A spell against melancholy and sadness is a magical ritual that helps restore your energy after parting with a loved one. This type of magic will help you recover from a breakup and start a new life by overcoming sadness and depression.

Many poems and prose works, paintings and sculptures, songs and plays are devoted to love themes.

It is this feeling that pushes a person to the most reckless actions.

And everything is wonderful when the love is mutual, and the eyes of two lovers sparkle with joy.

But it also happens that love passes, leaving a place for emptiness and melancholy. You can deal with these consequences yourself, or you can resort to magical help.

A spell for melancholy is a magical ritual that will help you recover from a breakup or breakup and start a new life, overcoming sadness and depression.

Various conspiracies and prayers are considered the optimal solution to various problems. And unhappy and unrequited love is no exception.

Special rituals against melancholy help to survive a difficult period and restore peace of mind.

There are two types of conspiracy against melancholy and sadness:

to the first type include prayers designed to get rid of melancholy, which appeared as a result of magical influence. Simply put, conspiracies of this type help against love spells and love spells.

to the second type include rituals to help cope with sadness and sadness left after the end of a relationship. After all, it often happens that even the interruption of an unhappy and unpromising relationship causes pain. After all, a sudden change in lifestyle and the absence of a certain person can become the main cause of depression. In such a situation, a conspiracy against melancholy and sadness will help.

If you decide to resort to magic to find peace of mind, then decide which spell is right for you. Only after this do you begin to implement it. In addition, all conspiracies against depressive moods can be performed both for yourself and for a loved one.

This conspiracy is most often read in a situation where a person wants to recover from melancholy or help a loved one.

As a rule, you can get rid of not only lovesickness, but also depression.

This spell is read out of boredom throughout the week, without missing a single day. It is recommended to perform the ritual at the same time early in the morning. The words of the prayer are repeated three times.

After reading the magic words, the ritual is considered completed.

And after a week, the first improvements in the condition of the person against whom the conspiracy was read should be observed.

Conspiracy words:

“In the distant sea-ocean, on the magical island of Buyan,
In a wide green meadow, under a mighty oak tree
The servant of God (name) sits, he is sad and sad.
Eight elders are coming, uninvited, uninvited,
Goy, you'll sit here, goy, you'll be bored here,
Trouble has found a place for itself, away from you, the servant of God (name),
She left the zeal of her heart, she left her young head.
So that the elders can break the sadness together,
So that she rushes from west to east,
From the sea to the river, from the road to the crossroads,
Nowhere and no one accepted that melancholy, did not wing it and did not shelter it.
I speak to the servant of God (his name) out of melancholy, to this day, to this very minute,
No one can overcome my word, either in spirit or in flesh.

A ritual with a marigold will help with longing and sadness for a living or dead person.

Conspiracies of this type are carried out on the waning moon.

As centuries-old practice has shown, it is at this time that rites of deliverance will be the most powerful.

The ritual is performed late in the evening or closer to midnight.

To perform the ritual, you need to find a hole in the wooden floor and put a freshly cut piece of nail into it.

It is believed that it will be possible to notice the effect of the ritual within the first two weeks.

While performing this action, the words of the prayer are read:

“Like this nail will no longer grow to my finger,
So the melancholy will no longer take hold of my soul.
Language, key, lock.
Everything is forever.

The plot is repeated three times. After the nail is lowered into the hole and the words of the prayer are said, you need to go to bed.

Rituals for water from melancholy and sadness

If the melancholy is too obvious and it seems to the person that it is of magical origin, then other rituals are performed.

The most popular among them are water rituals.

Prayer for water from melancholy and sadness

A ritual with a prayer for river or running water is carried out early in the morning near a river or natural stream.

When approaching a river or stream, you should wash your hands, face and neck, then sharply splash water on yourself and say the following words of prayer:

“Mother of water, you wash and wash away everything and everyone,
Take away the melancholy and sadness from me, servant of God (name),
Take her into your abyss, rinse her, swallow her,
Like water from the sand, leave me longing,
So that I don’t miss you, I don’t shed tears for anyone,
Day and night I didn’t expect one person,
Bleach, wash away pain and sorrow,
Son of God, Jesus Christ,
Strengthen my heart and soul.

You need to repeat the words of the prayer seven times. At this point the ritual is considered completed.

