The automobile industry is the main consumer of mined palladium and rhodium. Together with platinum, they are used in the production of automobile catalysts, since all these metals have high catalytic properties. The purchase and processing of palladium catalysts is a pressing issue for the industry, as this will allow some of the expensive metals to be returned to the industry. However, precious metals in cars contain not only catalysts...

Automotive production in all countries actively uses platinum group metals and silver; gold is used little in this industry. Silver is used for the production of automotive electronics - switches, pressure sensors, alarms, as well as for battery plates with improved characteristics. For breakers, voltage regulators, emergency sensors, some relays, tachometers, in addition to silver, platinum and gold are also used; generators contain palladium. Rhodium has good reflective properties; it is used to cover the surface of headlights and mirrors. Platinum and the rare earth platinoid iridium are found in modern automobile spark plugs.

Various spark plugs contain alloys of platinum, silver, iridium and yttrium. The use of expensive metals is due to the high quality of the parts produced, which increases the reliability of ignition, increases their service life and saves the cost of necessary replacement. Spark plugs with precious metals have a central electrode of small diameter, coated with platinum or iridium - 0.8 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively. The thin electrode provides a voltage concentration higher than on a conventional spark plug, a more stable flame front and slight cooling. But if it were made of an ordinary nickel alloy, it would fail after a few hundred kilometers, while iridium and platinum spark plugs last much longer due to the refractoriness and strength of these metals. Iridium spark plugs have better performance than platinum plugs, and they are equipped with Western cars of the middle and high price segment, and at one time they were intended only for racing cars and aircraft engines. Despite the fact that iridium is more rare metal, than platinum - it costs less and at the moment, about a fifth of all mined metal is spent on the production of spark plugs.

But, despite the presence of precious metals in parts, recycling of automobile scrap is of interest primarily for non-ferrous metallurgy, with the exception of automobile catalysts with a high content of platinum and palladium, as well as some automotive electronics. You can sell a car catalyst that has already served its purpose to our company. We are ready to offer a high price and accept parts from any city in Russia!

Recycling issue used vehicles, as well as details, is relevant for both organizations and individuals.

Vehicle to be scrapped contains many valuable components, such as , and .

About which ones, how many there are and where are they concentrated, will be discussed in this material.

The main precious metals contained in parts of vehicles such as KAMAZ 4308 are gold and silver, as well as platinum, rhodium, palladium and iridium.

The table below shows some information available on the content of precious metals in Soviet-made cars according to the “List of motor vehicle products containing precious metals” dated 02/24/2000.

As can be seen from the presented data, the most significant content in terms of the total weight of the car is silver:

Vehicle name Metal content in automotive parts, g
gold silver platinum platinum group metals
GAZ-33100,4461 9,7419 0,0476
GAZ-33090,0407 9,0241 0,0476
MAZ-54400,4461 9,7419 0,0476
KAMAZ-43080,00849 14,9881 0,0434
VAZ-240,00764 5,46485 0,08674
VAZ-2106, 21030,02263 5,1229 0,005

Gold and silver

Cars usually contain gold and silver as part of electronic components:

  • relay for sockets, thermostats (silver);
  • sensors for measuring fuel level (silver);
  • diodes (silver and gold);
  • contacts (gold);
  • voltage regulators (silver);
  • switches (ignition switches)/switches (silver);
  • windshield wipers (silver).

In modern cars these metals contained in chips and monitors of on-board computers components that make up the vehicle control and navigation system.

Platinum group elements

Metals platinum group, namely, platinum-palladium-rhodium systems are usually contained in engine catalysts.

With the improvement of engine quality, the amount of rhodium decreased from 18% to 9-10% of the total mass of metals.

When improving engines the amount of rhodium decreased from 17-20% to 9-11% of the total mass of platinum group metals.

When using ternary platinum group systems, it is usually platinum is found in the largest amount, its content is 300-1000 µg/kg, palladium - 200-800 µg/kg, rhodium - in the range from 50 to 100 mg/kg.

Precious metals in automobile catalysts

As mentioned above, modern catalysts include platinum, palladium and rhodium. In addition, in the automotive industry of Germany and the UK for the production of automotive catalysts iridium is widely used.

In many cases, the catalysts of cars produced in these mills are sorted separately as potentially containing this precious metal.

Waste enrichment methods

To solve the problems of processing automotive components containing noble metals, use hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical methods.

The source for processing (in the case of a catalyst) contains a large number of ceramic carrier and a small concentration of precious metal.

When recycling electronic waste the source is scrap components, usually containing plastic particles.

