The development of a child at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

The role of a parent is very difficult and responsible.

It would seem that in 9 months you have already managed to get used to the fact that your life revolves around a small treasure, you have been able to learn to understand it, but you still worry every day that your child receives best care, enough love and attention.

Baby development at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

Physiological development of a child at 9 months

In just one month of his life, the baby has grown a little, stretched upward, and the volume of his head and chest has increased by half a centimeter.

You can find out how the physiological parameters of a nine-month-old child have changed from this table:

Most children already have 6–8 teeth by 9 months. The lateral and central incisors are added to the existing teeth (first they appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper).

Growing teeth can cause physical discomfort in the baby (pain, fever), worsen his sleep and appetite, and make the child nervous and capricious.

You will see that the baby is trying to relieve pain and speed up the teething process by putting all objects in his mouth.

Don't interfere with this, just replace the item that you think is unsuitable with a rubber toy or a special silicone cooling ring.

Psychological development of a 9 month old child

A child's emotions at 9 months are very rich.

He willingly shows you joy, happiness, sadness, fear.

He learns to get what he wants through whims or crying, so he should not allow himself to be manipulated.

A child at this age cannot stand loneliness and demands that mom, dad and other people close to him spend as much time as possible with him.

Mom remains the main person in his life; a special relationship is established with her. emotional connection, which needs to be preserved, so you shouldn’t rush to go back to work after maternity leave.

It will be a long time before your child feels comfortable in the presence of strangers.

In the meantime, he is wary of new faces and does not want to spend time in their arms.

Treat his wishes with understanding; as soon as the baby grows up, he will begin to feel calmer in the presence of strangers.

What should a 9-month-old child be able to do so as not to doubt his normal development?

To be sure of the normal development of your baby, you should know what a 9-month-old child can do.

Most children at this age have the following skills:

As the baby grows and rapidly gains weight, mother’s milk or diluted dry formula is no longer enough to satiate him.

They should make up no more than 1/3 of his daily diet.

Feel free to replenish your baby's menu:

  • purees, juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products;
  • milk porridges;
  • boiled yolk;
  • meat and fish purees;
  • bread and cookies;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • fresh fruits such as banana, apple.

Since a nine-month-old baby already has teeth in his mouth, you should not leave them idle, grinding any dish into a homogeneous thin puree.

Leave small pieces that the child can chew. Bread and cookies do not always need to be soaked; sometimes let your baby chew on them.

You can also allow the baby to “scratch his growing teeth” on a banana (just remove the skin :) or a whole apple.

At 9 months, you can transfer your child to three full meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with additional meals during the day (second breakfast, afternoon snack) and light snacks (cookies, vegetable/fruit puree, cottage cheese).

A nine-month-old baby still spends at least 12 hours, or even 2/3 of the day, sleeping.

His nightly sleep lasts 10–12 hours.

But the daily periods of activity are increasing.

Some mothers complain that they cannot put their child to sleep during the day not only for the third time, but also for the second. If your baby goes to bed only once during the day, then try not to make noise at this time so that the child gets a good night's sleep and is not capricious.

But you shouldn’t indulge a baby who doesn’t want to go to bed during the day; nine-month-old babies need an afternoon nap.

What else do parents need to know about the development of a nine-month-old baby?

About this in the video:

Child development at 9 months with games and simple exercises

Since nine one month old baby requires increased attention, then this should be used, and during periods of wakefulness try to teach him something new, read rhymes or fairy tales to the baby, sing songs to him, tell him something interesting (but not long), entertain him with the help of useful educational games.

Here are ways to spend quality time with your baby:

    Many parents, laughing, say that their children at 9 months resemble parrots, because they repeat everything they hear.

    Take advantage of this to teach your baby to speak individual words and imitate sounds made by animals or inanimate objects.

  1. A nine-month-old child is able to knead plasticine with his fingers, so you can sculpt something simple with him.
  2. Instill in him a love of books by looking at pictures together and explaining to your child what is drawn there.

    For now, your child should buy books with hard pages so that he cannot tear them.

    To satisfy your baby's desire to tear paper, give him old newspapers and magazines.

  3. Build something together from cubes, assemble pyramids, simple mosaics.
  4. Teach him to pour small objects: pebbles, nuts, beans, sand, not only with his hands, but also with a spatula, for example.

