Stylists who make recommendations for creating a basic men's wardrobe unanimously state that a modern man should have at least 5-7 ties for different occasions. A modern gentleman cannot do without a pair of classic ties, a few casual ones and 1-2 ties for formal occasions.

Important! No self-respecting person appears at a business meeting or formal event without a tie. This elegant attribute is worn by everyone: actors, musicians, politicians, officials and businessmen.

Why do men who prefer functional and comfortable things constantly tie a seemingly meaningless piece of stitched fabric around their necks? What does this wardrobe item symbolize?

The fact is that a tie is an indicator not only of elegant taste, but also evidence of a man’s status, his social and financial status. An expensive tie from a famous brand can subtly emphasize success and the high position of its owner.


Modern ties in our familiar form appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. However many centuries ago, men loved to decorate their necks with accessories, performing the same functions as a tie in our time.

The ancestors of the modern tie are the scarves of Roman legionnaires and the neckerchiefs of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt and China.

These attributes were a badge of distinction. They were worn only by warriors and nobles.

Lace scarves came into European fashion under Louis XIV. In the 18th century, they were transformed into a frill - a lace frill lying on the chest in lush folds.

A few decades later, ties changed: they turned into long, narrow and smooth strips of multi-colored fabric that were tied around the neck.

They were gathered under the chin in a beautiful knot and secured with a precious pin.

In the 19th century, all noble men wore them.

The modern tie was invented and patented in 1924 by American businessman Jesse Langsdorf. Products made from three pieces of fabric cut diagonally are still considered the height of style and elegance.

The history of the tie.


Ties vary in width, color, style and quality of material.

There are many models of ties, which are divided into 2 groups: classic ties and ties for special occasions.


Classic ties are the most popular.

They are suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions.

There are several most common options, here is the name and description:

For special occasions

There are events where it is impossible to appear in a classic tie: they require more sophisticated and intricate models. These models include:

Trends 2018

In 2018, men interested in fashion trends choose the following tie options:

  • medium-width models (6–7 cm) with a voluminous knot (worn with a suit, knitted jumper or vest);
  • narrow ribbon ties in black, blue or brown (combined with a shirt and jacket);
  • models with traditional patterns: transverse, oblique or longitudinal stripes, specks or geometric patterns;
  • purple, gray-green, orange and red options (combined with plain suits in discreet shades).

Important! Multi-colored bow ties, which until recently were at the peak of popularity, are gradually going out of fashion. Now it is not recommended to complement everyday looks with a butterfly.

Rules for wearing an accessory

To make the image look elegant and harmonious, Try to follow the following rules for choosing the type of tie:

There are wide (8–9 cm), medium (6–7 cm) and narrow (less than 6 cm) ties. The following tips will help you choose the right width:

  • the width of the tie should be proportional to the width of the shirt collar and the size of the jacket lapels;
  • wide ties are suitable for large men with broad shoulders, narrow ties for slender young men;
  • if you don’t know which option to prefer, choose a medium-width model: it always looks stylish and does not go out of fashion;
  • wear a wide model for a loose shirt, and a narrow model for a fitted one.

Important! When tying your tie, make sure it is long enough so that the tip of the tie extends 2cm over your belt buckle. If you are wearing jeans rather than trousers, a small gap between the buckle and the tie is allowed.

Care and storage

To ensure that the tie retains its attractive appearance for a long time, You must follow the rules for storing and caring for this accessory:

  1. wash and iron your tie only according to the rules on the label; dirt can only be removed with a dry brush;
  2. do not remove the tie over your head or leave the knot tied;
  3. place the removed tie on a hanger and let it hang: good fabric will quickly straighten out and return to its original form;
  4. to smooth the fabric, wrap the tie around your finger, remove the resulting roll and leave it like that for several hours;
  5. Store ties separately from other items to prevent them from becoming wrinkled.

If you have to spend a lot of time traveling and don’t want to be left without a tie, buy special cases. The fabric in them will not wrinkle or get dirty.

