Entrance coordinates (for Tom Tom): /way 57.1 39.9

At normal/heroic level - for 10-30 players, at Mythic level - for 20, at LFR - 10-25.

Emerald Nightmare- this is a damaged part of the Emerald Dream. There are many theories as to who did the damage in the first place. Emerald Dream, creating Nightmare. But whether it was N'Zoth, Hakkar or someone else, Xavius ​​declared the Nightmare to be his and proclaimed himself Overlord (Lord).
The satyr(s), with the permission of Xavius, are trying to further damage the Emerald Dream and spread this corruption from the Dream further, affecting Azeroth itself.

Comment from Oldrein

One of the first two raid dungeons in Legion (T19)

The level of items (loot) in the raid dungeon is “Emerald Nightmare”.

  • LFR: 835+.
  • Normal difficulty: 850+
  • Heroic Difficulty: 865+
  • Mythic Difficulty: 880+

IN Legion all mined items with the prefix + have a chance to receive additional. level (for example, an item from level 835 LFR can become 850, 855, etc. up to (mythic + 15) level). If an item receives +15 or more to its level, then it becomes "Titanforged".

P.S. At the time of opening the Emerald Nightmare, the maximum possible level of the item will be 895, after opening the Citadel of the Night - 925.

Among the interesting things, in addition to loot, this raid drops:

  • Mark of the Glade Guardian (secret artifact appearance for druids of the "Guardian" specialization) - drops from Ursoc (any difficulty, low chance).
  • Last Breath of the Forest (secret artifact skin for hunters of the "Survival" specialization) - drops from Ursoc (any difficulty, low chance).
  • Breath of the Immortal Serpent (secret artifact appearance for monks of the Mistweaver specialization) - drops from Nightmare Dragons (any difficulty, low chance).
  • N'Zoth's Claw (secret artifact appearance for priests of the "Darkness" specialization) - drops from Il'gynot (any difficulty, low chance).
  • Pet Nightmare Dragon - drops from Ysondre (any difficulty, low chance)
  • Various bags with reagents (cloth, leather, gems, etc.) - drop from trash (any difficulty, low chance)
  • Relics for artifacts (any difficulty).
  • Enchant Weapon - Illusion: Nightmare (any difficulty).

This raid will not produce the t19 set.

Opening date for various difficulties:

  • September 21 - Normal and Heroic difficulty.
  • September 28 - Epochal difficulty, as well as the first quarter in LFR.
  • October 12 - Second quarter in LFR.
  • October 26 - Third quarter in LFR.

Upd: The Russian-speaking guild "Exorsus" was the first in the world to kill Xavius ​​in Mythic difficulty. Congratulations to our guys for 1st place. (This is the first time in the history of World of Warcraft).

P.S. A good, solid raid (for the first raid of an expansion). The difficulty of the bosses is stepped, the only thing is that Xavius ​​is too easy for the last boss.

Comment from SPECIAL77

For the robber, there is great way get Captures of Silent Screams.

You kill (or look for CD without it), and bypassing all the trash, go up to the top
Malfurion. There, go into the Grizzly Hills (to the left of Malfurion, the tunnel goes down) and search the pockets of

The loot table is the same for all difficulty types, the differences lie in the improved characteristics of items and the level of gear. The ilvl is as follows: lfr - 835, normal - 850, heroic - 865, mythic - 880. Also, as in Draenor, there is a chance to proc socket or bi-stats, which is 10 ilvl higher than the standard.

In the Emerald Nightmare T19 set does not fall, But appearance things still resemble a collection of gear for each class, so you can safely farm for transmog in the future.

In the Emerald Nightmare, you can drop a relic from bosses that improves the characteristics of your artifact:

  • Ilvl 835 gives +39 to the level of artifact gear.
  • Ilvl 850 gives +43 to the level of artifact gear.
  • Ilvl 865 gives +48 to the artifact gear level.
  • Ilvl 880 gives +52 to the level of artifact gear.

Seal of Broken Fate – where to get it and what to spend it on?

As in previous expansions, you can take special cookies into each raid, which give you a chance for loot without a roll. In Legion, this is the Seal of Broken Fate. Every week you can take three seals. They are sold at Archmage Lan'daloka is standing near the entrance to the AMK. You can get a priority seal for gold or for class stronghold resources. Also, one imz of stronghold improvements allows produce one print weekly, which will save us both gold and resources.

