The modern cosmetics industry pays great attention to the production of products for the care of sensitive skin. This is what is in greatest demand among today's consumers. In the language of dermatologists and cosmetologists, this is the name for skin that is prone to various allergic reactions and susceptible to inflammatory processes. It is characterized by redness from any irritant, itching, rashes from contact with low-quality cosmetics or jewelry.

For effective care and treatment of a person, it is necessary to establish the factors that cause unpleasant symptoms. These include:

  • uncomfortable weather conditions (gusty winds, scorching sun, severe frost, sudden temperature changes, etc.);
  • ultraviolet action;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • cosmetics;
  • salon procedures for skin cleansing and wrinkle removal (for example, chemical peeling);
  • poor nutrition;
  • health problems from the vegetative-vascular system.

Under the influence of harmful factors, processes occur in the skin that lead to the development of allergenic and inflammatory reactions, which are immediately reflected on the face.

The skin may be this way from birth or acquire this property for some (long or short) time. The first option is most common in people with blond or red hair. It is affected by any negative natural phenomena. Caring for problem skin involves the use of special protective care products. A competent consultation with a cosmetologist is advisable.

In the second case, the skin becomes sensitive due to the harmful effects of the above factors. Low-quality cosmetics can destroy the upper protective layer, and infectious diseases can reduce the production of a special pigment.

How to recognize excessive sensitivity?

The main symptom is an immediate response to the irritant in the form of pinpoint rashes, red spots, peeling or unbearable itching. More than half of women and about a third of men worldwide have it. Main features:

  • a feeling of tightness and discomfort after water treatments and applying a cream or scrub;
  • the appearance of red spots for no particular reason and their subsequent disappearance without a trace;
  • periodically occurring irritations to external factors;
  • difficulties in choosing suitable cosmetics;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • intolerance to direct sunlight;
  • the reaction usually appears on the forehead, nose, chin and around the eyes.

Skin sensitivity can be easily determined at home. To do this, run a non-sharp object along the outside of your cheek; if the red stripe does not go away for a long time, more than 2 minutes, then the test is positive. In severe cases, blisters may appear (at a serious stage, it is better not to use scrubs with a peeling effect).

Features of proper care

If you have delicate skin, then you probably know that it requires constant and careful care. Once you relax a little, your face becomes covered with ugly red spots, and then other signs of hypersensitivity appear. By following these simple rules, you can fully enjoy the beauty and forget about small troubles:

1. Use only proven cosmetics from well-known brands with an impeccable reputation from the series “for sensitive skin.” Try to settle on a cream from one brand you like and use only that one. First, apply a small amount to the elbow area. Always check your body's reaction to new products.

2. Do not use tap water to wash your face; it is very drying and causes unpleasant peeling of the skin. A decoction of medicinal herbs is best suited for this purpose.

3. Soap and all kinds of scrubs also have a tightening effect, so you shouldn’t use them.

4. For sensitive, irritated skin in the cold season, you definitely need a good moisturizer, and in hot weather - reliable protection from ultraviolet rays.

5. Try to eat right and avoid eating foods that cause skin reactions.

6. Give up bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes).

7. Avoid places with sudden temperature changes (for example, baths).

8. Get a hormonal examination from a gynecologist. If there are any violations, the doctor will prescribe you a course of treatment with drugs that can change the situation with your skin.

9. Special after-shave care cosmetics have been developed for men to eliminate the problems of delicate skin.

10. Treat salon procedures with caution, use only the most gentle ones.

Skin can be both dry and oily. Each of them has its own signs and characteristics and requires individual care:

  • Fat.

Owners of this skin type suffer from excessive redness and all kinds of inflammatory processes. In the struggle for facial beauty, they abuse cleansing products, which only worsen the situation. As a result of their use, the sebaceous glands begin to work even harder to avoid dehydration of the epidermis. To improve the condition, use moisturizing creams with a nourishing effect. The content of unsaturated acids in them should not exceed 10-12%.

  • Dry.

The skin type is characterized by the premature appearance of facial wrinkles and a pronounced vascular network pattern on the face. To correct the picture, you need to be able to choose the right care cosmetics. A cream for dry and sensitive skin should have a high moisturizing effect and contain more than 12% unsaturated fatty acids.

Professional treatment

In advanced cases, cosmetics are powerless and you need to contact a specialist for salon procedures. He will create an individual program for you and recommend additional care products that will help overcome the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment for women with sensitive, dehydrated skin usually begins with a couple of treatments, and then, based on the reaction to them, they decide whether to continue. Carefully try nourishing masks, and later add peeling (those with oily skin should not get carried away with it). The entire session is aimed at hydration and nutrition with beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Folk remedies

  • Potato.

It has a unique healing effect, reduces redness and blocks inflammatory processes. A puree is prepared from boiled vegetables and warm milk and applied to the face, kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with boiled water. To improve the result, you can add olive oil to the mixture.

  • Cucumber.

The fortified mask carefully cares for the skin, deeply moisturizes and nourishes it, and also visibly refreshes the complexion. To prepare it you will need a fresh cucumber. Place the grated pulp on the skin and wait 10 minutes; after the procedure, rinse your face with water. It is also effective to place vegetable slices on your eyelids.

  • Cereals.

