“Have you caused a hernia in your brain? Revan was a man, not a woman!

Meetra Surik to Atton Rand

Revan: Galactic Doom and Salvation

Revan: Galactic Doom and Salvation

Revan... Probably the most famous character in the Star Wars universe outside of the film saga. This name can be given a wide variety of characteristics, both negative and positive. Think for yourself, he was both the Dark Lord and the Great Jedi, a conqueror and a savior, a hero and a scoundrel. In addition, he was an excellent strategist who thinks through his plans several steps ahead, a leader capable of leading millions, a master of the Lightsaber and the Force. But what is hidden behind the scenes of the game? Knights of the Old Republic? In this post I would like to talk about the favorite of millions of Star Wars fans, Revan. So let's get started!

early years

About childhood Revana practically nothing is known. By Knights of the Old Republic 2 It is known that Revan was born outside of the Outer Rim, around 3981 BBY*. His real name, home planet, and family remain unknown to this day. Several years after his birth, he was found fit to train as a Jedi.

Training in the Jedi Order

Revan's first known teacher was a Jedi Master Kreia, who taught him all the basics of Jedi skill. Under her leadership, Revan underwent training in the temple on Coruscant and on Dantooine. Kreia never limited Revan in his pursuit of knowledge. After Revan felt that he had nothing more to learn from Kreia, he left her and began training with many of the famous Jedi Masters of the time period, including Master Zhar Lestin, Master Vrook Lamar And Master Doran, from whom Revan learned much about the ancient knowledge of the Sith. After Revan received the rank of Jedi Knight, he realized that he had nothing more to learn from the Order.

Beginning of the Mandalorian Wars

Having visited different parts of the Galaxy, having received fame, respect and having become sufficiently strong in strength and spirit, Revan invited the Jedi Council to enter the war, to which he received a categorical refusal. Despite the ban of the Jedi Council, Revan managed to gather many followers, the first of whom was his friend Alec Squinquargesimus. Alec later made a significant contribution to the recruitment of new Jedi.

In 3964 BBY, Revan decides to go to the front lines of the Mandalorian War to gather information. On his way there he visits various planets, including Taris, Suurj, Onderoon and many others. Having received no support among the Jedi at the head Lucien Drey on Taris, Revan goes to Suurj. Leaving most of his followers there, he goes with Alec to Dxun. Seeing a warning vision, Revan flies away from Dskun alone. During his absence, Alec and his group are captured by the Mandalorians and sent to " Flashpoint", to the mad Mandalorian scientist Demagol.

After collecting information, Revan returns to the Jedi Council and reports everything that he himself saw. Despite this, Revan receives a second refusal from the Council, and then goes on a mission to rescue the Jedi from Flashpoint. By the time Revan arrives at the mission site, all the Jedi are already saved by the fugitive Padawan. Zane Carrick.

Having teamed up with Alec again, Revan decides that it will not be possible to obtain permission from the Council for the Jedi to enter the Mandalorian War, despite any arguments. Therefore, he begins more active actions than simple reconnaissance. By this point, more and more supporters are joining Revan, and the media gives him a cheeky nickname - " Revanchist".

On his first arrival on the planet Qatar, Revan, along with the Jedi Masters and the more force-sensitive regular Jedi, felt every pain and every death out of thousands of deaths on Serroco, when the Mandalorians began bombarding this planet with thousands of nuclear warheads. Alec, rushing to the aid of his “master” and friend, heard only a protracted: “ I feel!.."

Shortly after the bombing of Serroco, Revan sends Alec to the leader " Adascorpa", who intended to trade in exorgoth worms that could devour entire stars. Revan tells Alec about the danger they pose, and he goes to investigate his next vision. At the Adascorp base, Alec meets Kartom Onasi, admiral Saul Karat, Lucien Dray, as well as with himself Mandalore Ultimate. Thanks to the intervention of Zane Carrick and his team, the auction is disrupted, and the exorgots go after the ship of their “creator,” the scientist Kemper, into deep space.

After the Adascorp affair, Lucien Dray is promoted to the rank of Jedi Master, giving him a seat on the Jedi Council. There he talks about the split in the ranks of the Mandalorians that occurred on the planet Jebble. At the same time, Dray is silent that the “schism” occurred thanks to a Sith artifact that turned all humanoids into “intelligent” Rakhghouls. After his inspiring speech, Lucien declares all revenge-seekers outlawed and places bounties on their heads. After this statement, Alec takes on a pseudonym Malak and Revan sends him to Coruscant one last time, for a secret meeting with the Jedi Masters from the Council. At this meeting, Malak tells the Master Vandaru, how Lucien Drey got a seat on the Council, and what role he plays in all the events that happened earlier.

Mandalorian Wars

After the meeting, Malak returns to Qatar, where Revan had established a base by that time. Revanchists. Having followed Malak, Master Vrook Lamar ambushes Revan's followers. Having surrounded them, a conversation ensues in which Lamar lures most of the revanchists to his side.

After Lamar's speech, Revan wanted to retreat, but saw under his feet Mandalorian Mask. After Revan took the mask in his hands, all the Jedi around heard the screams of the Cathars and blaster shots: the Cathars were running towards the sea, and they were pursued by Mandalorians with jetpacks, firing at the Cathars running in panic. The Mandalorians were led by Cassus Fett, right hand Mandalore. Drawing their lightsabers, the Jedi rushed to protect the Cathars, but no matter how hard they tried to inflict at least some damage on the Mandalorian squad, they could not. Turning off their swords, the Jedi realized that the Mandalorians and Cathars were a vision of the past. Revan and the Jedi followed the vision to the sea. There they saw the Cathars driven into a corner. At this moment, a Mandalorian woman stood up for the Cathars and demanded that Fett cease fire. But Fett wanted the entire Cathar race to be exterminated, since they had tarnished honor." Mando'ade" and joined the Republic. After this, the Mandalorian ships arrived in time and opened fire on the Cathars and the Mandalorian. The Jedi heard each of the thousands of screams that sounded during this genocide, and this was the end of the vision of Revan and the others. Revan brought the Mandalorian mask to his face, saying Inspiring speech: he vowed that every victim on Katara would be avenged, and he himself would fight until all Mandalorians were destroyed. It was at this moment that Revan became Revan, finally entering Mandalorian War. He was then joined by hundreds of Jedi across the galaxy when the Council, having heard of the genocide on Qatar, officially authorized the Jedi to enter the Manadorian War. Revan became the admiral of the entire Republic fleet. After Revan entered the war, the Republic began to gradually push the Mandalorians back to Unknown Regions. Revan was an excellent strategist, and Malak was an excellent warrior. Together they liberated Taris, Serroco, and in 3961 BBY they fought Cassus Fett near a link of paths called Yaga. After the battle with Fett, Revan destroyed most of the Mandalorian army on Altire. In all battles, Malak did not restrain himself and fought with extreme cruelty, pouring out all his rage on his enemies. Revan tried not to show his rage, but fought on equal terms with Malok. In all their battles, the fighting style of the Mandalorians was clearly visible, as well as behavior similar to the Mandalorians: Revan did not let go of the weak and despised the indecisive fighters who got in his way.

Also in 3961 BBY, Revan discovered the first Star Map on Kashyyyk which could lead him to Star Forge. At that time, Revan did not know the true meaning of the Star Forge, so he simply remembered the coordinates that the map showed him. Soon after, Revan found an ancient planet Sith entitled Malachor V. On the surface of the planet, Revan understands the full power Dark Side strength in this place, but thanks to his willpower, Revan manages to resist the Dark Side and not be consumed by it. On the surface of the planet, Revan finds a long-abandoned Traus Academy. There he finds the exact location of the planet Korriban, home of the Sith race. Later, according to Kreia, it became clear that Revan learned there that there was a danger much greater than the Mandalorians. In addition to all this, Revan also understands that the Dark Side of this planet can be used for his own good.

At the end of the Mandalorian War, in 3960 BBY, Revan's fleet pushed the Mandalorian fleet back to the planet Malachor V. Revan's plan was to destroy the remaining enemy forces in one blow. In addition, Revan also wanted to destroy the Republican soldiers and Jedi who were not loyal to him. By then, with the help of a Zabrak scientist-technician Bao Dura, a weapon of mass destruction called Gravity Shadow Generator, which will feed on the energy of the dark side of Malachor. The GGT was later placed as close to the Mandalorian army as they could. To activate the generator, Revan sent his best general, the female Jedi, Meetra Surik, whom he trusted as much as Malak. This girl later became known as Exile. While Mythra activated the GGT, Revan faced Mandalore Ultimate alone in the final battle, in which he crushed him. In his final speech, Mandalore tells Revan about the True Sith Empire, as well as about the Emperor, who helped the Mandalorians assemble a huge army capable of challenging the Republic. Mandalore gives Revan the coordinates of the planet Rekkiad, where he could find information about the Empire. Mandalore dies and Revan takes his mask.

