municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2 of Perevoz"


“Organization of recreation, health improvement and employment

children and youth

in the operating conditions of the public organization in the summer of 2017.”

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management,

art teacher

Solodova E.V. .


October 2017

Speech at an extended meeting of the district coordinating council

based on the results of recreation, health improvement and employment and children and youth

Perevozsky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region

in 2017

Summer is a wonderful time of sun, warmth, positive emotions, achievements and new hopes! Vacations are a child’s personal time, which he has the right to manage, and its content and organization are an urgent life problem for the individual, in the development of which help educational organization invaluable.

Organization of recreation,in MAOU SSH

2 of Perevoz is built on the basisschoolprogramssrecreation, employment and health improvement for children and adolescents “Summer of Our Hopes”Andaimed at ensuring the rights of citizens Russian Federation for proper rest, development of students in accordance with the interests of the family, society, and state.

Target - Oorganization of active recreation, health improvement and employment for children and adolescents in the summer.

Significant tasks are:

- maintaining and strengthening the health of children, ensuring safe recreation for schoolchildren;

Creating conditions for organizing various forms of recreation, employment and health improvement for childrenand teenagers, incl.those in need of special attention;

Preventionand warningchild neglect and crimeminors;

Mastering the basics of environmental, local history knowledge and practical skills of communicating with nature.

Employment of high school students during the summer, incl. “at-risk” children, children from families in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations;

School, children's camp, work in an environmental group or production team remain different spheres of childhood existence and different forms of pedagogical activity. Vacation pedagogy is constantly being updated, its ideas are scattered in a lot of books and articles on the Internet.
The first golden rule of vacation pedagogy (the rule of uncertainty) – a child’s interested participation in an activity should presuppose its incompleteness, probability, and uncertainty, which encourages each participant to make a choice, an independent decision, and creative actions.
The second golden rule of vacation pedagogy (the rule of creating a product) is formed in such a way that every child participates in the creation of a socially significant product of activity.
The third golden rule of vacation pedagogy (the rule of freedom) involves creating conditions for natural development child. Every child should not feel disadvantaged. If there are no obstacles to carrying out activities that are interesting and productive for him.

The so-called vacation pedagogy, in my opinion, holds great promise. It is interests, cognitive and especially practical, that stimulate creative search and the child’s achievement of a certain degree of freedom of behavior and action.

Organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children and adolescents at MAOU Secondary School No. 2 in Perevoz is presented in different forms activities:

Rwork of a teenage production team"City of our dreams";

Rwork of the environmental team;

ABOUTorganizing the work of an agricultural production team at a school site;

Rwork of preschool educational institution “Colors of Childhood”;

ABOUTorganizing the employment of children registered with the PDNMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Perevozsky", KDNunder the Administration of the Perevozsky municipal district, internal school accounting, students from families inTZhS,SOP;

ANDindividual employmentstudents from 14 years old.

1. In the summer of 2017 we worked2 teenage production teams “City of our dreams”.

The teenage production team of school No. 2 in Perevoz was created in 2004 and continues its work to this day.Every year the school cooperates with the Employment Center and the city administration, social services. partners, students’ work is paid.

Our team is an independent labor association of schoolchildren, created to help children choose the right profession that would bring satisfaction and provide an opportunity to realize their creative potential. Students come to the conclusion that competence, professionalism, and competitiveness are qualities that can ensure professional growth and material wealth. Every year the number of people wishing to work in a production team is growing, students are interested in obtaining a specific result of their work.

From June 1 to June 15, the team worked to improve the city. Team leaders Valery Pavlovich Blinkov, N.I. Lisenkova

The team members completed a huge amount of work - this

Laying out and caring for flower beds on Sovetsky Ave., 2 microdistrict;

Cleaning city streets from household waste;

Improvement work at Pobeda Park;

Cutting down bushes on city streets;

Cleaning the banks of the Piana River from garbage and solid waste;

Public work with the city population (distribution of leaflets calling on city residents to maintain cleanliness and order).

From June 1 to June 31, the 2nd team worked on the school grounds, implementing social project“Happy childhood in the schoolyard. Playground".

Team leaderFilyaev S.I. The guys worked hardon improvement of the school grounds: carried out repair work

IN« Recreation area» ;

- onsports ground;

- providedassistance in school renovations ( preparing classrooms for renovation work, leveling pavement in the school yard, repairing the technology classroom (cosmetic repairs, manufacturing, installing cabinets ).

In addition, the guys of this brigade implementedsocial project “Happy childhood in the schoolyard. Playground". The guys made

painted, installed benches, trash cans,with calls “For a clean city!”,we made and installed a multi-tiered flower garden, filled it with soil, planted flowers

culture, manufactured and installed a Chalet house on a discount. The result was 1st place in the regional competition for teenage production teams in the category“The best institution is the organizer of teenage labor brigades”, honoring the brigade at City Day.

The school site is a place where students acquire the basics of environmental knowledge and knowledge of design art.

2. Environmental work at our school has been carried out for many years, but in recent years this work has had a practical orientation, including in the summer. This is the activity of the environmental team. The task of the school is not only to develop a certain amount of knowledge on ecology, but also to promote the acquisition of practical skills and awareness of the importance of one’s practical assistance to nature.

R work of the environmental team was headed by Nina Ivanovna Piskunova. WITHFrom August 1 to August 13, the children worked on landscaping the school and school yard, including:

took care of flower crops, coniferous plants in flower beds and rock gardens, ornamental plants in the arboretum, adjusted the ridge and alpine slide.

3. Work on the school site of an agricultural production team began on June 1 and continued until August 31. The leaders of the agricultural team were a team of school teachers (Zerina N.Yu., Prutskova I.A., Tokareva L.P., Minkova O.V., Guseva G.V., Logunova E.S., Lyapina M.G. ., Kolesnikova N.V., Isaeva N.A., Antipenko E.A., Kharitonova L.V.)

Members of the agricultural production team worked ineducational and research zone, which includesflower and decorative department, vegetable department, fruit and berry department, arboretum, garden. The work began in the spring.GuysThey grew seedlings of decorative and cultural plants, as well as vegetable seedlings. During the summerGuyslooked after vegetable crops, fruit and berry plants,fed the plants with mineral fertilizersin the garden and arboretum, in additionClose attention is paid to experimental work. Thematic experiments with plants were aimed at solving issues related to increasing plant productivity.

A beautiful, well-groomed school site instills in schoolchildren aesthetic feelings, a love for their native nature, and for agricultural work.

The main conclusion that the teaching staff of school No. 2 in Perevoz came to in the course of organizing students’ work in the summer is that school years are the brightest and most unforgettable time in a person’s life. This is not preparation for a future life, but life itself - rich and interesting. And although the main characters are schoolchildren, they can already do a lot of useful things for themselves and for those around them.

4. Children's recreational and educational camp with day stay "Colors of Childhood"operated from June 1 to June 22.Head of the camp -Oleinik T.I.50 girls and boys aged 8 to 14 years were healed, incl.

34 children from families in difficult life situations, in a socially dangerous situation, registered with the school, registered with the PDN, KDN, which amounted to 68% of the total number of children vacationing in the camp.

Because 2017 is the Year of Ecology, we could not stay away from environmental problems, sothe shift was built on the basis of a thematic role-playing

games "Ecological landing". Children and adults took part in a variety of adventures and events. The ecogalaxy is facing an ecological catastrophe; all plants are disappearing from its surface at an incredible speed. 3 detachments of environmental and sanitary teams took on the role of environmentalist-cosmonauts who went to save the Ecogalaxy in environmental ambulance vehicles.

At the beginning of the shift, each squad received an oak tree without leaves and fruits, participating in

events, earned camp bonuses - dublas sheets and dublas acorns, which were placed on squad oak trees.The result of the gameEach eco-team had its own green oak tree, grown during the flight and bearing positive fruits, as well as the Ecogalaxy saved from an environmental disaster.

5. One of the important components of the summer health campaign is the organization of employment and temporary employment of minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years. Were not left without attention children, registered with PDN, KDN , VSHU students from families in difficult life situation, socially dangerous situation .

All students in these categories were busy during the summer months. You can see employment information on the slide.

