Resin stains on clothes after a walk in the forest or garden cannot be dealt with by simple washing. You'll have to use cunning methods. How to remove tree sap from clothes?

How to remove tree sap from clothes?

Tree resin on clothes: what products to choose for removal?

It’s easy to create excellent stain removers using products found in every home. Tree resin on clothing can be easily removed if you apply:

Funds for alcohol based, turpentine, refined gasoline, nail polish remover, other solvents. All this can be tried to remove resinous contaminants. The stain should be blotted with a cloth soaked in the composition and wait about twenty minutes. Then, to remove the smell, you should wash the item with fabric softener;

Household chemicals for washing dishes. It is used to wash the soiled area, previously lubricated with sunflower or olive oil. This way you can rid a fur item or your own hair of resin;

Lemonades (“Cola”, “Sprite” and the like). Not too old stains lend themselves to sweet “stain removers.” It will be enough to soak the clothes for ten minutes.

If the fabric has a bright pattern, it is better to use an iron so as not to dissolve the colors along with the dirt. This gentle method involves ironing the stain through a clean, discarded rag or paper towel. The resin will begin to melt and “flow” onto the rag.

A leather jacket or raincoat smeared in resin is cleaned with vegetable oil. Approximately fifteen minutes after application, it is washed off with soapy water.

How to remove tree resin stains from clothes correctly?

If the stain is large, it should first be carefully cleaned off with a razor blade or knife, as far as possible so as not to damage the fabric. After that, the soiled item needs to be packed in the freezer for an hour and a half. Having taken out the clothes, rub the stained area with your hands: some more lumps of resin will fall off. This pre-cleaning can only be done for clothes made from thick fabrics. Creases may appear on thin materials.

Here's how to properly remove resin stains:

They say that a wife's fur coat is her husband's face, while the wife's face can be called her husband's shirt. This is why women try to ensure that their man is always dressed to the nines. Unfortunately, anything can happen, then the hostess has to make some efforts to ensure that her loved one’s outfit becomes perfectly clean. One of the most difficult tasks is removing resin stains. However, after you read this text to the end, even this will become easy to do.

The first thing you need to do after you find a tar stain on your clothes is try to remove it mechanically as soon as possible(scrape with a knife or some other sharp object). Be careful, because one wrong movement and you risk damaging the fabric structure. After this, you should put the stained clothes in the freezer for a couple of hours, during which time the resin will harden and, by rubbing it with your hands, you can easily remove the remaining resinous scales (however, this should not be done if the stained fabric is too thin). After these manipulations you need to move on to the main stage.


Take refined gasoline (can be found in the store), turpentine, or, as a last resort, nail polish remover. Blot the resin stain several times with the selected solvent and leave for 20-30 minutes. After the dirt has softened, rub it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. In a few minutes, the stain will disappear, and all you have to do is wash your clothes thoroughly with added powder and dry them in the fresh air.

Drink Coca-Cola

Don’t be surprised, but many people’s favorite “Cola” will not only remove rust, but also remove tar stains from clothes. Soak the stained clothes in the drink for a while, and then wipe off the stain with a cotton pad.

Dishwashing liquid

Treat the tar stain vegetable oil, leave for a few minutes. Then soak a cotton swab in dishwashing detergent and rub it over the dirty area. Then wash the clothes and dry them as usual.

How to Remove Resin Stains from Delicate Fabrics

Place clean paper napkins under and on top of the stain and iron the area with a hot iron. The resin will melt and soak into the paper, so don't forget to change the wipes from time to time. After the stain disappears, the clothes should be washed and dried.

How to remove a tar stain from a leather product

Soak the stained area with vegetable oil. After a quarter of an hour, wash everything off with soapy water.

How to remove an old tar stain

Mix a teaspoon of potato starch, 4 drops of ammonia and the same amount of turpentine. Moisten the contaminated area with the prepared mixture and wait until it dries. Then, using a hard brush, clean thoroughly. For better results, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Returning from an outdoor holiday, you may find that your clothes are stained with something. It is especially unpleasant if resin stains appear on it. It's not that easy to get them out, but don't panic. If you know exactly how to remove resin from clothes, this procedure will not be difficult. The most important thing is to be able to

Remove stains without damaging the fabric. In this article we will talk about how to remove resin stains most effectively.

