Success in business depends on the competence of a business person, his professionalism, hard work and many, many other factors. Some of them influence the achievement of the desired result directly and directly - knowledge of the matter, experience, but we are not talking about them now. Indirect factors also influence success, and business man appearance- precisely the factor that determines the effectiveness of business connections, success in business contacts, contributes to the creation of the necessary working atmosphere and influences a person’s image.

The appearance of a business person begins with health

In order to add charm to your appearance, you first need to realize that it starts with health. It's hard to exaggerate the importance proper nutrition, exercise and self-care. All this is especially important in youth. While you are young, you can not sleep enough, eat dry food, neglect exercise, not think about the dangers of smoking - and you can get away with all this. Unfortunately, with age, the consequences will definitely make themselves felt. If you take care of yourself from an early age, you will always look younger than you really are, you will be slim and fit. It is always pleasant to look at a slender, fit person with correct posture: easy gait, straightened shoulders, head held high. And a completely different impression is made by people with poor posture - stooped, with shoulder blades protruding backwards and a protruding stomach.

Many people say that a large number of work prevents them from signing up for sports classes or going to the swimming pool. Due to the lack of sports activity, their performance will only decline, time will become less and less, which will further increase stress... to break out of this vicious circle, there is only one thing to do - carve out a couple of hours by reducing the workload at work and go to a sports hall or pool. Very soon, increased productivity will make up for the time spent on healthy image life. And the bonus will be attractiveness and a feeling of health in your own body.

Ability to dress ( business man style) - the same art as any other

Clothing should serve you, should help you achieve your goals. Always ask yourself, “Does this style get me closer to where I want to be?” Whether you look tastefully dressed or not depends on your goals. If you want to be a rock singer, don't dress like a monk - unless being deliberately asexual is a fashion statement. If your goal is to become the president of a conservative accounting firm, you will have to remove your eyebrow earring and hide your tattoos.

“Speaks for him before he says a word,” says the famous American journalist Ariel Ford knowledgeably. It was thanks to her that some top-rated authors became famous. According to her, what an author says when appearing on a television show will not affect the sales of his books. It all depends only on whether the audience likes it or not - this is closely related to the aesthetics of the appearance.

Appearance at an interview is extremely important, this axiom does not need special proof. Do not doubt that your appearance conveys to the employer no less (if not more) important information than your resume, diplomas, characteristics and other papers. Keep in mind that every manager, before inviting any employee to work, has already created an image in his head of the employee he needs. It's not so much about your external natural data, but about how much respect you have for yourself, which undoubtedly affects your appearance, down to the smallest detail.

Call the HR department of any company in the world and ask if they take into account person's appearance when hiring him. I bet you will be given a negative answer. But data from independent experiments suggests that managers are much more dependent on the beauty of their subordinates than they want to appear.

In 2005, research data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis was published. Experts from such a respected organization said that beautiful people earn five percent more than their less attractive colleagues. It has been established that such “injustice” occurs in all areas of human activity, but it is especially noticeable in those professions that are most dependent on communication with colleagues or clients.

Reading Jack Canfield's book The Rules achieving success“, I came across such an interesting story about an ordinary bank employee. In one New York bank there was such a guy, he worked as an ordinary manager, but unlike others, he dressed like a director. All the managers were sitting in simple, worn shirts, and he was wearing good suit. Moreover, he did not stand out in any way; he worked exactly the same as the others. A year later he became the general manager, and after another 2 years he was appointed director of the bank. And why all? He dressed and acted like a director. To learn how to behave correctly in such an environment, you need to be confident, and confidence largely depends on your appearance.

Dress like who you want to be, not who you are. Everything, including the way you dress, should have a purpose. Since you must wear clothes, make sure they ensure your superiority. Clothes not only tell people who you are, but also reflect your aspirations.

Appearance of a business man In addition to clothing, even such little things as the whiteness of a smile, hairstyle, facial hair on a man, makeup on a woman’s face, well-groomed hands, skin color, jewelry and accessories, etc. are created. Taking care of yourself is not at all difficult, but not everyone pays due attention to it.

You make a lot of things in life dependent on your appearance. This is both the efficiency of your activities and career advancement, and winning the sympathy of others. First impression about you, your professional qualities, temperament, character, education and attitude towards others, most often shapes your appearance. Therefore, if you are not serious about how you look and what you wear, it is time to reconsider your views on this significant point and change your appearance.