The product is famous for its cleansing effect on the skin. The result from the mask is similar to the effect of peeling in a salon or from a good cosmetic scrub. Pour the flakes completely with warm boiled water and allow them to swell. Remove excess liquid and apply to face. After 15 minutes, rinse and use moisturizer.

Care for thin, sensitive skin should be comprehensive: modern cosmetics, delicate salon procedures and daily care for the little things. It includes the following items:

  • wear clothes only made of soft natural fabrics to eliminate unnecessary possibility of skin irritation;
  • in hot weather, take a shower several times a day; excessive sweat can be an additional cause of redness and rashes;
  • use moisturizer at least in the morning and evening;
  • abandon hard washcloths in favor of soft sponges;
  • Wash your face several times a day with water and herbal infusions (chamomile, string);
  • purchase an air humidifier for your apartment;
  • stay near radiators and heating devices as little as possible.

Properly caring for delicate facial skin, knowing the reasons for its excessive sensitivity, is not at all difficult. Give yourself just a few minutes a day and you will forget about such troubles as red spots, itching and peeling.

Cosmetologists treat sensitive facial skin with particular caution and great trepidation. This is due to the peculiarities of caring for this type, which requires a gentle set of cosmetic procedures. Those with sensitive skin have to take into account its unpredictability, because you never know how it will react to one or another component included in the care products. Skin sensitivity develops with age, so it is important to know the signs and be able to correctly identify it.

Skin that is susceptible to irritation due to external and internal factors is called sensitive skin. But sensitive skin type is not distinguished separately. Because it can be oily, dry and normal. Dry skin suffers from a lack of sufficient oil and moisture. In oily skin, an excess of bacteria reduces its resistance. So anyone, regardless of skin type, can suffer from skin sensitivity.

Skin sensitivity is manifested by irritation, rashes, peeling, and redness. In some cases, burning, tingling and even pain may occur. All this causes terrible discomfort and sometimes requires consultation with a specialist.

The following signs will help determine the special sensitivity of the skin on the face:

  • Regular rashes associated with allergic reactions.
  • Marbled complexion, which causes burns in intense sun.
  • Low and high air temperatures cause dryness, burning and flaking, even painful sensations.
  • Washing with plain water leads to a feeling of tightness on the skin.

Scientists have proven that sensitive skin most often affects blue-eyed and gray-eyed representatives of the fair sex, as well as those with blond hair. According to surveys, more than half of the residents of the European part of the country suffer from this scourge.

Causes of sensitivity

The phrase “A healthy body means healthy skin” has been said more than once. Hence the conclusion is that if the skin is sensitive, then it reacts much faster to changes in the body. These annoying changes include:

  • Hormonal imbalances occurring in the body. Pregnancy, menopause and other reasons that affect hormones are reflected on the skin.
  • Stressful situations. When the nervous system is tense and on the verge of exhaustion, the body sounds the alarm, spilling negativity onto the skin.
  • Age-related changes. As you age, your skin becomes more sensitive. Becoming drier and thinner from year to year, it loses its protective properties and becomes sensitive.
  • Lack of healthy eating. We are what we eat, remember? So, proper and balanced nutrition is the key to healthy skin.

In addition to internal causes of skin sensitivity, there are a number of external ones. These include:

  • Incorrect selection of cosmetics is the main cause of external irritation.
  • Constantly changing weather conditions have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and act as aggressive irritants.
  • Negative work environment. Lack of fresh air, running air conditioning, minimal humidity - all this negatively affects the skin.
  • Excessive cleansing in the form of peelings is very harmful to the skin with increased sensitivity. Such procedures should be approached with extreme caution.

Type species

A tendency to various inflammatory processes is the main sign of sensitive skin. The barrier functions of the epidermis are disrupted and its permeability increases. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics to care for her, you should be extremely careful. Sensitive skin is divided into oily, dry and combination.

Symptoms of dry sensitive skin include:

  • feeling of tightness after washing;
  • constant redness and itching;
  • severe peeling;
  • inflammatory processes when using cosmetics.

For oily sensitive skin The following signs are typical:

  • greasy shine;
  • acne;
  • black dots;
  • uneven facial relief;
  • unhealthy complexion with red spots.

Combination skin includes signs of both dry and oily skin. The only difference is that the skin on the face is divided into zones. That is, the T-shaped zone, which includes the forehead, nose and chin, is covered with oily, sensitive epidermis. And the remaining areas are dry skin.

Care for dry sensitive skin

Such skin reacts sharply to any irritating factors. To reduce risks, you must follow a number of rules for caring for sensitive skin. The entire range of ways to preserve the beauty and health of the epidermis on the face is divided into four main groups:

  • cleansing;
  • applying tonic;
  • hydration;
  • protection;
  • nutrition.

The means for this must be selected ideally. Therefore, the right decision in this situation would be to contact a professional cosmetologist. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur.

Milk is an ideal cleanser. It will gently remove all excess, leaving a protective layer on the skin. For dry, sensitive skin, choosing the right cleanser is essential. I wrote how to do this in this article. After washing your face in the morning or evening, you should use a mild, alcohol-free toner. It neutralizes the negative effects of hard tap water on facial skin.

Despite the sensitivity, this type of skin needs exfoliation of the stratum corneum. You should consult a specialist about choosing this product. The use of products containing abrasives and exfoliants will be inappropriate. The choice should be made on soft peeling creams. They carefully remove dead particles of the epidermis, and special oils in the composition provide gentle care.