Before washing directly, the resin itself must be removed from the clothing. This is the only way to avoid severe tissue damage and achieve the desired result. Hardened resin can be scraped off without any problems with any sharp object (it is best to give preference to a knife in this matter). In order for the substance to become solid, it must be frozen: leave the damaged clothing in the freezer for the required period of time (usually several hours). Now that you have separated the resin from the fabric, you need to remove the resulting stain.

How to remove tar from clothes? There are actually a huge number of options. The easiest way is to use ordinary ethyl alcohol. Dampen a cotton pad with it and wipe the stain. After about half an hour, the fabric will become clean again. How

How to remove tar from clothes if you don’t have alcohol on hand? You can use acetone or nail polish remover containing it. This method is not as effective as the previous one: acetone will not react with the resin as quickly and violently as alcohol. However, this option remains quite acceptable for still fresh stains. However, remember that it will be quite difficult to remove resin embedded in the fabric with acetone without damaging the fiber. The use of turpentine or purified gasoline will be effective. They allow you to get rid of stains quickly. The only problem is that after using them, it remains on clothes. bad smell. However, it is easy to remove with rinse aid. You can also use a very unusual method: use sparkling water as a stain remover. Soak a cloth in Coca-Cola, Sprite or Fanta and you will be amazed at the results.

It is useful to know how to remove resin from clothes using an iron, especially since the same method can be used to get rid of stains of a different nature. Place the clothing on and place paper napkins on both sides of the stained area of ​​the fabric. Gently run the iron along one side. Under the influence of temperature, the resin will melt and be absorbed into the napkin instead of the fabric. If after this procedure the stain has not yet completely disappeared, it should be removed by ordinary washing.

When we talked about how to remove tar from clothes, we talked about stains of natural origin. Tar (black resin) is removed from clothing in a different way. After you have frozen the resin and removed it from the fabric with a sharp object, wipe the stain with sunflower or butter. Tar will be removed from clothes very quickly. There will only be grease stain from oil, which is completely easy to get rid of: just use bleach or grease remover.

When the word “resin” is mentioned, many people remember the black viscous liquid that used to be poured over gas pipes. But this term also means gum, a viscous substance that forms on the bark of fruit and coniferous trees.

Quite often, not only children climbing trees, but also adults can find such an unpleasant “surprise” on their clothes.

Resin is a complex substance, and it is not easy to remove it from clothing. Before you start washing, you should try to clean the resin mechanically: put the item in the freezer.

All resins are influenced low temperatures harden, and in this form they can easily be simply scraped off with a blunt object. You just need to do this carefully so that the resin does not eat deeper into the fabric.

Another important point: the edges of the stain can be moistened with water, which will prevent the resin from further “creeping” across the fabric.

Removing pine (Christmas tree) resin stains from clothes

Many people associate coniferous trees with the New Year: aroma, soothing color and... unpleasant marks on the hands while buying a New Year's beauty - a Christmas tree or pine. These marks are left by the resins that often coat the tree trunk.

The astringent sticky substance gets onto your clothes from your hands, and then the questions immediately appear in your head: “How to wash off the resin” and “What products to use.” There are several proven methods that will help clean pine resin stains at home.

  1. Carbonated drinks. To remove tar stains from your favorite trousers or jacket, just soak them for 30 minutes in any carbonated drink. It is better if it is the popular Cola, Sprite or Fanta. After the specified time has passed, the item must be washed in warm water.
  2. Ethanol. A labor-intensive but effective method using alcohol will remove fresh dirt. What needs to be done for this? Nothing special: moisten a piece of clean cloth or napkin in alcohol and wipe the stained area with it. It will take a long time to rub, but it will be worth it: traces of resin will disappear 100 percent.
  3. Nail polish remover. The essence of the method is the same as in the previous paragraph. There is only one important point: if the fabric is bright, with a pattern, then it is better not to take risks. After all, the aggressive components that make up the liquid can not only destroy traces of resin, but also “wash away” the color or design.
  4. Refined gasoline. Directions for use: soak a cotton swab or a clean rag in the petroleum product and rub the stained area with it until the stain disappears. After this, wash the item in warm water with the addition of , rinse thoroughly and dry in the open air. The last condition must be met so that the unpleasant aroma of gasoline disappears faster and does not bring discomfort to the owner of the clothing.
  5. Turpentine. The sequence of actions is the same as in the method with gasoline. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can use fabric softener or fabric softener.
  6. Detergent. An affordable and common way to remove stains of any complexity on carpets, fur products and wool. Directions for use: rub the stain with sunflower or olive oil, then apply dishwashing detergent to it, then wash (or rinse) in warm water.