The task of recycling waste automobile parts is to obtain semi-finished products suitable for recycling.

Hydrometallurgical method for extracting precious metals consists of the following main steps:

  • primary leaching of waste with mixtures of acids, the composition of which depends on the qualitative and quantitative content of precious metals in the source material, at temperatures above 100 °C;
  • repeated washing of the acid-insoluble carrier with water;
  • drying the semi-finished product at 200 °C and calcination at temperatures of about 600 °C.

Examples of using the hydrometallurgical method enrichment during the processing of catalysts for Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Volvo cars based on platinum group metals presented in patent 2209843 “Method for extracting platinum metals from autocatalysts” by V.A. Shipacheva. 2008.

When using the pyrometallurgical method, waste processing occurs in next few stages:

  1. Crushing the feedstock and sorting its particles by size.
  2. Preparation of the initial mixture.
  3. Melting of crushed product at a temperature of 3000 °C in a plasma-arc furnace to form melts of precious metals, ceramics and metal carriers.
  4. Periodic draining of slag melts, stratified due to the difference in the densities of metals and ceramics: the ceramic melt remains at the top, the precious metal melt in the collector metal (iron) is drained from the furnace.
  5. Granulation of liquid melt containing precious metals.

Final product granulation, 3-15% enriched with precious metals, is a suitable raw material for refining industries, further releasing precious metals with the highest degree of purity.

Examples of processing electronic parts using this method are presented in patent 2521766 “Method for processing electronic scrap” by V.V. Elders. from 07/10/2014.

Sale of spent catalysts

Spent catalysts can be sold to a number of companies, related to refining enterprises contracts for the recycling of enriched raw materials received by them.

The scope of activities of such companies includes the purchase of spent catalysts from individuals and legal entities, determination of which of the platinum group metals and how much is contained in them, and their primary processing.

Contacts of these companies are available through websites, information on the procedure for accepting and paying for the delivered catalyst is also provided there.

Examples of these companies include the following organizations:

Based on the results of the analysis, the value of the transaction is determined. On average, for foreign cars prices for 1 kg of catalyst vary from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the car brand.

Thus, catalysts for Hummer, Land Rover, Infiniti, Jeep GrandCherokee, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz vehicles reach the highest cost.

Prices for domestic catalysts are indicated around 1,500 rubles/kg.

Video on the topic

We invite you to watch a video about the content of precious metals in automobile catalysts and how they can be extracted.


Disposal car parts for the purpose of obtaining financial gain due to the extraction of noble metals from them into modern conditions is a solvable problem both for legal entities and individuals.

To do this, the customer should contact the appropriate company engaged in the reception, evaluation and primary processing of automotive raw materials in order to obtain concentrates for subsequent fine processing and the production of high-grade metals or their involvement in recycling.

In contact with

Platinum is a precious metal, the high cost and demand for which is ensured by the minimum coefficient of expansion, electrical and thermal conductivity and high strength of the material.

In appearance, this metal resembles, but its price is higher than.

Platinum does not oxidize And is not subject to chemical corrosion, stable in acids and alkalis with the exception of “regia vodka” (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids) and sulfuric acid when heated, exhibits high catalytic properties.

In this regard, platinum is used in the following industries:

  1. Automotive industry. 40% of platinum is used for the production of afterburning catalysts, especially in European-made cars.
  2. Jewelry production. 35% of the world's platinum production goes into jewelry, which is traditionally valued for its high durability, quality color and luster. As a rule, in jewelry Platinum is present in the form of an 85% alloy with other platinum group metals, improving its malleability and ease of processing.
  3. Electronics, medicine. 13% of platinum, due to its high electrical conductivity and refractoriness, is used for the manufacture of radio electronics microcircuits. It is also used to make oxygen sensors in cars, which provide the necessary ratios when mixing fuel and air in engines, and are involved in the operation of airbags and climate control. The biocompatibility and chemical inertness of platinum allows it to be used for the manufacture of catheters and electrical stimulators.
  4. Chemical industry. 6% platinum is used to make catalysts for heavy chemical production processes, for example, for the synthesis of nitric acids. Platinum catalysts are integral participants in the processes of isomerization and reforming of oil, which are used to produce high-octane gasoline components.

Platinum contains:

  • automobile catalysts (see photo);
  • capacitors;
  • microcircuits;
  • generators;
  • relay;
  • other details.

Since the auto industry and electronics are the main industries consuming platinum, when searching for primary secondary raw materials for extracting this metal, it is worth first of all paying attention to the devices produced by these industrial segments.

Let's consider details, in which platinum most.