To moisturize dry sensitive skin, constant use of moisturizing creams is required. In winter, such products are applied an hour before going outside. Otherwise, there is a risk of chapping and frostbite of the skin. During the day, while indoors, you can spray your face with mineral water.

Excellent results are obtained when using moisturizing masks. The skin is additionally saturated with moisture and its tone is restored. A mask made of honey and oatmeal will be an excellent solution for those who have no time to run to beauty salons. You can do it yourself. Ready-made moisturizing masks will also be a good way to maintain water balance in cells.

Dry sensitive skin, like no other, needs good nutrition. You should especially pay attention to this in winter. Nutrients in creams smooth out problematic epidermis and saturate it with vitamins and minerals. Wheat germ or almond oil will be an ideal nourishment for this type of skin.

This skin needs serious protection from ultraviolet rays. For this, creams with an SPF of at least 20 are used.

Care for oily sensitive skin

When caring for oily sensitive skin, you should use gels and foam cleansers aimed at degreasing the epidermis. But this should not be done too often. Otherwise, there is a chance of overdoing it and getting an inflammatory process.

Oily skin can fight back against harsh gels and foam cleansers in the form of more sebum secretion. The same applies to other funds.

The stages of caring for this type of skin during the day are as follows:

  • washing;
  • applying a moisturizing tonic and fluid that has a sebum regulator;
  • hydration;
  • applying night cream.

During the day, mattifying wipes should be used to remove excess oil from the surface of the skin.

Twice a week you should use acid-based peeling products with fine abrasive particles to remove dead skin particles from the epidermis. After using them, the skin surface becomes clean and smooth.

You can use home remedies to combat enlarged pores. Masks made of blue or gray clay will be excellent helpers in this direction. They help tighten pores, mattify and cleanse the skin. Prepare them yourself or purchase them from pharmacies and cosmetic stores. You should also use professional care products.

Decorative cosmetics in this case have a number of features. All products should be light and not clog pores. Such cosmetics should not contain oil.

Care for combination sensitive skin

Having combination sensitive skin, you need to care for different areas of your face differently. The T-zone requires care as for oily sensitive skin, and the rest of the face as for dry or normal sensitive skin. Therefore, cosmetic products need to be selected accordingly. Cream for oily skin is applied to the T-zone of the face, and cream for dry skin is applied to other areas. How to properly care for each area of ​​the face, read above, where I talked about dry and oily sensitive skin.

In addition, exceptional hygiene is required. Cleansers should be gentle and soft. Don't try to make the leather squeak. Nothing good will come of this. Part of the skin will completely dry out, and the other part will become even oilier and become inflamed.

An excellent natural helper in this matter will be an infusion of sage, thyme, and eucalyptus herbs. Their pH level gently cleanses and helps balance the skin's hydrolipid balance.

For this skin type it is necessary:

  • Minimize exposure to open sun.
  • Avoid anything that contains alcohol additives. They provoke the development of an imbalance in the epidermis and irritate it.

For combination skin, hypoallergenic products are ideal. They were developed for sensitive skin and will not harm this type of epidermis.

Salon treatments

Professional cosmetic treatments for sensitive skin are the best option for it. Here it is important to consult with a specialist and correctly select the appropriate procedures.

The most popular and effective are the following:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended for those with dry skin.
  • Injection cosmetology using hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and also activate collagen production.
  • Phototherapy. Using a device with a laser beam, rosacea stars are removed, and the complexion is evened out and improved.
  • Salon peelings and face masks.

By following all the rules for caring for sensitive skin, taking into account your type, you can avoid numerous problems and make your skin beautiful and radiant.

In the field of cosmetology, there are several main types of skin: dry, combined, oily, normal and sensitive skin. Sensitive is the most problematic of all. Many people think that problem skin is either oily or dry. In fact, sensitive skin brings representatives The fair sex has a lot more problems than everyone else.

Signs of sensitive skin

This type of skin can be irritated by anything: unfavorable habitat, incorrect cosmetics, unsuitable water and an abundance of other factors. Also, this type of skin can be inherited from birth, but this is a very rare case. Most often, such problems arise as you get older.

Incorrect use, constant change of cosmetic products, skin diseases - all this adversely affects the epidermis. The top layer is destroyed, peeling appears, a lack of sebaceous glands appears, the skin becomes much thinner, wrinkles and other various imperfections immediately become more noticeable.

There are several of the most basic signs of this type of skin:

  • constant irritation and rashes on the skin;
  • peeling, dryness;
  • feeling of tight skin;
  • itching, tingling;
  • burning sensation, allergic reactions to fragrances, cosmetics;
  • various spots.

Sensitive skin reacts quite quickly to natural factors: sun, frost, various temperature conditions, wind. Due to this reaction, sensitive skin is subject to aging much more than others (especially around the eyes and lips). There are several types of sensitive skin: dehydrated (tightness and discomfort), very dry and dry (with dryness even the smallest details are very pronounced), oily or mixed (shiny skin surface, acne, peeling), very sensitive to external factors (any change environment is reflected on such skin).

To find out and understand the causes of such problems, it is imperative consult with a specialist. Having found out the reasons, you can change something, choose the right means, every day. Typically, sensitive skin predominates in girls and women with red, blond hair, thin skin and light eyes. Often sensitivity skin is confused with dermatological diseases and allergies. However, if the problems arose suddenly, then 99 percent out of 100, these are the first signs of sensitive skin.