A spell for a glass of water against boredom

This spell is excellent for any type of melancholy, whether it is caused by magic or not.

The duration of the ritual is seven days. Every day at the same time the ritual is repeated. It should be done early in the morning, after waking up.

A spell is read over a glass of running water:

“No pain and no aching, my heart,
Do not yearn and do not be sad, my soul!
I will rely on the Lord God,
May he come down from his throne,
And I, the servant of God (name), will pray to him and bow to him.
I ask you to take away the terrible melancholy and boredom from me,
Let it be so.

By visualizing your desire, you make the spell strong and effective. In addition, reading the prayer “Our Father” will help from any sadness and depression. It is advisable to repeat it every day until the problem is solved.

Herbal spell for melancholy and sadness

This method is suitable for girls who cannot forget their lover, with whom they parted ways.

To perform this ritual, you need to sew a small bag with your own hands, into which you put a little bit of dried herbs of five types.

On this bag, when sewing up the herbs, you need to say:

How to forget a loved one

Prayers and conspiracies that help get rid of melancholy are an excellent remedy for this illness. A properly selected ritual will help you begin to enjoy life and enjoy everything that happens.

Sometimes, due to various life circumstances, a person begins to experience depression. He feels constantly tired and refuses food and pleasure. Most often this condition goes away, but sometimes it lasts too long. Especially if its cause is some kind of grief or great love failure.

You should not ignore such a condition, especially in a loved one or relative. After all, dissatisfaction, irritability and apathy can give way to illness. Conspiracy for depression will help a person recover faster and feel better. But it should be performed only when a person has been under constant stress and depression for a long time.

When is the conspiracy carried out?

Depression is very similar to an illness, and it also has a number of symptoms and signs. And it also needs treatment, like any other disease. If ordinary ordinary attempts to return a person to activity and love of life do not bring results, then you can perform a magical ritual.

Also, this ritual is suitable for those who for a long time feel an incomprehensible loss of strength, nervousness, and “break down” for any reason. That is, any nervous state accompanied by too much outburst of emotions, or, conversely, complete apathy and indifference, which are not characteristic of humans, can be prevented if the conspiracy is carried out.

Interestingly, it can be carried out either secretly from a person or openly. The action will always be the same, and the first sign that the ritual was a success will be the appearance of an unusually large appetite in the person being charmed. It happens that literally the next day a person literally sweeps everything off the shelves of the refrigerator, especially dairy products.

It is very good to perform this ritual on the waning moon before sunrise. At this time, the body's forces are in a calm state, and therefore are very susceptible to magic.

Execution of the plot

Take black bread and break it into 7 pieces with your hands. Hold each of them over a burning candle and repeat: “From white smoke, from red fire, I take away the black power into a crumb, I drive away the unclean bitterness. Just as the sun breaks through a dark forest, so the light rays of the slave<имя>They will illuminate, they will give fiery strength, they will burn black thoughts.” After this, you need to put all the pieces of bread on a plate and put them on the table. The person being charmed must eat at least one piece. You can spread it with butter or make a sandwich. No one else should eat this bread. If there are pieces left, they must be fed to the pigeons on the same day. Conspiracy for depression It will start working in a day. If the ritual was carried out secretly from the person under the spell, then on the seventh day.

Routine, small or large troubles are layered, forming a huge lump called depression. People who have gone through a similar condition understand perfectly well that it is necessary to fight it.

Since ancient times, various techniques have been created. One of the effective ways is considered to be a conspiracy against depression. Let's consider several options.

Slavic ways

The Slavs worshiped the sun; accordingly, those objects or phenomena directly related to their cult were involved in the treatment of black melancholy (the former name of the disease). In each case, an individual approach was used.

Restoring mental strength

At dawn, when the sky is barely beginning to brighten, but the first scarlet stripes are already visible, you need to turn your face to the sunrise and read the following spell while crossing yourself three times in a row:

"Lord, the sun rises here,
And fatigue goes to the west.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

You need to approach such a simple ritual with a mind cleared of extraneous thoughts. You shouldn’t give up this method, even if it’s cloudy, because it helps restore not only mental, but also physical strength.