After this, Revan gives a signal, and Mythra activates the GGT, thereby “pulling” the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet and army, as well as the disloyal part of the fleet and army of the Republic, to Malachor. In addition to the destruction of the fleet and army, almost the entire planet of Malachor was destroyed and practically turned into a lifeless piece of rock.

After the war

After Malachor, Revan flies with Malak to the planet Rekkiad, where he finds the tomb of the ancient Sith Lord. There they hide Mandalore's mask, and also find a datacron, which contains information about the planet Natema - a planet from which all life and Power were sucked out by Lord Vishit, who is now the Emperor.

Despite catastrophic losses on both sides, Revan and Malak were recognized as heroes of the Republic. The Mandalorian clans were defeated so badly that it was almost impossible to assemble an army from them that could resist the Republic, which fully corresponded to Revan's desires. Revan made a decision by which he disbanded the remnants of the Mandalorian army, and also dismantled them." Basilisks"The defeated and humble Mandalorians could do nothing but go to live on reservations, or, uniting in small groups, terrorize the inhabitants of different planets. In addition, single Mandalorians became Headhunters, mercenaries or bodyguards, and swore to serve the highest bidder.

All those who praised Revan considered him to be a paragon of excellence throughout the Jedi Order. Among those who followed Revan to war, the teachings of the Sith began to emerge, with many already being awarded Sith ranks. Among the “fallen” there was also best friend Revana - Malak. Revan was fully supported by the Republic soldiers he saved, who harbored a burning hatred for the Jedi Order, which allowed a billion Republic soldiers and civilians to die. Their loyalty was so great that they abandoned their allegiance to the Republic and the Senate.

After returning to the Republic, Revan and Malak took the remnants of the fleet and flew to the Unknown Regions. To avoid suspicion, they announced that they would pursue the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet - those who were able to survive the Battle of Malachor. But only Revan knew that the Mandalorians no longer posed a threat, and that in fact they were going in search of the True Sith...

From the Sith Emperor

After several months of travel, Revan and Malak find the lifeless planet Natema. On it they learn about what happened to this planet, as well as the coordinates of the planet Dromund Kaas - the capital True Sith Empires. Arriving at Dromund Kaas, Revan and Malak introduce themselves as merchants and begin to obtain information. After a few more months, they decide to meet with Sith Emperor, which at that time, thanks to what he did to the planet Natema, was approximately 1100 years old. Having met him fully armed, neither Revan, nor especially Malak, could do anything against the power of the Emperor. Using the power of the dark side, the Emperor persuades Revan to the dark side and tells him about the Star Forge. Infinite Empire Rakata: The Emperor's plan was to find the long-lost Star Forge and bring its might against the Republic and the Jedi, crushing them in an instant. The Emperor told Revan about which planets the 5 Star Maps were on, but did not name the exact location. After this, Revan and Malak, filled with ambition, set off in search of the Star Maps.

The First Search for the Star Forge

Revan and Malak return to the Republic and begin searching for the Star Maps. Having found one of the cards, Revan invites Malak to betray the Emperor and use the power of the Star Forge themselves to conquer the Republic, and then start a war with the Emperor. Malak becomes Darth Malak, student Darth Revan.

Landing on Dantooine, away from the Jedi Enclave, Revan and Malak find an ancient mound, in the ruins of which they find an ancient droid. The droid explains to Revan and Malak that in order to get to the Star Map, they will need to pass 2 tests. After passing them, they stop near the entrance to the Star Map Chamber. Malak warns that once you enter this chamber, there will be no turning back. This does not stop Revan, and together with Malak they enter the chamber. There they find the Star Map itself. Having written down the coordinates shown on the map, Revan and Malak set off on further searches: since Revan found the Star Map on Kashyyyk during the Mandalorian Wars, the two of them still visit Korriban[b], [b]Manaan And Tatooine. While visiting one of the planets, the Dark Side of the Force plays a cruel joke on them: Malak completely forgets about the Emperor and the Sith Empire. Having collected all the coordinates shown by the Star Maps, Revan and Malak go to the system Lechon. Immediately after arriving in the system, their ship crashes onto the only planet in the system. Some time after the crash, they are attacked by warriors from the tribe Black Rakata. After quickly dealing with them using the Force and lightsabers, Revan uses the force to order one of the Rakata to escort him to their leader. Having met with the leader of the Rakata, The Chosen Ones, Revan, thanks to his strength, taught him Galactic Standard Language. After talking with the Chosen One, he realized that no one from the local tribe had access to Rakata Temple, but the Chosen One promised Revan that he could take him to the temple if he taught him “strange magic” to confront the tribe of Rakata elders. Revan swore that he would teach him this.

After his statement, Revan goes to the tribe Elders, where he realizes that the Elders can answer many of his questions. Instead of destroying them, as he swore to the Chosen One, he leaves them alone. Having found the ancient terminal, Revan studies the past of the Rakata Empire, as well as all aspects of the work of the Star Forge that interest him. After this, introducing himself as a servant of light who wants to destroy the Star Forge, Revan turns to the Elders with a request to let him into the Rakata Temple. Having completely believed him, Revan and Malak are allowed into the Temple, where they turn off the planetary shield and fly away from Lehon to the Star Forge.

Star Forge

Having brought the remnants of his fleet to the Lechon system, Revan began executing his plan, namely, building a fleet that was capable of conquering the Republic. Revan understood the full power of the dark side of the Star Forge's power, and therefore did not dare to use it even at 100%. Darth Malak, having forgotten about the Emperor, perceived with horror that his Master did not want to accept such enormous power. But Revan, unlike his student, knew that the Forge led to Civil War in the Infinite Rakata Empire, which ultimately destroyed the Empire, leaving only a small tribe of Elders on Lehon. Therefore, Revan did not want this story to repeat itself and disrupt his plans.

Some time later, when Revan's fleet was ready, he personally led it into Outer Rim, where he introduced himself as Dark Lord of the Sith, thereby unleashing Jedi Civil War.

Jedi Civil War

In 3959 BBY, Revan started the Jedi Civil War, the purpose of which was his "desire to end the tyranny of the Jedi High Council once and for all." His first target was the planet Korriban, the ancient homeland of the Sith. After conquering it, Revan founded the Sith Academy in Valley of the Ancient Lords.

Revan's main goal was to preserve as much of the infrastructure as possible on the conquered planets in order to quickly return the republic to combat readiness in the post-war period, and not start all over from scratch. During the war, many planets defected to Revan's side, and Revan gladly accepted famous politicians who supported his goals.

After the conquest Echani, Corellia, Serroco, as well as a successful attack on Foerost, where Revan had most of the Republic fleet surrounded, Revan tasked Malak with taking over the planet Telos IV. During the conquest, Malak ordered Saul Karath, who remained loyal to Revan after the Mandalorian War, to carry out a bombardment of Telos. Karat carried out the order without delay, thereby violating the plans for the first time "peaceful conquest" Revan, as well as causing anger towards Revan's army from the Republicans.

After this attack, Revan decides to change his war tactics. Realizing that the side that has the most powerful Jedi will win the war, Revan creates troops assassins. These units secretly infiltrate all Republic structures, sabotaging infrastructure and assassinating prominent Republic figures who oppose Revan. In addition, the assassins kidnapped younglings, padawans and ordinary force-sensitive people to further transform them into Dark Jedi.

In 3958 BBY, Malak began to notice that Revan was too soft and did not fit his idea of ​​a True Sith Lord. Malak challenges Revan to a duel, in which Revan cuts off Malak's lower jaw. After this duel, Malak is given a steel implant, and his voice becomes more mechanical and frightening. NK-47, Revan's personal droid, which he assembled after the Battle of Malachor V, immediately after the duel told Malak that "a mere bag of meat cannot defeat my Master." Revan really liked this phrase, and he programmed the droid to call all organic individuals in this style, except for himself.

Revan, like the assassins, sent NK-47 on various missions. HK-47's last task in Revan's service was to kill a new Mandalore, which appeared to contradict Revan's old assumptions that the Mandalorians would no longer be able to raise an army. Although HK-47 killed Mandalore, he did not return to Revan, as he was reprogrammed by one of the Mandalorian mercenaries.