Factors for the manifestation of this type of skin:

  1. Mental breakdowns, nervous injuries, use of medications, serious illnesses.
  2. Pathology of internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatological, infectious, allergic and endocrine diseases, decreased immunity.
  3. Poor quality cosmetic products, improper skin care.

Sensitive care skin

Caring for sensitive skin should be kept to a minimum. With this type of skin, you cannot use alcohol lotions and tonics. Even a scrub with the smallest exfoliating particles can cause enormous harm to such skin. It is necessary to select care products very carefully, based on reviews, brand, and composition of the product.

You can use care products that you make yourself at home. But even in this case, you must remember that not every ingredient may be right for you. Bad water from the tap, washing with soap, various procedures in beauty salons, creams with fragrances - all this can cause irritation.

It is best to start your day by washing your face with lukewarm water without additional products (soap, foam). If tap water causes irritation or discomfort, then it is better to replace it with boiled, melted or still drinking water. You can also use lightly brewed green or spring water. In this case, even the slightest changes in the epidermis should be noticed.

For sensitive skin, it is best to choose creams (nourishing or moisturizing) labeled “hypoallergenic”. It’s also always worth looking at the ingredients of creams: oils, hyaluronic acid (that’s it, not salt), allantoin. For sensitive skin, products from the pharmacy, for example, for treatment, are perfect. Such drugs are very mild and do not cause allergic reactions.

You can carry thermal water with you in your purse. You can use it anywhere, at any time. It soothes the skin during inflammation and irritation.
As for decorative cosmetics, it is best to get rid of them. But not everyone can afford it. There are some useful tips here:

  1. Instead of foundation, it is better to use compact or loose powder.
  2. You should not buy waterproof mascara for eyelashes; you usually have to buy a special remover for it, and it contains a lot of harmful substances.
  3. To avoid irritation around the eyes, it is best to use a black pencil and mascara of the same color (black is less allergenic).
  4. It is better to avoid liquid eyeliners and buy light shades of eye shadow.
  5. For removal, it would be best to use milk for sensitive skin type.
  6. You shouldn’t get carried away with face masks, and you should give up any peeling once and for all.

Washing sensitive skin

Not everyone owners For sensitive skin, flowing from a tap is suitable. It should be remembered that it is best to wash with warm water without soap or gel. You can use soft products specifically for this skin type; apply it with light massage movements. Don't dry yourself too hard with a towel; just lightly blot away excess moisture.

For washing, you can use water purified from chlorine, mineral water, herbal decoctions of chamomile and nettle. After washing, do not forget about applying nourishing cream. It is best to remove makeup from the face with a special milk, and use lotion or toner without alcohol. You can also prepare the lotion yourself from lemon juice and glycerin with the addition of clean water.

If washing with water, herbal infusions and mineral water is not suitable for you, then you can wash your face with a tablespoon of milk with the addition of a small spoon of butter and honey. Or use cream, sour cream.

Cosmetics for sensitive skin

As mentioned above, the selection of cosmetics should be approached quite consciously. The labels “hypoallergenic” and “sensitive skin” must appear on any packaging. If irritation or inflammation occurs due to some ingredient, then it is necessary to study the composition and not purchase products with alcohol, essential oils, or dyes.

Several of the best cosmetics according to consumer reviews:

  • to clean sensitive skin, you can use Calendula and Arctic Berry Ultracalm Cleansing Milk – Sensitive skin from REN and soft Precision gommage CHANEL;
  • crème pour from AVENE and biosensitive from BIOTERM can moisturize the skin;
  • masque de cotton from CARITA and F 10 Enzymatic Smooth radiance Facial Mask from REN;
  • cream that relieves inflammation and soothes irritated skin Redness solution from CLINIQUE.

Oil for sensitive skin

As everyone knows very well, the benefits for the epidermis are simply colossal. However, not all of them may be suitable for sensitive skin, but many can still be used. Some will relieve itching and flaking, others will moisturize and nourish, others will relieve irritation. They can be used in pure form or mixed into cosmetics.

To begin with, it is better to use base oils, and after addiction skin, Can little by little add exactly For sensitive skin (lavender, chamomile, pink).

For dry skin, susceptible strong peeling Can use oil coconut. It Wonderful softens, nourishes, moisturizes cutaneous cover. Rising elasticity And elasticity, disappear noticeable wrinkles. His Can apply before And after tanning, A Also V winter period from weathering skin. Coconut oil calms down, disinfects cutaneous cover. His Can apply V clean form (slightly melting V palms a piece oils), or add V cream For faces. Also Can at first apply oil, A on top him lotion, cream or milk.

Wonderful fits For sensitive skin oil cedar. Thanks to useful substances, oil Wonderful nourishes skin, Not calling allergies And irritation. Eliminates from peeling, dryness, wrinkles, skin diseases (recommended dermatologists).

Oil Also Fine fits For especially sensitive skin. Nutritionally at fading, aging, dry, dehydrated skin. Use Can V clean form, driving piece oils By cutaneous cover faces better Total on night, or before exit on street (perfect For weather). His Can to mix With oil sesame, or peach.

Oil apricot seedsV him Very a lot of useful vitamins. It Wonderful moisturizes, nourishes, exfoliates And rejuvenates cutaneous cover. Also removes various inflammation And irritation.

