Residents of Estonia can hardly be called religious, but they carefully preserve national traditions– undoubtedly! The small Baltic country has preserved many rituals and habits that appeared in ancient times, when people worshiped only pagan gods and nature. Today's Estonians are calm and reliable, friendly and hard-working, and some slowness does not in the least prevent them from being punctual and strictly fulfilling their promises and obligations. Estonian traditions are best studied in small towns during holidays, when their residents organize festivals and fairs, and noisy festivities last for many hours.

Song five-year plans

The popular Estonian tradition of organizing singing festivals began relatively recently. The first event of this kind took place in 1869 in Tartu, and since then every five years, now an amazing festival is held at the Tallinn Singing Field, included in the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage.
Various choral groups, brass and symphony orchestras gather under open air thousands of grateful spectators, for whom the singing festival is always a significant event. The dates of the festival are specially negotiated each time, but it always happens at the end of June or beginning of July. The musical tradition of Estonia brings together dozens of groups at the Singing Field, some of which involve up to twenty thousand people.

It's time

Estonians are known among their neighbors as thorough, thorough and thrifty people. These qualities are also manifested in the character of the national cuisine, which is based on meat and vegetable dishes. Here they amazingly smoke ham and ham, prepare aromatic sausages, bake potatoes and cook jellied meat. In the summer, Estonian traditions dictate that its residents prepare mushrooms and berries, which they happily do with their entire families. As a result, a true Estonian’s pantry is always full of homemade jam, pickled mushrooms and other preparations that pleasantly enliven the table during the long winter.

Useful little things

  • Residents of Estonia behave with strangers very correctly and even aloofly. This should not be taken as a sign of indifference - after the first step towards an Estonian, he will respond with amazing cordiality and sincere attitude towards the guest.
  • Estonians can make fun of everyone and sometimes their humor goes beyond political correctness. This behavior is fully consistent with the traditions of Estonia and it is not customary here to be offended by your interlocutor.

Estonian folk culture was influenced by Central Europe and Scandinavia on the one hand and Eastern Europe on the other. Due to the presence of common features, Estonia, together with Latvia and Lithuania, forms a single cultural and historical region.

The originality of the Estonians is expressed most clearly in the alliterative verse of old Estonian folk songs, in holiday and wedding ceremonies, the existence of residential bargas and other cultural phenomena.

Regional differences, which originated from ancient tribal differences, are reflected both in archaeological finds, linguistic dialects, and in material and spiritual culture. In Estonian culture, as well as in Latvian, Lithuanian, and Finnish, the differences between the western and eastern regions are most pronounced. They occur both due to different natural conditions, economic differences, and from long contact with eastern or western neighbors.

There are phenomena of folk culture, for example, the spread of new elements in the national costume ("kaised" in Northern Estonia, floral patterns, "potmüts"). In Northern Estonia, the north-eastern coast can be particularly highlighted, where the Finnish influence is most clearly represented, and in the eastern part the Votic-Izhorian influence is both in folk art and in buildings.

In Southern Estonia, as well as in Northern Estonia, agriculture is well developed. Here, Mulgimaa (Viljandi County) and the area where the Setos live stand out for their peculiarities. Folk traditions remained in Mulgimaa until the second half of the 19th century. The Latvian settlements located here also gave the region its originality. The peculiarities of the Seto arose due to a fairly long period of isolation and the influence of Russian neighbors, which is most clearly expressed in buildings, clothing and national traditions.

In addition, a number of South Estonian cultural features have been preserved here. The Setos preserved their traditional national culture until the mid-20th century.

Even before the beginning of the 20th century, Western Estonia remained a rather backward region, in an economic sense, where the main activities were fishing, navigation and waste trades, relegating agriculture to the background.