Vendor location with seals of fate:

Loot from the Emerald Nightmare in Legion

Trinkets or accessories in the Emerald Nightmare

Trinkets provide a unique benefit for each type of hero in the Legion: DD, RDD, tanks and heals. Below is a list divided into categories of accessories that can be obtained in the Emerald Nightmare.

Shell Fragments is a usable trinket that acts in an area, damaging the enemy and healing the hero. Good for BM and MM hunters. Dropped by Nythendra.

Wild Tentacles are a proc trin that creates mobs that attack the enemy. Drops from Il'gynoth.

Call of Nature is a mediocre try due to the uncertainty of the stat proc, but with good primary stats. Dropped by Cenarius.

Bloodlust Instinct - Can increase speed by 3399 units for 10 seconds. Perfect for robbers, hunts, monks, ferals and demon hunters.

Ursoc's Rending Paw - a chance to proc bleeding during auto-attack crits. Suitable for DPS paladins, warriors and death knights

Vial of Nightmare Mist - drops from Nightmare Dragons and gives the benefit of casting a positive spell on the target, which will absorb a certain amount of damage for 15 seconds.

Cocoon of forced solitude – when activated, healing turns into a cocoon and regenerates mana within 10 seconds. Dropped by Eleret Wild Hind.

Horn of Cenarius – summons a firefly to attack the target, when it reaches the enemy, it will explode, healing players within a radius of 8 meters. Tryna has a minute cooldown and drops from Cenarius.

Heightened Senses – The proc gives a chance to increase speed and intelligence for 12 seconds. Dropped by Ursoc.

Explosive creepy slime – has a chance to proc on a mob that will explode at the attacking target, causing damage in an area of ​​8 meters. Dropped by Nightmare Dragons.

Plague Hive - similar to the tranny described above, the only difference is in the type of mob and the speed stat. Dropped by Nythendra.

Hurricane wind - procs a tornado, which causes damage in the area of ​​​​action, well suited for BM, MM Khanty. Padaent with Elereth of the Wild Hand.

Writhing Tendon - stacks 10 stacks of whispers, which at a certain moment are transmitted to the target for 30 seconds and cause arcane damage. Active tryna with a two-minute cooldown.

Branch of Corruption – attacking spells inflict corruption on the target for 20 seconds, as a result of which the enemy receives additional damage from arcane magic. Every two seconds, the damage spreads to nearby enemies. If there are no other opponents nearby, the effect on the single target is enhanced. Dropped by Xavius.

Phantom Echo – when the tank’s health is less than 50%, a shield is applied that reduces damage by 30% for 20 seconds of the boss’s total damage. It fires once every two minutes. Dropped by Nightmare Dragons.

Bowl of Nightmarish Pus – procures a puddle, which increases the versatility of the tank standing in it. Drops from Il'Ginoth.

Grotesque figurine – attacking enemies apply an effect that reduces damage from that enemy. The effect is cumulative. Dropped by Xavius.

Untamed Fury – when used, increases armor and health for 25 seconds, has a two-minute cooldown. Dropped by Ursoc.

Loot from bosses of the Emerald Nightmare: normal, heroic, era, lfr

Below we have provided a list of loot by type and category, as well as from whom you can get the item.

Helmet: Mask of Countless Eyes from Wild Hind Elereth, Cowl of Fear from Nightmare Dragons/

Shoulder: Leather mantle of another world from Ilginoth.

Chest: Grovekeeper's Tunic from Cenarius, Shattered Plate Breastplate of the Vicious Fangs from Ursoc.

Bracers: Dragonspur Wristguards from Dragons of Nightmare, Fistwraps of Betrayed Trust from Elereth Wild Hind.

Hands: Dream Sculptor's Gloves from Ilginoth.

Belt: Lifeless plate belt with buckle from Isendra, wristbands of the Lord of the Forest from Cenarius.

Legs: Blood-Splattered Leggings from Ursoc, Vile Leather Pants from Xavius.

The new raid season opens in less than a week, so it's worth starting to look at the bosses in the first raid to open - Emerald Nightmare.