At the same time, when the assassins were dispersed throughout the galaxy, Revan managed to conclude agreements with the Cherka corporation, and also entered into an agreement with the planet Manaan for the supply kolto soldiers of his army.

After concluding an agreement with Manaan, there was no longer any reason to doubt that Revan’s army would crush the Republic, but Revan’s plans were not destined to come true...

Malak's Betrayal
In 3957 BBY, the Jedi Council makes a desperate attempt to stop Revan. Having lured Revan's fleet into a trap, a group of Jedi led by Bastila Shan They land on Revan's flagship and push him back to the bridge. During the battle between Revan and the Jedi, Malak decided that this was the perfect chance to overthrow Revan. Having fired a shot with " Leviathan"on the bridge of Revan's flagship, Malak seriously wounded him. After this shot, the Sith believed that their leader was dead and retreated. For unknown reasons, Bastila created a connection of power between her and Revan, thereby supporting his fading life. Bringing Revan to Dantooine, to the Enclave Jedi Order, a debate began in the Jedi Council, at which it was decided what to do with Revan. In order to find out how Revan assembled such a huge fleet capable of conquering the Republic, the Council erases all of Revan’s memories and “creates” an ordinary one out of him. a soldier of the Army of the Republic.To constantly monitor Revan, Bastila is assigned to him, who, if his memories are restored, was supposed to put an end to Revan once and for all.

Taris, the search for Bastila and the return to Dantooine

Almost a year passes after the memories are erased. Revan is assigned to a Republic ship called "Endor Spire" to protect Bastila, since she was an important person in the Order and had the gift "Battle Meditation". Darth Malak finds out about this and sends his apprentice, Darth Bendon, to capture Bastila. A Sith cruiser attacks the Endor Spire in orbit around Taris. Waking up in the middle of the battle, Revan fights his way to the escape pods using Traska Ulgo. Halfway through the journey, Carth Onasi contacts them, saying that Bastila was successfully evacuated from the ship. Some time later, Revan meets with Darth Bendon, but Trask, ahead of him, blocks the door and delays Bendon for some time, sacrificing himself. Having broken through to Karth, they evacuate the ship together in an escape capsule and make an emergency landing in the upper city of Taris.

After colliding with the surface of Taris, Carth carries Revan to cover as he has lost consciousness. In the hideout, Revan sees a strange dream, but does not pay much attention to it. After some time, Revan and Carth find out that Bastila was captured by a gang of swoopers "Black Vulkars", and to free her they need to win a swoop race. In an attempt to save Bastila, Revan and Carth encounter Gadon Tek, the leader of another swoop gang called "Secret Becks". With their help, as well as with the help of the Twili girls who joined Revan and Kart Vao Missions and Wookiees Zaalbara, the race is won. But Brezhik, the leader of the Vulkars, did not want to give Bastila to Revan, which led to an armed conflict. In this conflict, Revan kills Brezhik, thereby winning over the Mandalorian to his side. Canderous Ordo and droid T3-M4. With the help of the droid, Revan steals the codes to bypass the blockade of Taris from the Sith base, and with the help of Canderous, he penetrates the base Davika, leader of a group of slave traders called "Exchange". Revan and the team sneak into the hangar, where they find Ebon Hawk, a ship that once belonged to Revan.

At this time, Malak, who is in orbit around Taris, orders Karat to bombard Taris in order to destroy Bastila. When the bombing begins, Calo Nord and Davik. Another battle ensues, but Nord and Davik are overwhelmed with rebar, and Revan flies off on Ebon Hawk to Dantooine.

Dantooine and "training" to become a Jedi

After arriving on Dantooine, Bastila immediately went to the Jedi Council with her report, and then presented Revan to the Jedi Council. Telling the Council that, allegedly on Taris, she sensed a slight sensitivity to force in him. The council retired to make a decision on whether to teach Revan the ways of power or not. That night, Bastila and Revan had a dream-vision about how Revan and Malak found some kind of tomb on Dantooine.

The next day, a decision was made that Revan would be trained in the ways of the Jedi.

The training went smoothly and quickly. As a result, to obtain a rank Padawan Revan had to complete 3 tasks: tell the Jedi code, create his lightsaber, and also cope with the source of the Dark Side of the Force in a grove, not far from the Jedi Enclave. Having quickly completed the first two tasks, Revan went to the grove, where he discovered a Cathar woman Juhani. She fell to the Dark Side, killing her Master. After a fight with her, Revan managed to return her to the light.

Returning to the Temple, the Council tasked Revan and Bastila with exploring the ancient ruins from their vision.

Second Quest for the Star Forge

The second search for the Forge began with a visit to the Ancient Temple on Dantooine. In this temple, Revan again met the old droid, who told him about the "builder" race, as well as how to access the Star Map. After going through the same tests again, Revan and his companions gain access to the Star Map, on which they find the locations of the remaining 4 Star Maps. After recording everything in Ebon Hawk's journal, Revan returned to the Council, where he told them what he had seen. Some time later, the Council sends Revan and Bastila in search of the Star Forge.

Setting out on his quest, Revan visits the same planets he previously visited with Malak. On Tatooine, Revan buys his old droid NK-47, helps Bastila and her mother get closer again, and Mission gets back together with her brother. In addition, Revan manages to “reconcile” the Cherka corporation and the Sand People, thanks to which he was able to gain access to the Star Map.

On Kashyyyk, Revan helps Zaalbar solve the problem with his tribe, freeing the tribe from the yoke of the Cherka corporation, and also meets Jolie Bindo, who helps him find the Star Map in Dark Valley on the surface of Kashyyyk.

Arriving on Manaan, Revan helps the planetary government and the Republic embassy solve the problem with the Sith, and also helps Jolie's friend Bindo in obtaining an acquittal in a murder case. Sith Agent. After all this, Revan is tasked with finding out what happened at the Republic kolto mining station. Revan descends to the bottom of Manaan and discovers an ancient giant Firax, which blocked the path to the Star Map. Having destroyed the Kolto mining equipment and calmed the Firaxa, Revan gains access to the next Star Map.

While traveling around different worlds Revan and his companions are constantly pursued by mercenaries and Dark Jedi. In addition to them, on one of the planets Revan encountered Kalo Nord, a survivor of the bombing of Taris, and on another planet with Malak’s student, Darth Bendon. But in addition to constant meetings with enemies, Revan also learns from Canderous the history of the Mandalorian War and Revan, as well as the history of Jolie Bindo when he was a smuggler. Revan completely restores HK-47's memory and learns that he was created by himself, and the story of how he passed from one master to another. After helping Bastila reunite with her mother, feelings begin to blossom between her and Revan. Bastila, fearing that this would lead her to the dark side, decided to distance herself from Revan for a while.

After defeating Darth Bendon, Revan set out in search of the last piece of the Star Map. During the flight, Ebon Hawk was captured by the beam of Leviathan, Darth Malak's flagship...

Leviathan and the truth about Revan

While Leviathan was pulling Ebon Hawk towards him, Revan came up with a plan for their escape. Immediately after Ebon Hawk found himself in the Leviathan hangar, his entire team was taken into custody, and Revan, Bastila and Carth were personally delivered to Saul Karatha. During the interrogation, Karat used electric shocks for every answer he considered incorrect. At this moment, Revan's feelings for Bastila ran counter to his sense of duty: on the one hand, he had to tell the truth in order to protect Bastila from electric shocks, but on the other hand, he should not have revealed the purpose of their mission. After completing the interrogation, Karath retired to the bridge of the Leviathan to await the arrival of Darth Malak.

After some time, one of Revan's companions managed to break into the prison and free Revan, Bastila and Carth. After that, they began to break through to the bridge to Karat in order to turn off the beam holding Ebon Hawk. At the same time, the rest of the team was breaking through to the hangar, straight to their ship, to prepare it for departure.

Having broken through to the bridge, Revan kills Karat, but he manages to say something to Carth, which makes him furious. After calming him down, Bastila orders Revan to turn off the tractor beam. Having disabled it, Revan and the others begin to break through to the hangar with Ebon Hawk. Suddenly, Malak himself appears on their way. After a short speech, Malak tells the whole truth about Revan. Refusing to believe this, Revan attacks Malak. After a short battle, Bastila attacks Malak herself, and orders Revan and Carth to escape from Leviathan. Returning to Ebon Hawk, Revan and the team departed Lephiathan and jumped into hyperspace towards the final planet that contained the Star Map.

Continuing the search for the Star Forge

After landing on Korriban, the team gathered in the center of the ship for a meeting, where Carth revealed who their leader really was. After everyone spoke about what they thought of the current Revan, the decision was made to continue the search for the final Star Map.