You can probably live your entire life without a tie, especially if you don’t work in an office, don’t participate in important negotiations, don’t go to weddings, and plan to make your own in the spirit of “The Lord of the Rings.” But avoiding formal events all your life or, even worse, ignoring the dress code is an unworthy activity for a gentleman. Besides, a tie is simply beautiful, so there is no point in giving up the accessory.

2. How many ties should you have in your wardrobe?

Depends on how often you wear them. If you wear a tie four times a week, then it is logical to have 5-8 models. If only on holidays, limit yourself to 3-4. These can be plain ties or with a small pattern. And don’t worry if you’re not ready for complex abstract prints - such ties are definitely not included in the minimum program.

3. How long should a tie be?

With the length, everything is more or less clear - the tie should reach the middle of the belt buckle. If you feel that you have mastered this skill, you can try experimenting with the bottom end of the tie, as they do.

4. What about the width?

With width, everything is not so clear. It is customary to select a tie based on the width of the lapels, this way the image is more harmonious. The narrower the lapels, the narrower the tie, and vice versa. But there is also a standard average width - 7-7.5 cm. Such ties are suitable for everyone.

5. I bought my first tie. Which node should I learn first?

For a comfortable existence, it is enough to own one node - four-in-hand (although no one encourages you to limit yourself to it only). It is the simplest and most unpretentious, but you still have to practice - the perfect knot may not turn out right away.

6. Can a tie only be worn with a suit?

Not necessary. A tie (for example, a knitted one) can fit perfectly into an outfit with a mismatched jacket, trousers and cardigan. But in any case, a jacket is necessary (or at least should be lying nearby) - you don’t want to look like a salesman in a communications store.

7. How to combine a tie and a shirt?

A tie is a more formal item of clothing than a shirt itself. And while a knitted tie will most likely go well with a classic cotton shirt, you shouldn’t wear a silk tie with a flannel shirt. In order not to miss the color combination, choose a tie that is several tones darker.

8. What tie goes with a black shirt?

The problem with a black shirt is that it is impossible to match it with a darker tie. A black tie with a black shirt usually looks rather dull, although a knitted one can improve the situation somewhat. But it’s better to abandon this idea altogether.

9. How to combine a tie and jacket?

So that there is no doubt, let’s say right away that a silk tie will help you out in any situation. A knitted one goes well with a summer linen suit - this look will be informal. A wool tie will go well with thick wool suits. The second and third options are not suitable for a very strict dress code, but there are many beautiful things in life, besides business best.

10. How to combine a tie and pocket square?

In the matter of combining a tie and a pocket square, you can exercise. Contrasting colors (for example, blue and red) are acceptable, as are pairs of similar shades. But the materials should be different: a silk tie is made of cotton, a tie made of wool is a silk scarf. With prints, everything is also not very difficult: the main thing is that the patterns are of different sizes, for example, thin stripes and large checks.

11. I bought a tie with a strange print. What should I wear it with?

It would be more correct to ask where. You shouldn't wear a tie with bananas to work, but it might look appropriate at a party. One option is to wear a bright suit to look like Jim Carrey in The Mask, but it is much better to dress in a deliberately serious and restrained manner. Then the stupid tie will look quite ironic and not wild.

Prada, 9,900 rub. at

12. What to do with a tie while eating? Is it acceptable to throw it over your shoulder?

No. In no case. Don't even think about it.

13. Is it possible to tuck a tie into trousers?

No. It looks like your tie was too long and you decided to tuck the excess into your pants. The impression, you know, is not the best.

14. What about the shirt?

A few years ago, street style heroes massively embraced this trend following Nick Wooster. This option is acceptable if you have an impeccable reputation as a stylish person who can afford to occasionally break the rules. And this is still better than a tie tucked into trousers or thrown behind the back.

15. Do I need a tie clip?

You can argue about the aesthetic side of the issue, but the clip (unlike the tie itself, by the way) has a real function: it holds the tie in the place where it is supposed to be. We advise you to choose simple clips without an elaborate design. And remember: the clamp should be level

Everyone wears a tie: adults and children, men and women. We have. In Arab countries, for example, they do not wear ties - this is prohibited by fundamentalist Islam. But this does not mean that there are no gentlemen or elegantly and stylishly dressed men in Arab countries. Why did this happen?