When does The Emerald Nightmare open?

Raid Dungeon Emerald Nightmare opens September 21st at normal And heroic difficulties. Mythical difficulty will open in a week - September 28th. At the same time, the first wing of the Emerald Nightmare opens for group search systems (LFR). Second wing in LFR will open on October 12, and the 3rd wing will open on October 26.

Nythendra is the first boss of the Emerald Nightmare raid. Despite the fact that the raid is non-linear, you still have to kill the dragon first.

Introduction Abilities Tactics Video (not available)


Nythendra belonged to the family of green dragons, and was the guardian of the Tree of Life of Shaladrassil. When the corruption of Xavius ​​consumed Shaladrassil, it also affected its sleeping guardian. The current Nythendra is a nightmare skeleton, ready to tear to shreds anyone who has the audacity to poke his head into her lair.


For completing the boss you will have a chance to receive loot:

“TL;DR” or “For those who are too lazy to read everything”

The first phase lasts about 90 seconds. Nythendra's energy drops from 100 to 0. When it reaches zero, the battle with Nythendra enters the second phase.

During this phase, several abilities will be used against players, and an additional one against tanks. These abilities not only deal damage, but also leave behind a zone - Infected Ground. In heroic mode, another ability will appear - Plague Infestation. This ability is applied to heroes who receive at least some damage during the battle with Nythendra. But, let's take it in order.

Blighted Ground

Plague infection

On Heroic and Mythic difficulty, all players who take damage from Nythendra's abilities will receive the Plague Infestation debuff. The debuff deals damage every 2 seconds, and it also stacks. All debuffs are removed almost immediately after the start of phase 2.

Phase 2

When Nythendra reaches 0 energy, she begins to use the Queen of the Swarm ability (well, just like Kerrigan, by God). The dragon summons a huge number of small insects, and also begins to slowly absorb all the puddles of Infected Earth that begin to move towards it.
The summoned insects are immobile, cannot be attacked and are small in size. 10 seconds after the start of the 2nd phase, Nythendra will begin to increase the number of bugs at a rate of 1 bug per second. Once the bug has grown, it begins to use Corruption Burst, dealing massive damage 3 times over 3 seconds. After this, the bug dies. It turns out that at one point in time you will have 3 grown bugs that use Splash of Corruption. If the player gets caught in the area of ​​the bug's explosion, he will receive large damage, as well as a debuff that increases incoming damage from the bug's ability by 25% for 5 seconds. This effect, as you understand, is cumulative.

Once Nythendra has finished using her Swarm Queen ability, the battle returns to Phase 1.

Tactics for different modes are different, since as the difficulty increases, new mechanics are added.

Tactics for LFR and Normal difficulty mode

The tactics of the battle with Nythendra are based on the correct placement of puddles of Infected Earth evenly across one half of the room for the correct and convenient movement of the raid during the second phase in the second half. If you follow this tactic, then raiders will not have to avoid moving puddles during the second phase, in addition to exploding bugs.

Fight with Nythendra

    • Divide the room into 4 sectors;
    • Start the fight with Nythendra by standing in one sector separately (/range 8). The boss is tanked in the center of the room;
    • Players who have received the Rot debuff must run to the wall closest to them to discard Infested Ground;
    • Tanks with the Explosive Rot debuff should run back to the entrance/exit and leave puddles there. (as far as possible from the raid);
    • Avoid the first ability, Infectious Breath, by changing the combat sector (for example, running from the red sector to the yellow sector);

    • Avoid the second wind by running to the other side of the platform;

    • This running area should always be clear of puddles so that you can forget about puddles during the effect of the Swarm Queen ability;

  • Avoid bug explosions (Corruption Release) during the second phase of the battle;
  • When you enter the first phase again, start the fight around the green zone to completely repeat the above tactics;
  • It is recommended to use Heroism/Time Warp/Bloodlust at the very beginning of the battle;
  • Heal players should use their strongest abilities to prevent damage from the 3rd ability Explosive Rot.