IN list necessary And nutritious oils For sensitive type skin Can turn on: almond, rice, olive, oil jojoba, avocado, boragoAll these kinds oils contain V to myself useful And important microelements And vitamins, those more they Not cause allergic reactions, What important V care behind sensitive skin.

Cream For sensitive skin faces

How And all products For care, cream need to choose hypoallergenic, depending on That, from what made product. IN list ingredients must be the most minimum quantity harmful And maximum necessary And useful components. Better Total choose nutritious, or moisturizing cream, preferably With availability sun protection filter.

Before purchase better study

Can you count the right cosmetic products on your fingers? Does the slightest touch to the skin surface cause discomfort? Is your skin peeling, rashes bothering you, and do you often feel burning and itching? Perhaps you have sensitive skin type. Don’t be upset; by choosing the right care for sensitive skin, many unpleasant phenomena can be avoided. But first, about the basics...

How to recognize the problem?

Any skin type can be sensitive. The special susceptibility of the skin surface to irritants often accompanies a person throughout his life, but sometimes manifests itself only at certain periods of time. Signs of pathology:

  • Excessively whitish tint of the skin (due to a thin layer of skin and a lack of pigment).
  • Tightening sensation after performing hygiene procedures.
  • Irritations that occur “out of the blue” (rashes, redness, blisters, etc.).
  • Tendency to form pigment spots.
  • Burning, swelling, tingling, redness and itching are felt after almost every touch of the skin.
  • Severe peeling.
  • Susceptibility to ultraviolet rays (causes burns).

The situation is typical for people with blond or red hair and light eyes. The reaction can be observed on a specific area of ​​the body (hands, face, scalp, etc.) or on the entire surface of the skin at once. If signs of sensitive facial skin are only partially present, a simple test will help you determine more accurately.


Draw a stripe on the cheek or inner surface of the forearm with a non-sharp object (a ballpoint pen cap will do). The action provoked the appearance of a reddish line on the skin; note the period of time required to restore normal color. An interval of more than 2 minutes indicates increased sensitivity.

Factors provoking changes in the dermis

Very sensitive skin can react to any external or internal influences:

  • Climate changes (sharp gust of wind, frost, sun rays, dry or high humidity, heat, etc.).
  • Medicines (for oral and external use).
  • Cosmetics and salon procedures (peelings, exposure to radio frequency or laser radiation, ultrasound).
  • Changes in hormonal levels (changes in the phases of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, pathologies of the endocrine system).
  • Clothing material.
  • Synthetic detergents (powder, rinse aid, bleach).
  • Respiratory infections, a period of weakening of the body's immune forces.

The causes of skin reactions may vary; to normalize the situation, it is advisable to know what irritant sensitive skin reacts to and eliminate its effect completely.

How to distinguish a sensitivity reaction from an allergy

Allergies and skin sensitivity are often present in a complex, but it is necessary to distinguish them, this affects approaches to care and treatment procedures.

  1. Allergies are detected by a specialized venous blood test (immunogram).
  2. In the history of a patient with allergies, there are often other manifestations of the reaction: Quincke's edema, intolerance to foods, medications, contact dermatitis, and the like.
  3. An allergic reaction develops several hours after exposure (using cosmetics, eating food), sensitive skin reacts instantly or after 10-30 minutes maximum.

Nuances of care

For sensitive skin, the water temperature for hygiene procedures should be within 34-35 degrees. After washing, it is advisable to spray yourself with a cool stream of water (not icy and not too cold!). Excessive enthusiasm for cleansing procedures leads to complete washing away of the skin's lipid barrier (sebum), which leads to an even greater severity of the problem. After each hygiene procedure, you should immediately apply a special soothing and moisturizing product.

You should stick to a balanced diet and exclude the following foods:

  • Coffee, caffeinated drinks.
  • Carbonated sweetened drinks and sparkling mineral water.
  • Non-traditional spices.
  • Alcohol.
  • Highly allergenic foods (honey, cocoa, bright berries and fruits, citrus fruits, eggs, etc.).

It is imperative that you make an appointment with an endocrinologist or a female gynecologist-endocrinologist. The doctor will assess the body's hormonal balance and help restore it if necessary. In addition to hormonal medications, vascular strengtheners may be prescribed. Smoking is contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.


How to care for sensitive skin? There are a number of rules known to help avoid hypersensitivity reactions and reduce discomfort.

  1. Cosmetics for sensitive skin should have special markings and correspond to your skin type; it is better to choose products labeled “hypoallergenic”.
  2. Lotions responsible for cleansing the skin are chosen without alcohol.
  3. Soap is not used in care.
  4. You should wash your face with melt water or regular mineral water; tap water contains too much chlorine.
  5. If you need to remove makeup, it is advisable to do it with regular vegetable oils: sunflower, olive or almond.
  6. The exfoliation procedure is carried out without acid peels, large abrasive particles, and the products should not contain retinoids or glycolic acid.
  7. Aromatic additives (fragrances) provoke a violent skin reaction; preparations containing large amounts of them should be avoided.
  8. Before using any product, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test (apply a small amount to the skin, evaluate the result after a day).
  9. Every day, be sure to protect the skin surface from ultraviolet radiation, choose creams, lotions, milk, etc. with a maximum SPF filter. Preference is given to cosmetics with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide - they create a physical barrier to ultraviolet radiation.
  10. Apply cosmetics in small portions strictly along the massage lines of the face, the movements should be patting (the pads of the ring fingers have the least impact on the surface).
  11. When going to a steam room, bathhouse or sauna, you must cover your face with a thick towel.
  12. You should sharply reduce the time spent in heat, cold, and direct sunlight.
  13. A sensitivity reaction can begin not only to products applied directly to the skin, but also to vapors floating in the air. Therefore, aromatherapy is on the stop list.
  14. Solariums are prohibited.

