Congratulations to all Muslims on the great Holidays of Breaking the Fast of Eid al-Fitr!

For a whole month, Muslims sincerely observed fasting: from dawn to sunset they did not eat or drink, and abstained from marital duties; foul language and harmfulness. At night, they performed additional tarawih prayers, read the Holy Quran, preached morality and culture, and especially celebrated the night of nights - laylat-ul-qadr - the Night of Predestination. The blessed month of Ramadan ends with the Festival of Breaking the Fast of Eid-ul-Fitr. In all mosques in the region, in the morning hours of September 9, 2010, Muslims performed festive services. It is especially gratifying that another Muslim community has appeared in the region.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Praise be to Allah! We give Him praise, ask Him for help and forgiveness, and pray to Him to guide us to the straight path. We seek refuge in Allah from all evil and bad deeds. I testify that there is no god but Allah, who has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger, may Allah bless and greet him, his family and his companions.

Dear brothers and sisters!

On behalf of the Council of Muftis of Russia, the Centralized Religious Organization of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia, I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of the end of the fast of the Holy month of Ramadan and the onset of Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Fitr, which falls on 1 Shawwal 1431 AH. \ September 9, 2010.

For a whole month, all believers, during daylight hours, abstained from taking food, water, but most importantly, from everything vicious and sinful, sincerely wanting to achieve the mercy of the Almighty, they observed fasting. Understanding the meaning of Ramadan, they took a responsible attitude towards the spiritual content of fasting - they worshiped the Almighty to the best of their ability, carried out His commands, turned to Him with repentance for their sins, performed the Tarawih prayer, offered prayers, read and comprehended the Holy Quran, cultivated kindness and compassion in themselves, they tried to provide mercy and help to those in need, and strengthened the bonds of brotherhood.

The Holy month of Ramadan has ended, but the good deeds that we did throughout the month should not stop throughout our lives.

I pray to Allah Almighty to accept our Fasting, night taraweeh prayers, all pious deeds, to forgive previous mistakes and sins, to reward us with His great mercy - protection from Hell and the blessings of Paradise.

Peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessings!

Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin

Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia,
Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia.

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 holiday (133) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Eid al Fitr Arabic. عيد الفطر‎‎ ... Wikipedia

    Eid al Fitr Arabic. عيد الفطر‎‎ Muslim prayer in the Crimean mosque Type Islamic otherwise Eid al-Fitr also the Holiday of Breaking the Fast ... Wikipedia

    M. One of the largest Muslim holidays, the holiday of breaking the fast, the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan, when believers sum up the past, perform a festive prayer, and after prayer gather guests, give gifts, and remember the departed.... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    EID AL ADHA- (Turkish fasting holiday, Bayram holiday) Muslim. holiday to mark the end of the month of fasting. Celebrated on the 1st of Shawwal (10th of the Muslim month). lunar calendar) and in the following days. On the occasion of U. b. Divine services are organized in mosques, readings are read... ... Atheist Dictionary

    Eid al Adha- (2 m), R. Uraza/ Bayra/ma (holiday) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    - (Turkic) holiday of the end of the season. Muslims and Arabs have Eid al Fitr (the holiday of breaking the fast), and Turks have Kuchuk Bayram (a small holiday). Begins on the evening of the 30th of Ramadan, when according to Muslims. According to the Hijri calendar, the 1st day of the next month of Shawwal begins.… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Eid al Adha- (Turkic), eid al fitr (Arabic) a holiday of breaking the fast in honor of the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan, one of the two main Islamic holidays(second Kurban Bayram). Begins on the 1st of the month of Shawwal (the tenth month of the Muslim lunar... ... Religions of peoples modern Russia

(Arabic: Eid al-Fitr) - the holiday of breaking the fast, marks the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan. It is called a small holiday, as opposed to big holiday- the holiday of sacrifice (Kurban Bayram).

The holiday falls at the beginning of the month following Ramadan, i.e. the 1st of Shawwal (10th month of the Muslim lunar calendar), and lasts 3 days. In 2010, the first day of the holiday falls on September 9.

Eid al-Fitr is one of the most significant religious holidays for every Muslim. It is directly related to the ideas of spiritual improvement and good deeds. It is customary to celebrate this holiday with good deeds, showing concern for others and compassion for those in need.

Four days before the holiday, they begin to thoroughly clean the house, court premises, barns, and clean the livestock. After finishing the cleaning, all family members are required to swim, put on clean linen and clean themselves up. In the evening, the housewives prepare traditional oriental dishes. Children deliver them to relatives, and there is a mutual exchange of treats. This custom is called “so that there is a smell of food in the house.”

Before the holiday, people try to buy food and gifts, decorate and renovate their homes. New curtains, bedspreads for furniture, and festive clothes are purchased. Money for alms is also collected in advance, so that the poor, having received this money, can also prepare for the celebration.