Tactics for tanks

Tactics for healers

  • Keep a close eye on targets affected by Rot. But don't forget about the tanks!
  • Also pay attention to targets that are in the affected area of ​​Contagious Breath;
  • AoE healing is suitable at the moment of explosion of the Explosive Rot ability;
  • Tanks will receive a lot of damage from the Explosive Rot ability. Apply protective abilities in advance, because the tank needs to run away from the raid;
  • Every third Explosive Rot ability will deal a large number of damage, since it occurs at the same time as Contagious Breath. Players caught in the breath risk dying if no attention is paid to them.
  • If you are affected by Rot, run to the nearest wall to drop Infested Ground;
  • When Nythendra uses Infectious Breath, use acceleration abilities to get out of the affected area as quickly as possible;
  • If you receive damage from Infectious Breath several times in a row, use your defensive abilities;
  • During the second phase, avoid large bugs and their ability Splash of Corruption, and also do not forget to heal other players who find themselves in a bad situation;
  • If there are no people with claws in your group, then the phase will allow you to regenerate mana and even a little damage.

Tactics for DD

Additions for Heroic difficulty

Heroic difficulty mode adds the ability

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Emerald Nightmare- This is the first raid dungeon of the Legion.

The raid content release schedule can be viewed.

The raid is available in the following formats:

  • Raid search;
  • Normal mode (10-30 players, using a flexible raid system);
  • Heroic mode (10-30 players, using a flexible raid system);
  • Mythic mode, the most difficult in the game (only available for a group of 20 players).

From the point of view of PvE progress, the raid is considered part of T19 and includes 7 bosses.

Below are the currently known tactics:

The entrance to the raid dungeon is located in Val'shar.

A Brief Review of The Emerald Nightmare

The raid is non-linear to a certain extent, i.e. Bosses can be killed in any order.

The simplest of them is Nyzendra. It has simple mechanics and is not too demanding on equipment.

After Nythendra, you can fight Il'gynot, Eleret Wild Hind, Ursoc or the Nightmare Dragons.

Of the four options offered, we recommend choosing Eleret Wild Fallow. Despite the fact that the battle seems chaotic, mistakes in it are quite acceptable. Elereth constantly switches between two phases, turning between a spider and a roc, and moving between three platforms.

After Eleret, we recommend moving on to Il'gynot. The fight with Il'gynot is quite difficult, however, during the first two bosses, players must remember how to behave in a raid. First, Il'gynot summons various monsters, and then enters the battle himself.

The next boss should be Ursoc, but if you're well dressed you can kill him first. The fight with Ursoc is very simple, but over time the boss causes more and more damage to the raid (similar to the Butcher from Highmaul).

It would be better to leave the Nightmare Dragons (Ysondre, Letona, Emeriss and Taerara) for last, because with a high level of equipment, the battle with them will be much easier. Nightmare Dragons are Ysera's trusted guardians who were world bosses during classic World of Warcraft. In the Emerald Nightmare, they acquired new abilities and enter battle together.

The next raid boss is Cenarius. The fight with him is very difficult, because... it contains monsters different types- both friendly and hostile.

The raid dungeon is completed by Xavius ​​himself. The fight with him will probably seem long and grueling to you. Xavius ​​has various abilities to distribute damage and control the minds of opponents.

Nythendra can be found in the wing In the arms of a nightmare, if you want to visit the Emerald Nightmare in Raid Finder difficulty.

Remarkable trash

There are 5 Thickening Rot patrolling around Nythendra while she rests.

Each Rot reapplies frequently Wave of Decay, dealing average damage to the entire raid if not interrupted.

    Try not to pull multiple Thickening Rots at the same time so that they can be easily interrupted

    Healers should use major cooldowns to restore the group if the tank has aggroed more than one Closing Rot at a time, or if several have been cast Wave of Decay in a short period of time

Unstable Decay deals AoE damage

Periodically, Rot marks certain non-tank players with the ability Unstable decomposition .

    When the disease expires or is dispelled, it explodes on the player, dealing moderate damage to all players within 10 meters of them

Classes that can remove diseases (Monk, Paladin, Priest) can remove Unstable decomposition, however, not immediately when the buff appears. Make sure the marked target is away from other players so the debuff doesn't detonate throughout the raid. The easiest way is to remove this disease from yourself.

Move away from the Hideous Swarm larva's casting

Approximately every 20 seconds, Unstable Decay maintains a cast ability Disgusting Pack .