« Only the most undiscerning people do not judge by appearance." Wilde O.

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Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged people to keep their clothes clean. He disapproved of a person appearing in public in dirty clothes, since he had the opportunity to wash or clean them. Thus, he made it clear that a Muslim's clothes should always be clean, and his appearance should be good and pleasing to the eye.
Let's briefly list the adabs that should be observed in clothing and appearance:

  • It is necessary to keep your clothes clean;
  • clothing should not emphasize the contours of the body and be transparent, especially women’s clothing, which should cover all parts of the woman’s body except the face and hands;
  • it is preferable to wear clothes white. Men are prohibited from wearing silk clothes, but women are allowed. Shariah also prohibits men from wearing women's clothing, and women are prohibited from wearing men's clothes;
  • observance of the Sunnah is to wear beautiful clothes for performing prayers, especially for Friday prayers and other holiday prayers;
  • it is necessary to dress in a secluded place where you cannot be seen, so as not to show unauthorized parts of the body;
  • Before putting on clothes, you should shake them well;

اَللّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ كَسَوْتَنيهِ أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهُ وَخَيْرَ ما صُنِعَ لَهُ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهِ وَشَرِّ ما صُنِعَ لَهُ

“O Allah! Praise be to You, You have clothed me with this. I ask You for its good and the good of what it was made for. I also ask You for protection from its evil and the evil of what it was made for.";

  • having bought new clothes, it is better to give the old one to others;
  • you need to start dressing on the right side, and take off clothes on the left, this is following the Sunnah;
  • When putting on regular clothes, it is advisable to read the following:

اَلْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذي كَساني ما أُواري بِه سَوْئَتي وَأَتَجَمَّلُ بِه بَيْنَ النّاسِ

“Praise be to Allah, Who clothed me with what I use to cover my ‘awrat and adorn myself among people.”;

بِسْمِ اللهِ الَّذي لآ إِلهَ إِلاّ هُوَ

“In the name of Allah, there is no god but Him”. Removed clothing must be folded carefully.
Among the instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the command to take care of your hair, put it in order and decorate it in the way that is legalized in Islam. This means keeping them clean, combing them, anointing them with incense and giving them beautiful shape. The Noble Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) never ignored anything related to the appearance of people, and if he saw a sloppily dressed and unkempt person, he would certainly reproach him for not taking care of himself. At the same time, a Muslim should do all this in accordance with the teachings of Islam about the need to adhere to the golden mean in everything, in other words, the teaching about the need to adhere to moderation, which does not accept either excesses or omissions.

New words: ‘avrat.

Self-test questions:

  1. What should a Muslim dress like?
  2. In what order should you dress and undress?
  3. What should a Muslim look like?

Learn the following duas and adabs that must be observed in clothing and appearance.

Avrat – parts of the body that must be covered from others. For men - from the navel to the knees, and for women - the entire body, except for the face and hands.

It's no secret that men are not as sensitive to our appearance as we ourselves are. They may not notice a new haircut or hair color, they practically do not pay attention to the combination of colors in clothes, and remembering what accessories we were wearing is generally beyond their capabilities. But there are things that even men cannot ignore.

Let's start with the details that usually repel:

Aggressive makeup

Some of us are so eager to look attractive that we don't notice that we're going too far. Base, tone, concealer, corrector - and now natural beauty is hidden under the war paint of the leader of the Kikuyu tribe. Most men prefer either natural makeup, or its complete absence. And it's not just about appearance. It turns out that some are afraid that during hugs and kisses, cosmetics may stain their clothes. That's it.

Excess perfume

A light trail of fragrance will not cause discomfort, but there is no need to shower yourself with perfume from head to toe. Firstly, it is unknown whether others will like the scent you have chosen for yourself. Secondly, even the most pleasant aroma in large quantities can cause a headache and a desire to get away as far as possible. Do you need it?

Long nails with an elaborate design

During a recent visit to a nail studio, I happened to sit next to a pretty attractive girl, who spent a very long time and painstakingly choosing rhinestones. I wondered: who is she doing this for? Is it really for yourself? Because men still won’t appreciate such efforts. I asked several friends what they thought about nail designs. Half of them answered that they didn’t look closely at what was drawn there, and the other half were generally surprised that women DRAW something on their nails.