On Korriban, Revan is forced to infiltrate Sith Academy as a student: after passing a small test, Revan is allowed into the Valley of the Dark Lords, appointing him as a student Utaru Vinu. At the Sith Academy, Revan meets the son of Carth Onasi, Dastila: After finding a PDA with information about what Uthar has planned for Dustil, Revan manages to return him to the light side. Having received enough reputation points, Revan is sent to tomb of Naga Saddow to pass the last test in order to gain rank Sita. After passing through the tomb, Revan finds the final Star Map. On the way back he comes across Uthar and Yutara Ban. After a short conversation, Revan gets into a fight with Uthar. After killing him and talking with Yutara, Revan manages to return her to the path of light. After this, Revan travels to the Lehon system, straight to the Star Forge...

Lechon... again

Arriving again in the Lechon system, Revan and his team crash-land on a local planet. After a more or less “soft” landing, Revan is attacked by humanoids from the local Rakata tribe. Having fought them off, Revan goes to their village, where he meets the Chosen One again. The Chosen One reminds him that he promised to destroy the tribe of the Elders, as well as teach them the ways of power. After this conversation, Revan goes to the village of the Elders. The Head of the Elders spoke about how cruel the Chosen One really was and told Revan that he would let him into the temple if he got rid of the Black Rakata tribe. After killing the Chosen One, Revan returns to the Rakata Temple and goes inside with Juhani and Jolie. The three of them, fighting their way through the crowds of Malak's Dark Jedi, Revan manages to get to the roof of the Temple. On the roof, Revan meets Bastila, who by that time has fallen to the dark side. During the battle, Bastila tries to lure Revan to the dark side and make him a Dark Lord, and herself become his student and lover. Realizing that this is useless, Bastila retreats, and Revan turns off the planetary shield and returns to Ebon Hawk, after which he flies off the planet.

Battle of the Star Forge

Once in orbit around Lechon, Carth Onasi contacted the Republic fleet and relayed the coordinates of the Star Forge to the Admiral. Forn Dodonne. After that, Ebon Hawk flew straight to the Star Forge. By the time he landed, the Republic fleet had already arrived, and the Jedi had already landed troops on the Forge. Fighting his way through the labyrinths of the Forge, Revan reaches the hall in which Bastila meditated and used Martial Meditation against the forces of the Republic. During the battle with her, Revan tried in vain to return Bastila to the light side, and at the moment when he almost gave up, he decides to tell her about his feelings. These words hurt Bastila so much that she gives in and reciprocates Revan's feelings. Revan leaves Bastila to help the Republic fleet with the help of her Battle Meditation, and he goes to the final battle with Malak. Entering the bridge of the Forge, Revan enters into battle with Malak. During the battle, Malak explains the full power of the Star Forge and Revan's weakness. After some time, Malak was defeated. In the last moments of his life, Malak tried to lure Revan to the dark side, saying that only he deserved to wear the mantle of the Dark Lord, but Revan refused this, saying that he had already chosen his path.

After this, Revan and his team are evacuated from the Forge, and the Republic fleet completely destroys the Star Forge. Revan: Death and Salvation of the Galaxy

Cover of the novel "Revan" by Drew Karpyshyn... There is more pathos than on all three covers of the "Bane Trilogy"

Revan's story doesn't end there. See you in part two.

That's all! I hope you liked my article.


1. BBY - Before the Battle of Yavin. This is a space battle, which is shown in episode 4 of the movie saga.


Revan's story goes back to Knights of the Old Republic, and I want to thank my friends and colleagues at BioWare who put so much into this fantastic game. Also, thanks to everyone at Obsidian who worked on KOTOR 2? and employees of the Austin office of BioWare. But most of all I would like to say thank you to all the Star Wars and Revan fans who have waited so many years for this story to continue. Without your tireless support, this novel would never have been born.

Dedicated to my wife Jennifer

Drew Karpyshyn

Star Wars. Old Republic. Revan


Bastila Shen

Canderous Ordo, Mandalorian mercenary (human male)

Darth Nyriss, member of the Dark Council (female Sith)

Darth Xedrix, member of the Dark Council (male Sith)

Mitra Surik, Jedi Knight (female human)

Murtaugh, head of security (male)

Revan, Jedi Master (male human)

Scourge, Sith Lord (male Sith)

Sechel, advisor (male Sith)

T3-M4, astromech droid

A long time ago in a distant Galaxy...

Darkness reigns here forever. There is no sun, no dawn, only the darkness of endless night. Light is provided only by ragged flashes of lightning, fiercely cutting a path through the storm clouds. And immediately after them, thunder splits the sky, and streams of cruel, cold rain fall to the ground.

A storm is approaching from which there is no escape.

Revan's eyes widened. The primal fury of the nightmare tormented him with insomnia for the third night in a row.

He lay still and quiet, turning inward to quiet the drumming of his heart, and mentally repeating the first line of the Jedi mantra:

“There are no emotions, there is peace.”

Finally, calm spread inside, washing away the irrational horror of the dream. However, Revan knew this dream too well to consider it insignificant. The storm that haunted the Jedi every time he closed his eyes was not just a nightmare. It came from the farthest recesses of memory and had some hidden meaning. But no matter how hard Revan tried, he could not understand what exactly his subconscious was trying to tell him.

Carefully, trying not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. cold water. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped and began to examine the reflection.

Even now, two years after Revan discovered who he really was, he found it difficult to match the face in the mirror with the man he had been before the Jedi Council brought him back to the light.

Revan: Jedi, hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. All this - and even more. He was a living legend, a mythical figure, a figure who transcended history. However, now an ordinary person who had not slept for three nights was looking at him from the mirror.

Fatigue was taking its toll. His angular features became sharper and longer. The pallor of the skin emphasized the circles under the eyes, which looked at him from deep sockets.

He rested both hands on the edges of the sink, dropped his head and took a deep, drawn-out breath. His shoulder-length black hair fell over his face in a dark curtain. After a few seconds, he straightened up and pushed his hair back with the fingers of both hands.

Moving silently, Revan left the bathroom, crossed the small living room of his apartment and found himself on the balcony. There he stood, contemplating the endless cityscape of Coruscant.

The traffic flow in the galactic capital did not stop for a minute. He heard a constant hum and saw blurs of ships rushing past. Revan leaned out over the railing as far as he could reach, but his eyes could not pierce the darkness and see the surface of the planet, from which he was separated by hundreds of floors.

- Do not jump. I don’t want to clean up the street later.

She stood on the threshold of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet to protect herself from the night cold. Her long Brown hair, usually gathered in a lush knot on the top of the head and turning into a short ponytail that fell from the back of the head, were loose and disheveled after sleep. The city lights only illuminated part of Bastila's face, but he could still see her lips pursed into a nervous smile. Despite the joking words, there was concern in her face.

- Sorry. “He stepped away from the railing and turned to her. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Just trying to push the thoughts away.

– What if we turn to the Jedi Council? – suggested Bastila. - Perhaps they will help.

“Do you want me to turn to the Council for help?” - he repeated. “You obviously had too much Corellian wine at dinner.”

“They owe you,” Bastila insisted. “If it weren’t for you, Darth Malak would have destroyed the Republic and the Council and wiped the Jedi from the face of the Galaxy. They owe you everything.

Revan didn't answer. His wife did not bend her heart: he stopped Darth Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. But if only it were that simple. Malak was his student. Against the will of the Council, the two of them led an army of Jedi and Republican soldiers against the Mandalorian invaders who were attacking the Outer Rim colonies... Only they returned not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Revan and Malak both wanted to destroy the Republic. But Malak betrayed his master, and the Jedi Council captured Revan, barely alive: his body was wounded and his mind was split. The Jedi saved his life, but at the same time erased all his memories and turned him into a weapon against Darth Malak and his followers.

“The Council doesn’t owe me anything,” Revan whispered. “All the good that I have done cannot balance out the previous evil.”

Bastila gently but firmly put her hand to his lips:

- Do not say that. They can't blame you for what happened. Just not now. You are not who you were before. The Revan I know is a hero. Warrior of Light. Malak turned me to the dark side, and you helped me return.

Revan wrapped his fingers around her graceful hand covering his mouth and gently pulled her aside.

“Just like you and the Council brought me back.”

Bastila turned away, and Revan immediately regretted his words. He knew she was ashamed of her part in his capture and memory loss.

- We were wrong. At the time it seemed to me that we had no other choice, but if I had to go through all this again...

“No,” Revan interrupted her. - There is no need to change anything. If none of this had happened, I would never have found you.

She turned to him, and Revan saw the old pain and bitterness in her eyes.