If all these methods fail, then you can use synthetic stain removers.

Information about temperature, exposure time and other nuances is indicated on the packaging. Also used to remove resin stains from clothes.

The essence of the method is this: place the soiled item between two pieces of fabric ( paper napkins) and run a hot iron. Under the influence high temperature the resin will transfer to the fabric or paper, and the item will remain clean. To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, just wash your clothes.

Acids and alcohols can destroy some dyes that are used to dye fabrics. In order not to suffer from such a nuisance, you need to try the product on a piece of fabric (inconspicuous) before starting to remove the resin stain.

Methods for removing tar (black tar) stains from clothing

Tar is a material widely used in construction. But not only builders, but also young researchers can get dirty with it. In such cases, it is better for mothers not to scold their babies, but to immediately begin removing black spots.

There are several ways to do this.

  1. Clay-starch gruel. Prepare the mixture according to this recipe: 1 tsp. white clay, 1 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. turpentine and a few drops of ammonia. All components must be thoroughly mixed, applied to the area of ​​contamination, and left on the fabric until completely dry. When a dry crust forms, you need to take a brush and clean the stain. If a yellow mark remains in its place, you can use hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Vegetable oil. If the resin has already hardened on the fabric, then you need to lightly remove it with a knife, and then use vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, burdock). You don’t have to do anything special: just apply the oil to the stained area and rub it a little. Under this influence, the resin will begin to melt and disappear. After the dirt is completely removed from the clothing, you need to wash the item with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Gasoline with starch. This method is not new at all and is familiar to people who face the problem of tar stains on clothes almost every day: aircraft manufacturers, concrete pavers, etc. To clean the stained areas, you need to mix 3 tbsp. gasoline and 2 tbsp. starch, apply the resulting slurry to the fabric and wait until it dries completely. After this, clean the stains with a brush and wash in warm water with added detergent.

In order not to spoil a resin-stained item, it should be washed in warm water.

Delicate removal of tar stains from clothes

If an unpleasant and unsightly stain of resin has settled on a delicate delicate fabric, for example, silk or wool, then you need to be especially careful when removing it. Such products also have their own ancient folk and modern methods.

  1. Medical alcohol. To remove a resin stain, you need to soak a cotton pad or swab in ether and rub the stained area with it until it completely disappears. After this, wash the item in warm water.
  2. Turpentine, ethyl alcohol, starch. Mix all these components in a 1:1:1 ratio and apply to the stained area, leave for 12-15 hours. After the specified time, lightly collect the slurry and wash the clothes using an effective detergent.
  3. Solvent. You can remove resin stains from clothes made from delicate fabrics using a common solvent: solvent, white spirit, acetone. The method couldn’t be simpler: soak a clean rag or cotton pad in one of these substances and rub the stain with it until traces of resin completely disappear. After this, wash the items using washing powder, rinse thoroughly and dry in the open air. To get rid of the unpleasant aroma, you need to add a scented conditioner or a few drops of essential oil while rinsing.

When removing tar stains from clothes, it is important not to ignore even the most unusual recipes and remedies. Sometimes the most original and, at first glance, crazy recipe can remove dirt from fabric very effectively.

If all applicable traditional methods didn't help, then you need to use washing powders and stain removers.

Resin stains are considered one of the most difficult to remove, because the sticky substance penetrates quickly and deeply into the fibers of the fabric. Another difficulty lies in the fact that to remove the resin you will have to use quite strong compounds, and they can damage things made from delicate fabrics. Despite this, it is possible to get rid of tar stains at home. There are many proven folk recipes, allowing you to remove the adhesive mass without a trace.

General rules

Before you begin removing resin from clothing, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to carry out cleaning by turning the item inside out;
  • you need to wipe the stain from the edges to the center, otherwise there is a risk of increasing the area of ​​contamination;
  • you should carefully blot the resin rather than rub it deeper into the fibers of the fabric;
  • It is necessary to begin cleansing with the most gentle methods, and only if they do not help, move on to the use of more potent compounds.

