it will still have to be changed from time to time.

If you often fall because the heels of your boots have metal heels, then The problem can be solved using small pieces of felt. They should be glued to the heels using Moment glue. In exactly the same way, it is easy to protect the soles themselves from slipping for a very long time. For those who want their shoes to look aesthetically pleasing, you can contact the workshop and ask that special rubber pads with a grooved surface be glued to the soles, which prevent slipping not only on ice, but also on various floor coverings, which can also pose a threat for life and health.

With the arrival of winter, falls on icy walkways become more frequent. A deep pattern on the surface will help prevent such an awkward situation, and in the worst case, injury. This type of sole is also called a tractor sole. The trouble is that not everyone is ready to wear shoes of this style. There is a way out, and everything you might need to solve this problem can be found at home.


The simplest thing you can do is to stick a regular adhesive plaster over the entire length of the sole. This protection from ice will be enough for several days. In addition, the adhesive plaster can be thrown into your purse and used when necessary.


If, from early morning, the panorama outside the window depicts pedestrians stealthily moving towards their place of work, and, as luck would have it, there was no adhesive plaster, an ordinary potato will help out. Everyone knows that its tubers contain starch, but not everyone is aware of its ability to resist slipping. It is enough to rub half a tuber on the soles of your boots and you can go out onto the icy street without fear. The disadvantage of this means of protection is its fragility, but it is quite enough to get to the nearest bus stop.


Those with metal heels can prevent dangerous falls on ice using regular felt. It is enough to cut out small pieces and glue them to the heels using “Moment” or “Dragon” glue. By the way, pieces of felt will be an excellent alternative to special rubber pads with a corrugated surface, which shoe shops offer to stick on the sole when cold weather arrives.


Felt can be replaced with sandpaper. It is better if it is fabric-based - this will allow it to perform its functions longer.

Plain paper

If you don’t have time to glue pieces of felt and sandpaper to the soles of your boots, you can simply walk the paper over the soles of your shoes several times and feel free to go outside. The problem is that this treatment will quickly lose its properties, so when you return home in the evening, you can try to equip your slippery boots with a homemade protector.

Sandy "tread"

To do this, the shoes need to be washed, dried, the soles degreased and treated with glue. Without waiting for it to dry, sprinkle the sole with river sand. In the morning, your boots will be ready to withstand the icy conditions. However, this type of protection also needs to be updated periodically - at least 2 times a month.

Nylon "spikes"

Some craftsmen go even further and offer a radical way to solve the problem. It is unlikely to suit owners of beautiful and expensive dress boots, but those who wear their shoes for the last season can easily take it into service. To do this, you need to set fire to an old nylon stocking and as soon as molten nylon drips from it, place your shoes under it with the soles facing up. The frozen tubercles will serve as spikes, preventing falls and injuries.

Best Home Remedies for Ice Protection - Which Shoes Don't Slip in Black Ice?

You won’t envy the doctors from the emergency rooms now – they have begun a busy time of bruises and fractures. And the reason for this is icy conditions, housing offices that did not have time to prepare for winter, and ill-chosen shoes.

Proper shoes for icy conditions, special linings for shoes to protect against icy conditions

The rules for choosing anti-slip shoes are quite simple:

  • We focus not on the trend and the height of stilettos, thanks to which our legs visually lengthen, but on protection from falls and reducing the risk of lying in a cast for a couple of months. It is better to choose the country of origin that is familiar with cold weather. – Russia, Scandinavian countries, Ukraine.
  • Let's study the sole. Requirements: tread - with a uniform deep pattern directed in different directions (for better traction on icy roads).
  • We put on shoes and try to feel the grip on the slippery floor of the store. Remember that the sole hardens in the cold, and low-quality shoes will be slippery and hard in the cold.
  • We pay attention to everyone’s favorite ugg boots only if they adapted to Russian winter and have improved soles (comfort, tread).
  • No smooth soles! Even if you don’t want to take off this “charm”, and the feeling in the boots is “like in slippers.” Of course, you will learn to balance in them (by the end of winter), but at first you will have a hard time.
  • Checking the softness of the sole. The softer it is, the higher the grip on frozen surfaces.

Video: How to walk properly in icy conditions?

Can't afford expensive quality shoes? We buy removable soles made of high-quality rubber equipped with steel spikes. Not particularly elegant, but the risk of falling will be minimized.

Another option - anti-ice linings in different versions (hoops, chains, etc., put on the soles).

Slippery shoes - what to do: the best home remedies for ice on the street

A properly prepared sole means a successful winter experience.

What “grandmother’s recipes” are used today to protect shoes from untimely slipping?