“What the Council did to you was wrong,” she repeated. “They took your memories!” They stole your identity.

“My personality has returned,” Revan assured his wife, pulling her towards him and hugging her. -You don't need to be angry.

Bastila did not resist the hug, even though her body was stubborn at first. Then he felt the tension ease, and she lowered her head onto his shoulder.

“There are no emotions, there is peace,” she whispered, repeating the same words in which Revan sought solace a few minutes ago.

They stood in silence, hugging each other, until Revan felt his wife trembling.

Twenty minutes later, Bastila was asleep, while Revan lay on the bed with his eyes open, looking at the ceiling.

He thought about what his lover had said—that the Council had stolen his identity. As Revan's mind healed, many of his memories returned, as did his sense of self. But he knew that some fragments of memory were gone, probably forever.

As a Jedi, he knew how important it was to let go of anger and bitterness, but still the thoughts of what he had lost did not want to leave his head.

Something happened to him and Malak outside the Outer Rim. They set out to defeat the Mandalorians, and returned as followers of the teachings of the dark side. According to the official version, they were enslaved by the ancient power of the Star Forge, but Revan suspected that this was far from the case. And he knew that the solution was somehow connected with his nightmares.

"A terrifying world of thunder and lightning, buried in eternal night."

He and Malak found something. He couldn't remember what exactly or where, but he was afraid of it on the deepest, most primal level. Somehow, he knew that this threat was far worse than the Mandalorians or the Star Forge. And Revan was convinced that she was still out there somewhere.

“A storm is coming from which there is no escape.”

Part one

As he disembarked from the shuttle, Lord Scourge pulled up his hood to protect himself from the wind and pouring rain. Storms were common on Dromund Kaas. Black clouds constantly covered the sun, blurring the line between day and night. Natural light was provided only by frequent flashes of lightning that arced across the sky, but the lights of the spaceport and the nearby city of Kaas were enough to see the road.

The violent electrical storms were a manifestation of the power of the dark side that had consumed the planet entirely - the power that had brought the Sith here a millennium ago when their very existence was threatened.

After a crushing defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the Emperor - one of the few surviving Sith Lords - led his followers in desperation to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy. Fleeing Republic soldiers and the ruthless retribution of the Jedi, they settled far beyond the borders of the Republic, inhabiting the long-lost world of their ancestors.

There, safely hidden from their enemies, the Sith began to revive the Empire. Under the wise leadership of the Emperor - an immortal and omnipotent savior who had ruled over them for a thousand years - they left behind the legacy of their barbarian ancestors, who had an unhealthy craving for excess.

They created a near-perfect society in which imperial troops controlled almost every aspect of daily life. Farmers, engineers, teachers, cooks, cleaners - all were part of a gigantic military machine, where each “cog” performed its duties with the utmost discipline and efficiency. The Sith began to conquer and enslave worlds in unexplored regions of the Galaxy, and soon their power and influence reached the level of their illustrious past.

Another flash of lightning split the sky, momentarily illuminating the gigantic citadel that loomed over Kaas. Built by slaves and loyal subjects, the citadel was both a palace and an impregnable stronghold. It was here that the Dark Council met - twelve Sith Lords personally selected by the Emperor.

A decade ago, when Scourge first arrived on Dromund Kaas as a young apprentice, he swore that one day he would enter these halls of the citadel, closed to mere mortals. But during his years of training at the Sith Academy on the outskirts of Kaas, he was never awarded this honor. He was one of the best students - his mentors noted his excellent mastery of the Force and fanatical dedication to his work. But novices were not allowed inside the citadel. Its secrets were known only to those who directly served the Emperor and the Dark Council.

The power of the dark side that the building emitted was enormous. During his years as an acolyte, Scourge felt his raw, crackling energy every day. He drowned in it, concentrating his mind and spirit so that it flowed through his body and supported him during the most severe training.

And today, after almost two years living away from the capital, he returned to Dromund Kaas. Standing on the landing pad, he again felt the dark side of the Force deep inside him, its scorching heat, which more than covered the slight discomfort from the rain and wind. But now he was no longer a simple student. Scourge returned to the heart of Imperial power as a full-fledged Sith Lord.

He knew that one day this day would come. After graduating from the Sith Academy, he hoped to remain on Dromund Kaas. But he was sent to the borders of the Empire to quell several minor uprisings on newly conquered planets. Scourge suspected that this was some kind of punishment. One of the mentors was probably jealous of the gifted student's talent and recommended sending him to service as far from the center as possible in order to slow down his career growth.

Unfortunately, Scourge had no proof of this hunch. But even exiled to barbarian worlds on the very outskirts of the Empire, he managed to make a name for himself. Thanks to his martial prowess and the ruthlessness with which he pursued the rebels, Scourge attracted the attention of several influential military commanders. And today, two years after graduating from the Academy, he returned to Dromund Kaas as a newly initiated Sith Lord. Moreover, he is here at the personal request of Darth Nyriss, one of the most senior people in the Imperial Dark Council.

“Lord Scourge,” the man hurrying towards him called, trying to shout over the wind. - My name is Sechel. Welcome to Dromund Kaas!

Sechel's hood was down, hiding him from the rain and hiding his facial features, but up close, Scourge could see the red skin and shoots hanging from his cheeks, revealing him to be a pureblood Sith - like himself. But Scourge had an impressive appearance, was tall and broad-shouldered, while this individual was small and unprepossessing. Scourge sensed only a hint of the presence of the Force in him and grinned with hostility.

Unlike the humans who made up the majority of the Empire's population, all pure-blooded Sith were endowed with the power of the Force to varying degrees. This elevated them above the lower castes of Sith society and turned them into the elite. And they jealously guarded their heritage.

A pure-blooded Sith, deprived of his connection to the Force, was a degenerate. According to custom, he should have been deprived of his life, sparing him from suffering. While studying at the Academy, Scourge met several Sith who had almost no use of the Force. Disabled from birth, thanks to the extensive connections of their high-ranking families, they received positions as assistants or minor employees at the Academy so that their defect would be less conspicuous. Saved from the fate of the lower castes by the purity of their blood, they were, in Scourge's opinion, little better than slaves - although he reluctantly admitted that the most capable of them were of some use.

But never in his life had he met a relative so deprived of the Force as the creature that cowered at his feet. The thought that Darth Nyriss had sent such a worthless and pathetic servant to him was alarming. He expected a meeting more befitting his position.

“Get up,” he muttered, not trying to hide his disgust.

Sechel quickly rose to his feet.

“Darth Nyriss apologizes for not being able to meet you in person,” he said hastily. “There have been several attempts on her life, and she leaves the palace only in exceptional cases.”

“Her situation is well known to me,” Scourge replied.

The storm only intensified - the clap of thunder almost drowned out Sechel's apologies. The furious rain stung like a swarm of insects.

“Did your mistress order me to be drowned in the rain?” – asked Scourge.

- S-sorry, my lord. Please follow me. The speeder will take you to the residence.

The path to the landing site was not long. An endless stream of air taxis took off and landed, the most popular form of transport among the lower classes who could not afford a personal speeder. As was often the case at busy spaceports, the landing area was crowded. Those who had just arrived immediately lined up to hire a driver. In the queues, everyone behaved in a disciplined manner - such behavior determined all aspects of life in the Empire.

Of course, Lord Scourge didn't have to stand in line. Some people cast sidelong glances at Sechel, who was struggling to make his way through the flow of passengers, but the crowd immediately parted for the tall gentleman following him. Even with the hood that hid his face, Scourge's black cloak, his spiked armor, the red color of his skin, and the lightsaber hanging from his belt marked him out as a Sith Lord.

The crowd reacted differently to his appearance. Mostly there were slaves or servants carrying out instructions for their masters - they prudently lowered their eyes, avoiding meeting his gaze. Recruits - a category of citizens who have undergone mandatory military service, immediately stood at attention, as if Scourge was about to inspect them.

The “conquered” - a caste of visiting traders, officials and guests from planets that had not yet received official status in the Empire - stared at him with a mixture of surprise and fear, hastily moving away. Many of them bowed as a sign of respect. On their home worlds they may well have been rich and powerful, but here on Dromund Kaas they were well aware that their position was little more than slaves and servants.

The only exception was a human couple: a man and a woman. Scourge noticed them at the stairs leading to the landing pad, and they clearly had no intention of giving way.

They wore expensive clothes - red trousers and shirts with white trim - and both had light armor clearly visible under their clothes. A large caliber assault rifle hung from the man's shoulder, and blaster holsters were strapped to the woman's hips. However, the couple had nothing to do with the army - their clothes did not have the official emblem of the Empire or military insignia.