Child development 9 months, of course, has some features, but still not so different from what you knew about eight- or seven-month-old babies.

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Nine months - that’s how long the baby spent in his mother’s tummy, and lived the same amount of time as a little person. Now he is becoming increasingly independent. And, although the baby still depends on his parents, he is no longer as helpless as before.

It's time to turn Special attention to the development of his personality. He knows how to get along with others, respect himself and others. Let's see how a child develops at 9 months.

Physical parameters

The baby is already quite strong physically. Your weight will increase by another 0.5 kg in a month, and your height will add a couple of centimeters to your height. Therefore the parameters look like this:

  1. The weight of a child at 9 months will be about 9000-9200 grams.
  2. Height - approximately 74 cm (± 2 cm).

By the time a baby reaches this age, he or she masters the skills of getting up from a sitting position. He learns to control his body, coordinating the movements of his legs while crawling, pulling himself where necessary with the help of his handles.

Often a 9 month old child already has 2 or 4 teeth. At least by this time they should get through. So, if your baby is constantly naughty and doesn’t eat well, look into his mouth. You may be in for a surprise.


At this age, 10-12 hours are allotted for night sleep, and two daytime sleeps of two hours each remain. It is very good if the child falls asleep at the same time, especially during the daytime rest. As much as possible, teach your baby to fall asleep on his own, without rocking or feeding. This will make it easier for him to fall asleep if he wakes up during the night.

Children's sleep may be interrupted due to the baby’s fear of losing his mother. Usually when he starts crying at night, he's just worried that he's lost her. Most likely, the baby will calm down as soon as his mother approaches him. Sometimes a child has difficulty falling asleep due to overexcitation and oversaturation of daytime events. If you determine that this is the cause of poor sleep, you should limit emotional activity during the day.

Basic Skills

  1. The baby stands at the support without assistance. Holding onto the wall, he walks uncertainly, and even runs in a walker, sometimes jumping joyfully, sometimes crouching.
  2. Sits up independently. True, it looks quite funny, as if he were falling on his butt. While sitting, he can reach out to an object or a toy lying nearby, so that he can then engage with it with interest.
  3. Fine motor skills of the hands become more and more perfect. Now the baby can pick up small parts with his fingers. Such skills can be clearly seen when a toddler, sitting under the dining table, picks up crumbs on the floor.
  4. The baby has a fairly strong grip on his hand. If he takes something into his hands, he will have to try hard to take it away. The toddler will clench his fists even harder and even push you away.
  5. The baby crawls well. True, not all children cope with this task equally. Some people find it easy to crawl in any direction, while others only move forward or backward. Some immediately get on all fours, others for a long time crawl on their bellies.
  6. The child is quite able to participate in everyday activities. For example, when putting it on outside, ask them to clench their fingers into a fist and stick it into the sleeve. Let him take off his socks and previously untied hat after a walk. During water procedures, the baby can wash his hands and face.

We sit down here, we stand up there. Yes, I'm purposeful!


At the age of 9 months, the diet is mixed. On the one hand, the mother continues to breastfeed (or formula), on the other hand, new products are being actively introduced as complementary foods. The diet usually includes 5 feedings, and the interval between them increases to 3.5-4 hours.

If at the 8th month the baby has not yet become acquainted with fish dishes, it’s time to do so. However, due to the highly allergenic nature of the product, it should be administered with caution and in small portions. White fish is preferable: pollock, hake, cod.

You can gradually switch to finely ground food to develop chewing muscles. Banana or peach can be given in the form of small pieces, of course, under the supervision of an adult.

The first whims associated with pickiness in food may begin. The baby resolutely rejects some dishes, turning away from the food and closing his mouth. Events sometimes develop in such a way that suddenly he refuses any complementary foods and wants nothing but breast milk. There's no need to panic. Try to eat with the whole family in his presence more often, demonstrating with all your appearance how delicious it is. Usually such a trick works, and the reaction is not long in coming.