Water treatments – invigoration for the whole day

A spell while taking a shower, dousing or regular wiping will help to achieve an even greater effect. And its formula is:

“Water, water, good sister to the Moon,
Ambulance, wash away the fatigue from me,
So that from her he has the servant of God (Name)
Nothing left.

Take it into the muddy waters, actually bury it,
Give me strength, add health,
Strengthen my veins. Amen"

Getting rid of fear and anger

Traditional healers knew how to heal fears that were incomprehensible to the patient himself, sudden outbursts of anger, anxiety and irritability. In such cases, a spell that was read on a person’s birthday, and then every month for the same day, helped perfectly. For example, if you were born on May 5, the next reading date will be June 5, etc. And the words are:

“There is no thunder in winter, and you are not a servant of God (name),
Don't moan or scream.
The fish is silent and you, servant of God (name), remain silent.
Settle anger like sand in water"

Be, servant of God (name), calm always and everywhere,
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on him.
Amen. Amen. Amen"

Down with hysteria

It is extremely unpleasant when someone next to you throws hysterics, it is worse if it turns out to be a loved one. However, all is not lost! There is a great way to cool down a restless person, putting an end to unpleasant episodes once and for all.

The person who falls ill is given enchanted water collected from three houses to drink. The dosage of water intake varies from one teaspoon, etc.

Moreover, two more important rules must be followed:

  • The sick person should not realize that a magic potion is being added to him;
  • The reception lasts for 9 evenings.

A world without colors. Century XXI

Along with the Old Slavonic methods of treating depression and all its manifestations, there are other conspiracies directed in the same direction. They were developed by modern magic specialists.

The sadness of love

Knowledgeable people say that as soon as you feel this kind of sadness, get rid of it immediately, otherwise it will lead to depression, and then disaster is not far away. Believers say this will not happen to those who go to church and take communion. However, holy communion is not always able to disperse obsessive mental pain. Therefore, we offer our solution to the problem.

To tame sadness, find a crack on the parquet floor, insert a nail cut from your finger into it, and at the same time say:

“How can this nail not grow to the finger,
So melancholy will not take over my soul.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.Amen"

Melancholy is ordinary, causeless and strong

Both options lend themselves well to healing with the help of a conspiracy:

“Like a knife, smoke doesn’t stick,
So melancholy does not rest on God’s servant.

True, first put the knife in the stove, fireplace or oven, then take it out, and then say the words. You only need to read it 9 times.

A strong tormenting melancholy will not go away when reading the words given above, so it is better to immediately use this formula:

“Lord, help, Lord, bless.
I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,
I, the servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself.
From doors - doors,
From the gate - by the gate.
I’ll go into an open field and go down to the blue sea.
A stone lies in the blue sea,
John the Baptist himself guards that stone.
As if on this stone
All God's servants came running,
All the bright angels flocked.
John the Baptist would have baptized with a golden cross,
I would bless them with my holy finger.
Bright angels of the servant of God (name)
The melancholy would be taken out,
All illnesses and sorrows were subsided.
They took it from the eyebrows, from the shoulders, from the clear eyes,
From feet, hands, nails, blood, liver
And all bodily parts.
What I didn't say, what I said,
A bright angel will correct you,
John the Baptist will fix it.
My word is molded, my work is strong.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen"

Getting rid of rage

One of the worst forms of mental plague (depression) is uncontrolled sudden rage that can cause global damage, so it is better to get rid of it quickly. And here is the miracle recipe.

At night, barefoot, go to the well, draw water, and say:

“The blood of demons beats and rages,
It deteriorates, human blood is shed.
Calm down, demon, calm down,
Servant (name), according to the word of God, be healed,
According to His works, according to holy bodies,
Through the Cross and the Crown of Thorns.
Come to the end of the demon in the body of the slave (name).
Through John the Baptist, Panteleimon the Healer,
Through God's Angel
Michael and Gabriel the Archangel,
All forty saints, come and help (so-and-so).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

And give something to drink to someone suffering from illness.