Before the holiday, you need to forgive each other's grievances, try to visit your relatives and friends, asking for their forgiveness.

On the day of the holiday, it is considered good to get up early, take a bath, dress neatly and smartly, use incense, and be friendly to everyone. On this day, Muslims greet each other with the following words: “May Allah send His mercy to you and to us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!” It is advisable to eat some dates or something sweet on the day of the holiday before reading the holiday prayer.

On the first day of the holiday, general prayers are performed in the mosque or at special sites - namazgas. In the khutba, read by a mullah or imam during a public service, believers are announced about the “validity” of fasting and are given instructions to observe it in the future. But before that, every Muslim is ordered to pay a special alms to Sadaqat-ul-Fitr. This is the final stage for accepting perfect fasting by the Almighty. It is obligatory for every Muslim who has property beyond their basic needs. Muslim tradition says that the Prophet himself bequeathed the distribution of alms, saying: “The fast of Ramadan hangs between heaven and earth until the servant of God gives the alms that follow from him.” The head of the family pays this alms for himself, his wife, children and even servants, if there is one. Cash payments to those in need are also allowed. Alms are given to the poor directly or through Islamic charities. After paying alms and praying together, mutual congratulations and wishes for a happy celebration.

At noon, the main hearty meal begins. Festive table Eid al-Adha mainly consists of sweet dishes, fruits, and all kinds of jams. On this day it is customary to eat tasty and abundant food. Then, according to legend, the home table will be rich next year.

After the solemn service, believers go to the cemetery to remember the dead, and also visit the tombs of local saints, then the men, gathered in a group, visit the houses of all the recently deceased and express condolences to the relatives of the deceased. And the families of those who died over the past year organize a wake with the invitation of the mullah, relatives and friends.

On the days of breaking the fast, fairs are organized where folk singers, dancers, puppeteers, and jugglers perform colorful performances. There is brisk trade at the bazaars, and swings are set up for young people and children. Celebrations often take place near the water. According to tradition, Muslims gather to slaughter geese that have been fattened for the winter near the water. On the holiday, everyone is supposed to help someone in need with something, so during the slaughter of domestic animals, their owners often generously distribute pieces of meat. And all this time there is music, people laugh, sing and dance until late at night.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Every year, as the month of Ramadan approaches, proponents of visual observation and astronomical calculations raise a debate about what date Ramadan begins. What arguments do the parties give to argue that they are right?

The Koran says:

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was revealed - a true guide for people, clear evidence of right guidance and discernment. Whoever this month finds among you must fast. And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulty for you. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and glorify Allah for guiding you to the straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful" (Quran, 2:185).

Historical facts indicate that in the distant past, Muslims often began and ended their fasts in different days. The dates of the celebration of two great holidays also moved: Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) and Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Fitr).

IN modern world Given the availability of all kinds of means of communication, humanity has the opportunity to come to a common opinion on what date Ramadan begins, but this does not happen. Neither satellite television, nor the Internet, nor telephone communications will be able to unite states separated by political borders and the boundaries of religious movements and madhhabs.

When does Ramadan start? New moon - the beginning of the new month

According to the Muslim calendar, a new month begins with the new moon. Many Sharia norms are associated with the beginning of a new month. In his work “The Goals of Sharia”, Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi suggests relying on visual observation of the moon as a way of establishing the beginning of the month. There he quotes an authentic hadith:

“...Do not start fasting until you see it (the new month), but if it is cloudy, then bring the count (add the number of days of Sha’ban) to thirty” (Al Bukhari, Muslim). Another version of the hadith says: “...And if the sky is hidden from you behind the clouds, then complete thirty days (shaaban)” (Al Bukhari, Muslim).

In Arabic, the new moon is “hilal”. Interpretation of the word - “ the moon reflects light, it is not dark, it “shines”" The glow makes it visible to humans. A new Muslim month cannot begin without seeing the new moon. Therefore, the beginning of the month of Ramadan should be based on direct observation of the sky and on the anticipation of the appearance of the new moon.

Scientists about the new moon

A new moon is the first appearance of the moon in the sky in the form of a narrow crescent after the astronomical new moon. And since the geographic latitude of the place where the moon is observed and the location of the moon in orbit changes, the time interval between the astronomical new moon and neomenia, the first appearance of the narrow crescent moon, also changes.

Explaining this phenomenon, we will also add that at the new moon we see the part of the moon illuminated by the sun - that part that gradually increases until the full moon, and then decreases again.

Regarding the new moon phenomenon, Muslims need to understand whether astronomical calculations can be used to determine the beginning of the lunar month, since the task of when Ramadan begins determines the dates of Eid and holidays.

Classical schools of fiqh on how to determine the beginning of Ramadan

The official theological position of the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali madhhabs is that astronomical calculations are an unreliable way to determine the beginning of the month. The start time of Ramadan must be confirmed in two ways: by actual observation and vision, or by counting down to 30 days.

