
Unexpected changes in the indexation of pensions for working pensioners occurred due to the introduction of new calculation mechanisms for various categories of citizens 2 years ago. It was then that Law No. 385-FZ first introduced changes to our usual payment rules and partially suspended the increase in payments for some citizens.

Until that moment, pension increases were carried out annually by the Pension Fund for everyone, regardless of their category. In 2019, indexation is carried out based on the consumer price growth index established by the Government of the Russian Federation and only for a certain category.

Each year, such an increase varies within 5 percent, and indeed, until recently, every pensioner was entitled to it.

What types of pensions are not indexed?

The new rules do not affect everyone. Restriction applies only for insurance and fixed payment To her. And besides, only for the category of workers, i.e. there will be no indexing for those who continue labor activity, having retired. Therefore, all working pensioners today cannot qualify for an annual increase in payments.

Since 2015, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation has annually approved the coefficient for increasing the size of the fixed payment.

For an insurance pension, which, as we now know, is taken into account in pension points, the concept of the cost of one pension coefficient is used. It is also approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.
You should know that fixed payment is indexed, and herself insurance pension is being adjusted by increasing the cost of one pension coefficient (point).

But this does not mean that the pensioner will now not be able to receive the due amounts and will lose the past indexation forever. After leaving his job, he is entitled to payments taking into account all missed annual payment increase factors.

It’s another matter that such a restoration will happen not right away, and not even from the next month after dismissal. Payments after dismissal, taking into account the new indexed amounts, are provided only three months after leaving work.

Indexation of fixed payment and adjustment of insurance pension

For convenience, we provide a complete table of pension indexation, taking into account the new approved indices for several years in advance.

Year of indexationFixed payment amount Indexation percentage Pension point cost Adjustment factor
January 20153935,00 0,063% 64,10 0,0000
February 20154383,59 11,40% 71,41 1,1140
February 20164558,93 4,00% 74,27 1,0401
February 20174805,11 5,40% 78,28 1,0540
April 20174805,11 0,00% 78,58 1,0038
January 20184982,90 3,70% 81,49 1,0370
January 20195334,19 7,06% 87,24 1,0706
January 20205686,25 6,60% 93,00 1,0660
January 20216044,48 6,30% 98,86 1,0630
January 20226401,10 5,90% 104,69 1,0590
January 20236759,56 5,60% 110,55 1,0560
January 20247131,34 5,50% 116,63 1,0550

The size of the fixed payment from January 2019 will increase to 5334.19 rubles. Also, Federal Law No. 350-FZ approved the cost of one pension coefficient in the amount of 87 rubles 24 kopecks for insurance pensions.

To compare payments taking into account work and without taking it into account, let’s look at an example. In the first table there is an example where indexation by year is calculated for a non-working person pensioner after dismissal. For the calculation, we took 120 pension points.

Pension indexation table

How does pension indexation work?

As can be seen from the example, the pension amount is indexed every year by an approved percentage, because this pensioner does not work. For a pensioner with this score, the increase in pension from January 2019 will be about 1,000 rubles. Further, the annual surcharge will also remain within one thousand rubles.

The second table provides an example of how the amounts are calculated for working pensioner. Here we see the cessation of indexation due to the introduction of Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015. Thus, with continuous work, the pensioner receives his monthly payment at the same level.

According to calculations, it is clear that by 2024, for a pensioner who continues to work, the pension will be almost 2 times lower than possible.

How to determine whether a pensioner is working

If the period of time under consideration is counted in the pensioner’s insurance period, then he is working. That is, officially employed persons, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, clergy, etc.

In other words, these are insured persons for whom insurance premiums are paid and reporting is submitted in accordance with established forms.
Insured persons:
- those working under an employment contract, under an author's order agreement, as well as authors of works receiving payments and other remuneration under agreements on the alienation of the exclusive right to works of science, literature, art, publishing license agreements, license agreements granting the right to use works of science, literature, art;
- self-employed persons (individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, arbitration managers, notaries engaged in private practice, and other persons engaged in private practice and who are not individual entrepreneurs);
- members of peasant (farm) households;
- working outside the territory Russian Federation in case of payment of insurance premiums;
- who are members of family (tribal) communities small peoples North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, engaged in traditional economic sectors;
- clergy.

(Law dated December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ)

Rules and terms for indexing insurance pensions after dismissal

After dismissal from work, the Pension Fund will recalculate payments taking into account the missing indices during his work. The restoration of the payment of the full (indexed) pension, taking into account the missed indexations, will not occur immediately, but only three months after the dismissal of the pensioner.