As for the length, many men are not only not attracted to the excessive length of their nails, but even frightened: what if a lady pounces during a quarrel and scratches her face?

Business suits

It is not surprising that in large (and not so large) corporations the dress code requires business suits, in which female office workers become completely unattractive and unsexy, and therefore do not distract male colleagues from work. Especially it concerns pantsuits, which turn women into some kind of tin soldiers. Complete anti-sex!

Excess body hair

Although there are supporters of absolute naturalness, men are mostly against excess vegetation. We are not monkeys, after all, although there is a version that we originated from them. So it’s still better to remove excess hair and not scare the gentleman. And if he turns out to be a fan of “shaggyness,” he himself will tell you about it on occasion.

But there are some things that men really like, so these points are worth paying special attention to:


Of course, all men understand that flat shoes are comfortable, practical and for every day, but this does not mean that they do not see the appeal of pumps. Most men admire stilettos. But if you don’t know how to walk in heels, it’s better not to break your legs, but to familiarize yourself with other points.

Miniskirts and cleavage

Remember Bublikov from the film “Office Romance” - at all times, bare legs have excited the imagination of men. And to this day short skirts remain one of the main means of seduction. What can we say about the décolleté area! It’s corny, but men are still being fooled. However, you need to know when to stop everything. You should not use these two weapons of mass destruction at the same time - you will get tired of fighting off the amazed masses!

Long flowing hair

I once heard the following phrase from a man: “If a girl has long hair, she’s already beautiful.” Men really like long hair on girls much more than short haircuts. Especially if your hair is down.


Here, it seems to me, there is no need to even explain anything. Stockings act on most men like a red rag on a bull. Many call this item of clothing the sexiest and are upset that women do not wear them often. Well, that's something to think about, isn't it?

Dark skin

You might be surprised, but girls with tanned skin attract men more often than those with fair skin. It is difficult to say what this is connected with - perhaps a tanned body itself looks slimmer and more athletic. It is not for nothing that fitness bikini athletes apply makeup before competitions - it emphasizes their figure favorably. Without it they don't look as impressive. But you shouldn’t go too far and disappear in the solarium all day long, frying yourself into a grilled chicken. You are unlikely to become more beautiful, but your skin may suffer.

Of course, we all want to look attractive, and first of all for ourselves. It’s easy to overdo it in the field of beauty, so in the pursuit of perfection it is very important to find that golden mean and not forget that the best is the enemy of the good, and the result does not always justify the efforts expended.

If you walk around the city, and in your hands you have a basket, a picture, a cardboard, then you turn into a shuttle from the 90s. Modern fashion trends allow the combination of two bags: for example, a large tote and a wallet bag or two small bags. But when you have bags, an umbrella, a trunk and a clutch in your hands, you get lost behind them. Buy several bags of different capacities and remember that the largest ones - the ones that will fit even a small dog - are not suitable for taking them to interviews and other important events. Don’t pack for every event like going on a hike, where you need to take a bottle of water, a change of shoes, and a raincoat.

General negligence

People around you always notice errors that you have given up on: small holes in clothes, torn buttons, pulled out threads. And people also see that your white blouses and T-shirts have turned gray due to improper washing (or lack thereof). Things that don't fit, stretched elbows and knees, loss of color - and you look like a summer resident or a beggar. Add to this shoes that require repairs and clothes that are long in need of dry cleaning, and even then the list of mistakes will not be complete. Pay attention to the little things, because they make all the difference.

Knitwear and modern fashion allow you to eliminate the iron from everyday items. But if you don’t want to look like you’ve been slightly chewed by a dinosaur, then be sure to iron things and try not to create new folds and creases. Watch YouTube videos to remember the basic life hacks for tidying up skirts, blouses and trousers. If you absolutely do not have enough time and nerves for this process, then purchase a steamer.

Incorrect length of trousers and jeans

The grunge style has long been relegated to the world of retro, so don't choose jeans that are ripped due to the fact that they cling to the floor and ground. The length of classic models is up to the middle of the heel. In the case of denim, you have two simple solutions: the first is to carefully cut off the edge, the second is to make narrow cuffs. If we are talking about trousers, then take them to the tailor (or try to fix the problem yourself).