Psycho-emotional development

  1. The child has a fairly large passive set of words, and now he is increasingly practicing pronunciation not only of syllables, but also of individual words: “dad,” “mama,” “give,” “well, well.” At the same time, the speech is emotionally colored.
  2. Actively asks with gestures and “mooing” for the thing he wants to pick up.
  3. Complies with simple requests to give something, find and show the right toy. Nods his head affirmatively or negatively when asked about something.
  4. He perks up when he hears his name. He understands that they are turning to him.
  5. A favorite action in relation to toys is to throw and watch the trajectory of the fall, hit one against the other, listening to the resulting sounds, put one object into another.
  6. The child now is a small imitator of adults. He repeats actions and models the behavior that he “spied” on mom or dad. That’s why children love to pretend to talk on the phone, feed dolls, and wipe the floors with a rag or kitchen towel.
  7. Interested in his peers. Let him play with other children on the playground and watch them interact. Looks very funny.

Children are little repeaters

Security measures

Your baby, feeling the strength, will strive to conquer one height after another. It's time to think about the safety of the sleeping place - the crib. The hour is approaching when the little playful will try to get out of captivity on his own, which is fraught with falls from a height. Tip: Lower the sides of the crib or its bottom, if possible.

Check if there are any unstable chairs in the house or if there are plugs on sockets. What about safety in the kitchen? We recommend cooking on the far burners and turning the handles of the pans towards the stove.

We help you develop

  1. Together, build a tall tower using cubes. Although the baby cannot yet do this on his own, he will be happy to give you “building blocks”. Teach your little one how to assemble a pyramid.
  2. Why not a toy? toilet paper! After all, it can be unwound, torn into small pieces, crumpled. A simple piece of tape glued to the palm will distract the child for a long time.
  3. It's time to get acquainted with colors. There are special options called " Finger paint" They are safe, non-toxic and wash well. Some people do this kind of creativity right in the bathroom, painting wall tiles.
  4. In the bathroom, kids also love to pour and pour water from one container to another.
  5. As an idea, you can collect pieces of fabric of different textures in a box, regularly replenishing the assortment with new pieces. This is how the toddler develops tactile sensations.
  6. The games “Magpie-Crow” and “Ladushki” are still relevant. They develop coordination and a sense of tact.
  7. Sing songs to your baby, dance a waltz, spinning him in your arms. What brings you pleasure will please him too.
  8. In the kitchen, play with cereals, inviting the baby to find a hidden toy in a bowl of semolina.

Do not skimp on communication with your child, play with him, helping him develop harmoniously. Set goals and achieve them. It is a great happiness for parents to see how their baby grows, and therefore matures.

This age is the threshold of the baby's first birthday. And today, many children are developing so actively that already at nine months they can, are able and want to do the same things that they could do at one year. So, we will learn about the characteristics of nine-month-old babies, their mental and physical development.

Baby's daily routine at 9 months

During this age period, the baby has two daytime sleeps of 2 hours each and a nighttime sleep lasting about 11 hours. It is advisable to organize at least one nap during the day in the fresh air. The night becomes deeper, and mom has the opportunity to sleep off. As for bathing, it is no longer necessary to do it every day. Evening bathing can be done every other day, and during the day you can only wash the child. The diet remains five times a day. The approximate distribution of wakefulness and sleep looks like this:

6.00-6.30. Climb. Morning toilet. Charger.

7.00. Breastfeeding or mixture. Games, activities.

9.30. The second feeding is in the form of fruit puree and porridge.

10.00. Walk and sleep in the fresh air.

13.00. Lunch in the form vegetable puree with meat or soup, banana.

13.30. Classes, wakefulness.

15.00-15.30. Walk and second nap.

17.30-18.00 Dinner in the form of cottage cheese with fruit juice or porridge with fish.

19.00. Communication with dad and relatives.

21.00. Last feeding with adapted formula or breastfeeding.

21.30-22.00. Going to bed.

A baby's appetite is largely determined by his activity. And if the child does not eat at the allotted time, then you should not shift the meal by 30-40 minutes. Better to skip it. He will eat well at the next scheduled feeding.

Bathing at this age can already be done with games and toys. Positive emotions before bed will help you fall asleep. And it should already be a ritual for the baby with putting on pajamas, a lullaby, and turning on the night light. Up to a year, the baby should sleep on a hard mattress, without a pillow.