More ancient tools that have fallen out of use in the rest of Estonia have been preserved here (plantar hammer, sickle with a flat blade, etc.). Thanks to constant communication with other peoples, various innovations spread more quickly: tools, work methods. This is most clearly reflected in the works of Western Estonian artisans. Each island has its own characteristic features. Based on objects from the western region of Saaremaa, it can be concluded that Estonians have connections with Gotland and Kuramaa. On the islands, traditional folk culture was preserved until the first half of the 20th century.

We have very scanty information about the prehistoric Estonians. The term “prehistoric” should be put in quotation marks, since written evidence (historical sources) about the Estonians appears only with the arrival of conquerors to their lands.

The authors of the first volume of “History of the Estonian SSR” (Tallinn, 1961, p. 955) approach the reconstruction of Estonian customs and beliefs very carefully. In the absence of your own written sources, it is quite difficult to put together a coherent picture of life. The scheme proposed by Friedrich Engels does not work when it is necessary to describe the customs and beliefs of a people who left behind only stone burial grounds and a few utensils.

The principle of analogy does not give us an adequate idea of ​​how and who exactly the ancient Estonians worshiped, how they behaved at home, how they communicated with relatives and neighbors, conducted honest trade or cheated, were cruel to prisoners or, on the contrary, merciful. What is known for certain is that the prehistoric Estonians developed a cult of dead ancestors and animals. The dead were burned on funeral pyres.

Some details of these cults were preserved in later songs and tales. It is not possible to put together a whole picture from these details, since it is impossible to separate time layers.

“With a great degree of accuracy, we can say that the ancients did not divide phenomena into natural and supernatural, and a harmony reigned between nature and the human soul, unattainable for us. Our folklore collections contain information about contacts with supernatural beings: fairies, brownies, etc. The world seemed much more diverse than we see it.”

The key word that reveals the essence of the ancient beliefs of the Estonians is the word “vagi” - denoting power, at the same time life-giving force. Power lies in living and inanimate nature. The word has power. Humans and animals have the most power in their blood, sweat, nails, hair and fur, teeth and internal organs.

“Estonians believed that in addition to the body, a person also has a spirit and a soul. There may have been more than one soul... Spirit is power - life force, energy, not the same for all people. The presence of personal power and mastery of the power contained in nature are characteristic of people from whom leaders of the people grow - but also sorcerers or healers. Lack of power is the lot of mediocrity. The soul is the bearer of human individuality; it maintains strength in the body. The soul can temporarily leave a person's body - during sleep or when he is in a trance. The soul leaves the body in the form of an insect through the nose or mouth. With death, the soul separates from the body forever. The most ancient beliefs are that even after death the soul retains some connection with the remains of a person and the place of burial.” (Ibidem.)

The place where the dead were located was not far from the burial ground, or far to the north in Manala or Toonela, so the dead were buried with their heads to the north. In the first millennium AD, the dead began to be burned on funeral pyres. Animistic ideas were widespread that all nature was a living and spiritual unity. Fairies, spirits, goblins, mermaids and similar creatures were part of nature. Of the highest gods, Tarapit (Taara, Thor?) is known, who was born in Virumaa on Mount Ebavere, and then flew to the island of Saaremaa:

“Obviously, the Estonians in general were characterized by the presence of a large number of lower deities, who were relatively faceless (...) Quite meager sacrifices were made to the lower beings: wool, milk, meat, animal blood, cereals, bread and other products. Animals were sacrificed to higher deities or deceased ancestors. In ancient times, human sacrifices were also made - obviously captives. In one of the lakes 10 miles from Otepää (probably Ilmjärv), children were sacrificed back in the 16th century.” (Ibidem.)

Magic was widespread among the Estonians. The Estonians developed familiar relations with the brownies and household gods. If the idol did not fulfill its functions, it could be punished. The Ests also performed other magical actions, the content of which expresses “the connections of things that are incomprehensible to us.”