History of the tie

The tie is usually credited with a centuries-old history. Some sources claim that the tie came from a German neckerchief called “halstuch”. Others suspect the Croats and the Sun King Louis XIV, who in 1660 saw cravat scarves on Croatian soldiers and got the idea to introduce this accessory into the costume of a contemporary nobleman.

“What are these strange scarves tied around the necks of these riders? I liked them. Make sure I have a dozen of the same scarves tomorrow.”

Louis XIV

But, wait a minute! A scarf is not a tie at all! And these days there are both neckerchiefs and ties as independent accessories! If we consider the neckerchief to be the “father” of the tie, then let’s write the scarf as the “mother” - after all, it is also worn around the neck! And at the same time the collar, which in the recent past was a separate detail of the suit! And a boa too... and a choker... However, a choker is perhaps closer to a tie than even a neckerchief.

Since ancient times, different peoples have had all kinds of neckerchiefs. For example, it is believed that they are one of the most ancient cervical ones found in China. These finds date back to the 3rd century BC. The next generation is considered to be the neckerchiefs of the Roman legionnaires, who were tied over a woolen shirt so that the armor plates would not rub the neck.

It is believed that the Romanians inherited the tradition of wearing neckerchiefs from the Romans, and then the “focales” were adopted by the Croatian horsemen, who made it part of the uniform.

Ancient Egypt also had scarves. They were thrown over the shoulders and indicated the status of the owner.

Sources rarely remember that the neckerchief was intended not only to protect the neck from armor or to wipe the face, nose during a runny nose, or mouth during meals. Pirates also wore scarves. And remember Zorro, whose neckerchief turned 180 degrees into a black face mask.

The era of the modern tie

The history of the tie should be divided into the era of the cravat and the era of the modern tie. And the modern tie was patented not so long ago - in 1924.

Neck scarves were indeed varied in both shape and methods of tying. But they all had a common drawback: they did not remain in their original position - any gust of wind or sudden movement led to chaos in the harmony of the folds. In 1924, in the United States, Jesse Langsdorf, an entrepreneur, received a patent for the “ideal tie.” Cut on the bias and consisting of three pieces of fabric, this tie was able to maintain its shape. For fixation, it was still necessary to use special clamps or pins.

With the acquisition of constancy of shape and position as a virtue, the tie lost its pomp and volume. This was compensated by the use of complex fabrics, as well as a variety of knots - ways of tying a tie. There are at least 85 of these methods, and the theoretical maximum is 177,147! But most tie knots are tied using the noose principle.

Special textbooks were published on the art of tying ties. At one time, the profession of a tie knot teacher was considered one of the most prestigious.

The beautiful official history of the tie, when carefully studied, becomes the history of the neckerchief. And a modern tie, both in shape and in the way it is tied, is more reminiscent of a rope noose, traditionally used on the gallows.

Our modern culture has many elements carried over from slave times. And a tie is one of them.

The Masons had a huge influence on society. Masonic symbols are still widely used today, although we do not suspect it. And the origin of the tie also has to do with the Freemasons, and in the most direct way! In Masonic lodges, it was customary to come to meetings with a rope noose around the neck to demonstrate readiness to be punished for disclosing secrets. Later, insignia began to be hung on this rope loop, and over time, the rope was replaced with a piece of fabric. The Masonic society was considered secret, but since it consisted entirely of the highest nobility and was numerous, the Masonic tie quickly became a sign of aristocracy. So the Masonic rope loop was transformed into a tie and came out into the world.

Before the invention of the guillotine and firearms, hanging was a popular method of execution. A Stolypin tie, by the way, is nothing more than a rope loop. The art of arranging the gallows and the procedure itself was approached carefully; the executioners had plenty of work to do. And echoes of that era can be heard to this day. Who hasn’t heard that rope should be soaped beforehand to reduce friction? But, despite theoretical research and extensive practical experience, corruption sometimes intervened in the matter. For example, they could purchase dilapidated wood or rotten rope that broke. The executioner could also be corrupt and take bribes for using bad ropes. The breaking of the rope during execution was equivalent to pardon - the condemned person was released, as this meant the will from above. A piece of rope noose around the neck was associated with luck, and those who were not hanged were in no hurry to remove it.