    Every supported 1.5 seconds, Disgusting Pack strengthens one of the small bugs or larvae in the room

    If there are no insects/larvae nearby Disgusting Pack will create an insect near the players location and strengthen it

    Nezendra has the same mechanics, players should take the opportunity and practice running away from the insect before it does enough damage

A corrupted insect cannot be targeted or attacked. It disappears immediately after the third tick Disgusting Pack .

For killing each Thickening Rot, sleeping Nythendra receives 20 units. energy; when her energy reaches 100 units, she will awaken and can be attacked. The raid must be prepared for this and not accidentally pull the boss.

Boss abilities and strategy

The guide describes the strategy for killing (NPC #103160) in Normal mode. Changes in tactics and combat mechanics, depending on the difficulty (Search for a group, Heroic, Epoch) are described in the relevant sections below.

Detailed analysis of abilities

Infested ground during Phase 1

The fight with Nythendra is single-player and requires medium/high movement frequency. The battle has two phases.

    During the first phase, Nythendra attacks the party directly until her energy runs out

    Phase 1 lasts 90-100 seconds

    During Phase 2, Nythendra does not attack the party, players must avoid ambient room effects

    When Nythendra's energy is refilled to maximum, she will return to Phase 1

Nythendra does not have an enraid, however, with the repetition of each Phase 2 Queen of the Swarm, the subsequent Phase 1 becomes a little more difficult, a kind of softened enrage.

Phase 1

Run away with the Rot to the marked area

Throughout Phase 1, many of Nythendra's mechanics will leave behind on the ground Blighted Ground. It deals moderate periodic damage to players standing in it, so try not to get caught in it for as long as possible.

Approximately every 15 seconds of Phase 1, Nythendra will mark some players with the Rot debuff.

    The number of players affected by the debuff depends on the size of the raid, and increases with each change from Phase 1 to Phase 2 Queen of the Swarm and return to

    Infested Breath deals heavy damage and creates pools of Infested Ground

    Nythendra's third ability is Contagious Breath. She casts it twice in each Phase 1, each cast absorbs 50 damage. her energy.

    • Players standing in the breath cone take moderate damage every second

    Players must judge where the Breath will be cast and move away from its line. Use movement speed to get away from Contagious Breath .

    Immediately after the second utterance Contagious Breath, Nythendra runs out of steam and enters Phase 2 Queen of the Swarm.

    Queen of the Swarm (Phase 2)

    During the Swarm Queen Phase, Nythendra will begin to pull down all existing puddles Blighted Ground to its location, absorbing them. Blighted Ground will still deal damage to players it hits.

    Escape the Corrupted Pest

    When the puddles begin to shrink, the room is filled with small insects. Every few seconds, some of the insects begin to grow, turning into a Corrupted Pest.

      Players must watch out for the insects and get away from them before they start spewing corruption

    Swarm Queen lasts 20 seconds. At the end of the phase, Nythendra recovers 100 units. energy, and starts again, returning to Phase 1.

    Note: After each Phase 2 Queen of the Swarm, Nythendra marks an additional target for Rot each time she enters Phase 1.

    Conclusions on strategy

    After the first breath, move to a new quadrant

    After your second breath, move to the second half of the room

    Avoid the Corruption Burst, don't worry about the Blighted Ground

    The strategy involves throwing puddles Blighted Ground on one half of the room, then moving to the clean half of the room during Phase 2 of the Swarm Queen. This means players won't have to dodge Blighted Ground As the puddles move toward Nythendra, players will be able to more easily track insects and escape from their eruption radii.

      Divide the room into 4 quarters

      Start the fight with Nythendra in one of the quarters, spread out a little, tanks should tank the boss in the center of the room

      Dodge the first utterance Contagious Breath, run to the adjacent quadrant (for example, from the red quadrant to the yellow one)

      When Nythendra stands up again, repeat the move strategy

    Tank Responsibilities

    Responsibilities of a fighter

      When Nythendra says Contagious Breath

    Responsibilities of a healer

      When Nythendra says Contagious Breath, use movement-accelerating abilities to quickly get out of the affected area

      If the raid manages this phase, you will have time to restore mana and deal damage to the boss

    Raid Finder difficulty

    There are no mechanical changes. However, the mechanics of abilities