Number of students/







PDN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Perevozsky",

KDN and ZP under the administration of the Perevozsky municipal district

Preschool educational institution “Colors of Childhood” MAOU Secondary School No. 2 of Perevoz;


Yard practice at SDK p. Veldemanovo;

DOOL "Joy";

Agricultural production

military brigade;




DOOL "Joy"State Budgetary Institution "TsSOGPVII Perevozsky District";

Ecological squad;

Agricultural production

military brigade;



- Teenage production crew “City of Our Dreams”;

Agricultural production

military brigade;



Yard practice at SDK p. Veldemanovo

With. Yagodnoye,

With. Tilinino;

Individual employment;

Agricultural production

military brigade;


"Joy" State Budgetary Institution "TsSOGPVII Perevozsky District";

- ecological squad;

Agricultural production

military brigade;


"Joy" State Budgetary Institution "TsSOGPVII Perevozsky District";

Children from families in private housing, special needs, large, single-parent, low-income families

- Teenage production crew “City of Our Dreams”;

Preschool educational institution “Colors of Childhood” MAOU Secondary School No. 2, Perevoz;

Agricultural production

military brigade;


Agricultural production

military brigade;

DOSL “Sportsman” MAU FOK “Chaika”;


"Joy" State Budgetary Institution "TsSOGPVII Perevozsky District";

Agricultural production

military brigade;

Individual employment;


6. And individually employed were 25 students aged 14-18 years.

Reaching children and adolescents MAOU secondary school No. 2 of Perevoz in the summer of 2017 amounted to 100%, including:

Total quantity



Children covered

health and employment of children and adolescents

MAOU Secondary School No. 2 of Perevoz, incl.

Children not covered

organized forms of recreation,

health and employment of children and adolescents




447 student


kovaya production

national brigade"City of our dreams"




DOOL “Colors of Childhood”

Agricultural production

national brigade


children registered in the PDN, KDN, VSHU,students from families inTZhS,SOP

Individual employment of students from 14 years of age

22 people

5 %


3 %





76 %


4 %


6 %


0 %

Social effect organization of recreation, health improvement, employment of students of MAOU Secondary School No. 2 of Perevoz:

No cases of child injuries;

Satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) with the services of recreation, employment and health improvement for students;

No cases of crime in the summer of 2017;

Maximum coverage of children with recreation, employment and health services.

By organizing activities varied in both form and content during the summer period of 2017, the teaching staff created conditions for as many positive qualities of the children to manifest themselves, become more active and develop.

Children choose something they like, whether it’s working in an environmental group or relaxing in a children’s recreational and educational camp, and come to groups of different ages, teams and it is very important to form a team from a noisy, unorganized group of children, help children master various types of activities, acquire specific knowledge and skills, and develop leadership qualities in children.And systematic and consistent planning of work during the summer helps to use this time for the benefit of children, broaden their horizons, develop curiosity, and cultivate a caring attitude toward nature.

Summer 2017 gave children health and joy, parents satisfaction, teachers and school staff the pleasure of creative communication and pride in the results of their work.

So many different things have been redone,
We found so many good friends.
Everyone rested and worked here with all their hearts,
We could do a lot together!

Thank you for your attention!

Historically, our country has developed diverse forms of organization summer leisure children. Country camps, playgrounds at schools and teenage clubs, children's tourist trips and routes, etc. have become traditional. Today, along with traditional ones, new opportunities have appeared in the organization summer holiday children.

1. Country camps have always been one of the most common forms of organizing summer holidays. A review of the literature allows us to make the following classification of country camps.

· Leisure. The main purpose of leisure camps is to organize leisure time. Specificity – variety of activities.

· Wellness. Tasks and forms such as camps are related to the health of the child, improving the well-being of children. Grandiose programs that negatively affect the physical and mental state of the child are avoided here. The main role is given to valeologists, who are responsible for organizing and implementing programs to attract children to healthy image life.

· Profile. These are practically oriented camps. Their goal is to deepen knowledge in certain subjects and create conditions for the development of children’s special abilities. Subject specialists usually work here. Special camps may have a different profile. The most common are sports, tourism, economic, leadership, etc. There are specialized camp programs for gifted children and for disabled children.

· Labor. They provide assistance in solving financial problems of teenagers and teach them any craft or type of work. A labor camp is of great importance in shaping the economic ideas of children and adolescents, in developing life skills in a market economy, and allows them to foster independence.

This classification allows us to present the types of camps in pure perfect shape. In practice, of course, there may be mixed camps. However, each unit (children's group) will have its own specifics. This specificity will be determined by the basis on which the detachment was formed, the goals, the basic concept of the pedagogical concept and the main types of activities. This classification does not mean that, for example, in a specialized camp (detachment) there are no leisure activities. Of course, leisure and recreation will be implemented in almost every type of camp, but not everywhere they will be the main ones, that is, they may be of secondary importance.

This classification can become the basis for self-determination of teachers and summer holiday organizers regarding the goals and main activities, which will allow more effective mobilization of funds and resources.

When designing activities in country camps, it is necessary to take into account such conditions as

Temporary nature of the team;

Changes in the usual living environment;

The closedness of a country camp as a type of child care institution;

Lack of parental care, support and control.

Principles of organizing the pedagogical process and life activities of children in the camp.

1. Complexity, as a principle of organizing the work of the camp, provides for an interconnected (systemic) solution of educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks; a combination of individual, group, collective and mass forms of work; application of a certain system of pedagogical methods and means.

2. Compliance with the principles of voluntariness, initiative, cooperation between children and adults creates conditions for the free development of the child. These principles are characterized by: the universal accessibility of all classes, the right of children to choose the content and forms of work, the children's group and the teacher, the active inclusion of all children in the activities of the camp, the manifestation of their initiative and creativity, the establishment of relations of mutual care and joint creativity of children and adults.

3. A differentiated approach as a principle of pedagogical activity requires organizing work with children taking into account their age and individual characteristics, determining age boundaries of differentiation taking into account trends personal development children of the appropriate age, allocation within of this age children's subgroups based on certain psychological and pedagogical characteristics.

When developing projects for various areas of the camp’s activities, relevant GOALS AND OBJECTIVES for each model:

1. Providing adequate rest for children based on developed leisure activities that have increased developmental potential, contributing to the targeted improvement of personality and the formation of experience in social interaction of children with peers, adults, and the outside world; creating conditions to support their psychological and physical health.

2. Formation moral education and stimulation of the process of self-education; formation of communication culture skills.

3. Providing conditions for revealing the creative individuality of children, their interests, needs, and natural inclinations.

4. Maximum use for educational and health purposes of the opportunity for children to be in new social and natural communication.

5. Creation of a comfortable socio-psychological and everyday microenvironment for the life of children and adults in the camp.

The need to program camp activities

Over the past three years, a new “mania” has appeared in the domestic camp movement - “programming.” Camp programs are spoken about from large stands, special seminars are dedicated to them, they are praised for them, and in their absence, they are criticized. What is this, a new trend or something else? In our opinion, programming camp life as a way to organize the work of a suburban children's camp– this is a natural stage in the development of the summer recreation system for children and adolescents in our country. But one cannot help but notice that at the moment there is no proper scientific and methodological support for programming the activities of children's health camps.

What is the camp program

There may be several answers to this question. So today in specialized literature, under the term “camp program”, both the conceptual foundations of the camp’s activities and thematic plan, and much more. But still the camp program is:

- document, along with the Charter (if there is one) one of the main ones in the activities of the camp. A document that should reflect the content and work systems of the DOL for a certain period;

- result programming process. Programming should be understood as a clear definition of the purpose of the camp’s activities, choice effective forms and methods for achieving it;

- model future activities of the DOL, which should answer the questions:

1) what is the real situation of the camp today (pedagogical and socio-economic aspects)?

2) What kind of activities would you like to see at the camp?

3) What needs to be done to bring the actual state closer to the desired one?

First of all, we must immediately make it clear that programming is not a fashion, but it is not an “eternal phenomenon” either. At this stage of development of the Russian camp movement, they are necessary, just as today they are necessary for schools, children's organizations, etc. Why? Let us answer in the words of leading experts in the field of educational program development V.S. Lazarev and M.M. Potashnik: “Programs are needed in unstable, dynamically changing conditions in order to understand what is happening, what it will give or what it threatens. In a highly predictable and slowly changing world, there is no need to look too far.” Let's not argue with last statement famous scientists, but note that in the practice of US camps, programs are also given a lot of attention, because Americans believe that the program is the camp, “this is what happens in the camp day after day.”

The program is a means of fighting against spontaneity and formalism in the activities of many teaching teams of the Children's Educational Institution, because its development “forces” the camp administration and teachers to comprehend the essence of their activities, their educational position.

The program should show how, taking into account the specific conditions in the camp, an unconventional model for organizing the education, health and development of children is created.