Legislators have set aside a fairly long period of time for confirming and processing data on the fact of work using simplified SZV-M forms from policyholders, with the subsequent issuance of appropriate decisions on payment by the Pension Fund. And here we cannot do without an example.

Let's consider the dismissal and indexation of a working pensioner on April 3, 2019:
1. The policyholder submits information monthly using the SZV-M form (Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Board dated 01.02.2016 No. 83p).
No later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting period - month, submits information about each insured person working for him, with whom contracts (labor, civil law, copyright, etc.) were concluded during the reporting period, continue to be valid or terminated.

In our situation, a pensioner is considered working in April, despite the fact that he was fired at the beginning of the month. And for him, the employer is still required to provide information about the work until May 15. A idle For Pension Fund he will be considered from May.

2. According to Part 6 of Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ, the decision on the payment of indexed amounts is made in the month following the month in which the Pension Fund of Russia received data on work.

In the month of July (following June, in which information about the fact of work for May is received), the Pension Fund is obliged to calculate and make a decision on the payment of amounts, taking into account the due increase.

3. The calculated amounts of the insurance pension will be paid from the month following the month in which the decision was made (Part 7 of Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ).

Thus, only from August 2019 a person who quits in April will be able to receive a full pension payment taking into account restored indexes.
If, after the restoration of indexed payments, the retired pensioner gets a job again, then its amount will not be reduced (Part 8 of Article 26.1 No. 400-FZ).

Additional payment to a pensioner for the past time after leaving work

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 will still not be carried out. But on January 1, 2018, amendments for workers came into force. Article 26.1 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ was supplemented with new provisions for those who quit. You can get acquainted with the details.

In accordance with Law No. 134-FZ, upon termination of work, the pensioner will receive a full payment, taking into account the indexation of the fixed payment and adjustment of the insurance pension, and also the difference between the previous and new amounts for the period from the first day of the next month after termination of work.

When is it profitable for a pensioner to resign?

Let's now look at examples of when it is profitable for a pensioner to quit his job in order to be subject to the new Law from 2019 with an additional payment for the past time. First, let’s remember why new amounts are still paid 3 months after dismissal.

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 26.1 of Law No. 400-FZ, the decision to pay a full pension is made by the Pension Fund in the month following the month in which information about the fact of work was received (or not received).

If a pensioner, for example, resigns in September 2018, then he will be considered unemployed for a full month only from October (1st month after termination of work). Accordingly, in November (the 2nd month after termination of work), the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not receive information about his work for October (information on the SZV-M form is submitted only for working pensioners).

In December (3rd month after termination of employment), the pension fund decides that from January 2019 it will be paid an indexed fixed payment and an insurance pension, taking into account the current value of the pension point.

In the example considered, the pensioner will receive new amounts from January. He will also receive an additional payment from November (the month from which he is considered unemployed).

In practice this means that The most profitable month for dismissal of a working pensioner is September. After all, an increase in points is now provided for in January 2019. But even if you were late with your dismissal and left work only in October, your pension will also be indexed, but a month later.

Why is the pension not indexed after dismissal?

If, after the expiration of the period determined for making a decision on indexation, the amount has not increased, then one of the main possible reasons there may be untimely submission by the employer of monthly reports on the fact of work. Of course, the pensioner is not to blame in this case, and the law is completely on his side.

If the employer fails to provide information about the fact of work on time, or provides false information that influence the increase in pension, the amount is revised by the Pension Fund for the past (Part 9 of Article 26.1 No. 400-FZ). This means that in the event of an error in reporting, in which the increased amounts were not paid, an additional payment is due for the elapsed time from the date of entitlement.

A situation may occur when job information is submitted incorrectly influence pension increase. Employer did not submit (or did not submit on time) for a working pensioner, information about the fact of his work and the Pension Fund of Russia, based on these data, indexed the employee’s pension, considering him unemployed. In this case, the Law is on the side of the pensioner, and if an error is detected, the amount will be brought into compliance with the next month after the error is discovered, and all responsibility in this situation lies only with the employer.

In this case, the policyholder will be responsible for overpaid pension amounts, incl. taking into account penalties in the amount of 500 rubles in relation to each insured person.

Increase in pensions for working pensioners in August 2019

For working pensioners, the next recalculation will be carried out from August 2019. Increase to the insurance pension will be calculated based on unaccounted points for 2018, which are formed from funds paid by the policyholder for its employees. Such recalculation is without declaration and for its implementation no need to apply to the Pension Fund.