Physical development of children at 9 months

By this age, the baby’s limb muscles are already well developed, many are already crawling, starting to walk, increasingly coordinating the position of their body. Some people stick to the support. The movements of the arms and legs become coordinated, the children themselves get up from a lying position, they like to lie on their stomachs, turning their heads in one direction or the other. Kids consciously reach for interesting objects with their whole body and hold them tightly.

During this period, the development of small arm muscles allows children to learn to hold a spoon and learn to eat independently. Children actively move their fingers, perform body turns, bends, and independently change their position on a hard surface.

Boys' height is 71.2-72.3 centimeters, weight - up to 9-9.5 kilograms. As for girls, their weight is 8.2-8.7 kg, height is 68.5-70 cm.

Mental and speech development of a child at 9 months

The child actively explores space and enjoys watching the doors in the room move, the closet opening, listening to sounds, voices, and trying to copy the simple movements of adults. The most exciting activity for him is crawling around a chair, for example, because it is interesting to repeat the same action over and over again. The baby likes to watch mom and dad and their communication. At this age, he already clearly distinguishes between friends and strangers. He may develop a reaction of fear of strangers.

The baby's attention becomes more persistent. He is already able to look at the same object for several minutes. Therefore, his mother should already be reading him children’s books with large images of animals, cars, and fruits. The child tries to repeat their names after their parents, as well as the sounds that living beings make. Children have their favorite toys. He greets them with delight and pays more attention.

At nine months, there are not many crumbs of words in the active dictionary yet. They are simple, consisting of two syllables. These are “baba”, “dai”, “na”, “dada”, “am”, “mama”, “dad”. Each child develops his own active “vocabulary,” which usually only the mother can understand.

The passive vocabulary is broader. This is the name of objects and actions to which the child reacts and which he knows well. This includes your own name. Later, as speech develops, words from the passive vocabulary will become active with their regular repetition.

The child loves to copy adults and the intonation of their voices. For this, parents should praise the baby. Every day you need to introduce your child to new objects and actions, developing memory and attentiveness.

What should a 9 month old baby be able to do?

Now we will see that a child of 9 months can already do quite a lot. Here are the main skills that pediatricians recommend parents focus on:

  1. Plays with objects. These can be books, and children themselves turn their pages, looking at the pictures. Some tear them, and this is nothing more than research, studying the capabilities of their hands. Shifting objects, stroking, feeling, putting in the mouth are basic actions with them at this age.
  2. Learns to stand on his feet. The baby does this from a sitting position, moves his legs, walks, and stands straight for a few seconds without support.
  3. Selects toys. He needs bright and informative ones. Sitting on daddy's lap, he can pull a mobile phone out of his pocket. He is interested in exploring adult toys.
  4. Knows how to be stubborn. He shakes his head intensely when he doesn’t want to eat or go into his grandmother’s arms. These are manifestations of one’s self and character. And if he is forced to do something that he does not want, then the child may start screaming.
  5. Looks at himself in photographs and videos. He is interested in watching moving pictures and looking at himself in the mirror. At times he may try to pat or kiss the image.
  6. Recognizes body parts. The child can show where the mother’s nose, eye, hand, and hairs are.

Games and toys for the development of a child at 9 months

At this age, the baby should have musical toys, soft cubes, carousels, balls, cars, dolls. Parents are advised to pay attention to the properties of such toys: the ball rolls, it must be pushed; The piano makes sounds when you press the keys. IN children's set There should also be a bucket with toys inside, dishes, various rattles, “rodents” with a special gel for teething.

Experts advise mothers and fathers to periodically change toys to keep the baby interested. You should not simultaneously lay out everything in the house in front of the baby.

Children of this age really like the game “Hide and Seek” with covering their heads with a handkerchief; “Big-big!” with pulling the handles up; folding a pyramid.

Games at this age are simple actions with objects: the doll walks, dances, eats; the car drives and hums; the bunny jumps and eats. During them, parents should create an emotional tone: concentrate on the beauty and cleanliness of the doll’s clothes, the softness of the ball, the kindness of the bunny who loves the baby.

Games and toys should help the baby learn the properties of objects, develop finger motor skills, memory, attention, and creativity.