Mercenaries from among the “conquered” often visited Dromund Kaas. Some of them were pursuing profit, providing services to those who offered the highest price. Others were happy to serve the Empire, hoping to one day receive the rare privilege of full Imperial citizenship. But mercenaries usually acted respectfully and subserviently when faced with someone of Scourge's stature.

By law, Scourge could send them to prison or execute them for the slightest disrespect. Apparently, they were blissfully unaware of the dangers of their defiant behavior.

When the crowd finally parted, the mercenaries remained standing in place, defiantly looking at the approaching Scourge. The Sith Lord was infuriated by this prolonged disobedience. Apparently Sechel felt it too, because he immediately rushed towards the couple.

The Sith did not slow down, but did not try to catch up with the servant who had run ahead. At this distance he could not hear the words, muffled by the rain and wind, but Sechel spoke, gesticulating furiously, while the people looked at him with cold contempt. Eventually the woman nodded and the couple slowly moved out of the way. Satisfied with himself, Sechel turned to wait for Scourge.

“A thousand apologies, my lord,” he said as they climbed the steps. – Some of the “conquered” are new to our customs.

“It wouldn’t hurt to put them in their place,” Scourge growled dully.

“As you wish, lord,” answered the guide. “But I must remind you that Darth Nyriss awaits.”

Scourge decided not to pursue the topic. They climbed into the waiting speeder, Sechel in the pilot's seat and Scourge in the comfortable seat, glad that the vehicle had a roof, a luxury most taxis lacked. The engines started working, the car rose ten meters, picked up speed and left the spaceport behind.

Keeping silence, they approached the colossal citadel in the heart of Kaas. But Scourge knew they had a different destination today. As a member of the Dark Council, Darth Nyriss had access to the Emperor's citadel. But, mindful of two recent assassination attempts, Scourge was sure that she would lock herself within the walls of her own fortress on the outskirts of Kaas, surrounding herself with the most devoted servants and guards.

This didn't seem like cowardice to Scourge; Nyriss was just being practical. Like any high-ranking Sith, she managed to make many enemies. Until she finds out who is behind the assassination attempts, appearing in public unnecessarily will be an unjustified risk for her.

But she had to think beyond practicality. You need to back up your power with force. If Nyriss shows herself weak or inept by not taking decisive action against those who want her dead, others will sense it. Her rivals in the Dark Council and beyond use her vulnerability to rise above her. Darth Nyriss may lose his life, becoming far from the first victim of intrigues within the circle of the Emperor's associates.

But if his task was so important, he couldn't understand why Nyriss hadn't sent an honor guard to escort him around the city. Everyone should have known about his arrival. He is living proof that Nyriss is taking steps to solve his problem. And a warning to her other enemies, whom the latest assassination attempts could inspire to their own exploits. There was no point in keeping his arrival a secret - at least Scourge didn't see him.

“We are there, lord,” the servant said as the transport touched the ground.

They found themselves in a large courtyard. It was protected from the north and south by high stone walls; the eastern side faced the street, and to the west stood a building that was apparently the fortress of Darth Nyriss. It was in many ways reminiscent of the Emperor's citadel, only smaller in size. The architectural similarity was more than just a tribute to the Emperor: like the citadel, the building served as Nyriss's home and stronghold where she could take refuge in times of danger. It was graceful, but at the same time imposing and could withstand any attack.

There were six statues in the courtyard, each several meters at the base and twice as tall as Scourge. The two largest depicted humanoids in Sith robes - a man and a woman. Their arms were slightly raised and palms facing up. The man's face was hidden by a hood - this is how the Emperor was usually depicted. The woman's hood was pulled back, revealing her fierce features. If the sculptor worked conscientiously, then Scourge could get his first idea of ​​what Darth Nyriss looks like.

The remaining statues were abstract, although each bore the ancestral emblem of Nyriss - a four-pointed star within a wide circle. The ground was strewn with white gravel. A rare species of lichen that had taken root well on the gloomy Dromund Kaas covered the courtyard with decorative patterns and gave off a lavender glow. A smooth path of cut stone ran from the fortress's massive double doors through the center of the courtyard to the small landing pad where their speeder had landed.

Sechel climbed out of the car and ran around it to open the passenger door. Scourge stepped out into the rain, which, if it had eased during the journey, had not been much.

“This way, sir,” Sechel called, trotting along the path.

Scourge followed, fully confident that the doors would open wide for him. To his surprise, they remained closed - but Sechel was not too puzzled by this. He walked over to the small holoscreen at the entrance and pressed the call button.

Sechel tried to speak, but only coughed and shook his head violently. Satisfied, Scourge released his grip. Sechel fell like a sack from a meter height to the ground and, groaning in pain, barely rose to his knees.

“It wasn’t Darth Nyriss who wanted to hire you,” he explained, his voice hoarse from suffocation. “After the second assassination attempt, the Emperor believed that her subordinates might be involved. He recommended that she bring in someone from the outside.

Suddenly everything came together into one picture. The Emperor's wishes are law, and any of his “recommendations” could not be interpreted as anything other than an order. Darth Nyriss invited Scourge because she had no other choice. He considered himself an honored guest, but in fact he was brought under the monastery. His presence was an insult to Nyriss's loyal servants, and a reminder to her that the Emperor doubted her ability to handle this matter on her own. Hence the cool reception and hostile attitude of the head of the security service.

Scourge realized he was in an unenviable position. While conducting an investigation, he will continually run into resistance and mistrust. Any mistakes, even those not related to him, will be blamed on him. One wrong step could be the end of his career, and possibly his life.

Scourge was still processing this thought when he heard the sound of an approaching speeder through the roar of the storm. The sound was the most ordinary, but all the Sith’s senses instantly became acute. My heart beat faster, my breathing quickened. From the rush of adrenaline, the processes on the cheeks twitched and the muscles tensed.

Keeping his eyes on the sky, Scourge drew his lightsaber. At his feet, Sechel screamed and covered his face, mistakenly believing that the blow was intended for him. The Sith Lord paid him no attention.

In the darkness of the storm, he saw the silhouette of a speeder rushing straight towards them. Reaching out to the Force, Scourge probed the vehicle and its passengers. A flash of rage pierced his senses, and his worst suspicions were confirmed: those inside intended to kill him.

Translating to Russian language: Archivist Guild Jedi Council (jcouncil.net)

Worked on the translation: Rami, Binary Sunset, Rebel Dream, Gilad, Raimus Icebridge, Raiden, Basilews, Darth Niemand

Artistic editing and proofreading: Basilews, Gilad, Hellika Ordo, zavron_lb, Darth Niemand

Responsible editor: Gilad

Cover design: Queller

Layout in fb2: $TeR

Hungry Ewok Publishing, JCouncil.net, 2012

The events of the book take place 3954-3950 years before Episode IV: A New Hope


Bastila Shen

Canderous Ordo, Mandalorian mercenary (human male)

Darth Nyriss, member of the Dark Council (female Sith)

Darth Xedrix, member of the Dark Council (male Sith)

Mitra Surik, Jedi Knight (female human)

Murtaugh, head of security (male)

Revan, Jedi Master (male human)

Scourge, Sith Lord (male Sith)

Sechel, advisor (male Sith)

T3-M4, astromech droid

Darkness reigns here forever. There is no sun, no dawn, only the darkness of endless night. Light is provided only by ragged flashes of lightning, fiercely cutting a path through the storm clouds. And immediately after them, thunder splits the sky, and streams of cruel, cold rain fall to the ground.

A storm is approaching from which there is no escape.

Revan's eyes widened. The primal fury of the nightmare tormented him with insomnia for the third night in a row.

He lay motionless and quiet, turning inward to calm the pounding of his heart, and mentally repeating the first line of the Jedi mantra:

“There are no emotions, there is peace.”

Calm spread inside, washing away the irrational horror of sleep. However, he knew this dream too well to consider it unimportant. The storm that haunted the Jedi every time he closed his eyes was not just a nightmare. It arose from the most distant recesses of memory and had some hidden meaning. But no matter how hard Revan tried, he could not understand what exactly his subconscious was trying to tell him.

This is a warning? A long forgotten memory? Vision of the future? Maybe all at once?

Carefully, trying not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped and began to examine the reflection.

Even now, two years after Revan discovered who he really was, he found it difficult to match the face in the mirror with the man he had been before the Jedi Council brought him back to the light.

Revan: Jedi, hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. All this - and even more. He was a living legend, a mythical figure, a figure who transcended history. However, now an ordinary person who had not slept for three nights was looking at him from the mirror.