Considering that the work of the children's camp is programmed (in which the efforts of children, their parents, owners, administrators, teachers and camp staff are combined), the program helps all participants understand the purpose of their joint actions, understand what is expected of them and coordinate joint activities ( so that the children have a better rest and the camp team works better).

Program typology

There are several types of programs, their differentiation is based on various criteria: focus, duration, innovation, etc. Let's consider the types of programs according to their focus (comprehensive and specialized) and duration (long-term and short-term). So, the first group:

Comprehensive program– a program of diverse camp activities that combines various areas of recreation, health improvement and education of children in the specific conditions of the children’s camp.

A profile (specialized) program is a program with one general (leading, main) area of ​​activity. These are, for example, social and pedagogical projects of camps for disabled children, for teenagers with deviant behavior, young leaders of children's organizations, or environmental and local history programs.

But let us emphasize that this division is quite arbitrary, since both during the shift for disabled children and in a regular camp, program participants will play, participate in various activities and events, walk in the forest or through a meadow, swim, do physical education, etc. Only everything will happen taking into account the capabilities of the children.

Sometimes the term “thematic program” is found in the literature and it conveys the meaning of a specialized, monodirectional camp. In our opinion this is incorrect. Any program can be thematic, if necessary. And one more argument in defense of our opinion: it is somehow incorrect to consider the program for disabled children to be a thematic one, it’s too sad.

The second group of programs: long-term and short-term.

Long-term programs include programs designed to be implemented over a number of years.

Short-term programs are programs implemented over a short period of time (the optimal period is a camp shift). Based on the last argument, we note that this is why it is recommended to develop a short-term camp program as a one-shift program. The long-term program is not just a camp program, but a camp development program. Concluding this section, we should also mention such types of programs as original and borrowed (adapted). Experience convinces us that now the most common programs are proprietary ones, i.e. developed by the camp team for themselves. Such a program should have original idea, an unconventional approach to organizing the life activities of children and adults in the camp. At the same time, adapted programs are also gaining popularity, borrowed (if the authors do not mind) from colleagues, but not revised, based on the specific conditions of their camp. You can write off a program, but you cannot work on it if it has not been rethought, “redesigned” to suit you, to suit your capabilities! Just as there are no two absolutely identical camps, there cannot be two identical programs of their activities.

Requirements that the camp program must satisfy

Psychological and pedagogical science identifies several qualities that any program should have. Let's highlight the main ones (taking into account the specifics of the camp):

Relevance is the property of a program to be goal-oriented, focused on solving the most important problems in the current conditions for a health camp (taking into account the requirements of the time, region, parents, children, etc.).

Integrity is a requirement for the program to combine all actions into a single system: from setting a goal to describing the proposed result of the activities of the DOL; The integrity of the program is, first of all, its consistency.

Predictiveness is the property of a program to work for the future, to reflect in its goals and planned actions not only what is today (popular, in demand), but also the expected (predicted) changes, new requirements for the activities of the camp.

Reality is the requirement for the program to be feasible, optimal for the potential (creative, material, etc.) of a specific DOL.

Originality - the quality of the program reflects the specifics of the camp, its originality, an unconventional approach to solving the problems posed.

Program structure

The program may have various options structure, but its main elements (components) are: introduction, goals and objectives, main content of activities, implementation mechanism and expected results. This is the “minimum set” that allows a program to be a program. Other elements are often found: for example, staffing, paraphernalia, estimated costs, etc. Their importance in the program is determined by its purpose.

Let's take a closer look at the main sections of the structure:

1. Introduction (explanatory note, preamble, rationale, etc.). This part of the program justifies its relevance and significance. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the socio-pedagogical conditions in which the children's school operates (at the time of program development). The exact address of the program is also indicated here, i.e. who is it intended for (what age, social group children, etc.). The introduction reveals the main ideas and principles of the program (although they can be included in a separate block), and explains the name of the program (if it has one).

2. Goals and objectives. This section indicates the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “goal” and “task”. A goal is an image of the expected result that the camp can realistically achieve by a clearly defined time. A task is a private goal, a mini-goal; it is a path by which you can measure the process of achieving the goal. The block of goals and objectives must be specific, real, and achievable. In practice, this means that it is important to formulate each of the assigned tasks in such a way that

It was clear what exactly a given period should be achieved in the activities of the camp;

There were real possibilities for solving it;

It really could have been solved (achieved) within the period for which it was designed.

Programming experience convinces us that a good program can have one or two goals and several tasks that specify them. Tasks can also be divided into educational (leading) and organizational and practical (auxiliary). The main thing is that they are consistent with the purpose of the program.

This part of the program indicates the planned events, activities, their regularity and sequence. The program does not require unnecessary detail. Detailed information should be reflected in the shift work plan, which, compared to the program, is more specific and detailed.

4. Implementation mechanisms (development logic, program implementation mode). One of the most difficult sections. It is a description of the system of actions to implement the plan, the ideas of the program (what needs to be done, in what order, within what time frame, etc.). Depending on the type of program, the implementation mechanism can be external or internal. External – when the implementation of the program requires the participation of “external forces”. The internal implementation mechanism involves the use of one’s own strengths and internal reserves.

The main purpose of this section is to think through how what is written on paper can be turned into real activities for children and adults in the camp.

5. Results (Results). This part of the program indicates the expected, intended results, results of the program. Like objectives, results must be specific and realistic. In fact, the main results of the activities of any childcare center is the development of the child. Indicators of this development (strengthening the child’s physical and mental strength, acquiring new knowledge and skills, i.e. new positive life experiences) should become the results of the camp’s activities.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that developing the Dol program is not a simple process, requiring the developer to have certain experience and knowledge. The best way is to unite all interested parties, everyone who loves the camp and considers themselves a real member of the camp team. Creating a camp program is only half the battle. The program must work, then the efforts spent on its creation will not be in vain, and the camp will receive effective remedy improving your work.

Basic models for the functioning of children's health and educational camps

Main function summer camps– health improvement, education, upbringing and development of children in the summer; creation and organization of activities of temporary children's and teaching staff; rational organization of children’s free time, maximum use of children’s stay in a new social and natural environment for educational and health purposes.

The functioning of a particular children's camp is determined by its base (main) model.

By constructing a basic model we mean the technological construction of the socio-pedagogical system of a given type of institution.

Tables 1-6 present some basic models of children's health and educational camps that can be used when creating any institution of this type. These models contain only a brief description of children's camps. It is, rather, a certain image of the institution - “Camp-club”, “Camp-school”, “Summer Academy”.

"Camp-home" No. 1

Index Characteristic
Typology by basis Specialized
Participants Children from orphanages, children under guardianship, disabled children, maladjusted children, class staff, family (for those who need immersion in the atmosphere of a normal family)
Specialists of the educational and health process support group Educators, counselors, teachers additional education, psychologist, game technicians, psychotherapist, social teacher, defectologist, doctors
Information and methodological support Information support by administrative authorities in the social sphere, state guardianship and trusteeship, healthcare and education; commission on juvenile affairs. Regional programs on family and childhood problems. It is created like a large family, where an atmosphere of universal care for everyone reigns: relationships between adults and children are built on mutual understanding and voluntary cooperation. The individual characteristics of children are taken into account. Work is carried out with small groups. Free choice by children of the content of activities. Flexible activity planning.
Logistics (according to camp type) Premises for working with small groups, equipment depending on the content of the activity and the number of children, rooms for psychological relief, etc.
"House of Friends", "Train".

Camp-school", "Summer Academy" No. 2

Index Characteristic
Typology by basis Specialized
Typology by form Combined
Participants Children 14-17 years old, oriented (gifted) in a certain field of knowledge, teams of scientific student societies (SSU); children with poor health.
Specialists of the educational and health process support group. Depending on the shift profile: valeology, ecology, doctors, tourists, university teachers, school teachers, additional education teachers.
Information and methodological support. Information support for stations of young naturalists, young technicians, centers for children and youth creativity, specialized children's clubs, city or regional non-governmental educational institutions, universities, academies, committees for youth affairs. It is created as an institution of additional education. Various types of educational and training programs are implemented: excursions, hikes, travel, work with natural material, public events, games, competitions. Children's cognitive and creative activity develops. Possible specialized content of shifts (humanitarian, natural, scientific, etc.) Specialists work in specialized fields.
Logistics and technical support (according to the type of camp) Mini laboratories, tourist equipment, research sites, observation objects (depending on the profile), classrooms, computers, copying equipment.
Implemented activity programs (mainly) « Ecological trail", "Forest School", immersion program research activity.