The new algorithm for indexing pensions after dismissal is quite confusing. Summarizing all the rules, we can say that in 2019:

  1. Working pensioners will continue to not receive indexed pension amounts;
  2. New amounts will be paid only three months after dismissal;
  3. Now the pensioner will receive additional payment for “lost” months that were not previously paid;
  4. The total amount of payment upon dismissal will be indexed by as many indexes as were missed during work.

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For 40 million elderly Russians, labor pensions in old age are the main source of income. During a crisis, a certain share of monthly government payments, including social benefits for disabled people, war veterans and some other economically vulnerable categories of citizens, is eaten up by growing inflation. Its official figures have crossed the 10% mark. In reality, things are much worse. This is eloquently “said” by the constantly changing upward price tags for essential products (fish, fruit) in supermarkets and convenience stores. In theory, the increase in old-age pensions in 2016 should compensate for the noticeable loss; recent news confirms that the gap between the poor and rich sections of society is widening.

According to the tradition in the Russian Federation of increasing labor pensions occur in stages. The total increase usually reached the level of inflation recorded in the past year. In accordance with existing legislation, the activity of the Pension Fund itself can have a positive impact on the amount of indexation. He will be able to profitably invest the funds at his disposal, get a significant profit, which means he will have something to please his wards. Unfortunately, the Pension Fund has nothing to boast about yet; it can barely make ends meet.

Forecast for 2016: will there be an increase in old-age pensions?

From February 1, the old-age labor pension, as planned by the Ministry of Finance when drawing up the budget for 2016, was indexed by 4%. Its size increased by 350 rubles and amounted to about 12.6 thousand. These are, of course, average values, which are very different from the minimum and maximum figures. It should be noted that the recalculation affected only the insurance (basic) component of the pension, which is formed at the expense of 16% of mandatory payments established by the state.

However, the old-age pension also includes a funded part (6%), which, in principle, should also increase the well-being of future pensioners - Russians born after 1967. Only these citizens, according to the latest pension reform have a right to it. Funded pension they manage at their own discretion, investing funds, for example, in non-state pension funds. If the investment turns out to be profitable, accumulative part pensions will be replenished. Otherwise, the owner of the investment will be left without profit, with his own money.

But once again, for the third time, the government decided to freeze these savings, that is, to use them entirely for the formation of an insurance pension. They say that the adopted decree will not worsen the financial situation of workers; on the contrary, it promises some bonuses. For example, it will allow you to accumulate pension points. The authorities promise to use the saved money (about 340 billion rubles) to solve urgent problems, including anti-crisis ones.

However, we digress a little. Will there be an increase in pensions in the next six months or will the belts be tightened again? This question remains without a concrete answer. Initially, the second indexation was scheduled for the fall. But whether it will actually happen is still unknown, since the latest increase in the old-age pension this year is associated with economic growth. And its rise in the near future, as you understand, is unlikely.

Old-age labor pension for those who continue to work

By the way, for those old people whose old-age pension after the February increase turned out to be lower living wage in the region (in Moscow - 11,420 rubles, in the Moscow region - about 9,000), measures are provided state support. They are paid accordingly. The subsidy does not apply to working pensioners. The Ministry of Labor is currently drafting a new law under which their pensions could be cut or their payments suspended. Currently, the document is under development.

However, elderly people who refused to take a well-deserved rest have already lost indexation of their pension benefits. The latest news confirms that they should not wait for an increase in the old-age pension this year. To avoid having to deal with financial problems in old age on your own, you need to terminate your employment contract. In this case, additional payments will be restored in full. You can notify the Pension Fund of dismissal on an individual basis by filling out an application form and providing official documents confirming this fact. After May 31, 2016, information on the employment of pensioners will be submitted monthly by the employer himself.

When is a labor pension granted?

The current retirement age was legalized more than 80 years ago, for women - 55 years, for men - 60. Over the past decades, average life expectancy has increased significantly; according to statistics, for women it is 77 years, for representatives of the stronger half of humanity in Russia it is considered 65. The country's population is aging: the number of pensioners is increasing year by year, and the number of working citizens paying taxes to the treasury is decreasing. This is due to the demographic situation and insufficiently high birth rates. In addition, in other countries the retirement age comes later, in ours it is the “youngest”. Therefore, there is a need to raise the bar.

