The first snow is always a long-awaited winter joy, but for some it can turn into disaster. The little unfortunate kitten found himself covered in snow and could not get out of his ice trap on his own, so his tiny life was literally hanging by a thread. Fortunately, thanks to caring people, he had a chance to be saved. The Bingham family found his small, almost lifeless body the morning after the snowfall, took him into the house and made every effort to bring the baby back to life.

The kitten was truly lifeless and, despite the fact that the owner of the house gave him cardiopulmonary stimulation, still did not want to come to life. People were on the verge of despair and were almost ready to accept the hopelessness of the situation when a miracle happened. Lazar, as the rescued child was named, began to breathe! Now the baby has not only new life, but also a new family!

The kitten was found under the snow and seemed completely lifeless

They brought it into the house to warm it up...

...and began to perform cardiopulmonary stimulation

They almost lost hope...

“He must have died?”

The first snow is always a long-awaited winter joy, but for some it can turn into disaster. The little unfortunate kitten found himself covered in snow and could not get out of his ice trap on his own, so his tiny life was literally hanging by a thread. Fortunately, thanks to caring people, he had a chance to be saved. The Bingham family found his small, almost lifeless body the morning after the snowfall, took him into the house and made every effort to bring the baby back to life.

The kitten was truly lifeless and, despite the fact that the owner of the house gave him cardiopulmonary stimulation, still did not want to come to life. People were on the verge of despair and were almost ready to accept the hopelessness of the situation when a miracle happened. Lazar, as the rescued child was named, began to breathe! Now the baby has not only a new life, but also a new family!

The kitten was found under the snow and seemed completely lifeless

They brought it into the house to warm it up...

...and began to perform cardiopulmonary stimulation

They almost lost hope...

“For my parents’ funeral I will not wear black clothes, I will wear white, it will symbolize the hope that I have never lost,” says Marcelina Dumolin. 75 years old This woman spent her life trying to find your missing parents. A week ago, she received a call from the police and was informed that the bodies of a man and a woman had been found in the Alpine glaciers, who had lain there for decades...

The tragedy in the Dumolin family occurred on August 15, 1942. Then Marceline and Francine, young parents of seven children, went to the mountains to milk the cows. Marcelin was 40 years old, he was a shoemaker, his wife Francine (a teacher) was three years younger than him. The family lived in the Swiss village of Shandolin, their neighbors loved them very much.

That day, 11-year-old Monica remained the eldest in the house; she said goodbye to her parents and promised to look after her younger sisters and brothers until her mother and father returned. “It was on Saturday. My father hugged me before leaving,” she recalls. Monica sensed something was wrong the next morning. She asked neighbors if anyone had seen their parents, but no one could help her.

Monica realized that trouble had come to their house. A priest, a friend of the father, came to the rescue, but he also could not find traces of the missing people. For two or three weeks the children lived alone in the house. Monica did the housework: she looked after the younger ones, cooked food and washed all the things by hand. This continued until one day the children were simply taken away from their parents' home.

Monica recalls that the house was simply closed and none of the kids were allowed to take anything with them as a souvenir. The priest assigned all the children to the families of fellow villagers, since everyone loved the shoemaker, there were no problems with adoption, many were ready to help. True, no one cared about the family feelings of the children: all the kids ended up in different houses, they practically never met again, with the exception of holidays, but even then it was not always possible to earn money to go to an amusement park and find brothers and sisters there. All children in foster families They started working early, they no longer felt unity with each other, each began their own life.

For 75 years, all the children from the Dumolin family were haunted by the mystery of the disappearance of their parents. When the bodies of a man and a woman frozen in ice were found in the Alps at an altitude of 2615 m at one of the ski resorts, Monica could hardly believe what was happening. The items in the ice were perfectly preserved, and police found identification cards, backpacks, a bottle, a book and a watch next to the bodies. To confirm the assumption that this is the Dumolin couple, a DNA test was carried out.

Official reports say the people died after falling into the crevasse. The children of a couple who died tragically in the mountains were overjoyed at the news that their parents' bodies had been found after so many years. Finally, they have the opportunity to bury their parents, as they should. The Dumolin couple will find long-awaited peace.

Bernard Tschannen, manager of the ski resort where the bodies were found frozen in the ice, described what he saw in an interview with Le Matin daily: “They were a man and a woman in clothes that were worn during the Second World War. The ice kept their bodies and their belongings in perfect condition."
Younger sister Monica, who was only 4 years old when her parents disappeared, admitted: “We spent our whole lives searching, we never stopped. And we never thought that we would be able to bury them the way they deserved. For 75 years I have been waiting for such good news that their bodies were found, and now this knowledge gives me a feeling of peace.”

Scientists cannot always solve the mysteries of death. So, the real reason the death of Tutankhamun, the purpose of human sacrifice in the Mayan tribe, the meaning of ritual ceremonies in northern Peru, where local tribes killed people and llamas, and many other mysterious events that occurred hundreds of years ago.