As you know, during the Singing Estonian Revolution, the idea spread that Estonians cultivated the lands on the shores of the Baltic Sea five and even 10 thousand years ago. In the light of these ideas, the genetic memory of the Estonians has preserved abstract views whose age exceeds the entire written history of mankind. A modern author (Priit Hybemägi) states:

“Estonians have lived in cities for about a thousand years, in villages for about five thousand years, but before that they lived in forests for a million years. The Estonian is adapted specifically for life in the forest, and the skills developed over a million years have not gone away. We are able to eat forest plants and raw meat, arrange shelter in the forest, be fruitful and multiply. If there is no other option, most of us are capable of living in the forest. And the skills acquired over a million years will be revived - we will remember them again.”

If pagan rudiments are still strong in the genetic memory of the people, then this people lives without the moral principles developed by Christianity. If there are no moral principles, then the state is governed by the laws of karma (inevitable punishment for sins and retribution for crimes), and not on the basis of Christian charity:

“Unlike Christian ethics, which was based on love for one’s neighbor and mercy, man’s responsibility before God and the constant relevance of the choice between Good and Evil, the morality of the ancient Estonians was very specific and pragmatic. Hence the killing of weak offspring, the expulsion of an old wife, blood feud, and human sacrifice. It seems that abstract concepts of good and evil, sin and guilt were alien to the ancient Estonia.” (Ibidem.)

There is no official religion in Estonia; there are about 70 different religious organizations in the country. Most of all there are Estonians who consider themselves to be of the Lutheran religious denomination. Other active and large religious associations operating in the country: Orthodox, Old Believers, Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals and Methodists. Some Estonians practice Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Estonians are considered one of the least religious nations.

For many centuries, or even centuries, Estonia stood on the border between the east and west of Europe. This location determined the holistic image of the national culture, formed from...

  • Habitat

    ​They tried to systematize national culture based on very different foundations. The simplest is the separation of habitat and way of life. The first looks at how they lived, the environment that...

  • Lifestyle

    ​Since ancient times, home and family have occupied a central place in the economic life, worldview and beliefs of Estonians. In the old Estonian language the word "family" (Estonian pere) had...

  • Life cycle

    ​Ancient Estonians perceived the world around them. first of all, based on the image of a circle. The awareness of the linearity of things could only arise during the transition from Catholicism to Lutheranism...

  • Time cycle

    ​The second cycle that determines a person’s life is a temporary one (annual cycle), which was constantly repeated. The annual cycle concerning nature was divided in half, in accordance with the spring awakening of nature and...

  • Folk beliefs

    ​The main features of Estonian folk beliefs are pluralism, which is expressed in the belief in various spirits and fairies that did not have an internal hierarchy. Spirits revived many natural...

  • Most residents of Western Europe, and especially Asia and the United States, are unlikely to be able to find Estonia on the world map. But so much the worse for them, because Estonia is not just a small country in the Baltic states. Estonia has amazing Baltic nature, medieval fortresses, numerous museums, amber, the Baltic Sea, as well as balneological and beach resorts.

    Geography of Estonia

    Estonia is located in the Baltic States, Northern Europe. In the south, Estonia borders on Latvia, in the east on Russia. In the north and west, Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea. The total area of ​​this country is 45,227 square meters. km., including islands, and the total length of the border is 1,450 km.

    55% of Estonia's territory is covered by forests. The highest point in the country is Mount Suur Munamägi on the Haanja Hills, whose height is only 318 meters.

    There are a lot of lakes in Estonia, the largest of which are Lake Peipsi in the east and Võrtsjärv in the south of the country.


    The capital of Estonia is Tallinn, which is now home to more than 420 thousand people. Archaeologists believe that the first human settlements on the territory of modern Tallinn appeared approximately 2 thousand years ago.

    Official language

    The official language in Estonia is Estonian, which belongs to the Finnish branch of the Uralic language family.


    About 14% of the population of Estonia belongs to the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, and another 10% of Estonians are Orthodox Christians. The rest of Estonia does not believe in God.

    State structure of Estonia

    According to the 1992 constitution, Estonia is a parliamentary republic, the head of which is the President, elected by the country's Parliament.