  • Felt. We cut off a couple of pieces from old felt boots, and then glue them (or nail them with small nails) to our sole. This protection against ice will last you for a week, maximum 10 days.
  • Glue Moment. Apply with a neat snake onto the soles, dry, and spread with a smaller zigzag. After a day, rub with coarse sandpaper until it becomes rough. This “antilde” will last for a week.
  • Glue several plates to the sole classic large patch . For a day or two you may feel more confident. As in this case, as in all others that involve gluing fabric “safeties” to the soles, you should remember: in rainy weather and snowfall, these devices turn your shoes practically into skates. Therefore, they are not suitable for “wet” weather.
  • We buy special sanding strips (available in any household/store) on a sticky base, glue it to the soles, and for 2-3 days forget about the tightrope walker’s pose.

Folk craftsmen also rub their soles raw potatoes, sprinkle sand on top of freshly applied glue, glue sponges for washing dishes, etc. But such products are short-lived and are not aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose high-quality shoes, taking into account all the nuances of “anti-slip.”

What can a shoe workshop offer to protect shoes in icy conditions outside?

  • We install soft polyurethane heels in the shoe workshop and we move around cheerfully and without fear all season long. To be sure, you can also stud the soles there.
  • We install metal heels(around the perimeter, with spikes, with nails, etc.). Clicking on them in the subway and other public places is not very decent, but on the street you can be calm.

How to properly walk in icy conditions outside?

As soon as ice appears on the roads, we begin to move through the streets, as if with crystal vases in our hands (from the sideboard with family treasures). And it is right! You shouldn’t count the remaining bullfinches and study yourself in shop windows - look at your feet(ice does not forgive roteness).

Therefore, we remember Rules for proper movement in icy conditions:

  • We change our gait. We don’t run after the bus, we don’t rush, we walk slowly, in small steps, stepping on the entire sole.
  • We don't keep our hands in our pockets. In the event of a sudden fall, this recklessness can cost not only a fracture, but also a traumatic brain injury. Busy hands? Distribute the weight evenly on your hands.
  • Don't forget about the right shoes.
  • We calculate dangerous sections of the route and change the route in advance (or go as carefully as possible).
  • We move along the roads with caution – we reduce the risk of flying directly under the car.
  • Learning to fall correctly. We do not fall on our hands to avoid fractures and sprains. If we lose balance, we try to group ourselves, bend our knees (in the direction of the fall) and press our hands to our body, and when we touch the ground, we roll to “dissipate” the force of the impact. We avoid falling on our back with any acrobatic tricks.
  • Hold your body while walking slightly leaned forward .
  • We don't kick back , if someone hurt your shoulder while being late for their business.
  • Don't ignore a visit to the doctor , if the fall did occur, and the blow was strong.

If you are not particularly careful, recommendations fly out of your memory immediately after reading, and you will never take off your stilettos, then carry them with you in your purse. a pair of cotton tights or stockings - They will be useful to you at the emergency room. A stocking stretched under a cast will protect you from itching, skin irritation and the feeling of tightness in your hair.

The problem of slippery shoes is familiar to many. With the onset of winter, ordinary walks become a difficult task, because it is quite difficult to stay on the icy surface. Falls often result in injuries. Such situations are extremely undesirable and it is better to prepare for ice in advance if your boots slip in winter. What to do in this situation? There are several options to solve the problem.

What to do if the sole of your winter shoes slips - proven methods

Shoes with a smooth or too hard sole surface are prone to slipping. In the first case, the cause of the problem is water that gets between the boots and the road surface. When using shoes with hard soles, rubber hardens at low temperatures.

Let's consider the most effective ways to make shoes less slippery:

1. Use of ice access. These are special pads with metal spikes. They are attached to the sole and prevent slipping thanks to the grooved surface. You can purchase such devices at shoe stores or even hardware stores. They are quite practical, but not very aesthetically attractive. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone.

Ice access will certainly prevent slipping, but can ruin appearance shoes

2. Potatoes will help reduce slipping. You will need a small piece to rub on your soles. The starch contained in the vegetable will make shoes more resistant. But this remedy cannot be called reliable. The anti-slip effect of starch lasts only 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off.

A very unreliable but accessible method

3. A medical plaster will also help make your shoes less slippery. It needs to be glued to the sole crosswise. But this method also does not have a long-lasting effect. The patch quickly becomes unusable and will have to be changed several times during the week. It can also come off while walking.