Transparent skirts

Tulle and other thin fabrics are in fashion, but that doesn't mean they should lift the curtain on what kind of underwear you prefer. Be sure to check things against the light. If you love chiffon, then wear plain leggings or shirts underneath it.

Your cat has started shedding and you love cuddling animals, so there are little bits of fur hanging from your clothes? Go over the items with adhesive tape (pumice stone can be useful in particularly severe cases, but it should not be used on delicate fabrics). If neither one nor the other is at hand, then antistatic wipes, rubber gloves or nylon tights. By the way, place rollers of adhesive tape in different places: in the bathroom, in your purse, in your desk drawer, then you won’t look like you like to lie on carpets at important meetings.

Peeking Lingerie

In fashion circles there is a battle for the right to show your bra straps to others. Supporters argue that a woman has the right to show both her breasts and clothes for her, while opponents remind about etiquette and modesty. The choice, of course, is yours, but if you learn to choose a bra model: a sports bra for running, a silicone bra for an evening out, a balconette for a summer walk, you will feel confident in different situations.

Sports leggings instead of jeans

Many companies sell leggings that have designs on them such as stitching, pockets and zippers. Don't be tempted to wear them to work. They are only acceptable in the gym. If you decide to go for a walk in them, then cover your rear with a long T-shirt or shirt, because, unlike jeans, leggings do not tighten your legs, but highlight flaws and also inform the model of your panties.

10 women's mistakes in appearance that men don’t like!

Approaching new year holidays, and with them New Year's corporate parties and parties with friends - that is, the time when the most inveterate homebodies go out into the world. Therefore, we decided for our dear readers to give 10 tips on what not to do with your appearance before going out, so that men do not shy away from you (based on materials from the website

1. Overly lined eyes

Shadows like a panda or a raccoon may look harmonious on Lady Gaga (and on a raccoon, of course), but not on you. The first thing a man will remember is his classmates’ attempts to put on makeup, which means you will look like an immature schoolgirl in his eyes.

2. Too much makeup

If the skin tone in your neckline is different from the tone of your face, not only a man, but also a hedgehog will understand that you have applied too much makeup. And in the end - do you really dislike the color of your skin so much that you hide it?

If the skin tone in your cleavage is different from the tone of your face, not only a man, but also a no brainer will understand that you have applied too much makeup!

3. A dazzling smile

This does not mean the smile itself, but rather too white teeth. Teeth bleached to pristine whiteness by a dentist look good on TV, but in real life, according to a survey, men believe that radically white teeth look unnatural and synthetic. Although opinions still differ on this issue.

4. Sweet kiss

Men are not fans of sticky lipstick and lip gloss - not only does it create a subconscious desire to immediately wipe your lips, but the color or glitter left on the lips can cause ridicule and assumptions about gayness from other men.

5. Updos

High hairstyles do not excite men - who can be aroused by a cone on their head? So it's best to leave the hair towers of Babel for pop singers!

High hairstyles do not excite men!

6. Too much perfume

If a girl wears tons of perfume, then a man will not be able to normally enjoy, for example, his cognac, or the smell of gourmet dishes - what kind of reaction can you expect from him, other than trying to move away five meters?

7. Nails like a cat's

Super-long nails look very unnatural and cat-like, and the worst sound (according to the vast majority of men) imaginable is when a girl impatiently taps them on the table.

8. Fake mole

Well, if you went to a corporate event, or in a company with your boyfriend, everyone knows that you didn’t have a mole, but then one day it appeared - other than bewilderment, this will not cause any reaction. In addition, think - your gentleman will go to see you off, and then it rains or snows and your mole will be washed away in the rain... Although, of course, if you need to hide something...

9. Fake tan

Men don't find excessive tanning so sexy - healthy, Genuine Leather is much more attractive.

10. Uncertainty

Your chosen one has been waiting for you for 2 hours, just because you can’t achieve the perfect appearance? The natural question is “who are you preparing for like that, dear? I know what you look like." He loves you anyway, and not only when you are “on parade.” So if you don't want a black cat to run between you, away with uncertainty... well, unless you really plan to find a better match at the party.