However, in 2016 everything will remain the same; according to the President, the people are not yet ready for fundamental changes. But sooner or later they will have to be implemented. Several proposals are being considered, one of them is equalization retirement age for men and women. That is, both will be granted a labor pension upon reaching 60 years of age. It was also proposed to raise the age limit to 58 years for women and 63 for men. A more radical innovation was also discussed: sending women to a well-deserved retirement at 60, and men at 65. “Soft” reform provides for periodic (annual) six-month increases to the retirement age. We will soon find out which of the put forward versions will form the basis for the expected transformations.

I'll wait until he grows up

However, it is possible to voluntarily defer for some time the receipt of the pension benefits earned by honest work over many years. For what? To understand this conflict, let’s get acquainted with the algorithm by which this type of benefit is calculated. I think the explanations will be especially interesting to those who have a year left until retirement, or even less. The hands of their watches are moving inexorably towards the cherished moment. Are the promised increases in labor pensions in 3, 5, 10 years really capable of stopping them?

According to the updated methodology state provision old age pension is accrued starting from 2015. It is now measured in coefficients (points), the number of which is directly dependent on the amount of insurance premiums paid and the duration length of service. For example, in 2016 you can earn about 8 points, more precisely 7.8. When calculating the pension, military service (1.8 points per year), caring for a disabled person of group I or an elderly person over 80 years of age (1.8 points per year) will also be taken into account. For women - maternity leave (first - 1.8; second - 3.6; third and fourth - 5.4 points). Other periods when mother of many children sits at home with the 5th and subsequent children, not included in the length of service.

A year before retirement, you can already roughly estimate its size. To do this, you need to know the cost of the insurance point in the year of retirement (in 2016 - 74 rubles 27 kopecks), multiply by the total number of accrued pension coefficients and add a fixed payment to the resulting number (as of February 1, 2016 - 4559 rubles). Count on such maintenance in old age, of course, taking into account annual indexation. There has already been a four percent increase in old-age pensions in 2016, and the latest news predicts an increase in the autumn. If applying for a pension is postponed, for example, for 5 years, then the fixed payment will increase by 36%, and the sum of individual coefficients (points) by 45%. A ten-year deferment guarantees an increase in both values ​​by 2 times. In general, the choice is yours: receive a pension benefit from the state or, despite your age, continue to work in the hope of greater retirement benefits in ten years.

Published 02/03/16 20:19

Pension increase from February 1, 2016 and by how much, latest news: there will be no indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016.

Pension increase in 2016, latest news: indexation of pensions non-working pensioners from February 1, 2016

The cost of the pension coefficient and the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension increased by 4% from February 1, 2016 and amounted to 74.27 rubles per point and to 4558.93 rubles, respectively. Thus, all old-age insurance pensions increased by 4%: their average annual amount is 13,132 rubles.

Promotion intkbbee pensions from February 1, 2016 do not apply to the category of working pensioners. These people will receive increased pension only after they stop working. However, in this case, their pension will be indexed for all missed years at once.

It was previously reported that if a pensioner is self-employed, he will be considered working if he was registered with the Pension Fund as an insurer on December 31, 2015. If a pensioner stopped working from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, he should notify the Pension Fund by submitting an application before May 31, 2016.

After consideration of this application, the pensioner will begin to be paid starting next month insurance pension taking into account indexing. But if after this the pensioner gets a job again, then the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

If a pensioner left work after March 31, 2016, then he will no longer need to submit an application to the Pension Fund, since monthly simplified reporting for employers will be introduced from the second quarter of 2016, and the fact that the pensioner has worked will be automatically detected.

At the same time, the pensions of working pensioners will be recalculated in August, but they will increase by a maximum of three points or 222 rubles.

Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners in 2016 for the second time

The second increase in pensions for non-working pensioners in 2016 may occur in the summer. But a decision on this, as well as the possible indexation percentage, will be made later based on the results of the Russian economy in the first half of the year.

The indexation of insurance pensions for non-working pensioners in February 2016 will be 4%. State pensions pension provision, including social benefits, will be indexed by 4% in April 2016 to all pensioners, regardless of the fact of work (both working and non-working).

Pensioners who worked in 2015 will have their insurance pensions increased in August 2016 (non-declaration recalculation) based on the pension points accrued for 2015, but in monetary terms no more than three pension points.

In accordance with changes in pension legislation, from 2016 working pensioners will receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it without indexation.

The upcoming indexation of insurance pensions from February 1, 2016 will apply only to pensioners who were not working as of September 30, 2015. This date is due to the fact that the fact of work is established on the basis of personalized records of the Pension Fund as of the last day of the last reporting period for employers, which are at the disposal of the Pension Fund before indexation is carried out - this is September 30, 2015.