In ancient Rome, slaves wore rope "ties". In the event that a slave did something wrong or the owner became angry with the slave just like that, it was possible to pull the end of the noose tie and strangle its owner. But the slaves did not lose heart - they painted their noose ties in different colors and decorated them with trinkets. The rope tie was a symbol of slavery.

Absurd? Surr? These historical facts about the tie are not usually made public. Who would wear a tie once they realized its true origins? If knowledge of history alone is not enough, then life experience comes to the rescue. In a real street fight, the first thing you will do is pull your tie - this is the easiest way to neutralize your opponent, depriving his lungs of air (temporarily or permanently).

Throw away your ties!

A tie is called an integral attribute of the business dress code. Without a tie, you may not be allowed into a business reception or restaurant. Along with this, the tie is called a phallic symbol, and an attribute of the Masonic mysteries, and a noose of Satan, and the equivalent of a fish symbolizing Christ, and also as a “Judas noose.” since, according to one version, Judas hanged himself after his famous crime. In BDSM themes, various stylized ties are an element of the submissive’s attire.

Some people draw a parallel between a tie and a pet leash.

Many of those who attach great importance to their tie and boast of their ability to select and tie it would do well to stop turning up their noses - literally. Lower your head and look carefully down at your socks. Socks, like fish, do not come in second or third freshness - only first and only. Socks are either fresh or stale. Stale socks are not only socks that are not of the highest cleanliness, they are washed out, worn out, socks with pilling, scuffs, faded, and with a loose elastic band. Such socks gather in sloppy folds and spoil the entire impression of a carefully composed look. Even clean shoes are not as important as fresh socks. Boots are easy to get dirty even in a metropolis, but this will not only be the fault of their owner. And the boots can be cleaned quickly and easily. And stale socks worn in the morning are the exclusive merit of the socks’ owner.

A stylish, elegant male look is not “decided” by ties alone. Tie market insiders complain about the increasing decline in sales from year to year. For ordinary people, this means one thing: ties are rapidly losing relevance and significance.

What to do, how to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your style? Remember about scarves, neckerchiefs, socks, in the end! Socks are not so striking at first glance, but the more weight they acquire at a second, closer look. Watch your socks, learn to pick them up! By the way, socks are not burdened with such a dubious past as ties.

Does the tie have any function or is it an accessory, like women's beads? Moreover, ties are matched to clothes, just like women’s beads.

A tie is a neckerchief in translation.

Tie (German) Halstuch, literally neckerchief), sometimes tie(obsolete or ironic) - a strip of fabric tied around the neck. ( Wikipedia)

The first scarves that appeared in Ancient Rome protected their owners from colds and served as one of the attributes of the military uniform. Almost simultaneously, a means of protection against weather troubles turned into a symbol. That is, practical benefits began to be combined with the functions of social distinction. If everyone has a gray scarf, then I have a red one. And don't you dare copy me!

The tie “grew”, so to speak, from the scarf. It only lost the functions for which the scarf was intended. It does not protect a person from the wind and does not warm at all.

But ties do not go out of fashion; they have become a demonstration of respectability and belonging to one or another social group or to a certain subculture.

Name " tie"in Russian comes from Dutch. halsdoek and German h.Halstuch, which means "neck scarf". However, in European languages ​​another root is more common - from fr. cravate . From French this word migrated to many European languages ​​(for example, German. Krawatte, Spanish corbata, Ukrainian crib, rum. Cravată, tour. kravat, Polish krawat). The French word probably comes from “croat” (“Croat”).

During its existence, the neckerchief has undergone many changes - the variety of shapes, colors, and sizes is simply amazing. It was only in the twentieth century that the well-known tie appeared, which became not only a piece of clothing, but also a way of self-expression and manifestation of a man’s taste.

A tie is an indicator of belonging to the elite.