“Camp – ecopolis” No. 3

Index Characteristic
Typology by basis Specialized
Typology by form Combined
Participants Children of any age, groups of children's associations, children with poor health, families.
Specialists of the educational and health process support group Ecology, valeology, biology, doctors, tourists, university teachers, school teachers, forestry workers, fisheries inspectors, etc.
Information and methodological support Information support for children's environmental stations, environmental committees, forestry, universities. Regulatory documents on the protection of forests, water bodies, etc. It is being created as an educational institution in natural conditions, combining opportunities for recreation, education and upbringing. Educational and developmental valeological, environmental and biological programs of practical orientation are being implemented. Groups of different ages are created, based on the cooperation of adults and children, mentoring of elders. Research and environmental activities are carried out.
Logistics and technical support (according to the type of camp). “Ecological trail”, ecological plots, farms, living area, stables, poultry house, tourist equipment, observation equipment and tools, mini-laboratories.
Implemented activity programs (mainly) "Ecology, health, culture"

"Camp Theater" No. 4

The “Typology” indicator involves the classification of essential features, such as the basis - a structural element based on the technology used and the form - the arrangement of the sample content.

The line “Participants” is determined taking into account the age approach, as well as social and valeological aspects.

The line “Specialists of the support group for the educational and health process” reflects the camp’s dependence on staffing.

The line “Information and methodological support” contains brief information about the goals, objectives and location of the temporary institution being created, as well as the possibilities of using some well-known techniques.

The type of camp is determined not only by the base, form, methodological support, but also by the material and technical basis (territorial localization, necessary and recommended equipment), which is reflected in the corresponding line.

The main indicators presented in the right column of the tables allow you to see both general and specific characteristics of children's health and educational camps. Taking them into account, the joint activities of children and teachers are programmed.

Organization of summer holidays for children. From work experience.

Summer is the favorite time in every person's life. He feels great all year long if he has had a good rest in the summer. He keeps good mood, immunity increases. For children early and up to school age summer holidays are of great importance. It’s great if you have the opportunity to spend the summer at the dacha, by the sea, away from the city. Unfortunately, not all parents can provide their child with such rest. But this does not mean that the child should lose such an important period in his life.

The teaching staff of our institution conducts a summer health campaign in such a way that children spend their time fun and usefully. We try to make maximum use of the summer conditions that are favorable for improving and strengthening the health of children. During children's long stay in nature, we help them become familiar with the amazing world of nature, so that they learn to understand, love, and take care of its preservation and enhancement.

Therefore, the kindergarten “Nest” sets itself the following tasks: summer job with kids:

Improving the child’s body by carrying out general and special hardening activities, making the most of summer conditions;

Strengthening the child’s health through physical education;

Development of the child’s psycho-emotional sphere by providing
the emotional-positive state of the child and the creation of comfortable conditions;

Provision comprehensive development child in free forms joint activities teacher and children and creating conditions for a variety of independent activities of the child.

Implementation of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in order to increase the motivation and competence of parents in the use of summer natural conditions to harden the child’s body and organize the child’s games on a summer walk.

A properly organized summer vacation is a guarantee not only intellectual development preschoolers, but also the improvement and strengthening of physical and mental health.

Therefore, physical education and health work occupies one of the most basic areas in the activities of teachers with children. The main goal of the holiday is to fully experience those factors that are undoubtedly beneficial to health, which the child was deprived of during the year. A child’s body, unlike an adult’s, is capable of almost completely restoring normal function within 2-3 months of summer vacation. physical fitness due to natural and essential factors for health: sun, air, water, physical activity.

The daily routine plays an important role in the success of health work. Therefore, we have developed variable regimes for children’s stay in kindergarten, which are based on maximum exposure of children of all age groups to the air, as well as an increase in the duration of daytime sleep, hardening.

Hardening activities are divided into general and special. General ones include: a correct daily routine, balanced nutrition, daily walks, sleep with access to fresh air, clothing of children in accordance with hygienic requirements, air and temperature conditions in the room. Special hardening activities include light-air and sun baths, barefoot walking, health-improving jogging, breathing and sound exercises, extensive washing, rinsing the mouth and throat, water-massage procedures “Rucheyok”, etc.

Special attention We focus on ensuring rational daily physical activity. Every morning there is morning exercises accompanied by music, and after sleep - invigorating exercises. Joint activities with an instructor physical culture is one of the most favorite activities for children. Children turn into circus performers, then find themselves in a fairy tale, in the jungle, in the country of Sportlandia, and so on. Outdoor games are held daily for older children preschool age sports games, competitions, obstacle course.

The full development of children is impossible without organizing a balanced diet in compliance with established nutritional standards. Our institution provides four meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, juice), lunch, hot afternoon snack in accordance with SanPiN. The diet includes products containing all the necessary components for the child’s body. Children receive fruit every day, and the third course is fortified.

The desire to make the life of children in kindergarten bright and eventful in the summer led the teaching staff to organize various types of children's independent and joint activities with the teacher in four main areas of child personality development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic and aesthetic in play forms.

Teachers try to organize the lives of children in our “Nest” so that every day brings something new to the children, is filled with interesting content, and they remember the memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes for a long time. The principle is observed in a comprehensive manner - thematic planning. Each day of the week has its own name, but is part of a theme chosen for the week or two. For example, “Health Week” in senior preschool age consists of: “Day of Water and Purity”, “Day of Medicinal Plants”, “Day of Health and Beauty”, “Day of Doctor Aibolit”, “Day of Health”.

All children's activities in the summer are transferred to the street. The beginning of a successful day is the morning, which gives a positive emotional mood for the whole day. Teachers receive pupils on the street, immediately involving them in various games. Round dance games are held daily, especially during the adaptation period, since children come from different preschool institutions. This type of game helps to foster friendly feelings, unite children, and recognize themselves as members of a team. Children of early and early preschool age like the games: “Kolobok”, “Cap”, Teddy Bear”, “Bubble”. Older guys prefer “Magazin”, “Dudar”, “Pleten”. The round dance game “Bubble” is the most favorite among all students.

Summer nature is a source for the development of children's creativity. One of the interesting and educational activities with children are excursions and educational trips along the ecological path laid through the territory of the kindergarten.

The ecological path includes a variety of objects that are most attractive and accessible for children to comprehend. Depending on the task set by the teacher, excursions can be introductory, when all or part of the points are examined in order, or targeted, when one object is examined, for example, “Who lives on this stump?” Every natural object is an inexhaustible source of knowledge. Therefore, students and teachers repeatedly visit the same points.

All excursions are conducted in a fun way together with the “owner” of the path – Lesovichok. To create motivation for the upcoming activity, he invites children to complete interesting tasks or solve riddles.

Lesovichok helps children identify the characteristic features of an object using various techniques: asks questions, tasks, riddles, teaches them to find signs of similarities and differences, and establish connections between various natural phenomena; poems, songs, and small forms of folklore are used to enhance children’s impressions, which contributes to the education of aesthetic feelings, the development of the emotional sphere of children, and empathy for all living things; the issues of forming the moral qualities of the individual are resolved: nurturing a kind, caring attitude towards nature, the desire to protect, preserve and increase the natural wealth of the native land.

To maintain children’s interest, the theme and course of excursions change; games (moving, theatrical, didactic), surprise moments, etc. are always used.

Traveling along an ecological path provides great opportunities for organizing search activities for children of senior preschool age. For example, children are presented with a problem: Why are ants brown? Children express their assumptions, which are discussed by all participants. Then verification methods are determined (experiments, observations) and a conclusion is drawn.

In addition to joint activities, conditions are created to satisfy children’s curiosity in individual independent observations and experimental activities.

Excursions along the ecological path contribute not only to the development of cognitive interest, but also sensory perception, since when examining an object, children use various senses - they examine it, learn to notice small features; listen; touch with hands (observing safety rules); sniff.

After several trips along the ecological path, quizzes, leisure evenings, and entertainment are held. The children's impressions received are reflected in artistic and productive activities. Children draw, sculpt, create collages, appliqués, etc. Very often, leaves and plant seeds collected on the “path” turn into funny animals, magical flowers, or create intricate patterns in children’s works.

Excursions into nature contribute to the development of speech creativity. After observing, for example, insects near a stump, in their play area, the children and the teacher sit on the grass, and the teacher asks the children the question: “Where do you think the ant was in a hurry?”, “And if the ant could talk, what would it do?” told us?”, “Let’s imagine: a strong wind rose, picked up an ant and…. What could have happened to him?