Resin must be removed from the product as quickly as possible. It is important not to let the adhesive mass dry out. After all, old tar stains are much more difficult to remove than fresh ones.

The choice of cleaning composition will depend on the type of soiled fabric:

  • leather items cannot be washed, so they are cleaned with vegetable oil and dishwashing detergent;
  • silk and velvet are cleaned with gentle means, for example, starch;
  • a wool sweater can be cleaned of resin using soap or alcohol;
  • stains on white clothes are treated with bleaches in the form of powders or liquids;
  • When washing colored items, you can use special stain removers, but you cannot use bleaching agents, otherwise stains will remain on the fabric;
  • synthetic items should not be heated too much and should not be cleaned with aggressive solvents (acetone, refined gasoline, etc.).

Before you start cleaning, you should test the effect of the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

How to remove tar from clothes and shoes at home - 7 proven remedies

Preparing for cleaning

Removing resin from clothes is not easy. For cleaning to be quick and effective, you will need to properly prepare the item. To do this you need:

  1. 1. Clean the product from dust and dirt. To do this, walk over the surface with a soft brush. Otherwise, dirty stains will remain on the material after treatment with cleaning agents.
  2. 2. When cleaning the fabric, it is necessary to protect clean areas from contamination. In order not to spoil the item, you should place a flat board or piece of thick fabric under the stain.
  3. 3. In addition, the material around the contamination can be slightly moistened and sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder. Then the resin will not spread when cleaned.

Having prepared the soiled clothes properly, you can proceed directly to cleaning.

How to remove resin?

After a walk in the forest or park, you may find tar stains on your clothes. This can be resin from coniferous trees (pine, Christmas tree, poplar, etc.), as well as a substance of artificial origin - tar or black resin.

Neither pine resin nor tar can be washed off with ordinary water. To remove the sticky mass you will have to use improvised means.


A common method for removing tar stains is freezing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • put the contaminated item in plastic bag so that the stain does not stick to the polyethylene;
  • put in the freezer for several hours;
  • frozen resin will be easy to crumble and brush off.

If a large item (for example, a jacket) does not fit in the freezer, you should proceed as follows:

  • take a piece of ice and apply it to the stain;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • when the resin freezes, you will need to remove it with a brush, as in the previous case.

Freezing resin

After this, a trace of the stain usually remains on the clothing. Therefore, after removing the bulk of the resin, you will have to think about its removal.


Another method of removing resin that involves heat treatment is heating. This method is carried out using an iron or hair dryer.

If an iron is selected as the cleaning tool, you must perform a series of sequential actions:

  • turn a thing inside out;
  • place a sheet of paper or thick cloth under the contaminated area so as not to stain the clean side of the product;
  • iron the material with a heated iron;
  • the melted resin will stick to the paper, which needs to be changed as needed;
  • Once most of the adhesive has been removed, you will need to rub the stain away. laundry soap;
  • after 15-20 minutes the item should be washed with powder.

Removing resin using an iron

You can also use a hairdryer. A stream of hot air is directed at the contaminated area. The softened resin is removed from the fabric with blotting movements using napkins.

Heat can be used to clean thick items such as coats, jackets, denim pants, etc.


Heat treatment will help get rid of small and fresh contaminants. If the resin stain has already dried and occupies a large area, you will have to resort to the help of solvents.

You can use medical alcohol, white spirit, refined gasoline or turpentine. For cleaning dense fabrics, more aggressive substances are suitable: acetone, kerosene. But they must be used extremely carefully so as not to damage the material and the skin of your hands. Instead of acetone, you can use nail polish remover containing this substance. It can also help remove dirt, but it is gentler.

Before cleaning, be sure to check the effect of the solvent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Hands must be protected with thick rubber gloves.

The method of application for the listed funds will be the same:

  • apply the selected substance to a cotton pad;
  • treat the stain;
  • wait 10-15 minutes;
  • Wash the area of ​​fabric with running water and wash the item.

When washing, it is advisable to add rinse aid. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of the solvent.

To clean wool and silk, refined gasoline is used in a similar way. But after using it, a greasy stain remains on the fabric. You can remove it by thoroughly rubbing the area with laundry soap or a stain remover suitable for a specific material.