A 9-month-old child scratches, plucks, bites

Bites often accompany the baby's teething process. They itch, they hurt, and such actions are attempts to alleviate their own condition. But biting can be not only a sign of the appearance of chewing organs. Sometimes, at 9 months or a year, a child can begin to pinch and scratch. Sometimes this is a manifestation of aggressiveness and nervousness. In this case, it is worth showing the baby to a pediatric neurologist.

But sometimes mothers themselves can stop such reactions. For example, if a child bites, you can try to make him bite his own hand instead of his mother’s. After this, the baby is very surprised, indignant, cries - and no longer makes attempts to bite adults. The same goes for pinching. When he does this, try to lightly pinch him on the butt at the same moment.

Some psychologists are sure that biting is simply a repetition of the actions of mom or dad, who bite the baby with love, lightly. And he, not knowing how to calculate his strength, does the same, but bites painfully. Experts recommend not focusing on such bad actions. And then, in the absence of a reaction from adults, the child stops such things.

A child at 9 months refuses food, formula, or complementary foods

A complete refusal to eat with the introduction of complementary foods or a sharp deterioration in appetite is a problem that parents of a nine-month-old baby may encounter. And there are no clear solutions to this issue. This may be a manifestation of the crisis of one year, which came earlier, with a demonstration of its character. Then this phenomenon does not last long, perhaps throughout the day, until the baby gets hungry. But he must drink at this time.

If during such periods he remains active, does not cry, and shows the same interest in toys, then there is no need to worry too much. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes this. He emphasizes that at such moments there is no need to force feed the child! After all, parental insistence may cause the baby to gag reflex. The doctor explains that this can happen to babies in the winter months, when their biological defense against excess food is triggered. And if the child begins to be capricious, cry, close his eyes, then just calmly move the plate away - go for a walk, work up an appetite.

You can try simply seating your baby at the table with all family members who are having lunch or dinner. And then, perhaps, the habit of copying and inheriting the actions of adults will awaken the baby’s appetite. It is also recommended to “feed” his favorite bear in front of the baby. The main thing is not to swear or shout.

Child development at 9 months: Komarovsky

The absence of violence and demonstration of parental superiority are the basis for the healthy development of a child at this age, according to the pediatrician. This applies to feeding and potty training the baby. The latter, according to Evgeniy Olegovich, will happen the sooner the higher the level of physiological development of the baby.

You should not focus on the development of your neighbor’s child, who learned to use the potty at just 9 months.

By repeatedly “aaking” you can achieve the emergence of a conditioned reflex, but this should not be the goal of parents. “Filling the bladder - urinating” - this should be the mechanism of potty training. That is, the incentive is the physiological process of filling Bladder, and not a sound stimulus (such as “ah-ah-ah” or “ps-ps-ps”). Until one and a half years old, a child cannot yet feel the process of filling it, which means that the skills developed will not be stable. According to Mr. Komarovsky, during this age period it is better to develop independent walking skills, stimulate intellectual development child.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

The ninth month of a baby’s life is the period when the baby’s body begins to prepare for upright walking. At this time, the main attention and development of the child should be aimed at strengthening the bone system. Physical activity and psychological readiness are of great importance.

At this age, the baby moves a lot, and his mother’s hands interest him less and less. He realizes his curiosity by moving around the floor and picking up various objects.

Features of the child’s physical development

As the child grows, there is a gradual decrease in monthly weight gain. So, if in the first months a child could gain up to 1 kg monthly, and in the period from 4 to 6 months - from 650 to 750 grams, then in the ninth month the child’s weight can increase by 300-500 grams.

The reason for this decrease in monthly weight gain lies in the increase in the child’s physical activity. The more the child moves, the more energy is expended. This, in turn, affects the baby’s weight.

The average weight of a child at this age is 9 kg. During this month, the child gains 1-2 cm in height. From the moment of birth, his height has increased by 20-21 cm. At the end of the 9th month of life, the average height of the child is 71 cm. Deviations of 3 cm are acceptable, both higher and higher. and below.