    The Estonian Parliament consists of 101 members who are elected for a 4-year term. Executive power belongs to the President, Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers.

    Climate and weather

    The climate in Estonia is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. The average annual air temperature is +5.2C. In general, the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea have a decisive influence on the Estonian climate. The average annual precipitation is 568 mm.

    Average air temperature in Tallinn:

    • January – -5C
    • February - -6C
    • March - -3C
    • April - +3C
    • May - +8C
    • June - +13C
    • July - +16C
    • August - +15C
    • September - +11C
    • October - +6C
    • November – +1C
    • December - -3C

    Sea in Estonia

    In the north and west, Estonia is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland). The length of the Estonian coast of the Baltic Sea is 768.6 km. There are more than 1,500 islands in Estonia, the largest of which are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhumaa (Muhu).

    The temperature of the Baltic Sea near the Estonian coast reaches +17C in summer. In the bays, the water warms up better in summer and exceeds +20C.

    Rivers and lakes

    There are 200 rivers and about 1,500 lakes in Estonia. Rivers in northern Estonia form picturesque rapids and waterfalls. The highest Estonian waterfall is Valaste (30.5 m).

    Several beautiful rivers flow through the territory of southern Estonia - Piusa, Ahja and Võhandu. By the way, Võhandu is the longest river in Estonia (162 km).

    There are a lot of lakes in Estonia, the largest of which are Lake Peipsi in the east and Võrtsjärv in the center of the country. In general, lakes occupy 6% of Estonia's territory. On the shore of Lake Peipsi there is the longest sandy beach in Estonia – 30 km.

    History of Estonia

    People appeared on the territory of modern Estonia approximately 11 thousand years ago. The first state formations in Estonia began to appear in the 1st century AD. In the 9th-11th centuries, Scandinavian Vikings (mainly Swedes) often attacked the territory of modern Estonia.

    Before the adoption of Christianity, Estonians were pagans who believed in a supreme being - Tharapita.

    From 1228 to the 1560s, Estonia was part of the Holy Roman Empire (it was conquered by the Livonian Order).

    In 1629, most of Estonia came under Swedish rule. The first university in Estonia was founded in 1632 in Dorpat (Tartu).

    In 1721, according to the Treaty of Nystadt, Estonia was included in Russian Empire. It was only after the First World War in 1918 that Estonia's independence was declared.

    According to the 1939 agreement between Germany and the USSR, Estonia was included in the zone of interests of Joseph Stalin. On August 6, 1940, Estonia was incorporated into the USSR as the Estonian SSR.

    Estonia's independence was restored on August 20, 1991. Since 2004, Estonia has been a member of the European Union.


    Estonians, like other peoples, are very proud of their culture. The country's government is making efforts to preserve not only archaeological, historical and architectural monuments, but also intangible monuments. Thus, in Estonia there are currently 7 government programs for the preservation of intangible traditional culture (we are talking about songs, music, dances, etc.).

    Back in 1869, the first Estonian folk music and dance festival took place in Tartu. Now the tradition of this festival continues. The Estonian Music and Dance Festival in Tartu is now included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

    The most popular holidays among Estonians are New Year, Independence Day, Easter, Midsummer, Restoration Day and Christmas.

    Estonian cuisine

    Estonian cuisine is quite simple, it does not have any fancy dishes. But now Estonian cuisine already includes the most popular dishes of international cuisine. However, in Estonia the most typical products are still brown bread, pork, potatoes, fish and dairy products.

    We advise tourists in Estonia to try the following traditional Estonian dishes: beer soup, bean soup, soup with dumplings and meat, brawn, blood sausage, Baltic herring in vinegar, pike in oil, stewed pike with horseradish, herring casserole, mulgi porridge "with sauerkraut, honey cake, cabbage pie, baked apples.

    In Estonia, the traditional non-alcoholic drink is kali made with yeast, to which juniper berries are added.