To perform such a conspiracy against depression, you need to draw a heart on thick paper, then cut it out. You will have to imagine that this is your heart. You should try to draw on it your bitterness and melancholy, which do not allow you to live in peace. After this, you need to light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy twice:

“Don’t languish, don’t bother your heart, don’t grab it, worry, fear, heavy sighs, empty commotion. Don't tear your zealous heart in two. Everything is empty. Move away, sadness, into the unsteady distance. Don’t splinter, don’t stab, don’t tear your heart with a blow, let go. Everything is empty. To the wind, to the forest, to the dry grass, to the chimney, just as the smoke disperses in the wind and melts, so let the heart be tossed aside. My word is strong, the key is in my heart, the lock is on my lips. Forever and ever. Amen".

Next, you need to pour yourself some vodka and drink to the peace of your sad and yearning heart. The paper heart will need to be burned over a fire. After these steps, you will need to cut out a new heart in a very beautiful shape and store it in a book with a happy ending.

Conspiracy in the shower

There is also one very interesting effective conspiracy for depression. It needs to be read in the shower. The words of this conspiracy are:

“Get lost, my illness goes away with the water,
On a path unknown to me
Go into the swamp swamp,
Forget the path back.
Let the stones take my pain,
The dawn will give faith in life,
The winds will carry away adversity,
Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas.
Let the sun shine on me
Healing rays
And let them beat in my soul
Magic keys.
And may the moon at midnight
Shows where to turn.
Let the sadness leave me
And the pipe will sing
Let all diseases disappear
Far away
As I fear the day, the night is leaving
Having given the sky blue morning,
Go away, all diseases, away
Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy against depression on water

You can use another very effective conspiracy. He is slandered specifically about the water, which is then used for washing and drinking. The words of the conspiracy are:
“Queen-voditsa, mother-voditsa, you wash the banks, roots, stones, wash the servant of God (name), deliver him from melancholy, evil reasons, so that he blooms and sings, laughs, eats, does not dry out with a blade of grass, everything I forgot the bad things. Help, Holy Mother of God.

In the everyday world, people are increasingly exposed to overload at work, with family, with friends. The modern pace of life stimulates us to achieve big goals. But the consequences can be very different. You can pay with both mental health and physical health. Moreover, the second always achieves the first, if you do not pay attention to your emotional state in time. After all, it’s no secret that physical health problems can be caused by problems with emotions.

In rare cases, depression and despondency can be the result of damage or the evil eye. If suddenly and under unknown circumstances you feel psychological malaise, melancholy and anxiety. If there are no reasons for the manifestation of such emotions. In the case of frequent statements with an envious bias from ill-wishers. When, in the presence of the above factors, frequent mood changes occur, we should talk about casting an evil eye on a person’s emotional zone.

There may be several options for solving such problems. Official medicine offers a large number of drugs for depression. Doctors recommend going to a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. You can try to get rid of a bad mood on your own with the help of your favorite hobby. But when official medicine does not help, or there is simply no money for medicines and doctors, the best way out of despondency is the help of a Higher Power. White magic and other esoteric practices offer prayers, conspiracies for depression, rituals and rituals that can easily cope with such a problem and you can forget about a bad mood for a long time.

The most extreme manifestation of nervous tension is an emotional breakdown. It is quite dangerous both for the psychological state of a person and for human health in general. A nervous breakdown is an uncontrollable process in a person’s psyche that has a detrimental effect on a person’s behavior. In this state, you can do irreparable things that will negatively affect your life.

The first signs of this condition are: sudden mood swings, irritability to those things to which they previously reacted calmly, insomnia and reluctance to do something. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately carry out a ceremony or ritual to relieve fatigue or despondency.

If, nevertheless, a nervous breakdown occurs, it is strongly recommended to carry out a conspiracy against depression. It can be carried out either independently or by a caring loved one who wants to help a friend get rid of such a terrible condition.

The ritual consists of charming food to relieve psycho-emotional stress from a person. Before you begin the ritual, you should read the “Our Father” prayer. Then he will cross himself. For those who are adherents of the Christian faith, it is recommended to visit the church. Next, they take food or products that were specially purchased and prepared for this purpose, and read the text of the conspiracy. Words:

“The illness of God’s servant (name) was trampled by a fiery horse. She crushed her body and soul with her hoof. The servant of God (name) does not know how to continue to live and be. I completely lost interest in life. His soul suffers from illness, his body languishes, and a bad thought swarms in his head. The disease gnaws at the body, burns like fire, and sends the soul to the next world. You run like that fiery horse across the earth into the dense forest, into the distant swamps. You live there, fill all the toads and frogs with yourself. And leave the body, head and thoughts of the servant of God (name) forever, do not fry, do not frighten, and do not take the soul out of the body. Amen!"