Skills and abilities baby at 9 months

  • The child feels confident in a sitting position. At the same time, he sits down on his own, can bend over from this position and reach for toys. A child can sit without support for about 10 minutes.
  • If there is support, the child can take a vertical position. May take timid steps. If there is a movable support in the form of a chair, then the child can move it, holding onto the back and try to follow it.
  • When using a walker, the baby can move, squat and jump for an average of 10 minutes.
  • Active attempts to crawl. During this period, some children are already on all fours and crawling in the correct position on their hands and knees. Others prefer to move on their stomachs. Both methods are normal for 9 months of age.
  • Active development fine motor skills is reflected in the fact that the child begins to use a tweezer-like (two fingers) or pinch (three fingers) grip. It can pick up small objects and even crumbs in this way. The sequence of actions: pick up, touch, put in mouth - this is what a child at this age prefers to do. Tearing paper into shreds is another useful and favorite activity for babies.
  • At the 9th month of life, the child has a fairly strong grip. Having taken something in his hand, he will not let go of the object until he loses interest in it. Taking something by force from a child's palm is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that it is physically more difficult for a child to unclench his fingers.
  • The child knows how to actively express his desires and unwillingnesses. When trying to pick up the thing he needs, he will push away the parent’s hand, turn away, or even move away completely.
  • By the 9th month, children already have 4-6 teeth, and the process of their further growth is very active. However, all children are not alike, and their physical development may vary. Therefore, if your child has no teeth, do not panic and wait.

  • Actively developing fine motor skills give impetus to the development of speech. During this period, the child constantly speaks simple syllables and tries to put them together into words (mom, dad). By pronouncing them, he knows how to correctly associate words with objects. Intonation is actively used in conversation.
  • The child knows his name. When addressed, he turns his head or exhibits other motor activity.
  • Emotional manifestations become more vivid: wild joy, loud laughter or anger are just a small range of emotions demonstrated by the child.
  • He knows how to clearly formulate his desires with gestures. Accurately points to the desired object or direction.
  • Understands and responds to simple requests, such as “come to me,” and can express agreement or disagreement with an appropriate nod of the head.
  • The child tries to take part in simple processes, stretches out his arms, helping to dress himself. He can pull off his hat himself.
  • While eating, holds a cup with both hands and confidently holds a spoon. But he eats mostly with his hands.
  • Reacts accurately to a sound or voice, understands where it comes from. During the game of hide and seek, he will easily find you, responding to “peek-a-boo.”
  • Toys and various household items, such as pots, are usually not used for their intended purpose. Favorite pastime: knocking on them or leaving them.

To determine whether your baby’s development meets established standards, you can conduct a short test, which includes the following checks:

  • Lying on his stomach, the child crawls in the direction of the toy or reaches for it.
  • While sitting, he can hold his back for 10 minutes, he can take objects lying on the side, which means he can turn his body around.
  • The baby tries to get up and tries to take steps, holding on to the support.
  • At the table he knows how to hold a mug with both hands.
  • Imitation of gestures. An easy way to show your child how to drum on a surface. Usually kids repeat this.
  • The child must recognize loved ones and call them using simple syllables.
  • The child must be able to hold the object firmly in his hand when trying to pick it up.

If the lack of any skills in your child’s behavior worries you, then you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist.

During this period the main share useful substances the child receives from complementary foods. However, breastfeeding, with a decrease in its share in the overall diet, still remains.

By this age, out of five feedings a day, three are meals consisting entirely of complementary foods.

Breast or formula is offered to the baby upon awakening and at the last feeding before bedtime.

The baby’s diet includes all the main products within the recommended daily allowance:

  • Vegetables – up to 200 gr.
  • Porridge – up to 200 gr.
  • Fruits – up to 100 gr.
  • Yolk – ½ (given twice a week).
  • Cottage cheese (kefir) – up to 50 g.
  • Juice – up to 90 gr.

The diet must include bread and butter, vegetable and butter.

During this period, fish begin to be introduced into complementary foods. To start complementary feeding, low-fat varieties of white fish are used. The maximum daily dose is 30 grams. It is worth taking into account the increased allergenicity of fish and carefully monitoring the reaction of the child’s body to its introduction. Fish dishes should be on the menu no more than 2-3 times a week.

The meat can be served in the form of meatballs or finely chopped, as part of soups.

Vegetable purees can contain several types of vegetables and herbs.