Words " fa mann shahida minkumuash-shahra” (“one of you who will be found by this month” or “which of you is at home this month”) is interpreted by most scholars as a requirement to literally see the new moon.

This interpretation is confirmed by the injunctions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

“Start fasting when you see the new moon, and break your fast when you see it again. If it is hidden from you behind the clouds, then count thirty days of the month of Sha'ban" (Bukhari).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:

“Fast when it (the moon) appears, and break fast when it (the moon) appears. If the sky is covered, then add to the number of days” (the month of Sha’ban is up to 30 days) (Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned the holy month of Ramadan and said:

“Do not fast until you see it (the moon) and do not break your fast until you see it (the moon). And if the sky is covered with clouds or clouds, then complete 30 days (month of Shaban)” (Bukhari, Ahmad).

Famous Shafi'i jurist Shihab Ad-Din ibn Ahmad Ar-Ramli believed that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not rely on calculations and completely rejected them, saying that: “ Truly, we are an illiterate people and do not know how to write or count, but the month (may) be both like this and like that- (meaning that sometimes it consists of twenty-nine and sometimes thirty days) (Bukhari). Really, ordinary people For those who do not live in big cities, it would be difficult to do the calculations. Only a few could understand such matters.

Another reason for the refusal of ancient scientists to calculate the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan was the connection of astrology (star observation) with magic, which is prohibited by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar(Imam, author of 150 works on almost all Islamic sciences) strictly prohibits the use of calculations, referring to the statements of the Prophet, who warned Muslims against practicing astrology: “ One who studies astrology studies part of witchcraft, the more of it, the more witchcraft"(Abu Daoud). Thus, a Muslim who opposed these commandments of the Messenger of Allah and began to fast on the basis of calculations alone had to make up the days of fasting.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted people to begin the month of Ramadan, confident that the new moon had already appeared in the sky, and to end with the same condition. Really seeing the new moon was the only way for them to be completely sure when the month of Ramadan began.

Many jurists admit that vision itself is not the only condition for the onset of the month of Ramadan

Famous classical scholar of the Hanafi madhhab Sa'ad al-Din Mas'ud bin Umar al-Taftazani argued that all Muslim scholars are unanimous in that the vision of the young moon is only one of the means, but not the goal.

“The meaning of the Quranic verse “whoever of you witnesses this month” means “will witness this month.” The testimony of the month is only a means. The same follows from the words of the Prophet " fast when you see the new moon " All Muslim scholars agree that the real vision is not an indicator, the indicator is what this vision proves, that is, the arrival of the (new) month.”

Modern lawyer of Muslim law, Dr. Mustafa al-Zarqa is confident: “It is an established fact that seeing the new moon in itself is not an act of Islamic worship. This is just one way to find out the time. This was the only method available to people who could neither write nor count. His illiteracy was the only reason he relied on the naked eye. This is precisely what is stated in the text of the hadith, which is the source of this decree.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prescribed real vision with the naked eye, since this method was available to Muslims of that time to know what date the holy month of Ramadan begins and when it ends. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) also pointed out the reason for this need - the illiteracy of the ummah in those days. The Muslims of the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) adopted the simplest method. Currently, another method has been adopted for determining the time of the month of Ramadan, and jurists consider it acceptable.

The Quran says: “Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black, then fast until nightfall” (Quran, 2:187).

IN modern conditions In life, when technological progress accompanies us everywhere, it is quite difficult to literally follow these words. Instead of such landmarks, we use clocks. The Muslim Ummah calculated the times of Zuhr and Asr prayers using the shadow of a stick. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended watching the shadow to determine the time of prayers. Now the astronomical clock tells us the time of prayer. Many tasks in the modern world are performed with the help of astronomical calculations, and the science of astronomy itself has become different, having gotten rid of the condemned predictions and magic. One can only rejoice that the spirit of Islamic law is flexible in those issues that can be more easily resolved using the achievements of technological progress.

For example, a representative of the modern direction of the Muslim legal school Zian al-Din bin Ibrahim ibn Nujaim states: “Ibn al-Shikhna says that the magician and astrologer mentioned in the hadith is one who speaks about spirits and claims to know the future. The words of this person cannot be trusted and agreeing with them means disbelief. But calculating the phases of the moon has nothing to do with this. It is based on accurate calculations, not fortune telling or things related to spiritual entities. Don't you see that Allah, praise be to Him, says in the Quran: “ It is He who gave the sun its radiance, and the moon its light, and established periods for it, so that you could determine the number of years and the reckoning [of time].”».

Ramadan in 2016

This year, Uraza will begin on June 6, and Tarawih prayers of 20 rakats will begin to be read in Russian mosques on June 5. The last day of fasting falls on July 4th. And Eid al-Fitr falls on July 5, the holiday prayer on this day will be held at 7 am. The dates became known at a meeting of the Council of Ulema of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tajikistan, dedicated to the upcoming month of Ramadan.

Based on materials from