    Concerning alcoholic drinks in Estonia, this is, of course, beer and vodka. Estonians began making vodka around the 15th century, but it still cannot compete in popularity with beer.

    Sights of Estonia

    Estonians have always been sensitive to their history. Therefore, we advise tourists to Estonia to definitely see:

    Cities and resorts

    The largest Estonian cities are Tartu, Pärnu, Kohtla-Jarve, Narva, and, of course. Tallinn.

    Estonia has several good beach resorts on the Baltic Sea coast. By the way, the beach season in Estonia usually begins in mid-May and lasts until mid-September. The most popular Estonian beach resorts are Pärnu, Narva-Jõesuu, Haapsalu, Toile and Kuressaare. There are also beaches on the shores of Lake Peipsi.

    But tourists come to Estonia not only to swim in the Baltic Sea and see local attractions. There are several excellent balneological resorts in Estonia. The most famous of them are Pärnu, Värska, Kuressaare, Pyhajärve and Vimsi.


    At first glance, Estonians are very similar to Germans. This is evidenced by the similar cuisine and national costume, as well as punctuality and thoroughness in everything. However, real geographical neighbors had an influence. Estonia, together with Latvia and Lithuania, forms one cultural and historical region. Cultural characteristics began to take shape since the time of the ancient captivity that inhabited this region. In western and eastern Estonia, there are differences in the language dialect, and in many aspects of spiritual and material life, which is associated with the influence of immediate neighbors. In general, modern Estonia can be divided into northern, southern and western Estonia. Interesting areas where Swedes and quirky Russians live.

    Rituals, festivals and holidays of Estonia

    The culture that originated among the peasantry turned out to be quite colorful; it is worth noting interesting rituals and holidays. For example, it is believed that a marriage is concluded according to all the rules only after putting on the bride a headdress of a married woman and tying her with an apron, and a wedding in a church or a painting in the registry office does not matter. Movie " Caucasian captive“We could easily film in Estonia. Various pranks at weddings are considered normal, such as kidnapping the bride, blocking the road along the route of the wedding procession, testing the household skills of a young couple, etc.

    June 24th is quite active - games with bonfires on Ivan Kupala, songs, dances and jumping through the flames of the bonfire. In addition, there are harvest festivals and singing events throughout Estonia, but especially numerous in Tallinn and Tartu. Up to 30 thousand choristers simultaneously take part in this vibrant event, listened to by a quarter of a million listeners located on the field. The program of the singing festival includes performances by national folk dance groups. On such days, it is not uncommon to see ordinary citizens in bright men's and women's national costumes. Of course, the majority folk costumes are now made by machine, but if you visit Viru Street in Tallinn, where among the ancient buildings and large quantity In the cafe you can find stalls with unique hand-knitted clothes, macrame and other national clothes or shoes, there are a variety of wooden figurines and skillful work with leather.

    Features of communication with Estonians

    When communicating with Estonians, you should not mention historical moments relating to the Soviet period. Estonians themselves differ in many ways from the large number of Russians living in this republic, this concerns mentality, outlook on life, and aspirations. It is interesting that the Estonians themselves today no longer consider themselves Baltic and claim that they are Scandinavians; I don’t know how fellow Lithuanians and Latvians feel about such an escape.

    Estonia is Scandinavia

    Indeed, Tallinn, with its medieval architecture, is more similar to ancient towns in Germany than to cities in Lithuania and Latvia, and local souvenirs are no different from those sold in neighboring Scandinavian countries. A sign that you are in Scandinavia and not in the Baltics can be seen with the naked eye on the streets of Estonian cities, there is no devastation, cracked facades of buildings, the outside of the houses are covered with corrugated iron in the manner of the Scandinavian countries, the old Khrushchev buildings are very difficult to recognize, they have been converted to the point recognition, the streets are clean and tidy, you can see bike paths all around that motorists don’t dare ride on, in general, there are all the signs that this is Northern or Western Europe, and not the Baltics.