Pensioners from the category of the self-employed population: individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, etc., will be considered working if they are registered with the Pension Fund as of December 31, 2015.

If a pensioner stopped working after September 30, 2015, namely in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, he can notify the Pension Fund about this. To do this, the pensioner submits an application to the Pension Fund, providing supporting documents on termination of employment. After consideration of the application, payment of the insurance pension will begin next month, taking into account indexation. That is, if a pensioner stopped working after indexation, then from the next month after consideration of his application he will receive an already increased, taking into account indexation, the size of the insurance pension and a fixed payment to it.

A citizen can confirm the termination of employment in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 and submit an application with the relevant documents to the Pension Fund until May 31, 2016. After which there will be no need for this, since from the second quarter of 2016 monthly simplified reporting will be introduced for employers and the fact of work will be automatically determined by the Pension Fund based on the monthly data of employers, which will be reflected in the personalized accounting database.

After receiving and processing the reports, from which it follows that the pensioner has stopped working, he will begin to receive the amount of the insurance pension, taking into account the indexations that took place during his work. If the pensioner then gets a job again, the size of his insurance pension will not be reduced.

Thus, only those pensioners who stopped or will stop working in the fourth quarter of 2015 or the first quarter of 2016 need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. It will be possible to submit an application after the relevant federal law comes into force, i.e. from January 1, 2016. Applications will be accepted by all territorial bodies of the Pension Fund and MFC, which accept applications for the assignment and delivery of pensions. The application can be submitted in person or through a representative, or sent by mail.

The application form for the fact of resumption (termination) of work, as well as the rules for filling it out, are posted on the Pension Fund website in the “Life Situations” section.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation recommends that all pensioners - recipients of insurance pensions who stopped working after September 30, 2015, submit an application in a timely manner to receive an insurance pension, taking into account the February indexation.
More details:

In 2017, the average pension in Russia will be 15.5 thousand rubles. Indexation of pensions will be carried out in full and in accordance with the procedure established by law. And in January 2017, all pensioners in Russia will receive 5,000 rubles.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, currently the funds necessary for indexation taking into account actual inflation are taken into account in the budget. Indexation will be carried out as a percentage for 2016. Prior to this, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the payment of a lump sum of 5,000 rubles as the second indexation of pensions for 2016. This payment will be made to working and non-working pensioners (a total of 43 million people - recipients of insurance pensions and state pensions) in January 2017. 215 billion rubles from the budget will be spent on this.

The payment is a one-time measure to support Russian pensioners. And starting from 2017, Russia will return to the existing method of indexing pensions, that is, to the level of actual inflation of the previous year. The government's official inflation forecast for 2016 is 6.5%. According to preliminary data, this will require more than 270 billion rubles.

How was the pension indexed in 2016?

Pensions in Russia were indexed by 4% from February 1, 2016. Deputies and the government's social bloc insisted on additional indexation to the level of actual inflation in 2015, which amounted to 12.9%. But it was decided to replace indexation with a one-time payment for all pensioners. The corresponding the federal law, which will subsequently be submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

This year, according to the Accounts Chamber, about 40 billion rubles were additionally spent on indexing pensions. This is due to the fact that there has been a significant reduction in the number of working pensioners. If at the beginning of January 2016 there were about 15 million pensioners working in Russia (data from the Accounts Chamber), then by April 1 there were already 9.6 million of them left.

By the way, in 2016, and possibly in 2017, the pensions of those who work will not be indexed. But as soon as the pensioner decides to stop working, he will be reimbursed for everything lost.

To be or not to be an increase in the retirement age in Russia

Many experts are confident that there is no alternative to raising the retirement age in Russia.

It is proposed to establish the same retirement age in Russia for men and women

Sooner or later, such a decision will be made. And, most likely, the retirement age will increase gradually – by six months once a year. There are proposals to raise the retirement age to 63 for both men and women. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure long-term balancing of the pension system. The existing international experience speaks to this.

The only negative is that increasing the retirement age could lead to an increase in the unemployment rate in the country, because pensioners will hold on to their jobs and young people will not be able to find a job.

It is expected that the reform project will be considered in the fall of 2016 pension system, prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank. There is evidence that the experience of Australia and New Zealand is taken as a basis. Apparently, in addition to a gradual increase in the retirement age, it will be proposed to introduce individual pension capital instead of a funded element, and it is also possible to reduce the level of indexation of pension payments.

If the document is approved and adopted, the law may come into force as early as 2017.