Great attention is also paid to working with parents of pupils, since proper rest for the child can only be ensured through the joint efforts of the family and the preschool institution. Teachers and medical workers provide consultations on children’s health in the summer, safe behavior in nature, on the street, at home, and organizing play activities; prepared aesthetically designed, illustrated leaflets with rules of conduct in different situations. Involve parents in organizing and holding holidays, entertainment, and leisure activities for children.

The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 60 is confident that the summer spent by children in our “Nest” will be unforgettable for them. We will be able to fill the children with bright impressions, discoveries, pleasure, beauty and provide the necessary level of physical and mental development children through a developed system of entertainment, educational and health-improving activities.


1. 1. Voronova E.K. Relay games for children 5-7 years old. Practical guide. – M.: Arkti, 2009. – 86 p.

2. Maslennikova O.M., Filippenko A.A. Environmental projects in kindergarten. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. – 232 p.

3. Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises for children 5-7 years old. – M.: Vlados, 2001 – 107 p.

4. Penkova L.A. Summer sails across the Earth. Methodological manual for workers of preschool institutions, pedagogical students. universities and colleges. – M.: Linka-Press, 2006 – 278 p.

5. Ryzhova N. A. Road, the length of a preschool educational institution // Hoop. – 2006 - No. 3 p. 28-30

6. Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. – M.: Education, 1986 – 79 p.

7. Publications on the Internet: http: // www. ecosystema. ru/; http://detsadd. people. ru/.

D. Medvedev: “I signed an order that approves the Fundamentals of state regulation and control of the organization of recreation and health care for children. They reflect the tasks of improving the system of organizing children's recreation. This includes training of professionals, construction and reconstruction of camps and health resorts, clarification of the legislative framework. It is necessary to prepare all the documents that follow from these fundamentals as quickly as possible.”

From the transcript:

D.Medvedev: We have a meeting today, which is dedicated to organizing children’s recreation and health. The topic is very important and, let’s say, regular. Summer comes tomorrow, school holidays are already starting. Today we will discuss how preparations are going for the children's summer holiday season. It is clear that the key topics are safety, normal, comfortable rest.

A trip to camp is always a great opportunity to relax, meet friends, and learn a lot of new things. At the same time, it is necessary that all this be properly organized so that nothing threatens the health, much less the life, of the children. For this, the key issues are not only ensuring basic safety, but also compliance with sanitary standards and fire safety regulations. We have problems, tragedies happen, and this happened last year. We must do everything to prevent such situations from reoccurring.

Last year, the regulatory framework relating to children's recreation was significantly improved. The powers to organize it are now assigned to a single department (this has been discussed several times), now this is the Ministry of Education. It is it that coordinates the work of all departments that are involved in organizing children's recreation.

The requirements for companies that provide services for organizing such holidays have become more specific and stricter. This also applies to the requirements for the identification and qualifications of people who work with children. We are talking about counselors, educators, guides. All of them take responsibility for their charges and must clearly understand that safety is the most important thing.

We have also established by law that when purchasing in this area, the quality of services and child safety issues are absolute priorities. The provider of such services must have the necessary experience. As they say, vacation organizers should not have any idea of ​​skimping on health.

Just last week I signed a government order approving... They reflect the tasks we have to solve to improve the system for organizing children's recreation. This includes training of professionals, construction and reconstruction of camps and health resorts, and further clarification of the legislative framework. I would like to once again tell the leadership of the federal executive authorities, ministries and departments: it is necessary to prepare all the documents that follow from these foundations as quickly as possible.

Another innovation this season is the mandatory notification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations about the routes of children’s tourist groups. Such groups must be accompanied by instructors-guides who know how to provide first aid and have undergone special training. We have introduced a single emergency number. If necessary, everyone should be able to call it to get help in an emergency. Moreover, this can be done outside the network coverage area or when there are no funds on the phone.

Our regions deal with all this. Every year I appeal to my colleagues and regional leaders so that they personally monitor how children’s recreation is organized, primarily from a safety point of view. This year is no exception. If possible, all heads of the constituent entities of the Federation themselves should travel, watch, communicate with children, staff of children's institutions, and monitor how legislation and modern requirements are being implemented. If there is any doubt, take prompt action, if necessary, inform the Ministry of Education. This is the only way we can be sure that each of the more than 42 thousand camps (I emphasize that we have more than 40 thousand) that plan to accept children this season are truly ready.

Rospotrebnadzor recently said that a number of camps have problems; they cited a fairly significant number, about 300, but so far, according to their information, they do not meet sanitary standards. If this is the case, then the situation needs to be corrected in the near future; if the situation has changed, I am waiting for a report on this topic. All instructions given to camps and children's recreation centers during preparation for the season must be fulfilled, and any violations identified must, of course, be eliminated.

We must also ensure that all children's recreation organizations are included in special registers that have appeared in all regions. There should not be a single camp that is unknown, this is simply absolutely unacceptable, this is, in fact, a criminal situation. Now there is information about a significant number of such institutions. I appeal to the regional leaders: all institutions need to be included there. If there is no organization, some institution there, then everything that happens in it is, to a certain extent, the responsibility of the head of the region, you must understand this.

The safety of children during organized transportation must be taken under special control. Provide conditions for emergency accommodation of children if something happens during the trip. Make sure that if the flight is delayed, meals for children will be provided at train stations and airports and all the necessary conditions will be created.

Of course, the ministries of labor, health, transport, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should monitor how the summer health campaign is going in general.

Naturally, instructions will also be given on control and supervisory and unscheduled inspections - on the topics of fire safety, safety on water bodies and on compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Based on the results of this work, it is necessary to prepare a report to the Government every month.

One more thing. It concerns the holidays of children from regions where emergencies occurred this year. Many families were affected by the fire in the Irkutsk region. A difficult period for children. To support them, we at the Government decided to allocate money from the reserve fund for holidays for children from such families. The documents have basically been prepared.

In addition, a state of emergency has been declared in the Stavropol Territory due to the flood. There are also 16 children’s camps in the flood zone. In general, they are preparing to welcome children, but they need to make sure that the elements will not affect their work and that their rest will be normal.

Once again I want to say that you need to take your work as responsibly as possible. This determines how more than 5.5 million children who will take part in the summer health campaign will spend their summer.

Olga Yurievna (addressing O. Vasilyeva), please inform us about your readiness.

O. Vasilyeva: Summer begins tomorrow. We have 15 million schoolchildren, of which 5.6 million people will relax in camps and improve their health.

Let me remind you that as part of the preparation for this year’s summer campaign, taking into account the list of instructions of the President of July 6, 2016 on the organization of recreation and health improvement for children, we carried out, first of all, work to improve legislative and other regulations.

It was adopted on December 28, 2016, and now our main task is to speed up the adoption of all acts to implement this law. We carried out big job, and after agreement with all departments, we submitted these materials to the Government for the second time.

As you know, the Government has vested the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the authority to organize recreation and health improvement for children.

I want to explain once again what these powers are that we have.

First of all, this is the development and implementation of the fundamentals of state policy in the field of organizing children's recreation and health, including ensuring the safety of their lives and health; coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities in the field of organizing recreation and recreation; interaction with self-government bodies that organize children's recreation; ensuring federal state control over compliance with all requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing children's recreation, as well as developing and approving model regulations on organizing children's recreation and their health improvement.

The last point that defines our powers is the publication methodological recommendations, which will be uniform for the healthy recreation of our children.

It is clear that we worked in this direction together with the federal executive authorities. We conducted under the leadership of Olga Yurievna (Golodets) May 11, 2017 conference call with all representatives of interested departments that carry out sanitary and epidemiological control and public administration in the field of recreation and recreation. Every region was present.

Since we understand perfectly well that monitoring will also be carried out by us, we will hold such video conferences on a regular basis.

As for the next very important task that you mentioned - regarding who will work with our children and how. Today we have 42,101 camps, most of the camps (74%) are organized on the basis of general educational institutions, that is, schools.

It is very important (I want to draw attention to this) that we even have such a wording as “summer shift”. Imagine that even modeling or a music club should be considered as additional education, this really is so. Therefore, do not be alarmed when you read regulations on additional education. Indeed, many organizations here base their activities on additional education. This is correct, because our children should not only get healthy and relax, but also learn something new, interesting and socialize further.

What was offered? We proposed (and supported) a “road map” for personnel training.

To date, 375 thousand people will accept our children, which is almost 6.5 thousand more than last year. The All-Russian meeting of pedagogical universities ended yesterday. The main part of the issues for discussion is the preparation of counselors. Today, in pilot mode, two universities - Moscow State University and Kostroma Pedagogical University - are training counselors according to a targeted program, based on the “road map”.