Fatigue was taking its toll. His angular features became sharper and longer. The pallor of the skin emphasized the circles under the eyes, which looked at him from deep sockets.

He rested both hands on the edges of the sink, dropped his head and took a deep, drawn-out breath. His shoulder-length black hair fell over his face in a dark curtain. After a few seconds, he straightened up and pushed his hair back with the fingers of both hands.

Moving silently, Revan left the bathroom, crossed the small living room of his apartment and found himself on the balcony. There he stood, contemplating the endless cityscape of Coruscant.

The traffic flow in the galactic capital did not stop for a minute. He heard a constant hum and saw blurs of ships rushing past. Revan leaned out over the railing as far as he could reach, but his eyes could not pierce the darkness and see the surface of the planet, from which he was separated by hundreds of floors.

- Do not jump. I don’t want to clean up the street later.

She stood on the threshold of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet to protect herself from the night cold. Her long brown hair, usually tied up in a lush topknot with a short ponytail that fell from the back of her head, was loose and disheveled from her sleep. The city lights only illuminated part of Bastila's face, but he could still see her lips pursed into a nervous smile. Despite the joking words, there was concern in her face.

- Sorry. “He stepped away from the railing and turned to her. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Just trying to push the thoughts away.

– What if we turn to the Jedi Council? – suggested Bastila. - Perhaps they will help.

“Do you want me to go to the Council for help?” - he repeated. “You obviously had too much Corellian wine at dinner.”

“They owe you,” Bastila insisted. “If it weren’t for you, Darth Malak would have destroyed the Republic and the Council, and wiped the Jedi from the face of the Galaxy. They owe you everything.

Revan didn't answer. His wife did not bend her heart: he stopped Darth Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. But if only it were that simple. Malak was his student. Against the will of the Council, the two of them led an army of Jedi and Republican soldiers against the Mandalorian invaders who were attacking the Outer Rim colonies... Only they returned not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Revan and Malak both wanted to destroy the Republic. But Malak betrayed his master, and the Jedi Council captured Revan, barely alive: his body was wounded and his mind was split. The Jedi saved his life, but at the same time erased all his memories and turned him into a weapon aimed at Darth Malak and his followers.

“The Council doesn’t owe me anything,” Revan whispered. “All the good that I have done cannot balance out the previous evil.”

Bastila gently but firmly put her hand to his lips:

- Do not say that. They can't blame you for what happened. Just not now. You are not who you were before. The Revan I know is a hero. Warrior of Light. Malak turned me to the dark side, and you helped me return.

Revan wrapped his fingers around her graceful hand covering his mouth and gently pulled her aside.

“Just like you and the Council brought me back.”

Bastila turned away, and Revan immediately regretted his words. He knew she was ashamed of her part in his capture and memory loss.

- We acted wrongly. At the time it seemed to me that we had no other choice, but if I had to go through all this again...

“No,” Revan interrupted her. - There is no need to change anything. If none of this had happened, I would never have found you.

She turned to him, and Revan saw the old pain and bitterness in her eyes.

“What the Council did to you was wrong,” she repeated. “They took your memories!” They stole your identity.

“My personality has returned,” Revan assured his wife, pulling her towards him and hugging her. -You don't need to be angry.

Bastila did not resist the hug, even though her body was stubborn at first. Then he felt the tension ease, and she lowered her head onto his shoulder.

“There are no emotions, there is peace,” she whispered, repeating the same words in which Revan sought solace a few minutes ago.

They stood in silence, hugging each other, until Revan felt his wife trembling.

“It’s cold here,” he said. - Let's go inside.

Twenty minutes later, Bastila was asleep, while Revan lay on the bed with his eyes open, looking at the ceiling.

He thought about what his lover had said—that the Council had stolen his identity. As the mind healed, many memories returned, as did a sense of self. But Revan knew that some fragments of memory were gone, probably forever.

As a Jedi, he knew how important it was to let go of anger and bitterness, but still the thoughts of what he had lost did not want to leave his head.

Translating to Russian language: Archivist Guild Jedi Council (jcouncil.net)

Worked on the translation: Rami, Binary Sunset, Rebel Dream, Gilad, Raimus Icebridge, Raiden, Basilews, Darth Niemand

Artistic editing and proofreading: Basilews, Gilad, Hellika Ordo, zavron_lb, Darth Niemand

Responsible editor: Gilad

Cover design: Queller

Layout in fb2: $TeR

Hungry Ewok Publishing, JCouncil.net, 2012

The events of the book take place 3954-3950 years before Episode IV: A New Hope


Bastila Shen

Canderous Ordo, Mandalorian mercenary (human male)

Darth Nyriss, member of the Dark Council (female Sith)

Darth Xedrix, member of the Dark Council (male Sith)

Mitra Surik, Jedi Knight (female human)

Murtaugh, head of security (male)

Revan, Jedi Master (male human)

Scourge, Sith Lord (male Sith)

Sechel, advisor (male Sith)

T3-M4, astromech droid

Darkness reigns here forever. There is no sun, no dawn, only the darkness of endless night. Light is provided only by ragged flashes of lightning, fiercely cutting a path through the storm clouds. And immediately after them, thunder splits the sky, and streams of cruel, cold rain fall to the ground.

A storm is approaching from which there is no escape.

Revan's eyes widened. The primal fury of the nightmare tormented him with insomnia for the third night in a row.

He lay motionless and quiet, turning inward to calm the pounding of his heart, and mentally repeating the first line of the Jedi mantra:

“There are no emotions, there is peace.”

Calm spread inside, washing away the irrational horror of sleep. However, he knew this dream too well to consider it unimportant. The storm that haunted the Jedi every time he closed his eyes was not just a nightmare. It arose from the most distant recesses of memory and had some hidden meaning. But no matter how hard Revan tried, he could not understand what exactly his subconscious was trying to tell him.

This is a warning? A long forgotten memory? Vision of the future? Maybe all at once?

Carefully, trying not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped and began to examine the reflection.

Even now, two years after Revan discovered who he really was, he found it difficult to match the face in the mirror with the man he had been before the Jedi Council brought him back to the light.

Revan: Jedi, hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. All this - and even more. He was a living legend, a mythical figure, a figure who transcended history. However, now an ordinary person who had not slept for three nights was looking at him from the mirror.

Fatigue was taking its toll. His angular features became sharper and longer. The pallor of the skin emphasized the circles under the eyes, which looked at him from deep sockets.

He rested both hands on the edges of the sink, dropped his head and took a deep, drawn-out breath. His shoulder-length black hair fell over his face in a dark curtain. After a few seconds, he straightened up and pushed his hair back with the fingers of both hands.

Moving silently, Revan left the bathroom, crossed the small living room of his apartment and found himself on the balcony. There he stood, contemplating the endless cityscape of Coruscant.

The traffic flow in the galactic capital did not stop for a minute. He heard a constant hum and saw blurs of ships rushing past. Revan leaned out over the railing as far as he could reach, but his eyes could not pierce the darkness and see the surface of the planet, from which he was separated by hundreds of floors.

- Do not jump. I don’t want to clean up the street later.

She stood on the threshold of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet to protect herself from the night cold. Her long brown hair, usually tied up in a lush topknot with a short ponytail that fell from the back of her head, was loose and disheveled from her sleep. The city lights only illuminated part of Bastila's face, but he could still see her lips pursed into a nervous smile. Despite the joking words, there was concern in her face.

- Sorry. “He stepped away from the railing and turned to her. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Just trying to push the thoughts away.

– What if we turn to the Jedi Council? – suggested Bastila. - Perhaps they will help.

“Do you want me to go to the Council for help?” - he repeated. “You obviously had too much Corellian wine at dinner.”

“They owe you,” Bastila insisted. “If it weren’t for you, Darth Malak would have destroyed the Republic and the Council, and wiped the Jedi from the face of the Galaxy. They owe you everything.

Revan didn't answer. His wife did not bend her heart: he stopped Darth Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. But if only it were that simple. Malak was his student. Against the will of the Council, the two of them led an army of Jedi and Republican soldiers against the Mandalorian invaders who were attacking the Outer Rim colonies... Only they returned not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Revan and Malak both wanted to destroy the Republic. But Malak betrayed his master, and the Jedi Council captured Revan, barely alive: his body was wounded and his mind was split. The Jedi saved his life, but at the same time erased all his memories and turned him into a weapon aimed at Darth Malak and his followers.

“The Council doesn’t owe me anything,” Revan whispered. “All the good that I have done cannot balance out the previous evil.”