To distinguish themselves from the masses and thereby show their elitism, people do meaningless things, only to show that they have excess resources. For example, deforming the feet of little Chinese girls from rich families, burning money, whoever burns the most, putting on a tie (inconvenient and non-functional). A tie is needed to emphasize belonging to a certain segment of the population. The more expensive the tie, the higher your status in society.

Members of sports societies, associations of scientists, and the military have branded ties. For example, a dark blue tie with a narrow blue stripe is worn by graduates of the prestigious English private school at Eton.
That is, the tie has become subject of symbolism like rings, tattoos, badges or medals.


1. The tie is needed to wipe your mouth after lunch.

2. For some time, the idea of ​​a tie as a phallic symbol was actively discussed. American women took full advantage of the fact of touching the tie of a colleague bending over her workplace in order to cry out “harassment!” immediately run to sue your colleague. They say he is harassing her.
The tie has no function as such. It does not hold anything, does not absorb anything and cannot be used other than an accessory.

Good day.

this is an interesting question, sometimes they wear it because this is the style of the company in which he works, and basically a tie adorns a man, it is a symbol of prestige, solidity and elegance. All men have at least one tie.

The history of tie fashion is not long-lasting, only about a hundred years old. Before its appearance, the neckerchief was fashionable, but it has a history of several thousand years. The fashion for neckerchiefs was brought to France by the Romans.

In 1660, King Louis 14 of France met Roman legionnaires who had scarves tied around their necks. The king really liked the scarves and he began to wear them and ordered that everyone wear them. France has always dictated fashion innovations. So gradually the fashion for neckerchiefs spread throughout Europe. Ties appeared when the fashion for stand-up collars passed and turn-down collars appeared. Several methods of tying a tie have been developed. To avoid having to constantly tie it, a tie was invented - it was not tied in regattas, but was fastened with a button or loop, but such a tie did not spread, because... showed about his master's laziness. This is how a whole science of tie design and methods was developed.

When deciding to give a tie to a business man, you need to know how to choose it, what type and design you should choose.

Ties are made from the following fabrics - wool, silk, satin and Cartesian fabric. You also need to choose it according to the season, i.e. It is difficult to wear a wool tie in hot weather. A tie must have a lining and it must be of high quality so that it does not lose its shape; an excellent tie has a lining made of 100% wool.
There are ties with elastic bands; they do not need to be fastened, just fasten the clasp with an elastic band, but they are not suitable for a business man - these are uniform clothes.

For a gift, you need to choose a regular tie that needs to be tied.

Poor quality tailoring of a tie can cause it to hang crookedly or twist into a spiral. To determine whether it will curl when you buy it, you need to check it, to do this, take it by the wide part and let it hang completely in the air, and if it starts to curl, do not buy such a tie.

By width, ties are divided into narrow and wide; 8.2 cm is the standard width of a tie. When choosing a tie, its width is determined by the width of the suit lapel. The width of the narrow part of the tie is determined by the height of the shirt collar, because... a wide tie will stick out from under the collar.

When choosing the width of a tie, you need to pay attention to the size of the owner; the larger he is, the wider the tie you need to choose, and on a thin person, thinner. Because on a thin person, a wide tie will look like a napkin, and on a toast person, a thin tie will look like a rope.
You need to choose the length of the tie so that when tied it covers the belt buckle. The narrow end should be of such length that when removing it there is no need to untie it. You need to choose the color depending on your taste. It should be borne in mind that the classic colors of a tie, suit and shirt are best combined.

There are several principles for color combinations:
A colored tie is worn with a plain shirt
A light-colored tie is worn with a dark suit and shirt.
A dark tie is worn if the suit is dark and the shirt is light. The tone of the tie should match the suit or shirt.
A light tie with a pattern is worn with a dark suit and a light shirt.
A light tie is worn with a light suit if the shirt is dark.
There is also a bow tie, which is intended for special and official occasions.

A tie is not worn with sports or woolen shirts.
In this article we talked about ties, why does a man need a tie? and how to choose and wear it.

How to tie a tie correctly, many magazines have been published on this issue. There are many types of knots and tying methods. Please watch the video on this issue. See you.