Porridges are also becoming more varied. You can try preparing multi-ingredient porridges from several types of grains. And adding fruits and berries to the porridge will improve its taste and add nutritional value. It is not recommended to give your child only semolina porridge, due to the fact that its digestion in the child’s body is very slow.

Mode – sleep and wakefulness

Most babies aged 9 months sleep 8-10 hours at night, and naps during the day are 2 periods of 2 hours.

Some children take three naps during the day: two 40-minute naps in the morning and evening and a 2-hour nap in the afternoon. This suggests that the child is not yet ready for prolonged wakefulness. But this is a variant of the norm.

A 9 month old baby can already sleep through the night without feeding. However, children in breastfeeding, continue to wake up at night demanding my mother’s breast. This does not mean that the baby did not have enough food at the last feeding. Such awakenings are associated with the psychological need to be close to mom. The problem of waking up at night will be solved after stopping breastfeeding.

At this age, sleep disturbances are not uncommon, usually caused by the presence of external irritants and uncomfortable temperature conditions in the bedroom.

A properly structured daily routine with minimization of active games and unnecessary contacts immediately before bed, as well as the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room will help normalize the child’s sleep.

  • For harmonious mental development It is important for the child to feel the closeness of the mother. Therefore, no matter how much your baby weighs, try to pick him up more often.
  • Develop your speech. To do this, read books with bright pictures more often, show and name objects. Give preference to poems and short fairy tales.
  • Teach your baby to crawl. There are a number of physical exercises for this. A motivating factor that also works well is a toy that you can reach.
  • Build pyramids and towers together. The child will mostly destroy them, but may also try to stack the cubes on top of each other. After playing together, ask your child to collect the pieces into a box.
  • Give your child the opportunity to crumple, tear, unwind and rewind the paper. The ideal product for this purpose is a roll of toilet paper.
  • Study body parts. To do this, a child’s toy arsenal, regardless of gender, should include a doll or baby doll. By sitting him next to the baby, you can show the eyes, nose and other parts of the body together. The doll can be fed and put to bed. In the future, such a toy will become a full-fledged participant in role-playing and situational games.
  • Playing with water, pouring from container to container, pouring on your hand, washing toys. In addition to a pleasant pastime, it is also an excellent development of tactile sensations.
  • Introduce your child to new textures. A good option is to combine pieces of different materials and various small items in one box. Just don’t forget about your baby’s desire to put everything in his mouth.
  • Use cereal for creativity. You can do an excavation different toys, previously hidden in a plate with cereal.

When working with your child and inventing new games, take into account his mobility. Dance, do gymnastics. During the games, be sure to communicate with your child and monitor his reaction. Your 9-month-old baby can already suggest the development path that suits him!

Baby 9 months old (video)

The active nine-month-old baby has already mastered crawling. Therefore, his parents should be patient and develop a quick reaction. The development of a child at 9 months requires the presence of certain skills and abilities. Time passes quickly during this period and every few days or weeks indicate new rounds of development for the baby.

What a nine-month-old baby can already do:

  • reaches for a toy that is out of his reach;
  • can sit up independently from a lying position on his tummy;
  • stands leaning on something;
  • rolls a ball when asked;
  • perceives the game of hide and seek;
  • expresses violent indignation if a toy is taken away from him;
  • drinks from a cup independently;
  • moves on tiptoes, holding onto support;
  • can pull himself up and stand from a sitting position;
  • pronounces the words: “mother”, “baba”;
  • uses gestures for greetings and farewells.

We independently determine the level of development of the baby

  1. If you hold the child by the arms and lower him to the floor, he should confidently stand on two feet. The toes should not be curled.
  2. We put an empty box on the floor and throw a cube into it. We ask the baby to get it. A child of 9 months should be interested in this offer and stick his hand into the box. He may not be able to get the cube, but that’s not the main thing.
  3. We take several noisy toys (rattles, cubes with bells inside) and drop them on the floor so that they create noise. The baby must repeat these movements, throwing objects alternately with both hands.

Psychological development

The baby already knows the names of surrounding objects and can speak individual words. A sign of normal development at 9 months is the ability to identify one’s reflection in the mirror, distinguishing it from others. If you ask your baby to show a certain object, he will easily point at it with his finger. The child enjoys playing educational games, looking at color pictures, and moving objects from place to place.