Bastila gently but firmly put her hand to his lips:

- Do not say that. They can't blame you for what happened. Just not now. You are not who you were before. The Revan I know is a hero. Warrior of Light. Malak turned me to the dark side, and you helped me return.

Revan wrapped his fingers around her graceful hand covering his mouth and gently pulled her aside.

“Just like you and the Council brought me back.”

Bastila turned away, and Revan immediately regretted his words. He knew she was ashamed of her part in his capture and memory loss.

- We acted wrongly. At the time it seemed to me that we had no other choice, but if I had to go through all this again...

“No,” Revan interrupted her. - There is no need to change anything. If none of this had happened, I would never have found you.

She turned to him, and Revan saw the old pain and bitterness in her eyes.

“What the Council did to you was wrong,” she repeated. “They took your memories!” They stole your identity.

“My personality has returned,” Revan assured his wife, pulling her towards him and hugging her. -You don't need to be angry.

Bastila did not resist the hug, even though her body was stubborn at first. Then he felt the tension ease, and she lowered her head onto his shoulder.

“There are no emotions, there is peace,” she whispered, repeating the same words in which Revan sought solace a few minutes ago.

They stood in silence, hugging each other, until Revan felt his wife trembling.

“It’s cold here,” he said. - Let's go inside.

Twenty minutes later, Bastila was asleep, while Revan lay on the bed with his eyes open, looking at the ceiling.

He thought about what his lover had said—that the Council had stolen his identity. As the mind healed, many memories returned, as did a sense of self. But Revan knew that some fragments of memory were gone, probably forever.

As a Jedi, he knew how important it was to let go of anger and bitterness, but still the thoughts of what he had lost did not want to leave his head.

Revan and Bastila stop on Coruscant. Revan's philosophy regarding the Jedi way of life does not benefit him when he is among the council. Having refused, together with Bastila, the council’s proposal to begin his retraining (training), the savior of the Republic is persuaded to at least stop spreading his heresy among other Jedi. And yet, Bastila becomes Revan’s wife, contrary to the covenants of the guardians of the Republic.
But the rumor about the “Redeemer” Revan was too valuable for the order. Therefore, Revan receives unofficial permission to remain on the council for certain concessions on his part. And yet, relations with the heads of the order remained tense.

Visions bother Revan. The views of the planet of endless rains appear before his eyes. All this time, the hero of the galaxy was never able to fully restore his lost memory, but the desire to uncover the secrets of the past eventually prevailed. In one of the cantinas, he meets Canderous Ordo, hiding among the common people. An old comrade agrees to help Revan and get him the necessary information about the reasons for Mandalore the Most High's attack on the Republic. A wandering Mandalorian, who has not seen his brothers for about five years, begins his investigation.

Meanwhile, Revan is looking for information about Meetra Surik (note: Exile from the sequel Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic - the Sith Lords). She was one of Revan's most loyal generals during the war with Mandalore. He only knew that she had been expelled from the Council, and as for her future fate and whereabouts - darkness.

"In the Temple archives, Revan gained access to Surik's file and realized that this was not enough to find her. He heard a voice behind him, turning around, Revan saw Atris, a Jedi historian and Surik's former friend. During the conversation, she said that Surik cut herself off from the Force, feeling guilty for his actions during the Mandalorian Wars, Revan then realized why he did not feel Surik's presence: she was beyond the reach of the Force.

Although Revan felt responsible for Surik's fate, he did not show his emotions in front of Atris. But as soon as she left, they covered him completely. Most of Revan's memories of Surik were gone, leaving only scattered fragments. However, she was once one of his closest friends, and despite his inability to fully remember her, Revan still felt a strong emotional connection with her"

Some time later, Revan meets Canderous again in the same cantina. Ordo talks about a cluster of Mandalorian clans on one of the planets. Rumor has it that Mandalore's mask was hidden there. The vision that came to the Jedi shows him accompanied by Malak on a snowy planet, where the two stand on top of a mountain. Doors forgotten for years were hidden there, among the hills.

It was the planet Rekkiad. Revan, Canderous, T3-M4 go in search of the mask.

As it turned out, Canderous was married to Vila Ordo - she was the head of their clan, which he left.

Revan finally met the Sith Emperor. And their battle began. The Jedi was close to hitting his captor, but at the last moment he threw his opponent away, clearly surpassing even such a Force master as Revan. The Emperor again tried to take control of Revan's mind, subordinating him to his will, but failed. A blinding flash threw the Sith Lord back while Revan remained on his feet. It was then that the Sith unleashed the full power of his rage on the hero - purple lightning rushed towards the Jedi, and no matter how he tried to resist them - he felt his mask melting and sticking to his face.
Focused on Revan, the Emperor did not expect an attack from outside. T3-M4 shot at him with a flamethrower. The Emperor wrapped himself in a shield of power, protecting himself. But the small droid's maneuver distracted him, which was beneficial to its owner, even though he was seriously wounded.

"He only managed to raise his head to see the Emperor unleash the power of the dark side on T3, shattering it into small pieces, many of which flew towards Revan."

Lord Scourge and the Exile were already rushing into the hall to help Revan. But if the first hesitated, disarmed by another vision that they would lose this battle, then the second threw her lightsaber, knocking the Emperor’s weapon out of his hands, preventing him from finishing off the Jedi.
Scourge realized that the Exile could have killed the Emperor if she had not tried to save Revan. Mitra Surik desperately defended her defeated friend from the Emperor, the forces were unequal. Recovered, the three of them confronted the Emperor, but Revan's Sith companion was still unsure of his actions, provoked by the angry Emperor's cries that he would suffer the same fate as the two Jedi. The fate of the galaxy depended on Scourge's decision. In his visions, he saw that the one who would kill the Emperor was not Revan or the Exile. An unknown Jedi he didn't know about yet.
In his confusion, he treacherously struck Mythra with his lightsaber. The Emperor released the full power of his own Force lightning at Revan. Unprepared for such an outcome, the Jedi finds himself defeated.

Scourge began to lie to his Emperor that he had been on his side all along, preventing the plot. He was even ready to demonstrate his “loyalty” by striking Revan, seeing no further value in it. But the wave of his hand with the sword was stopped by his master. He believed him.

The Emperor imprisons Revan again, this time wanting to use him for his own purposes. Scourge was rewarded and took a special place next to the Sith Emperor.

The hero of the galaxy was placed in stasis, created using Sith alchemy, for more than 300 years he did not feel the passage of time, the Emperor himself fed on his powers, while the ghost of the power of the Exile did his best to help Revan survive. Over the years, Revan himself learned to use such a connection with the Emperor to his advantage - whispering to him in the Force about fears and doubts about an open attack on the Republic, holding back the intervention as much as he could.

Further fate

And yet, the attack could not be avoided. A war broke out between the Empire and the Republic, and the Sith invaded its space.
It was then that the heroes of modern times united into a strike team to rescue Revan from captivity. And they succeeded.

“After his release, Revan was afraid, believing that now nothing would stop the Emperor from carrying out his plans. However, Mythra appeared to him and said that the truce had been broken, after which Revan decided to go with the forces of the Republic. Arriving on Tython, he told the Jedi Council everything that knew about the Emperor and the Empire, Revan then went to a place known as "The Factory" and began building battle droids, led by HK-47, to destroy the Emperor and the Sith once and for all.

However, Darth Malgus knew that Revan was a threat and assembled a small strike team to eliminate him. This team arrived at the “Factory” and, having destroyed its defenses (including NK-47), reached Revan. He tried to convince the members of the strike team to fight against the Emperor, but they did not listen and engaged him in battle. Revan's power was great, but his opponents were stronger. Revan remembered Malak's last words, saying that he now understood how he felt at the Star Forge. He then disappeared in a flash of light and was supposed to have merged with the Force."

“And in the end, if the darkness takes me, then I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, old friend."
- Revan speaking Darth Malak's last words.

In Coronet, the capital of Corellia, a holographic statue of Revan was erected in the Axle Park Leisure Gardens along with the other members of the Ebon Hawk's crew to commemorate their accomplishments.


Revan's legacy had a great impact on both the Republic and the Sith themselves, such was his personality - having been on the side of the Savior and the Traitor, in the end, trying his best to atone for his own mistakes to the galaxy. In many ways, he succeeded.

Many argue that he turned out to be the “ancestor” of Kylo Ren, from whom the character in episode 7 was based. I'm inclined to agree.

I hope you enjoyed this guide. For detailed information, you can refer to the main article on Revan on Wookieepedia, from which excerpts have been taken for the detailed description.

P.S Also, who plays SW-ToR! You are welcome to be a friend! server - Progenitor.