Dry and sensitive facial skin needs a constant supply of essential substances. Night care products should be nourishing, and day care products should be moisturizing (preferably from the same cosmetic series). Oily, sensitive facial skin also causes a lot of trouble. Care should be dominated by products with a light texture (gel creams or gels) with a moisturizing effect. This applies to both day and night products. Combination skin requires careful selection of products:

  • in the case of a combination of dry and normal, care is carried out as for dry;
  • in the case of a combination of oily and normal, the products should be for oily skin types;
  • if there is a combination of oily and dry skin (this is quite rare), it is better to treat different areas with different means: on areas of increased oiliness - with light moisturizing cosmetics, on dry areas - with fatty nourishing products.


Sensitive skin of the body does not tolerate soap, alcohol-containing cosmetics, rough cleansing and similar procedures. Preference should be given to shower gels with a neutral acidity level and soft sponges. Intense rubbing can have a mechanical effect on the skin, so those with sensitive skin should lightly pat the body dry with a soft towel.

Ordinary water can also cause great harm (the chlorine it contains has a detrimental effect on the epidermis). There is only one way out - immediately after water procedures, lubricate the surface of the body with specialized oils or moisturizing creams. Baby oils for babies cope well with this task; their composition contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients and perfectly restores the lipid barrier. To avoid leaving greasy marks on your items of clothing, you should wait until they are completely absorbed before putting them on.


What to do for sensitive scalp? Choose the right shampoos. Ideally, you should find a hair cleanser that contains soap tree root as a surfactant instead of sodium lauryl sulfate and its derivatives. In practice, it is rare to find such shampoos on the shelves. If the treasured jar is found, it is usually not cheap. There is a little trick, look into the children's cosmetics department and buy shampoo for babies. Almost every label contains a mention that the product is used in infants and adults with sensitive scalp. The surface of the head responds better to the children's line of shampoos, but you should expect difficulties with combing long curls (a children's conditioner for easy combing in the form of a spray will help out in this situation).

Before washing your hair, it is good to apply vegetable oils to the root area and roots. You need to keep this mask under an insulating cap for at least an hour or even more (some sources recommend leaving the oil on all night). Oils that are suitable for masks:

  • almond;
  • grape seeds;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • epey;
  • evening primrose;
  • borage;
  • olive

In extreme cases, regular sunflower oil will do. The ingredients can be mixed, but only one ingredient should be added each time (to avoid an allergic reaction). Oil extracts of plants enrich the skin with fatty acids, restore the lipid barrier, help soothe the scalp and prevent dandruff.

Nutrition for sensitive skin

A specialized diet can significantly affect the quality of the skin.

  1. Include vegetable oils in your diet. They should be added to salads and consumed in unheated form.
  2. Use all possible vitamins in vegetables and fruits; to do this, consume at least half a kilogram of fresh natural gifts every day.
  3. Fiber cleanses the body of toxins; it acts like a brush from the inside. It is rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Lean meat is a supplier of valuable vitamins and microelements.
  5. Fish is a storehouse of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

If you feel that your diet is far from ideal, take a course of complex vitamin and mineral food supplements.

Professional cosmetic treatments

Some salon procedures can affect the condition of sensitive skin and slightly adapt it to the external influence of aggressive factors.

Strengthens the wall of blood vessels, enhances tissue nutrition, and helps increase the strength of the skin.

And they are carried out with the aim of saturating the subcutaneous tissue with moisture and essential vitamins and minerals. and are delivered subcutaneously through small injections. They saturate the skin from the inside with all the necessary substances, making them more resistant to external influences.

All types of peelings and effects on the skin using massage are strictly contraindicated for sensitive skin.

Often women notice signs of sensitive facial skin - discomfort and pain. To prevent serious complications, proper care is required. The rating of funds will help you make your choice.

Sensitive facial skin occurs not only among women, but also among men. Skin sensitivity manifests itself individually for each person, but is most often associated with thinning of the epidermis and an allergic reaction to external or internal irritants.

Caring for sensitive skin needs to be taken seriously.

This skin type can be recognized by the following characteristic features:

  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • discomfort;
  • pain and burning when touched;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • peeling;
  • swelling;
  • rapid onset of sunburn.

Types of sensitive facial skin

Sensitive facial skin is not a separate type. Both girls with skin prone to oily sheen during the day and those whose skin needs constant hydration can have its characteristic features.

Facial skin types.

Therefore, the following types of sensitive facial skin are distinguished:

  • Dry sensitive skin - characterized by peeling and a feeling of tightness, redness and itching, the presence of rosacea (small vessels most often in the nose area), a tendency to rapid fading with the formation of a fine network of wrinkles.
  • Fat sensitive skin - characterized by the presence of red spots on the face and clogged pores, leading to the formation of bumps of various sizes (closed comedones or millet).
  • Combined sensitive skin - contains signs characteristic of the first two types. Rashes often appear on sebaceous areas of the skin (forehead, nose, chin), accompanied by itching and pain; peeling and redness occur in dry areas (temples and cheeks). Couperosis occurs less frequently, but with constant use of products with a high alcohol content, it can affect the wings of the nose.