Starting this year, we will train counselors in all pedagogical universities who will have practice (modules). Together with the Ministry of Labor, we are preparing a professional standard for counselors.

Today (this is gratifying) a large percentage of our organizations have retrained their teachers in preparation for this campaign. Today we have 72% of all organizations on the register, that is, 30 thousand, and we hope that all the rest will be on the register within 10 days.

I would also like to once again draw the attention of regional leaders to the fact that it is necessary for each organization to have a website so that parents and everyone interested in the health of our children can find relevant information there.

It is very important that we maintain constant contact with public observers, public organizations that also want to engage in public monitoring of the life activity of our children. We have created an interdepartmental commission on health-improving recreation and hope to work together.

Today we still have a very important problem - the allocation of subsidies for organizing summer holidays for children in difficult situation(Let me remind you that this happened last year and the year before last). This is 4.6 billion for these activities.

We contacted him several times, made a request, and said that without this it would be difficult for us. Because this year we have 1% more children than last year who find themselves in difficult situations, which means we need money.

I also want to note that we have 289 camps that operate all year round.

This year, 1% more vouchers will be allocated for talented children from all regions of our country.

This is how the Ministry of Education and Science, taking into account the delegated powers, is and will carry out activities to prepare for the summer campaign.

D. Medvedev: Let's hear what the Supervisory Service's assessment is regarding the protection of consumer rights and human well-being. Please, Anna Yuryevna Popova.

A. Popova: The changed legislation allowed us, by the beginning of the summer health period, to achieve 99% compliance with the instructions that we issued at the end of the 2016 season - there were more than 18 thousand of them, they contained more than 90 thousand events. This is more than in the entire foreseeable previous period. That is, the responsibility and degree of preparation today is quite high.

At the same time, answering the question that you already asked and mentioned in your opening remarks, as of the day before yesterday there were 290 summer health institutions that did not comply - and we approach, as before, the acceptance of summer health institutions, the assessment their compliance, although we do not have licensing authority here, with maximum responsibility and rigor. To date, this number has decreased by 12 summer health institutions.

I held a conference call yesterday. There is dynamics, there is an understanding of what needs to be done, there are all the instructions regarding the verification activities that have already taken place on behalf of the Government.

D. Medvedev: How many institutions are there in which it is not yet possible to place children, according to Rospotrebnadzor?

A. Popova: 279.

D. Medvedev: This means that then they must understand this and eliminate everything as quickly as possible. You must then accept it all.

A. Popova: Yes, Dmitry Anatolyevich, that’s what’s happening.

Special letters have been sent to all heads of constituent entities, where available, indicating a list of objects that are currently not ready for acceptance, in order to once again draw attention to this.

What you mentioned, an important aspect, is the transportation of children in the coming season, and here control over the in-flight catering shops has been strengthened, if it is air transport; for transportation by rail with provided meals. I would like to draw attention to transportation by buses, because heat in the summer, it is necessary to provide for the organization of children's nutrition in advance.

At the same time, it is very important to develop notification schemes in case of receiving information about the presence of patients or suspected infectious diseases, as well as to provide for the possibility of conducting non-contact thermometry along the way in order to carry out all these activities as quickly as possible.

And one more aspect that I would like to dwell on is the organization of catering in summer health centers. This year we are seeing an increase in the cost of food included in government contracts, and this, of course, is very good. But not in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation supply contracts are drawn up directly or are concluded directly with food producers; often these are intermediaries.

If we talk about those who do this as much as possible with their manufacturers, these are the Novgorod region (86% of all contracts in this health season), Altai Territory, Vladimir, Kaliningrad, Kirov regions. Unfortunately, not everything looks the same in other regions of the Russian Federation.

And staff training. The human factor operates almost every year, and any violation of sanitary requirements, unfortunately, is fraught with aggravation of the epidemiological situation in summer health centers. Over the past five years, we have seen a decrease in the number of such incidents during the summer health campaign, but at the same time, the risks here remain quite high, and this must be remembered and taken into account.

Almost everyone who is going to work during the summer health period in these institutions has already undergone special sanitary training, a sanitary minimum, but it is the training of personnel, the selection of personnel and constant monitoring of them that can fully ensure compliance with all requirements and rules.

And to provide infectious diseases medical care. Here, too, we carried out proper controls before the start of the season, there are no serious violations here, in general, all hospitals are ready, all specialists also went through additional training cycles and listened to additional lectures.

D. Medvedev: Now let's listen to some regional leaders - both those represented here and those on video conference - then let's return again to the federal executive authorities.

Let's first connect the Krasnodar Territory, because this is still the main region where everyone vacations.

Please, Veniamin Ivanovich. How are you doing?

V. Kondratyev: 780 thousand children will take part in the current summer health campaign, of which a third are from other regions of the Russian Federation. The total budget for children's recreation in the region is about 3 billion rubles, of which 1 billion 800 million is money directly from the regional budget. We pay special attention to children who are in difficult life situations, and this year about 158 ​​thousand of them will have a rest.

At our level, Dmitry Anatolyevich, we are doing everything to ensure that sanatoriums for children do not change their focus. Because we place very strict demands on those sanatoriums where children rest, and it is more profitable for them today to say that we will switch to holidays for parents with children or to holidays for adults.

But I emphasize once again that today we are somewhere in a dialogue, somewhere we are convincing, somewhere we are making various preferences, including tax ones, so that they remain in children’s holidays. This is important for us, because you were absolutely right when you said that Kuban is the main region where children from all over the country can have a quality and safe holiday today.

We also provide support to parents who purchase vouchers for their children on their own, and compensate costs for companies that buy vouchers for the children of employees. The compensation percentage is half, that is, 50%. And it doesn’t matter whether this company buys for the children of its employees or the parents buy directly, that is, we compensate 50% of the cost of the voucher.

More than 1.5 thousand different camps and health resorts will be involved in the current summer campaign. And I can say that all 1.5 thousand camps and health resorts are in good condition - this concerns both safety at the highest level and the comfort of the children who will rest there. A thorough inspection of our health resorts, and not only during the season, has already become the norm for the Krasnodar Territory.

We took into account the instructions of the Government and tightened the requirements for both fire safety and medical care. Today, our sanatorium, which provides recreation for children, cannot begin its work if it does not have full-time doctors. An on-call doctor is a thing of the past. Today, all doctors in sanatoriums are full-time, on a regular basis.

Children's health centers also receive safety data sheets from us. They provide security of territories and video surveillance, fire safety, food, equipped beaches. If the sanatorium does not have a safety passport that includes these parameters (the main thing: safety, beach, video surveillance, panic button), it also cannot begin to provide services for the health and recreation of children. This is also our strict requirement. Today, 100% of our sanatoriums that provide services for children’s recreation have safety passports.

We monitor the quality of services in health resorts together with social activists. And for the first time this year we will have a hotline. Parents, maybe even children (we are currently thinking about it) will be able to go through the hotline and report some violations, shortcomings in this or that sanatorium or health resort.

In addition, the movement of children throughout the region is under special control; we have air, rail, road, and sea transportation. Today we are interacting efficiently with fellow governors from other regions, who notify us in advance about organized groups of children who are coming to us from other regions, which allows us to track the movement of these groups of children and to efficiently accompany them through our territory to their placements. This is very important, because the most serious thing for us is when unorganized groups of children (or even organized ones, but not under our control) move around the territory of the region, and it is not clear where they are located.

We promptly receive information about all organized groups that travel to our region. And I hope, fellow governors, that this year we will in no way violate this algorithm.

However, if unorganized groups of children are identified in the region, an algorithm for interdepartmental interaction has been developed so that we can quickly identify them, find them and understand what to do with them, where they are from and how they will return home. This is also very important.

In case of emergencies, more than 30 thousand reserve accommodation places and about a thousand reserve beds are provided in the region’s medical institutions. You never know what the situation is, life has taught us, that’s why we have 30 thousand reserve beds and about a thousand reserve beds in medical institutions.

Attention is paid to cultural program. We have worked on a whole range of tourist routes, including resuming patriotic routes to places of military glory, where battles and battles took place. Children who come to our region on vacation will have the opportunity to walk through the places of military glory of those who gave their lives for the freedom of our Motherland.

Colleagues, we are taking all measures to ensure that children from all over our country have a quality rest, improve their health, and, most importantly, parents do not worry about their safety.

D. Medvedev: The most important thing is that the children themselves are safe and that normal conditions for recreation are provided.