Then you need to eat this dish. For the effectiveness of the ritual, it is recommended to carry it out for several days in a row. But, after the first time, you can already observe a slight calm. After 2-3 days, your sleep will improve, and after a couple of weeks there will be no trace of depression.

Ritual for anxiety

A state of anxiety is less dangerous for the nerves than a breakdown, but often it is what prevents you from being confident and focused. In order to get rid of anxiety and find peace in any situation, you should prepare a healing decoction, which is consumed three times a day in small doses.

For the decoction you will need: leaves of valerian, peppermint and motherwort. Take 2 tbsp of each herb. spoons and pour boiling water. Let it sit until it cools completely, strain. Then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and vodka or cognac. The resulting decoction should be spoken. It is better to read the whisper at night in order to allow the tincture to be saturated with lunar energy. Whisper words:

“All the peace and tranquility that exists on earth passes through my words and enters into a healing decoction. With every sip I become stronger and calmer. Words are strong and powerful! Amen!"

After speaking the words, place the decoction in the moonlight overnight. Then take one tablespoon three times a day before meals. In just a couple of days you will experience complete calm and self-confidence.

Ritual against melancholy

You can relieve melancholy with a simple bread ceremony. To do this, take 7 slices of bread. It must be fresh. Left alone, light a candle and, passing each slice over it, read the following healing words:

“From white smoke, from red fire, I take black power into tiny pieces, I drive away unclean bitterness. Just as the sun breaks through in a dark forest, so the bright rays will illuminate the slave (name), give him fiery strength, and burn his black thoughts.”

Then you need to eat 3 pieces of bread yourself. And give the remaining 4 pieces to birds and other animals. Already this evening, relief will come in the soul and joy will come.

Ritual for despondency

A simple and easy way will help relieve despondency and dispel sadness. The ritual is simple and easy to perform and does not require specific knowledge and skills. You will need 200 ml of milk. Any: it can be either from your own cow or from a store. A couple of tablespoons of honey and that's it.

Take honey and add to milk. Start stirring the honey until completely dissolved and read the “Our Father” prayer all the time. If you have a favorite prayer, of course, you can read it. Then drink the magic elixir in small sips. While drinking milk, feel how relief and God's grace have already come to you.

Conspiracy in the shower

Water is the best conductor of energy. The water can be charged and spoken for any purpose: from gaining health and healing from any illness, ending with a love spell and finding peace of mind. To calm your nerves, you need to prepare a light decoction of wormwood, mint and chamomile. This potion is worth taking with you to the bathroom or shower. They wash their face and body, wash their hair, and at the same time say the following magic words. Conspiracy text:

« I don’t bathe in water, but heal with herbs. I gain purity of spirit and body. Just as the earth raised its children, so the herbs strengthen my nerves, add strength and health to me. Peace of mind, a sober mind, and sickness out of my body and out of my head. Key. Language. Lock"

This ritual has no consequences and is very effective. The ritual will help relieve melancholy and calm nerves, relieve tension and take away depression. After the first procedure you will sleep peacefully. This ritual can be performed as many times as you see fit. The main thing is faith and knowledge that everything in life gets better, and there are no irreparable situations.

Conspiracy against depression on water

As already mentioned, water is the most powerful conductor. Voditsa relieves all illnesses and misfortunes. In order to cleanse your soul and body, remove melancholy and depression, perform a ritual in a stream or lake. The best time for the ritual is evening and the period of the waning moon. It, along with some water, will take away negative thoughts, relieve fatigue and take away unnecessary thoughts.

In the evening, find the nearest body of water. It can be either a large lake or the smallest stream. Go waist-deep or knee-deep. If it’s cold or there’s simply no way to take a dip, lower your arm or leg. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine how bad things go away. Take a deep breath and exhale. Feel the heartbeat, the pulsation of the veins. Then open your eyes and whisper:

“Water flows away, runs and strives. I will follow the river's flow and gain the strength of life. Lost strength will return, my thoughts will be cleared"

Then go home and go to bed. Or do what you love. Relief always comes. It’s always worth remembering that a bad streak can be a runway!