Automotive catalysts

Among automobile catalysts, the following two types can be distinguished:

  1. Based on the classical platinum-rhodium-system. Approximate metal content in ppm per ton ceramic carrier is respectively 1470-270-900 for the specified system. The approximate cost of such catalysts is 55 euros per 1 kg.
  2. Platinum-rhodium systems typical for premium car catalysts. The platinum content in them is about 3000 ppm. The cost of catalysts of this type is estimated at approximately 70 euros per 1 kg.

Knowing these formulas and the type of part, you can calculate how much platinum is in the car catalyst.


20% of the total mass of electronic devices are capacitors.

Depending on the type of capacitor, quantity of precious metals, in particular, platinum in capacitors varies, which determines the final cost of the product when it is purchased.

Below is capacitor table with markings and characteristic distinctive features in descending order of platinum content and, accordingly, cost:

Thus, most valuable are H30 capacitors, which have the highest platinum content.

Other radio components

As for other radio components, platinum is present in:

  1. Relay, namely, wire and contacts in their composition. Among the most famous relays containing platinum are relays RES-9, RES-10.
  2. Electronic lamps.
  3. Devices Microwave.
  4. Generators as part of control and measuring equipment (G2-57, GZ-109).
  5. Thermoelectric converters TPR.

We talked in detail about the content of various precious metals in radio components.

Methods of extraction from radio components

For the extraction of platinum, the most acceptable from an economic point of view is collector smelting method, presented in a number of Russian patents RU 245899, RU 2180011.

The technology includes the following stages:

  1. Grinding of the original scrap.
  2. Melting scrap in furnaces in the presence of a collector metal.
  3. Blowing air through the melt to form collector metal oxide and molten platinum concentrate.

The difference in the methods lies in the stages of the processes and the composition of the collector system, which is responsible for the selectivity of the platinum separation process.

Isolating platinum from electronic waste is also possible using hydrometallurgical method.

One of the methods is to use the method of hypochlorite leaching of waste and is presented in patent RU 2244759.

The process is carried out at a certain concentration of hydrochloric acid and active chlorine (the source of chlorine is alkali metal hypochlorites) and a temperature of about 65 ° C, with a ratio of liquid to solid phase of 7:1.

When using this method to recycle ceramic capacitors degree of purity platinum was about 90%.

Another hydrometallurgical method is presented in patent RU 210339. Waste treated with a mixture of hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide and dimethylformamide(DMF) at a temperature of 100 °C.

As a result of the hydrolytic cleavage of DMF under the conditions used, platinum is reduced, after which DMF is regenerated, and the resulting solution is sent for processing.

In general, both hydrometallurgical and pyrolytic methods can be used to recycle electrical scrap to recover platinum. The same methods are recommended for metal extraction from spent catalysts.

The selection methods presented above are the result of scientific research, fully or partially implemented in pilot and industrial production after receiving the appropriate permits to carry out activities in the processing of precious metals.

On our website there is a separate material dedicated to.

Sales of waste

To sell electronic waste and autocatalysts in order to obtain financial benefits due to the presence of platinum in them, both individuals and legal entities need contact the relevant organizations, engaged in the reception, evaluation and processing of electronic and catalytic scrap for refining industries.

Among such organizations:

With the help of such companies it is possible expert assessment of source material methods of physical and chemical analysis for an objective assessment of the value of scrap and further professional processing of raw materials.


Thus, spent autocatalytic elements and electrical components containing platinum are are a real source of income, since to date, both methods for assessing and classifying the original scrap, and methods for its processing have been developed, which can be implemented by certified enterprises when both companies and individuals contact them.

In contact with

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical equipment KM-5 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Aviation and technical equipment BA 125 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the GAZ-53 car according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Cabin 5F20 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical equipment UL1-2T according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the Tu-16 aircraft according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the KAMAZ-55111 vehicle according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical property IDO-D2-M3S according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Cabin Neva 125m1 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the Tu-134 cabin according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of the content of precious metals in the ZIL-431411 car according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical equipment DOS-3 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical equipment MV-1.5 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the RAF-2203 car according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in aviation technical equipment BU 9V-1T according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in K-KGP aviation and technical equipment according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Aviation and technical property 1122 BAGD 1 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Cabin ESD40(5e65) according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in the MAZ-5433 car according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Directory of precious metal content in Aviation and Technical Property ARK-10 according to technical documentation. The mass of valuable metals in grams is indicated (Gold, silver, platinum, palladium and others).

Precious metals

Directory " Precious metals" by content in various devices, equipment, components, radio-electronic components.