But we shouldn’t forget about our parents either. Take control of the situation.

Let's listen to those who are here - the acting head of the Republic of Karelia.

Arthur Olegovich, please.

A. Parfenchikov: Our main task in the coming period was to create a regulatory framework, albeit temporary, taking into account the new federal legislation.

We will probably receive a full package of federal regulations by the next season, so in March-April we adopted the corresponding regional temporary regulations, which identified issues related to the regulation of relevant registers, safety standards, issues of interdepartmental interaction, including clarification and expansion of powers interdepartmental commission.

Taking into account this circumstance, today 332 organizations are included in the register. More than 200 teachers underwent appropriate retraining to participate in organizing children's recreation.

To date, the health campaign has already begun, 24 camps have been opened. All organizations that were inspected taking into account the new regulatory framework, with the exception of one camp, passed the appropriate inspections. One camp has a water requirement, so the start of its work has been delayed until July 1.

It is also important to develop an appropriate interdepartmental “road map”, which will involve systematic, regular inspections of all camps throughout the entire health season.

There are certain issues with the financing of summer holidays, because we have not yet received information on the consideration of our application for the allocation of appropriate interbudgetary transfers, federal ones, so now all financing is provided from the consolidated budget.

If we talk about the regulatory problems that need to be solved, of course, we need appropriate regulatory documents from the Ministry of Education and Science. And the region is ready to participate in this as part of testing the legislation, the regulatory framework that will be in force during this season.

We also propose to consider the issue of supplementing the relevant Article 12 Federal Law“On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” with unconditional and clear obligations of relevant organizations to submit information to the regional register, as well as their obligations to provide insurance with corresponding correlations in the Administrative Code in the event of failure to fulfill these obligations.

D. Medvedev: Keep an eye on the situation, because you, too, as we know, had problems in the previous period.

Your vacation spot is popular, so you definitely need to take all measures.

I said that, unfortunately, extraordinary events occurred in the Irkutsk region this year, and therefore some families and children need to be helped.

Sergei Georgievich, please say a few words.

S. Levchenko: More than 550 thousand children live in the region, of which 306.5 thousand are school-age children. This year we have budgeted a larger amount than in previous years, more than 726 million rubles, this is mainly from the regional budget and partly from municipal budgets (from the regional budget it is 30 million more than in the previous year).

In addition, during the summer health campaign, specialized health recreation seasons will be held for disabled children, orphans, children without parental care, for children with disabilities, orphans and so on. Minors who are various types preventive accounting, will be involved in specialized shifts of various directions: military-patriotic, sports, sports-technical, environmental.

Now about the tragedy that we had at the end of April. In pursuance of the list of instructions of the President following the meeting that we held on May 25, we are supplementing the regional program and increasing the amount of funds for the rehabilitation of children from families affected by fires. From the Kirensky district, where the village of Bubnovka is, we planned to organize recreation and recreation for 30 school-age children and 10 preschool-age children. And from other small settlements, where several houses also burned down.

Thank you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, I know that you signed an order to allocate additional money for summer recreational activities for children.

Thanks to the fact that we have been preparing for the summer season last year and since the beginning of this year, we have resumed the work of health camps in almost 10 territories, municipal territories (Nizhneudinsky district, Ust-Ilimsk, Svirsk, Cheremkhovo, etc.), additional dormitory buildings were introduced in a number of summer camps. In addition, funds are allocated from the regional budget to 20 regional government institutions that provide services for the recreation and health of children, a total of about 100 million rubles.

Now, when ready, according to the instructions. We were given 235 orders by the Rospotrebnadzor department. As of May 29, 96% completed. I believe that by June 10 we will fulfill all these instructions.

D. Medvedev: Control the situation too.

Now let’s return to our colleagues who ensure compliance with the necessary requirements at the federal level.

Please, Alexander Vladimirovich Gorovoy. How is the situation at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

A. Gorovoy(First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs): We absolutely understand the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure the safety of both recreation in general and children in particular.

Our work is structured by the order, which was signed on March 9, in all areas of activity. Today we are satisfied with the interaction with our colleagues from the Ministry of Education, thanks to them for a certain aggressiveness, and our colleagues from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The results of the readiness of the country's internal affairs bodies were summed up last Friday with the participation of deputy governors of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation responsible for interaction with law enforcement agencies. We have worked through the issues as much as possible with the staff of health-improving organizations regarding actions in the event of violations of public order or the emergence of any threats. Instructions continue as personnel are hired at these establishments.

Due to the extensiveness of transport and human flows, we pay increased attention to the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and Sevastopol. By separate order, 700 personnel from other regions of the country have been sent there starting tomorrow to provide assistance.

Starting tomorrow, we will be setting up monitoring points at all railway stations and airports at duty units of the transport police to monitor the logistics and movement of organized groups of children. 100% of trains will be physically escorted.

Taking advantage of the presence of the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, I would like to draw the attention of my colleagues to the following issues. Despite the signing of the Federal Law on December 28, 2016, which imposes direct responsibility, including for ensuring the protection of order and security on the part of the administrations of these camps and their owners, we continue, due to certain problems - financial, methodological, geographical - to provide assistance to the territories including the allocation of personnel. I thank the governors present here who, to carry out this task, deployed and put the personnel of the internal affairs bodies on the boiler allowance.

We took part in a survey of all 100% of the camps that are preparing to welcome children for summer holidays. The information was sent, together with colleagues from the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Education, by our colleagues from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the heads of the subjects and the relevant prosecutors. The dynamics so far on some issues leave much to be desired. I would like to draw attention especially to the issues of notification and response. Today, across the country, 57% of establishments intended for children's recreation are equipped with call buttons. We continue to work here together with colleagues from the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, we are meeting the needs of business entities halfway, despite certain costs, knowing full well that this concerns children.

We are working very intensively to check the personnel who must work in these camps. Based on last year’s experience, as a result of our inspections, 417 people were removed from working with children. We talked about this on Friday, and orders for admission will not be signed without the approval of the heads of the territorial bodies of the ministry.

D. Medvedev: Is this 417 people across all regions?

A. Gorovoy: For everyone. Last year.

We pay attention to unauthorized camps. Last year, including on our initiative, 48 such institutions were closed. We talked with deputy governors to prevent this kind of incident this year.

D. Medvedev: I have already said: what are unauthorized camps? If these are permanent places of residence for children, where they are placed for a fee, then this is a gross violation of the law and a reason for initiating a criminal case, without a doubt. And I would ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to treat it this way too.

A. Gorovoy: I heard.

And one last thing. I would like to appeal to all operators of the organization and organizers of children's holidays. In our line of work, we pay serious attention to the rest and employment of children who are on preventive care. Last year there was progress, 77% of the “sub-graduates” were already on vacation.

On the websites of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of all subjects, telephone numbers are indicated that parents or children can call and report on certain shortcomings that exist in a particular institution in various areas of their functioning. By orders of the heads of territorial bodies, managers or trained officers are assigned to each of these institutions.

Current legislation obliges a summer health institution to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Federal Law of December 28, 2016 N 465-FZ,
  2. Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”,
  3. Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation”

The activities of children's camps must be carried out in accordance with the requirements:

  1. Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”,
  2. National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52887-2007 "Services for children in recreation and recreation institutions"