Dry skin on the face

Sensitivity that manifests itself on dry facial skin requires taking into account the following care features:

  • Washing- an important step that should not be skipped either in the morning or in the evening. Caring for this type of skin is complicated by the fact that it does not tolerate ordinary running water, the use of which is fraught with the formation of peeling and microcracks, especially in the cold season. Preference should be given to special cosmetics - micellar water and hydrophilic oils, specially designed for such cases.

The washing scheme looks like this:

  1. First, you need to apply a small amount of oil on your palms and spread over the skin of your face and neck;
  2. Next, cleanse the skin with gentle massaging movements;
  3. Afterwards, pour micellar water into your palms and wash as usual at least 3 times;
  4. Dry your face with a paper or clean regular towel.

The use of such cosmetic products requires significant material costs, so to save money they can be replaced with regular corn or sunflower oil (preferably refined) and filtered or soft mineral water.

  • Toning- a necessary ritual in the care of dry sensitive skin, which prevents instant loss of moisture and fading, normalizes the acid-base balance. When carrying out this procedure, which is carried out immediately after washing, it is better to abandon cotton pads and similar devices. Even minimal friction causes damage to thin skin. Therefore, the product should be applied directly to the face or first to the palms, carefully distributing it with your hands.
  • Hydration- the final stage of care. Its purpose is not only to maintain the required level of moisture, but also to strengthen the protective barrier. Cream, gel, emulsion or oil for moisturizing this type of skin does not contain essential oils or strong fragrances. Apply the product in small quantities with light stroking movements. Preference should be given to creams with a high spf filter at any time of the year.

Following these 3 steps can minimize the risk of sensitivity on dry skin.

Oily facial skin

A three-step facial care system is also mandatory for oily, sensitive skin, taking into account individual characteristics:

  • Washing- necessary at least 2 times a day. A couple of times a week, along with regular cleansing, you should use soft scrubs or peeling. It is best to wash your face with water at room temperature, since very cold water will not cleanse the skin of comedones, and too warm water will lead to irritation. Special gels and foams are used. It is better to avoid using oils or soaps so as not to cause clogging of pores and drying out of the skin.
  • Toning- an optional step in evening care, but very important in the morning, as it involves instantly replenishing moisture. If there is not enough of it, then the skin secretes more oil, which in turn spoils the makeup during the day.
  • Hydration- a stage that cannot be avoided. Preference is given to light creams or gels with cooling and soothing properties. In the daytime, use a smaller amount of the product, while at night - more. This way, the skin will be saturated with valuable components during sleep, and during the day the likelihood of oily sheen will gradually decrease.

Combination skin

The most difficult skin to care for is skin that contains signs of both dry and oily, while suffering from excessive sensitivity. She needs plenty of nutrition in certain areas, but this can overload the so-called T zone (forehead, nose, beard).

At the same time, this type of skin should be thoroughly cleansed, while avoiding highly aggressive products, so as not to dry out the thinned areas:

  • Washing- necessarily in the daytime and evening, and you should use different means. It is best to follow the rules for oily skin in the morning, and for dry skin in the evening, without fear of using oils. It is better to wash off oils with warm running water using gel or foam so that its remnants do not clog enlarged pores.
  • Toning— it is better to combine both products for dry and oily skin at the same time for certain areas of the face. The modern cosmetology market offers special toners and toners for combination skin. Lightly apply the palms of your hands to distribute the product and allow it to be absorbed.
  • Hydration— you should do the same as with toning: either use 2 different products at the same time, or get a special combination cream. It is also necessary to moisturize your skin twice a day.

Seasonality principle: summer and winter care

Facial skin care varies depending on the time of year. This rule should be observed most carefully by those whose skin is particularly sensitive.

  • In summer, it is necessary to use products with a lighter texture and a higher UV filter content. During the hot season, the epidermis produces a lot of sweat, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

The use of fatty creams will provoke a layer of dead cells and the formation of acne. Neglecting sunscreen will lead to burns and pigmentation, which are extremely difficult to get rid of given the sensitivity of the skin.

  • In winter, on the contrary, the use of light creams or gels can cause drying and even frostbite of thin skin. Therefore, in cold weather, thicker products are used that can create a protective film on the surface of the skin and prevent it from the harmful effects of frost and wind.

When choosing products for the cold season, you should also give preference to those that contain an spf filter, because even in winter the skin absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which increases its sensitivity. The table shows an approximate care regimen for sensitive skin depending on the type and time of year.

What cosmetics do sensitive skin need?

Sensitive facial skin requires a careful approach to the choice of caring cosmetics. You should not allow frequent changes to your usual products and try to purchase all the latest new products from your favorite brands.

A mandatory rule for owners of this skin type is to read labels, namely, study the composition. Even if it says “hypoallergenic” or “suitable for sensitive skin” in large letters, the composition will not necessarily be gentle.

Here it is necessary to understand that preservatives (parabens, formaldehyde) and caustic fragrances can greatly harm the skin and cause irritation, swelling and swelling. Ingredients beneficial for the skin are: hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, aloe vera, allantoin. They are able to block the manifestation of irritation and soften the epidermis.