The baby nods his head in agreement if he is asked leading questions. Sometimes he plucks, bites, is capricious and shakes his head as a sign of disagreement. Why does he do this? Thus, the child determines the boundaries of what is allowed to him. You should explain to the baby in a calm tone that this cannot be done, but do not start screaming. During this period, he wants to taste everything, so adults should not leave him alone with small objects to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Physical development

The baby can stand up independently, holding onto a support. For now he walks only with support and mainly on his toes. A 9-month-old child is characterized by excessive energy in actions, speed and the ability to control his body. The child actively shows interest in unusual objects from those around him - a pendant on his aunt’s neck, a cell phone in his dad’s hands - and tries to reach them. He seeks communication with other children and tries to contact them.

Baby's sleep at nine months of age

At this stage of development, the baby sleeps a total of 12-14 hours a day. Of these, night sleep takes 10 hours, daytime sleep – 1.5-2 hours twice. The third daytime nap is usually no longer available. At night, the baby may wake up 1-2 times to feed.

Feeding your baby at 9 months

During this period, the baby is still a baby, but still mother’s milk is no longer the main product in the diet. Now his menu is varied: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. All dishes are served boiled or steamed. Many special children's canned food with fish, meat, and vegetables have been developed.

They can also be introduced as complementary foods. The baby eats 4-5 times a day, consuming about 200-250 grams of food at one time. In between feedings, you need to give him compote or unsweetened tea to drink to avoid dehydration. New fruits and berries should be introduced into the diet carefully, observing whether there are any allergies to them.

Games with a nine month old baby

How to develop a child in the ninth month of life? Of course, through games - this is the most effective method today. early development children. What can you teach through playing? Yes to almost all basic skills.

  1. Educational toys - pyramids, turrets, nesting dolls. These devices should be as simple as possible to assemble - the rings on the pyramids should have wide holes and a wide, rounded safety pin.
  2. Development of fine motor skills of the hands. To do this you need to use finger exercises. You should bend and straighten the baby’s fingers, doing circular movements. You can recite humorous poems or sing songs. Such exercises should be carried out daily, for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Games with cereals. We take two plastic containers and fill one with peas, lentils, and beans. The baby will be happy to pour cereals from one container to another.

Parameters of a nine-month-old baby

A boy’s weight at this age should be about 9 kg, and his height should be 71 cm. A girl’s weight should be about 8.5 kg, and her height should be about 70 cm. These parameters are recommended by doctors, but can fluctuate in one direction or another. The developmental characteristics of each child are individual, so such numbers are not a constant value.


Tips for parents

  • Stimulating speech development. You need to talk to your child constantly, talking about the world around you and objects. In this way, the process of repeating words and sentences is stimulated.
  • Games for developing fine motor skills are important not only for physical development fingers, but they also play a key role in speech development child.
  • It is necessary to use prohibitions. In this matter, you need to be persistent, otherwise the meaning of the prohibitions is neutralized. However, one should not fall into excessive severity.

How to praise a child correctly

In this matter, the main rule is the golden mean. Due to excessive praise, a child may develop a psychological dependence on it. It dulls the child’s interest in learning new skills and information. Excessive praise leads to the fact that the child performs certain actions based on the expectation of subsequent approval. Therefore, it is worth praising your child for his successes, but not exaggerating them.

Baby safety

The term “complete child safety” does not exist. But still, some rules will help minimize the risks of developing unfavorable situations. After all, it is easier for us to prevent trouble than to deal with a problem that has already occurred.

  • Do not leave heavy objects or dishes with hot liquids near the child.
  • Sockets in the house must have special plastic plugs.
  • Do not leave filled containers with water (buckets, basins) within the reach of the baby.
  • It is necessary to equip your home with domestic gas leak indicators.
  • You can't even leave it for a short time baby alone in a bath with water. One hand should always be kept on the child's back in order to intercept him at the right moment.
  • It is not advisable to use a walker. They are sometimes deadly to the child.
  • You should not leave your baby in ultraviolet light for a long time while walking. The most dangerous tanning is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight at this time.

All household chemicals, medications, solvents should be kept out of the reach of children. But if the child does get to toxic substances and drinks them, there is no need to rush and look for an answer on the forum from other mothers, but go to the hospital immediately!