Basic sanitary and epidemiological requirements for children's camps

  1. Admission of children to a children's health camp is carried out in the presence of a doctor's conclusion about the absence of contacts with infectious patients, about the state of health of the children and information about existing vaccinations, about the absence of medical contraindications to sending such children to this organization, as well as in the presence of a medical card of the established form and information about available vaccinations.
  2. Before opening a children's health camp, it is necessary to organize and carry out anti-tick (acaricidal) treatment of its territory and measures to combat rodents in order to prevent tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and other infectious diseases.
  3. It is not permitted to use the ground floors and basements for accommodating children, conducting club activities, placing medical premises, sports, dance and assembly halls for children, with the exception of equipment for a shooting range.
  4. During the operation of the children's health camp, it is not allowed to carry out routine or major repairs in the places where children stay.
  5. The canteen building provides conditions for washing children's hands near the dining room (or at the entrance to the dining room) and a place for undressing children.
  6. It is not allowed to use utensils with broken edges, cracks, chips, deformed, damaged enamel, plastic and aluminum cutlery.
  7. The dining room is cleaned daily: floors are washed, dust is removed, radiators and window sills are wiped down.
  8. There should be no insects and rodents in the dining room; if they are detected, disinfestation and deratization measures are taken.
  9. Acceptance of food products and food raw materials into children's health camps is carried out in the presence of documents confirming their quality and safety. Food products with signs of poor quality are not allowed, as well as products without accompanying documents confirming their quality and safety, and without labeling, if the presence of such labeling is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  10. Meals should be organized in accordance with a sample menu approved by the head of the children's health camp, designed for at least 2 weeks, taking into account the physiological needs for energy and nutrients for children of all ages.
  11. Breakfast should consist of a hot dish, a sandwich and a hot drink. Lunch should include an appetizer (for example, salad or portioned vegetables, herring with onions), a first hot dish, a second hot dish, and a drink. The afternoon snack includes a drink (milk, fermented milk drinks, juices, tea) with bakery or confectionery products without cream, fruit; It is allowed to serve cottage cheese or cereal casseroles and dishes. Dinner may include fish, meat, vegetable and cottage cheese dishes, salads, vinaigrettes and hot drinks. The second dinner includes a fermented milk drink (can be supplemented with confectionery (cookies, waffles, etc.).
  12. Children should be provided with a 24-hour drinking regime.
  13. It is not recommended to hold mass physical education and sports events at ambient temperatures above +28 °C.
  14. It is recommended that children bathe in open water on sunny and windless days, at an air temperature of at least +23 °C and a water temperature of at least +20 °C. The recommended duration of continuous stay in water in the first days is 2 - 5 minutes with a gradual increase to 10 - 15 minutes. Swimming immediately after eating (less than 30 minutes) is not recommended. When organizing children's bathing, be present medical worker Necessarily.
  15. Children are bathed in specially designated and equipped areas. On the shore, sun canopies are equipped and changing cabins and toilets are installed.
  16. The territory of the children's health camp must be kept clean. The area is cleaned at least once a day.

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52887-2007

"Services for children in recreation and recreation institutions"

(approved and put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2007 N 565-st)

4.6 To ensure the required quality of services provided to children by a recreation and recreation institution, must comply with the following basic conditions:

  1. availability and condition of documentation in accordance with which the institution operates;
  2. conditions of placement of the institution;
  3. whether the institution is staffed with the necessary specialists and their level of qualifications;
  4. technical equipment of the institution (equipment, devices, equipment, sports and tourist equipment, transport, etc.);
  5. availability of an internal quality control system for the services provided.

4.6.1 Availability and condition of documentation

The documentation should include:

  1. the charter of the institution and the regulations on the institution, registered in the prescribed manner;
  2. staffing table ( approved by the head of the institution within the limits of the available wage fund; it must confirm the provision of services provided by specialists with the necessary qualifications);
  3. guidelines, rules, instructions, methods, plans and programs for working with children ( approved by the head of the institution);
  4. conclusions of sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, fire inspection (Z conclusions of the sanitary-epidemiological supervision and fire inspection authorities on the compliance of the state of the institution and the territory on which it is located with sanitary and fire safety requirements.)
  5. documentation for existing equipment, instruments, equipment, sports and tourist equipment;
  6. national standards of the Russian Federation ( regulatory documents establishing the characteristics of products (food products, technical equipment, etc.), rules for the provision and characteristics of services provided by recreational and health care institutions for children and in related areas - tourism, excursion services, catering, etc.);
  7. financial, economic and medical documentation;
  8. regulation (order) on internal control.

Approximate list of required documents

  1. *License for medical activities or an agreement with a state (municipal) medical institution to provide services to children;
  2. **License for educational activities
  3. Camp acceptance certificate. The procedure for acceptance and operation of children's recreation and health organizations is specified by each subject of the Russian Federation. The act is signed by an interdepartmental commission.
  4. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Issued by Rospotrbnadzor and SES
  5. Permission from the State Fire Inspectorate.
  6. Acts on deratization and disinfestation measures carried out + agreements for their regular implementation
  7. Documents for the right to operational management of buildings and land (agreement with the founder) or arena agreement
  8. Contract for the supply of products
  9. Garbage removal agreement
  10. Permission from the Department of Internal Affairs + Agreement with the external security department of the ROVD
  11. Department of Internal Affairs, which checks the camp staff to ensure they have certificates of no criminal record, and evaluates the security of the camp and the organization of safety for children in the camp.
  12. Nomenclature of the institution's affairs
  13. Local acts
  14. Book of orders for main activities
  15. Book of orders for the movement of children
  16. Staffing table
  17. Job Descriptions
  18. Internal labor regulations in the institution
  19. Canteen documentation (sample menu), approved by Rospotrebnadzor, production control plan, product certificates, rejection logs)
  20. Medical records of institution employees
  21. Financial and accounting documents
  22. Shift schedule
  23. Work and duty schedules of employees
  24. Health and safety instructions
  25. Instruction logs, accident logs
  26. Medical documentation (medical certificates for each child, a log of those who sought help, data on the work of medical offices)
  27. Data on teaching, medical, technical personnel and canteen workers, their qualification characteristics
  28. Vouchers to a health care facility (with a register attached; a health care facility agreement with parents, or statements; an official document for children in difficult life situations indicating the category (certificate of receipt of benefits, or a report of family examination by authorities social protection population of the municipal area)
  29. Agreement with parents on the provision of services

*** in Russia, licensing of children's health camps themselves is not provided; in two cases, they must still have it: when providing medical and recreational services(license for medical practice) or educational services(license for educational activities). Clubs and sections are not educational, but leisure services, so in this case a camp license is not required. For example, summer schools must have such a license.

Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Each type of camp is required to comply with the relevant Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation approving the relevant SanPiN.

These Decrees establish requirements for:

  1. accommodation requirements
  2. device
  3. content
  4. organization of camp operating hours
  5. requirements for the age of children.

The camps are opening if there is a document confirming its compliance with these sanitary rules issued by the body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision at the location of the tourist camp.

In this case, the founder or owner of some types of camps (for example, tourist camps, labor and recreation camps) must notify the body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, and local government bodies at the place of its location about the timing of its opening at least 1 month and before the arrival of children - at least 2 weeks.

Persons who have undergone professional hygienic training, certification and medical examination in the prescribed manner are allowed to work in the camps. Workers must be vaccinated in accordance with national calendar preventive vaccinations, as well as for epidemiological indications.

Each camp worker must have a personal medical book of the established form, which contains the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about past infectious diseases, preventive vaccinations, marks on completion of professional hygienic training and certification.

List of current Resolutions of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (changed and supplemented from time to time)

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013 No. 73

“On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work of inpatient recreation and health organizations for children”

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the operation of children's health camps must, no later than, less than 2 months before the opening of the health season, inform the authorities exercising control and supervision functions in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population about the planned timing of the opening of children's health camps, the operating mode (start and end dates of each shift), the planned number of children in each shift, the timing of deratization , disinfestation measures and acaricidal (anti-mite) treatments

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2011 No. 22 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work and recreation camps for teenagers” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 24, 2011 No. 20277 );*

These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, maintenance and organization of work and recreation camps, which are formed during the holidays for students of educational institutions who have reached the age of 14 years (hereinafter - teenagers) for the purpose of organizing rest and performing work.

This type of camp is also subject to Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2001 No. 2688 “On approval of the procedure for carrying out shifts of specialized camps, day camps, labor and recreation camps” (as amended on June 28, 2002);

—Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2010 No. 25 “On approval of SanPiN” (together with “SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the regime in health institutions with day care for children during the holidays. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards") (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 26, 2010 No. 17378);*

establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, maintenance and organization of the operating hours of health institutions with day care for children, organized on the basis of functioning general education institutions, preschool educational institutions, additional education institutions, sports facilities, social rehabilitation centers, and are aimed at improving the health of children and teenagers during the holidays.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2010 No. 29 “On approval of SanPiN” (together with “SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating regime of tent-type children’s tourist camps during the summer holidays. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards") (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 27, 2010 N 17400); *

These sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, maintenance and organization of the operating hours of children's tourist camps during the summer holidays using tents (hereinafter referred to as tourist camps), regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership.

— Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2010 No. 58 “On the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities. SanPin 2.1.32630-10″ (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 09, 2010 No. 18094);*

* Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in medical activities have been determined (SanPiN ** For health resort camps.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2014 No. 3, Moscow "On approval of SP 2.5.3157-14 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation of organized groups of children by rail""

Other acts

Order of Rosstat dated April 23, 2010 N 171 (as amended on May 16, 2011) “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the activities of children's health institutions (camps)”

This order approved the form for submitting statistical reporting to Rosstat.

It is provided by camps of all types, except for sanatorium and health camps.

On medical contraindications when sending minors to recreation and recreation organizations (Letter from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2015)