Care should be taken to use products that contain retinols and citrus plant extracts. Before using them, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test, for example, on the wrist or elbow. If no allergic reactions occur within 24 hours, then it is safe to use the product on the face.

Oils for sensitive skin

The use of oils for skin care helps soften the epidermis and restore local immunity.

Oils for facial skin care.

Oils suitable for the care of sensitive skin contain the following elements:

  1. Avocado oil(organic shop 100% pure natural avocado oil) is a powerful antioxidant that instantly soothes irritated skin and restores its lipid barrier.
  2. Peach kernel oil(abis organic) - its hypoallergenic formula does not cause irritation, copes well with dryness, without leaving an oily sheen due to its good penetrating ability.
  3. St. John's wort oil(Natural Oils LLC) is a choice for those with oily and combination skin prone to irritation, as it controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and also contains substances that restore the skin.
  4. Almond oil(Siberina) - copes with burns and inflammation, reduces the manifestation of rosacea.
  5. Wheat germ oil(Mi&Co) - a record content of vitamin E promotes effective skin renewal, nutrition with valuable microelements, moisture retention and slowing down the aging process.


Lotion is necessary to complete the stage of cleansing the skin and preparing it for the application of further products. Sensitive skin needs only water-based lotions.

You should never use alcohol, alkaline or acidic products, so the composition should include:

  • thermal water;
  • plant extracts;
  • panthenol;
  • glycerol.

Facial lotions below.
  1. EAU THERMALE Avene lotion douceur is a thermal water-based lotion that delicately cleanses impurities, soothes and heals dry, dehydrated facial skin prone to sensitivity.
  2. Rival de loop clean and care - cleanses without causing irritation, prevents the formation of acne and clogged pores.
  3. Qiriness Fresh & Clear Toning Lotion - maintains the skin's natural moisture level, softens and soothes the skin.
  4. Lotion Tendre Tonifiante from Dior - gives a feeling of freshness, smoothes the skin texture and does not cause redness or blemishes.
  5. EviDenS De Beaute, Sakura The Lotion - improves skin turgor, improves immunity, energizes sensitive skin.


You can scrub sensitive skin no more than 1-2 times a week and choose products with soft abrasive particles. The composition may include oatmeal, ground coffee or melting particles. It is better to give preference to cream-based scrubs. The plant extracts included in the composition tone and soothe the skin.

You cannot use products with salt or apricot kernels, as they are very traumatic.


Products that are suitable for washing sensitive skin should not contain aggressive substances such as alcohols, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes. You should choose milks, foams, and gels specially designed for this skin type. The use of soap is strictly prohibited, since it destroys the protective layer of the skin, which has a detrimental effect on its general condition.

To make choosing cosmetics easier, below is a list of the most well-proven Cleansers for sensitive skin:


Tonic is used to invigorate the skin and gain vitality. The use of this cosmetic product has a beneficial effect on sensitive skin, as it helps to instantly replenish moisture loss and soothe irritated areas.

To tone sensitive skin, use alcohol-free cosmetics based on low-allergenic plant components and microelements - aloe extract, green tea, vitamin E, glycerin. Products with citric acid, mint or chamomile are best avoided.


It is necessary to moisturize and soothe sensitive skin at any time of the year, morning and evening, to replenish protective functions. The use of special creams containing vitamins A and E, plant extracts such as string or St. John's wort, and beneficial microelements such as zinc or potassium helps to normalize the general condition of skin prone to irritation.

Apply the cream to the face along massage lines to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  1. La-Cri restorative cream is a must-have remedy for obvious signs of irritation on the skin, which softens and soothes it, protecting it from external negative factors.
  2. Physiogel Hypoallergenic moisturizing cream physiogel - has a powerful restorative effect, No. 1 in the recommendations of most dermatologists.
  3. Vichy Laboratories Nutrilogie 1 nourishing cream is ideal for the cold season, as it promotes natural protection against the negative effects of wind and frost.
  4. EAU THERMALE Avene Tolerance extreme - easily copes with redness and peeling, can be used to prevent irritation.
  5. Cream KORA New Line - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, fights signs of fatigue, prevents skin from drying out due to a protective film that is not noticeable on the face.

Face masks for dry sensitive skin

Sensitive facial skin needs constant nutrition with hypoallergenic components in order to resist negative effects from the external environment. The use of special masks based on extracts of medicinal herbs and natural oils promotes complete care for this skin type.

  1. EAU THERMALE Avene Masque apaisant hydratant – replenishes dry, irritated skin with nutrients. Option for the winter period.
  2. Lumene Sensitive Touch Comfort Mask – intensively moisturizes and nourishes, helps reduce irritation on the face.
  3. Yves Rocher “5 Minutes Extra-Comfort” ACTIVE SENSITIVE for sensitive skin - evens out skin tone and fights redness.
  4. PAYOT Sensi Expert Masque Dermo Apaisant - soothes and softens the skin, masks redness and manifestations of rosacea.
  5. Phytomer DOUCEUR MARINE SOOTHING MASK – gives a feeling of comfort from the first use, refreshes and moisturizes sensitive skin, heals minor damage.

Using a modeling mask.

Proper care of sensitive skin will help reduce unpleasant symptoms and will contribute to a gradual transformation of the face. And combining proper nutrition with the use of specialized products can even change your skin type to normal.

Video about caring for sensitive skin

8 important rules for caring for sensitive skin:

Care for sensitive skin at home: