Lately I've been lucky with Caucasians. Yes, lucky, without quotes. After all, they are good people! Why then so much negativity towards them?

I'll start in order. A man wrote to me on a dating site - a Russian name, a Russian city, far away, not Irkutsk. In my first message I wrote that I had been reading my blog for a long time without an account. After a short conversation, he admitted that in fact the name was not his, neither was the city, because he was Caucasian and was afraid that if he wrote real data, I would not answer him. And it was not in vain that he was afraid. Although in this particular case I would still answer, because I open every message. He turned out to be smart, well-read, cultured, well-mannered, very literate, that I even had doubts whether it was true that he was non-Russian. We exchanged photos and even talked on the phone (he doesn’t have Skype), I was wondering if he had an accent. Yes, there is, but barely perceptible, just a little bit, that if you don’t know, you might not even notice, competent speech.

Then another Caucasian accidentally showed up on LiveJournal. He, too, had been reading me for a long time, but somehow we didn’t really communicate. And then a conversation developed, and he asked for my photos, I asked him ahead, and he sent a few by email. I see - non-Russian. I didn’t ask anything until the opportunity arose. And this is what he wrote about the first time he heard the expression “a person of Caucasian nationality.”

“I was born and raised in Baku. In my entire life I have not seen the difference between a Russian, a Jew, a Georgian and other nations. I went to a Russian kindergarten, studied at a Russian school, and in 1996 studied in England. In 1997 I flew to Moscow and, after living there for six months, I could not understand why people who don’t know me dislike me so much. But now we’re not talking about that, but about the attitude of a Russian girl towards a Caucasian man.
Case 1. In the hostel I met a girl from the Far East. For some reason, at first she was afraid that I would beat her if she did something wrong. And I couldn’t understand why she always locked the cabinets.
Case 2. I talked to a girl online, we talked for a long time, but after I sent her a photo and she saw that I was Caucasian, she stopped talking. The reason is unknown.
Case 3. I also met a girl online. When we met, she was shocked, her words: “Why are you so sweet and kind? You’re Caucasian!”

So why didn’t these girls want to communicate with a Caucasian man? The answer is in the spoiler.

Such text messages are sent to an unmarried girl by her neighbor. More precisely, there are two of them - they are brothers and live in the same entrance together with their mother, wife and children of one of them. And the girl is afraid of them.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every Russian girl has encountered similar manifestations of sexual attention, if not in SMS, then simply walking past on the street, more than once or twice heard the clicking of the tongue followed, exclamations like “Listen, daragaya, go to the mine, you are waking up harasho! ”, which, due to her small age and inexperience, she is not able to stop, and that makes them even more unpleasant.

Therefore, I personally only had a negative attitude towards Caucasian men; I don’t have such an attitude towards women at all. Because of these intrusive, uncultured, inadequate boors, this is the attitude towards all Caucasians, they are all perceived as such, and no other is expected from them. And if almost every woman has encountered these boors, that means there are a lot of them. And for good men It’s even a shame that they have to undeservedly endure such an attitude because of all sorts of freaks.

I’m reading stories here about the relationship between Caucasian guys and Russian girls, I would like to express my opinion about Caucasians: their positive and negative sides. I want to say right away that I am married to a Caucasian-Dagestanian (mestizo) and we have a child together, a boy, one and a half years old. Relations are generally good, although there are also misunderstandings (often unrelated to nationality). I also want to note that my husband is a rather Russified and tolerant person. I would like to say more not about his personality, but about what he told me about life in the republic, about the general approach, so to speak.

The first thing I want to say is that it is quite common for a Caucasian boy to bring a Russian girl, not every once in a while, of course, but there have been many such cases. But of all his acquaintances, only a couple of families remained together, the rest broke up. Second: it is not necessary to accept religion, although of course the husband will persuade you to join it, especially if he himself is religious. Third: the attitude towards women is peculiar. I personally didn’t like it, although it might suit someone. As my beloved put it: “They always explained to me since childhood that a girl is not a person, she is a flower. If you take care of it and water it, everything will be fine, if you put it in the shade, it will wither, etc.” A man is the head of a family, his opinion is fundamental, all the best is for him. But he will protect his family, his loved ones. A woman is the keeper of the hearth (i.e., all household chores are solely her responsibility). She should not work. He constantly strives to impose his opinion (including what to wear, what to love, etc.). The attitude towards a son and daughter is different. Somehow a boy has more privileges, a girl has more demands. Fourth: Caucasians are very hot-tempered, but they quickly cool down (according to his stories, a lot of guys went to trial because of this). In principle, they are initially the same as our boys, only where our boys thought, calmed down and moved away, the Caucasian got wound up and went into a frenzy and fought until they pulled him away. Not all Caucasians carry weapons with them, including knives. Although in a couple of situations the husband pretended that he was about to pull out a knife, made a scary face and those who wanted to beat him disappeared. But he didn’t even have a knife. Caucasians love to show off, that is, showing off and showing off flourish. Fifth: religion in Dagestan is largely obligatory. those. if a person does not go to the mosque regularly, society gradually begins to turn away from him. They are not hired or promoted. Friends start to avoid. If 20 years ago everyone believed in Allah, but rarely visited mosques (somewhere like us, only their own traditions), now a public manifestation of faith is necessary for adequate perception of you by society.

In general, it turned out a little chaotic, perhaps I didn’t remember something. I didn’t specify the nuances because there are a lot of them. If anyone is interested, I will clarify in the comments. Naturally, everything written is very subjective. After all, this is from the words of one person and my perception of him and what he said. I just wanted to tell my vision. I want to say that people are no worse or better than us, they just have a different mentality, different views on many things, and this is why there are all the difficulties in communication and mutual understanding.

I found this interesting and instructive text in Varrax’s LiveJournal, where it came from some forum. After reading it, I wasn’t even particularly surprised, I just thought: this is what all or almost all tsunarefs think about us, it’s just that for the time being they have the sense to keep these thoughts to themselves. But apparently not for everyone and not always. Sometimes it happens, it breaks through - like the author of the monologue below under the nickname Erkan.
Hey, liberals and advocates of tolerance! Read and enjoy - this is about you too:

“I see guy, you’re gone. Only you have a sick pride, like many representatives of the new generation of Russians, or rather Russians, because the former, unfortunately, still include brothers in Dagestan, partly Ichkeria and Tatarstan. The whole world considers you, not us, as idiots. At the age of 29, Allah gave me the opportunity to visit 42 countries of the world, I keep a diary for myself, maybe at the end of my life I will write a book))), in 37 of them they call you “pigs”. To be honest, I don’t agree with this, because you are not a country of gaunakhs and all sorts of queers, you are a country of Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy and great warriors. But your current generation has exposed all the worst qualities of the Russian people. You have brought out the worst in the worst of my people. But come to Baku and see who the Russians are here. Your fellow tribesmen were schmucks here and still are. They can't get any further than a plumber. They are the ones who are promoting alcoholism and prostitution here. And this is the great Russian people?! Our people are already engaged in big business with you, they are elected to your Senate, they manage the largest oil company in your country. Are you repairing our toilets? But our Russians have a big advantage compared to those representatives about whom I wrote - they began to drink a little less, the widespread idea in the world “a Russian woman is the most accessible woman” does not fully apply to them, and they do not engage in incest.
You write about a civilized society. You probably mean Europe. It's funny, Parker, only the last part of your nickname connects you with them. You are Asian from cover to cover. Turkic blood flows in you, which has shaped you as a people. You yourself could not build your state, calling on the Germans for help, and then the Turks, then again returning to the Germans in the person of the Romanovs. When great cities and empires were built in the “Churkestans,” your ancestors lived in trees. You were lucky that there were really weak peoples nearby in the person of those who lived beyond the Urals, and the rest was given to you by the Turks. Hence the vast territories. But you cannot share this responsibility. They have you in Chechnya, where your government is deceiving you and scaring you with all sorts of Basayevs. You have forgotten how to fight so much that you are forcing the Dagestanis to fight against the Vainakhs. Now you got a blowjob in Ukraine. You can't stomach that little Georgia has you at every opportunity. I'm not talking about us anymore. Your rulers are so stupid that they believe the sweet words about the “greatness of Russia” uttered by Ilham Aliyev and read his praises in response. As a result, there is no longer Russia in the Caucasus, but there are us, Caucasians in Russia. This is what keeps you going. In large Russian business There are no Russians, we and the Jews solve problems there. You cannot manage your state and wealth, so we will pick up what is lying and do the work for you, but from this you will only eat scraps from our table.
Herzen also wrote that Russia does not have its own “national acropolis” on which every nation relies. You are marginalized and have never become a real nation. For this you almost executed Herzen, this is your misfortune, that you are not able to see yourself, instead throwing yourself at others.
Your nation is degrading before our eyes, even our bastards and schmucks come to Russia and settle down there to the fullest, they become people there, i.e. those who they are not considered even at home. Hence the conclusion - you are the same as them. Soon you can be called with complete confidence a nation of drug addicts and incestists; you have been called a nation of alcoholics for at least 200 years. And after all this you still make claims against me?! That's funny.
In general, I wrote all this not to prick anyone or respond to your barbs. No, not at all. It’s just sometimes strange to me that you still don’t know how the rest of the world treats you. They wrote about Germany here)), every third Russian probably dreams of escaping to the West, your dreams are probably green, the color of the Green Card. What are you even talking about?
Your football team is a typical mirror of your society - zero patriotism, zero fighting qualities and the eternal quest for the extreme, which as a result turns out to be one of our own. When your football players sing their anthem like the Turks and go out to every match as if it were a battle for the honor of the Great Country, then we’ll talk about Russia as a football power.
When your fathers stop fucking their daughters, your mothers stop selling their children to Thailand, when you believe in God and renounce all crazy religions in the form of communism and fascism, when your women stop “randomly passing” next to our “rubles”, offering everything imaginable and unimaginable services, humiliating yourself in front of a hairy black-ass for only 200 rubles, when a Russian finally becomes the head of your state, when your morning starts at 7-00, and not at 12-00, when you realize that a plate that is written without “b” is needed only for food, and not for throwing at your neighbors, when instead of “eating vodka” you will at least drink it, when you learn to fight again, when you again read not the proclamations of RNE and Limonov, but Dostoevsky, Platonov, Solzhenitsyn and Nabokov, when you don’t desecrate the memory of your soldiers and hang swastikas everywhere, when you learn to respect your family, mother, father, love your children to madness, when you are ready to shed your own and other people’s blood again in the name of the Motherland and faith, then maybe you will will be respected in the world, and will increase the status of your fellow tribesmen in Azerbaijan from a plumber to a senior mechanic..."

Such are the revelations of the “man from the Caucasus”. It is quite possible that the author of this text, splashing with anger at Russians, sells watermelons at the market next door to your house; his pomp about forty-two countries sounds very implausible, and you buy from him every day.

If all Russians (well, that is, the majority) were like this guy, no “national issue” would be on the agenda today.

This is exactly what I always wrote about when it came to this topic: the main reason for the “difficult” relationship between Russians and Caucasians is the complete collapse and degradation of Russian society. What is there to talk about if our army is afraid to take Dagestanis into service - because they are fighting and just in case they beat Russian soldiers. This is a national disgrace. It’s hard to imagine a greater humiliation for the nation.

And why? Because there is a deep social crisis. The traditional family has been destroyed. Traditional education has been destroyed. Everything is fucking destroyed. The people are deteriorating. Young people for the most part evoke a state of quiet horror. Either pedostyle, or prostitutes, or gopniks, or someone else... Thank you, Caucasians, for at least forcing us to pay attention to all these problems. Otherwise we'll get completely screwed.

Gorky, in his great, although underrated, novel “The Life of Klim Samgin,” said through the mouth of one of his characters, a merchant, something like this: “A Jew in certain doses is useful for society. Like salt and pepper in dishes. The presence of a Jew does not allow the population to stagnate in inertia and lazy complacency.”
Why did I remember this? And besides, “Caucasians” among the Russian population are also useful in certain doses.

Let me explain:
In my time, all the guys knew that walking along the dark streets at night with a girl, you risked getting punched. Or even a knife. Moreover, the prettier and more popular the girl, the more likely such an outcome was. Moreover, you would run into trouble not from Caucasians, of whom there were very few on Russian streets at that time, but from your fellow tribesmen. Everyone understood this risk, but this stopped few people. Still, we walked with the girls along the dark streets. And there were fights between each other. It was considered commonplace. It happened that one of them was beaten with all the force.
A saying from those years: “Where to go, where to go, so as not to run into bullshit?”
And among schoolchildren it was considered normal to go outside the school after school and deal with the offender with fists. Refusal greatly undermined the authority of the person who refused. But if someone, instead of a fair fight one on one, complained about the offender to his mother or teachers, he was not a kid, but a shameful schmuck. And it was considered disrespectful for normal schoolchildren to communicate with him.

What now?
I, as I already wrote about this, have adopted children: then Sasha was 6 years old and Nastya was 4 years old. Children are very physically developed. Sasha is one of the smallest among his peers, but very strong. At the airport, a suitcase equal to its weight not only lifts, but also carries some distance. And both children are very dexterous. With good coordination of movements.
So: my wife went with them to Turkey and then to Moscow. And we spent there and there for a total of 4 months. For some reason Sasha started fighting there. This was not the case in Petropavlovsk. They started with fights near the pool with inflatable toys and if they were not stopped, they moved on to stones and fists. Moreover, Sasha crushed boys 2-3 years older than himself and a head and a half taller. And he didn’t care how many of them were against him: one or six. With everyone, no matter how many of them there were, he fought fearlessly. For some reason they all preferred to fight him alone. Nastya sometimes also fought for her brother, but she is still a girl and has a different type of behavior. Sometimes she fought, but more often she didn’t. She minded her own business.

In the end, all the boys could not stand it and ran away from him. But they didn’t just run away, but complain to their parents.
The parents' reaction was from: “Don't mess with this boy! He's crazy! Before: “Dad said that if you hit me again, he will complain about you to the Turkish police and you will be kicked out of here!” Sasha was then surprised: “Why is he doing this? He also hit me hard, but I’m not complaining.” By the way, neither Sasha nor Nastya ever complained. It was always almost impossible to find out where they got their bruise from. Typical answer: “I don’t remember!”
The parents of the other children, by the way, loved to teach my wife, who is twice their age and four times more experienced with children, how to raise their children correctly. The recommendations basically boiled down to a free retelling of the ideas of the notorious Dr. Benjamin Spock about instilling tolerance and respect for the individual in children. At the same time, they looked after their children in every possible way: “Get off, you’ll hurt yourself! Do not go there! Do not run!" Therefore, their children were often, although large, loose and with poor coordination of movements. “Jelly in a condom” - as they used to say in our army.

I thought that a very specific audience simply came to a Turkish hotel (and not a cheap one), but upon arrival in Moscow the picture repeated itself.
That is, what was the exception in my years has become the rule in Russia.
Moreover, when Sasha thrashed with the Turks, the reaction of adult Turks was completely different. They sometimes grabbed Sasha by the arms and legs and threw him into the water to cool him down. But he got out and again went to thrash with rubber products. And with the adult Turks who threw him into the water, too. The Turks, looking at my wife and pointing at Sasha, raised their thumb up.

The reason for this metamorphosis, I think, is that fatherlessness has become the rule in Russia. Women, calling a spade a spade, fornicate until they are 40 years old. Then, after 40 abortions and a quarter of a century on hormonal contraceptives, they barely give birth to one suffocated child and cannot breathe on him. Protecting from everything that is possible and what is not allowed (And they drive away flies from the boy so that they don’t spread the infection).
I have already written that a single mother strives with all her might to raise her son to be a man whom she herself would never have married at one time.

So: Caucasians are still distinguished by clearly expressed gender behavior: men look and behave like men, and women, accordingly, like women.
And I think that the benefit of them for Russians is that, firstly, with their behavior they can set an example of behavior for those males of Slavic nationality who have not yet completely degraded to complete unisex. And who may still be able to go from jerking off in front of the monitor to the gym and create something out of themselves. For your own health and the benefit of the population. (Maybe they’ll pick up a girl there too).

Caucasians play the role of the pike in the population, thanks to which the crucian carp does not get fat.
And secondly, they, together with normal Russian hooligans, drive out the crazy males from the places where they meet girls. Let them jerk off to the monitor or have intercourse through the anus with their own kind and thereby contribute to the improvement of the population by culling their genes.

Neither add nor subtract.