Another way is to stick a patch on the sole

4. If you have an old unnecessary felt boot, cut a piece of felt from the boot and attach it to the soles. This can be done using nails or glue. Do not attach the felt in one piece. Divide it into parts and glue one on the toe, the second fragment on the heel.
5. Sandpaper also has anti-slip properties. But in order for it to stick firmly to the soles, you need to choose a fabric-based material. For those who do not want to attach sandpaper to their boots, there is an alternative option for using it. You can simply rub your soles with this material. But this method will not give lasting results.
6. Enough effective method is the use of Moment glue. Apply it to the soles, then, without waiting for it to dry, sprinkle the boots with sand. You can't put them on right away. The glue should dry within 24 hours.
7. You can find rubber pads in stores that specialize in selling shoes. These are quite convenient and easy to use devices. They need to be put on before leaving the house and removed after finishing the walk. Using overlays is the best option if you are afraid of damaging the appearance of your shoes. You can also contact a workshop where they will put embossed polyurethane protection on the soles.

Special anti-slip shoe linings

8. For shoes with thick soles, a method that involves the use of screws is suitable. When choosing these elements, pay attention to their size. The length of the screws should slightly exceed the thickness of the sole. Screw them into the shoes and remove the protruding ends. In these boots you will feel confident on the icy surface. But they have some drawback. Shoes with screws make a loud sound when you walk. Also, you should not move in it on a surface that is easily damaged (wood, linoleum, tiles, etc.) in order to maintain the integrity of the coating.
9. Instead of screws, you can use staples. Stuff them onto the surface of the sole in a random order using a furniture stapler.

Important! Screws can damage boots, so judge this method wisely.

What methods are suitable for children?

This should be based on safety and practicality considerations. Products for children's shoes should retain their functionality during the child's active play. We can recommend relief protection, the use of pads, felt or sandpaper. Do not use band-aids or potatoes. Children are very mobile, and these options are not reliable. It is also not recommended to use screws.

It is better to choose shoes for children with textured soles; if they still slip, you can use overlays

  1. Give preference to shoes whose soles have a deep, uniform pattern. It is advisable that it be directed in different directions, this will provide better traction.
  2. Try on the boots and walk around the store. Make sure there is good grip on the floor.
  3. Check how soft the soles are. The higher this indicator, the more stable the boots.

Important! Avoid buying shoes with smooth soles.

It is not difficult to protect yourself from falling on an icy road. There are many ways to do this that you can use yourself at home. If you prefer professional methods, take your shoes to a repair center, where a specialist will make special protection.

In winter, falls on icy footpaths become more common. To prevent such an awkward situation, and in the worst case, injury, a special shoes with a deep pattern on the surface . This type of sole is also called a tractor sole. The trouble is that not everyone is ready to wear shoes of this style. What should owners of dress boots and grandmothers in felt boots do? There is a way out, and everything you might need to solve this problem can be found at home.

The simplest thing you can do is stick a regular adhesive plaster over the entire length of the sole. This protection from ice will be enough for several days. In addition, the adhesive plaster can be thrown into your purse and used when necessary. If, from early morning, the panorama outside the window depicts pedestrians stealthily moving towards their place of work, and, as luck would have it, there was no adhesive plaster, an ordinary potato will help out. Everyone knows that its tubers contain starch, but not everyone is aware of its ability to resist slipping. Enough rub the soles of boots with half a tuber and you can go out onto the icy street without fear. The disadvantage of this means of protection is its fragility, but it is quite enough to get to the nearest bus stop.

Those with metal heels can prevent dangerous falls on ice using regular felt. It is enough to cut out small pieces and glue them to the heels using “Moment” or “Dragon” glue. By the way, pieces of felt will be an excellent alternative to special rubber pads with a corrugated surface , which shoe shops offer to stick on the sole with the arrival of cold weather.

Felt can replace sandpaper . It is better if it is fabric-based - this will allow it to perform its functions longer. If you don’t have time to glue pieces of felt and sandpaper to the soles of your boots, you can simply walk the paper over the soles of your shoes several times and feel free to go outside. The problem is that this treatment will quickly lose its properties, so when you return home in the evening, you can try to equip your slippery boots with a homemade protector.

To do this, the shoes need to be washed, dried, the soles degreased and treated with glue. Without waiting for it to dry, Sprinkle the sole with river sand. In the morning, your boots will be ready to withstand the icy conditions. However, this type of protection also needs to be updated periodically - at least 2 times a month. Some craftsmen go even further and offer a radical way to solve the problem. It is unlikely to suit owners of beautiful and expensive dress boots, but those who wear their shoes for the last season can easily take it into service. To do this you need to set fire old nylon stocking and as soon as the molten nylon drips from it, place your shoes under it with the soles facing up. The frozen tubercles will serve as spikes, preventing falls and injuries.